State v. Rael ( 2019 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    No. 1 CA-CR 18-0723
    FILED 12-10-2019
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. CR2017-119595-001
    The Honorable Julie A. LaFave, Judge Pro Tempore
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Gracynthia Claw
    Counsel for Appellee
    Bain & Lauritano, PLC, Glendale
    By Amy E. Bain
    Counsel for Appellant
    Decision of the Court
    Presiding Judge Samuel A. Thumma delivered the decision of the Court, in
    which Judge Jennifer M. Perkins and Judge Paul J. McMurdie joined.
    T H U M M A, Judge:
    ¶1            A jury convicted Dawn Rael of two felony aggravated driving
    while under the influence of intoxicating liquor offenses. On appeal, Rael
    challenges the admission of the retrograde extrapolation evidence; the jury
    instructions on the legal presumptions of impairment; the prosecutor’s
    comments during closing arguments; and the sufficiency of the evidence
    for her convictions. Because Rael has not shown any reversible error, her
    convictions are affirmed.
    ¶2            In April 2017, two bystanders, D.W. and R.B, were at a
    Phoenix park. They saw a woman, later identified as Rael, drive into the
    parking lot, hit a curb, turn the car around and then hit another curb. Rael
    got out of the car and was stumbling while attempting to retrieve an item
    thrown from the car. D.W. approached and smelled alcohol on Rael. Both
    D.W. and R.B noticed Rael was slurring and having balance issues. They
    also saw a young child in the backseat of the car. D.W. removed the keys
    from the car and called the police. R.B. drove to a local fire department for
    assistance. At trial, these witnesses testified these events occurred at about
    4:00 p.m. or about 6:00 p.m.
    ¶3             Police arrived just before 8:00 p.m. When the officers
    contacted Rael, they noticed a strong smell of alcohol coming from the car
    and Rael. Rael the participated in various field sobriety tests. After failing
    those tests, she was arrested.
    ¶4            After obtaining Rael’s consent for a blood draw, one officer
    drew two vials of blood at 9:00 p.m. The same officer ran Rael’s driver’s
    license and learned it was restricted. The Phoenix Crime Lab tested Rael’s
    blood taken at 9:00 p.m., which showed a Blood Alcohol Concentration
    (BAC) of .336. Rael was charged with two counts of aggravated driving
    while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Count one was for driving
    under the influence with a license restriction, Ariz. Rev. Stat. (A.R.S.)
    Decision of the Court
    section 28-1383(A)(1) (2019),1 a Class 4 felony, and count two was for
    driving under the influence with a child under 15 years of age in the car,
    A.R.S. § 28-1383(A)(3), a Class 6 felony.
    ¶5             At trial, the State presented testimony of seven witnesses:
    D.W.; R.B.; three Phoenix Police Officers; a Phoenix Crime Lab technician;
    and an Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) employee. Rael
    testified in her own defense. After a five-day trial, the jury found Rael guilty
    as charged. Rael was later sentenced to four months in the Arizona
    Department of Corrections, to be followed by two years of probation; the
    court, however, stayed imposition of her sentence pending this appeal. This
    court has jurisdiction over Rael’s timely appeal pursuant to Article 6,
    Section 9, of the Arizona Constitution and A.R.S. §§ 12-120.21(A)(1), 13-
    4031, and -4033(A)(1).
    ¶6            Rael presses four arguments on appeal: (1) the retrograde
    extrapolation evidence was irrelevant and inadmissible; (2) the jury should
    not have been instructed on the legal presumptions of impairment; (3) the
    prosecutor made improper statements during closing argument that were
    so prejudicial as to warrant a new trial; and (4) there is insufficient evidence
    to support the conviction.
    I.     The Retrograde Extrapolation Evidence Was Relevant and
    ¶7             Rael challenges the admissibility of the retrograde
    extrapolation evidence under Arizona Rules of Evidence 401, 403 and 702.
