State of Arizona v. Matthew Erich Manzanedo , 210 Ariz. 292 ( 2005 )

  •                                                                         FILED BY CLERK
    IN THE COURT OF APPEALS                      APR 29 2005
    STATE OF ARIZONA                         COURT OF APPEALS
    DIVISION TWO                             DIVISION TWO
    THE STATE OF ARIZONA,                         )
    )          2 CA-CR 2003-0238
    Appellee,   )          DEPARTMENT B
    v.                      )          OPINION
    MATTHEW ERICH MANZANEDO,                      )
    Appellant.   )
    Cause No. CR200201240
    Honorable Stephen F. McCarville, Judge
    Terry Goddard, Arizona Attorney General
    By Randall M. Howe and Alan L. Amann                                              Tucson
    Attorneys for Appellee
    Harriette P. Levitt                                                                Tucson
    Attorney for Appellant
    F L Ó R E Z, Presiding Judge.
    ¶1              After a jury trial, Matthew Manzanedo was convicted of assault with intent to
    incite a riot or participation in a riot and criminal damage. The convictions stemmed from
    a prison riot at the Pinal County Detention Center in which two officers were assaulted and
    the prison sustained over $23,000 in damage.1 The trial court sentenced Manzanedo to
    concurrent, enhanced, aggravated prison terms of ten and twenty-two years. We affirm his
    convictions and sentences.
    ¶2              On appeal, Manzanedo argues that there was insufficient evidence to sustain
    his conviction for criminal damage and that his conviction under A.R.S. § 13-1207 is the
    product of a duplicitous indictment and a jury instruction that did not separate the offenses
    charged. See State v. Axley, 
    132 Ariz. 383
    646 P.2d 268
    (1981). Manzanedo also argues
    that the trial court imposed aggravated sentences based on improper aggravating factors and
    in violation of Blakely v. Washington, __U.S.__, 
    124 S. Ct. 2531
    159 L. Ed. 2d 2531
    Criminal Damage
    ¶3              We view the evidence in the light most favorable to sustaining Manzanedo’s
    convictions and resolve all reasonable inferences against him. See State v. Rienhardt, 
    190 Ariz. 579
    951 P.2d 454
    (1997). “A person commits criminal damage by recklessly . . .
    [d]efacing or damaging [the] property of another.” A.R.S. § 13-1602. Manzanedo argues
    there was no substantial evidence to sustain his criminal damage conviction because of the
    Manzanedo was also charged with, but acquitted of, aggravated assault.
    conflicting evidence presented at trial. He concedes that one witness, Officer Glass, testified
    that Manzanedo had ripped a telephone out of a wall and had thrown a food tray during the
    riot, but asserts that “[n]one of the other officers testified that they [had] observed [him]
    cause any other damage.” “[S]ubstantial evidence . . . is evidence that reasonable persons
    could accept as adequate and sufficient to support a conclusion of a defendant’s guilt
    beyond a reasonable doubt.” State v. Edwards, 
    136 Ariz. 177
    , 186, 
    665 P.2d 59
    , 68
    (1983). Officer Glass’s testimony was sufficient to prove that Manzanedo had damaged the
    property of another. That other witnesses testified they had not seen Manzanedo damage
    any property does not render Officer Glass’s testimony insubstantial, as Manzanedo
    suggests. The jury was entitled to believe whichever witnesses it found credible. See State
    v. Williams, 
    209 Ariz. 228
    , ¶ 6, 
    99 P.3d 43
    , 46 (App. 2004) (“Although the record contains
    some conflicting evidence, it was for the jury to weigh the evidence and determine the
    credibility of the witnesses.”).
    ¶4            To the extent Manzanedo also asserts that Officer Glass’s testimony was
    insufficient to establish the amount of damage for a class four felony, see § 13-1602(B)
    (criminal damage is class four felony if damage is $10,000 or more), he fails to develop any
    argument on why the state could not rely on the total damages from the riot of $23,662.55,
    offering only the conclusory statement that he “cannot be held accountable for the actions
    of others.” Because Manzanedo’s argument does not comply with Rule 31.13(c), Ariz. R.
    Crim. P., 17 A.R.S., we do not address it.
    Conviction under § 13-1207
    ¶5            Manzanedo next asserts that § 13-1207 “criminalizes two separate offenses in
    the same statute, to-wit: (1) assault with intent to incite a riot, and (2) participation in a
    riot.” Based on this assertion, he argues variously that the indictment was duplicitious, that
    the court’s jury instruction failed to cure the effect of the duplicitious indictment, that the
    statute itself is duplicitous, and that the jury verdict was not unanimous.
