Dennis Teufel v. American family/kerry Hanson ( 2018 )

  •                                 IN THE
    No. CV-17-0190-PR
    Filed June 14, 2018
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    The Honorable Karen A. Mullins, Judge
    No. CV2014-005493
    Memorandum Decision of the Court of Appeals
    Division One
    1 CA-CV 15-0736
    Filed May 9, 2017
    Michael J. Raymond (argued), Raymond, Greer & McCarthy, P.C.,
    Scottsdale; Steven S. Guy, The Guy Law Firm, P.L.L.C., Scottsdale,
    Attorneys for Dennis E. Teufel
    Lynn M. Allen (argued), Arman R. Nafisi, Tyson & Mendes, LLP, Phoenix,
    Attorneys for American Family Insurance Company and Kerry V. Hanson
    Opinion of the Court
    JUSTICE TIMMER authored the opinion of the Court, in which CHIEF
    JUSTICE TIMMER, opinion of the Court:
    ¶1            Homeowner’s policies that insure against personal liability
    generally require the insurer to defend the insured against claims that fall
    within the policy’s coverage. We here decide whether a policy exclusion
    for personal liability “under any contract or agreement” relieves an insurer
    of defending its insured, an alleged builder–vendor, against a claim for
    negligent excavation brought by the home buyer. We hold that the
    exclusion does not apply to relieve the insurer of its duty to defend because
    the negligence claim arises from the common law duty to construct the
    home as a reasonable builder would.
    ¶2           Dennis Teufel hired Carmel Homes Design Group to build a
    mountainside home on a vacant lot in Paradise Valley (the “Longlook
    Property”). He had previously “dabbled in real estate” and “invested
    money from time to time in a loose partnership [with Carmel Homes
    Design Group].” Teufel intended to reside at the Longlook Property, and
    at the start of construction he purchased a homeowner’s policy from
    American Family Mutual Insurance Company (“American Family”), which
    insured against personal liability.
    ¶3           Teufel changed his mind about living at the Longlook
    Property. Thus, in May 2011, after construction was completed, he sold that
    property to Cetotor, Inc. (“Cetotor”), and the homeowner’s policy coverage
    ended. The real estate purchase contract governing this sale is not in the
    ¶4           Teufel purchased a home in Scottsdale (the “82nd Place
    Property”), moved in, and bought a new homeowner’s policy from
    American Family. This policy also provided personal liability coverage and
    obligated American Family to defend Teufel against claims seeking
    “compensatory damages for which any insured is legally liable” because of
    “bodily injury or property damage caused by an occurrence.” The policy
    defined “occurrence” as “an accident . . . which results during the policy
    Opinion of the Court
    period, in . . . bodily injury . . . or . . . property damage.” The policy was
    effective from January 2012 through January 2013.
    ¶5            Rockslides occurred on the Longlook Property in November
    2011 and August 2012, allegedly as the result of improper excavation
    during construction, which damaged the property. In November 2012,
    Cetotor sued Teufel, alleging he was a builder–vendor and asserting breach
    of contract, negligence, and fraud-based claims.
    ¶6           Teufel tendered defense of Cetotor’s complaint to American
    Family under the Longlook Property and the 82nd Place Property policies.
    American Family declined the tender of defense on the grounds there was
    no coverage under either policy.
    ¶7            Teufel sued American Family and its agent, seeking damages
    and declaratory relief. The superior court granted summary judgment in
    favor of American Family. The court found that Cetotor’s property damage
    occurred outside the Longlook Property policy period so no “occurrence”
    triggered coverage under that policy. Although the court found that the
    property damage from the August 2012 rockslide was an “occurrence”
    during the 82nd Place Property policy period, and the policy’s “business
    pursuits” exclusion did not apply, it ruled there was no coverage per the
    policy’s “contractual liability” exclusion. As a result, American Family had
    no duty to defend.
