Wells Fargo Bank v. Az Laborers ( 2002 )

  •                  IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ARIZONA
    En Banc
    WELLS FARGO BANK, a National          )   Supreme Court
    Banking Association,                  )   No. CV-00-0062-PR
    Plaintiff-Counterdefendant-      )   Court of Appeals
    Appellee,                        )   No. 1 CA-CV 99-0184
    )   Maricopa County
    v.                     )   Superior Court
    )   No. CV 97-06648
    McMORGAN & COMPANY, a California      )
    corporation, as Managing Agent of     )
    the Funds,                            )
    Defendants-Counterclaimants-     )
    Appellants.                      )
    Appeal from the Superior Court of Maricopa County
    Honorable Steven D. Sheldon, Judge
    Court of Appeals, Division One
    Lewis and Roca LLP                                                      Phoenix
    by John P. Frank
    Peter Baird
    Randy Papetti
    Barry Willits
    Attorneys for Plaintiff-Counterdefendant-Appellee
    Morrison & Hecker L.L.P.                                                Phoenix
    by Michael C. Manning
    James W. Howard
    Monty L. Greek
    Attorneys for Defendants-Counterclaimants-Appellants
    J O N E S, Chief Justice
    I.   Facts and Procedural History
    ¶1          This   controversy   arises        under   a   triparty   agreement
    between First Interstate Bank (“the Bank”),1 various union pension
    funds (“the Funds”), and Mercado Developers, a partnership headed
    by J. Fife Symington, III (“Symington”).           In 1987, the Bank funded
    a $2.3 million loan to a separate Symington partnership for a strip
    mall development named Alta Mesa Village.                  The Funds were not
    involved in the Alta Mesa transaction.                 Later the same year,
    Symington    approached   the    Bank     to     request    financing   for   a
    construction project in downtown Phoenix called the Mercado Project
    (“the Mercado”).2     The Bank determined not to provide permanent
    During the course of this litigation, First Interstate Bank
    was purchased by Wells Fargo Bank and now does business under the
    latter name.
    The borrower was Mercado Developers Limited Partnership, an
    Arizona general partnership, of which Symington was one of the
    general partners. Symington was also a personal guarantor of both
    financing    for   the   Mercado       but     offered        Symington     interim
    construction    financing   if    he    were    able     to    secure     permanent
    financing from another lender. The Funds agreed to be that lender.
    ¶2          The Bank’s obligation to fund the construction loan arose
    the moment Symington secured a commitment from the Funds (the
    “Permanent Commitment”).3    At the Bank’s request, in May 1988, the
    Bank, the Funds, and Symington executed a Triparty Agreement
    setting forth the rights and obligations of each party.                       Among
    other things, the Agreement provided that the Bank would fund $10
    million for construction of the Mercado, but that no later than
    June 30, 1990, the Funds would “take-out” the Bank’s interim loan
    with permanent financing.4       After the take-out, Symington would be
    obligated to the Funds under the Permanent Commitment.                  The Funds’
    obligation was conditioned on review and approval of Symington’s
    the Mercado loan and the Alta Mesa loan.           Symington is not a party
    to this action.
    Triparty Agreement § 1.3. “Construction Lender, in reliance
    upon the Permanent Commitment, has agreed to lend the sum of
    $10,000,000.00 as interim financing (the ‘Construction Loan’)
    . . . .”
    Triparty Agreement § 3.5. “Upon the Take-Out Date, provided
    all of the terms, conditions and provisions of the Permanent
    Commitment shall have been satisfied, or Permanent Lender shall
    have waived satisfaction of such conditions or shall have agreed to
    fund the Permanent Loan without complete satisfaction of such
    conditions . . . Permanent Lender shall fund the Permanent Loan by
    disbursing to Construction Lender the sum necessary to repay the
    Construction Loan . . . .”
    financial status.5   The Funds could refuse the loan if contract
    conditions were not met or if the Funds were dissatisfied with
    Symington’s financial condition.       For example, the Funds could
    terminate the Permanent Commitment if Symington were to become
    insolvent, make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or fail
    to pay debts as they matured.6   In addition, pursuant to the terms
    of the Triparty Agreement, the Funds were entitled, on request, to
    receive financial information from the Bank on the status of the
    Permanent Commitment ¶ 28.     “FINANCIAL STATEMENTS/CREDIT
    REPORTS: Within thirty (30) days following acceptance of this
    Commitment letter, Borrower and Borrower’s partners shall provide
    Lender with satisfactory and current financial statements and
    credit reports (dated not more than six (6) months prior to the
    date hereof) demonstrating to Lender’s complete satisfaction the
    Borrower’s financial stability and creditworthiness. Borrower and
    Borrower’s partners shall provide Lender with updated statements
    and reports (dated not more than six (6) months prior to the Loan
    Funding Date) . . . .”
    Permanent Commitment ¶ 29. “FINANCIAL CONDITION: Lender
    may terminate this Commitment by written notice to you in the event
    that (i) the Borrower, any partner of Borrower, any guarantor of
    Borrower’s obligation, or any affiliate of Borrower . . . whose
    activities have material effect on the financial capabilities of
    Borrower, . . . (collectively referred to in this paragraph as
    ‘Debtor’) shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors;
    (ii) an application or petition is filed for the appointment of a
    custodian, trustee, receiver or agent to take possession of the
    real estate or any other property of Debtor; (iii) Debtor is
    generally not paying Debtor’s debts as such debts become due; (iv)
    Debtor becomes ‘insolvent’ as that term is defined in . . . the
    ‘Bankruptcy Code’. . .; (v) Debtor shall file a petition with the
    bankruptcy court under the Bankruptcy Code, or commence any
    proceeding   relating   to   Debtor   under   any   bankruptcy   or
    reorganization statute or under any arrangement . . . .”
    Mercado construction loan.7        The Bank was not required to volunteer
    information   to   the   Funds;8    Symington,     however,   was   expressly
    obligated to provide specific financial information to the Funds.
    ¶3         By early 1989, the Phoenix real estate market began to
    experience a catastrophic decline, and Symington’s real estate
    endeavors were not immune from the trauma.             The loan balance on
    Symington’s Alta Mesa development came due in March 1989, and
    because of the project’s lackluster performance, Symington was
    unable to satisfy the obligation.           The loan appeared on the Bank’s
    “Watch Report” for the first time in March 1989.          The Watch Report
    is an internal bank document that monitors problem loans.                  In
    exchange for a fee, the Bank extended the loan until September 1,
    1989.    The loan was subsequently twice extended:            on September 1
    and December 1, 1989.9     When the obligation ultimately matured on
    Triparty Agreement § 2.1. “. . . Construction Lender will
    provide Permanent Lender with copies of architect’s certifications,
    builder’s certifications, certificates of occupancy issued by any
    municipality, lien waivers, and such other documents or information
    relating to the Construction Loan as Permanent Lender may
    reasonably request, provided that Construction Lender shall have
    obtained such items in the normal course of its administration of
    the Construction Loan, or can obtain such items without undue
    expense . . . .”
    Triparty Agreement § 5.1. “. . . Construction Lender shall
    have no obligation to comply with any of the terms, conditions and
    provisions of Permanent Commitment but may, at its election,
    satisfy such requirements on behalf of Borrower in any manner not
    inconsistent with this Agreement.”
    The September 1, 1989, loan extension request included a
    printout of Symington’s related commitments to the Bank, including
    the Mercado loan.
    March 15, 1990, Symington was still unable to pay, and the loan
    defaulted at the conclusion of business that day.
    ¶4           The events that occurred between late 1989 and July 1990,
    and the effect of those events on the Funds’ ultimate decision to
    fund the Mercado permanent loan are at the core of this lawsuit.
    The Funds claim that, during these months, actions were carried out
    by Symington and the Bank that were intended to cloak Symington
    with a false appearance of financial vigor and to deprive the Funds
    of any reason to refuse to fund the Permanent Commitment.                  The
    Bank, of course, was concerned and anxious to obtain repayment of
    the $10 million Mercado construction loan.          The Bank contends what
    it did to ensure the permanent loan was lawful, that by securing
    the take-out, it was merely protecting its own interests, that it
    was unaware of any fraudulent behavior by Symington, and that in
    any event, it had no legal duty to the Funds to inform them of
    ¶5           Prior to March 1990, the Bank explored the option of
    foreclosing the defaulted Alta Mesa loan, selling the property, and
    issuing a deficiency notice to Symington.          The Bank discussed this
    proposal with Symington and asked him to submit a Business Plan
    with recommendations for handling the troubled loan.               In response,
    on March 16, 1990, one day after the latest Alta Mesa loan
    extension expired, Symington aide James Cockerham sent a letter to
    the   Bank   suggesting   that   the    Bank   should   take   a   cooperative
    approach to stabilize the Alta Mesa loan because “[f]oreclosure by
    FIB [First Interstate Bank] and/or an assignment for the benefit of
    creditors could have a detrimental impact to both the Partners and
    FIB.” In his deposition, Cockerham acknowledged that one potential
    detrimental impact would be to give the Funds a basis on which to
    refuse to fund the permanent Mercado loan.
    ¶6         While Symington was attempting to salvage Alta Mesa, the
    June 30, 1990, date on which the Funds were required to retire the
    Mercado construction loan drew nearer.          On or about May 4, 1990, as
    part of his obligation under the Permanent Commitment, Symington
    provided a certified financial statement to the Funds, current
    through December 31, 1989.          According to the Funds, they later
    learned   that    the   financial    statement       was   false    and    included
    exaggerated values and omissions, giving Symington a specious
    appearance   of    solvency.        Among    other    things,      the    financial
    statement did not mention the financial troubles afflicting Alta
    Mesa, nor did it mention the three extensions on that loan.                      In
    fact, Symington asserted the same personal equity in the Alta Mesa
    project that he reported on the statement given the Funds in 1987
    to secure the permanent commitment.
    ¶7         On May 21, 1990, Doug Hawes, the Bank’s Alta Mesa loan
    officer, requested approval once again to extend the Alta Mesa
    loan, this time through July 1, 1990 -– one day after the Funds
    were required to take-out the Bank’s interim loan on Mercado.                   One
    reason given by Hawes for the requested forbearance was to “[a]llow
    time for finalization of the Mercado loan pay-off . . . .”       On
    May 25, the Bank consented to Hawes’ request and executed, in
    Symington’s favor, a forbearance agreement on the Alta Mesa loan
    until July 1, 1990.
    ¶8        Less than two weeks later, on June 7, 1990, Jeff White,
    the Bank’s Mercado loan officer, submitted a memo to the Bank’s
    Senior Loan Committee detailing Symington’s deteriorated financial
    condition and requesting authority to charge off $1.2 million of
    the Mercado construction loan that would not be paid by the Funds.10
    White’s memo indicated that property values listed on Symington’s
    most current financial statements “do not accurately reflect the
    current market” and that “[c]ontingent debt also appears not to
    have been fully accounted for on his recent statement.”        Ward
    Wilson, a member of the Senior Loan Committee, testified that the
    Bank was concerned about intentional misstatements by Symington.
