Martina M. v. Dcs, A.M. ( 2018 )

  •                       NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    MARTINA M., Appellant.
    No. 1 CA-JV 18-0146
    FILED 10-2-2018
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. JD538024
    The Honorable David J. Palmer, Judge
    Denise L. Carroll, Scottsdale
    Counsel for Appellant
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Jennifer L. Holder
    Counsel for Appellee Department of Child Safety
    MARTINA M. v. DCS, A.M.
    Decision of the Court
    Judge Jon W. Thompson delivered the decision of the Court, in which
    Presiding Judge Jennifer M. Perkins and Judge Lawrence F. Winthrop
    T H O M P S O N, Judge:
    ¶1           Martina M. (mother) appeals from the trial court’s order
    severing her parental rights to her son A.M. For the following reasons, we
    ¶2             A.M. was born in November 2005. In 2013, DCS received a
    report that A.M. and his younger siblings J.R. and P.M. 1 were being exposed
    to their father’s methamphetamine use at home. DCS did not remove the
    children but filed a petition for an in-home dependency and put services
    into place. DCS established a safety plan for the children, including the
    condition that mother not allow father and her uncle in the home.2
    Subsequently, in early 2014, DCS visited mother’s home and found the
    uncle there. DCS removed the children from mother’s home, and A.M. was
    placed in a group home. The juvenile court found the children dependent
    in 2014 and set reunification as the case plan.
    ¶3            Mother’s participation in services and visitation was
    inconsistent over the course of the dependency. In December 2015, DCS
    filed a motion to terminate mother and father’s parental rights to the
    children. 3 After a contested severance hearing, the trial court denied the
    severance motion as to mother in September 2016, finding that DCS had
    failed to make sufficient reasonable efforts to preserve the family. The court
    1  The juvenile court additionally severed mother’s parental rights to J.R.
    and P.M. but mother’s appeal only concerns A.M. In July 2018 we granted
    the state’s motion to dismiss J.R. and P.M. from this appeal.
    2   The uncle allegedly sexually abused P.M.
    3  The juvenile court severed father’s parental rights in 2016; he is not a
    party to this appeal.
    MARTINA M. v. DCS, A.M.
    Decision of the Court
    ordered DCS to provide mother with services specifically targeted to
    address her mental health issues. Over the next year, mother was provided
    with supervised visitation, but she did not attend consistently. She was
    referred to Ph.D. level counseling in November 2016, and despite having
    been provided with transportation, failed to attend four out of eight
    sessions and was closed out. DCS referred mother for neuropsychological
    and best interests evaluations with Dr. Robert Mastikian, which were
    completed in March 2017. Dr. Mastikian diagnosed mother with a severe
    neurodevelopmental disorder and cognitive deficits, which together, he
    believed would place any child in mother’s unsupervised care at risk of
    abuse or neglect. DCS referred mother to the Family Involvement Center
    in November 2016 for help with housing, parenting skills, and other
    services, but mother made “not much, if any, progress . . . due to . . . always
    appearing in ‘crisis mode.’”
    ¶4            In September 2017, DCS filed a second motion to terminate
    mother’s parental rights. After a contested severance hearing, the trial court
    severed mother’s parental rights to the children pursuant to Arizona
    Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §§ 8-533(B)(3) (2018) (mental illness or mental
    deficiency) and -533(B)(8)(c) (fifteen months’ time in care). Mother timely
    appealed. (I. 124). We have jurisdiction pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 8-235(A)
    (2018), 12-120.21(A)(1) (2018), and 12-2101(A)(1) (2018).
    ¶5            Mother raises one issue on appeal: whether the trial court
    erred when it found that severance of her parental rights was in A.M.’s best
    interests. She argues that the court should have denied the severance as to
    A.M. and changed A.M.’s case plan from severance and adoption to APPLA
    (alternative permanent placement living arrangement). She does not
    contest the trial court’s findings that she was unable to discharge her
    parental responsibilities due to mental illness or deficiency, that reasonable
    grounds existed to believe the condition would continue for a prolonged,
    indeterminate period, or that A.M. had been in an out-of-home placement
    for more than fifteen months and mother substantially neglected or
    willfully refused to remedy the circumstances causing him to be in the out-
    of-home placement.
    ¶6             “We will not disturb the juvenile court’s order severing
    parental rights unless its factual findings are clearly erroneous, that is,
    unless there is no reasonable evidence to support them.” Audra T. v. Ariz.
    Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    194 Ariz. 376
    , 377, ¶ 2 (App. 1998) (citations omitted). We
    view the facts in the light most favorable to sustaining the juvenile court’s
    MARTINA M. v. DCS, A.M.
    Decision of the Court
    ruling. Lashonda M. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    210 Ariz. 77
    , 82, ¶ 13 (App.
    2005). We do not reweigh the evidence, because “[t]he juvenile court, as the
    trier of fact in a termination proceeding, is in the best position to weigh the
    evidence, observe the parties, judge the credibility of witnesses, and make
    appropriate findings.” Jesus M. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    203 Ariz. 278
    , 280,
    ¶ 4 (App. 2002) (citation omitted). The juvenile court may terminate a
    parent-child relationship if DCS proves by clear and convincing evidence
    at least one of the statutory grounds set forth in A.R.S. § 8-533(B). Michael
    J. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    196 Ariz. 246
    , 249, ¶ 12 (2000). The court must
    also find by a preponderance of the evidence that severance is in the child’s
    best interests. Kent K. v. Bobby M., 
    210 Ariz. 279
    , 284, ¶ 22 (2005).
    ¶7             Severance is in a child’s best interests if he or she would
    benefit from severance or be harmed by continuation of the parent-child
    relationship. Maricopa Cty. Juvenile Action No. JS–500274, 
    167 Ariz. 1
    , 5
    (1990). Relevant factors include whether the child’s existing placement is
    meeting the child’s needs, whether the child is adoptable, and whether an
    adoptive placement is immediately available. Raymond F. v. Ariz. Dep’t of
    Econ. Sec., 
    224 Ariz. 373
    , 379, ¶ 30 (App. 2010).
    ¶8             Mother argues that severance was not in A.M.’s best interests
    because he has a close bond with her and with his siblings, because there
    was no proof DCS would be able to find a permanent placement for A.M.
    who had been difficult to place, and that DCS failed to establish that A.M.
    would benefit from a severance or be harmed by a continued relationship
    with her. The evidence established that A.M. is adoptable and that his case
    manager was working with an adoptions recruiter who was diligently
    working to find a permanent placement for A.M. The case manager
    testified that if A.M.’s case plan was changed to something other than
    severance and adoption (such as Long-Term Foster Care or APPLA), DCS
    would not continue to seek an adoptive placement for A.M. Although the
    record is clear that mother has a bond with A.M., the existence and effect of
    a bonded relationship between a biological parent and a child, although a
    factor to consider, is not dispositive in addressing best interests. See
    Bennigno R. v. Ariz. Dep't of Econ. Sec., 
    233 Ariz. 345
    , 351, ¶ 30 (App. 2013).
    Moreover, Dr. Mastikian’s opinion that a child would be at risk of harm in
    mother’s unsupervised care supports the trial court’s conclusion that
    maintaining the parent-child relationship would be detrimental to A.M.,
    who the trial court believed was “in dire need of permanency” after having
    been in care for over four years. Reasonable evidence in the record supports
    the court’s best interests finding.
    MARTINA M. v. DCS, A.M.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶9          For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the trial court’s order
    severing mother’s parental rights to A.M.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court