    ¶8             The court of appeals affirmed the summary judgment with
    respect to the Longlook Property policy but reversed with respect to the
    82nd Place Property policy. Teufel v. Am. Family Mut. Ins., 1 CA-CV 15-0736,
    2017 WL 1882330
    , at *1 ¶ 1 (Ariz. App. May 9, 2017) (mem. decision). The
    court of appeals disagreed with the superior court that the contractual
    liability exclusion applied. 
     at *3 ¶ 13. (The court also rejected American
    Family’s cross-appeal argument that the 82nd Place Property policy’s
    “business pursuits” exclusion applied. 
     at *4 ¶ 18. Because American
    Family did not seek review of that decision, we do not address it.)
    ¶9            We granted review to decide the applicability of the
    contractual liability exclusion in the 82nd Place Property policy. We have
    jurisdiction pursuant to article 6, section 5(3), of the Arizona Constitution
    and A.R.S. § 12-120.24.
    Opinion of the Court
    I. Principles of review
    ¶10            We review a grant of summary judgment de novo. SolarCity
    Corp. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Rev., 
    243 Ariz. 477
    , 450 ¶ 8 (2018). Likewise, we review
    de novo the meaning of insurance policies. See Sparks v. Republic Nat’l. Life
    132 Ariz. 529
    , 534 (1982). We accord words used in policies their plain
    and ordinary meaning, examining the policy “from the viewpoint of an
    individual untrained in law or business.” Desert Mountain Props. Ltd. v.
    Liberty Mut. Fire Ins., 
    225 Ariz. 194
    , 200 ¶ 14 (App. 2010), aff’d, 
    226 Ariz. 419
    (2011). If a policy is subject to “conflicting reasonable interpretations,” it is
    ambiguous, State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. v. Wilson, 
    162 Ariz. 251
    , 258 (1989),
    and we interpret it by examining, as pertinent here, the “transaction as a
    whole,” First Am. Title Ins. v. Action Acquisitions, LLC, 
    218 Ariz. 394
    , 397 ¶ 8
    (2008). If an ambiguity remains, we construe it against the insurer, 
    particularly when the ambiguity involves an exclusionary clause, see Sec.
    Ins. Co. of Hartford v. Andersen, 
    158 Ariz. 426
    , 428 (1988); 2 Couch on
    Insurance § 22:31 (3d ed.) (stating that exceptions to coverage are “strictly
    construed against the insurer”).
    II. Scope of the duty to defend
    ¶11            A liability insurer’s duty to defend, which is separate from
    and broader than its duty to indemnify, generally arises if the complaint
    filed against the insured alleges facts that fall within the policy’s coverage.
    See Quihuis v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins., 
    235 Ariz. 536
    , 544 ¶ 27 (2014); see
    also Lennar Corp. v. Auto-Owners Ins., 
    214 Ariz. 255
    , 260–61 ¶ 11 (App. 2007)
    (stating that a duty to defend exists when the third-party suit “alleg[es] facts
    that, if true, would give rise to coverage, even though there would
    ultimately be no obligation to indemnify if the facts giving rise to coverage
    were not established”). The insurer may investigate the matter, however,
    and refuse to defend based on facts discovered outside the complaint that
    take the case outside coverage. See Quihuis, 235 Ariz. at 544 ¶ 28; Kepner v.
    W. Fire Ins. Co., 
    109 Ariz. 329
    , 331–32 (1973). But if any claims fall within
    policy coverage, the insurer must defend against all claims, including
    “claims potentially not covered and those that are groundless, false, or
    fraudulent.” United Servs. Auto. Ass’n v. Morris, 
    154 Ariz. 113
    , 117 (1987);
    see also Quihuis, 235 Ariz. at 544 ¶ 27 (citing quoted language from Morris
    with approval); W. Cas. & Sur. Co. v. Int’l Spas of Ariz., Inc., 
    130 Ariz. 76
    , 79–
    Opinion of the Court
    80 (App. 1981) (finding a duty to defend all claims so long as there is any
    claim that falls within the policy’s coverage).
