State v. Tagge , 246 Ariz. 486 ( 2019 )

  •                                IN THE
    STATE OF ARIZONA, Appellee,
    STATE OF ARIZONA, Appellee,
    MATTHEW CARL TAGGE, Appellant.
    No. 1 CA-CR 16-0759
    1 CA-CR 16-0785
    FILED 5-9-2019
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. CR2015-113021-001
    The Honorable Michael D. Gordon, Judge
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Terry M. Crist, III
    Counsel for Appellee
    Bain & Lauritano, PLC, Glendale
    By Sheri M. Lauritano
    Counsel for Appellant Elena Tagge
    Maricopa County Public Defender’s Office, Phoenix
    By Nicholaus Podsiadlik
    Counsel for Appellant Matthew Tagge
    Judge Kent E. Cattani delivered the opinion of the Court, in which
    Presiding Judge Diane M. Johnsen joined. Judge Peter B. Swann specially
    C A T T A N I, Judge:
    ¶1           Matthew and Elena Tagge appeal their convictions for illegal
    possession or use of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. The Tagges
    maintain that, because they held cards entitling them to possess and use
    marijuana under the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (“AMMA”), they were
    immune from prosecution. We hold to the contrary that, because immunity
    under the AMMA does not extend to smoking marijuana in a public place,
    the Tagges could be prosecuted for doing so in their car in a public parking
    lot. Accordingly, and for reasons that follow, we affirm.
    ¶2            The facts are undisputed. Bound for a music festival in Mesa
    one afternoon, the Tagges parked in a commercial lot near the concert
    venue. The lot was owned by the City of Mesa and had been leased to a
    radio station for parking for the event. The Tagges pulled up next to two
    undercover Mesa police officers, who watched as the Tagges sat in their car
    and smoked marijuana from a pipe they passed between them. Although
    the windows of the Tagges’ car were up, police saw smoke coming from the
    pipe, ordered them out of the car and seized the pipe, along with
    approximately one gram of marijuana.
    ¶3           Each of the Tagges was a “qualifying patient” under the
    AMMA. See Ariz. Rev. Stat. (“A.R.S.”) §§ 36-2801(13), -2811. At trial, they
    argued that they were immune from prosecution under § 36-2811, which
    generally immunizes AMMA cardholders’ marijuana use, subject to several
    Opinion of the Court
    exceptions, including one at issue in this case: smoking in a public place.
    See A.R.S. § 36-2802(C)(2). The superior court rejected the Tagges’
    argument, finding that although they were inside a closed car, they were in
    a public place and were not entitled to immunity. After a bench trial, the
    court convicted them of misdemeanor marijuana and paraphernalia
    offenses and imposed six months’ unsupervised probation. The Tagges
    each filed a timely appeal.
    ¶4            By law, the State may not subject a qualifying patient to arrest
    or prosecution for “use of marijuana pursuant to [the AMMA].” A.R.S. §
    36-2811(B)(1). This protection “broadly immunizes qualified patients,
    carving out only narrow exceptions from its otherwise sweeping grant of
    immunity.” Reed-Kaliher v. Hoggatt, 
    237 Ariz. 119
    , 122, ¶ 8 (2015). Among
    the exceptions: A qualifying patient may not possess or use marijuana “[o]n
    a school bus,” “[o]n the grounds of any preschool or primary or secondary
    school,” or “[i]n any correctional facility.” A.R.S. § 36-2802(B). And a
    qualifying patient may not smoke marijuana “[o]n any form of public
    transportation” or “[i]n any public place.” A.R.S. § 36-2802(C). The
    dispositive issue here is whether the “public place” exception to immunity
    applies to smoking inside a private vehicle in a public parking lot.
    ¶5            This court reviews questions of statutory interpretation de
    novo. Reed-Kaliher, 237 Ariz. at 122, ¶ 6. In interpreting statutes, we give
    special care “to give effect to every clause and word.” Premier Physicians
    Grp., PLLC v. Navarro, 
    240 Ariz. 193
    , 196, ¶ 16 (2016). “[W]e look to the
    statute as a whole, and construe together all parts of the statute relating to
    the same subject.” Ariz. Health Care Cost Containment Sys. v. Bentley, 
    187 Ariz. 229
    , 232 (App. 1996); see J.D. v. Hegyi, 
    236 Ariz. 39
    , 41, ¶ 6 (2014)
    (“Words in statutes . . . cannot be read in isolation from the context in which
    they are used.”). When a term in a statute may have differing meanings,
    we “consider[] secondary factors, such as the statute’s context, subject
    matter, historical background, effects and consequences, and spirit and
    purpose.” Premier Physicians, 240 Ariz. at 195, ¶ 9.
