Al Carranza v. madrigal/investigation Services, Inc. , 237 Ariz. 512 ( 2015 )

  •                                 IN THE
    No. CV-14-0192-PR
    Filed July 22, 2015
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    The Honorable Emmet J. Ronan, Judge
    No. CV2010-092356
    Memorandum Decision of the Court of Appeals, Division One
    1 CA-CV 12-0359
    1 CA-CV 12-0643
    Filed March 18, 2014
    Edward D. Fitzhugh (argued), Tempe, Attorney for Al Carranza
    Opinion of the Court
    Ben R. Jemsek (argued), Thrasher Jemsek PLLC, Phoenix, Attorney for
    Martha and Bryant Madrigal
    JUSTICE BRUTINEL authored the opinion of the Court, in which CHIEF
    BERCH and TIMMER joined.
    JUSTICE BRUTINEL, opinion of the Court:
    ¶1            Arizona Rule of Civil Procedure 17(a) requires a trial court to
    allow a reasonable opportunity to substitute parties before it dismisses an
    action for lack of prosecution by the real party in interest. We hold that in
    order to substitute a party, one must file a Rule 15(a) motion to amend, and
    the motion may be denied if the court finds undue delay or prejudice.
    ¶2           Martha and Mario Madrigal brought a wrongful death action
    against the City of Mesa. Attorney Edward Fitzhugh represented the
    Madrigals, but later withdrew. The contingent fee agreement between
    Fitzhugh and the Madrigals provided that if Fitzhugh withdrew for any
    reason, he would be entitled to 25% of any recovery the Madrigals later
    obtained in the case. The Madrigals hired another lawyer, Raymond
    Slomski, who settled the case for $3 million.
    ¶3           Fitzhugh demanded 25% of the settlement pursuant to the
    agreement. Slomski and the Madrigals rejected the demand, but Slomski
    retained the disputed amount in his client trust account pending a final
    resolution. Instead of suing the Madrigals, Fitzhugh assigned his rights
    under the fee agreement to Al Carranza. Carranza sued the Madrigals for
    the claimed contingency amount, asserting claims for breach of contract,
    breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, unjust enrichment,
    and quantum meruit (“fee-collection action”). The Madrigals asserted,
    among other defenses, that the assignment to Carranza was invalid.
    ¶4           The Madrigals subsequently divorced. The divorce decree
    provided that, upon resolution of the fee-collection action, any remaining
    Opinion of the Court
    funds would be split equally among Martha, Mario, and their son, Bryant.
    Later, Mario and Carranza entered into a settlement agreement that called
    for $300,000 of the disputed funds to be released to Mario and Carranza
    (“settlement agreement”). The Joint Notice of Settlement erroneously
    stated that the divorce decree did not allocate the proceeds of the fee-
    collection action and that Mario was entitled to half of the proceeds as
    community property. The superior court approved the settlement and
    ordered Slomski to pay $300,000 to Mario and Carranza. To resolve the
    conflicting claims, Slomski filed an interpleader action.
    ¶5             Martha Madrigal moved for reconsideration and to set aside
    the order approving the settlement agreement. The superior court granted
    relief under Rule 60(c), Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure, and vacated the
    order releasing the funds. Martha then moved for summary judgment in
    the fee-collection action.
    ¶6              The following day, Carranza moved to substitute Fitzhugh as
    the real party in interest in both the fee-collection action and the
    interpleader action pursuant to Rule 17(a). He did not seek to amend the
    pleadings in either case under Rule 15(a). The superior court initially
    granted the motion in the interpleader action, but later vacated that order
    and denied the substitution request in both actions.1 The court reasoned
    that, in the interpleader case, Carranza was the real party in interest because
    he—and not Fitzhugh—was a party to the settlement agreement and the
    beneficiary of the order releasing the $300,000. As to the fee-collection
    action, the court reasoned that the Madrigals had objected to the validity of
    the assignment from Fitzhugh to Carranza for well over a year. It found
    that Fitzhugh made a “conscious decision” not to name himself as the real
    party in interest, there was no understandable mistake or difficulty
    determining the proper party, and the Madrigals had been prejudiced by
    Fitzhugh’s lengthy and deliberate delay in seeking substitution. The court
    granted summary judgment in favor of Martha Madrigal in the fee-
    collection action, reasoning that both the contingent fee agreement between
    Fitzhugh and the Madrigals and Fitzhugh’s assignment of his claim against
    1      The court consolidated the fee-collection action and interpleader
    action before ruling on the motions for substitution, but continued to refer
    to both actions separately in its rulings.