    Before agreeing to accept less than the full $10 million, the Bank
    requested an updated financial statement from Symington.   In fact,
    in an attempt to avoid the $1.2 million shortfall, the Bank
    convened a meeting the next day, June 8, 1990, attended by, among
    The shortfall occurred after the Funds exercised their right
    to hold back nearly $1.2 million for tenant improvements and
    interest reserves. Symington remained liable to the Bank for the
    shortfall, so the Bank asked the Funds for a subordinate third lien
    on the Mercado property to secure the shortfall. The Funds agreed
    but demanded that Symington extend his personal guarantee to them
    for another six years.
    others, Sam Coppersmith, counsel for the Funds.                     Discussion of the
    shortfall was had but the meeting appears to have been unsuccessful
    from the Bank’s standpoint.
    ¶9          At   the       Bank’s    request,          Symington    resubmitted         his
    financial statement on June 26, 1990.                   With minor revisions, this
    statement contained the same numbers that appeared on the May 4,
    1990 statement.            Ward Wilson testified the Bank’s concern was
    “heightened” at this point, and when asked whether the Bank knew
    Symington had provided the same financial numbers to the Funds,
    Jeff White testified that he “would hope so.”
    ¶10         Evidence          also     disclosed              significant         banking
    irregularities,        allegedly      in     violation         of   federal       banking
    regulations and the established internal procedure within the Bank.
    The Funds’ banking expert, Jeffrey Gaia, provided a declaration
    that the Bank’s forbearance from enforcement of the Alta Mesa loan
    was contrary to prudent banking practice for purposes of securing
    the Mercado take-out.          Robert Lee Creed, the Bank’s own employee,
    testified    that      a    forbearance          not   accompanied     by     a    credit
    authorization request is unusual if, as here, it extends the
    maturity    of   the       loan.     The    Alta       Mesa    forbearance        was   not
    accompanied by a credit authorization request.                      In addition, the
    Bank failed to report Symington’s false representations to federal
    banking officials as required by federal regulations, where the
    Bank was admittedly knowledgeable of the false financial statement.
    See 31 C.F.R. ¶ 103.18 (2001).
    ¶11            Finally, on June 29, 1990, against the background of a
    real        estate     market   suffocating   from   defaulted   loans   and
    foreclosures and with Symington’s financial condition in grave
    difficulty, the Funds complied with the terms of the Permanent
    Commitment and funded the Mercado loan. Symington defaulted on the
    loan in 1992.          In 1993, the Funds foreclosed on Mercado and wiped
    out the subordinate lien held by the Bank.              The Funds obtained
    judgment against Symington personally in 1995, after which he filed
    for bankruptcy.11
    ¶12            The Funds later accused the Bank of wrongdoing, and the
    Bank filed a complaint seeking a declaratory judgment that it had
    complied with and performed all of its contractual obligations.
    The Funds counterclaimed, charging the Bank with (1) aiding and
    abetting fraud, (2) breach of the implied contractual covenant of
    good faith and fair dealing, (3) intentional interference with
    contractual relations, (4) fraudulent concealment, and (5) civil
    conspiracy.          The trial court entered summary judgment for the Bank
    on all claims and awarded fees, finding that the Bank owed no
    On February 16, 2001, U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge George B.
    Nielsen issued an order that Symington’s debt to the Funds will not
    be discharged by his declaration of personal bankruptcy. Judge
    Nielsen upheld the Funds’ claim that Symington submitted false
    financial statements. The judge’s finding preserves Symington’s
    liability for the debt. See In re J. Fife Symington, III, B-95-
    08397-PHX-GBN; Norwest Bank (Minnesota), N.A. v. J. Fife Symington,
    III, Adv. No. 96-523-GBN (February 16, 2001, order).
    fiduciary or contractual duty to the Funds to disclose information
    about Symington’s financial condition.        The court of appeals
    affirmed.    The Funds petitioned this court and we granted review.
    We have jurisdiction pursuant to Arizona Constitution article VI,
    section 5(3).
    II.   Analysis
    A.   Summary Judgment Standard
    ¶13         This court reviews de novo a grant of summary judgment,
    views the evidence and reasonable inferences in the light most
    favorable to the party opposing the motion, and the inferences must
    be construed in favor of that party.        Thompson v. Better-Bilt
    Aluminum Prod. Co., Inc., 
    171 Ariz. 550
    , 558, 
    832 P.2d 203
    , 211
    ¶14         Summary judgment is appropriate only if no genuine issues
    of material fact exist and the moving party is entitled to judgment
    as a matter of law.    Ariz. R. Civ. P. Rule 56(c); Orme School v.
    166 Ariz. 301
    , 309, 
    802 P.2d 1000
    , 1008 (1990).     Thus, in
    the case at bar, summary judgment should have been granted on the
    Bank’s motion only if the facts produced in support of the Funds’
    claims “have so little probative value [given the quantum of
    evidence required] . . . that reasonable people could not agree
    with the conclusion advanced” by the Funds. Baker v. Stewart Title
    & Trust of Phoenix, Inc., 
    197 Ariz. 535
    , 540, 
    5 P.3d 249
    , 254 ¶15
    (App. 2000) (quoting Orme School, 166 Ariz. at 309, 802 P.2d at
    1008). We review the claims presented in the instant case pursuant
    to the foregoing standard.
    B.   The “Duty” Concept
    ¶15        The Funds assert five distinct tort claims. On page 6 of
    the trial court’s final order dated October 13, 1998, awarding
    summary judgment to the Bank on all claims, the court reasoned that
    no “special relationship” was created that placed an
    affirmative duty upon the Bank to disclose its
    “suspicions”    or   “speculations”   about   Symington’s
    financial    condition   or    commercial   real   estate
    “adventures” to a third-party, sophisticated lender which
    clearly had potential conflicting financial interests to
    the Banks [sic].
    The trial court relied on Kesselman v. National Bank of Arizona,
    188 Ariz. 419
    937 P.2d 341
     (App. 1996).
    ¶16        The court of appeals followed similar reasoning, finding
    that the Bank’s duty to disclose information regarding the Alta
    Mesa loan existed only to the extent that the Permanent Commitment
    and Triparty Agreement allowed the Funds to obtain that information
    by request from Symington and the Bank.                    The appellate court
    resorted to a lack of duty to disclose rationale to affirm summary
    judgment   on   all    five      of   the     Funds’   claims,   even   though    it
    specifically applied that lack of duty analysis only to the Funds’
    allegations     on    two   of    the   five,      fraudulent    concealment     and
    ¶17        We conclude that the lower courts erred.                This is a case
    alleging intentional conduct and thus not a duty case in the
    traditional sense.       It was improper to award summary judgment to
    the Bank on that basis.
    1.     Duty Not Required For Intentional Torts
    ¶18         All claims alleged by the Funds constitute intentional
    torts.    Cases relied on by the court of appeals to require a duty
    to    disclose   were   either   negligence   cases    or    cases     of   simple
    nondisclosure. California Architectural Bldg. Prods. v. Franciscan
    Ceramics, Inc., 
    818 F.2d 1466
    , 1472 (9th Cir. 1987) (failure to
    disclose); Smith v. American Nat’l Bank and Trust Co., 
    982 F.2d 936
    (6th Cir. 1992) (nondisclosure); Banco Espanol de Credito v.
    Security Pac. Nat’l Bank, 
    973 F.2d 51
    , 56 (2d Cir. 1992), cert.
    509 U.S. 903
     (1993) (nondisclosure).              Although the Funds’
    counterclaim     included   an   allegation   of    nondisclosure,          summary
    dismissal of that claim was apparently not appealed to the court of
    appeals, nor was that claim raised in the Funds’ petition for
    review to this court.
    ¶19         Negligence    and    nondisclosure     claims    differ     from   the
    intentional tort claims on review here; each has different elements
    and    different   requirements    of   proof.      For     example,    numerous
    decisions expressly distinguish between mere nondisclosure and
    intentional concealment.         See United States v. Colton, 
    231 F.3d 890
    , 899 (4th Cir. 2000). Unlike simple nondisclosure, a party may
    be liable for acts taken to conceal, mislead or otherwise deceive,
    even in the absence of a fiduciary, statutory, or other legal duty
    to disclose.       Id. at 898; see also W. PAGE KEETON,       ET AL.,   PROSSER   AND
    KEETON   ON   TORTS § 106 (5th ed. 1984) (“Prosser V”).
    ¶20            Moreover, duty, in the traditional sense, is a specific
    concept applicable to the law of negligence, not to intentional
    torts.        See DAN B. DOBBS, THE LAW     OF   TORTS ch. 3, § 26, pp. 50-51
    (2000) (“Intent and negligence are entirely different concepts.”).
    One of the basic elements of a negligence cause of action is that
    the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care.                Id. at ch. 6,
    § 114, p. 269.         Case law is replete with illustrations of this
    basic concept.        See Purvis v. Hamwi, 
    828 F. Supp. 1479
    , 1483 (D.
    Colo.     1993)     (“[A]    finding   of     duty   is   necessary     only      for
    . . . claims in negligence; . . . claims for intentional torts
    require no traditional finding of duty . . . .”); see also Almand
    v. Benton County, Ark., 
    145 B.R. 608
    , 617 (W.D. Ark. 1992) (an
    attorney would be liable for negligence only to those to whom he
    owed a duty but would be liable for intentional misrepresentation
    or fraud to anyone); Taylor v. California State Auto. Ass’n Inter-
    Ins. Bureau, 
    240 Cal. Rptr. 107
    , 113 (App. 1987) (distinguishing
    negligent       infliction    of   emotional      distress   from     intentional
    infliction of emotional distress, as the former must be predicated
    on the existence of a duty); Waters v. Autuori, 
    676 A.2d 357
    , 367
    (Conn. 1996) (Berdon, J., dissenting) (“Duty is an element of
    negligence, but is not an element of an intentional tort.”), citing
    PROSSER V § 30 (italics in original); Smith v. Calvary Christian
    592 N.W.2d 713
    , 721 (Mich. App. 1998) (plaintiff need not
    prove duty in proving intentional torts), appeal granted, 
    607 N.W.2d 721
     (Mich. 2000), judgment rev’d on other grounds, 
    614 N.W.2d 590
     (Mich. 2000).
    ¶21          As the Purvis court most appropriately stated, “[I]t
    would   be   anomalous     to     invoke     a    lack   of    a    specific     duty   in
    dismissing a complaint for an intentional act . . . .                      The duty, if
    it must be so named, is obviously to refrain from intentional harm
    to others.         At the level of intent, reference to duty becomes
    . . . needlessly academic . . . .”                828 F. Supp. at 1483-84.
    2.     Kesselman Is Inapposite and Distinguishable
    ¶22          The    primary     case     relied     on   by        the   lower   courts,
    Kesselman, dealt solely with negligence-based claims that required
    a   predicate      legal   duty    and     is     thus   not       applicable    to     the
    intentional tort claims raised by the Funds.                   Kesselman, 188 Ariz.
    at 419, 937 P.2d at 341. Moreover, Kesselman is distinguishable on
    its facts.
    ¶23          Kesselman involved no intentional tort claims.                      It held
    simply that a bank, under a negligence standard, is under no duty
    to private investors to take affirmative measures to avoid loss
    caused by check kiting by the bank’s customer, absent a special
    relationship between the bank and the investors.                         Id. at 423-24,
    937 P.2d at 345-46.
    ¶24         The Kesselman plaintiffs cited several cases in support
    of their argument that the bank owed them a duty of disclosure.
