State v. Soliven ( 2021 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    STATE OF ARIZONA, Appellee,
    GARRETT R. SOLIVEN, Appellant.
    No. 1 CA-CR 20-0128
    FILED 9-2-2021
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. CR2015-002917-001
    The Honorable Roy C. Whitehead, Judge
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Andrew Stuart Reilly
    Counsel for Appellee
    Maricopa County Public Defender’s Office, Phoenix
    By Paul J. Prato
    Counsel for Appellant
    Decision of the Court
    Presiding Judge D. Steven Williams delivered the decision of the Court, in
    which Judge Jennifer B. Campbell and Judge James B. Morse Jr. joined.
    W I L L I A M S, Judge:
    ¶1           Garrett Soliven appeals his convictions and sentences for,
    among other things, molestation of a child, sexual conduct with a minor,
    sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of a minor, and furnishing obscene or
    harmful items to a minor. For reasons that follow, we affirm.
    ¶2            Soliven started molesting his stepdaughter when she was
    eight years old. The abuse continued, and when the victim turned sixteen
    Soliven began having sexual intercourse with her. A formal investigation
    began in 2015 after the victim and her biological father reported the abuse
    to police. During an interview with Detective Hoffman, the victim
    explained that on prior occasions she and Soliven had exchanged photos of
    each other’s genitals via text message. The victim also relayed that Soliven
    had recently taken her cell phone away.
    ¶3            A few days after the interview, police officers obtained a
    search warrant authorizing “an immediate search be made of [Soliven and
    his residence].” The warrant also identified fifteen specific items (or groups
    of items) which police were authorized to search, including Soliven’s cell
    phone, the victim’s cell phone, and other electronic devices, as follows:
    3. Any and all cellular phones, whether operating or not . . .
    used by [Soliven or the victim] . . . utilizing the number
    [ending in 5202 and 2266].
    5. Any and all Micro-SD cards or similar electronic memory
    devices capable of being used in a cellular phone[.]
    6. Any and all CD’s DVD’s jump drives, external hard-drives,
    Micro-SD cards or other devices used for the storage of
    electronic media[.]
    Decision of the Court
    12. Any and all electronic data processing storage devices;
    computers and computer systems including central
    processing units; internal and peripheral storage devices such
    as fixed disks, external hard disks, floppy disk drives and
    diskettes . . . optical storage devices or other memory storage
    devices . . . .
    ¶4             The following day, Soliven was interviewed at the police
    station. At the same time, other officers searched his home. Soliven was not
    given a copy of the warrant, although police took it with them to search the
    home, nor was he told that a search warrant had been issued. Police seized
    Soliven’s cell phone, which he had with him at the police station. Soliven
    also informed police that the victim’s cell phone was in his vehicle at the
    station. The officers indicated that they needed the cell phone and Soliven,
    along with the officers, went to the vehicle where Soliven retrieved it.
    Soliven was not arrested at that time; he left the station following his
    interview. A search of Soliven’s cell phone showed several nude photos of
    the victim, including photos of Soliven and the victim having sex.
    ¶5             Soliven moved the trial court to suppress, in part, evidence
    found on the cell phones, which was denied. A jury convicted Soliven as
    charged on a mixture of twenty-five felony or misdemeanor counts, and
    acquitted him on ten counts. Included among Soliven’s convictions were
    the felonies of molestation of a child, sexual conduct with a minor, sexual
    abuse, sexual exploitation of a minor, furnishing obscene material or
    harmful items to a minor, and the misdemeanors of indecent exposure, and
    contributing to delinquency of a minor. Soliven was sentenced to 38.5 years
    of imprisonment. This timely appeal followed. We have jurisdiction under
    Article 6, Section 9, of the Arizona Constitution and A.R.S. §§ 12-2101(A)(1),
    13-4031 and 13-4033(A)(1).
    ¶6            Soliven challenges the propriety of the officer’s not only
    seizing the cell phones pursuant to the warrant, but searching them
    thereafter under the authority of the same warrant. He argues that an
    additional warrant should have been obtained before the officers were
    legally authorized to search the contents of the phones.
    ¶7           The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
    protects a person from “unreasonable searches and seizures,” and law
    enforcement officers are generally required to obtain a search warrant,
    Decision of the Court
    supported by probable cause, before conducting a search. Maryland v.
    527 U.S. 465
    , 466 (1999) (“The Fourth Amendment generally requires
    police to secure a warrant before conducting a search.”); see Frimmel v.
