Re Water Rights to gila/little Colorado ( 2012 )

  •                     SUPREME COURT OF ARIZONA
    En Banc
    )   Arizona Supreme Court
    )   No. WC-11-0001-IR
    OF ALL RIGHTS TO USE WATER IN     )   Maricopa County Superior
    THE GILA RIVER SYSTEM AND SOURCE )    Court Case Nos.: W-1, W-2,
    )   W-3 and W-4
    )   (Consolidated) (Gila)
    IN RE GENERAL ADJUDICATION        )   [Contested Case
    OF ALL RIGHTS TO USE WATER IN     )    No. W1-104]
    AND SOURCE                        )   Apache County Superior
    )   Court Case No. 6417 (LCR)
    )   [Contested Case
    )    No. 6417-100]
    )   O P I N I O N
    Review from the Superior Court
    in Apache County and Maricopa County
    The Honorable Eddward P. Ballinger, Jr., Judge
    By   Thomas C. Horne, Attorney General
    Theresa M. Craig, Assistant Attorney General
    Attorneys for the State of Arizona
    THE SPARKS LAW FIRM PC                                Scottsdale
    By   Joe P. Sparks
    Laurel A. Herrmann
    Attorneys for the San Carlos Apache Tribe and Tonto Apache Tribe
    SALMON LEWIS & WELDON PLC                                Phoenix
    By   M. Byron Lewis
    John B. Weldon, Jr.
    Mark A. McGinnis
    Attorneys for Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and
    Power District and Salt River Valley Water Users’ Association
    SALMON LEWIS & WELDON PLC                                Phoenix
    By   Paul R. Orme
    Attorney for Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District
    and Maricopa-Stanfield Irrigation & Drainage District
    SNELL & WILMER LLP                                       Phoenix
    By   L. William Staudenmaier, III
    Andrew M. Jacobs
    Attorneys for Arizona Public Service Company, Freeport-
    McMoran Corporation, Roosevelt Water Conservation District
    POLSINELLI SHUGHART PC                                     Phoenix
    By   Lucas J. Narducci
    Margaret LaBianca
    Attorneys for BHP Copper Inc.
    ENGELMAN BERGER PC                                       Phoenix
    By   William H. Anger
    Attorney for City of Avondale, City of Chandler, City of
    Glendale, City of Mesa, City of Scottsdale
    By   David Albert Brown                             St. Johns
    Douglas E. Brown                                   Eagar
    Attorneys for City of Cottonwood, City of Show Low,
    Franklin Irrigation District, Aztec Land and Cattle
    Company Ltd.
    BALLARD SPAHR LLP                                          Phoenix
    By   Lee A. Storey
    Sara V. Ransom
    Attorneys for City of Flagstaff
    GARY VERBURG, PHOENIX CITY ATTORNEY                        Phoenix
    By   Gary Verburg, City Attorney
    Cynthia S. Campbell, Assistant City Attorney
    Daniel L. Brown, Assistant City Attorney
    Attorneys for City of Phoenix
    MOYES SELLERS & HENDRICKS                                  Phoenix
    By   Steven L. Wene
    Attorney for City of Safford
    GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY                                Sacaton
    By   Linus Everling
    Thomas L. Murphy, Sr.
    Attorneys for Gila River Indian Community
    FENNEMORE CRAIG PC                                       Phoenix
    By   Lauren J. Caster
    Gregory Loyd Adams
    Attorneys for ASARCO LLC and Catalyst Paper (Snowflake) Inc.
    LAW OFFICE OF L. ANTHONY FINES PC                                        Tucson
    By   L. Anthony Fines
    Attorney for Gila Valley Irrigation District
    NAVAJO NATION DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE                               Window Rock
    By   Stanley M. Pollack
    MCELROY MEYER WALKER & CONDON PC                                  Boulder, CO
    By   Scott McElroy
    Attorneys for Navajo Nation
    MONTGOMERY & INTERPRETER PLC                                       Scottsdale
    By   Susan B. Montgomery
    Robyn L. Interpreter
    Attorneys for Yavapai-Apache Nation
    UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE               Washington, DC
    By   Robert G. Dreher, Acting Assistant Attorney General
    F. Patrick Barry
    Mary Gabrielle Sprague
    Attorneys for United States of America
    ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES                    Phoenix
    By   Kenneth C. Slowinski
    David S. Johnson
    Attorneys for Amicus Arizona Department of Water Resources
    P E L A N D E R, Justice
    ¶1         The   State    of   Arizona      filed   an   interlocutory   appeal
    from an order issued in the general stream adjudications of the
    Gila   River   System    and   Source    and   the   Little   Colorado    River
    System and Source.        At issue is whether federal water rights
    were impliedly reserved on lands granted by the United States
    government     to     the   State    of   Arizona     to   support   education   and
    other public institutions (“State Trust Lands”).                       We accepted
    review and now affirm the superior court’s ruling that there are
    no implied federal reserved water rights for State Trust Lands.