    The court found these cases unhelpful to the plaintiffs’ argument,
    pointing out that the “key distinguishing factor in all of the
    cases [where a duty to disclose was found] . . . is that the banks
    were directly involved with the third parties in the transactions
    that were the subject of litigation.            This involvement satisfied
    the necessary relationship giving rise to the duty of disclosure.”
    Id. at 423, 937 P.2d at 345 (emphasis added).                  The facts of
    Kesselman   disclosed   no   such    relationship.      In    contrast,    the
    Triparty Agreement, which the Bank insisted upon in the case at
    bar, provides clear, direct involvement between the Bank and the
    ¶25         Moreover, while the court in Kesselman expressed no
    opinion on whether the bank owed a duty to any regulatory agency to
    report irregularities observed in its customer’s account, the court
    did recognize, albeit in dictum, that fraudulent practices by a
    customer have “a very damaging effect on innocent persons, and a
    bank’s failure to put an end to the practice contributes to such
    damage.”    Id. at 424, 937 P.2d at 346.
    ¶26         Even if the Funds’ claims were dependent on a duty to
    disclose,   Kesselman   itself      cited   a   Minnesota    case   that   more
    accurately contemplates the facts presented here.             See   Richfield
    Bank & Trust Co. v. Sjogren, 
    244 N.W.2d 648
     (Minn. 1976).              There,
    the Minnesota Supreme Court recited the rule that generally a party
    to a transaction has no duty to disclose material facts to the
    other party unless a “special circumstance” exists.                 Id. at 650.
    The court acknowledged that special circumstances are typically
    those where there is a fiduciary or confidential relationship, or
    where one party has special knowledge of material facts to which
    the other party has no access, or where one party has spoken, but
    has not said enough to prevent his words from being misleading.
    ¶27        The court explained that there were situations beyond
    those   enumerated     which   would     constitute    special     circumstances
    giving rise to an obligation to disclose.             Id.   The court held that
    one of those “special circumstances” arises when a bank has actual
    knowledge of the fraudulent activities of a customer and that if a
    bank has actual knowledge of the fraud, it has a concomitant
    “affirmative duty to disclos[e] those facts” before it engages in
    transactions with the customer which “further[] the fraud.” Id. at
    652; see also Barnett Bank of West Florida v. Hooper, 
    498 So. 2d 923
     (Fla. 1986) (special circumstance requiring disclosure may be
    found where bank has actual knowledge of fraud being perpetrated).
    ¶28        Similarly, we have previously held that an escrow agent,
    notwithstanding       the    duty   of     confidentiality,      must    disclose
    information    when    the     agent     “‘knows   that     a   fraud   is   being
    committed.’”   Burkons v. Ticor Title Ins. Co., 
    168 Ariz. 345
    , 353,
    813 P.2d 710
    , 718 (1991) (quoting Berry v. McLeod, 
    124 Ariz. 346
    604 P.2d 610
    , 616 (1979).      Although the agent does not have a
    duty to investigate, she must disclose where she has “substantial
    evidence” of fraud.      Burkons at 355, 813 P.2d at 720.
    ¶29        In Lombardo v. Albu, 
    199 Ariz. 97
    , 100, 
    14 P.3d 288
    , 291
    ¶13 (2000), we held explicitly that a buyer’s agent in a real
    estate transaction must disclose to the seller evidence known to
    him that is material to buyer’s inability to perform.                 Here, the
    Funds   allege   and   have   presented    evidence   that    the    Bank   knew
    Symington was advancing false and misleading financial information,
    both to the Bank and to the Funds, regarding his ability to perform
    the permanent loan obligations.
    ¶30        Thus, it was error for the lower courts to dismiss all of
    the Funds’ intentional tort claims by citing Kesselman and relying
    on the Bank’s alleged lack of duty to make disclosure.
    III. The Funds’ Tort Claims
    A.   Aiding and Abetting Fraud
    ¶31        Arizona recognizes aiding and abetting as embodied in
    Restatement § 876(b), that a person who aids and abets a tortfeasor
    is himself liable for the resulting harm to a third person.
    Gemstar Ltd. v. Ernst & Young, 
    183 Ariz. 148
    , 159, 
    901 P.2d 1178
    1189 n.7 (App. 1995), vacated on other grounds, 
    185 Ariz. 493
    917 P.2d 222
     (1996); Gomez v. Hensley, 
    145 Ariz. 176
    , 178, 
    700 P.2d 874
    , 876 (App. 1984); see also RESTATEMENT (SECOND)          OF   TORTS § 876(b)
    ¶32         The aiding and abetting claim here was not specifically
    addressed in the court of appeals decision, but summary judgment
    was affirmed on the basis that the Bank had no duty to disclose
    under Kesselman.
    ¶33         “[A]iding and abetting liability does not require the
    existence    of,    nor   does   it   create,   a   pre-existing    duty   of
    care . . . .       Rather, aiding and abetting liability is based on
    proof of a scienter . . . the defendants must know that the conduct
    they are aiding and abetting is a tort.”              Witzman v. Lehrman,
    Lehrman & Flom, 
    601 N.W.2d 179
    , 186 (Minn. 1999); Pacific Mut. Life
    Ins. Co. v. Ernst & Young & Co., 
    10 S.W.3d 798
    , 804 (Tex. App.
    2000) (to the extent that duty may be considered a part of the
    scienter element of a fraud claim, such duty extends to all persons
    the fraud defendant intends or has reason to expect will rely on
    its misrepresentations (citing RESTATEMENT (SECOND)       OF   TORTS § 531)),
    judgment rev’d, 
    51 S.W.3d 573
     (Tex. 2001).
    ¶34         Claims of aiding and abetting tortious conduct require
    proof of three elements:
    (1)   the primary tortfeasor must commit a tort that
    causes injury to the plaintiff;
    (2)   the   defendant  must   know   that  the   primary
    tortfeasor’s conduct constitutes a breach of duty;
    (3)   the   defendant   must  substantially   assist   or
    encourage the primary tortfeasor in the achievement
    of the breach.
    Gomez, 145 Ariz. at 178, 700 P.2d at 876 (citing RESTATEMENT (SECOND)
    OF   TORTS § 876(b)).
    ¶35          The Funds allege that Symington misrepresented material
    facts by submitting false financial statements.           Such proof, if
    introduced by the Funds, will establish primary, tortious conduct
    by Symington.
    ¶36          Because aiding and abetting is a theory of secondary
    liability, the party charged with the tort must have knowledge of
    the primary violation, and such knowledge may be inferred from the
    circumstances.     See In re American Continental Corp./Lincoln Sav.
    and Loan Sec. Litig., 
    794 F. Supp. 1424
    , 1436 (D. Ariz. 1992)
    (“American Continental”).       Unquestionably, the Bank was aware of
    Symington’s duty under the Permanent Commitment to provide accurate
    financial    information   to   the    Funds.   The   Triparty   Agreement
    references the requirements of the Permanent Commitment in several
    ¶37          Evidence supporting the inference that the Bank had
    knowledge of Symington’s fraud is contained, among other places, in
    the financial statements Symington provided to the Bank on May 4
    and June 21, 1990. Those statements contained information the Bank
    knew was false:    (1) Symington overstated the value on Alta Mesa by
    $2 million and understated his personal liability on Alta Mesa by
    $1 million.     The Bank knew Alta Mesa was worth $1 million less as
    a result of an appraisal conducted by the Bank in November 1989,
    which reduced the property’s value by one-half;12 (2) Symington
    represented $791,000 in “readily marketable securities.”           The Bank
    knew these securities were actually in spendthrift trusts and thus
    inaccessible to creditors; (3) Symington responded “no” to the
    question   on   the   financial   statement:      “Are   there   any   suits,
    judgments, tax deficiencies, or other claims pending or in prospect
    against you?”    (Emphasis added).         The Alta Mesa loan had been in
    technical default since March 15, 1990, and the Bank obviously knew
    ¶38        The Funds’ banking expert set forth several aspects of
    Symington’s financial statement the Bank knew were false.              Jeffery
    P. Gaia Declaration at ¶ 44.13     The Bank’s knowledge of Symington’s
    O. Jeffrey White [former Wells Fargo employee] admitted the
    inconsistency between the value of Alta Mesa and the value
    represented on Symington’s financial statement in his August 7,
    1998 deposition:
    Q.    From 61, Exhibit 61, it looks like Mr.
    Symington has an obligation of about $1
    million to the Bank under his guarantee.
    A.    True.
    Q.    How does that square with him showing that he
    has $250,000 of equity?
    A.    I believe –
    MR. CARDENAS: Objection, asked and answered.
    A.    I believe I answered that. It doesn’t.
    Gaia’s declaration was based upon his experience and
    expertise as a banker, his personal knowledge of market conditions
    and banking practices, his review of certain deposition testimony,
    and his review of documents and records of First Interstate Bank
    concerning the Alta Mesa and Mercado loans.        Gaia has been
    professionally employed in the banking industry since 1979. His
    experience involved commercial, corporate, and real estate loans,
    false and misleading representations is also reflected in the
    Bank’s own memoranda.       On June 7, 1990 (23 days before the take-
    out),   Jeff   White’s    memo   to   the    Bank’s   Senior   Loan   Committee
    requesting authority to charge off the $1.2 million shortfall on
    the Mercado loan described Symington’s then-existing financial
    condition.     A financial statement was provided to the Senior Loan
    Committee with White’s memo.           The memo demonstrates the Bank’s
    Symington’s stated net worth is almost entirely vested in
    commercial real estate, indicated market values of which
    he has stated do not accurately reflect the current
    market. Contingent debt also appears not to have been
    fully accounted for on his recent statement. Marketable
    securities shown on the statement are held in an
    irrevocable family trust of which Symington is the
    beneficiary. Trustor is unknown, trustee is Mellon Bank,
    and Symington claims that the asset cannot be liquidated
    or pledged.
    (Emphasis added).        White later testified that he determined that
    the listed real estate values were inaccurate.            Thus, the Bank had
    knowledge of these matters.
    ¶39        When White received Symington’s May 4, 1990 financial
    statement, he knew the Funds were also entitled to receive a
    financial statement under the terms of the Permanent Commitment.
    The Funds produced evidence affirming that the Bank understood the
    Funds received the same false financial statements that it did.
    White testified:
    including experience with workouts for problem loans.                 See Gaia
    Declaration at ¶¶ 2, 4, 6, and 7.
    Did you expect that Mr. Symington would have submitted
    the same numbers reflecting his financial conditions to
    both First Interstate Bank and to the pension funds?
    A:   I would hope so, yes.
    This statement raises the inference that the Bank knew that fraud
    was being committed against the Funds.
    ¶40        On June 8, 1990, the Senior Loan Committee conditionally
    approved White’s requested $1.2 million write-off in his June 7
    memo but asked that he obtain an accurate financial statement from
    Symington.   The Senior Loan Committee was concerned about the
    statement, as Ward Wilson, a member of the committee testified:
    Q:   Given that Mr. Symington had warranted the values
    in his financial statement only a month prior to
    your consideration of it, did it occur to you that
    the inflated values could have been the result of
    intentional misstatements by Mr. Symington?
    MR. CARDENAS:   Objection    to   characterization with
    respect to “inflated values.”
