Spring v. Bradford , 241 Ariz. 455 ( 2017 )

  •                                IN THE
    EMMA SPRING, Plaintiff/Appellant,
    TIMOTHY R. BRADFORD, Defendant/Appellee.
    No. 1 CA-CV 15-0505
    FILED 1-12-2017
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. CV2011-098170
    The Honorable David M. Talamante, Judge
    Grysen & Associates, Spring Lake, Michigan
    By B. Elliot Grysen
    Law Office of Scott E. Boehm, PC, Phoenix
    By Scott E. Boehm
    Co-Counsel for Plaintiff/Appellant
    Sanders & Parks, PC, Phoenix
    By Mandi J. Karvis, Winn L. Sammons
    Counsel for Defendant/Appellee
    Opinion of the Court
    Presiding Judge Kent E. Cattani delivered the opinion of the Court, in
    which Judge Lawrence F. Winthrop and Judge Maurice Portley1 joined.
    C A T T A N I, Judge:
    ¶1            In this appeal, we consider whether and how the rule of
    exclusion of witnesses under Rule 615 of the Arizona Rules of Evidence
    applies to expert witnesses. We hold that, by its terms, Rule 615 does not
    automatically exempt expert witnesses from exclusion. The superior court
    may, however, exercise its discretion under subsection (c) of the rule—an
    exemption for “essential” witnesses—to allow an expert witness to observe
    other testimony (or to review transcribed testimony).
    ¶2            The defendant doctor in this medical malpractice case did not
    request that his expert witnesses be exempted from exclusion, but
    nevertheless provided the experts with transcripts of other witnesses’ trial
    testimony in preparation for the experts’ testimony. The superior court
    correctly concluded that the defendant violated Rule 615 by doing so, and
    also appropriately addressed the minimal scope of resulting prejudice
    through a jury instruction, rather than by striking the experts’ testimony.
    Accordingly, and for reasons that follow, we affirm.
    ¶3            In January 2010, Emma Spring had her first appointment with
    Dr. Timothy Bradford, a chiropractor, to address a “knot” in her shoulder.
    After Bradford briefly massaged her shoulder, he used a “high velocity low
    amplitude thrust” to adjust Spring’s neck. Spring immediately felt
    significant pain.
    ¶4            Spring consulted a neurosurgeon, Dr. Daniel Lieberman, who
    discovered a fragment of a herniated cervical disc compressing a nerve root
    in her spine. Dr. Lieberman performed surgery to remove the disc fragment
    and the remainder of the herniated disc, and he fused Spring’s spine.
    1      The Honorable Maurice Portley, Retired Judge of the Court of
    Appeals, Division One, has been authorized to sit in this matter pursuant
    to Article VI, Section 3 of the Arizona Constitution.
    Opinion of the Court
    Although Spring’s symptoms improved, she continued to experience pain
    and weakness in her neck and left arm. Spring sued Bradford for medical
    malpractice, alleging that Bradford had negligently performed the
    chiropractic adjustment, thereby damaging her cervical spine.
    ¶5            At trial, the parties presented conflicting expert testimony.
    Spring called as her standard of care expert Dr. Allen Bragman, who stated
    that Bradford improperly used too much force and improperly used a
    rotational maneuver during the adjustment. Bradford presented testimony
    from Dr. Robert Iverson, who countered Dr. Bragman’s conclusions and
    opined that Bradford’s adjustment technique was appropriate.
    ¶6           Spring presented causation testimony from Dr. Lieberman,
    who stated that the timing of Spring’s symptoms and the type of disc
    damage left him with “virtually no doubt” the chiropractic treatment had
    caused her injury. Bradford offered controverting causation testimony
    from Dr. Allen Hamilton, who testified that Spring had a preexisting disc
    herniation that became “suddenly symptomatic” following the
    manipulation, and that the cause of the injury was uncertain absent
    evidence regarding the extent of Spring’s preexisting condition.
    ¶7           The jury returned a 6-2 verdict in favor of Bradford. The
    superior court denied Spring’s motion for new trial, and Spring timely
    appealed. We have jurisdiction under Arizona Revised Statutes (“A.R.S.”)