    ¶2           In 1787, the federal government established a policy
    to support public schools in new territories.                        See Northwest
    Ordinance, Act of Aug. 7, 1789, ch. 8, 1 Stat. 50, 51-52 n.(a)
    (affirming the 1787 Act of the Continental Congress).                       Congress
    furthered this policy by granting land from the public domain to
    new territories and states to be used for educational purposes.
    See Lassen v. Arizona ex rel. Ariz. Highway Dep’t, 
    385 U.S. 458
    460 (1967).      When Congress established the New Mexico Territory,
    which included the present State of Arizona, it “reserved for
    the   purpose       of   being   applied       to   schools”   township     sections
    sixteen and thirty-six.             Act of Sept. 9, 1850, ch. 49, § 15, 9
    Stat.   446,    452      (“Organic    Act”).        Four   years   later,   Congress
    “reserved for the establishment of a University” a grant of land
    equal to two townships.             Act of July 22, 1854, ch. 103, § 6, 10
    Stat. 308, 309.
    ¶3           Congress gave these land grants to Arizona when it
    separated the Arizona Territory from the New Mexico Territory.
    Act of Feb. 24, 1863, ch. 56, 12 Stat. 664, 665.                            In 1881,
    Congress provided the Arizona Territory with another grant of
    seventy-two sections of land, “withdrawn from sale,” to support
    a university.            Act of Feb. 18, 1881, ch. 61, 21 Stat. 326.
    ¶4          In       1910,        Congress      passed     the       Arizona—New       Mexico
    Enabling Act (“Enabling Act”), which set forth the requirements
    for the two territories to become states.                        Act of June 20, 1910,
    ch. 310, 36 Stat. 557.                    The Enabling Act confirmed the prior
    land   grants       and    also     granted     sections       two    and    thirty-two     in
    every township to support the common schools.                                
    Id. § 24,
    Stat. at 572.             It also provided “bulk” grants consisting of a
    set    number       of    acres     for    other     specific        purposes,      including
    universities; government buildings; prisons; insane asylums; a
    school    for       the    deaf     and    blind;     normal     schools;         charitable,
    penal,    and       reform    institutions;           agricultural          and    mechanical
    colleges;       a    school       of   mines;       military     institutes;         and   the
    payment of certain bonds.                 
    Id. § 25,
    36 Stat. at 573.
    ¶5          In some instances, the particular sections granted to
    support     common         schools        (“section-in-place          grants”)      were    no
    longer    available          when      the    townships     were       finally       surveyed
    because those sections had been settled, reserved for Indian
    tribes, or otherwise reserved or disposed of under federal law.
    See Report of the State Land Commission of Arizona 16, 41-42, 67
    (1912-1914) [hereinafter Land Comm’n Report].                           To indemnify the
    state for these preempted sections, Congress appropriated lands
    of like quantity (“indemnity-in-lieu selections”) and authorized
    the state to select and receive such lands.                               Act of Feb. 28,
    1891, ch. 384, 26 Stat. 796, 796-97; Act of Feb. 26, 1859, ch.
    58, 11 Stat. 385.                The state acquired a fee interest in the
    State Trust Lands upon completion of a survey for section-in-
    place grants, and upon selection and approval by the Secretary
    of the Interior (“Secretary”) for the bulk-grant and indemnity-
    in-lieu selections.              Enabling Act, §§ 24, 29, 36 Stat. at 572-
    74, 575-76; see Andrus v. Utah (Andrus), 
    446 U.S. 500
    , 506-07
    (1980); Land Comm’n Report at 13-14.
    ¶6              The    Enabling     Act   required          Arizona       to   hold    granted
    lands in trust:
    [A]ll lands hereby granted, including those which,
    having been heretofore granted to the said Territory,
    are hereby expressly transferred and confirmed to the
    said State, shall be by the said State held in trust,
    to be disposed of in whole or in part only in manner
    as herein provided and for the several objects
    specified in the respective granting and confirmatory
    provisions, and that the natural products and money
    proceeds of any of said lands shall be subject to the
    same trusts as the lands producing the same.
    §    28,   36    Stat.    at     574.     The       Act    set    forth    lease      and   sale
    requirements that may be enforced by the federal government, the
    state, or any Arizona citizen.                      
    Id. § 28,
    36 Stat. at 574-75.
    The    state,         however,     was    given           exclusive       control      of   the
    beneficiary schools, colleges, and universities subject to the
    condition       that     trust    proceeds      support          only   non-sectarian       and
    non-denominational institutions.                  
    Id. § 26,
    36 Stat. at 573-74.
    ¶7           At    statehood,         Arizona      consented     to     the     terms    and
    conditions of the Enabling Act, Ariz. Const. art. 10, § 1, art.
    20, ¶ 12, and eventually received almost eleven million acres of
    State     Trust    Lands       for    the   benefit     of     public        institutions,
    Lassen, 385 U.S. at 460
    .       Congress    expected        the     grants    to
    produce a fund through sale and use of the lands.                             