    A.   I believe that we were concerned about that.
    ¶41        On June 26, 1990, Symington resubmitted his personal
    financial statement dated June 21, 1990, to the Bank.           This
    statement also failed to provide current market values or disclose
    contingent debt.   Regarding the securities listed on the financial
    statement, Symington produced a letter from the trustee of a trust
    of which he was the beneficiary, disclosing that the “readily
    marketable securities” listed on his financial statement at a value
    of $791,000 were, in fact, not readily marketable but were held in
    trust subject to a spendthrift provision.14           The June 21 financial
    statement also included one other change.            Symington unilaterally
    changed the certification language on the statement from the Bank’s
    standard language that the statement was accurate to a statement
    that the figures were merely Symington’s “best efforts” to arrive
    at accurate figures.
    ¶42        The Senior Loan Committee found the updated financial
    statement just as disconcerting.            Ward Wilson testified:
    Q.   Okay. Upon getting that information, did you feel
    as though Mr. Symington had provided accurate and
    honest information about the current state of his
    financial condition to First Interstate?
    MR. CARDENAS:       Objection; calls for speculation.
    A.   Our concern about that was heightened.
    ¶43        Evidence that the Bank knew Symington had misled the
    Funds can also be seen in a letter dated June 25 from Jeff White to
    the Senior Loan Committee at the Bank, updating the Committee on
    the   status   of   the    Mercado   loan.       White’s   letter    discusses
    “perceived impediments” to the funding of the Permanent Commitment.
    White listed the Mercado limited partners as potential impediments.
    White testified that information regarding the spendthrift
    trust did not make the financial statements deceptive and did not
    alarm the Bank because it already knew the securities were in a
    spendthrift trust, and had known this since at least 1986. White
    admitted, however, that nothing on the face of the financial
    statement would indicate that the securities were subject to
    spendthrift restrictions and that as such, they were not, as
    represented, “readily marketable.”
    The   limited    partners   were    upset     because    mathematical    errors
    relating to the partners’ return on investment calculations were
    found after the formation of the partnership. The limited partners
    were threatening to exercise their rescission rights and demand
    refund of their initial $500,000 investment.                   Regarding this
    situation,      White   states,    “[t]his     threat     currently   prevents
    Mercado’s counsel from issuing [the Funds] . . . a ‘clean’ opinion
    letter, a condition precedent to closing.”                  (Emphasis added).
    White goes on to explain to the Senior Loan committee
    [i]f   the   limiteds  are   not   satisfied  with   our
    subordination language as proposed, they pose a real
    threat to the permanent loan closing. Our paying off the
    limiteds, as Symington had earlier proposed, is not
    deemed a viable option as it would have the effect of
    dissolving the existing borrowing entity, giving the
    Permanent Lender [the Funds] a clear out.
    ¶44        In addition to the threat by the limited partners, White
    also described the risk to funding stemming from improvements
    undertaken on the Mercado project to prepare it for tenancy by
    Arizona State University (“ASU”), which intended to occupy the
    space as a downtown campus.            White informed the Senior Loan
    Committee “Mercado has requested that FIAZ [the Bank] provide
    bridge financing for the ASU build-out in an attempt to both keep
    the subs working, and to avoid having to disclose the situation to
    the   Permanent    Lender   at    closing.”      (Emphasis     added).     This
    statement is in reference to $600,000 worth of tenant improvements
    completed for the ASU space in the Mercado.             Despite nearly half of
    the improvements being completed, the Mercado Partnership had not
    made any progress payments to the contractors.                          The Bank was
    concerned that the Partnership’s lack of progress payments may have
    violated ¶ 29 of the Permanent Commitment by failing to pay debts
    as they became due.
    ¶45         This accumulation of evidence raises the inference that
    the Bank knew Symington was engaged in false representations to the
    Funds.    Accordingly, a jury could find that the Bank’s actions and
    internal communications provide evidence of a resolute strategy to
    avoid    having   the   Funds    learn    what       it    knew     about   Symington’s
    financial situation. A showing of actual and complete knowledge of
    the tort is not uniformly necessary to hold a secondary tortfeasor
    liable    under   an    aiding   and   abetting           theory.      FDIC   v.   First
    Interstate Bank of Des Moines, N.A., 
    885 F.2d 423
     (8th Cir. 1989)
    (bank can be held liable for aiding and abetting a customer who
    defrauded another bank if bank has a “general awareness” of the
    customer’s fraudulent scheme, notwithstanding the fact that the
    bank may not have had actual knowledge of the scheme or an intent
    to participate in the fraud; general awareness of the fraudulent
    scheme can be established though circumstantial evidence).                           “The
    knowledge requirement” can be met, “even though the bank may not
    have    known   of   all   the   details        of   the    primary     fraud   –-   the
    misrepresentations, omissions, and other fraudulent practices.”
    Aetna Cas. and Sur. Co. v. Leahey Const. Co., Inc., 
    219 F.3d 519
    536 (6th Cir. 2000) (“Leahey”) (citing Woods v. Barnett Bank of
    Fort Lauderdale, 
    765 F.2d 1004
    , 1012 (11th Cir. 1985) (“Woods”)
    (internal citations omitted)).
    ¶46        The third requirement, substantial assistance by an aider
    and abettor, can take many forms, but means more than “a little
    aid.”    In re American Continental, 794 F. Supp. at 1435 (quoting
    Barker v. Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, 
    797 F.2d 490
    , 496
    (7th Cir. 1986); see also CPC Int’l Inc. v. McKesson Corp., 
    514 N.E.2d 116
     (N.Y. 1987) (broker aided and abetted primary fraud by
    providing false financial information used to present “enhanced
    financial picture to others”)).     The legal elements of aiding and
    abetting a tortfeasor have been explored most comprehensively by
    the federal courts in the context of aiding and abetting securities
    fraud.    See Schatz v. Rosenberg, 
    943 F.2d 485
     (4th Cir. 1991);
    Roberts v. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., 
    857 F.2d 646
     (9th Cir.
    1988); Metge v. Baehler, 
    762 F.2d 621
     (8th Cir. 1985); Monsen v.
    Consolidated Dressed Beef Co., Inc., 
    579 F.2d 793
     (3d Cir. 1978).
    But cf. Central Bank of Denver v. First Interstate Bank of Denver,
    511 U.S. 164
     (1994) (aiding and abetting liability abolished under
    § 10(b) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, but secondary
    actors not completely absolved from liability).
    ¶47        For example, in Metge, the court stated that “[a]lthough
    the facts . . . are unremarkable taken in isolation, we find that
    taken together, they present what should have been a jury issue on
    the question of aiding-and-abetting liability.”            762 F.2d at 630.
    Metge involved a suit by investors against a lender for aiding and
    abetting    an     issuer    of   securities   who   ultimately   filed   for
    bankruptcy.      The investors alleged that the lender engaged in a
    series of banking strategies to keep a failing securities issuer in
    business.    In evaluating the record, the court sought to determine
    whether the lender knew that the thrift certificates being issued
    were worthless and that because of the lender’s involvement, the
    financial life of the issuer was prolonged in the lender’s own
    interest and at the expense of the certificate holders.             The court
    noted that, viewed separately, most of the banking transactions
    were unremarkable events, but viewed in conjunction with other
    evidence, they suggest an unusual pattern of extraordinary attempts
    to prolong the issuer’s financial viability to the detriment of the
    investors.15     Id. at 626; see also K & S Partnership v. Continental
    Bank, N.A., 
    952 F.2d 971
    , 979 (8th Cir. 1991).
    ¶48         Other courts have commented that executing transactions,
    even    ordinary    course   transactions,     can   constitute   substantial
    The court remarked on the favorable relationship between the
    lender and the issuer even at a time when the lender knew of the
    issuer’s precarious financial position. The court noted that the
    evidence suggested that the lender had knowledge of the issuer’s
    thrift certificate program and its importance to the issuer’s
    ability to repay loans to the lender. Finally, the court noted the
    inference created by the fact that by postponing the issuer’s
    demise, the lender may have been able to leverage itself into a
    more favorable position with the issuer than the investors when the
    issuer was prioritizing which debts to pay first.         Metge v.
    762 F.2d 621
    , 630 (8th Cir. 1985).
    assistance under some circumstances, such as where there is an
    extraordinary    economic   motivation    to     aid   in   the   fraud.      See
    Armstrong v. McAlpin, 
    699 F.2d 79
    , 91 (2d Cir. 1983) (broker’s
    processing of transactions with knowledge of fraudulent nature was
    done   to   generate   commissions);     IIT,    an    Int’l   Inv.   Trust   v.
    619 F.2d 909
    , 921-22 (2d Cir. 1980) (defendant performed
    challenged transaction knowing it violated client’s policy, with
    heightened economic motive to do so).
    ¶49         There is no doubt that the Bank here had a heightened
    economic motive to assist Symington.            Not only did the Bank have
    the typical motivations of a construction lender, i.e., to ensure
    nothing happens to jeopardize permanent funding, but in this case,
    the Bank had added incentive to ensure the permanent financing by
    virtue of its knowledge of Symington’s much weakened financial
    condition. The Bank knew that Symington was the personal guarantor
    on the Mercado loan in the event the Funds found reason not to
    advance permanent funding. The Bank also knew Symington’s personal
    guarantee was becoming less and less valuable in part because the
    Bank knew Symington was unable to fulfill his financial obligations
    on the Alta Mesa loan.
    ¶50         In addition, Jeff White’s June 7, 1990 letter to the
    Senior Loan Committee evidences the Bank’s knowledge of Symington’s
    inability to provide collateral of a value sufficient to cover the
    $1.2 million shortfall occasioned by the Funds’ decision to hold
    back part of the $10 million take-out for improvements to the
    Mercado.   These circumstances heightened the Bank’s motive to aid
    and abet in a fraud designed to secure the permanent loan.
    ¶51        Accordingly, the Funds presented evidence of business
    strategies undertaken by the Bank to prolong Symington’s financial
    life, raising reasonable inferences that it knew of, and gave
    substantial assistance to, Symington’s material misstatements.
    Moreover, “if [a] . . . method or transaction is atypical or lacks
    business justification, it may be possible to infer the knowledge
    necessary for aiding and abetting liability.”            Woodward v. Metro
    Bank of Dallas, 
    522 F.2d 84
    , 97 (5th Cir. 1975); see also Woods at
    1012 (for purposes of establishing liability as an aider and
    abettor, knowing assistance of a securities violation can be
    inferred from atypical business actions).
    ¶52        Here,   as   noted,   the    Funds’   banking   expert    offered
    evidence that the Bank’s forbearance from enforcement of the Alta
    Mesa loan was contrary to prudent banking practices for purposes of
    securing the Mercado take-out.         Gaia Declaration at ¶¶ 37, 39, 40,
    43.   In   addition,    the   Bank’s    own   employee   testified    that   a
    forbearance not accompanied by a credit authorization request is
    unusual if, as here, it extends the maturity of the loan.            The Alta
    Mesa forbearance was not accompanied by a credit authorization
    ¶53        The Bank argues that the single act the Funds complain
    about is the forbearance on the Alta Mesa loan.                    Indeed, the Funds
    do    complain     about    the   forbearance        and   argue   that   the    Bank’s
    decision     to    extend    rather    than        foreclose     the   loan   provided
    “substantial assistance” to Symington by enabling him to claim
    falsely that he met the requirements of the Permanent Commitment.
