State v. Gorla ( 2019 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    STATE OF ARIZONA, Appellee,
    BRIAN DONAL GORLA, Appellant.
    No. 1 CA-CR 18-0075
    FILED 1-8-2019
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. CR2017-102970-001
    The Honorable Julie Ann Mata, Commissioner
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Adele Ponce
    Counsel for Appellee
    Maricopa County Legal Defender’s Office, Phoenix
    By Cynthia D. Beck
    Counsel for Appellant
    Decision of the Court
    Judge Michael J. Brown delivered the decision of the Court, in which
    Presiding Judge James P. Beene and Judge James B. Morse Jr. joined.
    B R O W N, Judge:
    ¶1            Brian Donal Gorla appeals his conviction and sentence for
    first-degree burglary. Gorla argues the trial court erred in finding that a
    two-drawer filing cabinet falls within the definition of a nonresidential
    structure under Arizona Revised Statutes (“A.R.S.”) section 13-1501(10) and
    (12). He also argues that prosecutorial misconduct denied him due process.
    For the following reasons, we affirm.
    ¶2            After receiving a mobile notification that something had
    triggered his home’s motion sensors and seeing a flashlight beam outside,
    T.B. grabbed his gun and went to investigate. Once outside, T.B. saw Gorla
    holding a flashlight and looking inside the drawer of a filing cabinet located
    next to the garage door of T.B.’s home. T.B. pointed his gun and told Gorla
    to “freeze,” but Gorla ran away, yelling, “Don’t shoot. I’m unarmed.”
    Hearing the commotion, one of T.B.’s neighbors came outside,
    apprehended Gorla, and held him at gun point.
    ¶3           Police officers who arrived shortly thereafter removed a gun
    from Gorla’s possession and found a pair of safety goggles located next to
    a neighboring wall, which according to T.B. had been stored in the filing
    cabinet. Gorla implicitly admitted he had been “inside” the filing cabinet
    but claimed he thought it was trash.
    ¶4             The State charged Gorla with burglary in the first degree, a
    class 3 felony. Before trial, Gorla filed a motion in limine requesting that
    the court determine “a filing cabinet is not a non-residential structure
    pursuant to A.R.S. § 13-1501.” The trial court denied the motion, explaining
    that the filing cabinet is “a non-residential structure pursuant both to
    statute and . . . case law.”
    ¶5           Gorla raised this same argument, among others, at the
    conclusion of the State’s presentation of evidence in his motion for a
    judgment of acquittal pursuant to Arizona Rule of Criminal Procedure
    Decision of the Court
    (“Rule”) 20. The court denied the motion, stating it would “stand on the
    prior ruling that a file cabinet is a nonresidential structure.” A jury found
    Gorla guilty as charged. He was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment
    and he timely appealed.
    A.     Rule 20 Motion
    ¶6            Gorla asserts the court erred in denying his Rule 20 motion,
    arguing there was insufficient evidence supporting his entry of a
    nonresidential structure because a filing cabinet is not a nonresidential
    structure. We review the denial of a Rule 20 motion de novo, asking
    “whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential
    elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.” State v. West, 
    226 Ariz. 559
    , 562, ¶¶ 15, 16 (2011) (citation omitted). “We review issues of statutory
    interpretation de novo.” State v. Francis, 
    243 Ariz. 434
    , 435, ¶ 6 (2018).
    “When the statutory language is clear and has only one reasonable
    construction, we apply it according to its plain meaning.” 
    Id. ¶7 The
    State had the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt
    that Gorla entered a nonresidential structure with the intent to commit any
    theft or any felony, A.R.S. § 13-1506, and that he did so while knowingly
    possessing a deadly weapon, A.R.S. § 13-1508. The legislature has defined
    a “nonresidential structure” as a “structure other than a residential
    structure.” A.R.S. § 13-1501(10). A “structure,” in relevant part, “means . . .
    any vending machine or any building, object, vehicle, railroad car or place
    with sides and a floor that is separately securable from any other structure
    attached to it and that is used for lodging, business, transportation,
    recreation or storage.” A.R.S. § 13-1501(12) (emphasis added).
    ¶8             Gorla argues T.B.’s filing cabinet is not a nonresidential
    structure because it was not “separately securable from any other structure
    attached to it.” However, “§ 13-1501(12) does not require that all parts of a
    single structure be ‘securable.’ Rather, the second requirement applies to
    “two ‘separately securable’ structures that are attached.” State v. Bon, 
    236 Ariz. 249
    , 252, ¶ 10 (App. 2014). Thus, the “separately securable”
    requirement does not apply, as T.B.’s filing cabinet was an independent
    structure placed next to his garage.
    ¶9             Gorla’s next argument revolves around the size of the filing
    cabinet and its movability. He asserts that labeling a “small, two-drawer
    . . . filing cabinet” a nonresidential structure “broadens the legislative
    Decision of the Court
    definition to an absurd degree” because any “object that can simply be . . .
    carried away cannot logically be a ‘structure,’ for if that is true [then]
    anything capable of being locked and large enough to store anything at all
    is a structure for purposes of the burglary statutes.” While it is conceivable