    This court reviews the superior court’s “determination of the relevancy and
    admissibility of evidence for abuse of discretion.” State v. Rutledge, 
    205 Ariz. 7
    , 10 ¶ 15 (2003). A challenge to the admission of evidence is preserved
    when a party makes a “timely object[ion] or moves to strike” and “states
    the specific ground” for the objection. Ariz. R. Evid. 103(a)(1); State v. Lopez,
    217 Ariz. 433
    , 434 ¶ 4 (App. 2008). Neither a general objection nor an
    objection on another ground will preserve an issue for appeal. 
    Lopez, 217 Ariz. at 434
    ¶ 4. Until “the court rules definitively on the record,” the
    objection must be renewed to preserve the issue for appeal. Ariz. R. Evid.
    103(b). If a defendant fails to timely and specifically object, this court
    1Absent material revisions after the relevant dates, statutes and rules cited
    refer to the current version unless otherwise indicated.
    Decision of the Court
    reviews for fundamental error resulting in prejudice. State v. Escalante, 
    245 Ariz. 135
    , 140 ¶ 12 (2018).
    ¶8             Rael argues evidence of her BAC and retrograde analysis was
    not relevant because the State “proceeded on DUI charges that only required
    proof of impairment, not proof of an actual level of alcohol in the blood.”2
    “Evidence is relevant if: (a) it has any tendency to make a fact more or less
    probable than it would be without the evidence; and (b) the fact is of
    consequence in determining the action.” Ariz. R. Evid. 401. In this case,
    evidence of Rael’s BAC several hours after driving makes it more probable
    that she was impaired to the slightest degree at the time of driving.
    Additionally, once the State provided admissible evidence of Rael’s BAC
    within two hours of driving, then the statutory presumptions applied. See
    A.R.S. § 28-1381(G) (as applicable here, a finding of a BAC more than 0.08
    gives rise to the presumption “that the defendant was under the influence
    of intoxicating liquor”). Accordingly, Rael has not shown the superior court
    abused its discretion in finding this evidence relevant.
    ¶9             Rael also challenges the admission of evidence of her BAC
    and retrograde analysis under Rule 702(a) and (b). Rael claims “[c]ounsel
    moved to preclude testimony of the retrograde extrapolations under Rule
    702(a) and (b).” The record, however, shows only that Rael moved to
    preclude admission of the evidence under Rule 401 (“Test for Relevant
    Evidence”). Because Rael did not press a Rule 702 objection with the
    superior court, she waived the issue on appeal, absent fundamental error
    resulting in prejudice. See Ariz. R. Evid. 103(a); 
    Lopez, 217 Ariz. at 434
    ¶ 4;
    Escalante, 245 Ariz. at 140
    ¶ 12.
    ¶10             An error is fundamental if it “goes to the foundation of the
    case,” takes away an essential right to the defendant’s defense or is “so
    egregious that a defendant could not possibly have received a fair trial.”
    Escalante, 245 Ariz. at 141
    ¶¶ 18–20 (internal quotations and citations
    omitted). Rael has not claimed, let alone shown, that admission of the
    retrograde extrapolation evidence constituted fundamental error. See also
    State ex rel. Montgomery v. Miller, 
    234 Ariz. 289
    , 305 ¶ 61 (App. 2014) (holding
    retrograde extrapolation evidence admissible). Consequently, Rael has
    2Rael also argues the evidence should have been excluded under Rule 403,
    but failed to preserve the issue by timely objecting on that ground at trial.
    See Ariz. R. Evid. 103(a); 
    Lopez, 217 Ariz. at 434
    ¶ 4. Rael has not
    demonstrated the admission of this evidence was a fundamental error. See
    Escalante, 245 Ariz. at 140
    ¶ 12.
    Decision of the Court
    failed to show that admission of this evidence was fundamental error
    resulting in prejudice.
    II.    The Superior Court Properly Instructed the Jury on the Statutory
    ¶11            Rael argues because she was not charged with any BAC-
    specific offenses, the only relevant timeframe was her time of driving, and
    any instructions on the statutory presumptions “erroneously gave the
    impression that the jury could consider any relation-back testimony.”
