State of Arizona v. Edward James Rose , 231 Ariz. 500 ( 2013 )

  •                     SUPREME COURT OF ARIZONA
    En Banc
    STATE OF ARIZONA,                 )   Arizona Supreme Court
    )   No. CR-10-0362-AP
    Appellee, )
    )   Maricopa County
    v.               )   Superior Court
    )   No. CR2007-149013
    EDWARD JAMES ROSE,                )
    Appellant. )
    )   O P I N I O N
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    The Honorable Paul J. McMurdie, Judge
    THOMAS C. HORNE, ARIZONA ATTORNEY GENERAL                   Phoenix
    By   Kent E. Cattani, Chief Counsel
    Criminal Appeals/Capital Litigation
    Jeffrey A. Zick, Section Chief Counsel            Phoenix
    Criminal Appeals/Capital Litigation
    Laura Chiasson, Assistant Attorney General          Tucson
    Attorneys for State of Arizona
    THOMAS A. GORMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW                          Sedona
    By   Thomas A. Gorman
    Attorney for Edward James Rose
    P E L A N D E R, Justice
    ¶1        After fatally shooting a police officer, Edward James
    Rose pleaded guilty to two counts of first degree murder for
    that killing and to eight other felony counts.   He was sentenced
    to death on the murder counts and to prison terms on the other
    convictions.   We have jurisdiction over his automatic appeal
    under Article 6, Section 5(3) of the Arizona Constitution and
    A.R.S. §§ 13-4031 and -4033(A)(1).
    ¶2          On July 25, 2007, Rose stole a truck that contained a
    company’s checkbook.        Over the next three days, Rose conspired
    with others to forge and cash checks from the checkbook.
    ¶3          On     July    27,     Rose        and     his     girlfriend    smoked
    methamphetamine and drank beer most of the day.                        That night,
    they went out to cash forged checks.                 Rose had said earlier that
    day he would shoot anyone who tried to stop him.                       Armed with a
    gun, Rose entered a check cashing store and presented one of the
    company’s checks to the cashier.                She discovered the check was
    forged and called the police.
    ¶4          Shortly thereafter, Officer George Cortez, Jr. of the
    Phoenix   Police      Department   arrived.            The   officer   entered   the
    store, approached Rose, and began to handcuff him.                       After his
    left hand was cuffed, Rose pulled out his gun and shot the
    officer twice, killing him.           Rose ran from the store with the
    handcuffs    dangling      from    his        wrist.         Surveillance   cameras
    captured the shooting.
    ¶5          Early the next morning, officers went to a house where
    they suspected Rose was hiding.                  They eventually entered the
    house, discovered Rose hiding in a closet, and arrested him.
    ¶6          The State charged Rose with first degree murder of a
    law enforcement officer, first degree felony murder, and other
    noncapital felonies.         On the day Rose’s trial was to begin, he
    pleaded guilty to all charges.             After finding four aggravating
    factors in the aggravation phase, and receiving evidence in the
    penalty phase, the jury sentenced Rose to death.
    A.   Arraignment and absence from jury prescreening
    ¶7           Rose argues that he was denied an arraignment and the
    ability to participate in the first three days of jury selection
    in violation of the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments.
    Because Rose did not object below, we review for fundamental
    error.    State v. Henderson, 
    210 Ariz. 561
    , 567 ¶ 19, 
    115 P.3d 601
    , 607 (2005).
    ¶8           Contrary   to    Rose’s    first    contention,   the     record
    indicates he was arraigned on August 17, 2007, when he entered a
    plea of “not guilty to all charges.”            A week earlier, he and his
    counsel received notice of the indictment, including the two
    first degree murder counts.            He did not object below to any
    alleged   flaws    in   the    arraignment    process,   and   he    has   not
    established any error in that process.
    ¶9           Rose’s argument regarding his absence from the initial
    portions of jury selection is also meritless.              A defendant is
    entitled to be present at all phases of a trial, including jury
    selection.     Ariz. R. Crim. P. 19.2; State v. Garcia-Contreras,
    191 Ariz. 144
    ,     146   ¶   8,    
    953 P.2d 536
    ,    538    (1998).       But    a
    defendant “may waive the right to be present at any proceeding
    by voluntarily absenting himself or herself from it.”                             Ariz. R.
    Crim. P. 9.1.         And “a trial court may rely on counsel’s waiver
    of a defendant’s right to be present” in certain circumstances;
    “personal waiver by the defendant is not required.”                               State v.
    199 Ariz. 227
    , 234 ¶ 26, 
    16 P.3d 788
    , 795 (App. 2000);
    see also State v. Collins, 
    133 Ariz. 20
    , 23, 
    648 P.2d 135
    , 138
    (App.   1982)     (“Unless        the    circumstances         are     exceptional,        a
    defendant is bound by his counsel’s waiver of his constitutional
    rights.”      (citing    Henry    v.     Mississippi,         
    379 U.S. 443
    State v. Rodriguez, 
    126 Ariz. 28
    612 P.2d 484
    ¶10           The record reflects that Rose, through counsel, waived
    his presence for the first two days of jury selection, which
    involved the trial judge “time screening” potential jurors on
    the anticipated length of trial and their availability.                               Rose
    was under a medical quarantine for at least the first day, did
    not   object     to   his     absence     on       either    day,    and    presents      no
    exceptional      circumstances          that       would    render    ineffective      his
    attorney’s waiver.            On the third day, when the parties merely
    stipulated to which jurors did not need to return for additional
    questioning, the court granted defense counsel time to contact
    Rose before proceeding.                 Rose specifically told his attorney
    that he waived his presence.              Rose was present on the next trial
    day and throughout the rest of jury selection and trial.      Even
    if we assume that Rose, absent his waiver, “was entitled to
    attend the [juror] prescreening process,” State v. Morris, 
    215 Ariz. 324
    , 335 ¶ 45, 
    160 P.3d 203
    , 214 (2007), no fundamental
    error arose regarding Rose’s absence from three days of that
    B.    Exclusion of non-English speaking jurors
    ¶11        Rose argues that the exclusion of non-English speaking
    jurors violated his Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights and
    that A.R.S. § 21-202(B)(3) is unconstitutional.      That statute
    provides that persons “shall be excused temporarily from service
    as a juror if the judge or jury commissioner finds” that “[t]he
    prospective juror is not currently capable of understanding the
    English language.”     We have previously considered and rejected
    the arguments Rose makes.    See State v. Cota, 
    229 Ariz. 136
    , 143
    ¶¶ 13–16, 
    272 P.3d 1027
    , 1034 (2012).
    C.    Voluntariness of guilty plea
    ¶12        Rose argues on multiple grounds that his guilty plea
    was involuntary and not made knowingly and intelligently.     This
    Court reviews a trial court’s acceptance of a guilty plea for an
    abuse of discretion.    State v. Djerf, 
    191 Ariz. 583
    , 594 ¶ 35,
    959 P.2d 1274
    , 1285 (1998).     We “must determine if reasonable
    evidence supports the finding that the defendant was competent
    to enter the plea” and will consider the facts “in a light most
    favorable     to    sustaining    the    trial    court’s    finding.”        
    Id. (internal quotation marks
    ¶13          When accepting a guilty plea, the trial judge must
    ensure that the plea is entered voluntarily, intelligently, and
    Id. To ensure this,
       Arizona    Rule   of    Criminal
    Procedure    17.2    requires    the    court    to   “address   the    defendant
    personally in open court” and inform the defendant fully of his
    or her rights and the consequences of pleading guilty.                   “What is
    at stake for an accused facing death or imprisonment demands the
    utmost solicitude of which courts are capable in canvassing the
    matter with the accused to make sure he has a full understanding
    of what the plea connotes and of its consequence.”                      Boykin v.
