State v. Allen ( 2018 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    STATE OF ARIZONA, Appellee,
    LOREN ROBERT ALLEN, Appellant.
    No. 1 CA-CR 17-0752
    FILED 7-26-18
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Yavapai County
    No. P1300CR201600848
    The Honorable Patricia A. Trebesch, Judge
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Joseph T. Maziarz
    Counsel for Appellee
    Law Office of Nicole Countryman, Phoenix
    By Nicole Countryman
    Counsel for Appellant
    Decision of the Court
    Judge Peter B. Swann delivered the decision of the court, in which Presiding
    Judge Randall M. Howe and Judge Jennifer M. Perkins joined.
    S W A N N, Judge:
    ¶1             Loren Robert Allen appeals his convictions and sentences for
    three counts of aggravated assault against a peace officer. He contends that
    the state failed to present sufficient evidence to support the convictions, and
    that the superior court therefore erred by denying his motion for judgment
    of acquittal under Ariz. R. Crim. P. (“Rule”) 20. Upon review of the record,
    we find minimally sufficient evidence to support Allen’s convictions. We
    therefore affirm.
    ¶2            Late one night in June 2016, Yavapai County Sheriff’s
    Deputies Barton, Lewis, and Perry responded to a 911 call about a
    “weapons offense” involving Allen at a camping area outside Prescott. The
    deputies parked and began walking in the dark toward Allen’s campsite,
    hearing “loud cracks” and “yelling and screaming.” When the deputies
    were about 50 feet from Allen, Deputy Barton illuminated Allen with his
    flashlight and announced that he was with the Sheriff’s Office. Allen was
    by his parked car holding a five-foot walking stick like a baseball bat.
    ¶3            As the deputies continued walking toward Allen, Deputy
    Barton ordered Allen to drop his stick, but—clearly agitated—Allen instead
    took a few steps toward the deputies while yelling and aggressively
    swinging the stick. In response to Allen’s apparent use of the stick as a
    weapon, Deputy Barton drew his handgun and Deputy Perry drew his
    taser. Deputy Lewis was already holding an unchambered shotgun and a
    taser. As the deputies advanced closer toward Allen, repeatedly ordering
    him to drop the stick, Allen began retreating toward his car and moved his
    stick from a “baseball grip” to an “across-his-chest grip.” Allen yelled at
    the deputies to “get away from me, get the fuck away,” and moved his stick
    back and forth between the baseball and across-the-chest grips, occasionally
    swinging it wildly. The deputies gave him constant commands to drop the
    stick. Allen continued to retreat, at one point taking a position on the other
    side of his car from Deputy Barton, but Deputy Barton continued around
    the car until he was within ten feet of Allen. Meanwhile, Deputies Perry
    Decision of the Court
    and Lewis approached Allen from Deputy Barton’s left—Deputy Perry was
    about fifteen feet away with his taser, and Deputy Lewis was about ten feet
    away with his shotgun and taser.
    ¶4            Allen held onto the stick and took a defensive position, facing
    the deputies. Believing that Allen did not see him because he was focused
    on Deputy Barton, Deputy Lewis stepped forward and deployed his taser,
    striking Allen. Allen immediately dropped his stick and fell to the ground.
    After a short struggle, the deputies arrested him. From the time that
    Deputy Barton first illuminated Allen with his flashlight to the time that
    Deputy Lewis tased Allen, approximately 45 seconds had elapsed.
    ¶5             The state charged Allen with three counts of aggravated
    assault on a peace officer (class 5 felonies) and one count of resisting arrest
    (a class 1 misdemeanor), and the matter proceeded to a jury trial. After the
    close of the state’s case, upon Allen’s motion, the court entered a judgment
    of acquittal as to the resisting arrest charge based on insufficient evidence,
    but permitted the three counts of aggravated assault to go to the jury. The
    jury then found Allen guilty of all three counts of aggravated assault, and
    the court sentenced him to three concurrent terms of four years’
    imprisonment. Allen timely appeals.
    ¶6            Allen challenges the superior court’s denial of his Rule 20
    motion for judgment of acquittal, arguing there was insufficient evidence
    to support his convictions. We review the sufficiency of the evidence de
    novo. State v. West, 
    226 Ariz. 559
    , 562, ¶ 15 (2011). We view the evidence
    in the light most favorable to sustaining the verdict. State v. Girdler, 
    138 Ariz. 482
    , 488 (1983).
    ¶7            We must affirm a conviction if “substantial evidence”
    supports the jury’s verdict. State v. Cox, 
    217 Ariz. 353
    , 357, ¶ 22 (2007); Rule
    20(a). “Substantial evidence is more than a mere scintilla and is such proof
    that ‘reasonable persons could accept as adequate and sufficient to support
    a conclusion of [a] defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.’” State v.
    165 Ariz. 64
    , 67 (1990) (quoting State v. Jones, 
    125 Ariz. 417
    , 419
    (1980)). Although “a properly instructed jury may occasionally convict
    even when it can be said that no rational trier of fact could find guilt beyond
    a reasonable doubt,” West, 226 Ariz. at 563, ¶ 17 (citation omitted), such a
    circumstance arises only when “there is a complete absence of probative
    facts to support the conviction,” State v. Scott, 
    113 Ariz. 423
    , 424–25 (1976).