    But it is not solely the forbearance that creates the problem; it
    is    also   the      Bank’s      failure      to    report      Symington’s      false
    representations to federal banking officials as required by law,
    where it was admittedly knowledgeable of the false financial
    statement.        See 31 C.F.R. § 103.18 (2001).
    ¶54          Moreover, substantial assistance does not mean assistance
    that is necessary to commit the fraud.                Leahey at 537.      The test is
    whether the assistance makes it “easier” for the violation to
    occur, not whether the assistance was necessary. Id. (quoting Camp
    v. Dema, 
    948 F.2d 455
    , 462 (8th Cir. 1991) (internal quotations
    ¶55          Finally, the Funds’ claim of aiding and abetting is
    further supported by allegations that the Bank, with full knowledge
    that Symington’s financial statements were false, convened the June
    8, 1990 meeting and communicated directly with the Funds regarding
    the    Permanent     Commitment       due     on    June   30.      The   Funds    were
    represented in the meeting by legal counsel, Sam Coppersmith.
    Specifically,        it    appears    the     Bank    called     the   meeting    with
    Coppersmith and Symington representatives because the Funds had
    announced their intention to reduce the amount of the permanent
    loan by $1.2 million in order to compensate for Mercado tenant
    improvements which apparently had been funded by the Bank but were
    not a part of the basic construction costs.            The Bank desired to
    secure the full $10 million take-out, including the $1.2 million,
    by exploring, with the Funds, ways to eliminate or otherwise deal
    with the shortfall or “gap financing” as it was described.                   If
    successful, the Bank would receive full reimbursement of the $10
    million.   The meeting would thus have had no purpose without the
    presence of the Funds.
    ¶56        At that time, the Bank knew that Symington was in default
    on Alta Mesa.      Internal documents regarding the Mercado loan
    referenced Alta Mesa as a “related” debt.         The Bank also knew that
    Symington had submitted false financial statements relative to
    Mercado,   and   that   just   days    earlier   the   Bank   had   signed   a
    forbearance agreement with Symington on Alta Mesa to keep him
    financially viable until the day after the permanent loan was due
    to be funded.    Nevertheless, the Bank, with a clear opportunity to
    speak, kept this information from Coppersmith and pressed for
    closing the permanent loan at the full $10 million or for an
    alternate method of handling the “gap” problem.
    ¶57        Convening the meeting to discuss the loan and potential
    shortfall in these circumstances, without disclosure of the facts,
    would justify a reasonable inference that the Bank aided and
    abetted by knowingly assisting Symington’s tortious conduct.        If
    true, this goes well beyond mere self protection in the midst of a
    financial transaction gone sour.        In sum, it can be inferred that
    had the Funds been made aware of what the Bank knew, the Funds
    might well have chosen to withdraw from the obligation under the
    Permanent Commitment, and the Bank was fully knowledgeable of that
    ¶58         These facts raise inferences sufficient to take the issue
    to the jury under the applicable preponderance standard.16
    B.    Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair
    ¶59         Arizona law implies a covenant of good faith and fair
    dealing in every contract.     Enyart v. Transamerica Ins. Co., 195
    Aiding and abetting fraud requires proof by a preponderance
    of the evidence. York v. InTrust Bank, N.A., 
    962 P.2d 405
    , 422
    (Kan. 1998) (because jury ruled in favor of defendant on fraud
    count which required higher burden of proof does not mean evidence
    was insufficient to prove aiding and abetting fraud); State ex rel.
    Goettsch v. Diacide Distributors, Inc., 
    561 N.W.2d 369
     (Iowa 1997)
    (preponderance of the evidence is the proper standard of proof for
    aiding and abetting securities fraud under Iowa law); State, Dep’t
    of Finance v. Tenney, 
    858 P.2d 782
     (Idaho App. 1993) (aiding and
    abetting securities violation must be proven by preponderance of
    the evidence under Idaho law).
    Because there is a difference between proving an agreement to
    participate in a tortious line of conduct (civil conspiracy) and
    proving knowing action that substantially aids tortious conduct
    (aiding and abetting), Halberstam v. Welch, 
    705 F.2d 472
    , 478 (D.C.
    Cir. 1983), we deem the preponderance standard more appropriate for
    an aiding and abetting claim.
    Ariz. 71, 
    985 P.2d 556
    , ¶14 (1998) (citing Rawlings v. Apodaca, 
    151 Ariz. 149
    726 P.2d 565
     (1986)); see also Wagenseller v. Scottsdale
    Mem’l Hosp., 
    147 Ariz. 370
    , 383, 
    710 P.2d 1025
    , 1038 (1985)).               Such
    implied terms are as much a part of a contract as are the express
    terms.     Golder v. Crain, 
    7 Ariz. App. 207
    437 P.2d 959
    The implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing prohibits a
    party from doing anything to prevent other parties to the contract
    from receiving the benefits and entitlements of the agreement. The
    duty   arises    by   operation    of   law    but   exists   by   virtue   of   a
    contractual relationship.         Rawlings at 153-54, 726 P.2d at 569-70.
    ¶60         Breach of the implied covenant may provide the basis for
    imposing damages.       Burkons at 355, 813 P.2d at 720.            A party may
    bring an action in tort claiming damages for breach of the implied
    covenant    of   good   faith,    but   only   where   there   is   a   “special
    relationship between the parties arising from elements of public
    interest, adhesion, and fiduciary responsibility.” Id. at 355, 813
    P.2d at 720; see also Wagenseller at 383, 710 P.2d at 1038;
    McAlister v. Citibank (Arizona), a Subsidiary of Citicorp, 
    171 Ariz. 207
    829 P.2d 1253
     (App. 1992) (a special relationship must
    exist in order to support a tortious breach of the implied covenant
    of good faith and fair dealing).          The Funds have conceded that they
    do not have the required “special relationship” to support a claim
    for tortious breach.
    ¶61         There is a difference, however, in the proof required,
    depending on whether the claim sounds in tort or in contract.
    Here, the remedy for breach of the implied covenant is an action
    for breach claiming contract damages.            Burkons at 355, 813 P.2d at
    720.     When the remedy for breach of the covenant sounds in
    contract,     it   is   not   necessary    for   the   complaining      party   to
    establish a special relationship.             Firstar Metro. Bank & Trust v.
    Federal Deposit Ins. Corp., 
    964 F. Supp. 1353
    , 1358 (D. Ariz. 1997)
    (“[I]n light of the distinction between tortious and contractual
    claims based on the breach of the implied covenant of good faith
    and    fair   dealing,    Plaintiff’s        assumption     that   it   need    not
    demonstrate a special relationship is correct.”).                       The claim
    presented in the Funds’ counterclaim alleges breach of contract, a
    claim that is thus viable without the special relationship required
    for tortious relief.
    ¶62           The Bank, relying on Kesselman at 421, 937 P.2d at 343,
    argues that in the absence of duty, it did not act in bad faith by
    failing to disclose Symington’s true financial condition to the
    Funds.   The lower courts agreed.         But, as noted, Kesselman does not
    dispose of this claim.         Deese v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.,
    172 Ariz. 504
    , 507, 
    838 P.2d 1265
    , 1268 (1992) (bad faith is not
    proven   by    showing    negligence;     the    act   or    omission    must   be
    intended).      Moreover, unlike the bank in Kesselman, the Bank here
    was directly and contractually involved in the transaction with the
    Funds via the Triparty Agreement, an agreement which the Bank
    itself insisted be executed.
    ¶63        The Triparty Agreement is the lynchpin of the Funds’
    claim of bad faith.     The “underlying contract provides the basis
    for a bad faith action.”      Taylor v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.,
    185 Ariz. 174
    , 176, 
    913 P.2d 1092
    , 1094 (1996) (citing Noble v.
    National American Life Ins. Co., 
    128 Ariz. 188
    , 189, 
    624 P.2d 866
    867 (1981)).   Because the terms of the Triparty Agreement do not
    require the Bank to volunteer information to the Funds, the Bank
    argues that it cannot be liable for bad faith because it did not
    breach any provisions of the Triparty Agreement.              The Bank relies
    too heavily on the literal text.             The duty of good faith extends
    beyond the written words of the contract.
    ¶64        A party may breach an express covenant of the contract
    without breaching the implied covenant of good faith and fair
    dealing.   Rawlings at 157-60, 726 P.2d at 573-76.                Conversely,
    because a party may be injured when the other party to a contract
    manipulates bargaining power to its own advantage, a party may
    nevertheless   breach   its    duty    of     good   faith   without   actually
    breaching an express covenant in the contract.               Deese at 509, 838
    P.2d at 1270 (noting that a breach of an express covenant is not “a
    necessary prerequisite” for a bad faith claim); Rawlings at 157-60,
    726 P.2d at 573-76.
    ¶65        For example, in Arizona’s Towing Professionals Inc. v.
    State, the court of appeals held that a party to a contract could
    not use an express provision in the contract –- in that case, a
    “cancellation        for     convenience”        provision        --    to      thwart
    administrative or judicial review of the state’s decisions in
    awarding contracts after the bidding process.                
    196 Ariz. 73
    , 77,
    993 P.2d 1037
    ,    1041   (App.     1999).      The    court    found     that   if
    cancellations     for      convenience     were    permissible         under    these
    circumstances, they would effectively eliminate a party’s appeal
    rights, which would violate the implied covenant of good faith,
    even though the state expressly retained the power to cancel.                       Id.
    at 77, 993 P.2d at 1041.             Similarly, Southwest Savings & Loan
    Association v. Sunamp Systems, Inc. addressed whether one who
    retains express power or discretion under a contract can exercise
    that power or discretion in a way that breaches the implied
    covenant of good faith.         
    172 Ariz. 553
    , 558, 
    838 P.2d 1314
    , 1319
    (App.    1992).      In    answering    this    question,    the       Sunamp    court
    favorably cited a California decision, stating that “the duty to
    act in good faith does not alter the specific obligations of the
    parties under the contract. . . .          Acts in accord with the terms of
    one’s contract cannot without more be equated with bad faith.” Id.
    at 558, 838 P.2d at 1319 (quoting Balfour, Guthrie & Co. v. Gourmet
    Farms,   166   Cal.     Rptr.   422,    427-28    (App.    1980)       (emphasis    in
    ¶66          Southwest Savings explained that
    [m]uch of the mystery of the law of good faith lies in
    the Balfour phrase “without more.” If contracting par-
    ties cannot profitably use their contractual powers
    without fear that a jury will second-guess them under a
    vague standard of good faith, the law will impair the
    predictability that an orderly commerce requires.
    Id. at 558, 838 P.2d at 1319.     Yet, “[i]nstances inevitably arise
    where one party exercises discretion retained or unforeclosed under
    a contract in such a way as to deny the other a reasonably expected
    benefit of the bargain.”   Id.   The court concluded that the implied
    covenant of good faith provides a clear remedy for such abuse.      In
    reaching its conclusion, the court relied on Professor Steven J.
    Burton’s explanation of the duty of good faith:
    The good faith performance doctrine may be said to permit
    the exercise of discretion for any purpose -– including
    ordinary business purposes –- reasonably within the
    contemplation of the parties. A contract thus would be
    breached by a failure to perform in good faith if a party
    uses its discretion for a reason outside the contemplated
    range -– a reason beyond the risks assumed by the party
    claiming a breach.
