Manuel T. v. Dcs ( 2018 )

  •                       NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    MANUEL T., Appellant,
    No. 1 CA-JV 18-0200
    FILED 12-4-2018
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. JD30722
    The Honorable Cari A. Harrison, Judge
    Law Office of H. Clark Jones L.L.C., Mesa
    By H. Clark Jones
    Counsel for Appellant
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Tucson
    By Laura J. Huff
    Counsel for Appellee Department of Child Safety
    MANUEL T. v. DCS, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    Presiding Judge Kenton D. Jones delivered the decision of the Court, in
    which Vice Chief Judge Peter B. Swann and Judge David W. Weinzweig
    J O N E S, Judge:
    ¶1           Manuel T. (Father) appeals the juvenile court’s order
    terminating his parental rights to M.A. and B.A. (the Children), arguing the
    Department of Child Safety (DCS) failed to prove the statutory grounds for
    severance by clear and convincing evidence and that severance was in the
    Children’s best interests by a preponderance of the evidence. For the
    following reasons, we affirm.
    ¶2             In June 2015, DCS received a report that B.A. had been
    sexually abused.1 During the subsequent investigation, all four of Father’s
    daughters, then ages fourteen, twelve, nine, and four, disclosed sexual
    abuse by family members. DCS identified a general lack of supervision and
    “pattern of the children residing with family/friends and [being] harmed
    while in their care” and removed the sisters from their parents’ care. DCS
    filed a petition alleging all four girls were dependent as to Father and their
    mother (Mother) on the grounds of neglect. Although Father contested the
    allegations of the petition, he did not appear for trial, and the juvenile court
    adjudicated the Children dependent and adopted a case plan of family
    1       “[W]e view the evidence and reasonable inferences to be drawn from
    it in the light most favorable to sustaining the court’s decision.” Jordan C.
    v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    223 Ariz. 86
    , 93, ¶ 18 (App. 2009) (citing Jesus M.
    v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    203 Ariz. 278
    , 282, ¶ 13 (App. 2002)).
    2      The four sisters were also adjudicated dependent as to Mother in
    October 2015. Mother’s parental rights to the Children were terminated in
    May 2018, and her appeal was dismissed after her counsel avowed he had
    identified no non-frivolous issues for this Court’s review. At the time of
    MANUEL T. v. DCS, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶3            Father was referred for supervised visitation, parent aide
    services, individual counseling with an emphasis on domestic violence and
    anger management, and transportation assistance — services he initially
    declined. Father eventually engaged in counseling in May 2016. He only
    began visiting the Children regularly in September 2016 — more than a year
    after their removal. Father successfully completed parent aide services in
    December 2016 but became irate and violent when the oldest daughter
    refused to attend visitation. Father would also cancel visitation altogether
    if the oldest daughter was not available to assist him in parenting the
    younger children. Accordingly, DCS reduced the frequency of visitation
    and recommended he continue with individual counseling.
    ¶4            DCS also expressed concern regarding Father’s ability to
    maintain stable employment and obtain appropriate housing. In January
    2017, DCS referred Father to a specialist, who provided him with
    community resources for housing assistance and helped him complete an
    application for Section 8 housing. In May, DCS advised Father it could
    assist him with a housing subsidy if he provided appropriate
    documentation. However, Father did not obtain the necessary information.
    Father’s Section 8 housing application was also denied because it was
    incomplete. He did not reapply or otherwise follow up with DCS or the
    ¶5            After missing scheduled appointments in June and
    November 2016, Father finally underwent a psychological evaluation in
    May 2017. At the evaluation, Father reported he could and would parent
    the Children but for his lack of suitable housing. But the psychologist found
    Father was making no effort to address this issue, choosing instead to blame
    DCS for not simply providing him a place to live. She also identified
    “numerous other barriers to parenting,” including undetermined sexual
    maladjustment allegations, possible substance abuse, personality
    disturbances related to repressed anger and hostility, and a lack of effort
    that reflected “an indirect expression of his acknowledgment that single
    parenting is overwhelming for him at his age and under his circumstances.”
    The psychologist concluded that any child in Father’s care remained at risk
    for further neglect and Father’s prognosis for becoming a minimally
    adequate parent in the foreseeable future was poor given his lack of
    accountability and insight into the circumstances.
    our review, the Children’s two older sisters remained in out-of-home care
    but refused to consent to a change in case plan to severance and adoption.
