mclaughlin/united Food v. bennett/sos Ballot ( 2010 )

  •                     SUPREME COURT OF ARIZONA
    En Banc
    JAMES McLAUGHLIN; UNITED FOOD &   )   Arizona Supreme Court
    COMMERCIAL WORKERS LOCAL 99,      )   No. CV-10-0205-AP/EL
    Plaintiffs/Appellees, )   Maricopa County
    )   Superior Court
    v.               )   No. CV2010-014942
    KEN BENNETT, in his official      )
    capacity as Secretary of State    )
    for the State of Arizona;         )   O P I N I O N
    MARICOPA COUNTY, in its official )
    capacity and on behalf of all     )
    counties in the State,            )
    Defendants/Appellants, )
    and                               )
    SCR 1026 COMMITTEE (ID            )
    201000023); and ARIZONA CHAMBER   )
    OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY,           )
    Defendants-Intervenors. )
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    The Honorable Robert H. Oberbillig, Judge
    DAVIS, COWELL & BOWE, LLP                       San Francisco, CA
    By   Andrew J. Kahn
    Elizabeth A. Lawrence
    SNOW & CARPIO, P.L.C.                                    Phoenix
    By   X. Alex Carpio
    Attorneys for James McLaughlin and United Food & Drug Commercial
    Workers Local 99 AFL-CIO
    By   Barbara A. Bailey, Assistant Attorney General
    Carrie Jane Brennan, Assistant Attorney General
    Attorneys for Ken Bennett
    ARIZONA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                 Phoenix
    By   Gregrey G. Jernigan
    By   Peter A. Gentala
    Attorneys for Arizona State Legislature
    By   Clint Bolick
    Gustavo E. Schneider
    Carrie Ann Sitren
    Attorneys for S.O.S. Ballot and Arizona Chamber of Commerce and
    P E L A N D E R, Justice
    ¶1            The question presented is whether Proposition 108, a
    constitutional         amendment       referred   to    the   people      by     the
    legislature,        complies    with     the   separate   amendment       rule    of
    Article 21, Section 1 of the Arizona Constitution.                  The superior
    court concluded that Proposition 108 violates that rule.                          On
    August   3,    2010,     we    entered    an   order   affirming    the    court’s
    judgment.     This opinion explains our reasoning.
    ¶2            Senate     Concurrent       Resolution      (“SCR”)      1026      was
    introduced     in    early     2009,   approved   by   both   chambers     of    the
    legislature, and transmitted in July 2009 to the Secretary of
    State    for     placement      on    the   November        2010    general      election
    ballot.       This resolution, designated as Proposition 108, states:
    To preserve and protect the fundamental right of
    individuals to vote by secret ballot, where local,
    state or federal law requires elections for public
    offices   or   for   ballot   measures,   or requires
    designations    or    authorizations    for  employee
    representation, the right of individuals to vote by
    secret ballot shall be guaranteed.
    The   proposition,         if   passed,     would    add    a    new    section      36    to
    Article 2 of the Arizona Constitution, entitled “Right to Secret
    ¶3             In    May   2010,     appellees      (collectively,       “McLaughlin”)
    filed     a    special     action,      alleging      Proposition        108    violates
    Article 21, Section 1.                After a hearing, the superior court
    rejected       the    laches     defense     asserted       by     appellants        S.O.S.
    Ballot, Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and the Arizona
    Legislature (collectively, “S.O.S. Ballot”), and ruled that the
    provisions in Proposition 108 are not sufficiently interrelated
    to    constitute       a   single     amendment.           Accordingly,        the    court
    enjoined the proposition’s placement on the upcoming ballot.
    ¶4             S.O.S. Ballot argues that the equitable doctrine of
    laches    bars       McLaughlin’s      challenge      and    that      Proposition        108
    complies with the separate amendment rule.                       We have jurisdiction
    over this direct appeal pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes
    (“A.R.S.”) section 19-122(C) (Supp. 2009) and Arizona Rule of
    Civil Appellate Procedure 8.1(h).