    § 12-2101(A)(1), (5)(a).2
    ¶8           Spring argues that the superior court erred in addressing
    Bradford’s Rule 615 violations. She argues in particular that the court erred
    by declining to strike or preclude testimony by Bradford’s experts as a
    remedy for the violations.
    ¶9            We review for an abuse of discretion the superior court’s
    rulings on the admission or exclusion of evidence, as well as its assessment
    of appropriate remedies for rule violations. Sandretto v. Payson Healthcare
    Mgmt., Inc., 
    234 Ariz. 351
    , 355, ¶ 8 (App. 2014); see also State v. Jones, 
    185 Ariz. 471
    , 483 (1996) (regarding remedy for violation of parallel rule of
    criminal procedure); United States v. Washington, 
    653 F.3d 1251
    , 1268 (10th
    Cir. 2011). We review the superior court’s interpretation of the rule of
    2     Absent material revisions after the relevant date, we cite a statute’s
    current version.
    Opinion of the Court
    exclusion of witnesses de novo. See State v. Steinle, 
    239 Ariz. 415
    , 417, ¶ 6
    I.     The Rule of Exclusion.
    ¶10           Rule 615 requires the court, upon request, to exclude
    witnesses “so they cannot hear other witnesses’ testimony. Excluded
    witnesses may not remain in the courtroom to hear the testimony of other
    witnesses, nor may either side share with them other witnesses’ transcribed
    trial testimony. See Miller v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 
    650 F.2d 1365
    , 1373
    (5th Cir. 1981);3 see also McGuire v. Caterpillar Tractor Co., 
    151 Ariz. 420
    , 425
    (App. 1986). The rule is designed to prevent one witness’s testimony from
    influencing that of another, and thus to prevent “fabrication, inaccuracy,
    and collusion.” Fed. R. Evid. 615 advisory comm. note to 1972 proposed
    rules; United States v. Hobbs, 
    31 F.3d 918
    , 921 (9th Cir. 1994).
    ¶11           At the beginning of trial, with both parties’ agreement, the
    court ordered that the rule of exclusion of witnesses would be in effect. But
    while cross-examining Dr. Hamilton (the defense causation expert),
    Spring’s counsel learned that Bradford’s counsel had provided Dr.
    Hamilton with a transcript of Spring’s causation expert’s trial testimony.
    Bradford’s counsel had similarly provided Dr. Iverson (the defense
    standard of care expert) with a transcript of the trial testimony of Spring’s
    standard of care expert. Spring argued that this violated the witness
    exclusion rule and asked the court to strike Dr. Hamilton’s testimony and
    preclude Dr. Iverson from testifying.
    ¶12           The superior court found that Bradford’s counsel had
    violated the exclusion order by providing trial transcripts to the defense
    experts, but noted that had counsel sought permission, the court likely
    would have allowed both sides’ experts to review or observe trial
    testimony. The court further found that the violations had not prejudiced
    Spring, and thus denied the request to strike/preclude the defense experts’
    testimony (although with the caveat that the court would consider striking
    portions of the testimony if Spring were to point out any actual change from
    the expert’s pretrial opinion). The court instructed the jury, however, that
    Bradford’s attorney had (without Spring’s knowledge) disclosed plaintiff’s
    3       The rule has been amended to conform to Federal Rule of Evidence
    615, see Ariz. R. Evid. 615 cmt. to 2012 amendment, so we may consider as
    guidance federal case law interpreting the federal rule. See, e.g., State v.
    220 Ariz. 539
    , 546, ¶ 18 (App. 2009); Haroutunian v. Valueoptions,
    218 Ariz. 541
    , 548 n.8, ¶ 18 (App. 2008).
    Opinion of the Court
    experts’ trial testimony for the defense experts’ review despite the rule of
    exclusion being in effect, and that in weighing the testimony of Bradford’s
    experts, the jury should take into consideration the fact that the experts
    were presented in advance with trial testimony.