    395 U.S. 238
    , 243-44 (1969).                  The trial court must
    ensure that the defendant understands:
    (1) the nature of the charges, (2) the nature and
    range of possible sentences, including any special
    conditions, (3) the constitutional rights waived by
    pleading guilty, (4) the right to plead not guilty,
    and (5) that the right to appeal is also waived if the
    defendant is not sentenced to death.
    Djerf, 191 Ariz. at 594
    36, 959 P.2d at 1285
    ; see also Ariz.
    R. Crim. P. 17.2; 
    Boykin, 395 U.S. at 243
    ¶14          Rose first argues his plea was not voluntary because
    he was not arraigned and never received actual notice of the
    capital offenses to which he pleaded guilty.                But as discussed
    above, supra ¶ 8, the record shows that, after receiving notice
    of the indictment, Rose was arraigned and pleaded “not guilty to
    all charges.”
    ¶15        At    the     subsequent     change-of-plea      proceeding,       Rose
    acknowledged he had discussed with his counsel “the pros and
    cons” of pleading guilty and that it was his “free choice to
    plead guilty to these charges.”              The trial court expressly told
    Rose he had “several charges pending” against him, “with the
    most   serious    charges”      being   the    two   “first    degree    murder”
    counts, for which he could face “a death penalty.”                    The court
    later repeated the first degree murder charges before asking
    Rose what his plea on each count was, to which he responded
    ¶16        These facts distinguish this case from Henderson v.
    426 U.S. 637
    (1976), on which Rose relies.                   There, the
    defendant pleaded guilty to second degree murder without any
    “indication     that   the   nature     of    the    offense   had    ever    been
    discussed with [him].”           
    Id. at 642–43. No
    one informed the
    defendant that intent, an element that he explicitly denied, was
    required for the charged offense.             
    Id. at 643. ¶17
           Here, in contrast, Rose’s attorney avowed, and Rose
    acknowledged,     that    she    had    discussed     the   charges     and   the
    consequences of pleading guilty with Rose, who did not dispute
    the factual basis of his plea or whether the required mens rea
    was sufficiently established.           The trial court had no obligation
    to advise Rose of each specific element of his crimes “[a]bsent
    the unique circumstances of         Henderson v. Morgan.”               State v.
    114 Ariz. 574
    , 575, 
    562 P.2d 1072
    , 1073 (1977); cf.
    State v. Ovante, 
    231 Ariz. 180
    , 185 ¶ 17, 
    291 P.3d 974
    , 979
    (2013)   (“The   trial   court     was       not   required     to   explain   the
    distinction between first and second degree murder and was free
    to accept the guilty plea if it was satisfied that the record
    established premeditation.”).
    ¶18        Second, Rose argues the trial court failed to review a
    written plea agreement with him.              But no plea agreement existed
    or was required.    The law only requires Rose’s plea to have been
    made voluntarily, intelligently, and knowingly, regardless of
    the existence of a formal plea agreement.                See Ariz. R. Crim. P.
    Boykin, 395 U.S. at 242-44
    Djerf, 191 Ariz. at 594
    35, 959 P.2d at 1285
    ¶19        Third, without citing any pertinent authority, Rose
    argues that his plea was not voluntary because the trial court
    did not secure a waiver of his guilty except insane (“GEI”)
    defense.     Such   a    waiver,    however,       was    not    required.      In
    accepting a guilty plea, a trial court need not “call to the
    attention of the accused every defense which might conceivably
    be suggested by the record.”             State v. Hickey, 
    110 Ariz. 527
    521 P.2d 614
    , 616 (1974).               Rose similarly argues that the
    court failed to inquire into his sanity at the time of the
    shooting.       Insanity, however, is an affirmative defense that a
    defendant must prove by clear and convincing evidence.                         A.R.S.
    § 13-502(A), (C).          Again, the trial court had no duty to inform
    Rose of that potential defense, which he previously had alleged.
    ¶20           Fourth, Rose argues that the plea colloquy did not
    include any statement about his state of mind at the time of the
    shooting.        To commit first degree murder of a police officer,
    one    must     intentionally        or    knowingly   kill    a   law     enforcement
    officer who is working in the line of duty.                          A.R.S. § 13-
    1105(A)(3); State v. Cruz, 
    218 Ariz. 149
    , 169 ¶ 129, 
    181 P.3d 196
    ,    216     (2008).         In   the   change-of-plea      proceeding,     Rose’s
    attorney recited the following relevant facts:
    [O]n or about July 27th, 2007, my client, Edward James
    Rose, entered the Southwest Check Cashing Store on
    83rd Avenue and about Encanto.       He entered that
    particular facility . . . for the purpose of cashing a
    forged check . . . .
    When he entered that facility he had a gun on his
    person.    While in the check cashing store Police
    Officer George Cortez, Jr. arrived, and in the line of
    duty, and he was in the line of duty, it was at that
    time that my client, using the gun that he had on his
    person, turned, shot and killed Officer George Cortez,
    ¶21           Arizona Rule of Criminal Procedure 17.3 requires the
    court to “determine that there is a factual basis for the plea.”
    “A factual basis can be established by ‘strong evidence’ of
    guilt     and    does     not    require      a   finding     of   guilt    beyond   a
    reasonable doubt.”            State v. Salinas, 
    181 Ariz. 104
    , 106, 
    887 P.2d 985
    , 987 (1994) (quoting State v. Wallace, 
    151 Ariz. 362
    728 P.2d 232
    , 235 (1986)).                    Furthermore, “[t]he evidence of
    guilt    may    be    derived       from    any    part     of   the   record     including
    presentence          reports,       preliminary           hearing      transcripts,       or
    admissions of the defendant.”                     Id.; see also 
    Ovante, 231 Ariz. at 184
    12, 291 P.3d at 978
    ¶22            The factual basis Rose presented at the change of plea
    proceeding shows that Officer Cortez was on duty at the time of
    the murder and that Rose intentionally or knowingly shot and
    killed him.          Rose argues, however, that earlier in the case he
    had maintained to various mental health experts that he did not
    know Officer Cortez was a police officer when he shot him, but
    rather    believed       he     was    a     security       guard.       But     Rose    made
    inconsistent         statements,            and    aggravation         phase      testimony
    established that Officer Cortez was wearing his police uniform
    with badge and was handcuffing Rose when Rose shot him.
    ¶23            Additionally,          the    trial      court     viewed    the     store’s
    surveillance video footage that was admitted into evidence in
    the   aggravation       phase,        and    it    showed    Rose      looking    over   his
    shoulder as Officer Cortez entered the store.                              Thus, if the
    factual    basis       at     the     change       of     plea   proceeding       did     not
    adequately establish Rose’s mental state at the time he shot
    Officer Cortez, other evidence in the record sufficiently shows
    that    Rose    knew    that       Officer     Cortez     was    a    police      officer.
    Moreover,       even   if     we     assume        that   the    factual        basis    was
    inadequate      for    the    first     degree       murder     charge    arising       from
    Rose’s   killing       of    an     on-duty    police     officer,       Rose    does   not
    challenge the factual basis for his plea of guilty to the felony
    murder charge.         Cf. State v. Rios, 
    217 Ariz. 249
    , 251 ¶ 8, 
    172 P.3d 844
    , 846 (App. 2007) (“The only intent required for felony
    murder is the intent required to commit the underlying felony.”
    (citing A.R.S. § 13-1105(B))).
    ¶24            Fifth, Rose argues that he “suffered from mental and
    emotional instability,” which led to his “impromptu” guilty plea
    on the day the guilt phase trial was set to begin.                          Rose points
    to his low IQ of 77 and his impaired problem-solving skills as
    evidence of his “substantially below average intelligence.”                              He
    also relies on United States v. Christensen, in which the Ninth
    Circuit said that, “[i]n cases where the defendant’s mental or
    emotional state is a substantial issue,” district courts must
    conduct fuller colloquies.             