    I.    Laches
    ¶5         “In election matters, time is of the essence because
    disputes   concerning    election      and     petition     issues   must   be
    initiated and resolved, allowing time for the preparation and
    printing of [publicity pamphlets and] absentee voting ballots.”
    Harris v. Purcell, 
    193 Ariz. 409
    , 412 ¶ 15, 
    973 P.2d 1166
    , 1169
    (1998).     “[T]he   laches       doctrine    seeks   to   prevent    dilatory
    conduct and will bar a claim if a party’s unreasonable delay
    prejudices the opposing party or the administration of justice.”
    Lubin v. Thomas, 
    213 Ariz. 496
    , 497 ¶ 10, 
    144 P.3d 510
    , 511
    (2006).    We review a trial court’s decision on laches for abuse
    of discretion.    See Korte v. Bayless, 
    199 Ariz. 173
    , 174 ¶ 3, 
    16 P.3d 200
    , 201 (2001).
    ¶6         Although McLauglin filed this action ten months after
    Proposition 108 was sent to the Secretary of State, “[d]elay
    alone will not establish a laches defense.”                 League of Ariz.
    Cities & Towns v. Martin, 
    219 Ariz. 556
    , 558 ¶ 6, 
    201 P.3d 517
    519   (2009).    Even   if   we    assume    the   delay   was   unreasonable,
    S.O.S. Ballot has not established prejudice.                McLaughlin filed
    this action almost sixteen weeks before the printing deadline
    for the Secretary of State’s publicity pamphlet and, therefore,
    did not “deprive judges of the ability to fairly and reasonably
    process and consider the issues.”            Mathieu v. Mahoney, 
    174 Ariz.
    456, 461, 
    851 P.2d 81
    , 86 (1993); see Korte, 
    199 Ariz. at
    ¶        3,           
    16 P.3d at 201-02
         (rejecting      laches     defense     when
    proposition challenge was filed almost eight weeks before the
    deadline                      for              mailing           the      publicity      pamphlet,     “allow[ing]
    sufficient time to render a decision”).                                                   S.O.S. Ballot’s claim
    of         harm             from             the           delayed      filing    is    also   undermined   by   its
    request for an extended briefing schedule in superior court.
    Because                  S.O.S.                 Ballot          failed    to     show   prejudice,    and   because
    McLaughlin’s                               challenge              raised       substantial      questions      about
    Proposition 108’s constitutionality, the court did not abuse its
    discretion in refusing to apply laches to bar the claim.1
    II.           Separate Amendment Rule
    ¶7                           The Arizona Constitution requires that “[i]f more than
    one proposed amendment shall be submitted at any election, such
    proposed amendments shall be submitted in such manner that the
    S.O.S. Ballot argues that had the complaint been filed
    earlier and the proposition invalidated, the legislature could
    have modified Proposition 108.     See League of Ariz. Cities &
    Towns, 219 Ariz. at 559 ¶ 10, 
    201 P.3d at 520
    . But S.O.S. Ballot
    suffered no prejudice from the delay.      That proponents of a
    constitutional amendment may have limited time to correct a
    violation of the separate amendment rule is not itself a ground
    to find laches.     Moreover, in response to our ruling, the
    governor convened a special session on August 9 to consider this
    issue, Governor’s Proclamation of August 5, 2010, culminating in
    a new proposition that appears to contain a single amendment, see
    SCR 1001, 49th Leg., 9th Spec. Sess. (2010) (“The right to vote
    by secret ballot for employee representation is fundamental and
    shall be guaranteed where local, state or federal law permits or
    requires elections, designations or authorizations for employee
    electors   may    vote    for      or    against       such    proposed     amendments
    separately.”      Ariz. Const. art. 21, § 1.                   “The clear import of
    this provision is that voters must be allowed to express their
    separate opinion as to each proposed constitutional amendment.”