    ¶6            The Tagges first argue that the parking lot itself was not a
    public place within the meaning of the AMMA. They urge us to adopt the
    limited definition of “public place” found in the Smoke-Free Arizona Act
    (“SFAA”), which includes only an “enclosed area to which the public is
    invited or in which the public is permitted.” A.R.S. § 36-601.01(A)(9)
    (emphasis added). The Tagges assert that because both the SFAA and the
    AMMA appear in Title 36 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, we must read
    Opinion of the Court
    the two in pari materia so that the SFAA’s definition of “public place” would
    apply to every use of the phrase in Title 36.
    ¶7             The Tagges’ argument is unavailing because the SFAA
    expressly applies only to tobacco products, not marijuana. See A.R.S. § 36-
    601.01(A)(11) (defining “[s]moking” by reference to “any lighted tobacco
    product”). The AMMA drafters could have expressly incorporated the
    public place definition from the SFAA, but they did not do so. That the two
    statutes are in the same title is insufficient to warrant application of the
    SFAA’s definition to the AMMA given the distinct subject matters and the
    different purposes of the two acts. See Moreno v. Jones, 
    213 Ariz. 94
    , 99, ¶ 28
    (2006) (in pari materia statutes “relate to the same subject or have the same
    general purpose”) (citation omitted). Accordingly, we hold that a public
    place under the AMMA is not limited to enclosed areas. Instead, a public
    place is simply “a place open to or frequented by the general public,” see
    State v. Whitaker, 
    164 Ariz. 359
    , 362 (App. 1990), and the city-owned parking
    lot in this case meets that definition. See Florida v. White, 
    526 U.S. 559
    , 566
    (1999) (employer’s parking lot is a “public area” for purposes of a Fourth
    Amendment challenge); People v. Strider, 
    177 Cal. App. 4th 1393
    , 1402 (2009)
    (parking lot is a “public place” under statute criminalizing carrying loaded
    firearm in a public place); Dornbusch v. State, 
    262 S.W.3d 432
    , 437 (Tex. Ct.
    App. 2008) (parking lot is akin to public roadway in interpreting “public
    place” element of driving-under-influence statute).1
    ¶8            The Tagges counter that the parking lot was not a public place
    within the meaning of the statute because, although municipally owned,
    the lot was leased to a radio station, which in turn charged concert-goers to
    park there. The Tagges do not cite and we are unaware of any authority for
    the proposition that a fee requirement for entering or using a space that
    otherwise is open to everyone renders a parking lot a non-public place, and
    we hold that the parking lot in this case was a public place for purposes of
    the AMMA.
    ¶9           The Tagges also argue that, even if the parking lot were
    considered to be a public place, they nevertheless were not subject to
    prosecution because they did not smoke marijuana in the open, but instead
    1       We note that the Department of Health Services issued regulations
    defining “public place” under the AMMA to include “parking lots.” Ariz.
    Admin. Code R9-17-101(24)(xiv). The superior court in this case, however,
    ruled that the department lacked authority to issue the regulation and held
    it invalid. The State did not cross-appeal from that ruling, see A.R.S. § 13-
    4032(3), and does not argue that the regulation bears on this appeal.
    Opinion of the Court
    did so inside a closed private vehicle. But the interior of a vehicle is not a
    separate place distinct from the location in which the vehicle is found. The
    expedient of being enclosed in a vehicle parked in a public place does not,
    without more, remove a person from the public place. Criminal trespass,
    for example, is not decriminalized if a trespasser’s unauthorized presence
    on a property is inside a vehicle. Simply put, a location—including a public
    place—does not change its character when a person is present in a vehicle,
    rather than on foot.
    ¶10             Although this is a case of first impression in Arizona, our
    conclusion that immunity under the AMMA does not extend to smoking in
    a private vehicle in a public parking lot is consistent with that reached by
    the Michigan Court of Appeals in People v. Carlton, 
    880 N.W.2d 803
    Ct. App. 2015). Construing a similarly worded medical-marijuana statute,
    the Michigan court concluded that a qualifying patient cited for smoking in
    his car in a casino parking lot was not immune from prosecution. 
     at 805–
    08. Noting that the statute withdrew immunity for smoking in “any public
    place” (but did not condition immunity on whether the act was done “in
    public”), the court held that immunity from prosecution for smoking
    marijuana does not extend “to [qualifying patients] who smoke medical
    marijuana in a parking lot that is open to use by the general public, even
    when smoking inside a privately owned vehicle, and even if the person’s
    smoking is not directly detectable by the members of the general public.”
     at 807–10. Although the court acknowledged that the interior of a
    privately owned car can be private, it ultimately rejected the notion that a
    vehicle’s interior could be a “place” whose public or private character
    would determine immunity under the statute. 
     at 809–10.