    Lassen, 385 U.S. at 463
    ¶8           The    state       currently    manages     more     than        9.2   million
    acres of State Trust Lands, with approximately 1.4 million acres
    in the Little Colorado River Basin and approximately 5.1 million
    acres in the Gila River Basin.                   Although adjudication of claims
    for waters in those two river systems continues, it is well
    known that “the amount of surface water available [in Arizona]
    is   insufficient         to    satisfy     all     needs.”       United       States     v.
    Superior Court, 
    144 Ariz. 265
    , 270, 
    697 P.2d 658
    , 663 (1985).
    ¶9           These    consolidated          cases     originated        in    proceedings
    initiated by water rights claimants who filed with the Arizona
    State Land Department (ASLD) in the 1970s, under then-existing
    statutory    adjudication            procedures.       See    A.R.S.     §§     45-231   to
    -245, repealed by 1979 Ariz. Sess. Laws, ch. 139, § 38, eff.
    Apr. 24, 1979.            Much has occurred since then.                  Now, a single
    water judge presides over both adjudications.                           Ariz. Sup. Ct.
    Order (Jan. 17, 2002); Ariz. Sup. Ct. Order (Dec. 19, 2000).                      A
    special    master     initially    conducts    hearings     and    files    reports
    with the court.         A.R.S. § 45-257 (2012).             To date, more than
    14,000 and 82,000 claims have been made in the Little Colorado
    and Gila River adjudications respectively.1
    ¶10         The State moved for partial summary judgment in the
    Little     Colorado    and      Gila   River   adjudications        to     recognize
    federal reserved water rights for State Trust Lands.2                          After
    briefing and oral argument, the special master concluded that
    federal reserved water rights do not apply to such lands.                        He
    submitted    a   report    to    the   superior    court,   which    adopted    the
    master’s    findings      and    conclusions      that   support     the    court’s
    ruling that the reserved water rights doctrine is inapplicable
    to State Trust Lands.            The court therefore denied the State’s
    The adjudications’ histories are lengthy and complex.    For
    additional factual and procedural background, see Arizona v. San
    Carlos Apache Tribe, 
    463 U.S. 545
    , 557–59 (1983); In re Rights
    to the Use of the Gila River (Gila I), 
    171 Ariz. 230
    , 232–33,
    830 P.2d 442
    , 444–45 (1992); Superior 
    Court, 144 Ariz. at 269–
    71, 697 P.2d at 662–64
    ; John E. Thorson et al., Dividing Western
    Waters: A Century of Adjudicating Rivers and Streams, Part II,
    9 U. Denv. Water L. Rev. 299 (2006) (providing comprehensive
    history of western water adjudications); and Joseph M. Feller,
    The Adjudication That Ate Arizona Water Law, 
    49 Ariz. L
    . Rev.
    405, 417-22 (2007) (reviewing litigation within Gila River
    adjudication and Silver Creek contest within Little Colorado
    adjudication).   The superior court also provides information on
    the   adjudications   at
    For clarity, we refer to the State’s motions in the two
    cases in the singular.
    motion and granted the other claimants’ cross-motions on that
    ¶11             The   State      sought       interlocutory     review.           We   granted
    review     on      this    issue     of       statewide      importance      to    determine
    whether Congress impliedly reserved water rights on public land
    granted       in   trust    to    the     state.        We   have   jurisdiction         under
    Article    6,      Section    5(3)      of     the    Arizona   Constitution           and   the
    Special       Procedural         Orders         for     Interlocutory        Appeals         and
    A.      Standard of review
    ¶12             Summary judgment is appropriate if there is no genuine
    issue    of     material      fact      and    the    moving    party   is    entitled        to
    judgment as a matter of law.                          Ariz. R. Civ. P. 56(c).                 On
    appeal, we view the evidence and reasonable inferences therefrom
    in the light most favorable to the party opposing the motion.
    Andrews v. Blake, 
    205 Ariz. 236
    , 240 ¶ 12, 
    69 P.3d 7
    , 11 (2003).
    We review the superior court’s summary judgment rulings de novo.
    In re the Gen. Adjudication of All Rights to Use Water in the
    Gila River Sys. & Source (Gila VIII), 
    223 Ariz. 362
    , 367 ¶ 6,
    Special Order (Sept. 26, 1989) (Gila River adjudication);
    Special Order (June 1, 1994) (Little Colorado adjudication);
    Order Clarifying the Special Order Filed June 1, 1994 (Mar. 6,
    2000); see also Gila 
    I, 171 Ariz. at 233
    n.2, 830 P.2d at 445
    224 P.3d 178
    , 183 (2010).