    III. Application
    A. The contractual liability exclusion
    ¶12           American Family concedes that an “occurrence” of “property
    damage” happened during the 82nd Place Property policy term, and it must
    therefore defend Teufel against Cetotor’s complaint unless a policy
    exclusion applies. Accordingly, the only issue here is whether, as a matter
    of law, the contractual liability exclusion relieves American Family of the
    duty to defend.
    ¶13           The contractual liability exclusion to personal liability
    coverage in the 82nd Place Property policy provides: “Contractual Liability.
    We will not cover personal liability under any contract or agreement.” The
    dispute here concerns the meaning of “under any contract or agreement”
    and whether it includes personal liability based on Cetotor’s negligence
    claim. The policy does not define “under.” And because fifteen other
    policy exclusions for personal liability use the term “arising out of,” it is
    unclear whether “under” carries a different meaning.
    ¶14           The superior court saw no meaningful distinction between
    “under” and “arising out of.” It reasoned that using either definition,
    Teufel’s potential liability to Cetotor for negligence is “necessarily ‘under a
    contract’” because liability would not exist “absent the underlying real
    estate purchase contract.” The court of appeals rejected that reasoning,
    concluding that Cetotor’s negligence claim was “entirely independent” of
    the contract between Cetotor and Teufel, which only “placed the parties
    within tortious striking range of one another, but . . . was otherwise
    unrelated to liability.” Teufel, 1 CA-CV 15-0736, 
    2017 WL 1882330
    , at *3
    ¶ 13.
    ¶15           American Family urges us to adopt the superior court’s
    interpretation of the contractual liability exclusion. It points out that
    nothing limits the exclusion’s application to liability based solely on a
    breach of contract. According to American Family, “under” should be
    broadly interpreted to mean that the exclusion applies to liability that could
    not exist “but for” a contract, “irrespective of whether the liability is related
    to or independent of the contract.” It then concludes that Cetotor’s
    negligence claim falls within the exclusion because “without entering into
    Opinion of the Court
    the real estate contract with Teufel, Cetotor would not have been exposed
    to the effects of the alleged defective excavation.”
    ¶16           Teufel, unsurprisingly, favors the court of appeals’
    construction. He argues that because the exclusion does not mention tort
    liability, “under” should be construed narrowly as referring to liability
    governed solely by a contract. He concludes that the exclusion “eliminates
    coverage for contractual liability and only contractual liability” and does
    not apply to tort liability.
    ¶17            The parties’ conflicting interpretations are each reasonable,
    and the exclusion is therefore ambiguous. See Wilson, 
    162 Ariz. at 258
    . We
    resolve the ambiguity by examining the transaction as a whole, including
    the policy language and the insured’s reasonable expectations. See Action
    Acquisitions, LLC, 218 Ariz. at 397 ¶ 8; Wilson, 
    162 Ariz. at 258
    ¶18           We start with the policy’s language. Whether or not “under”
    and “arising out of” carry different meanings, neither supports the “but
    for” construction. Webster’s defines “under” in the contractual context as
    “required by,” “in accordance with,” and “bound by.” Under, Webster’s
    Third New International Dictionary 2487 (2002). “Arise” means “to
    originate from a specified source” or “to come into being.” Arise, id. at 1117.
    Applying these definitions, the contractual liability exclusion applies to
    personal liability required by or originating from a contract; it is not
    triggered simply because a contract brought the injured party and the
    insured together. As American Family acknowledged during oral
    argument, the exclusion would not apply, for example, if an insured under
    this policy contracted with a business to replace his car’s windshield but
    negligently failed to warn the business that a vicious dog was in the car,
    resulting in the insured’s personal liability for a bitten worker’s injuries.
    The worker’s negligence claim would “stand alone” from the contract.
    ¶19           An insured’s reasonable expectations under this policy also
    suggest that the contractual liability exclusion does not apply to liability
    based on a stand-alone tort claim that is viable apart from any contract
    between the injured party and the insured. Nothing in the exclusion
    suggests such a restriction. Indeed, the exclusion is titled “Contractual
    Liability.” Cf. Darner Motor Sales, Inc. v. Universal Underwriters Ins.,
    140 Ariz. 383
    , 389 (1984) (recognizing that “reasonable expectations” are
    those “induced by the making of a promise” (quoting 1 Arthur L. Corbin,
    Corbin on Contracts § 1, at 2 (1963))). In short, an insured would reasonably
    Opinion of the Court
    expect the insurer to defend against a stand-alone tort claim despite the
    existence of a contract with the injured party.