    18 F.3d 822
    , 825 (9th Cir. 1994).
    ¶25            Christensen is inapplicable here.                  That case involved
    a written jury trial waiver pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal
    Procedure 23(a) and an abbreviated colloquy.                             This case, in
    contrast, involves an in-court guilty plea accepted by the judge
    after    a   colloquy        that    satisfied       Rule     17.2.       Additionally,
    although the trial judge might have been aware of Rose’s subpar
    intelligence,      there   is   no    indication     that    the     judge   ever
    suspected Rose was incompetent.
    ¶26         Rose   nonetheless       argues    the   trial     court    erred    by
    disregarding    some   indications      of    incompetence     and     failing   to
    hold a competency hearing before accepting his plea.                      We have
    stated that “we will not uphold a guilty plea, where competency
    has been a valid issue, absent a proper finding of competency.”
    State v. Bishop, 
    139 Ariz. 567
    , 571, 
    679 P.2d 1054
    , 1058 (1984);
    see also State v. Brewer, 
    170 Ariz. 486
    , 495, 
    826 P.2d 783
    , 792
    (1992) (“A criminal defendant is not competent to plead guilty
    if [his] mental illness has substantially impaired his ability
    to make a reasoned choice among the alternatives presented to
    him and understand the nature of the consequences of his plea.”
    (internal    quotation     marks      omitted)).        But      a     competency
    evaluation and hearing are not required in all cases in which
    the defendant pleads guilty.            Cf. State v. Wagner, 
    114 Ariz. 459
    , 462-63, 
    561 P.2d 1231
    , 1234-35 (1977) (when the record
    raised “sufficient doubt of defendant’s competency to enter a
    plea of guilty” to first degree murder, case was remanded for a
    post-conviction hearing to determine whether he made “a rational
    and reasoned decision in entering the plea”).
    ¶27         Either party may request a competency hearing.                   Ariz.
    R. Crim. P. 11.2.      But if preliminary mental health reports and
    other   evidence    provide     no   reasonable      grounds    to     justify    a
    competency hearing, no such hearing is required.                         Cf. 
    Djerf, 191 Ariz. at 592
    26-28, 959 P.2d at 1283
    (upholding trial court’s
    finding, without a Rule 11 hearing, that the defendant validly
    waived    his     right     to    counsel        when        mental   health     expert’s
    prescreening report did not question defendant’s competency).
    ¶28            After he was charged, Rose initially waived his right
    to have a mental health expert appointed pursuant to Rule 11 for
    a   prescreening     under       A.R.S.     §    13-754(A)(1).           The     issue    of
    competency did not arise until almost two years later, after
    defense expert Dr. Pablo Stewart first met with Rose.                            Although
    he considered Rose “psychotic,” Dr. Stewart reported that he
    “never felt that [Rose] was incompetent,” and that “his symptoms
    have     not    prevented        him     from    fully        assisting     counsel       or
    understanding      his    legal        proceedings.”           Neither    Rose    nor    the
    court    pursued    any    further        testing       or    evaluations      concerning
    Rose’s competency.          Nor did any expert (including Dr. Heather
    Gulino, the court’s appointed expert who evaluated Rose’s GEI
    defense) suggest Rose was incompetent to either stand trial or
    plead guilty.        And, as the State aptly notes, “Rose has not
    disputed that he was competent to participate in his defense
    during jury selection before his guilty pleas, or during the
    aggravation and penalty phases of trial that followed them.”                             On
    this record, no competency hearing was required before the trial
    court accepted Rose’s guilty pleas.
    ¶29           Sixth,    Rose     argues   that   the   trial       court’s       colloquy
    failed to secure a knowing, intelligent, and voluntary waiver of
    three    constitutional        rights:         the   privilege          against     self-
    incrimination, the right to trial by jury, and the right to
    confront one’s accusers.
    ¶30           The     record   clearly    reflects         that    the    trial     judge
    informed Rose of those rights and that Rose waived them.                             Rose
    nonetheless contends that the trial court’s recitation of rights
    and his waiver referred only to the noncapital counts and that
    the   court    thus     failed    to   secure    a   waiver       of    constitutional
    rights   on    the     capital    charges.       Although         the    trial    court’s
    colloquy      could    have    been    clearer,      the    record,       when     viewed
    reasonably and in context, does not support Rose’s argument.
    ¶31           “The requirements of Boykin are met when it appears
    from a consideration of the entire record that the accused was
    aware that he was waiving [his constitutional] rights and it
    appears that it was a knowing and voluntary waiver.”                             State v.
    114 Ariz. 494
    , 496, 
    562 P.2d 374
    , 376 (1977).                                 When
    defense counsel informed the trial court in chambers that Rose
    had decided to plead guilty to all charges, counsel assured the
    court that they had “been working with [Rose] for a very long
    period of time” and, after much discussion during the previous
    few weeks, Rose had decided “to take responsibility and plead
    guilty to all of the charges that are in the indictment.”                            When
    the judge asked if that was a voluntary choice on Rose’s part,
    his attorney responded, “Absolutely.       It’s not something that he
    thought of overnight.     We’ve talked about it, discussed the pros
    and cons, consulted with him, and that’s exactly what he wants
    to do.”
    ¶32        After returning to the courtroom, the judge asked Rose
    if it was his “intention . . . to plead guilty to the charges,”
    to which Rose responded, “Yes, sir.”        Rose acknowledged that he
    had been in the same courtroom several times before and had
    “seen other defendants plead guilty.”1       The judge explained that
    he was “going to go through the same type of colloquy with you
    that you’ve observed me go through with [those] defendants.”
    The judge asked Rose if he “had an opportunity to discuss with
    [his] lawyer the pros and cons” of pleading guilty, to which
    Rose responded, “Yes, sir.”        Rose also acknowledged that it was
    his “free choice to plead guilty to these charges.”
    ¶33        The trial court then set forth the range of possible
    sentences for all charged offenses, both capital and noncapital.
    The court also explained that Rose had “the absolute right to
    have this jury determine whether or not you are guilty or not
    guilty    on   these   charges,”    to   “cross-examine   all   of   the
    Although not dispositive on whether Rose’s pleas in this
    case were valid, we also take judicial notice that he pleaded
    guilty to an unrelated armed robbery two months earlier, when
    the same superior court judge advised Rose of all pertinent
    constitutional rights, which he waived.
    government’s witnesses [and] subpoena witnesses . . . to . . .
    testify [on] your behalf,” and “to remain silent,” and that “the
    government        could   not     comment       on     your    silence.”            In     its
    concluding statement, which is the lynchpin of Rose’s argument,
    the court told him, “By pleading guilty to me here today, for
    the non-capital charges you would be giving up all of these
    important rights.”           Rose stated that he understood his rights
    and still chose to proceed with his guilty pleas.
    ¶34          In    context,      the     trial       court’s    statements          to    Rose
    cannot   reasonably       be     construed        as    limiting          the    admonition
    regarding    the     constitutional        rights      Rose     was       waiving    to   the
    noncapital charges.            Viewed as a whole and in the light most
    favorable to sustaining the court’s acceptance of Rose’s pleas,
    the   record      reflects      that    Rose     understood         his    constitutional
    rights and validly waived them on all charges.                              See State v.
    223 Ariz. 125
    , 127 ¶ 13, 
    220 P.3d 245
    , 247 (2009).
    ¶35          Seventh,     describing        himself      as     “seriously          mentally
    ill,” Rose argues that “[t]he trial court’s failure to inquire
    and determine whether . . . [he] was on medication or not and
    how the presence or absence of medication affected his decision
    making ability renders the plea unknowing and unintelligent” and
    a violation of due process.                 Rose relies on United States v.