    ¶6            We note first that Manzanedo did not raise these issues in the trial court.
    Although he objected to the instruction relating to § 13-1207, he asserted only that the
    statutory provisions were unclear. Therefore, he has waived the arguments on appeal absent
    fundamental error. See State v. Davis, 
    205 Ariz. 174
    , ¶ 32, 
    68 P.3d 127
    , 132 (App. 2002)
    (“[A]bsent fundamental error, failure to raise issue at trial waives it on appeal.”).
    Fundamental error is “‘clear, egregious, and curable only via a new trial,’” State v. Lamar,
    205 Ariz. 431
    , ¶ 50, 
    72 P.3d 831
    , 841 (2003), quoting State v. Gendron, 
    168 Ariz. 153
    812 P.2d 626
    , 628 (1991), and is error that goes “to the foundation of the case,” that
    “takes from the defendant a right essential to [the] defense,” or that is “of such magnitude
    that the defendant could not possibly have received a fair trial.” State v. Hunter, 
    142 Ariz. 88
    , 90, 
    688 P.2d 980
    , 982 (1984). To the extent Manzanedo has requested that we review
    the issue for fundamental error, we find no such error.
    ¶7            We disagree with the premise common to all of Manzanedo’s arguments on
    this issue—that § 13-1207 creates two separate offenses. Section 13-1207, entitled
    “Prisoners who commit assault with intent to incite to riot or participate in riot,” states in
    pertinent part: “A person, while in the custody of the state department of corrections or a
    county or city jail, who commits assault upon another person with the intent to incite to riot
    or who participates in a riot is guilty of a class 2 felony.” We conclude that, rather than
    creating two separate offenses, § 13-1207 creates a single offense that can be committed in
    alternate ways.
    ¶8            “‘Various tests are applied in determining whether statutes are intended to
    create one or more offenses.’” People v. Hathaway, 
    103 Cal. Rptr. 638
    , 643 (Ct. App.
    1972), quoting Bealmear v. S. Cal. Edison Co., 
    139 P.2d 20
    , 23 (Cal. 1943). In State v.
    127 Ariz. 554
    622 P.2d 501
    (App. 1981), we relied on the tests suggested by the
    Washington Supreme Court in State v. Arndt, 
    533 P.2d 1328
    (Wash. 1976), and determined
    that Arizona’s theft statute, A.R.S. § 13-1802, created a single offense that could be
    committed in different ways. We considered (1) the title of the statute, (2) whether there
    was “a readily perceivable connection between the various acts” listed in the statute,
    (3) whether those acts were “consistent with and not repugnant to each other,” and (4)
    whether those acts might “inhere in the same transaction.” 
    Dixon, 127 Ariz. at 561
    , 622
    P.2d at 508. We may conduct that same analysis here, but ultimately, we must determine
    whether the legislature intended to create separate offenses in enacting the statute. See State
    v. Fell, 
    209 Ariz. 77
    , ¶ 33, 
    97 P.3d 902
    , 911 (App. 2004) (“In interpreting a statute, we
    must attempt to give effect to the legislature’s intent.”).
    ¶9            We note initially that, had the legislature intended to create two separate
    offenses, it could easily have done so by enacting separate statutes or, at least, separate
    subsections. And, although § 13-1207 lists two conceivably separate acts—assault and
    participation—these acts are connected by the central subject of the statute—prison riots.
    The act of assaulting another with intent to incite a riot and the act of participating in a riot
    both further a prison riot, the conduct the legislature obviously intended to discourage by
    enacting § 13-1207. See Bealmear (collecting cases and considering primary purpose in
    determining statute created single offense although listing multiple acts). Moreover, the
    listed acts are not repugnant to each other. “The varying ways by which a crime may be
    committed are not repugnant to each other unless the proof of one will disprove the other.”
    Arndt, 553 P.2d at 1333
    . Proving either assault with intent to incite a riot or participation
    in a riot does not disprove the other.
    ¶10           Additionally, we agree with the following reasoning by the Washington
    Supreme Court:
    Doubts in the construction of a penal statute will be resolved in
    favor of lenity and against a construction that would produce
    extremely harsh or incongruous results or impose punishments
    totally disproportionate to the gravity of the offense; so in case
    of ambiguity the construction will be against turning a single
    transaction into multiple offenses.
    Id. at 1334.
    It is difficult to conceive of a situation in which a prisoner could assault
    someone with the intent to incite a riot, but not also participate in any ensuing riot. Under
    Manzanedo’s construction of the statute, however, such behavior would constitute two
    separately punishable offenses. Given the wording of this statute, that is a result we are not
    confident the legislature intended.