    Clean Elections Inst., Inc. v. Brewer, 
    209 Ariz. 241
    , 244 ¶ 7,
    99 P.3d 570
    , 573 (2004); see Kerby v. Luhrs, 
    44 Ariz. 208
    , 214,
    36 P.2d 549
    , 551 (1934) (recognizing the separate amendment rule
    was   “intended    to    prevent        the       pernicious    practice    of    ‘log-
    rolling’ in the submission of a constitutional amendment”).                         We
    review de novo whether a proposition complies with the separate
    amendment rule.         See Ariz. Together v. Brewer, 
    214 Ariz. 118
    120 ¶ 2, 
    149 P.3d 742
    , 744 (2007).
    ¶8         In a separate amendment challenge, we examine whether
    provisions of a proposed amendment “are sufficiently related to
    a common purpose or principle that the proposal can be said to
    ‘constitute a consistent and workable whole on the general topic
    embraced,’ that, ‘logically speaking, . . . should stand or fall
    as a whole.’”      Korte, 
    199 Ariz. at
    176-77 ¶ 10, 
    16 P.3d at
    04 (quoting Kerby, 
    44 Ariz. at 221
    36 P.2d at 554
    ).                        This test
    requires us to analyze (1) whether a proposition’s provisions
    are “topically related,” and (2) whether they are “sufficiently
    interrelated      so     as   to        form       a   consistent     and     workable
    proposition.”     Ariz. Together, 214 Ariz. at 121 ¶ 6, 
    149 P.3d at 745
       (internal    citation        and        quotation       marks   omitted).       A
    proposition’s                                  provisions,                therefore,     must        “exhibit     both
    topicality                        and           interrelatedness”               to   comply   with     the   separate
    amendment rule.                                   
    ¶9                           Like              the             proposed    amendment    in     Arizona       Together,
    Proposition 108 “can be divided into two provisions.”                                                           
    121 ¶ 7, 
    149 P.3d at 745
    .                                                 The first provision guarantees the
    right to vote by secret ballot in public elections; the second
    establishes an individual right to a secret ballot election to
    determine                       union               representation.              Both   provisions       pertain     to
    secret ballots and thus arguably are topically related, a point
    McLaughlin does not seriously contest.
    ¶10                          Even if we assume the provisions of Proposition 108
    meet            the           topicality                       requirement,     however,      they    must    also   be
    sufficiently interrelated to comply with the separate amendment
    rule.                      To          assess                  whether    the   provisions      are     sufficiently
    interrelated, we consider the following factors:
    whether various provisions are facially related,
    whether all the matters addressed by [the proposition]
    concern a single section of the constitution, whether
    the voters or the legislature historically has treated
    the matters addressed as one subject, and whether the
    various provisions are qualitatively similar in their
    effect on either procedural or substantive law.
     at 122 ¶ 10, 149 P.2d at 746 (quoting Korte, 
    199 Ariz. at
    177 ¶ 11, 
    16 P.3d at 204
    Arizona Together recognized that these factors are not
    exclusive and may not all apply in a particular case, but they
    ¶11                          S.O.S.                 Ballot                contends                     Proposition                          108’s               provisions
    are facially related because both public elections and union
    representation                                 elections                        are            “government-administered                                                     and/or
    supervised.”                              As S.O.S. Ballot observes, secret ballots may be
    used              in          both              contexts                      to           protect                    individual                          voters                  from
    coercion.                          But this common purpose primarily pertains to the
    topicality                        requirement                          and           does            not           establish                      a       relationship
    between public elections and union representation.