    Rael’s arguments fail for two reasons. First, Rael’s opening brief does not
    cite to any legal authority supporting her argument. See Ariz. R. Civ. App.
    P. 13(a)(7) (requiring citations to legal authority for appellant’s opening
    brief). Second, nothing in the statutory presumptions limit their application
    to cases charged under section 28-1381(A)(2). See A.R.S. § 28-1381(G)
    (defendant’s alcohol concentration gives rise to several presumptions in an
    action or trial under “this section or § 28-1383”).
    ¶12          This court addressed similar arguments in State v. Klausner,
    where the State charged the defendant with a DUI under a theory of
    impairment to the slightest degree, like Rael here. 
    194 Ariz. 169
    , 170 ¶¶ 2-3
    (App. 1998). The defendant argued that, even though there was a BAC
    reading within two hours of driving, such a reading does not prove
    impairment at the time of driving. 
    Id. at 172
    ¶ 14. Klausner squarely rejected
    that argument:
    We accept as a fact it is not possible to precisely
    quantify the alcohol content of a person’s blood
    at the time the person was driving from a
    sample taken at a later time without evidence to
    relate the sample back. This does not mean,
    however, that there is no relationship between a
    BAC reading taken within two hours of driving
    and whether a person’s driving was influenced
    to the slightest degree by alcohol. In many cases,
    there will be an obvious relationship.
    Id. at 173
    ¶ 17. In diffusing any Rule 403 concerns, the court upheld the
    presumption explaining “jurors can understand that a BAC reading at the
    time the test is taken may have some bearing on whether a driver was
    impaired and also understand that evidence of what the BAC actually was
    at the time of driving is even more relevant.” 
    Id. at ¶
    Decision of the Court
    ¶13           In this case, using retrograde extrapolation, the State
    presented evidence of Rael’s approximate BAC based on the various times
    of driving. The retrogrades were calculated based on two driving times
    presented at trial — 6:48 p.m. and 4:20 p.m. By presenting the retrogrades,
    the State established Rael’s BAC within two hours of driving, which gave
    rise to the statutory presumptions. A.R.S. § 28-1381(G). Thus, Rael has
    shown no error for the superior court to instruct the jury on these
    III.   The Prosecutor’s Comments During Closing Arguments Were Not
    Prosecutorial Misconduct.
    ¶14           Rael alleges the prosecutor’s “characterization of [Rael] as
    lying coupled with his statements in closing arguments” were improper
    prosecutorial misconduct resulting in prejudice. To determine if a
    prosecutor’s comment is improper, the court considers “the context in
    which [the comment] was made and whether the jury would naturally and
    necessarily perceive it.” 
    Rutledge, 205 Ariz. at 13
    ¶ 33. If the comment rises
    to misconduct, the defendant must show the prosecutor’s misconduct “so
    infected the trial with unfairness as to make the resulting conviction a
    denial of due process.” State v. Goudeau, 
    239 Ariz. 421
    , 465 ¶ 193 (2016)
    (quoting State v. Hughes, 
    193 Ariz. 72
    , 79 ¶ 26 (1998)). In argument, counsel
    is permitted to “draw[] reasonable inferences from the evidence.” State v.
    110 Ariz. 599
    , 602 (1974). The court considers the entire record
    and the totality of the circumstances in evaluating claims of prosecutorial
    Rutledge, 205 Ariz. at 13
    ¶ 33.
    ¶15           Rael argues the prosecutor’s characterization that she lied to
    police was improper and not a reasonable inference from the evidence.
    However, during both direct and cross-examination, Rael admitted that
    when she spoke with police, she was not truthful in the amount of alcohol
    she had consumed. Given Rael’s own admission at trial, it was not an
    unreasonable inference for the prosecutor to say “[s]o essentially she lied.”
    Miniefield, 110 Ariz. at 602
    . Accordingly, Rael has shown no
    prosecutorial misconduct.