    Cole, in which the Third Circuit stated that
    Rule   11     counsels     a     district      court     to    make       further
    inquiry into a defendant’s competence to enter a
    guilty plea once the court has been informed that the
    defendant has recently ingested drugs [in this case
    heroin] or other substances capable of impairing his
    ability to make a knowing and intelligent waiver of
    his constitutional rights.
    813 F.2d 43
    , 46 (3d Cir. 1987).
    ¶36            We    agree       that   a     trial      judge    has    a    duty     to    “make
    further inquiry into a defendant’s competence” when the judge is
    aware that the defendant might be under the influence of any
    substance,          including      medication,           “capable        of    impairing      his
    ability       to     make    a    knowing         and    intelligent          waiver    of    his
    constitutional rights.”                 
    Id. But in Cole
    the trial judge was
    informed during the colloquy that the defendant had ingested
    drugs    the       previous       night,      yet      the     judge    accepted       the   plea
    without further inquiry.                    
    Id. Here, however, the
    only notice
    the trial judge had were two reports of Dr. Gulino filed in May
    and   June     2010,        indicating        that      Rose    had    begun    a    medication
    regimen in either February or March 2010.                              That information did
    not necessarily obligate the trial judge to inquire further into
    Rose’s competency or reject his guilty plea.
    ¶37            At the end of the change of plea proceeding, the judge
    asked    if    “any     of       the    lawyers        have    any     concerns      about    the
    voluntariness of Mr. Rose’s pleas of guilty.”                                  The prosecutor
    responded that he did not, and neither Rose nor his counsel
    expressed any concerns.                 Nonetheless, the better practice is for
    judges to routinely inquire whether a pleading defendant is on
    any     medication       or    other      substance           that   might        impair     the
    defendant’s ability to enter a plea.                          See Ariz. Civil/Criminal
    Bench    Book,     Guilty      Plea,      10-3       (2013)     (listing      a    series    of
    questions    a     judge      should      ask    when     accepting       a   guilty       plea,
    including        inquiry      into     whether         defendant      “had        any   drugs,
    alcohol, or medication within the past 24 hours”).                            Despite that
    omission in the trial court’s colloquy here, absent anything in
    the     record    casting       doubt      on        Rose’s    competency,         we   cannot
    conclude    the     court      abused      its       discretion      in   finding       Rose’s
    guilty pleas and waiver of rights valid.
    ¶38         Finally, Rose argues that the trial court erred by not
    informing him that “he was waiving his right of appellate review
    on his conviction of the capital counts if he pled guilty.”                                  But
    no such warning was required because Rose did not, and could
    not,    forego     his     right     to   appeal        his    capital    convictions         by
    pleading guilty.              See A.R.S. § 13-756(A) (“The supreme court
    shall review all death sentences . . . .” (emphasis added)); see
    also A.R.S. § 13-4033(B) (the right to appeal is lost only when
    a defendant pleads guilty in “noncapital” cases); Ariz. R. Crim.
    P. 31.2(b) (“When a defendant has been sentenced to death, the
    clerk . . . shall file a notice of appeal on his behalf at the
    time of entry of judgment and sentence.”); 
    Ovante, 231 Ariz. at 184
    10, 291 P.3d at 978
    (“In death penalty cases, consistent
    with Rule 31.2(b), this Court will review the validity of a plea
    on direct appeal, before it reviews the capital sentence.”).
    Rule 17.2(e) states that a defendant who pleads guilty “will
    waive    the   right    to    have   the   appellate       courts       review      the
    proceedings” only in a “noncapital” case.                       In addition, our
    review on direct appeal of Rose’s arguments relating to his
    guilty pleas and his absence from the initial stages of jury
    selection refutes his claim that he waived appellate review of
    his capital convictions.
    ¶39          In sum, we find that Rose’s guilty pleas were entered
    voluntarily, intelligently, and knowingly.
    D.    Victim impact evidence
    ¶40          Rose    argues   that   the    admission          of    “inflammatory”
    victim impact evidence (“VIE”) in the penalty phase violated his
    Eighth   Amendment     rights   because    it      was   not    relevant       to   any
    mitigating circumstances and was unduly prejudicial.                         Rose also
    challenges     the   constitutionality        of    A.R.S.      §    13-752(R)      and
    Arizona Rule of Criminal Procedure 19.1(d)(3).                      We consider the
    constitutionality of a statute or rule de novo.                     State v. Roque,
    213 Ariz. 193
    , 217 ¶ 89, 
    141 P.3d 368
    , 392 (2006).
    ¶41          Section   13-752(R)     states     that     “[a]       victim    has   the
    right to be present . . . at the penalty phase” and may “present
    information about the murdered person and the impact of the
    murder on the victim and other family members and may submit a
    victim impact statement in any format to the trier of fact.”
    Similarly,      Rule     19.1(d)(3)    permits         the    victim’s       survivors    to
    “make a statement relating to the characteristics of the victim
    and the impact of the crime on the victim’s family,” but the
    victim’s      survivors       “may   not   offer       any    opinion      regarding     the
    appropriate sentence to be imposed.”                      Thus, under the statute
    and rule, a victim’s survivors may present information in the
    penalty phase about the victim and discuss the impact of the
    murder on them.            See also Ariz. Const. art. 2, § 2.1(A)(4)
    (giving crime victims the right to be heard at sentencing);
    A.R.S.    §    13-4426        (authorizing       crime       victims    to    present     at
    sentencing “any information or opinions that concern the victim
    or the victim’s family, including the impact of the crime on the
    victim [and] the harm caused by the crime”).
    ¶42           The United States Supreme Court has recognized that
    VIE is constitutionally permissible.                      Payne v. Tennessee, 
    501 U.S. 808
    , 825 (1991) (“[T]he State has a legitimate interest in
    counteracting       the    mitigating      evidence          which   the     defendant    is
    entitled to put in, by reminding the sentencer that just as the
    murderer      should     be    considered       as   an   individual,         so   too   the
    victim is an individual whose death represents a unique loss to
    society       and   in    particular       to    his      family.”      (alteration       in
    original) (quoting Booth v. Maryland, 
    482 U.S. 496
    , 517 (1987)
    (White, J., dissenting))).             In addition, this Court has rejected
    the argument that VIE is not relevant to a jury’s consideration
    of mitigating evidence.          See State v. Ellison, 
    213 Ariz. 116
    140–41 ¶¶ 111–14, 
    140 P.3d 899
    , 923–24 (2006) (“These statements
    are relevant to the issue of the harm caused by the defendant
    . . . [and] do not violate the Eighth Amendment.” (citing Lynn
    v.    Reinstein,   
    205 Ariz. 186
    ,     191   ¶   17,   
    68 P.3d 412
    ,   417
    (2003))); see also State v. Tucker (Tucker II), 
    215 Ariz. 298
    320 ¶ 92, 
    160 P.3d 177
    , 199 (2007) (“Evidence about the victim
    and the effect of the crime on the victim’s family is [also]
    admissible     during    the     penalty     phase    as    rebuttal      to   the
    defendant’s mitigation evidence.”).               Based on this controlling
    authority, we reject Rose’s constitutional argument.                   See 
    Roque, 213 Ariz. at 222
    116, 141 P.3d at 397
    (declining to revisit
    precedent finding VIE constitutional because defendant “provides
    no compelling argument for [the Court] to stray from [its] prior
    ¶43          Turning to the VIE presented in this case, Rose first
    argues that the entire VIE presentation was overly emotional and
    highly prejudicial.        Rose, however, did not object below on
    these grounds or move for a mistrial, and therefore fundamental
    error review applies.          State v. Valverde, 
    220 Ariz. 582
    , 585
    ¶ 12, 
    208 P.3d 233
    , 236 (2009).