    ¶12                          Relying                   heavily                  on          Arizona                  Together,                       S.O.S.                 Ballot
    attempts to analogize the “marriage” proposition in that case to
    Proposition 108.                                         We are not persuaded.                                                       The two provisions
    involved in Arizona Together both concerned marriage and were
    intended “to preserve and protect” that institution.                                                                                                              214 Ariz.
    at        122           ¶       11,           
    149 P.3d at 746
    .                  The           provisions                        there               were
    facially                    related                   because                   the           first                adopted                  a        definition                         of
    marriage                    that              the           second                 made             exclusive                       in         terms                of         legal
    status.                      Although S.O.S. Ballot argues that Proposition 108’s
    two           provisions                         establish                       a        fundamental                           right                to         a        “secret
    ballot”                  for           public                elections                       and          union               representation,                                  those
    contexts are quite different and wholly unrelated.                                                                                                          The type of
    “facial                   relatedness”                             S.O.S.                 Ballot                 urges                would               reduce                  that
    can provide guidance for the Court in assessing whether
    provisions are sufficiently interrelated. See 214 Ariz. at 122-
    23 ¶¶ 10-17, 
    149 P.3d at 746-47
    component of the “interrelatedness” test to a mere repetition of
    the     topicality      requirement.             Contrary       to     S.O.S.       Ballot’s
    contention, significant “differences between the two contexts”
    are pertinent to the inquiry on interrelatedness, even though
    “complete       overlap”      of     a     proposition’s         provisions         is    not
    ¶13         Proposition        108       also    does    not     “concern       a    single
    section of the constitution.”                Ariz. Together, 214 Ariz. at 122
    ¶ 10, 
    149 P.3d at 746
     (quotation omitted).                      Secrecy of voting in
    public elections is already protected in Article 7, Section 1 of
    the Arizona Constitution, which since statehood has provided:
    “All elections by the people shall be by ballot, or by such
    other    method    as   may    be    prescribed         by    law;   [p]rovided,         that
    secrecy in voting shall be preserved.”                       If approved, Proposition
    108 would be added as a new section in Article 2, resulting in
    two separate but partly overlapping constitutional provisions
    that both ensure secrecy in public elections.
    ¶14         As    S.O.S    Ballot        acknowledges,         public    elections        and
    labor representation historically have not been linked together
    in    Arizona    law.      The      Arizona      Constitution        addresses       public
    elections in Article 7, labor in Article 18, and the right to
    work in Article 25.           In addition, public elections are primarily
    governed    by    state    law,      see    A.R.S.      Title     16    (elections        and
    electors), Title 19 (initiative, referendum, and recall), while
    union    elections       are   generally       regulated        by    federal          law,    see
    National       Labor     Relations     Act,        
    29 U.S.C. §§ 151-69
    Although S.O.S. Ballot cites federal case law in an attempt to
    link    public      elections    and    union       representation,              we    will    not
    focus    in     a   separate     amendment          challenge        on    the        historical
    treatment of such matters by the federal courts.                                      Cf. Ariz.
    Together, 214 Ariz. at 123 ¶ 14, 
    149 P.3d at 747
     (declining to
    consider the law of other states).
    ¶15            Moreover, the provisions in Proposition 108 are not
    “qualitatively similar in their effect” on Arizona law.                                   
    122 ¶ 10, 
    149 P.3d at 746
     (quotation omitted).                             Proposition 108
    would     substantively        amend     the       Arizona      Constitution             in    two
    distinct ways.           First, the proposition would create a new right
    to     vote    exclusively      by     secret       ballot      for       “designations         or
    authorizations for employee representation,” clearly the driving
    motive for its proponents.              See Senate Fact Sheet for SCR 1026,
    49th Leg., 1st Reg. Sess. (2009) (discussing the proposed change
    in federal labor law as the background for the resolution).
    ¶16            Second,     Proposition        108       would   not       only    affirm       the
    existing right to secrecy in public elections, but would also
    amend Article 7, Section 1 by requiring the use of ballots in
    public        elections.        Such     an     amendment         would      preclude          the
    legislature from adopting, pursuant to Article 7, Section 1,
    “other        [voting]     method[s]”         it    might       otherwise             choose    to
    “prescribe[] by law,” provided secrecy is preserved.                See People
    ex rel. Deister v. Wintermute, 
    86 N.E. 818
    , 819 (N.Y. 1909)
    (stating that New York’s constitutional provision, substantially
    identical to Article 7, Section 1, was included “to enable the
    substitution    of    voting    machines,    if    found    practicable”);    see
    also The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of
    1910,   at   559-60   (John     S.   Goff   ed.,   1990)    (documenting     that
    Arizona’s framers similarly fashioned Article 7, Section 1 to
    preserve the state’s ability to adopt voting machines).