    IV.       Rael’s Conviction Is Supported by Substantial Evidence.
    ¶16          Rael challenges the superior court’s denial of her motion for
    judgment of acquittal, which asserted there was “no substantial evidence to
    support a conviction.” Ariz. R. Crim. P. 20(a)(1). Sufficiency of the evidence
    is reviewed de novo. State v. West, 
    226 Ariz. 559
    , 562 ¶ 15 (2011). “[T]he
    relevant question is whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most
    Decision of the Court
    favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the
    essential elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.” 
    Id. at 562
    ¶ 16
    (quoting State v. Mathers, 
    165 Ariz. 64
    , 66 (1990)) (emphasis original).
    ¶17            To convict Rael of aggravated DUI, the State was required to
    prove: (1) Rael drove a vehicle; (2) she was under the influence of
    intoxicating liquor at the time of driving; (3) she was impaired to the
    slightest degree by intoxicating liquor; (4) her license to drive was
    suspended and/or restricted at the time she was driving; and (5) she knew
    or should have known that her driver license was suspended and/or
    restricted at the time of driving. See A.R.S. § 28-1383(A)(1); State v. Williams,
    144 Ariz. 487
    , 489 (1985) (discussing necessary mental state); accord Rev.
    Ariz. Jury Instr. (RAJI) Stand. Crim. 28.1383(A)(1)-1 (5th ed. 2019) (listing
    elements). To convict on count two, the State had to prove elements one
    through three and that “a person under fifteen years of age [was] in the
    vehicle” at the time of the offense. A.R.S. § 28-1383(A)(3); accord RAJI Stand.
    Crim. 28-1383(A)(3)-1.
    ¶18            During trial, both eyewitnesses testified that they saw Rael
    driving in the parking lot and drive over a curb. When the witnesses
    approached Rael, D.W. testified he could smell alcohol on her, and both
    men saw that she was stumbling, and her speech was slurred. When the
    witnesses looked into her car, they saw a child under the age of 15 strapped
    into his car seat. Rael’s testimony confirmed she was driving with her son,
    who was not yet three years old at the time.
    ¶19            The Phoenix Crime Lab technician testified that at 9:00 p.m.,
    Rael’s blood had a BAC of .336. Based on retrograde extrapolations, that
    technician could estimate Rael’s BAC within two hours of driving. If the
    driving time was 6:48 p.m., Rael’s BAC ranged between .336 to .341. If the
    driving time was 4:20 p.m., her BAC was estimated to range between .336
    to .403 within two hours of driving. Phoenix Police Officers confirmed that,
    at the time of the incident, Rael’s license was restricted. The DMV employee
    testified Rael was sent a letter notifying her of the restriction and Rael’s
    testimony confirmed she knew of the restriction.
    ¶20           After viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution, a “rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements
    of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.” 
    West, 226 Ariz. at 562
    ¶ 16
    Mathers, 165 Ariz. at 66
    ). Accordingly, the superior court did not
    err in denying Rael’s Rule 20 Motion.
    Decision of the Court
    V.     The Court Did Not Abuse Its Discretion in Denying Rael’s Rule
    24.1 Motion.
    ¶21            Finally, Rael argues her conviction “was contrary to the law
    and contrary to the weight of the evidence.” Specifically, she claims the
    State did not prove impairment at the time of driving and that Rael
    “knowing[ly] [drove] in violation of a restriction on her license.” This court
    reviews the denial of a motion for a new trial for abuse of discretion. State
    v. Neal, 
    143 Ariz. 93
    , 97 (1984); see also State v. Fisher, 
    242 Ariz. 44
    , 52 ¶28
    (Ariz. 2017) (“The appellate court does not sit as the ‘fourteenth’ juror.”).
    ¶22           As noted, there is substantial evidence to support Rael’s
    convictions. The State was required to prove, and did in fact prove, that
    Rael’s license had a restriction and Rael “knew or should have known” of the
    Williams, 144 Ariz. at 489
    (emphasis added); see A.R.S. § 28-
    1383(A)(1). Rael has not shown the superior court abused its discretion in
    denying her motion for a new trial.
    ¶23          Rael’s convictions are affirmed, and the case is remanded for
    the imposition of the sentence previously stayed pending resolution of this
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court