    B.      Applicable rule of construction
    ¶13          To determine whether the federal reserved water rights
    doctrine applies, we must first construe the federal legislation
    granting    trust   land    to    Arizona.       The    State    argues   that   the
    superior court erred in narrowly construing the Organic Act and
    Enabling    Act   grants.        We   disagree.        Federal   property   grants
    generally should be interpreted narrowly because “nothing passes
    by mere implication.”            Knoxville Water Co. v. Knoxville, 
    200 U.S. 22
    , 33-34 (1906); cf. Kadish v. Ariz. State Land Dep’t, 
    155 Ariz. 484
    ,    495,   
    747 P.2d 1183
    ,    1194     (1987)    (recognizing
    principle of construing “federal land grants in favor of the
    [granting] government”), aff’d sub nom. ASARCO Inc. v. Kadish,
    490 U.S. 605
    ¶14          Under a limited exception to that general rule, courts
    may liberally construe federal legislation “designed to aid the
    common schools of states.”              Wyoming v. United States, 
    255 U.S. 489
    , 508 (1921).          For purposes of determining whether a land
    grant includes implied rights, this exception applies only when
    narrow     construction     of    the    grant    would    result    in   complete
    failure of the grant’s purpose or render the land worthless.
    See Lyon v. Gila River Indian Cmty., 
    626 F.3d 1059
    , 1072-73 (9th
    Cir. 2010); Utah v. Andrus (Utah Right-of-Access Case), 486 F.
    Supp. 995, 1002 (D. Utah 1979); cf. 
    Andrus, 446 U.S. at 520
    (reversing      decision    in    which    lower   court    liberally    construed
    federal legislation regarding indemnity-in-lieu selection).
    ¶15          This case raises no such concerns.                 As noted above,
    supra ¶ 7, the purpose of State Trust Lands is to produce a fund
    from sale and use of the lands to support common schools and
    other public institutions designated by Congress.                     
    Lassen, 385 U.S. at 463
    Lyon, 626 F.3d at 1073
    .                The State has not argued
    that, without federal reserved water rights, the State Trust
    Lands will become worthless or incapable of producing a fund to
    support    their    designated         beneficiaries.       Indeed,   State    Trust
    Lands have without such rights produced revenue for a century.
    See   ASLD-History,;               Land
    Comm’n Report at 56-64.
    ¶16          We agree with other courts that have adopted a rule of
    narrow     construction          for     federal   reserved      water       rights,
    recognizing        the     doctrine’s       disruptive       effect     in     prior
    appropriation jurisdictions.              See United States v. City & Cnty.
    of Denver, 
    656 P.2d 1
    , 26 (Colo. 1982); New Mexico ex rel. State
    Eng’r v. Comm’r of Public Lands (New Mexico Commissioner), 
    200 P.3d 86
    , 95 (N.M. App. 2008) (“[I]n recognition of . . . the
    potentially substantial and detrimental impact on state rights
    in fully appropriated stream systems, courts must construe the
    doctrine   of    federal     reserved      water   rights    narrowly.”),      cert.
    129 S. Ct. 2075
    C.     Federal reserved water rights doctrine
    ¶17           Generally, water rights must be obtained under state
    law,   even    on     federal    lands.           Cal.   Or.    Power    Co.    v.      Beaver
    Portland Cement Co., 
    295 U.S. 142
    , 163-64 (1935).                              In Arizona,
    groundwater     is     regulated       by    the    Arizona     Department         of   Water
    Resources      and    governed     by       the    doctrine      of     reasonable       use.
    A.R.S. § 45-451 et seq. (2012).                    The right to use surface water
    and sub-flow is governed by the doctrine of prior appropriation,
    §§ 45-141, -251(7), meaning the first to divert water and put it
    to beneficial use has priority against later diverters, § 45-
    151.    See Ariz. Const. art. 17; In re the Gen. Adjudication of
    All Rights to Use Water in the Gila River Sys. & Source (Gila
    198 Ariz. 330
    , 334 ¶¶ 3-5, 
    9 P.3d 1069
    , 1073 (2000).
    ¶18           Under     certain    circumstances,              however,      the     federal
    government     can     reserve    water      rights      on    its    lands,    and     those
    rights have priority by operation of federal law.                               In re the
    Gen. Adjudication of All Rights to Use Water in the Gila River
    Sys. & Source (Gila III), 
    195 Ariz. 411
    , 416-17 ¶¶ 13-14, 423
    ¶ 43, 
    989 P.2d 739
    , 744-45, 751 (1999); N.M. 
    Comm’r, 200 P.3d at 94
    (citing Navajo Dev. Co. v. Sanderson, 
    655 P.2d 1374
    , 1379-80
    (Colo. 1982)).         Federal reserved water right holders can claim a
    priority      date     based      on    the        establishment        of     a     federal
    reservation regardless of whether the claimed water was actually
    put to use on that date.                N.M. 
    Comm’r, 200 P.3d at 94
    United   States   v.    Jesse,     
    744 P.2d 491
    ,    493-94    (Colo.     1987)).
    “[T]he   quantity      of   a    federal          reserved     water    right     is   not
    determined by the amount of water put to beneficial use; rather,
    it is determined by the amount of water necessary to carry out
    the primary purpose of the reservation.”                     