    ¶17          Proposition       108    is    distinguishable       from     other
    propositions we have found constitutional because the provisions
    here do not constitute a comprehensive approach to a general
    topic, see Korte, 
    199 Ariz. at
    178 ¶ 15, 
    16 P.3d at 205
    , or a
    “unified pronouncement” on a constitutional definition,                    Ariz.
    Together, 214 Ariz. at 123 ¶ 17, 
    149 P.3d at 747
    .                  In contrast
    to the marriage proposition in Arizona Together, the provisions
    in Proposition 108 do not “clearly share a logical relationship”
    or “derive meaning and effect from the mandates contained in the
    other provision.”       Id.; see 
     at 128 ¶ 41, 
    149 P.3d at 752
    (Hurwitz,     J.,     concurring)      (stating      that     interrelatedness
    requires “a reasonable or logical relationship of the various
    provisions    with each other, and not simply with the broader
    topic that they cover”); see also Slayton v. Shumway, 
    166 Ariz. 87
    , 92, 
    800 P.2d 590
    , 595 (1990) (finding the provisions of a
    victims’ rights initiative, as interpreted by this Court, were
    “a         consistent                          and             workable   whole   on   the   general      topic   of
    victims’                       rights                    and       protections”    (citation       and     internal
    quotation marks omitted)).
    ¶18                          Proposition                         108’s    provisions   are   not    sufficiently
    interrelated to satisfy the separate amendment rule.                                                     Therefore,
    we hold that Proposition 108 violates Article 21, Section 1 of
    the Arizona Constitution.3
    ¶19                          For the reasons set forth above, the judgment of the
    superior court is affirmed.
    A. John Pelander, Justice
    Rebecca White Berch, Chief Justice
    In Colorado and Nevada, similar initiatives were found to
    violate the state’s single subject rule. Colorado Secretary of
    State, Proposed Initiative #15, available at http://www.elections
    gs/2009-2010_Filings/Filings/Final.15.pdf (last visited Aug. 20,
    2010); Colorado Initiative Title Setting Board, Proposed
    Initiative #15 Results, available at http://www.elections.colo-
    09-2010_Filings/Results/results_15.pdf (last visited Aug. 20,
    2010); Nev. State AFL-CIO v. SOS Ballot Nev., No. 09-OC-00562 1B
    (Nev. 1st Dist. Feb. 25, 2010) (unpublished order).    Cf. In re
    Title, Ballot Title, and Submission Clause for 2009-2010 #24, 
    218 P.3d 350
    , 352 (Colo. 2009) (finding other initiatives securing
    the right to secret ballots in employee representation elections
    only did not violate the state’s single subject requirement).
    Andrew D. Hurwitz, Vice Chief Justice
    W. Scott Bales, Justice
    Michael D. Ryan, Justice (Retired)
    H U R W I T Z, Vice Chief Justice, concurring
    ¶20            In Arizona Together v. Brewer, this Court “clear[ed]
    out    a    considerable   amount   of    our    jurisprudential    underbrush”
    concerning Article 21, Section 1.               
    214 Ariz. 118
    , 127 ¶ 31, 
    149 P.3d 742
    , 751 (2007) (Hurwitz, J., concurring).              Today’s opinion
    faithfully applies Arizona Together.             I write separately because,
    as in Arizona Together, I am concerned with the Court’s focus on
    four       specific   “objective    factors”     in   determining    whether   a
    proposed amendment violates Article 21, Section 1.                  See 
    129 ¶ 43, 
    149 P.3d at 753
    ¶21            Because most proposed constitutional amendments will
    involve one general topic, the critical question in separate
    amendment cases is typically whether the proposed amendment’s
    various provisions also are logically interrelated.                 
     at 127-
    28 ¶¶ 33-36, 
    149 P.3d at 751-52
    .                   Proposition 108’s proponents
    urge that it meets this test because its provisions all relate to
    voting by secret ballot.            But, as the Court notes today, see ¶ 11
    supra, although this may suffice to establish topicality, it does
    not   demonstrate      interrelatedness.               Were     such    the         case,     a
    constitutional amendment affirming the use of secret ballots in
    public elections and requiring this Court to elect the Chief
    Justice in the same way would qualify as a single amendment.