    A.     Exemption from Exclusion.
    ¶13           Rule 615 includes five express exemptions for witnesses not
    subject to exclusion, one of which is relevant here: “a person whose
    presence a party shows to be essential to presenting the party’s claim or
    defense.” Ariz. R. Evid. 615(c). Citing this exemption, Bradford asserts that
    experts in medical malpractice litigation are always essential witnesses and
    thus are always exempt from exclusion. But even though experts do not
    generally provide “fact” testimony that could be influenced by other
    witnesses’ testimony, the language of the rule does not provide a blanket
    exemption for experts; rather, it authorizes the superior court to allow an
    exception to exclusion if a party “shows” the witness’s presence to be
    essential. Ariz. R. Evid. 615(c); see also Morvant v. Constr. Aggregates Corp.,
    570 F.2d 626
    , 629–30 (6th Cir. 1978) (recognizing that expert witnesses are
    not automatically exempted from sequestration as essential witnesses
    under Rule 615 and noting that “had the framers intended it, they would
    have said so, or added [an additional] exception”); United States v. Seschillie,
    310 F.3d 1208
    , 1213 (9th Cir. 2002) (same); 
    Miller, 650 F.2d at 1373
    (“Whether or not it would be reasonable for a trial court to exempt an expert
    witness from a sequestration order, there is no required exemption implied
    under rule 615.”).
    ¶14             Moreover, although an expert witness does not normally
    testify to facts, there are circumstances in which an expert may do so.
    Morvant, 570 F.2d at 630
    . In this case, for example, Spring’s treating
    neurosurgeon, Dr. Lieberman, testified both as a fact witness regarding
    Spring’s injury and treatment, and also as Spring’s causation expert. The
    burden, therefore, properly remains on the party requesting the Rule 615
    exemption to make “a fair showing” that “the expert witness is in fact
    required for the management of the case.” Id.; accord Opus 3 Ltd. v. Heritage
    Park, Inc., 
    91 F.3d 625
    , 629 (4th Cir. 1996).
    ¶15          Although we hold that, by its terms, Rule 615 does not
    automatically exempt expert witnesses from exclusion, the superior court
    may nevertheless exercise its discretion under the “essential” witness
    exemption of Rule 615(c) to allow an expert to listen to other testimony (or
    Opinion of the Court
    to review transcribed testimony).4 See 
    McGuire, 151 Ariz. at 425
    (finding no
    error in superior court’s decision “permitt[ing]” defendant to use
    transcribed testimony for expert witness’s preparation); 1 McAuliffe,
    Arizona Practice Series: Law of Evidence § 615:1 (4th ed. 2016) (“[E]ven though
    an exclusion order has been requested and made, the Court can permit one
    side’s expert witness to hear or review the testimony of the opposing side’s
    expert in order to be in a position to suggest areas for cross-examination.”);
    see also Fed. R. Evid. 615 advisory comm. note to 1972 proposed rules
    (noting that the essential witness category “contemplates such persons as
    . . . an expert needed to advise counsel in the management of the litigation”);
    Seschillie, 310 F.3d at 1213
    . And in exercising its discretion, the court may
    properly consider that the anti-fabrication purpose of Rule 615 applies
    principally to fact witnesses, that an expert may review other experts’
    opinion reports and pretrial depositions, and that an expert’s opinion may
    properly be based on other witnesses’ trial testimony. See Ariz. R. Evid.
    Morvant, 570 F.2d at 629
    (noting “little, if any, reason for sequestering
    a witness who is to testify in an expert capacity only and not to the facts of
    the case”); see also Hill v. Porter Mem’l Hosp., 
    90 F.3d 220
    , 223 (7th Cir. 1996).
    ¶16            Here, however, Bradford’s counsel did not request that the
    court exercise its discretion to allow an exemption for expert witnesses.
    Accordingly, the superior court did not err by finding that Bradford
    violated Rule 615 by providing trial transcripts to the defense experts
    without first requesting exemption from exclusion.
    B.     Prejudice.
    ¶17           Bradford’s rule violation notwithstanding, Spring is not
    entitled to the relief she seeks because she has not shown that she was
    prejudiced by the violation. Spring argues that the superior court was
    required to presume prejudice stemming from the rule violation. But there
    is no such requirement. See Kosidlo v. Kosidlo, 
    125 Ariz. 32
    , 35 (App.) (noting
    that a party asserting Rule 615 error in a civil case must show prejudice),
    disapproved in part on other grounds, 
    125 Ariz. 18
    4       Although Spring argues allowing exemption of experts under Rule
    615(c) only benefits defendants, the rule applies equally to a plaintiff’s
    expert who testifies during the case-in-chief based on facts presented in the
    plaintiff’s lay witnesses’ testimony, as well as to a plaintiff’s expert who
    testifies in rebuttal. See Davis v. State, 
    787 S.E.2d 221
    , 229 (Ga. 2016).