    Id. ¶19 The
    United States Supreme Court first recognized the
    doctrine of reserved water rights in Winters v. United States,
    concluding that Congress had impliedly reserved rights to Milk
    River waters for the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation because
    those water rights were necessary to sustain the reservation
    207 U.S. 564
    , 576-77 (1908).                   Reserved water rights
    have since been recognized for non-Indian reservations as well.
    See, e.g., United States v. New Mexico, 
    438 U.S. 696
    , 718 (1978)
    (national forest); Cappaert v. United States, 
    426 U.S. 128
    , 138
    (1976) (national monument); Arizona v. California, 
    373 U.S. 546
    601   (1963)   (national        recreation        areas     and    wildlife     refuges),
    abrogated on other grounds by California v. United States, 
    438 U.S. 645
    , 674 (1978).
    ¶20          The Supreme Court further defined the parameters of
    the reserved water rights doctrine in Cappaert, stating that
    “when the Federal Government withdraws its land from the public
    domain   and   reserves     it    for    a    federal       purpose,”    it     impliedly
    reserves appurtenant water “to the extent needed to accomplish
    the purpose of the 
    reservation.” 426 U.S. at 138
    .             In New
    Mexico, the Supreme Court clarified that federal reserved water
    rights do not extend to a reservation’s secondary 
    purposes. 438 U.S. at 702
    ¶21            To determine whether the federal government impliedly
    reserved water rights, the superior court must
    [1] examine the documents reserving the land from the
    public   domain   and    the  underlying   legislation
    authorizing the reservation; [2] determine the precise
    federal purposes to be served by such legislation;
    [3] determine whether water is essential for the
    primary purposes of the reservation; and finally
    [4] determine the precise quantity of water — the
    minimal need as set forth in Cappaert and New Mexico —
    required for such purposes.
    In re the Gen. Adjudication of All Rights to Use Water in the
    Gila River Sys. & Source (Gila V), 
    201 Ariz. 307
    , 313 ¶ 14, 
    35 P.3d 68
    ,    74     (2001)        (quoting       Montana     ex    rel.       Greely      v.
    Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes, 
    712 P.2d 754
    , 767 (Mont.
    1985)); see New 
    Mexico, 438 U.S. at 702
    , 715-17; 
    Cappaert, 426 U.S. at 141
    .           This analysis requires review of the pertinent
    documents       to     determine          whether     the    land     in    question      was
    withdrawn      from     the    public      domain     and    reserved      for    a   federal
    purpose,       and,    if     so,    whether        Congress    intended         to   reserve
    appurtenant,          unappropriated         water     for     that     purpose.          See
    Cappaert, 426 U.S. at 138-39
    D.      Withdrawal and reservation for a federal purpose
    ¶22            The State argues that the lands Congress granted in
    trust    to    the     states       for    institutional       purposes      fall     into    a
    special    category      of    federal    reservation.        Under   the     State’s
    theory, Congress reserved the trust land for the federal purpose
    of    supporting    specified      public      institutions    and    provided     for
    withdrawal of those lands at the time of survey or, for bulk-
    grant    and    indemnity-in-lieu        selections,    when    approved      by   the
    ¶23            In New Mexico Commissioner, the New Mexico Court of
    Appeals     addressed         whether    Congress    had   impliedly         reserved
    federal water rights for New Mexico’s trust 
    lands. 200 P.3d at 95-98
    .     That court concluded that the relevant language in our
    states’ common Organic and Enabling Acts “did not sufficiently
    withdraw or reserve lands to create implied federal reserved
    water rights” and, therefore, did not satisfy “the threshold
    requirements       of   demonstrating       the   existence”    of    such    rights.
    Id. at 97.
          Although the sections of the Enabling Act providing
    for Arizona’s and New Mexico’s land grants are distinct, the
    language and context of the separate sections are substantially
    similar for purposes of analyzing the State’s reserved water
    right claim here.             Compare §§ 6-12, 36 Stat. at 561-65 (New
    Mexico), with §§ 24-30, 36 Stat. at 572-76 (Arizona).                        We agree
    with the reasoning and conclusion in New Mexico Commissioner.
    ¶24            The Enabling Act provides:
    [I]n addition to sections sixteen and thirty-six,
    heretofore reserved for the Territory of Arizona,
    sections two and thirty-two in every township . . .
    not otherwise appropriated at the date of the passage
    of this Act are hereby granted to the State for the
    support of common schools.
    § 24, 36 Stat. at 572 (emphases added) (carrying forward the
    grants of the Organic Act, § 15, 9 Stat. at 452, which also
    “reserved”     sections        sixteen       and        thirty-six).           The    term
    “withdraw” does not appear in any form within the Enabling Act,
    though    it   was      used    in    the        1881       bulk     grant    to    support
    universities, 21 Stat. 326, see supra ¶ 3, and that grant was
    incorporated in the Enabling Act, § 24, 36 Stat. at 572.