    ¶44          The extensive VIE in this case consisted of prepared
    statements     from   Officer     Cortez’s       widow,    oldest   son    (whose
    written statement the widow read while the boy and his younger
    brother stood next to her), mother, and father-in-law.                         The VIE
    also included a short poem read by Officer Cortez’s mother, the
    playing of a thirty-five second audio recording, and several
    photographs.         Without    question,         the    scripted   VIE     was   quite
    emotional and forceful in its tone and tenor, and even the State
    concedes      that     the     widow’s           statements      were     “admittedly
    ¶45        VIE is generally admissible at sentencing unless it is
    “so unduly prejudicial that it renders the trial fundamentally
    unfair.”   State v. Dann (Dann II), 
    220 Ariz. 351
    , 369 ¶ 98, 
    207 P.3d 604
    , 622 (2009) (quoting 
    Payne, 501 U.S. at 825
    ).                               Our
    prior cases guide our analysis of the VIE presented here.                            For
    example,   we   did    not     find   undue       prejudice     when    the   victim’s
    parents spoke emotionally about the impact of their son’s death
    on them, followed by playing of the 911 call the victim’s father
    made after he discovered his son murdered.                      State v. Gallardo,
    225 Ariz. 560
    , 567 ¶¶ 27, 29, 
    242 P.3d 159
    , 166 (2010).                        Nor did
    we find undue prejudice when at least half the jurors cried
    during a “powerful and emotional” victim impact presentation,
    and the presenters all cried during their statements as well.
    State v. Glassel, 
    211 Ariz. 33
    , 54 ¶¶ 85-86, 
    116 P.3d 1193
    , 1214
    (2005).    We    likewise      did    not    find       undue   prejudice     when   the
    victim’s mother compared the pain she felt over her daughter’s
    murder    to    the     “universally         painful”   loss       experienced      by   all
    Americans in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.                             State v.
    216 Ariz. 56
    , 69 ¶¶ 61-62, 
    163 P.3d 1006
    , 1019 (2007).
    ¶46            Unlike    those       cases    in   which    we     reviewed    the    trial
    court’s admission of VIE for abuse of discretion, however, in
    this case we review for fundamental, prejudicial error because
    Rose did not object below on the broad grounds he urges now.
    Roque, 213 Ariz. at 221
    113, 141 P.3d at 396
    .                        Here, the trial
    court instructed the jurors they “must not be influenced” by
    “passion,      prejudice,       public       opinion,   or    public      feeling,”      nor
    “swayed by mere sympathy not related to the evidence presented.”
    But we have not yet been confronted with VIE as extensive as
    that presented in this case, and we find the presentation here
    troubling.          There is no simple, mechanical test to determine
    when     VIE    crosses       the    line     between      permissible        and    unduly
    prejudicial.              The        presentation          here,      however,        comes
    uncomfortably         close     to    that    line.        Nonetheless,       absent     any
    objection or motion for mistrial, on this record we cannot say
    that the trial court fundamentally erred in admitting the VIE
    regarding the survivors’ losses or in not sua sponte excluding
    it as overly inflammatory or unduly prejudicial.                               “Senseless
    murders usually generate strong emotional responses” manifested
    in VIE.     
    Glassel, 211 Ariz. at 54
    86, 116 P.3d at 1214
    ¶47            It   remains     the     responsibility        of    the   trial      judge,
    however, “to exercise sound discretion in balancing probative
    value against the risk of unfair prejudice.”                       
    Ellison, 213 Ariz. at 141
    115, 140 P.3d at 924
    (quoting State v. Doerr, 
    193 Ariz. 56
    ,   64    ¶      32,    
    969 P.2d 1168
    ,         1176    (1998)).         We    caution
    prosecutors and victims not to venture too close to the line,
    lest they risk a mistrial.                   And, recognizing the confines of
    A.R.S.     § 13-4426.01         but     also      a     defendant’s       constitutional
    rights,    we      encourage     judges,       in     their     sound    discretion,      to
    screen and, if necessary, limit an orchestrated, overly dramatic
    VIE presentation “that is so unduly prejudicial that it renders
    the trial fundamentally unfair.”                  
    Payne, 501 U.S. at 825
    ¶48           At      trial,    before       presentation        of     the     VIE,     Rose
    objected to three aspects:                  the appearance of Officer Cortez’s
    two   young      sons      dressed     in    attire      that    looked       like     police
    uniforms, two photographs that were admitted into evidence and
    shown to the jury during the widow’s statement, and the playing
    of an audio recording called the “Last Call.”                             We review the
    trial court’s rulings on those particular VIE-related objections
    for abuse of discretion.               
    Garza, 216 Ariz. at 69
    60, 163 P.2d at 1019
    ¶49           Regarding the children’s attire, Rose objected that
    “the officer’s sons . . . are dressed in -- I can’t say police
    uniform,        but      certainly     something         that    looks        like     police
    uniform.”        The trial judge noted the objection but declined to
    require the children to change clothes.                    Nothing in the record,
    and no authority cited by Rose, suggests the court abused its
    discretion in that regard.
    ¶50          Nor can we say the trial court erred in overruling
    Rose’s    objections          to   two   photographs,      one    of   which    depicted
    Officer Cortez’s sons and widow looking down into the grave as
    his casket was lowered, and the other photograph showing the
    boys, with their backs to the camera, sitting on a bench by the
    gravesite.     Rose objected because, he argued, the photographs
    showed no interplay between the children and their father and
    appeared staged.              This Court has recognized “the danger that
    photos of the victims may ‘be used to generate sympathy for the
    victim and his or her family.’”                    
    Ellison, 213 Ariz. at 141
    115, 140 P.3d at 924
    Doerr, 193 Ariz. at 64
    32, 969 P.2d at 1176
    ).          Nonetheless, we have declined “to adopt a per se
    rule    barring    all        in-life     photos   in    capital       murder    cases,”
    leaving      the        decision         instead    to      the        trial     court’s
    Id. Generally, “[w]hen assessing
    the admissibility
    of    photographs,       we    ‘consider    the    photographs’        relevance,   the
    likelihood     that       the       photographs     will     incite      the     jurors’
    passions, and the photographs’ probative value compared to their
    prejudicial impact.’”               State v. Pandeli, 
    215 Ariz. 514
    , 524
    ¶ 23, 
    161 P.3d 557
    , 567 (2007) (quoting State v. McGill, 
    213 Ariz. 147
    , 154 ¶ 30, 
    140 P.3d 930
    , 937 (2006)).
    ¶51         As    noted     above,       under     Arizona’s          constitution,
    statutes, and court rules, survivors may speak at sentencing
    about the effect the victim’s murder has had on them.                                  And
    Arizona cases have permitted pre-murder, in-life photographs of
    the homicide victim, 
    Garza, 216 Ariz. at 69
    63, 163 P.3d at 1019
    , as well as post-death autopsy photographs of the victim,
    Pandeli, 215 Ariz. at 524-25
    24-26, 161 P.3d at 567-68
    .                             But
    no Arizona case has addressed the admissibility of photographs
    of the victim’s survivors, ostensibly to depict their response
    to the victim’s death and its effect on them.                       Some California
    cases,    however,   have    upheld      admission     in     a    capital    case      of
    photographs of the victim’s gravesite.                   See, e.g., People v.
    181 P.3d 105
    , 137 (Cal. 2008) (permitting a series of
    pre-death    photographs      of     the      victims,      as     well      as    three
    photographs of the victims’ grave markers); People v. Kelly, 
    171 P.3d 548
    , 570 (Cal. 2008) (permitting a video montage that ended
    with a close-up of victim’s grave); People v. Harris, 
    118 P.3d 545
    , 574 (Cal. 2005) (permitting a photograph of the victim’s
    gravesite as “further evidence relating to her death and the
    effect upon her family”).