    Opinion of the Court
    the Madrigals were unethical and therefore unenforceable.
    ¶7              The court of appeals agreed that the fee agreement was
    unenforceable and affirmed summary judgment, but it reversed the denial
    of Carranza’s motion to substitute, presumably in the fee-collection action.
    Carranza v. Madrigal, 1 CA-CV 12-0359, at *6 ¶ 32 (Ariz. App. Mar. 18, 2014)
    (mem. decision). The court reasoned that Carranza, as assignee of “all
    rights, title and interest” under the fee agreement, had standing to pursue
    only those claims brought under the agreement. 
    Id. at *5–6
    ¶¶ 28–29.
    Therefore, Fitzhugh was the real party in interest for equitable claims such
    as unjust enrichment or quantum meruit, and Rule 17(a) requires every
    action to be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest. 
    Id. at *6
    29–30. Relying on our opinion in Preston v. Kindred Hospitals West, L.L.C.,
    the court noted that substitution of a real party in interest “does not require
    a plaintiff to show that an initial failure to name the real party in interest
    resulted from an understandable mistake or difficulty in identifying the
    proper party.” 
    Id. at *6
    ¶ 31 (quoting Preston v. Kindred Hospitals W., L.L.C.,
    226 Ariz. 391
    , 392 ¶ 1, 
    249 P.3d 771
    , 772 (2011)).
    ¶8             We granted review to clarify the meaning of Rules 17(a) and
    15(a), an issue of statewide importance. We have jurisdiction pursuant to
    Article 6, Section 5(3) of the Arizona Constitution and A.R.S. § 12-120.24.
    ¶9            Rule 17(a) provides as follows:
    Every action shall be prosecuted in the name of the real party
    in interest. . . . No action shall be dismissed on the ground that it
    is not prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest until
    a reasonable time has been allowed after objection for
    ratification of commencement of the action by, or joinder or
    substitution of, the real party in interest . . . .
    Ariz. R. Civ. P. 17(a) (emphasis added). The rule is not self-executing, nor
    does it provide a mechanism for substitution of a party. Instead, it limits a
    court’s ability to dismiss an action on the ground that it is not being
    prosecuted by the real party in interest.
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶10            Citing Preston, the court of appeals correctly found that
    substitution does not require a plaintiff to show understandable mistake or
    difficulty in identifying the proper party. But that principle is not
    applicable here, and the court erred in holding that Fitzhugh had a right to
    substitution merely because he was a real party in interest. Preston
    recognized that an abuse of Rule 17(a) “can be addressed by the trial court’s
    exercise of its discretion under Rule 15(a) in ruling on motions to 
    amend.” 226 Ariz. at 394
    13, 249 P.3d at 774
    ¶11           Here, the trial court did not abuse its discretion when it
    denied the motions to substitute. First, Rule 17(a) did not preclude
    summary judgment because the trial court granted the motion based on the
    unenforceability of the fee agreement and assignment—not Fitzhugh’s
    failure to prosecute the action as the real party in interest. Second, the
    parties never argued in the trial court that Fitzhugh’s joinder was required
    to prosecute the equitable claims, but even if they had, Carranza still failed
    to seek leave to amend pursuant to Rule 15(a).