    ¶25          That Congress uses the word “withdraw” or “reserve” in
    a statute granting land does not necessarily mean that the land
    is withdrawn or reserved for purposes of public land law.                                S.
    Utah Wilderness Alliance v. Bureau of Land Mgmt., 
    425 F.3d 735
    784-85 (10th Cir. 2005); N.M. 
    Comm’r, 200 P.3d at 96
    ; 2 Charles
    F.    Wheatley,   Jr.,    Study      of   Withdrawals              and   Reservations    of
    Public Domain Lands App. A-20 (Pub. Land Law Review Comm’n 1969)4
    [hereinafter      Wheatley       Report]          (“Mere       use       of   the     terms
    ‘withdrawal’      and    ‘reservation’           in     a   statute      is   not    always
    indicative that the subject lands are to be segregated from the
    public domain in the usual sense of a ‘reservation.’                           The intent
    The Public Land Law Review Commission was established in
    1964 to review the nation’s public land laws, rules, and
    regulations, and to make public land policy recommendations.
    Act of Sept. 19, 1964, Pub. L. No. 88-606, 78 Stat. 982.  The
    Commission ceased operation on December 31, 1970. Act of Dec.
    18, 1967, Pub. L. No. 90-213, 81 Stat. 660.
    of Congress may be quite different.”).
    ¶26           Withdrawal is the “removal or segregation of the land
    from the operation of the general land laws as the initial step
    in the dedication of the lands to the predetermined purpose.”
    Wheatley Report at App. A-1 to -2.                          Statutes that give a state
    the right to obtain land by selection, including indemnity-in-
    lieu selection, “should be distinguished from a withdrawal or
    reservation”        because      segregation           by    selection         is    designed       to
    “protect[] the rights of claimants . . . while the withdrawal
    statutes      are        designed     to     retain          the     lands          and     preclude
    disposal.”          Wheatley        Report        at    App.       A-21    to        -22.         This
    distinction corresponds with the Supreme Court’s suggestion that
    withdrawn land may not be conveyed out of federal ownership.
    Arizona, 373 U.S. at 598
    (“We have no doubt about the power of
    the    United     States     under     [the       Constitution]           to    reserve          water
    rights     for      its     reservations          and        its    property.”             (emphases
    added)).           It     also    corresponds           with        the    Ninth           Circuit’s
    suggestion        that    withdrawal        restrains            alienation         of    the    land.
    Winters      v.   United     States,        
    143 F. 740
    ,    748   (9th           Cir.    1906)
    (“[W]hen      the        lands   of    the        government          have          been     legally
    appropriated or reserved for any purpose, they become severed
    from   the    public       lands,     and    . . .          no    subsequent         law    or    sale
    should be construed to embrace or operate upon them.” (emphasis
    added)), aff’d, 
    207 U.S. 564
    (1908); see also S. Utah Wilderness
    Alliance, 425 F.3d at 784
    (“‘[A] reservation is a tract of land
    . . .   which     is     by     public      authority      withdrawn        from    sale     or
    settlement.’”)      (quoting          Black’s      Law    Dictionary       1031     (1st    ed.
    1891)); 63C Am. Jur. 2d Public Lands § 31 (updated August 2012)
    (“Public land is withdrawn when the government withholds an area
    of federal land from . . . sale.”).
    ¶27            Before     the    survey      of    Arizona’s        lands,     no    federal
    legislation withdrew State Trust Lands from the public domain
    because those lands had not yet been identified or selected, and
    they    were     still     available        for    disposition        under       homestead,
    mineral, and other public land laws.                      See N.M. 
    Comm’r, 200 P.3d at 96
    ; Land Comm’n Report at 67.                         The State Trust Lands also
    were not withdrawn after the Secretary approved the surveys or
    bulk-grant selections because, at that point, the lands were
    owned by the state or were subject to a claim by the Territory
    that    would    vest     upon     statehood.             
    Andrus, 446 U.S. at 523
    (recognizing       that       title    to    sections       vested     in     states       upon
    survey’s approval); Gonzales v. French, 
    164 U.S. 338
    , 344 (1896)
    (recognizing that, before statehood, territories could attach a
    claim).    Additionally, the Enabling Act authorized the state to
    sell the Trust Land, in whole or in part, “to the highest and
    best bidder at a public auction.”                  § 28, 36 Stat. at 574.
    ¶28            Thus, after approval of a survey and selections, State
    Trust Lands were neither owned by the federal government nor
    withheld from disposition.        See Kelly v. Allen, 
    49 F.2d 876
    , 878
    (9th Cir. 1931) (“[Arizona] is not holding [granted] land as an
    instrumentality of the United States, but in its own right . . .
    for the schools of the state.”).              No withdrawal occurred with
    respect to State Trust Lands.
    ¶29         Nor were those lands reserved for a federal purpose.
    A reservation dedicates land to a specific public use.                S. Utah
    Alliance, 425 F.3d at 785
    ; Black’s Law Dictionary
    1031 (1st ed. 1891).           That use — the reservation’s purpose —
    must be federal for the federal reserved water rights doctrine
    to apply.    
