Louis C. v. Dcs, J.C. ( 2015 )

  •                              IN THE
    LOUIS C.,
    No. 2 CA-JV 2014-0127
    Filed June 25, 2015
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Pima County
    No. JD20140107
    The Honorable Geoffrey L. Ferlan, Judge Pro Tempore
    The Law Office of Mark F. Willimann, LLC, Tucson
    By Mark F. Willimann
    Counsel for Appellant
    Mark Brnovich, Arizona Attorney General
    By Laura J. Huff, Assistant Attorney General, Tucson
    Counsel for Appellee Department of Child Safety
    LOUIS C. v. DCS
    Opinion of the Court
    Judge Espinosa authored the opinion of the Court, in which
    Presiding Judge Miller and Chief Judge Eckerstrom concurred.
    E S P I N O S A, Judge:
    ¶1          Louis C. appeals from the juvenile court’s order
    adjudicating his twelve-year-old son, J.C., dependent as to him. For
    the following reasons, as well as those expressed in a separate
    memorandum decision,1 we affirm the court’s order.
    ¶2           “On review of an adjudication of dependency, we view
    the evidence in the light most favorable to sustaining the juvenile
    court’s findings.” Willie G. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    211 Ariz. 231
    ¶ 21, 
    119 P.3d 1034
    , 1038 (App. 2005). Louis was awarded full
    custody of J.C. in 2008 or 2009, with provisions for J.C.’s regular
    contact with his mother, Marcia R., 2 who now lives in Texas. Puerto
    Rico’s child protective services had once been involved with the
    family after Louis had left “some type of mark” on J.C. while
    spanking him; Louis reported that he “completed services” related
    to those proceedings.
    ¶3           On February 7, 2014, Louis learned that J.C. had failed
    to turn in eight school assignments and was failing a class. Louis
    telephoned J.C. and told him he “would be getting eight straps [with
    1Because   our resolution of other issues Louis raises on appeal
    does not meet the criteria for publication, we have addressed those
    issues in a separate memorandum decision pursuant to Rule 111(h),
    Ariz. R. Sup. Ct., Rule 28(c), Ariz. R. Civ. App. P., and Rule 103(G),
    Ariz. R. P. Juv. Ct.
    2The  juvenile court found J.C. dependent as to both parents;
    Marcia is not a party in this appeal.
    LOUIS C. v. DCS
    Opinion of the Court
    a belt] for missing eight assignments” and “would get eight straps
    every[ ]day until the assignments were turned in.” When Louis got
    home, he got a belt and told J.C. to bend over and place his hands on
    his bed. J.C. bent over slightly but did not brace himself as
    instructed, and he fell down after the first blow from the belt. Louis
    continued to strike him while telling him to “get up.” By the time
    the punishment was over, Louis had struck J.C. more than eight
    times on his back and buttocks, the front and back of his legs, and on
    his hands, which he had raised defensively.
    ¶4            When Louis had left the house, J.C. telephoned Marcia,
    and she told him to call 9-1-1. After two Tucson Police Department
    officers arrived, one of them contacted Louis and he returned home.
    Louis denied hitting J.C. and was detained and transported to a
    police station; meanwhile, J.C. was taken to the Children’s Advocacy
    Center (CAC). The officers remained with J.C. while photographs
    were taken and observed “several marks and bruises consistent with
    those made by a belt” on his back, buttocks, and legs. J.C. told a
    CAC interviewer that the blows had felt like “fire on him” and he
    was scared, explaining Louis had struck him hard, raising the belt
    over his head or to his side to deliver the blows. He said he “gets
    the strap” when he gets in trouble—the last time before this in June
    2013—but this time it had been more “severe,” and the blows had
    not been confined to his buttocks and hips. He recalled another time
    when a “giant black/red mark was left on his buttocks” after Louis
    hit him.