    ¶12           Rule 15(a) governs the amendment of pleadings to substitute
    or add a party. See 
    id. at 394
    13, 249 P.3d at 774
    . Carranza’s failure to
    move for leave to amend under Rule 15(a) was a sufficient basis for the trial
    court to deny his motions to substitute. Rule 15(a) requires the party
    seeking amendment to “attach a copy of the proposed amended pleading
    as an exhibit to the motion” and “indicate in what respect it differed from
    the pleading that it amends.” Carranza did not attach copies of the
    proposed amended pleadings, and the motions failed to notify the court
    and opposing counsel how the proposed substitution would amend the
    ¶13            Even if Carranza had properly moved to amend (or if we
    deem his motions to substitute as motions for leave to amend under Rule
    15(a)), the trial court did not err in denying the motions. We review the
    denial of a request to amend for an abuse of discretion. See Owen v. Superior
    133 Ariz. 75
    , 80, 
    649 P.2d 278
    , 283 (1982). A court may deny leave to
    amend if it finds “‘undue’ delay, bad faith, dilatory motive, repeated failure
    to cure deficiencies by previous amendments or undue prejudice to the
    opposing party.” 
    Id. at 79,
    649 P.2d at 282; see also 
    Preston, 226 Ariz. at 394
    13, 249 P.3d at 774
    (reasoning that trial court’s exercise of discretion under
    Opinion of the Court
    Rule 15(a) can serve to prevent abuse, “such as substitution of a plaintiff on
    the eve of trial after prolonged litigation”). “Prejudice is ‘the inconvenience
    and delay suffered when the amendment raises new issues or inserts new
    parties into the litigation.’” Owen, 133 Ariz. at 
    79, 649 P.2d at 282
    Spitz v. Bache & Co., 
    122 Ariz. 530
    , 531, 
    596 P.2d 365
    , 366 (1979)). A finding
    of “undue delay” requires more than a party merely seeking to amend late
    in the proceedings. 
    Id. Denial of
    leave to amend is “a proper exercise of the
    court’s discretion when the amendment comes late and raises new issues
    requiring preparation for factual discovery which would not otherwise
    have been necessitated nor expected, thus requiring delay in the decision of
    the case.” 
    Id. at 81,
    649 P.2d at 284.
    ¶14            Here, the trial court did not abuse its discretion by denying
    the request to substitute in the interpleader action or the fee-collection
    action. In the former, the trial court correctly ruled that Fitzhugh was not
    the real party in interest because Carranza, not Fitzhugh, was a party to the
    settlement agreement that was the subject of the interpleader action. With
    respect to the fee-collection action, the court found that the Madrigals had
    been “prejudiced by the lengthy and deliberate delay” in naming Fitzhugh
    as the plaintiff, the Madrigals had questioned and objected to the validity
    of the assignment “for well over a year,” and Fitzhugh’s absence as a party
    was a “conscious decision.” Fitzhugh admittedly knew that he was the real
    party in interest. Nevertheless, he inexplicably had Carranza bring the
    action and forced the Madrigals to incur expenses pursuing defenses
    unique to Carranza. Despite the Madrigals’ repeated objections, Carranza
    did not seek to substitute Fitzhugh into the case until the day after Martha
    moved for summary judgment—more than a year after Carranza filed the
    complaint. Denying the motion to substitute was a proper exercise of the
    court’s discretion based on the undue delay caused by Fitzhugh’s tactical
    decision and the prejudice substitution would have caused the Madrigals.
    See Grand v. Nacchio, 
    225 Ariz. 171
    , 177 ¶ 34, 
    236 P.3d 398
    , 404 (2010) (finding
    no abuse of discretion in denying motion to amend given “the long history”
    of the case and the party’s “considered decision to abandon” a claim); Lans
    v. Digital Equip. Corp., 
    252 F.3d 1320
    , 1328–29 (Fed. Cir. 2001) (affirming
    denial of motion for leave to amend complaint because plaintiff’s “personal
    choices occasioned his standing problems and the need to amend”).
    ¶15           Because the trial court did not abuse its discretion in denying
    Opinion of the Court
    the motions to substitute, whether Fitzhugh is the real party in interest is
    irrelevant to this appeal. Accordingly, the court of appeals improperly
    addressed this issue, and we do not reach it.
    ¶16          We affirm the trial court’s order denying the motions to
    substitute and vacate ¶¶ 26–32 of the court of appeals’ memorandum