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶18           Spring relies on the Arizona Supreme Court’s statement in a
    criminal case that the superior court’s “failure to honor an exclusionary
    request is presumed prejudicial unless the absence of prejudice is clearly
    manifest from the record.” State v. Roberts, 
    126 Ariz. 92
    , 94 (1980).5 But
    Roberts involved a failure to honor an exclusionary request in the context of
    fact witnesses. 
    Id. No presumption
    of prejudice is generally necessary in
    the context of purely expert witnesses because disclosure of their expert
    reports and pretrial depositions establish a basis for assessing actual
    prejudice in the form of altered opinions. Here, Spring’s counsel received
    documentation of Bradford’s experts’ opinions before trial, and thus was
    well positioned to recognize any change in those opinions resulting from
    the experts’ access to trial testimony. And Spring has not detailed any such
    change or any other form of prejudice resulting from the Rule 615
    ¶19            Moreover, the violations in question were not the failure to
    exclude a witness, but rather Bradford’s counsel’s failure to ask permission
    for an exemption. The distinction is critical because, as described above,
    the superior court could have—and in fact indicated it likely would have—
    exercised its discretion to allow the expert witnesses to review relevant trial
    transcripts under the essential witness exemption of Rule 615(c). The
    relevant prejudice in this case thus does not stem from the expert’s review
    of prior testimony, but rather only from Spring’s counsel lack of advance
    notice that the defense experts had reviewed trial transcripts.
    Consequently, the scope of potential prejudice is significantly more limited
    than the potential prejudice from allowing fact witnesses to review other
    fact witnesses’ testimony before testifying. Compare 
    Roberts, 126 Ariz. at 94
    (noting that it would be impossible to show how a fact witness’s testimony
    had been influenced by observation of others’ testimony), with 
    Hill, 90 F.3d at 223
    (noting that pretrial expert reports and depositions mitigate the risk
    that experts might improperly tailor their testimony in violation of Rule
    ¶20           Accordingly, the superior court did not err by declining to
    apply a presumption of prejudice resulting from Bradford’s technical Rule
    615 violations.
    5      Spring also cites State v. Fulminante, 
    193 Ariz. 485
    (1999), for this
    principle. But the court in Fulminante did not reach the issue of prejudice
    because the witness, as a crime victim, was properly exempted from
    exclusion. See 
    id. at 502,
    ¶¶ 58–59.
    Opinion of the Court
    C.     Remedy.
    ¶21           Spring further argues that the superior court’s remedy for the
    Rule 615 violations was inadequate. She claims that the court should have
    struck or precluded the defense experts’ testimony, rather than simply
    instructing the jury to consider the experts’ access to trial transcripts in
    weighing the evidence.
    ¶22            The superior court has discretion to determine an appropriate
    remedy given the particular circumstances of a rule violation. See
    Montgomery Ward & Co. v. Superior Court, 
    176 Ariz. 619
    , 621–22 (App. 1993)
    (describing superior court’s discretion to determine appropriate sanction
    for discovery violation); see also 
    Washington, 653 F.3d at 1268
    . Potential
    remedies for violating an exclusion order include contempt, allowing cross-
    examination regarding the violation, instructing the jury regarding the
    violation, or under the right circumstances, precluding the testimony.
    United States v. Cropp, 
    127 F.3d 354
    , 363 (4th Cir. 1997) (citing Holder v. United
    150 U.S. 91
    , 92 (1893)); 
    Hobbs, 31 F.3d at 921
    (same). An intentional
    violation of the rule militates in favor of a more significant sanction. See
    Washington, 653 F.3d at 1268
    ¶23           Spring asserts that Bradford’s counsel intentionally violated
    the rule in order to secure an unfair advantage and that his actions
    constituted “secret, deliberate and repeated misconduct under Rule 615.”
    But the superior court (which was in the best position to assess counsel’s
    motivations and the effects of counsel’s actions) found that counsel’s
    actions were based on a mistaken interpretation of the rule’s strictures,
    rather than bad faith.