    ¶11           Moreover, we find unpersuasive Manzanedo’s reliance on State v. Lujan, 
    139 Ariz. 236
    677 P.2d 1344
    (App. 1984). There, we found an indictment duplicitous because
    the indictment had alleged in one count two actions expressly made separate offenses in the
    statute. That is not the case here. Accordingly, we affirm Manzanedo’s convictions.
    Sentencing Issues
    ¶12           Manzanedo argues the trial court illegally aggravated his sentences based on
    its findings of the financial loss to the assaulted officers and the state and the presence of an
    accomplice. First, Manzanedo argues that, because he was not convicted of assault, “[t]he
    officers were not victims of the crimes for which [he] was convicted,” and therefore, financial
    loss to the officers was an improper aggravating factor. But it is uncontested that the officers
    were assaulted during the course of the riot Manzanedo incited or participated in; therefore,
    the trial court properly considered them victims not only of assault, but also of Manzanedo’s
    violation of § 13-1207. That section must be read in conjunction with A.R.S. § 13-2903,
    which creates the offense of riot. Section 13-2903 provides that “[a] person commits riot
    if, with two or more other persons acting together, such person recklessly uses force or
    violence or threatens to use force or violence, if such threat is accompanied by immediate
    power of execution, which disturbs the public peace.” In light of § 13-2903, it is clear that
    a violation of § 13-1207 is not a victimless crime.
    ¶13           In State v. Sorkhabi, 
    202 Ariz. 450
    46 P.3d 1071
    (App. 2002), Division One
    of this court held that resisting arrest is not a victimless crime based on aspects of the
    applicable statute that also exist in our riot statutes. The resisting arrest statute prohibits a
    person from “[u]sing or threatening to use physical force . . . or . . . any other means creating
    a substantial risk of causing physical injury to [a] peace officer or another.” A.R.S. § 13-
    2508. Similarly, to commit riot under § 13-2903, a person must use or threaten to use
    “force or violence . . . if such threat is accompanied by immediate power of execution.” Like
    the resisting arrest statute, our riot statute can include a victim—a person against whom force
    is used or who is threatened with the use of force. Accordingly, the trial court properly
    found the victims’ financial loss was an aggravating factor. See A.R.S. § 13-702(C)(9).
    ¶14           Second, Manzanedo argues that the presence of accomplices and financial loss
    were essential elements of the crimes of assault with intent to incite to riot and criminal
    damage and that his “actions were not so egregious as to rise to a level beyond that which
    [was] merely necessary to establish” those elements. We disagree. The state presented
    evidence that the riot had been a large-scale one involving many prisoners and that the
    financial loss caused by the riot was more than twice the amount required for criminal
    damage to be a class four felony. Moreover, because the amount of financial damage and
    the presence of an accomplice are specifically enumerated aggravating factors, see § 13-
    702(C)(3) and (4), the trial court was authorized to aggravate Manzanedo’s sentences based
    on those facts regardless of whether they were more egregious than necessary to establish
    an element of the crimes. See State v. Bly, 
    127 Ariz. 370
    621 P.2d 279
    (1980); State v.
    205 Ariz. 110
    67 P.3d 706
    (App. 2003). We find no error in the trial court’s
    imposition of aggravated sentences.
    ¶15           Next, Manzanedo contends his sentences violated the principles announced
    in Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
    120 S. Ct. 2348
    147 L. Ed. 2d 435
    (2000), and
    applied in Blakely. We disagree. Although the state argues Manzanedo waived this issue
    by failing to raise it below, in our discretion, we address it. See State v. Resendis-Felix, 
    209 Ariz. 292
    100 P.3d 457
    (App. 2004).
    ¶16           The trial court based Manzanedo’s sentences on its finding of five aggravating
    factors: (1) Manzanedo’s criminal history,2 (2) the presence of an accomplice, (3) the
    financial loss to the victims, (4) Manzanedo’s “failure to benefit from past lenient
    treatment,” and (5) the unprovoked and unreasoning nature of Manzanedo’s actions. At
    least one of those aggravating factors was Blakely compliant, and the trial court expressly
    found no mitigating factors. As we recently explained in State v. Alire, 
    209 Ariz. 517
    105 P.3d 163
    (App. 2005), when a trial court finds no mitigating factors and one Blakely-
    compliant or -exempt aggravating factor, the court may consider additional aggravating
    We note that Manzanedo’s criminal history included multiple prior convictions. In
    State v. Burdick, 
    209 Ariz. 452
    104 P.3d 183
    (App. 2005), the trial court aggravated a
    sentence based in part on the defendant’s criminal history. We found that “criminal history”
    was not necessarily equivalent to prior convictions, and therefore, the trial court’s finding
    was not exempt from the rule in Blakely. We need not decide here whether Manzanedo’s
    criminal history is a Blakely-exempt aggravating factor, because, as explained below,
    Manzanedo’s aggravated sentences are supported by another Blakely-compliant factor.