    that applying the statutory definition of a nonresidential structure could
    lead to an absurd result at some point, that situation is not before us. See
    Velasco v. Mallory, 
    5 Ariz. App. 406
    , 410–11 (1967) (“We will not render
    advisory opinions anticipative of troubles which do not exist; may never
    exist; and the precise form of which, should they ever arise, we cannot
    predict.”). The filing cabinet is plainly an object and the evidence shows it
    was used for storage; therefore, the court did not err in denying Gorla’s
    Rule 20 motion because a rational trier of fact could find the evidence
    supported an unlawful entry into a nonresidential structure.
    B.     Prosecutorial Misconduct
    ¶10          Gorla also argues the prosecutor committed prosecutorial
    misconduct, depriving him of a “fair deliberation,” by characterizing
    Gorla’s offense in closing argument as “porch thievery” and making the
    following comments to the jury during rebuttal:
    [I]n the day and age when you have people ordering things
    online and people having things dropped off next to their
    porch, at a holiday season coming up--when you have all of
    these things happening and you have a defendant who is out
    in January, at midnight, in a strange place, taking things that
    [do] not belong to him, you folks get to decide what kind of a
    community you want to live in. That’s your job . . .
    Use your common sense. What kind of a community do you
    want to live in . . . [w]here it’s allowed--where this guy can
    walk up and do what he wants on a stranger’s yard and get
    caught and say, “[o]ops. I’m sorry.”
    ¶11            Gorla did not object to these statements at trial, so we review
    for “error that was both fundamental and prejudicial.” State v. Escalante,
    245 Ariz. 135
    , 140, ¶ 12 (2018). To prevail on appeal, Gorla must first prove
    that a fundamental error occurred, which is established by “showing that
    (1) the error went to the foundation of the case, (2) the error took from the
    defendant a right essential to his defense, or (3) the error was so egregious
    that he could not possibly have received a fair trial.” 
    Id. at 142,
    ¶ 21. If he
    establishes fundamental error under either prong one or two, Gorla must
    then make a separate, “fact intensive” showing of prejudice. 
    Id. (citation 4
                                 STATE v. GORLA
    Decision of the Court
    omitted). If he establishes fundamental error under prong three, prejudice
    is presumed, and a new trial will be granted. 
    Id. ¶12 Prosecutorial
    misconduct must be so egregious that it
    “infect[s] the trial with unfairness” such that the “resulting conviction is a
    denial of due process.” State v. Hughes, 
    193 Ariz. 72
    , 79, ¶ 26 (1998) (citation
    omitted). To meet this standard, Gorla must demonstrate the State acted in
    an intentionally improper or prejudicial manner, State v. Ramos, 
    235 Ariz. 230
    , 237, ¶ 22 (App. 2014), so “pronounced and persistent that it
    permeate[d] the entire atmosphere of the trial,” State v. Atwood, 
    171 Ariz. 576
    , 611 (citation omitted).
    ¶13           Gorla asserts the porch-thievery characterization misstated
    the facts because he never approached the porch of the home, and the
    comments during the State’s rebuttal improperly encouraged the jurors to
    preserve law and order. The prosecutor’s use of “porch -thievery” was not
    misconduct because the State clarified it meant “taking property . . . from
    the front of someone else’s home,” which the evidence supports because
    Gorla was found to be taking property from in front of T.B.’s home. As for
    the comments during the State’s rebuttal closing argument, a prosecutor
    cannot “urge jurors to convict a criminal defendant in order to protect
    community values, preserve civil order, or deter future law breaking.” State
    v. Herrera, 
    174 Ariz. 387
    , 396 (1993) (citation omitted). Here, although the
    prosecutor implicitly urged the jury to deter future law breaking and
    preserve civil order, the comments were not “pronounced and persistent,”
    Atwood, 171 Ariz. at 611
    , nor did they pervade the entirety of the trial so as
    to deprive Gorla “of a fair trial and render the resulting conviction a denial
    of due process,” State v. Hernandez, 
    170 Ariz. 301
    , 307 (App. 1991).
    ¶14            Finally, the evidence overwhelmingly supports a conviction.
    T.B. saw Gorla looking into a drawer of a filing cabinet T.B. used for storage.
    After T.B. confronted Gorla and he fled, officers found safety glasses—
    initially located inside the filing cabinet—near a neighboring wall, which
    indicates Gorla’s entry into the filing cabinet. Furthermore, Gorla admitted
    to entering the filing cabinet, although he claimed he did so thinking it was
    trash. Given the strength of this evidence, it is not reasonable to conclude
    Gorla was convicted based on the prosecutor’s comment about preserving
    law and order. See State v. Comer, 
    165 Ariz. 413
    , 427 (1990) (considering
    overwhelming evidence of guilt to render prosecutor’s comments
    harmless). For these reasons, Gorla has not established that fundamental
    error occurred due to prosecutorial misconduct.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶15   Gorla’s conviction and sentence are affirmed.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court

Document Info

Docket Number: 1 CA-CR 18-0075

Filed Date: 1/8/2019

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 4/18/2021