    ¶52         The two photographs in question arguably were relevant
    to show the impact Officer Cortez’s death had on his two young
    sons.     See State v. Oliver, 
    158 Ariz. 22
    , 28, 
    760 P.2d 1071
    1077    (1988)   (noting    that   the     “standard     of       relevance       is   not
    particularly high”).          The trial court, however, would have acted
    well within its discretion had it excluded those photographs,
    given their marginal relevance, the danger of unfair prejudice
    their admission posed, and the extensive, clearly permissible
    VIE already presented.           See Ariz. R. Evid. 403; cf. 
    McGill, 213 Ariz. at 157
    40, 140 P.3d at 940
    (interpreting former A.R.S.
    § 13-703(C)     to     impose    on        penalty     phase   evidence    a   relevance
    requirement that involves “fundamentally the same considerations
    as does a relevancy determination under Arizona Rule of Evidence
    401 or 403”).         Nonetheless, we cannot say that the trial court
    abused   its     discretion           in     admitting     the    photographs       after
    implicitly finding, over Rose’s Rule 403 objection, that the
    probative      value     of     the        photographs     was    not     substantially
    outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice.                           After all, the
    jury was well aware, without the photographs, that the murder
    caused   the    two    boys     to     suffer      a   devastating      loss   of   their
    father’s love, affection, and support for the rest of their
    ¶53         Regarding the “Last Call” audio recording,2 Rose argued
    The “Last Call” is thirty-five seconds long and contains
    the following message transmitted through a radio call: “All
    units stand by for a broadcast.      This is the last call for
    Officer George Cortez, Jr., number 8232, 834 Henry.    834 Henry
    is 236290 West Northern.    834 Henry you’re now 10-7.   Rest in
    peace.   You’ll be greatly missed.     Goodnight sir.   Stations
    clear for [audio cuts out].”
    below    that   it    was       “irrelevant”       and   “put    together       purely
    for . . . an emotional impact.”             We have not addressed this type
    of issue before, but other jurisdictions have.                          In State v.
    Bixby, the South Carolina Supreme Court permitted a videotape
    depicting a deputy sheriff’s funeral, including footage of an
    American flag over the closed coffin, the playing of “Taps,”
    assembly of mourners, and a recording of a fictional 911 call in
    which the deputy is given permission to “return home.”                            
    698 S.E.2d 572
    , 586-87 (S.C. 2010).                The court reasoned that the
    “videotape was relevant to show the uniqueness of the victim,
    the harm committed by [the defendant], and the impact of the
    victim’s death on his family and society.”                 
    Id. at 587; see
    People v. Brady, 
    236 P.3d 312
    , 338-39 (Cal. 2010) (permitting
    the     admission    of     a    six-minute    videotape        highlighting       the
    memorial and funeral services of the police officer victim).
    Although the relevance of the “Last Call” recording is dubious,
    the trial court did not abuse its discretion in admitting it as
    part of the VIE inasmuch as the recording was very brief and was
    not inflammatory in either its content or style of presentation.
    ¶54         On appeal, Rose also argues that “[t]he entire victim
    presentation linked the case not to the slain officer but to the
    entire    police    force.”       Because     he   did    not   raise    this   claim
    below, we review for fundamental error.                  
    Henderson, 210 Ariz. at 567
    19, 115 P.3d at 607
    ¶55          Rose    is    correct   that     victim    impact    statements         are
    limited to the “impact of the crime on the victim’s family.”
    Ariz.   R.   Crim.    P.    19.1(d)(3)   (emphasis      added).        But     VIE   is
    permissible partly because it allows the jury to see the victim
    as a unique individual.           See 
    Payne, 501 U.S. at 825
    .                 Officer
    Cortez was a member of the Phoenix Police Department, and his
    occupation as a police officer is part of what made him who he
    was.    The only people who spoke during the VIE were members of
    Officer Cortez’s family, and they gave personal reflections on
    how his death affected them individually.                 Some portions of the
    VIE inappropriately mentioned the effect the victim’s death had
    on his fellow law enforcement officers and more broadly the
    community as a whole.            But those brief comments were merely a
    by-product of Officer Cortez’s occupation and, on this record,
    do not constitute fundamental, prejudicial error.
    ¶56          Rose further argues for the first time on appeal that
    the    victims   improperly      asked    the    jury    to   impose     the    death
    penalty.     We review for fundamental error because Rose made no
    such claim below.          
    Henderson, 210 Ariz. at 567
    19, 115 P.3d at 607
    ¶57          Although      VIE   generally      is   permitted,    the       victim’s
    survivors “may not offer any opinion regarding the appropriate
    sentence to be imposed.”          Ariz. R. Crim. P. 19.1(d)(3); see also
    State v. Bocharski, 
    200 Ariz. 50
    , 62 ¶ 64, 
    22 P.3d 43
    , 55 (2001)
    (“Sentencing recommendations offered by a deceased’s survivors
    have no relevance in a capital case.”).                    Officer Cortez’s widow
    clearly     used     some    pejorative      language        in     her    statement,
    describing Rose at the end as a “cop killer,” and requesting the
    jury   to   “give    the    appropriate      sentence.”           But,    contrary   to
    Rose’s assertions, neither Officer Cortez’s widow nor his son
    recommended a sentence or said they “wanted Rose put to death.”
    And the trial court instructed the jury that the victim’s family
    members were “not allowed to offer any opinion or recommendation
    regarding the sentence to be imposed.”                Rose still contends that
    they spoke in “clear and understandable code” to urge the jury
    to    return    a   death   sentence.        But    absent        any    such   express
    request, and in view of the court’s instruction, we find no
    fundamental error arising from the widow’s statements.
    ¶58            Nonetheless, we do not condone the type of vengeful
    language the widow used.          And we strongly encourage prosecutors
    and trial courts to prevent VIE presenters from alluding to or
    addressing in any way the potential sentence, such as pressing
    for an “appropriate” or “just” sentence or asking for “closure.”
    Such    references     come    dangerously         close     to    infringing     Rule
    19.1(d)(3) and mandating a mistrial.
    ¶59            Finally, Rose unsuccessfully proffered two items of
    evidence to rebut the VIE.         He sought to present a petition for
    divorce filed by Officer Cortez’s wife and an episode of the
    “Dr. Phil Show” featuring her and Officer Cortez.                               The trial
    court sustained the State’s objection to both.                             “We review a
    trial court’s determination of relevance and admissibility of
    evidence for an abuse of discretion.”                   State v. Hardy, 
    230 Ariz. 281
    , 291 ¶ 49, 
    283 P.3d 12
    , 22 (2012).
    ¶60          A.R.S. § 13-4426.01 states that “the victim’s right to
    be heard is exercised not as a witness, . . . and the victim is
    not   subject     to    cross-examination.”             See    also    State     ex     rel.
    Thomas v. Foreman, 
    211 Ariz. 153
    , 155 ¶ 6, 
    118 P.3d 1117
    , 1119
    (App. 2005) (“The plain language of the statute gives victims
    the right to be heard at a sentencing hearing without being
    cross-examined         by   the    State     or       the     defendant.”       (footnote
    omitted)).      The statute further provides that “the defense shall
    be afforded the opportunity to explain, support or deny the
    victim’s     statement.”           A.R.S.    §    13-4426.01.              In   State     v.
    Martinez,    we     considered      a   similar       challenge       by    a   defendant
    contesting the truthfulness of the victim impact statements and
    his right to confront the victim.                 