    Id. at 558-59, 838 P.2d 1319-20 (quoting Breach of Contract and the
    Common Law Duty to Perform in Good Faith, 94 HARV. L. REV. 369, 385-
    86 (1980) (“Burton”) (footnotes omitted)).        Burton’s recitation
    fully comports with RESTATEMENT (SECOND)   OF   CONTRACTS § 205 cmt. a
    (1981), which states, “Good faith performance or enforcement of a
    contract emphasizes faithfulness to an agreed common purpose and
    consistency with the justified expectations of the other party.”
    Consistent with Burton and the RESTATEMENT, this court has held in a
    variety of contexts that a contracting party may not exercise a
    retained contractual power in bad faith.    See Rawlings at 153-157,
    726    P.2d    at    569-73   (power    to    adjust        claims   in   an     insurance
    contract); Wagenseller at 385-86, 710 P.2d at 1040-41 (power to
    fire employee at will for a bad cause).
    ¶67            In the instant case, under the Triparty Agreement the
    Bank had no express duty to comply with Symington’s disclosure
    obligations under the          Permanent Commitment.            But, the inquiry for
    the Funds’ claim of bad faith does not end with mere recognition
    that the written text of the Triparty Agreement may have freed the
    Bank    from    any    obligation     to    inform     the    Funds    of     Symington’s
    financial      condition.       The     question       is    whether      a   jury   might
    reasonably find that the Bank wrongfully exercised a contractual
    power for “a reason beyond the risks” that the Funds assumed in the
    Triparty Agreement, or for a reason inconsistent with the Funds’
    justified expectations.          Burton at 386; Southwest Sav. at 559, 838
    P.2d at 1320; RESTATEMENT (SECOND)           OF   CONTRACTS § 205 cmt. a.
    ¶68            The    Funds   contend      that,     although    the      Bank    was   not
    obligated to inform the Funds of the collapse of Symington’s
    finances, the Bank proceeded in bad faith by knowing that the Funds
    would be deprived of knowledge of Symington’s true condition in
    reaching the decision to accept or reject the Mercado loan.17
    Triparty Agreement § 3.9: . . . Permanent Lender will fund
    the Permanent Loan on or before such date . . . (ii) if Borrower
    has complied with each and every condition of the Permanent
    Commitment to the reasonable satisfaction of Permanent Lender, and
    (iii) if all submittals and documentation required by Permanent
    Lender in order to fund the Permanent Loan have been received in
    the Permanent Lender’s office . . . .
    Symington   deprived     the    Funds   of      this   information.    There      is
    evidence    the   Bank   knew   of   the       deprivation   and   engaged   in    a
    systematic strategy designed to withhold material information from
    the Funds and to keep Symington financially alive until after the
    take-out deadline, all of which resulted in serious and clearly
    anticipated damage to the Funds.
    ¶69         The key questions are:
    (1) were the Bank’s actions inconsistent with what the
    Funds justifiably expected under the Triparty Agreement?
    (2) did the Bank, by its action or inaction, deprive the
    Funds of a primary benefit of the agreement (see
    RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF CONTRACTS § 205 cmt. a. (“Good faith
    performance or enforcement of a contract emphasizes
    faithfulness to an agreed common purpose and consistency
    with the justified expectations of the other party.”))?
    (3) was it reasonable for the Funds to assume the Bank
    would follow federal banking regulations and report non-
    compliant activity (see 31 C.F.R. § 103.18 (bank shall
    file with the Treasury Department a report of any
    suspicious transaction relevant to a possible violation
    of law or regulation))? and
    (4) was it reasonable for the Funds to assume, despite
    the Bank’s self interest, that the Bank would disclose
    its alleged knowledge of Symington’s false financial
    ¶70         The foregoing are genuine questions of material fact.
    The inferences favorable to the Funds’ claim are sufficient for a
    jury’s consideration under the preponderance standard.18
    Proof of a breach of the implied covenant of good faith and
    fair dealing requires a preponderance of the evidence.         See
    Schwartz v. Farmers Ins. Co. of Ariz., 
    166 Ariz. 33
    , 36, 
    800 P.2d 20
    , 23 (App. 1990) (plaintiffs must prove breach of duty of good
    faith and fair dealing by a preponderance of the evidence); see
    C.        Intentional Interference With Contractual Relations
    ¶71              The   Funds   claim   that    by   obscuring    or     concealing
    Symington’s collapsing finances, the Bank improperly interfered
    with    the       Funds’   contract    right   to   receive     full,    accurate
    information as a basis on which to reject the Permanent Commitment
    on the Mercado loan.
    ¶72              The interference with contract claim was not separately
    addressed by the court of appeals but was swept into the court’s
    general reasoning that the bank had no duty to disclose Symington’s
    financial status to the Funds.
    ¶73              Intentional interference with contract is, as its name
    suggests, an intentional tort.           Snow v. Western Sav. & Loan Ass'n,
    152 Ariz. 27
    , 34, 
    730 P.2d 204
    , 211 (1986); see also RESTATEMENT
    (SECOND)    OF   TORTS § 767 cmt. d (1979) (interference with contractual
    relations is an intentional tort). In addition, "[t]he duty not to
    interfere with the contract of another arises out of law, not
    contract."        Bar J Bar Cattle Co. Inc. v. Pace, 
    158 Ariz. 481
    , 486,
    763 P.2d 545
    , 550 (App. 1988) (emphasis added).                   We therefore
    examine the merits of the Funds’ claim.
    ¶74              Arizona has long recognized the tort of intentional
    also General Acc. Fire & Life Assur. Corp. v. Little, 
    103 Ariz. 435
    , 443-44, 
    443 P.2d 690
    , 698-99 (1968) (lower court did not err
    in refusing to give instruction on clear and convincing burden of
    proof for “bad faith” claim; the proper standard was the
    preponderance of the evidence).
    interference with contractual relations.            See Snow at 33, 730 P.2d
    at 211.    A prima facie case of intentional interference requires:
    (1) existence of a valid contractual relationship, (2) knowledge of
    the relationship on the part of the interferor, (3) intentional
    interference inducing or causing a breach, (4) resultant damage to
    the party whose relationship has been disrupted, and (5) that the
    defendant acted improperly.          Id.; RESTATEMENT (SECOND)   OF   TORTS § 766
    ¶75        The first element, the existence of a valid contractual
    relationship, is satisfied by the Permanent Commitment between
    Symington and the Funds.19
    ¶76         Second,   as     party    to     the   Triparty   Agreement      and
    beneficiary of the proceeds under the Permanent Commitment, the
    Bank had knowledge of the terms of both contracts.               The terms of
    the Permanent Commitment are frequently referenced in the Triparty
    Agreement,   and   the     Bank   insisted     Symington   secure      long-term
    financing through the Permanent Commitment before it would agree to
    fund the interim construction loan.
    The Funds assert in their brief that the Bank interfered
    with both the Permanent Commitment and the Triparty Agreement. As
    a general rule, a party cannot be held liable in tort for
    intentional interference with its own contract.        Campbell v.
    148 Ariz. 432
    , 438, 
    715 P.2d 288
    , 294 (App. 1985). This
    general rule is complicated here by the fact that the Bank, the
    Funds, and Symington were parties to a tripartite agreement. We do
    not address the question whether a party to a tripartite contract
    can be liable in tort for interfering with rights as between the
    other parties to the agreement because the Funds can satisfy this
    element of the tort by the Permanent Commitment.
    ¶77           Third, intent is shown by proving that the interferor
    either       intended   or    knew    that     “[a   particular]      result    was
    substantially certain to be produced by its conduct.”                 Snow at 34,
    730 P.2d at 211.
    ¶78           “There is no technical requirement as to the kind of
    conduct that may result in interference with the third party’s
    performance of the contract.”             RESTATEMENT (SECOND)   OF   TORTS § 766
    cmt.    k    (1979).     In    most   instances      the   interference    is    by
    inducement.      As the RESTATEMENT explains, the word “inducing” refers
    to situations in which A causes B to choose one course of conduct
    rather than another. “Whether A causes the choice by persuasion or
    by intimidation, B is free to choose the other course if he is
    willing to suffer the consequences.”            Id., § 766 cmt. h.      While the
    paradigm case of tortious interference with contract may be that of
    a tortfeasor who induces breach by enticing the contracting party
    not to perform or by preventing or disabling that party from being
    able to perform, the RESTATEMENT emphasizes that liability attaches
    to     any    intentional     interference,      whether    by   inducement     or
    otherwise.       Id. (emphasis added).          “The essential thing is the
    intent to cause the result.”           Id.
    ¶79           Here, Symington breached his contractual obligation to
    the Funds by submitting false financial statements.20   Whether the
    Bank intended that its conduct operate to disadvantage the Funds in
    order to obtain payment of the Mercado loan under the Permanent
    Commitment necessarily requires a jury assessment of the Bank’s
    intent. Strategies in which the Bank readily participated, such as
    the Alta Mesa loan extensions, the forbearance, and the failure to
    report, raise legitimate inferences relating to the Bank’s intent.
    Intent is a question for the fact finder.   Snow at 34, 730 P.2d at
    211. The Bank certainly had reason to believe that false financial
    information was going to the Funds, giving rise to the inference
    that, by its strategy, the Bank intended to benefit by this conduct
    at the expense of the Funds.
    ¶80        Fourth, the Funds can prove resultant damage if they can
    establish that the Mercado loan would not have been funded had they
    been given accurate information.
    ¶81        Fifth, wrongful conduct can be analyzed by considering
    seven factors previously advanced by this court:
    (a) the nature of the actor’s conduct, (b) the actor’s
    motive, (c) the interests of the other with which the
    actor’s conduct interferes, (d) the interest sought to be
    advanced by the actor, (e) the social interests in pro-
    tecting the freedom of action of the actor and the
    contractual interests of the other, (f) the proximity or
    Whether Symington would have breached his contractual
    obligations to the Funds without substantial involvement by the
    Bank is a question of causation, not intent. Causation is also a
    question for the jury. Molever v. Roush, 
    152 Ariz. 367
    , 374, 
    732 P.2d 1105
    , 1112 (App. 1986) (citing Harmon v. Szrama, 
    102 Ariz. 343
    429 P.2d 662
    remoteness of the actor’s conduct to the interference,
    and (g) the relations between the parties.
    Wagenseller at 387, 710 P.2d at 1042 (quoting RESTATEMENT (SECOND)           OF
    TORTS § 767); see also Bar J Cattle Co. at 484, 763 P.2d at 548.
    Factors deserving the most weight are the nature of the actor’s
    conduct and the actor’s motive.         G.M. Ambulance & Med. Supply Co.,
    Inc. v. Canyon State Ambulance, Inc., 
    153 Ariz. 549
    , 551, 
    739 P.2d 203
    , 205 (App. 1987).
    ¶82         Conduct specifically in violation of statutory provisions
    or    contrary   to   public   policy    may   for    that   reason   make   an
    interference improper.         RESTATEMENT (SECOND)   OF   TORTS § 767 cmt. c
    (1979).    The testimony from banking expert Gaia regarding the
    Bank’s handling of the Alta Mesa loan is relevant here.               Based on
    his review of the Alta Mesa loan history, Gaia opined that the
    agreement to forbear on the Alta Mesa loan default was inconsistent
    with prudent and reasonable banking practices and inconsistent with
    the course of action previously prescribed by the loan’s Special
    Credits Officer, Doug Hawes.         See Gaia Declaration at ¶¶ 37, 39,
    40, 43.