    ¶22         Interrelatedness            requires    something     more,         a    logical
    relationship of the various provisions with each other, so that
    they “constitute a consistent and workable whole on the general
    topic” and “logically speaking, they should stand or fall as a
    whole.”     Kerby v. Luhrs, 
    44 Ariz. 208
    , 221, 
    36 P.2d 549
    , 554
    (1934).    Proposition 108 fails that test.
    ¶23         Proposition          108,     as     the    Court     notes,            has     two
    independent      provisions.          The   first      affirms   the    guarantee            of
    secrecy   in     public     elections       already    contained       in       Article      7,
    Section    1,    albeit     without      mentioning      that    such       a    guarantee
    already exists.       Perhaps inadvertently, this same provision also
    seemingly       abrogates     the     legislature’s       existing          power         under
    Article    7,    Section     1   to     authorize      secret    elections           through
    mechanisms other than ballots, such as voting machines.                                     The
    second    provision    in    Proposition         108   creates    an    entirely            new
    constitutional         right      to     vote      by    secret       ballot    in     union
    representation designations or authorizations.
    ¶24            The provision relating to public elections simply has
    no    effect    on    the   one    relating        to    union    designations.          The
    efficacy of the provision relating to unions is neither enhanced
    nor diminished by the provision relating to public elections.
    Nor is Proposition 108 an integrated solution to a perceived
    problem.       This stands in stark contrast to Arizona Together, in
    which one provision defined marriage and the other provision made
    that definition exclusive in terms of legal status.                                  Arizona
    Together, 214 Ariz. at 123 ¶ 17, 
    149 P.3d at 747
    .                         That amendment
    connected its provisions as a logical whole.                          Here, the whole is
    nothing more than the bare sum of its unrelated parts.                               Neither
    part operates in tandem with the other, see 
     at 122 ¶ 12, 
    149 P.3d at 746
    , nor is there any logical reason why the amendment
    should “stand or fall as a whole,” Kerby, 
    44 Ariz. at 221
    36 P.2d at 554
    .         Proposition 108 thus clearly falls afoul of Article
    21, Section 1, as the Court today concludes.
    ¶25            Once    we   have       concluded        that   there     is    no    logical
    relationship         between   the      two     provisions       in    Proposition      108,
    “[t]hat conclusion should end the analysis.”                           Arizona Together,
    214 Ariz. at 128 ¶ 39, 
    149 P.3d at 752
     (Hurwitz, J., concurring).
    The four Arizona Together factors may sometimes confirm that
    conclusion, but they should not drive it.
    ¶26        Moreover, I am concerned that the Court’s focus on the
    four   factors   potentially   adds    unnecessary   uncertainty   to   our
    separate amendment analysis.          Arizona Together’s first prong,
    “facial relatedness,” originated in Kerby, in which we noted that
    the proposed amendment had “at least three distinct propositions
    . . . no two of which are necessarily required for a proper
    operation of the third.         On their face they have no direct
    relation to each other.”       Kerby, 
    44 Ariz. at 221-222
    36 P.2d at 554
    .   “Facial relatedness” thus seems to me to be not one of four
    separate factors to be used in evaluating whether a proposition
    involves a single amendment, but rather the ultimate question to
    be decided.      Put differently, “facial relatedness” is merely
    another way of stating that the various provisions “constitute a
    consistent and workable whole on the general topic.” See 
    id. at 221
    36 P.2d at 554
    ¶27        The Court today concludes that Proposition 108 fails
    the second prong in Arizona Together, as it does not involve the
    same portion of the Constitution in which the right to secrecy in
    public   elections   is   treated,    Article   7.   This,   however,   is
    largely a matter of drafting and fortuity – Proposition 108 would
    seem to me to violate the separate amendment rule every bit as
    much if its proponents had suggested amending Article 7 instead
    of Article 2.