    Cappaert, 426 U.S. at 138
    ¶30         The State argues that the Trust Lands were granted to
    fund congressionally identified institutions, and they therefore
    were reserved for a federal purpose, shown by the fact that
    Congress    established    a   trust   with   federal   enforcement    power.
    Lassen, 385 U.S. at 461-63
    (providing that the purpose of
    land grants was to produce funds to support public institutions
    and noting that the federal government may enforce the grants’
    Kadish, 155 Ariz. at 487
    , 747 P.2d at 1186 (providing
    that the state is trustee of federally granted common school
    trust land); Enabling Act, § 28, 36 Stat. at 5775 (authorizing
    the federal government to enforce trust requirements).                We are
    not persuaded.
    ¶31         Support   of   the    common    schools   and   other   specified
    institutions undoubtedly serves the public interest.                                It is not,
    however, a federal purpose.                   Cooper v. Roberts, 59 U.S. (18
    How.) 173, 181-82 (1855) (“The trusts created by [common school
    grants] relate to a subject certainly of universal interest, but
    of municipal concern.”); N.M. 
    Comm’r, 200 P.3d at 97
    we do not deny that the support of common schools is a matter of
    national interest, we cannot conclude that it is also a federal
    purpose    in    the       context    of    the    implied         federal     water    rights
    doctrine.”);        cf.     United    States      v.        Lopez,    
    514 U.S. 549
    ,    564
    (1995)     (recognizing           states’     power          to    regulate     education);
    Preiser v. Rodriguez, 
    411 U.S. 475
    , 491-92 (1973) (recognizing
    states’ power to regulate state prisons); Holden v. Hardy, 
    169 U.S. 366
    ,     395    (1898)      (recognizing             states’    power    to    regulate
    insane asylums, hospitals, and schools for the blind).
    ¶32           Although         the       Enabling            Act      imposes        federally
    enforceable         trust    obligations          on    the        state,    this     retained
    oversight     does     not    authorize       the       federal       government       to   make
    policy     decisions         on    how     the    beneficiary           institutions        are
    administered.          Indeed, “the schools, colleges, and universities
    provided      for     in    this     Act    shall           forever    remain       under    the
    exclusive control of [Arizona].”                       Enabling Act, § 26, 36 Stat.
    at 573-74.
    ¶33           Nor does the retained oversight indicate the federal
    government’s        continued        ownership         of    the     trust   lands     or   its
    authority to make policy decisions on how the lands are used.
    See     N.M.       
    Comm’r, 200 P.3d at 98
           (rejecting       unsupported
    proposition “that by retaining oversight or enforcement power
    over    a    state’s       disposition          of     its    trust           lands,   the     federal
    government also retains the title to the land” as needed to
    reserve          federal    water     rights);          Campana          v.    Ariz.    State       Land
    176 Ariz. 288
    ,       291,        
    860 P.2d 1341
    ,       1344     (1993)
    (recognizing that the state has “great discretion concerning the
    disposition of trust lands and has authority to devise detailed
    plans       for    the     sale,    lease,        and     use      of     state    land”).           The
    Enabling Act provides only a limited federal power to intercede
    in the event State Trust Lands are abused.                                       See S. Rep. No.
    61-454 at 19 (1910) (“There is nothing . . . especially radical
    in [the Enabling Act’s enforcement provision], since at the most
    it merely serves to remove any doubt concerning the right and
    power of the Executive to take action for the enforcement . . .
    whenever a serious violation occurs.”).
    ¶34               Under    a   narrow       exception             to     the    state’s       autonomy
    regarding use of State Trust Land, when a section-in-place grant
    is located in a national forest reserve, the “granted sections
    shall       be    administered        as    a     part       of    [the]       forest,”       and    the
    federal treasury will appropriate a proportionate share of the
    gross proceeds of the national forests within Arizona.                                        Enabling
    Act, § 24, 36 Stat. at 573; 
    id. § 28,
    36 Stat. at 574.                                              That
    exception      highlights    that     when       the       purpose     of    non-Indian
    reserved land is federal, the United States government retains
    control over the reservation’s management.                     Cf. 
    Kelly, 49 F.2d at 878
    .      Again, that is not the case with respect to State Trust
    ¶35          Finally, we note that Congress knew how to reserve
    land   for    a   federal   purpose       and    effectively         did    so    in   the
    Enabling Act when it excluded from selection by the state any
    lands valuable for providing water power:
    There is hereby reserved to the United States and
    excepted from the operation of any and all grants made
    or confirmed by this Act to said proposed State all
    land actually or prospectively valuable for the
    development of water powers . . . and no lands so
    reserved and excepted shall be subject to any
    disposition whatsoever.
    § 28, 36 Stat. at 575 (emphases added); see United States v.