    ¶83         As further relevant evidence, the Funds offered to prove
    the Bank’s failure to report Symington’s false financial statements
    to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Department of
    Treasury, as mandated by federal banking regulations.                  See 31
    C.F.R. § 103.18 (2001). The regulations require FDIC insured banks
    to file a “Suspicious Activity Report” when they detect a known or
    suspected   criminal     violation       of     federal   law   or   a   suspicious
    transaction, such as filing a false financial statement.                        Id.
    White, the Bank’s own loan officer, testified in deposition that he
    knew intentional fraudulent submissions of financial statements
    would trigger reporting requirements to the FBI. Nevertheless, the
    Bank did not report.          It claims its conduct was not improper
    because it did not know Symington’s financial statements were
    false.   But inferences of the Bank’s knowledge of false statements
    are clearly present.
    ¶84         The Bank responds with several additional arguments.
    First, it argues that, even despite the inconsistencies in the
    financial statement, no one at the Bank believed that an event had
    occurred    under    ¶   29   of   the     Permanent      Commitment     regarding
    Symington’s financial status that would have given the Funds the
    legal right to refuse to honor the Triparty Agreement.                    The Bank
    contends that the provisions under ¶ 29, which include “generally
    not paying Debtor’s debts as such debts become due” and “assignment
    for the benefit of creditors,” are terms of art from sections of
    the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or its state statutory equivalent. See 11
    U.S.C.A. § 303(h)(1) (1993); A.R.S. §§ 44-1031 to -1047 (1994 and
    Supp. 2001).        Because an event which would qualify under the
    relevant bankruptcy statutes had not occurred, the Bank contends
    nothing happened that would allow the Funds not to comply with the
    Permanent Commitment.            This argument is tenuous in light of the
    fact that, in other sections of ¶ 29, when the parties intended to
    refer to a section of the Bankruptcy Code, it was expressly stated.
    Moreover,     the   Bank    knew    that       despite    its    loan    extensions     to
    Symington and the Forbearance Agreement, the Alta Mesa loan was
    absolutely in default and amounted to clear failure to pay a debt
    when due.
    ¶85          The Bank further argues that under the Triparty Agreement
    it was not required to disclose information not requested.                             The
    Bank claims that, under Kesselman, it actually has a duty not to
    disclose confidential customer information.                     See Kesselman at 421,
    937 P.2d at 343.        If simple nondisclosure were the essence of this
    case, the Bank could not be liable, based on the holding in Mac
    Enterprises v. Del E. Webb Development Co., 
    132 Ariz. 331
    , 336, 
    645 P.2d 1245
    ,    1250    (App.      1982).         But,    as     discussed,     simple
    nondisclosure is not the claim the Funds make.                    The real questions
    are    the   propriety     of    the    Bank’s    affirmative       decision    not     to
    institute       foreclosure        proceedings       against       Alta     Mesa,      the
    forbearance, the failure to report Symington’s false statements to
    federal authorities, and whether these intentional actions or
    omissions     interfered         with    the    Funds’    right    to     receive     from
    Symington information material to their decision to fund the
    Mercado loan.
    ¶86          Finally,      the    Bank    argues    that    even    if    it   knew    the
    statements were false, it was acting properly in its own self-
    interest by not disclosing Symington’s financial status to the Fund
    to protect itself against a $10 million loss.           We agree that the
    Bank may have been acting in its self-interest and we are cognizant
    of the inherent conflict between the parties’ interests created by
    the interim loan and Permanent Commitment.          But self-interest does
    not   justify   an   affirmative   strategy    to   deprive   the   Funds   of
    information which the Bank knows is vital to the Funds’ legitimate
    expectations under the Permanent Commitment.           Further, it is not
    justification to interfere knowingly with a contract where the
    defendant acts with an improper purpose and seeks to further his
    own interests. Community Title Co. v. Roosevelt Fed. Sav. and Loan
    796 S.W.2d 369
     (Mo. 1990).          Summary judgment on the Funds’
    tortious interference with contract claim was improper. Inferences
    arising from the evidence are sufficient to go to the jury under
    the preponderance standard.21
    D.   Fraudulent Concealment
    Intentional interference with contract requires the
    preponderance standard. Hi-Ho Tower, Inc. v. Com-Tronics, Inc.,
    761 A.2d 1268
    , 1273-75 (Conn. 2000) (Com-Tronics must prove claim
    of tortious interference with contractual relations by a
    preponderance of the evidence); Examination Mgmt. Serv., Inc. v.
    927 P.2d 686
    , 697 (Wyo. 1996) (in claim for intentional
    interference with contract, defendant has burden of proving
    elements by a preponderance of the evidence); see also Collins v.
    625 So. 2d 786
    , 791 (Miss. 1993) (elements of tortious
    interference need to be proven only by a preponderance of the
    ¶87         Arizona recognizes the tort of fraudulent concealment:
    One party to a transaction who by concealment or other
    action intentionally prevents the other from acquiring
    material information is subject to the same liability to
    the other, for pecuniary loss as though he had stated the
    nonexistence of the matter that the other was thus
    prevented from discovering.
    RESTATEMENT (SECOND)   OF   TORTS § 550 (1976); see also King v. O’Rielly
    Motor Co., 
    16 Ariz. App. 518
    , 521, 
    494 P.2d 718
    , 721 (1972).           Where
    failure to disclose a material fact is calculated to induce a false
    belief,    “the   distinction      between    concealment   and   affirmative
    misrepresentation is tenuous.”           Schock v. Jacka, 
    105 Ariz. 131
    460 P.2d 185
    , 187 (1969).
    ¶88         The court of appeals dismissed the Funds’ claim for
    fraudulent concealment on the basis that the Bank’s fiduciary and
    contractual duty was to Symington and not to the Funds.             Both the
    court of appeals and the Bank mistakenly cite Frazier v. Southwest
    Savings & Loan Association, 
    134 Ariz. 12
    653 P.2d 362
     (App. 1982),
    for the proposition that concealment was not proven because there
    was no duty to speak.22
    The confusion surrounding the requisites of fraudulent
    concealment results from the fact that there are three distinct
    classes of fraud: misrepresentation, concealment, and non-
    disclosure.    Liability for fraudulent misrepresentation occurs
    under § 525 of the RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS and lies against “[o]ne
    who fraudulently makes a misrepresentation of fact . . . for the
    purpose of inducing another to act or to refrain from action
    . . . .” In contrast, liability for nondisclosure occurs under
    § 551 of the RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS and lies against “[o]ne who
    fails to disclose to another a fact . . . if, but only if, he is
    under a duty to the other . . . to disclose the matter in
    question.” Liability for fraudulent concealment occurs under § 550
    ¶89         In   Frazier,   the   court     explained   that     liability   for
    concealment under § 550 of the RESTATEMENT (SECOND)         OF   TORTS requires
    knowledge of the false information and action by the defendant that
    intentionally prevented the plaintiff from finding the truth.                 134
    Ariz. at 17, 653 P.2d at 367.       The Frazier court found concealment
    unproven, not because there was no duty to disclose, but because
    there was no evidence from which the jury could have found active
    concealment.23    Frazier at 17, 653 P.2d at 367.
    ¶90         The court of appeals has previously referred to a duty
    requirement in the context of fraudulent concealment.                 Dunlap v.
    City of Phoenix, 
    169 Ariz. 63
    , 69, 
    817 P.2d 8
    , 14 (App. 1990).                 In
    Dunlap,    the   court   stated   that    “[t]o   be   guilty    of   fraudulent
    concealment, a defendant must have a legal or equitable obligation
    to reveal the information.”        Dunlap at 69, 817 P.2d at 14.             This
    statement was dictum however, since the case was decided on statute
    of the RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS and lies against a “party to a
    transaction who by concealment or other action intentionally
    prevents the other from acquiring material information.” (Emphasis
    added.) As discussed, duty has no relevance in a tort requiring an
    intentional act. Concealment necessarily involves an element of
    non-disclosure, but it is the intentional act of preventing another
    from learning a material fact that is significant, and this act is
    always the equivalent of a misrepresentation. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF
    CONTRACTS § 160 (“Action intended or known to be likely to prevent
    another from learning a fact is equivalent to an assertion that the
    fact does not exist.”).
    The opinion does address the concept of duty; however, the
    discussion occurred in the context of Frazier’s claims under
    RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 551, “Liability for Nondisclosure” and
    RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 552, “Information Negligently Supplied
    for the Guidance of Others.”
    of limitations grounds.   Id. at 70, 817 P.2d at 15.   Moreover, the
    two cases Dunlap relied on for this proposition, Schock v. Jacka
    and Van Buren v. Pima Community College District Board, 
    113 Ariz. 85
    546 P.2d 821
     (1976), did not hold fraudulent concealment is
    subject to a disclosure duty.
    ¶91         In Schock, neither the complaint nor the plaintiff’s
    opposition to summary judgment articulated any theory of fraudulent
    concealment.   105 Ariz. at 133, 460 P.2d at 187.   In Van Buren, the
    plaintiff raised both fraudulent and negligent failure to disclose.
    The court found no fraudulent failure because there was no proof
    the statements were false, nor was there proof the defendant knew
    of any falsehood.    Van Buren at 86, 546 P.2d at 822.     The court
    correctly dismissed negligent failure because it found no duty.
    Id. at 87, 546 P.2d at 823.
    ¶92         In Arizona, whether a duty to speak exists at all is
    determined by reference to all the circumstances of the case.
    National Hous. Indus., Inc., v. E.L. Jones Dev. Co., 
    118 Ariz. 374
    576 P.2d 1374
    , 1379 (App. 1978) (citing 37 AM. JUR. 2d, Fraud
    & Deceit § 146 (1968)).     On the issue of duty in a fraudulent
    concealment claim, we are persuaded by and affirm the reasoning
    articulated by the court of appeals decision in King v. O’Rielly
    Motor Co.
    ¶93         In King, a car buyer sued a car dealer for fraudulently
    representing that the car the buyer purchased was “as good as new”
    when in fact the car had been in an accident and, unbeknownst to
    the buyer, had been repaired by the dealer.            The car dealer argued
    that because the buyer’s claim existed under § 551 of the RESTATEMENT
    OF   TORTS (Liability for Nondisclosure), the dealer could not be
    liable to the buyer because the dealer was under no duty to
    disclose.    The court refused to limit its consideration of the
    plaintiff’s claim to § 551, stating “[w]ith these facts in mind we
    feel that a consideration of §§ 529 and 550 of RESTATEMENT            OF   TORTS
    . . . is necessary for the determination of the question at hand.”
    King at 521, 494 P.2d at 721.       The court further stated that, while
    “[i]t is often difficult to distinguish misleading representations
    and    fraudulent   concealment     from     mere    nondisclosure   and    the
    classification of the act or acts in question must, of course,
    depend on the facts of each case,” it was nevertheless true that
    “the facts of this case . . . would be supportive of a finding of
    misleading representation as set forth in Restatement § 529 or
    fraudulent concealment as set forth in § 550.”           King at 521-22, 494
    P.2d at 721-22 (emphasis added).          An Oregon court advanced similar
    reasoning in Paul v. Kelley, 
    599 P.2d 1236
     (Or. App. 1979),
    concluding that a duty to disclose is not necessary to prevail on
    a fraudulent concealment claim.