    ¶11            Like the Michigan court in Carlton, we acknowledge that, in
    general, motorists in private vehicles enjoy privacy interests entitled to
    constitutional protection. See id.; see also Arizona v. Gant, 
    556 U.S. 332
    , 345
    (2009). But we agree with the Michigan court that applicability of the
    “public place” exception in the statute hinges on the character of the place,
    not on whether the qualifying patient takes steps to conceal the act or limit
    its effect on others within that place.
    ¶12           The Tagges alternatively argue that our statutory analysis
    ignores a separate prong of § 36-2802(C), which withdraws immunity for
    smoking marijuana “[o]n any form of public transportation.” In their view,
    the statute’s express withdrawal of immunity for smoking on public
    transportation implicitly preserves immunity for smoking inside private
    transportation. The Tagges suggest that, if a patient’s immunity when
    smoking marijuana in a means of private transportation hinges on the
    Opinion of the Court
    location of the means of private transportation, the statute’s separate
    reference to “public transportation” would be redundant because “any
    form of public transportation” necessarily will be located in a “public
    place,” i.e., a roadway, railway, bus station, or parking lot.
    ¶13           We disagree that our interpretation of the statute renders the
    “public place” and “public transportation” provisions redundant. The
    statute withdraws immunity for smoking in any public place, as well as for
    smoking on any form of public transportation (without regard to whether
    the public transportation is in a public or private place). Although public
    transportation vehicles usually travel in public places, they sometimes
    venture into otherwise non-public spaces. For example, a public bus may
    transport people over private property. Similarly, a bus may be parked in
    a restricted area of a bus depot or may undergo mechanical work in a
    private garage. In any of these scenarios, under the express language of the
    statute, smoking marijuana is not permitted on the bus, even though it is
    located in a non-public place. Thus, although the “public place” and
    “public transportation” restrictions overlap to a significant extent, it is not
    necessary to read the “public transportation” provision as an implicit
    exclusion of “private transportation” to give it meaning.
    ¶14            Furthermore, accepting the Tagges’ view that the statute
    implicitly allows smoking in any form of private transportation would lead
    to anomalous results. Such an interpretation would allow an individual to
    smoke marijuana in the open, for example in a public park, by the simple
    expedient of perching on a motorcycle or some other form of private
    transportation. To avoid this absurd result, the court would presumably
    have to write in a windows-up requirement in addition to finding an
    implicit private-vehicle exception, all based on the statute’s reference to
    public transportation. We decline to judicially amend the AMMA to reach
    so far beyond the text of the statute, and we conclude that the public
    transportation and public place restrictions in the AMMA are
    complementary and not impermissibly redundant.
    ¶15           The Tagges, even though qualifying patients under the
    AMMA, lost their immunity from prosecution for marijuana and
    paraphernalia-related offenses because they were smoking marijuana in a
    public place. Although the Tagges could have consumed marijuana in the
    same location by other means, they ceded their immunity by smoking
    marijuana in a public place. We thus affirm their convictions.
    Swann, J., Specially Concurring
    S W A N N, Judge, specially concurring:
    ¶16            I agree with the majority opinion, but I write separately to
    note that it should not be overread. The determining factor in this appeal
    is the question whether the Tagges smoked marijuana in a “public place.”
    Though a person’s mere presence in a vehicle is not by itself sufficient to
    remove him or her from the public place in which the vehicle is located, the
    fact that a person is in a mobile enclosure does not necessarily mean the
    person is in a “public place.”
    ¶17            Our holding in this case does not extend, for example, to a
    patient who is in a traditionally private place, such as the closed bedroom
    of a mobile home lawfully parked in a public lot. The appropriate inquiry
    centers on the reasonable expectation of privacy that a patient has in the
    location where the smoking takes place—the greater the expectation of
    privacy, the less “public” the place. And though I agree that the exposed
    passenger compartment of a car does not carry with it a reasonable
    expectation of privacy when smoking marijuana, other circumstances
    involving a different type of vehicle located in a public place might dictate
    a different result.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court