    ¶5            A detective arrived after the photographs were taken,
    looked at the images contained on the photographer’s camera, and
    observed from another room while J.C. was interviewed. He later
    testified that photographs admitted at the dependency hearing were
    among those he had seen on the camera, and he identified several
    bruises or red marks that appeared to be “changing to . . . bruise[s]”
    on J.C.’s back, thighs, and buttocks that were consistent with bruises
    caused by “a belt type object.” According to the detective, based on
    his experience and training in Arizona law, the marks left on J.C.
    evinced conduct that “[went] beyond” reasonable or appropriate
    discipline and fell within “the realm of child abuse.” He presented
    LOUIS C. v. DCS
    Opinion of the Court
    the information to the Pima County Attorney’s Office, and Louis
    was arrested on a charge of child abuse.
    ¶6            The Department of Child Safety (DCS)3 took temporary
    custody of J.C. that day, and, on February 12, filed a dependency
    petition alleging J.C. was dependent “due to abuse and/or neglect.”
    Specifically, the petition alleged that Louis had been arrested after
    he “hit [J.C.] with a belt several times,” and that, on the date the
    petition was filed, “there [was] a no-contact order in place between
    [Louis] and [J.C.].” Similarly, in her preliminary protective hearing
    report, a DCS specialist informed the juvenile court that Louis “was
    released from [custody] on 02/10/14” and “[o]ne of [his] conditions
    of release [wa]s no contact of any kind with [J.C.].”
    ¶7            A five-day contested dependency hearing commenced
    on June 2, 2014. The DCS investigator and ongoing case manager
    testified, as the detective had, that the marks and bruises observed
    on J.C.’s body constituted evidence of physical abuse. Louis testified
    he had given J.C. eight “light to moderate swats across his butt”
    with a belt as punishment for the eight missed assignments, and he
    denied striking J.C. on any other part of his body or while he was on
    the floor. He said he disciplined J.C. with corporal punishment only
    “on occasion” and believed such discipline was required in this
    instance to “instill in him the concept[s] of honesty, integrity and
    responsibility.” DCS and Louis both rested their cases on June 19,
    ¶8          On July 1, the Pima County Superior Court granted
    Louis’s motion to remand his criminal case to the grand jury for a
    new finding of probable cause. On July 9, 2014, the Pima County
    Attorney’s Office wrote to Louis’s criminal defense attorney to
    inform him that, during a July 3 meeting, J.C. said he had fallen off
    his skateboard and bruised his left side and leg three days before he
    3 DCS  has been substituted for the Arizona Department of
    Economic Security (ADES) in this matter. See 2014 Ariz. Sess. Laws
    2d Spec. Sess., ch. 1, §§ 6, 20, 54; Ariz. R. Civ. App. P. 27; Ariz. R. P.
    Juv. Ct. 103(G). For simplicity, references to DCS encompass both
    ADES and Child Protective Services, formerly a division of ADES.
    LOUIS C. v. DCS
    Opinion of the Court
    had called 9-1-1, but he could not describe the location of those
    bruises. J.C. confirmed that Louis had “hit him with the belt,” as he
    had reported in February, but told the prosecutors, “[T]hat was
    discipline[,] not child abuse”; he said he had been “mad and wanted
    to go with [his] mom[,] but he was in the wrong because he was
    flunking science.” On July 10, Louis appeared before a new grand
    jury, which declined to indict him a second time, and the criminal
    case was dismissed without prejudice.
    ¶9            When the dependency hearing resumed on August 7,
    the juvenile court denied Louis’s motion to dismiss the dependency
    petition in light of the grand jury’s “no bill.” The parties stipulated
    to the admission of the prosecutor’s July 9 letter to criminal defense
    counsel, the minutes of the July 11 grand jury proceedings, and a
    discharge summary from an agency initially assigned to provide
    services to Louis. In the discharge summary, a program coordinator
    reported Louis “did not demonstrate progress in meeting his
    treatment goals due to his statements that he did not commit
    domestic violence and he does not need group counseling and his
    lack of accountability regarding his current situation.”