    218 Ariz. 421
    , 431–32 ¶ 45,
    189 P.3d 348
    ,      358–59     (2008).        We    held    that   “victim      impact
    evidence is not put on by the State, nor is cross-examination
    Id. at 432 ¶
    45, 189 P.3d at 359
    ¶61          Rose sought to offer this evidence as mitigation more
    than two weeks after the VIE had been presented.                                The trial
    court ruled that “whether Ms. Cortez and her husband had marital
    difficulties at some point is simply not relevant mitigation,”
    and    that   nothing     Officer    Cortez’s       wife     said   was      “materially
    inaccurate.”          Therefore,    the     court     concluded,        the       proffered
    evidence was not relevant to rebut her statement.                                  Applying
    factors set forth in Evidence Rule 403, the trial court also
    ruled that litigating issues relating to the Cortezes’ marriage
    “would    involve       undue    delay     and    waste     of   time     on       what   is
    essentially a collateral matter,” and that those considerations
    “substantially        outweighed”     any    probative       value      the       proffered
    evidence had.
    ¶62           “The      trial    court     has    considerable        discretion          in
    determining the relevance and admissibility of evidence, and we
    will    not   disturb      its    ruling    absent     a    clear     abuse        of   that
    discretion.”         State v. Amaya-Ruiz, 
    166 Ariz. 152
    , 167, 
    800 P.2d 1260
    , 1275 (1990).              Balancing of Rule 403 factors is also a
    matter particularly and appropriately left to the trial court’s
    Id. We find no
    abuse in the trial court’s decision
    to     preclude      evidence     during     Rose’s        mitigation        of     marital
    difficulties between Officer Cortez and his wife.
    E.     Exclusion of execution impact testimony
    ¶63           Rose argues that the trial court erred in excluding
    his    proffered      execution    impact       evidence,     which     he     claims     is
    relevant under the Eighth Amendment and admissible as a matter
    of due process.          This Court reviews evidentiary rulings for an
    abuse of discretion and gives deference to the trial court’s
    determination of relevance.               State v. Chappell, 
    225 Ariz. 229
    238 ¶ 28, 
    236 P.3d 1176
    , 1185 (2010).
    ¶64          “We     have      previously       held     that    execution           impact
    evidence    is     not   relevant    to    mitigation.”         
    Id. ¶ 30 (citing
    Roque, 213 Ariz. at 222 
    119, 141 P.3d at 397
    ).                      Such execution
    impact     evidence      is    not   relevant     because       it    is    “altogether
    unrelated to defendant, to his character, or to the circumstance
    of the offense.”         
    Roque, 213 Ariz. at 222
    119, 141 P.3d at 397
    (quoting State v. Williams, 
    183 Ariz. 368
    , 385, 
    904 P.2d 437
    454 (1995)).
    ¶65          Rose nonetheless contends that this Court has upheld
    the admissibility of execution impact evidence in prior cases.3
    But we also noted in Chappell that “[a]lthough similar evidence
    has been admitted in some cases, in none of those cases was the
    admissibility       of   the    execution       impact    evidence         at    issue   on
    appeal.” 225 Ariz. at 238
    ¶ 30 
    n.8, 236 P.3d at 1185
    n.8.                          Rose
    neither cites nor challenges Chappell.                   Finding it dispositive,
    To the extent Rose argues that “his family ties and the
    love of a defendant’s family[] has been held by this Court to be
    mitigation,” we agree that “[t]he existence of family ties is a
    mitigating factor.” State v. Moore, 
    222 Ariz. 1
    , 22 ¶ 134, 
    213 P.3d 150
    , 171 (2009). At trial, Rose was permitted to present,
    and in fact did present, testimony from friends and family
    expressing their love for him. What Rose could not present, and
    what the trial court properly prohibited, was testimony or
    argument related to the effect Rose’s death would have on his
    friends and family.
    we    uphold     the      trial    court’s       exclusion       of   execution   impact
    F.     Constitutionality of A.R.S. § 13-751(F)(10)
    ¶66            Rose       argues    that     the       (F)(10)     aggravating    factor
    violates the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments on its face and as
    applied.       Because Rose did not raise this claim below, we review
    it for fundamental error.               
    Henderson, 210 Ariz. at 567
    19, 115 P.3d at 607
    ¶67            A.R.S. § 13-751(F)(10) provides that it shall be an
    aggravating circumstance when “[t]he murdered person was an on
    duty peace officer who was killed in the course of performing
    the officer’s official duties and the defendant knew, or should
    have known, that the murdered person was a peace officer.”                           The
    killing     of        a    police       officer        is   a      proper    aggravating
    circumstance.          See also Roberts v. Louisiana, 
    431 U.S. 633
    , 636
    (1977) (“[T]he fact that the murder victim was a peace officer
    performing his regular duties may be regarded as an aggravating
    Cruz, 218 Ariz. at 170
    132, 181 P.3d at 217
    (“Killing a person one knows to be a peace officer who is acting
    in the line of duty adequately narrows the class of persons
    subject to the death penalty.”).
    ¶68            We      reject      Rose’s        arguments         that     the   (F)(10)
    aggravating         factor      draws      an        “arbitrary”      and   “irrational”
    distinction between a peace officer and a non-peace officer and
    that    the    factor    violates      equal     protection     and       due    process
    principles.         As in Cruz, Rose “cites no authority suggesting
    that    the    legislature      may    not     provide   that    any       intentional
    killing of an on-duty peace officer should make a defendant
    eligible.” 218 Ariz. at 170
    132, 181 P.3d at 217
    “[S]pecification        of     punishment      for    crime     is    peculiarly       a
    question of legislative policy,” and this Court will presume the
    constitutionality of a statute “when there is a reasonable, even
    though debatable, basis for the enactment of a statute.”                           State
    v. Arnett, 
    119 Ariz. 38
    , 47–48, 
    579 P.2d 542
    , 551–52 (1978).
    The legislature properly exercised its power and did not offend
    constitutional requirements by enacting the (F)(10) aggravating
    factor.       Cf. State v. Nelson, 
    229 Ariz. 180
    , 186-87 ¶¶ 25-28,
    273 P.3d 632
    , 638-39 (2012) (reaching same conclusion regarding
    A.R.S. § 13-751(F)(9)).
    ¶69           Likewise, we reject Rose’s argument that application
    of the (F)(10) aggravating factor is cruel and unusual.                             The
    Supreme Court has stated that we must refer to “the evolving
    standards      of    decency    that    mark    the   progress       of    a    maturing
    society” to determine whether particular punishments are cruel
    and    unusual.        Roper    v.    Simmons,    
    543 U.S. 551
    ,       561    (2005)
    (quoting Trop v. Dulles, 
    356 U.S. 86
    , 100-01 (1958) (plurality
    opinion)).          Rose has not persuaded us that Arizona’s (F)(10)
    aggravating factor fails to conform to that standard.                            On the
    contrary,      he    acknowledges             that   several     other    states        also
    recognize      the       murder     of    an     on-duty   peace       officer     as     an
    aggravating factor.             See, e.g., Cal. Penal Code § 190.2(a)(7);
    Neb.   Rev.    Stat.       §    29-2523(1)(i).           Thus,    we     reject    Rose’s
    constitutional           challenge       to     §    13-751(F)(10)       and     find    no
    fundamental error in its application here.                          Cf. 
    Nelson, 229 Ariz. at 188
    33, 273 P.3d at 640
    (rejecting Eighth Amendment
    challenge      to    §    13-751(F)(9)          when   other     jurisdictions          also
    consider victim’s age as “a factor in sentencing a defendant to
    ¶70           Because the murder occurred after August 1, 2002, we
    review the jury’s finding of aggravating circumstances and the
    imposition of a death sentence for abuse of discretion.                            A.R.S.
    § 13-756(A).         “A finding of aggravating circumstances or the
    imposition of a death sentence is not an abuse of discretion if
    ‘there is any reasonable evidence in the record to sustain it.’”