    MANUEL T. v. DCS, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶6            The same psychologist performed a bonding assessment the
    following August. She found the four sisters highly bonded to each other
    and Father and suggested it would not be in their best interests to be
    separated. Although these findings were consistent with reports of positive
    interaction at visitation, Father’s participation in rehabilitative services
    waned as he struggled with physical ailments and eventually underwent
    back surgery requiring a lengthy recovery period. Additionally, despite
    being advised housing was a significant barrier to reunification, Father
    refused to secure appropriate housing unless and until the Children were
    returned to his care.
    ¶7            By November 2017, Father had ceased all contact with DCS
    and stopped participating in services, except for visitation. The juvenile
    court changed the case plan to severance and adoption in December. DCS
    immediately moved to terminate Father’s parental rights, alleging
    severance was warranted based upon the time the Children had been in
    out-of-home care. One month before trial, Father became irate in the
    hallway after a court hearing when the DCS case manager suggested
    specific anger management counseling.
    ¶8            At trial, the DCS case manager acknowledged Father’s partial
    participation in services but identified unresolved concerns regarding
    Father’s lack of stable employment and housing, anger issues, and failure
    to recognize or understand why the Children were placed in out-of-home
    care. Like the psychologist, the case manager believed Father would not be
    able to parent in the foreseeable future because he was not prioritizing
    reunification tasks. Notably, the case manager did not believe the Children
    were safe in Father’s care, notwithstanding the housing issue, and believed,
    in the absence of any apparent behavioral changes, “the older children will
    continue to parent the younger children.” She testified the Children were
    adoptable and in an adoptive placement who was willing to facilitate
    continued contact between the Children and their older sisters. She also
    acknowledged that even though separating the sisters was not ideal, it was
    nonetheless in the Children’s best interests to pursue a plan that would give
    them an opportunity for stability and permanency, rather than leaving
    them “to linger in the foster care system.”
    ¶9             Father testified he believed he could provide for the Children
    financially and would obtain appropriate housing “immediately” after they
    were returned to his care. He denied any domestic violence or anger issues
    and expressed concern regarding the Children being separated from their
    older sisters.
    MANUEL T. v. DCS, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶10            After taking the matter under advisement, the juvenile court
    found DCS proved by clear and convincing evidence that it had made
    diligent efforts to provide appropriate reunification services but
    termination of Father’s parental rights was warranted because he had been
    unable to remedy the circumstances causing the Children to be in an out-
    of-home placement for longer than the statutory period and there was a
    substantial likelihood he would be unable to parent in the near future. See
    Ariz. Rev. Stat. (A.R.S.) § 8-533(B)(8)(c).3 The court also found severance
    was in the Children’s best interests and entered an order terminating
    Father’s parental rights. Father timely appealed. We have jurisdiction
    pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 8-235(A), 12-120.21(A)(1), -2101(A)(1), and Arizona
    Rule of Procedure for the Juvenile Court 103(A).
    I.     DCS Proved the Grounds for Severance by Clear and Convincing
    ¶11            Father argues the juvenile court erred in concluding DCS
    proved the statutory grounds for severance by clear and convincing
    evidence. Specifically, Father contends insufficient evidence supports the
    court’s findings that: (1) DCS made reasonable efforts to assist Father in
    obtaining appropriate housing for the Children, which he characterizes as
    the “main obstacle to reunification,” and (2) Father’s housing at the time of
    trial was not suitable for the Children. We defer to the court’s factual
    findings, including those regarding DCS’s diligence in providing services,
    so long as they are supported by substantial evidence. See Lashonda M. v.
    Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    210 Ariz. 77
    , 81-82, ¶¶ 13, 16 (App. 2005) (citations
    omitted); Jesus 
    M., 203 Ariz. at 280
    , ¶ 4 (citing Michael J. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ.
    196 Ariz. 246
    , 250, ¶ 20 (2000), and Jennifer B. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec.,
    189 Ariz. 553
    , 555 (App. 1997)).
    ¶12           Substantial evidence supports the juvenile court’s findings
    here. Father himself testified he could easily obtain and afford suitable
    housing and would do so “immediately” if the Children were returned to
    his care. Father also testified the Children could not live with him in the
    hotel room he currently occupied. Although DCS cannot prove termination
    is warranted without first making reasonable efforts to preserve the family,
    it cannot force a parent to take advantage of the services offered or perform
    required reunification tasks. See Yvonne L. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 227
    3      Absent material changes from the relevant date, we cite the current
    version of rules and statutes.