    ¶20            Finally, even assuming any lingering doubt about the breadth
    of the exclusion, we strictly construe it in favor of Teufel as the insured. See
    Action Acquisitions, LLC, 218 Ariz. at 397 ¶ 8; Andersen, 
    158 Ariz. at 428
    . If
    American Family had intended to exclude third-party claims that would
    not exist “but for” a contract, as the policy’s drafter it should have expressly
    communicated this intention. See Sparks, 
    132 Ariz. at 535
     (“[I]f an insurer
    desires to limit its liability under a policy, it should employ language which
    clearly and distinctly communicates to the insured the nature of the
    ¶21           In sum, regardless of the precise meaning of “under” in the
    contractual liability exclusion and whether the exclusion applies solely to
    liability based on breach-of-contract claims, issues we need not resolve
    here, the exclusion does not absolve American Family of its duty to defend
    an insured against stand-alone tort claims. We next decide whether Cetotor
    alleges such a claim.
    B. Cetotor’s negligence claim
    ¶22          In addition to its contract claims, Cetotor alleges in its first
    amended complaint that “[a]s a builder-vendor,” Teufel “negligently
    performed or negligently supervised the hillside grading and slope cut” for
    the Longlook Property. Cetotor alleges resulting property damage,
    including “damage to the outside HVAC units, broken bay windows,
    broken interior marble flooring, damage to the exterior stucco, [and] costs
    to remove rock.”
    ¶23           American Family contends that Cetotor’s negligence claim is
    not a stand-alone claim because the duty underlying that claim was created
    solely by the real estate purchase contract. Specifically, American Family
    argues that because Cetotor sued Teufel as a builder–vendor, any duty he
    owed Cetotor arose at the time the parties executed the contract. And
    despite the negligence label used in the complaint, Cetotor’s claim is based
    on Teufel’s failure to fulfill its contractual duty to deliver the Longlook
    Property free of defects and in a habitable condition. We disagree.
    ¶24           American Family necessarily, but incorrectly, bases its
    argument on the premise that a purchaser is limited to contract remedies
    for a builder–vendor’s negligence in constructing a home. This Court in
    Woodward v. Chirco Construction Co., 
    141 Ariz. 514
     (1984), declared
    Opinion of the Court
    otherwise. The issue there was whether the limitations period for tort
    claims or contract claims applied to a homeowner’s breach-of-implied-
    warranty complaint filed against a builder–vendor. 
     at 515–16. In its
    discussion, the Court acknowledged that a builder has a “common law duty
    of care” and concluded that both tort and contract claims can exist when a
    home is negligently constructed:
    [W]e agree with those jurisdictions that have held that injury
    incurred due to negligent construction of a residence may
    give rise to an action for breach of the implied warranty of
    workmanlike performance and habitability and an action for
    breach of the contractor’s common law duty of care. . . . We
    see no reason to preclude a purchaser from claiming damages
    in contract and in tort. The purchaser of a home can seek to
    recover in contract for defects in the structure itself as such
    defects render the home less than the purchaser bargained
    for. . . . The purchaser can also seek to recover in tort for
    injuries sustained due to the contractor’s failure to construct
    the home as a reasonable contractor would. For example, if a
    fireplace collapses, the purchaser can sue in contract for the
    cost of remedying the structural defects and sue in tort for
    damage to personal property or personal injury caused by the
    collapse. Each claim will stand or fail on its own; a distinct
    statute of limitation applies to each.