    ¶10           After the juvenile court took the matter under
    advisement, Louis filed a request for an expedited ruling and
    findings of fact, specifically asking the court to determine “[w]hether
    the initial [DCS] removal was based on a finding of imminent harm
    to the minor or the unavailability of a parent during the four days
    [Louis] was in custody” and “[w]hether the defenses available in
    A.R.S. § 13-205 apply to Dependency cases.” In its ruling, the court
    found DCS had proven, by a preponderance of the evidence, that
    J.C. was dependent as to Louis. Apparently in response to Louis’s
    request, the court also found that (1) “its decision regarding the
    initial removal was based on both the unavailability of a parent
    while [Louis] was incarcerated and the risk of imminent harm to
    [J.C.],” and (2) “to the extent that any affirmative defense or
    justification set forth under A.R.S. § 13-205 and A.R.S. § 13-403 et.
    seq. may legally be used by [Louis], the facts do not support their
    application given the circumstances, including the inappropriate
    and unreasonable use of force which was used by [Louis] in
    disciplining [J.C.].” This appeal followed.
    LOUIS C. v. DCS
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶11           Louis argues on appeal that the juvenile court abused
    its discretion in “refusing to apply A.R.S. § 13-403” to find his use of
    physical force against J.C. was justified and therefore not a viable
    basis for J.C.’s adjudication of dependency. He also maintains the
    court erred in adjudicating J.C. dependent based on a
    preponderance of the evidence, rather than requiring proof “beyond
    a reasonable doubt,” pursuant to A.R.S. § 13-205, or some other,
    “higher burden of proof,” consistent with A.R.S. §§ 1-601 and 1-602.
    ¶12          We review a dependency order for a “clear abuse of
    discretion.” In re Pima Cnty. Juv. Action No. 93511, 
    154 Ariz. 543
    , 546,
    744 P.2d 455
    , 458 (App. 1987). And, “[g]enerally, the decision of the
    juvenile court as to the weight and effect of evidence will not be
    disturbed unless it is clearly erroneous.” In re Maricopa Cnty. Juv.
    Action No. J-75482, 
    111 Ariz. 588
    , 591, 
    536 P.2d 197
    , 200 (1975). Thus,
    we will not disturb a dependency adjudication for insufficient
    evidence “unless no reasonable evidence supports it.” Willie G., 
    211 Ariz. 231
    , ¶ 21, 119 P.3d at 1038. But we review de novo legal issues
    that require the juvenile court to interpret and apply a statute or
    procedural rule. Manuel M. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    218 Ariz. 205
    ¶ 18, 
    181 P.3d 1126
    , 1131 (App. 2008). We also “review de novo the
    legal question of whether the court applied the proper burden of
    proof.” Parker v. City of Tucson, 
    233 Ariz. 422
    , ¶ 11, 
    314 P.3d 100
    , 106
    (App. 2013).
    Sufficiency of the Evidence
    ¶13           The statutory definition of a dependent child includes
    one “[i]n need of proper and effective parental care and control . . .
    who has no parent . . . willing to exercise or capable of exercising
    such care and control,” as well as one whose “home is unfit by
    reason of abuse, neglect, cruelty or depravity by a parent.” A.R.S.
    § 8–201(14)(a)(i), (iii). “Abuse,” as defined in § 8-201(2), includes
    “the infliction or allowing of physical injury.” “Physical injury” is
    not defined in § 8–201, but for the purpose of criminal child abuse,
    physical injury “means the impairment of physical condition and
    includes,” for example, “any skin bruising.” A.R.S. § 13–3623(F)(4);
    see also State v. Albrecht, 
    158 Ariz. 341
    , 344, 
    762 P.2d 628
    , 631 (App.
    LOUIS C. v. DCS
    Opinion of the Court
    1988) (evidence of “extensive bruising” on four-year-old’s buttocks
    sufficient to establish child abuse beyond a reasonable doubt).
    ¶14           As detailed in the juvenile court’s ruling, the record
    supports its determination that a preponderance of the evidence
    established J.C. had suffered physical abuse and was dependent as
    to Louis. To the extent Louis challenges the court’s resolution of
    disputed facts, we will not reweigh that evidence on review. See
    Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec. v. Oscar O., 
    209 Ariz. 332
    , ¶¶ 4, 14, 
    100 P.3d 943
    , 945, 947 (App. 2004) (juvenile court, as trier of fact, in “best
    position to weigh the evidence, observe the parties, judge the
    credibility of witnesses, and resolve disputed facts”).