    factors if supported by reasonable evidence and impose a sentence within the aggravated
    range. See also State v. Viramontes, 
    204 Ariz. 360
    , ¶ 14, 
    64 P.3d 188
    , 190 (2003) (“In
    non-capital cases, aggravators need only be supported by reasonable evidence.”).
    ¶17           The jury found financial loss in the verdict on criminal damage.            As
    Manzanedo has conceded, this factor was an essential element of one of the crimes of which
    he was convicted. The verdict on the criminal damage charge included the jury’s specific
    finding that the “total amount of damage was . . . [m]ore than $10,000.00.” The trial court
    used this express finding by the jury to aggravate both of Manzanedo’s sentences. For the
    same reasons expressed in Alire, we find no Blakely error.
    ¶18           Affirmed.
    M. JAN FLÓREZ, Presiding Judge
    JOHN PELANDER, Chief Judge
    E S P I N O S A, Judge, specially concurring.
    ¶19           I concur in the disposition and all aspects of the decision except the analysis
    of the Blakely sentencing issue in ¶ 16. It is unnecessary to hinge the determination of
    whether any Blakely error occurred on whether the trial court found any mitigating factors,
    when Manzanedo’s sentence was clearly authorized by his undisputed prior felony
    convictions. See State v. Estrada, ___ Ariz. ___, 
    108 P.3d 261
    (App. 2005); State v.
    210 Ariz. 40
    107 P.3d 366
    (App. 2005) (Espinosa, J.); see also State v.
    209 Ariz. 280
    100 P.3d 30
    (App. 2004). Because Manzanedo’s prior convictions
    are exempt from the rule in Blakely, no additional fact-finding was necessary for the trial
    court to constitutionally aggravate Manzanedo’s sentences to the maximum authorized by
    A.R.S. § 13-702.3
    ¶20           As Division One of this court recently observed, “under Arizona’s statutory
    scheme, [a defendant’s] criminal history constitutes an aggravating circumstance
    that—without the need for any additional jury findings—expose[s] him to being sentenced
    to [an aggravated term].” Estrada, 
    108 P.3d 261
    at 264. Other aggravators, not to mention
    mitigators, need not be addressed because they are “not necessary to establish the maximum
    prison term that is statutorily authorized.” Chiappetta, 
    210 Ariz. 40
    , ¶ 23, 
    107 P.3d 366
    at 374 (Espinosa, J.). Stated differently, because the elements to which constitutional
    protections attach consist of “‘facts legally essential to the punishment to be inflicted,’”
    As the majority notes, a panel of this court recently found that the trial court’s use
    of the term “criminal history” during sentencing was too generalized a reference to the
    defendant’s prior convictions to come under the Blakely exemption. State v. Burdick, 
    209 Ariz. 452
    104 P.3d 183
    (App. 2005). But that view appears to unnecessarily elevate form
    over substance; it does not apply here in any event because the trial court made specific
    findings as to two of the defendant’s numerous convictions.
    when the maximum sentence is increased by a Blakely-compliant factor such as a prior
    conviction, the defendant has no right to a lesser sentence and other factors are not essential
    to the range of punishment. 
    Estrada, 108 P.3d at 265
    , quoting Harris v. United States,
    536 U.S. 545
    , 561, 
    122 S. Ct. 2406
    , 2416, 
    163 L. Ed. 2d 524
    , 540 (2002). See also
    Martinez (aggravating factor was implicit in jury finding; thus, trial court’s weighing of
    additional aggravating factors not violative of Blakely because jury finding expanded
    sentencing range); cf. United States v. Booker, ___ U.S. ___, ___, 
    125 S. Ct. 738
    , 750, 
    160 L. Ed. 2d 621
    , ___ (2005) (“[W]hen a trial judge exercises his discretion to select a specific
    sentence within a defined range, the defendant has no right to a jury determination of the
    facts that the judge deems relevant.”).
    ¶21           In sum, Manzanedo’s prior convictions posed no question for a jury and,
    standing alone, authorized the aggravated sentences imposed, in full compliance with