     Thus, Woodward recognized that a builder–vendor owes a common law
    duty of care that is independent of a contractual duty. See 
    id. at 516
    (“Negligence, however, requires that a builder or contractor be held to a
    standard of reasonable care in the conduct of its duties to the foreseeable
    users of the property.” (quoting Cosmopolitan Homes, Inc. v. Weller, 
    663 P.2d 1041
    , 1045 (Colo. 1983))); see also Barmat v. John & Jane Doe Partners, 
    155 Ariz. 519
    , 523 (1987) (observing that tort duties “are often owed to all those within
    the range of harm or at least to some considerable class of people that can
    include parties to a contract” (quoting W. Page Keeton et al., Prosser &
    Keeton on the Law of Torts § 92, at 655 (5th ed. 1984))).
    ¶25          American Family dismisses the above-quoted language in
    Woodward as dicta. Even if we accept that characterization, we have since
    recognized these statements as authoritative. See Sirrah Enters., LLC v.
    242 Ariz. 542
    , 545 ¶ 10 (2017) (“We decided [in Woodward] that
    negligent construction of a residence can simultaneously support contract
    damages for breach of the [implied warranty of workmanlike performance
    Opinion of the Court
    and habitability] and tort damages for any personal injury or damaged
    personal property caused by the contractor’s negligence.”).
    ¶26           American Family also asserts that Woodward is inapplicable
    because Teufel was not the builder, and Cetotor therefore cannot maintain
    its negligence action. But this argument addresses the merits of Cetotor’s
    negligence claim, which is not a consideration in deciding whether
    American Family is required to defend Teufel against the claim. See
    Quihuis, 235 Ariz. at 544 ¶ 27; Morris, 
    154 Ariz. at 117
    . (Similarly, whether
    Cetotor’s negligence claim can withstand other defenses, such as
    application of the economic loss doctrine, does not impact whether
    American Family is required to defend against the claim and assert those
    ¶27          American Family cites some decisions of federal district
    courts, which ruled that homeowner insurers had no duty to defend
    insureds against tort claims for defective construction because the tort
    duties were created by real estate purchase contracts. But these cases
    conflict with Woodward’s recognition that tort duties can arise
    independently of contractual duties, and we therefore reject those
    decisions. See Am. Nat’l Prop. & Cas. Co. v. Blocker, 
    165 F. Supp. 2d 1288
    1299 (S.D. Ala. 2001) (“[W]ithout the residential sales contract, [seller]
    would not have had a duty of care towards the [buyers].”); Allstate Ins. v.
    806 F. Supp. 1460
    , 1464 (N.D. Cal. 1992) (“[B]ut for that contract,
    there could be no claim for negligence.”); Allstate Ins. v. Hansten, 
    765 F. Supp. 614
    , 616 (N.D. Cal. 1991) (“Without the contract, the [sellers]
    would have had no duty of care towards the [buyers].”).
    ¶28           We agree with Teufel and the court of appeals that Cetotor
    alleges a stand-alone negligence claim in its amended complaint that is
    independent of the real estate purchase contract. See Teufel, 1 CA-CV 15-
    2017 WL 1882330
    , at *3 ¶ 13. As contemplated by Woodward, Cetotor’s
    negligence claim rests on a builder’s common law duty to construct a home
    as a reasonable builder would. That claim does not seek contract damages
    for defects in the excavation but instead seeks compensation for property
    damage caused by the negligent excavation. Any personal liability
    imposed on Teufel would not be required by or originate from the contract
    with Cetotor.
    ¶29          In sum, the contractual liability exclusion does not relieve
    American Family of its duty to defend Teufel against Cetotor’s negligence
    claim. Therefore, American Family must defend Teufel against all claims
    Opinion of the Court
    alleged by Cetotor, see Morris, 
    154 Ariz. at 117
    , unless another exclusion
    applies or other facts outside this record “take the case outside policy
    coverage,” Transamerica Ins. v. Meere, 
    143 Ariz. 351
    , 360 (1984).
    ¶30            We affirm paragraphs twelve and thirteen of the court of
    appeals’ memorandum decision. We reverse the superior court’s summary
    judgment concerning American Family’s duty under the 82nd Place
    Property policy to defend Teufel against Cetotor’s claims and remand to
    that court for further proceedings.