    MANUEL T. v. DCS, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    Ariz. 415, 422, 423, ¶¶ 27, 34 (App. 2011) (citing Maricopa Cty. Juv. Action
    No. JS-501904, 
    180 Ariz. 348
    , 353 (App. 1994)). The record supports the
    court’s finding that it was not a lack of services, but a lack of will, that kept
    Father from obtaining appropriate housing. We find no error.
    ¶13          Father does not dispute the remaining findings in the juvenile
    court’s order or argue they are insufficient to warrant termination.
    Accordingly, the court did not err in concluding DCS proved severance was
    warranted based upon his failure to remedy the circumstances causing the
    Children to be in out-of-home care for the statutory period.
    II.    DCS Proved Severance was in the Children’s Best Interests by a
    Preponderance of the Evidence.
    ¶14            Father argues the juvenile court erred in concluding
    severance was in the Children’s best interests because it would also sever
    their legal relationship with their older sisters, with whom they share a
    significant bond. We review the best interests finding for an abuse of
    discretion and will reverse only if “as a matter of law, no reasonable fact-
    finder could have found the evidence satisfied the applicable burden of
    proof.” See Titus S. v. DCS, 
    244 Ariz. 365
    , 369, ¶ 15 (App. 2018) (citing Mary
    Lou C. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    207 Ariz. 43
    , 47, ¶ 8 (App. 2004), and Denise
    R. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    221 Ariz. 92
    , 94-95, ¶¶ 9-10 (App. 2009)).
    ¶15            The existence of a bond between biological family members,
    “although a factor to consider, is not dispositive in addressing best
    interests.” Dominique M. v. DCS, 
    240 Ariz. 96
    , 98, ¶ 12 (App. 2016) (citing
    Bennigno R. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    233 Ariz. 345
    , 351, ¶ 30 (App. 2013)).
    Rather, the court must consider all relevant facts and determine, on a case-
    by-case basis, whether a preponderance of the evidence supports a finding
    that the children “would derive an affirmative benefit from termination or
    incur a detriment by continuing in the relationship.” Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec.
    v. Oscar O., 
    209 Ariz. 332
    , 334, ¶ 6 (App. 2004); accord Demetrius L. v. Joshlynn
    239 Ariz. 1
    , 4, ¶ 16 (2016). The benefit to the children, particularly when
    severance is sought based upon the length of time in an out-of-home
    placement, is the opportunity for permanency in lieu of remaining
    indefinitely in a situation where “parents maintain parental rights but
    refuse to assume parental responsibilities.” Oscar 
    O., 209 Ariz. at 337
    , ¶ 16
    (quoting Maricopa Cty. Juv. Action No. JS-6520, 
    157 Ariz. 238
    , 243 (App.
    1988)). The juvenile court may also consider whether the presence of a
    statutory ground for severance will have a negative effect upon the
    children. Bennigno 
    R., 233 Ariz. at 350
    , ¶ 23 (quoting Maricopa Cty. Juv.
    Action No. JS-6831, 
    155 Ariz. 556
    , 559 (App. 1988)).
    MANUEL T. v. DCS, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶16            The juvenile court here noted the Children had been in an out-
    of-home placement for nearly three years and, despite this lengthy period,
    Father had yet to show he was willing or able to parent them. Although
    Father faults the court for “not giv[ing] much weight” to the Children’s
    bond with their sisters, we do not reweigh evidence on appeal; “[a] juvenile
    court as the trier of fact in a termination proceeding is in the best position
    to weigh the evidence, observe the parties, judge the credibility of
    witnesses, and resolve disputed facts.” Oscar 
    O., 209 Ariz. at 334
    , ¶ 4 (citing
    M., 203 Ariz. at 280
    , ¶ 4). Moreover, the record reflects the court
    carefully considered “[the] risk of the four girls not being able to continue
    a sibling relationship,” but ultimately determined it was not in the
    Children’s best interests “to remain in the foster care system in order to
    prioritize their sibling relationships.” Instead, the court found the Children
    would benefit from the opportunity to be adopted into a permanent, stable,
    and safe home with a placement who had been, and was committed to
    continue, facilitating sibling contact.        The record supports these
    conclusions, and we find no abuse of discretion.
    ¶17           The juvenile court’s order terminating Father’s parental rights
    to the Children is affirmed.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court