    ¶94         In Paul, the seller of real estate knew, before the
    closing, that he was required to install a storm sewer if a
    drainage    ditch   on   the   property     were   eliminated.   Instead     of
    installing the storm sewer, the sellers simply filled the ditch and
    sold the property.         Buyers of the land sued the sellers when they
    learned they had to put in an expensive sewer system.                The sellers
    defended on the grounds that they had no affirmative duty to
    disclose the ditch to the buyers.               The court found this argument
    meritless, stating:
    Such a duty is not necessary. . . . [A]n active
    concealment such as the filling in of the ditch alleged
    in this case is to be distinguished from a simple
    nondisclosure. . . . Plaintiff’s complaint sets forth
    facts alleging an active concealment of the drainage
    ditch and is sufficient without the assertion of a duty
    to speak.
    Paul at 1238-39 (emphasis added); see also Caldwell v. Pop’s Homes,
    634 P.2d 471
    , 477 (Or. App. 1981) (where fraud is based on a
    plan of actual concealment, as opposed to simple nondisclosure, a
    duty to speak is not required).
    ¶95         “[T]he        common   law     clearly     distinguishes     between
    concealment and nondisclosure.              The former is characterized by
    deceptive   acts     or    contrivances     intended    to   hide   information,
    mislead,    avoid    suspicion,     or    prevent    further   inquiry     into   a
    material matter.          The latter is characterized by mere silence.”
    United States v. Colton, 
    231 F.3d 890
    , 899 (4th Cir. 2000).                “Thus,
    fraudulent concealment -– without any misrepresentation or duty to
    disclose -- can constitute common law fraud.”                Id. at 899.
    ¶96         The distinction is made even more clear by Prosser’s
    description of active concealment as:
    Any words or acts which create a false impression
    covering up the truth, or which remove an opportunity
    that might otherwise have led to the discovery of a
    material fact--as by floating a ship to conceal the
    defects in her bottom, sending one who is in search of
    information in a direction where it cannot be obtained,
    or even a false denial of knowledge by one in possession
    of facts--are classed as misrepresentation, no less than
    a verbal assurance that the fact is not true.
    (Footnotes omitted.) WILLIAM L. PROSSER, HANDBOOK       OF THE   LAW   OF   TORTS § 106
    at 695 (4th ed. 1971) (“Prosser IV”).                Prosser discusses simple
    nondisclosure as a separate category, usually requiring a duty to
    speak before silence will be actionable.              PROSSER IV at 695-99.
    ¶97        The Funds in the instant case allege the Bank actively
    strategized   to    cover    up   the   pending      collapse    of     Symington’s
    financial condition.         This allegation fits the definition of
    concealment, not nondisclosure.                Three evidentiary points are
    clear:    the “unjustified and imprudent” loan extensions; the
    forbearance until one day after the due date for the Mercado take-
    out   obligation;    and    the   failure      to   report   Symington’s         false
    statements to federal banking authorities.                   The record reveals
    evidence of internal bank communications and communication between
    Symington aides and the Bank.           Applying the law, we conclude that
    the Funds were not required to establish an affirmative duty to
    speak in order to prove fraudulent concealment.                   Actions by the
    Bank which intended to conceal material facts are, if proven,
    ¶98        In the final analysis, we reach two conclusions as to the
    fraudulent concealment claim: there are reasonable inferences from
    which a jury could find (1) the Bank had knowledge of false
    information being given the Funds, and (2) the Bank took measures
    intended to prevent the Funds from learning the truth.        These
    inferences are grounded in fact and are sufficient to take the
    concealment theory to the jury under the applicable clear and
    convincing standard.24
    E.   Civil Conspiracy to Commit Fraud
    ¶99        “For a civil conspiracy to occur two or more people must
    agree to accomplish an unlawful purpose or to accomplish a lawful
    object by unlawful means, causing damages.” Baker v. Stewart Title
    & Trust of Phoenix, 
    197 Ariz. 535
    , 542, 
    5 P.3d 249
    , 256 ¶30 (App.
    Although courts in other jurisdictions are not in agreement
    regarding the standard of proof required for fraudulent
    concealment, we follow those requiring clear and convincing
    evidence. See Aksomitas v. Aksomitas, 
    529 A.2d 1314
     (Conn. 1987);
    Hughes v. Holt, 
    435 A.2d 687
     (Vt. 1981); Haleyville Health Care
    Center v. Winston County Hosp. Bd., 
    678 So. 2d 789
     (Ala. 1996);
    Webb v. Pomeroy, 
    655 P.2d 465
     (Kan. App. 1982); but see Kracl v.
    461 N.W.2d 67
    , 72 (Neb. 1990) (to maintain an action for
    fraudulent concealment, the plaintiff must prove the elements by a
    preponderance of the evidence); Hebron Public School Dist. No. 13
    of Morton County v. U.S. Gypsum Co., 
    475 N.W.2d 120
    , 124 (N.D.
    1991) (fraudulent concealment must be established to the
    satisfaction of the jury by a fair preponderance of the evidence);
    Kopeikin v. Merchants Mortgage and Trust Corp., 
    679 P.2d 599
    , 601
    (Colo. 1984) (defendant asserts petitioners could not have proven
    fraudulent concealment by a preponderance of the evidence).
    We adopt the heightened standard for this tort because
    fraudulent concealment is essentially the equivalent of fraud by a
    misrepresentation.   See RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 550 (1976).
    Fraud unquestionably requires clear and convincing evidence. Rice
    v. Tissaw, 
    57 Ariz. 230
    , 237, 
    112 P.2d 866
    , 869 (1941).
    2000) (quoting Rowland v. Union Hills Country Club, 
    157 Ariz. 301
    757 P.2d 105
    , 110 (1988)); see also RESTATEMENT (SECOND)            OF   TORTS
    § 876.      “A mere agreement to do a wrong imposes no liability; an
    agreement plus a wrongful act may result in liability.”                 Baker at
    542, 5 P.3d at 256 (citations omitted).            In short, liability for
    civil conspiracy requires that two or more individuals agree and
    thereupon     accomplish     “an    underlying   tort    which    the   alleged
    conspirators agreed to commit.”          Id. at 545, 5 P.3d at 259.       Here,
    the    underlying   wrong    is    Symington’s   fraud    via    submission     of
    fraudulent financial statements to the Funds.            The Bank denies any
    agreement to defraud.
    ¶100         Ultimately, the correspondence between Bank agents and
    Symington’s aides, coupled with meetings among Symington, his
    aides, and bank officials and the ensuing results raise serious
    questions about the Bank’s activity.              But a claim for civil
    conspiracy must include an actual agreement, proven by clear and
    convincing     evidence,25    and    although    the     Bank’s    conduct      is
    suspicious, evidence of an agreed upon conspiratorial arrangement,
    on this record, cannot rise to the clear and convincing level.                 See
    Elliott v. Videan, 
    164 Ariz. 113
    , 116, 
    791 P.2d 639
    , 642 (App.
    ¶101         There is a qualitative difference between proving an
    Civil conspiracy to commit fraud requires clear and con-
    vincing evidence. Elliot v. Videan, 
    164 Ariz. 113
    , 116, 
    791 P.2d 639
    , 642 (App. 1989).
    agreement to participate in a tort, i.e., a civil conspiracy, and
    proving knowing action that substantially aids another to commit a
    tort.    Halberstam at 478.          Even though legitimate fact questions
    exist on the Funds’ claims of aiding and abetting, bad faith,
    intentional interference, and concealment, it is unreasonable to
    infer a conspiratorial agreement. Leahey at 537 (court upheld jury
    verdict finding defendant guilty of aiding and abetting fraud but
    struck down jury finding that defendant conspired to commit fraud
    because it was unreasonable for jury to conclude defendant agreed
    to join in the scheme).
    ¶102        Accordingly, we affirm summary judgment of the Funds’
    civil conspiracy claim.
    IV.     Conclusion
    ¶103        The Funds correctly emphasize that the case is here in
    opposition to the summary judgment entered in the Bank’s favor,
    claiming they are entitled to take their case to the jury with all
    reasonable inferences to be drawn from the facts.              See Anderson v.
    Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
     (1986).            The inquiry on a motion
    for summary judgment unavoidably asks whether reasonable jurors
    could   find    by    the   appropriate     evidentiary     standard   that    the
    plaintiff      is    entitled   to   a   verdict,   i.e.,   whether    there    is
    “evidence . . . such that a reasonable jury could return a verdict
    for the nonmoving party.”        Id. at 248.    Accordingly, the issue here
    is whether the evidence is sufficient to overcome a motion for
    summary judgment.        Our evaluation focused exclusively on the five
    allegations made in the Funds’ counterclaim, the evidence offered
    in support of those allegations, and the arguments made in the
    court of appeals and the petition for review to this court.
    ¶104        In light of the evidence, we hold that summary judgment
    was    premature    as   to   all   claims   except   the   claim   of   civil
    conspiracy.    Thus, the court of appeals ruling on civil conspiracy
    is affirmed.       As to the other claims, the opinion of the court of
    appeals is vacated, the judgment of the trial court is reversed,
    and this case is remanded to the trial court for proceedings
    consistent with this opinion.
    ¶105        Because of our decision to remand, we also vacate the
    existing award of attorneys’ fees to the Bank. Attorneys’ fees, if
    any, will be recoverable at the termination of the proceedings in
    the trial court.
    Charles E. Jones
    CONCURRING:                                  Chief Justice
    Ruth V. McGregor, Vice Chief Justice
    Stanley G. Feldman, Justice
    Thomas A. Zlaket, Justice
    M A R T O N E, Justice, concurring in part and dissenting in part.
    ¶106        I agree with the court that the absence of a duty to
    disclose is not fatal to the assertion of intentional tort claims.
    This is the issue decided by the court of appeals upon which review
    was sought.    I would thus remand the case to the court of appeals
    for consideration of those issues presented to but not decided by
    it.    The court instead proceeds to examine the sufficiency of the
    evidence in this case as to each of five separate counts.              In the
    process it sweeps broadly, drawing on decisions from scores of
    other courts, to set forth, in dicta, rules for Arizona on issues
    not briefed by the parties.      See, e.g., ante, at ¶ 58 n.16.             To
    illustrate,   the   court   concludes     that   the   tort   of   aiding   and
    abetting fraud, unlike fraud itself, requires proof only by a
    preponderance of the evidence.          I would like to have seen this
    issue briefed and argued.      I should think that if fraud requires
    proof by clear and convincing evidence, aiding and abetting fraud
    would require the same.
    ¶107       Rule 23 (i)(3), Ariz. R. Civ. App. P., provides that if
    issues were raised in, but not decided by, the court of appeals, we
    may consider them or remand to the court of appeals to decide them
    in the first instance.       Given the fact intensive nature of the
    inquiry and the wide range of views expressed nationally on the
    torts alleged, it is best to have such issues decided in the court
    in which they were raised and briefed.             I thus concur in the
    judgment but dissent from the court’s opinion.
    Frederick J. Martone, Justice