    “To set aside a jury verdict for insufficient evidence it must clearly appear
    Decision of the Court
    that upon no hypothesis whatever is there sufficient evidence to support
    the conclusion reached by the jury.” State v. Arredondo, 
    155 Ariz. 314
    , 316
    ¶8             A person commits assault by “[i]ntentionally placing another
    person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury.” A.R.S. §
    13-1203(A)(2). Simple assault is elevated to aggravated assault if the person
    knows that the victim is a peace officer. A.R.S. § 13-1204(A)(8)(a). Both
    direct and circumstantial evidence may be used to prove the defendant’s
    intent and the victim’s apprehension. State v. Wood, 
    180 Ariz. 53
    , 66 (1994)
    (“There is no requirement that the victim testify to actual fright.”); see also
    State v. Taylor, 
    25 Ariz. App. 497
    , 499 (1976). Peace officers are not immune
    from the fear that anyone would reasonably feel in the same circumstances.
    180 Ariz. at 66
    ¶9             Contrary to Allen’s contention, the state offered sufficient
    evidence to allow a reasonable jury to find that Allen intentionally placed
    all three officers in fear of imminent injury. In other words, the state’s
    evidence was sufficient to require the superior court to send the fact issue
    to a jury. See Rule 20(a); see also West, 226 Ariz. at 562, ¶ 16.
    ¶10             The jury could have reasonably inferred from the evidence
    that Allen intended his conduct to result in the deputies’ apprehension of
    imminent physical injury under § 13-1203(A)(2) because Allen yelled and
    swung his stick in the direction of the deputies. Although the evidence
    suggests that Allen did not see Deputy Lewis—in fact, Deputy Lewis
    conceded he did not believe that Allen saw him even as he approached
    Allen to tase him—a defendant’s intent to frighten one person is sufficient
    to fulfill the element of intent as to each person who is actually frightened
    as a result of the defendant’s conduct. A.R.S. § 13-203(B)(1); State v. Johnson,
    205 Ariz. 413
    , 419, ¶¶ 19–21 (App. 2003) (applying transferred intent under
    § 13-203(B)(1) to reasonable apprehension assault under § 13-1203(A)(2)).
    Here, Allen’s conduct showed not only an intent to frighten Deputies
    Barton and Perry specifically, but to frighten any peace officer who was
    approaching him. Therefore, even if Allen was not immediately aware of
    Deputy Lewis’s presence, there was nevertheless an adequate basis to fulfill
    the intent element of assault as to Deputy Lewis, who approached Allen
    along with Deputies Barton and Perry.
    ¶11          In determining the reasonableness of the deputies’
    apprehension of imminent physical injury, we consider their interaction
    with Allen as a whole. See State v. Burton, 
    144 Ariz. 248
    , 253 (1985). Here,
    we focus on two temporally discrete, and legally significant, moments
    Decision of the Court
    during the interaction—Allen’s combative demeanor when the deputies
    were a substantial distance away and Allen’s more defensive behavior as
    the deputies were within striking distance. Considered together, these two
    phases of the interaction show that a reasonable jury could have found that
    the deputies apprehended imminent harm, despite the fact that many juries
    might not have so found. If this threshold is met, it is not our role to second-
    guess the actual trial jury.
    ¶12           In the first significant moment, shortly after Deputy Barton
    shined his light on Allen, Allen stepped toward the deputies, yelling and
    aggressively swinging his five-foot walking stick. Although this aggressive
    behavior could have given the deputies reason to fear physical injury, Allen
    was still approximately 40 feet away and any possible physical injury was
    not yet imminent. The risk of imminent physical injury arguably became
    real 30 seconds later, when Allen stopped, reared back, and faced the
    deputies, who were then ten or fifteen feet away—possibly close enough to
    be struck by Allen’s stick should he lunge towards them. By this time,
    however, Allen’s demeanor had become more defensive. In the 30 seconds
    between these two moments, Allen had been retreating from the deputies,
    holding the stick in a less aggressive manner, and yelling at them to leave
    him alone—a defensive posture that would not reasonably cause
    apprehension. Still, we do not review any single part of an interaction in
    isolation. See Burton, 
    144 Ariz. at 253
    ¶13            Viewed together, these two discrete moments, along with
    Allen’s yelling and refusal to drop his stick over the course of the event,
    provided a basis for the jury to find that the deputies had a sustained
    awareness of Allen’s potential for intense aggression once they were close
    enough to be injured. See Wood, 
    180 Ariz. at 66
     (considering facts
    contributing to officer victims’ reasonable apprehension even though those
    facts occurred before injury was imminent). Allen’s initial aggression, his
    volatility, and his continued lack of cooperation therefore provided the
    deputies a continuing basis to fear physical injury, and that basis continued
    until Allen was subdued by Deputy Lewis’s taser. Accordingly, viewing
    the evidence in a light most favorable to the state, we find minimally
    sufficient evidence to support Allen’s three aggravated assault convictions.
    See Mathers, 
    165 Ariz. at 66
    Decision of the Court
    ¶14   Allen’s convictions and sentences are affirmed.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court
    FILED:    JT