    ¶24            Given the absence of actual prejudice, and in light of the
    court’s statements that it would have exempted the experts from exclusion
    if requested, the court did not abuse its discretion by imposing a lesser
    sanction than outright preclusion of the testimony. The instructions
    informing the jury of the violations and directing the jury to consider prior
    knowledge of opposing experts’ testimony in weighing the defense experts’
    testimony provided a remedy that was closely tailored to the scope of the
    violation. See 
    Hill, 90 F.3d at 223
    ; see also 
    Holder, 150 U.S. at 92
    (noting that
    a witness’s “testimony is open to comment to the jury” to address a
    sequestration violation). Accordingly, the superior court did not abuse its
    discretion in assessing the impact of the Rule 615 violations or in fashioning
    an appropriate remedy.
    Opinion of the Court
    II.    New Trial Based on Aggregate Misconduct.
    ¶25           Spring argues that the superior court erred by denying her
    motion for new trial premised on aggregate misconduct—the Rule 615
    violations, together with a disclosure violation for failing to disclose
    impeachment evidence used by Bradford’s counsel during cross-
    examination. We review the court’s ruling regarding the disclosure
    violation, as well as the denial of a motion for new trial, for an abuse of
    discretion. See Leavy v. Parsell, 
    188 Ariz. 69
    , 72 (1997); 
    Sandretto, 234 Ariz. at 355
    , ¶ 8.
    ¶26          During his deposition, Spring’s standard of care expert Dr.
    Bragman characterized “subluxation,” Bradford’s initial diagnosis of
    Spring’s shoulder pain, as “nonsense.” At trial, Bradford’s counsel
    impeached Dr. Bragman with evidence that websites for chiropractic clinics
    with which Dr. Bragman was affiliated referenced subluxation (a slight
    displacement of a vertebra). The website evidence had not previously been
    disclosed, and at Spring’s request, the court instructed the jury that
    Bradford had failed to disclose the website documents despite an
    affirmative duty to do so, and to disregard the questioning relating to the
    ¶27           Under Arizona Rule of Civil Procedure 59(a)(2), the superior
    court may grant a new trial on the basis of misconduct that materially
    affected the moving party’s rights. See also Grant v. Ariz. Pub. Serv. Co., 
    133 Ariz. 434
    , 451 (1982). The remedy of a new trial may be applied not as a
    form of discipline for counsel, but rather “to prevent a miscarriage of
    id. (citation omitted),
    “when it appears probable that the
    misconduct ‘actually influenced the verdict.’” 
    Leavy, 188 Ariz. at 72
    Grant, 133 Ariz. at 454
    ¶28           Spring argues that the superior court erred under Leavy by not
    inferring prejudice stemming from Bradford’s counsel’s aggregate rules
    violations. In Leavy, the Arizona Supreme Court stated that prejudice
    should be inferred (unless rebutted) in the case of significant misconduct
    (particularly knowing or deliberate violations) that bears on essential issues
    and renders the extent of actual prejudice impossible to determine, and that
    “is apparently successful in achieving its 
    goals.” 188 Ariz. at 73
    ¶29           Here, any misconduct was, in context, relatively insignificant.
    As described above, the Rule 615 violations were largely technical rather
    than substantive, and the non-disclosure was of information used only
    briefly for impeachment on a collateral issue. Although Spring claims the
    Opinion of the Court
    misconduct represented deliberate violations, the court specifically found
    otherwise. And the misconduct did not render the extent of prejudice
    impossible to determine; rather, the superior court reasonably assessed the
    relatively minor scope of resulting prejudice. Further, the court reasonably
    concluded that any such prejudice was adequately addressed by Spring’s
    opportunity to cross-examine the experts and by the instructions allowing
    the jury to consider the experts’ receipt of trial transcripts, as well as the
    instruction directing the jury to disregard the brief website discussion.
    Finally, although Spring asserts that the defense verdict is evidence that
    Bradford’s counsel’s actions successfully swayed the jury, the superior
    court reasonably rejected that argument and found that the verdict was
    supported by the evidence. Accordingly, the court did not abuse its
    discretion by denying Spring’s request for a new trial on grounds of
    aggregate misconduct.
    ¶30            The judgment is affirmed. As the prevailing party, Bradford
    is entitled to his costs on appeal upon compliance with ARCAP 21.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court