    236 Ariz. 232
    , 239, ¶ 26 (App. 2014) (“The Fourth Amendment . . .
    requires a search warrant be issued only upon probable cause.”); see also
    State v. Hoskins, 
    199 Ariz. 127
    , 137-38, ¶ 30 (2000) (“A police officer has
    probable cause when reasonably trustworthy information and
    circumstance would lead a person of reasonable caution to believe that a
    suspect has committed an offense.”). A search warrant must “particularly
    describ[e] the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
    State v. Ray, 
    185 Ariz. 89
    , 92 (App. 1995) (alteration in original) (quoting U.S.
    Const. amend. IV). A warrantless search is reasonable only if it falls under
    an exception to the warrant requirement. Riley v. California, 
    573 U.S. 373
    , 382
    ¶8            When reviewing the denial of a motion to suppress, we “defer
    to the trial court’s factual findings absent an abuse of discretion,” but
    review de novo the trial court’s “ultimate legal determination that the
    search complied with the dictates of the Fourth Amendment.” State v. Valle,
    196 Ariz. 324
    , 326, ¶ 6 (App. 2000). We “restrict our review to consideration
    of the facts the trial court heard at the suppression hearing,” State v.
    186 Ariz. 630
    , 631 (1996), and will affirm the court’s ruling if it
    was legally correct for any reason, State v. Huez, 
    240 Ariz. 406
    , 412, ¶ 19
    (App. 2016).
    ¶9             Soliven contends the trial court erred in concluding that the
    United States Supreme Court in Riley v. California did not mandate the
    requirement of obtaining an additional warrant to search the cell phones
    beyond the warrant to seize the cell phones. 
    573 U.S. 373
    . As the trial court
    noted, Soliven’s reliance on Riley is supported insofar as it “emphasizes the
    very private nature of [] cell phones” and that “law enforcement needed to
    obtain a warrant prior to searching the cell phones.” Beyond that, Riley has
    little application here. Riley addressed two consolidated cases, both of
    which involved warrantless searches of the defendants’ cell phones. 
    Here, however, police officers obtained a search warrant for the cell phones
    before seizing the phones or searching the phones’ contents. And while
    Soliven pontificates that Riley was meant to apply to cases beyond the
    exceptional warrantless search situations, he cites no supporting authority.
    The trial court correctly distinguished Riley from this case.
    ¶10          Soliven further argues that evidence should have been
    suppressed because the warrant only directed law enforcement to seize the
    cell phones and memory devices, but not to search their contents. To the
    Decision of the Court
    contrary, as noted supra ¶ 3, the warrant expressly authorized the
    immediate search of Soliven and his residence, including Soliven’s cell
    phone, the victim’s cell phone, and other electronic devices. No other
    warrant was required to search the cell phones.
    ¶11           Soliven also contends the police officers’ failure to provide
    him with a copy of the warrant resulted in an unlawful seizure. Apart from
    the knock and announce requirements set out in A.R.S. § 13-3916(B),
    Arizona law does not require that a defendant be notified of the existence
    of a search warrant, nor does the law indicate that a warrant must be served
    directly upon a defendant in order to carry out a search or seizure
    authorized thereby. A.R.S. §§ 13-3911–3925; see also Nordelli v. United States,
    24 F.2d 665
    , 666–67 (9th Cir. 1928) (there was no ground for suppressing
    evidence when warrant was not read or exhibited to defendant until after
    search and seizure because there was no such requirement in the statute).
    Where the warrant expressly authorized the seizure of both cell phones,
    Soliven’s notice of the warrant was not required.
    ¶12            Finally, Soliven argues he did not voluntarily retrieve the
    victim’s cell phone from his vehicle. In making this argument, Soliven relies
    on the fact that he was escorted by two police officers who were both armed.
    Notably, Soliven was not under arrest, and the trial court found there was
    insufficient evidence from which it could find “law enforcement overcame
    [Soliven’s] will.” Indeed, there is nothing in the record showing the officers
    threatened, coerced, or prevented Soliven from leaving the station or that
    they coerced him into retrieving the cell phone from his vehicle. The trial
    court’s factual finding is reasonably supported by the record. See State v.
    209 Ariz. 287
    , 288, ¶ 2 (App. 2004). Soliven has failed to show where
    the trial court erred.
    ¶13           For the foregoing reasons, we affirm Soliven’s convictions.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court