    ¶15           Louis contends the juvenile court abused its discretion
    in “refusing to apply” A.R.S. §§ 13-205, 13-403, and 13-413 to find
    that his punishment of J.C. was “justified” and precluded a
    determination that J.C. was dependent as to Louis on the ground of
    abuse. In essence, Louis argues that, had the court applied these
    statutes in the manner he requested, the evidence would have been
    insufficient to support the court’s adjudication of dependency. We
    ¶16           Addressing criminal culpability, § 13-403(1) provides
    “[a] parent . . . entrusted with the care and supervision of a
    minor . . . may use reasonable and appropriate physical force upon
    the minor . . . to the extent reasonably necessary and appropriate to
    maintain discipline.” Section 13-413 further provides that “[n]o
    person . . . shall be subject to civil liability for engaging in conduct
    otherwise justified” pursuant to a justification defense.
    ¶17           Relying on Arizona State Department of Public Welfare v.
    80 Ariz. 249
    , 252, 
    296 P.2d 298
    , 300 (1956), DCS maintains
    protection of the child is the sole objective of a dependency
    proceeding. And, relying on Black’s Law Dictionary 416, 933 (8th ed.
    2004), it argues a dependency adjudication does not implicate a
    parent’s “civil liability” under § 13-413 because it does not create an
    obligation to pay money damages, as compensation for another’s
    loss or injury.
    LOUIS C. v. DCS
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶18           In its ruling, the juvenile court apparently concluded it
    did not need to decide this legal issue, finding that, to the extent a
    justification defense may be available in a dependency proceeding, it
    would not apply in this case, “given the circumstances, including
    the inappropriate and unreasonable use of force” Louis used in
    disciplining J.C. As noted above, we find no abuse of discretion in
    the court’s resolution of this primarily factual issue, and its findings
    are supported by reasonable evidence in the record. Cf. Pima Cnty.
    No. 93511, 
    154 Ariz. at 546
    744 P.2d at 458
     (juvenile court “in the
    best position to weigh the evidence, judge the credibility of the
    parties, observe the parties, and make appropriate factual findings”).
    Burden of Proof
    ¶19            Relying on A.R.S. §§ 1-601, 1-602, and 13-205(A), Louis
    also argues the juvenile court applied the wrong burden of proof in
    finding a preponderance of the evidence established J.C. is
    dependent. Specifically, related to his argument that his conduct
    was justified under §§ 13-403 and 13-413, Louis argues that because
    he is J.C.’s father, DCS was required, under § 13-205(A), “to prove
    ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ that [he] was not justified under A.R.S.
    § 13-403 to use force against J.C.” In addition, he contends
    determining a child’s dependency based on “a mere ‘preponderance
    of the evidence’” is incompatible with the Arizona legislature’s 2010
    enactment of a “Parent[s’] Bill of Rights” in §§ 1-601 and 1-602,
    which recognizes a parent’s fundamental right to direct his child’s
    upbringing. He suggests “a higher burden of proof” is required in
    light of this legislation.
    ¶20            DCS correctly observes that Louis failed to raise an
    argument regarding § 13-205(A) in the juvenile court. “[W]e
    generally do not consider issues, even constitutional issues, raised
    for the first time on appeal.” Englert v. Carondelet Health Network, 
    199 Ariz. 21
    , ¶ 13, 
    13 P.3d 763
    , 768 (App. 2000). In reviewing a
    termination of parental rights, however, this court has reviewed
    claims not raised below for fundamental error “[b]ecause of the
    constitutional ramifications inherent” in those proceedings.