    246 F. 277
    , 278 (8th Cir. 1917), aff’d, 
    251 U.S. 41
    (1919).       That   provision    preserved          the    land     for    use   by   the
    federal      government     and    precluded          disposition,          unlike     the
    relevant provisions here, which conveyed land to the state and
    allowed future sales and leases.                See Enabling Act, §§ 24-28, 36
    Stat. at 572-74; supra ¶¶ 27-28.                The water power provision also
    concerned     unique   land,      while        the   relevant        provisions        here
    concerned random and uncertain lands.                  See 
    id. § 29,
    36 Stat. at
    575 (providing that bulk-grant and in-lieu selections must be
    from “unreserved, unappropriated, and nonmineral public lands”);
    Andrus, 446 U.S. at 523
    (discussing section-in-place grants as
    “random     cross    section[s]          of    the     public       land”).       Thus,       if
    Congress    had     wanted       to    withdraw       and    reserve       for   a    federal
    purpose the lands it granted to the state, it could have done
    so.     See N.M. 
    Comm’r, 200 P.3d at 97
    ¶36          For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that the State
    Trust    Lands    were     not    withdrawn          and    reserved       for   a    federal
    purpose.      Thus,      these        lands    cannot       include    federal       reserved
    water rights.
    E.      Congressional intent
    ¶37          Even    had    the       State    Trust       Lands    been    withdrawn        and
    reserved, no evidence suggests that Congress intended to reserve
    water    rights     on   those        lands.        The     State    contends        that    the
    federal government’s relationship to the states is akin to its
    relationship        to     the    Indian        tribes       and     posits      that       this
    relationship compels a finding that Congress intended to reserve
    water for State Trust Land development.                            We disagree.         Unlike
    reservations for the Indian tribes, land grants to the states
    are not the product of negotiated agreements or treaties.                                    See
    Winters, 207 U.S. at 575-76
    .                  Nor does the State cite authority
    for resolving any ambiguities in state land grants “from the
    standpoint of” the states.               See 
    id. at 576;
    cf. United States v.
    198 U.S. 371
    , 381 (1905) (indicating that a “treaty was
    not a grant of rights to the Indians, but a grant of right from
    ¶38          The    State     also    contends      that       Congress          intended    to
    reserve water rights because it knew of the region’s aridity and
    the need for water to make productive use of the land.                                       To
    support     this     contention,       the       State        quotes       Senator       Daniel
    Webster’s observation that throughout the region, “there is one
    fatal want of water.”            Cong. Globe, 31st Cong., 1st Sess. 860
    (1850).     But Senator Webster was speaking about Texas boundaries
    as he advocated for establishing a territorial border to prevent
    Texas     from     claiming    land    that        could       help        the   New     Mexico
    Territory      secure   the    population         needed       to    achieve        statehood.
    Id. Notably, the
    goal of increasing the Territory’s population
    would also have been supported by ensuring that the region’s
    scarce    water     supply    was     obtainable         by    settlers          rather    than
    ¶39          To enhance the value of its land grant to Arizona, the
    federal     government       increased       the    number          of     school      section-
    in−place grants from two to four sections per township.                                     See
    Enabling Act, § 24, 36 Stat. at 572; N.M. 
    Comm’r, 200 P.3d at 98
    Lassen, 385 U.S. at 463
    n.7; cf. H.R. Rep. No. 52-737, at
    10    (1892)     (providing,     in    an        unenacted          bill     preceding      the
    Enabling Act, that granting Arizona four sections per township
    would not “more than equal in value the land aid Congress has
    given the other States” that received fewer sections).                                 Thus, we
    conclude that Congress intended to compensate for the relatively
    low value of land granted to Arizona by augmenting the amount of
    land granted, not by reserving federal water rights for those
    lands.    See N.M. 
    Comm’r, 200 P.3d at 98
    ¶40         For the reasons stated above, we find no withdrawal,
    no    reservation   for   a   federal    purpose,   and   no   congressional
    intent to reserve water rights for the State Trust Lands.5                We
    therefore affirm the judgment of the superior court.
    A. John Pelander, Justice
    Rebecca White Berch, Chief Justice
    Robert M. Brutinel, Justice
    Our conclusion that federal reserved water rights do not
    exist for State Trust Lands is independent of, and thus not
    based on, the 1877 Desert Land Act to which the special master,
    superior court, and several parties refer. The superior court’s
    findings and conclusions regarding that Act, however, are
    consistent with this opinion. See Ickes v. Fox, 
    300 U.S. 82
    , 95
    (1937) (“[B]y the Desert Land Act of 1877 (c. 107, 19 Stat.
    377), if not before, Congress had severed the land and waters
    constituting the public domain and established the rule that for
    the future the lands should be patented separately. Acquisition
    of the government title to a parcel of land was not to carry
    with it a water right.”).
    Lawrence F. Winthrop, Judge*
    Pursuant  to   Article   6,  Section   3  of   the  Arizona
    Constitution, the Honorable Lawrence F. Winthrop, Chief Judge of
    the Court of Appeals, Division One, was designated to sit in
    this matter.