    State v. Delahanty, 
    226 Ariz. 502
    , 508 ¶ 36, 
    250 P.3d 1131
    , 1137
    (2011) (quoting 
    Morris, 215 Ariz. at 341
    77, 160 P.3d at 220
    A.     Constitutionality of A.R.S. § 13-756(A)
    ¶71           Rose contends that review of a capital sentence for
    abuse of discretion violates the Eighth Amendment because the
    Supreme Court mandates “meaningful” appellate review of death
    sentences under Gregg v. Georgia, 
    428 U.S. 153
    (1976).                            We have
    previously rejected similar Eighth Amendment challenges to the
    statute and again do so here.                       See 
    Cota, 229 Ariz. at 153
    92, 272 P.3d at 1044
    (“Meaningful appellate review requires only
    that an appellate court ‘consider whether the evidence is such
    that the sentencer could have arrived at the death sentence that
    was imposed,’ not whether the appellate court itself would have
    imposed a death sentence.” (quoting Clemons v. Mississippi, 
    494 U.S. 738
    , 749 (1990))); 
    Martinez, 218 Ariz. at 434
    62, 189 P.3d at 361
    B.    Aggravating circumstances
    ¶72          The     jury       found           the          following     four       aggravating
    circumstances proven beyond a reasonable doubt:                                   (1) Rose was
    previously     convicted          of        a       serious      offense,       A.R.S.       §    13-
    751(F)(2); (2) Rose committed the offense as consideration for
    the receipt or in expectation of the receipt of anything of a
    pecuniary    value,       
    id. § 13-751(F)(5); (3)
       Rose    committed        the
    offense   while      on   probation             for      a    felony     offense,      
    id. § 13- 751(F)(7);
    and (4) the murdered person was an on-duty police
    officer     killed    in        the    course            of     performing      the      officer’s
    official duties and Rose knew or should have known the victim
    was   a   peace    officer,           
    id. § 13-751(F)(10). Rose
        does     not
    contest, and substantial evidence in the record supports, the
    jury’s findings of the (F)(2), (F)(7), and (F)(10) aggravating
    circumstances.            But    he     does             challenge       the    (F)(5)       finding
    regarding pecuniary gain.                  We will affirm the jury’s finding “if
    there is any reasonable evidence in the record to sustain it,”
    Morris, 215 Ariz. at 341
    77, 160 P.3d at 220
    quotation marks omitted), and view the evidence in the light
    most    favorable        to    upholding        the        jury’s    finding,      State    v.
    215 Ariz. 497
    , 506 ¶ 41 n.5, 
    161 P.3d 540
    , 549 n.5
    1.     (F)(5) aggravating factor – pecuniary gain
    ¶73           A     defendant        convicted        of    first    degree       murder    is
    eligible      for    a   death       sentence    if    the     state    proves     beyond    a
    reasonable doubt that he “committed the offense as consideration
    for the receipt, or in expectation of the receipt, of anything
    of pecuniary value.”                A.R.S. § 13-751(F)(5).             The jury may find
    this aggravator only “if the expectation of pecuniary gain is a
    motive, cause, or impetus for the murder and not merely a result
    of the murder.”           State v. Lamar, 
    210 Ariz. 571
    , 574 ¶ 11, 
    115 P.3d 611
    , 614 (2005) (quoting State v. Hyde, 
    186 Ariz. 252
    , 280,
    921 P.2d 655
    ,       683   (1996)).          “This       proof   may    be    either    by
    ‘tangible evidence or strong circumstantial inference.’”                               State
    v. Cañez, 
    202 Ariz. 133
    , 159 ¶ 91, 
    42 P.3d 564
    , 590 (2002)
    Hyde, 186 Ariz. at 280
    , 921 P.2d at 683).
    ¶74           Pecuniary gain “does not require a motive to kill” as
    long as there is a “causal connection between the pecuniary gain
    objective and the killing,” such as to “facilitate escape or
    hinder detection and thus advance the underlying pecuniary gain
    Cañez, 202 Ariz. at 159
    93–94, 42 P.3d at 590
    see also 
    Ellison, 213 Ariz. at 143
    125, 140 P.3d at 926
    (finding (F)(5) aggravator established when defendant planned a
    burglary and killed victims to escape and avoid identification).
    ¶75          Rose     argues      that   his     attempted     theft    in     the       check
    cashing store had “failed before the police officer arrived,”
    and he “received no money and was not going to receive any money
    from the clerk.”        But “an absence of actual receipt of money or
    valuables      [does    not]      negate[]       a   finding    of     expectation          of
    pecuniary      gain    as    an     aggravating      circumstance.”            State        v.
    153 Ariz. 21
    , 23-25, 35-36, 
    734 P.2d 563
    , 565-67, 577-
    78 (1987).      Rose had said earlier that day that he would shoot
    anyone who tried to stop him from cashing the forged check.                                The
    murder   occurred           temporally      and      proximally        close        to     the
    underlying     crime,       which    was    undoubtedly        motivated       by    Rose’s
    desire for pecuniary gain.                 The murder also facilitated Rose’s
    escape   and    temporary         evasion    from    arrest,     and    Rose        made    no
    attempt to conceal his identity, a fact that provides “powerful
    circumstantial evidence of an intent to facilitate escape or
    hinder detection and thus advance the underlying pecuniary gain
    Cañez, 202 Ariz. at 159
    94, 42 P.3d at 590
    ¶76          Finally,       we    reject    Rose’s    argument       that    the     (F)(5)
    aggravating factor is being bootstrapped to the felony murder
    charge, which was based on the underlying crime of burglary.
    This Court “has repeatedly held that a conviction for felony
    murder     predicated    on     robbery       or   armed     robbery      does   not
    automatically prove the (F)(5) aggravator.”                  State v. Anderson,
    210 Ariz. 327
    , 351 ¶ 103, 
    111 P.3d 369
    , 393 (2005).                          “While
    armed robbery requires proof of a ‘taking of property from the
    victim,’ the pecuniary gain aggravator requires proof that the
    defendant’s ‘motivation [for the murder] was the expectation of
    pecuniary gain.’”        
    Id. (alteration in original)
    (quoting State
    v. Carriger, 
    143 Ariz. 142
    , 161, 
    692 P.2d 991
    , 1010 (1984)).
    Likewise, in this case the evidence required to establish the
    (F)(5) aggravator is different from that for burglary, which
    requires proof of entry with “intent to commit any theft or any
    felony.”      A.R.S.    §§    13-1506,    -1508.      The    jury   was    properly
    instructed on the legal requirements for the (F)(5) aggravating
    factor and did not abuse it discretion in finding it proven.
    C.     Mitigating circumstances
    ¶77         In the penalty phase, the defendant is entitled to
    present any mitigating circumstances that the jury may consider
    in determining the appropriate sentence.                    A.R.S. § 13-751(C).
    Rose   presented   evidence       of     alleged    mental    health      problems,
    multiple head injuries, drug and alcohol addiction, low IQ, use
    of methamphetamine in the days before the murder, and emotional
    neglect from his father, among other mitigating factors.                          On
    appeal,   Rose     argues       that       “the      mitigation       in   this    case      was
    overwhelming       and    a    death       sentence      is    not    justified         by   the
    ¶78          We    will       overturn      a     jury’s      imposition      of    a    death
    sentence only if “no reasonable jury could have concluded that
    the mitigation established by the defendant was not sufficiently
    substantial to call for leniency.”                      
    Cota, 229 Ariz. at 153
    95, 272 P.3d at 1044
    (internal quotation marks omitted).                               The State
    presented evidence to rebut much of Rose’s mitigation evidence.
    Based   on   the    facts       of    the       crime    and    the    four   aggravating
    factors, a reasonable jury could find that Rose’s mitigation did
    not warrant leniency.
    ¶79          We affirm Rose’s convictions and sentences.4
    John Pelander, Justice
    Rebecca White Berch, Chief Justice
    Scott Bales, Vice Chief Justice
    Rose also raised in an appendix to his opening brief
    twenty-six claims to avoid federal preclusion. We do not
    address those here.
    Robert M. Brutinel, Justice
    Ann A. Scott Timmer, Justice