    ¶28          Similarly, the third Arizona Together inquiry – whether
    the proposition’s various topics have been considered together
    historically        -    is      of    less        than    compelling     force.       Our
    Constitution and statutes have not dealt with how workers make
    union representation decisions, presumably because that topic is,
    as    the   Court       notes    in    ¶ 14,       the    province   of   federal     law.
    Although     the     fact       that    topics       have     been   treated     together
    historically provides some evidence of logical interrelatedness,
    the converse is not necessarily true.                       When a proposed amendment
    tries to analogize an existing constitutional right (in this
    case, the right to secrecy in public elections) to a proposed new
    right, the new right will almost never have been previously
    considered together with the old one.
    ¶29          The last Arizona Together factor, whether the various
    provisions are “qualitatively similar in their effect on the
    law,” 214 Ariz. at 123 ¶ 16, 
    149 P.3d at 747
    , also strikes me as
    being of questionable practical application in most cases, at
    least in its original formulation.                    As the Court noted in Arizona
           the    “qualitatively            similar”   factor    came   from
    Slayton v. Shumway, 
    166 Ariz. 87
    800 P.2d 590
     (1990).                                 In
    Slayton, the Court emphasized that the various provisions of a
    proposed     amendment          relating      to    victims’    rights    were     similar
    because they were all procedural in nature.                          See 
    id. at 91-92
    800 P.2d at 594-95
    .             Here, the provisions of Proposition 108 are
    clearly both substantive and hence would easily pass through the
    Slayton screen.
    ¶30           As it did in Arizona Together, 214 Ariz. at 123 ¶ 17,
    149 P.3d at 747
    , the Court today interprets the “qualitatively
    similar” factor in a somewhat broader fashion than in Slayton,
    accurately        concluding       that     although      both      provisions      of
    Proposition 108 are substantive in nature, see ¶¶ 15-16 supra,
    they have very different – and unrelated - effects.                        But to me
    this is simply another way of stating that these provisions
    neither are logically related to each other nor constitute a
    single constitutional amendment.
    ¶31           As noted above, I do not suggest that the factors set
    forth   in    Arizona     Together    are    not   useful    in     an   Article    21,
    Section 1 analysis.            But I worry about our recent focus on these
    factors, some of which may be manipulated by shrewd drafters.
    The   four    Arizona     Together     factors     should     not    obscure    –   or
    substitute for analysis of - the real question, which is whether
    the various provisions of the proposed amendment, in addition to
    concerning        the   same    general   topic,    are     also    “all    logically
    related      to    each   other”    and     form   an   integrated       proposition
    deserving a single up or down vote from the people.                        See Tilson
    v. Mofford, 
    153 Ariz. 468
    , 472, 
    737 P.2d 1367
    , 1371 (1987).
    ¶32          I add a final word.           The separate amendment provision
    in Article 21, Section 1 was “intended to prevent the pernicious
    practice of ‘logrolling’ in the submission of a constitutional
    amendment.”     Kerby, 
    44 Ariz. at 214
    36 P.2d at 551
    .                 The danger
    of logrolling is heightened when one provision of an amendment is
    already in the Constitution.               What is most troublesome about
    Proposition 108 is that the Constitution has always protected
    secrecy   in    voting    in      public     elections.         But    as   worded,
    Proposition     108    suggests    that     a   “no”    vote,     in   addition   to
    rejecting the mandate for secret ballots in union representation
    decisions,     would   also    jeopardize       the    existing    constitutional
    guarantee of secrecy in public election voting.                   This strikes me
    as precisely the sort of logrolling that Article 21, Section 7
    was designed to avoid.
    Andrew D. Hurwitz, Vice Chief Justice