    Monica C. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    211 Ariz. 89
    , ¶ 23, 
    118 P.3d 37
    42 (App. 2005). Assuming, without deciding, that fundamental error
    review is also available to a parent challenging a dependency
    LOUIS C. v. DCS
    Opinion of the Court
    adjudication, based on an argument first raised in this court, we find
    no error, much less fundamental error, in the court’s adjudication of
    dependency based on a preponderance of the evidence.
    ¶21            In A.R.S. § 8-844(C), the legislature has expressly
    directed that a juvenile court “shall” enter a finding of dependency
    if it “[f]inds by a preponderance of the evidence that the allegations
    contained in the petition are true.”4 Louis presents no basis for this
    court to ignore that specific, unambiguous direction in favor of
    § 13-205(A), which provides “the state must prove beyond a
    reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act with justification”
    when a criminal defendant has presented evidence that his
    otherwise criminal conduct was justified. See Thomas v. Goudreault,
    163 Ariz. 159
    , 172, 
    786 P.2d 1010
    , 1023 (App. 1989) (specific statute
    addressing issue “must govern over a more general statute which
    arguably could be applicable”).
    ¶22          As we explained in Pfeil v. Smith, 
    183 Ariz. 63
    , 66, 
    900 P.2d 12
    , 15 (App. 1995), the requirement that the state prove a
    criminal defendant’s lack of justification beyond a reasonable doubt
    is inapplicable to civil cases. Under § 13-413, justification may “be
    the basis for an affirmative defense in a civil suit,” but a civil
    defendant still has the burden to prove justification by a
    preponderance of the evidence. Id. Although Pfeil was decided
    before the legislature enacted § 13-205, its reasoning remains sound.
    The legislature’s specification, in § 13-205, of what “the state” must
    prove, and the location of the statute in chapter 2 of the criminal
    code, titled “General Principles of Criminal Liability,” belie any
    suggestion that the legislature intended to shift or alter the burden
    of proof when a parent argues, in a dependency proceeding, that
    physical discipline of a child was reasonable and justified.
    4Although   Louis cites § 8-844 elsewhere in his opening brief,
    he omits any reference to § 8-844(C) in his arguments on appeal.
    Appellate counsel is reminded of his ethical duty of “Candor
    Toward the Tribunal,” ER 3.3(a), Ariz. R. Prof’l Conduct, Ariz. R.
    Sup. Ct. 42, which requires “disclos[ure] to the tribunal [of] legal
    authority in the controlling jurisdiction known to [him] to be
    directly adverse to the position of [his] client.”
    LOUIS C. v. DCS
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶23          For similar reasons, we reject Louis’s argument that
    determining a child’s dependency based on a preponderance of the
    evidence is inconsistent with the legislature’s recognition, in
    enacting §§ 1-601 and 1-602, that parental rights are “fundamental”
    in nature. More than thirty years ago, our supreme court recognized
    “the fundamental right of a parent to the custody and control of his
    or her child,” but held, based on the same arguments Louis raises
    here, “the preponderance of the evidence standard is the proper
    standard of proof in dependency proceedings.” In re Cochise Cnty.
    Juv. Action No. 5666-J, 
    133 Ariz. 157
    , 158-59, 
    650 P.2d 459
    , 460-61
    (1982). The legislature codified that standard in § 8-844(C), and did
    not change it when it enacted the Parents’ Bill of Rights, which
    expressly provides:
    This section does not authorize or allow a
    parent to engage in conduct that is
    unlawful or to abuse or neglect a child in
    violation of the laws of this state. This
    section does not prohibit courts, law
    enforcement officers or employees of a
    government agency responsible for child
    welfare from acting in their official capacity
    within the scope of their authority. This
    section does not prohibit a court from
    issuing an order that is otherwise permitted
    by law.
    § 1-602(B). Section 8-844(C) not only permits a court to enter an
    order of dependency based on a preponderance of the evidence, but
    directs that a court “shall” do so. In applying that standard here, the
    juvenile court issued an order expressly authorized by §§ 1-602(B)
    and 8-844(C).
    ¶24         The juvenile court applied the correct evidentiary
    standard in adjudicating J.C. dependent, and its factual findings are
    supported by the record. Accordingly, its ruling is affirmed.