Hull v. Daimlerchrysler Corporation ( 2004 )

  •                                                                   FILED BY CLERK
    OCT 26 2004
    IN THE COURT OF APPEALS                      DIVISION TWO
    TRAVIS HULL and SHELLY HULL,                )       2 CA-CV 2004-0016
    husband and wife,                           )       DEPARTMENT A
    Plaintiffs/Appellees,   )       OPINION
    v.                        )
    DAIMLERCHRYSLER                             )
    CORPORATION,                                )
    Defendant/Appellant.      )
    Cause No. CV 2001-180
    Honorable Robert Duber II, Judge
    Krohn & Moss, Ltd.
    By Marshall Meyers and Ian Pryor                                            Phoenix
    Attorneys for Plaintiffs/Appellees
    Bowman and Brooke, LLP
    By Negatu Molla and Lori A. Van Daele                                     Phoenix
    Attorneys for Defendant/Appellant
    H O W A R D, Presiding Judge.
    ¶1            Appellant DaimlerChrysler Corporation appeals from a judgment entered after
    a jury verdict in favor of appellees Travis and Shelly Hull in the Hulls’ “Lemon Law” action.
    DaimlerChrysler contends the trial court erred in several respects, including denying
    DaimlerChrysler’s motion to dismiss the action because the Hulls had sold the vehicle before
    trial and were no longer entitled to the relief provided by the statute. Because we agree that
    the Hulls were not entitled to relief under the Lemon Law after they sold the vehicle, we
    reverse the judgment and direct entry of judgment in favor of DaimlerChrysler.
    ¶2            The relevant facts concerning the sale of the vehicle are not in dispute. In
    April 2000, the Hulls signed a three-year lease agreement for a Dodge Ram truck from Horne
    Motor Company.        The agreement included a three-year or thirty-six-thousand-mile
    manufacturer warranty from DaimlerChrysler. Under the agreement, the Hulls would pay
    a total of $19,147.11 in monthly payments if they returned the vehicle after the three-year
    period. The lease further stated the Hulls would be charged an excessive use fee of $.15 per
    mile if they drove the vehicle more than forty-five thousand miles during the lease term,
    unless they decided to purchase the vehicle.
    ¶3            Several months after the Hulls signed the agreement, the truck experienced
    engine trouble. On December 14, 2000, the vehicle was towed to Horne Motor Company
    where technicians determined that the vehicle needed a new engine. Although there was an
    initial dispute on whether the damage was covered under the warranty, DaimlerChrysler
    ultimately authorized the repairs. Horne replaced the engine and returned the truck to the
    Hulls on February 14, 2001.
    ¶4            In March 2001, the Hulls sued DaimlerChrysler, alleging, inter alia, a
    violation of Arizona’s Lemon Law. After the Hulls filed their complaint, they continued to
    use the vehicle for the remainder of the lease period, accruing a total of 67,000 miles on the
    vehicle. Rather than pay the excess mileage charge, the Hulls chose to purchase the vehicle
    as the lease agreement allowed, and they continued to drive the vehicle. Then, three weeks
    before trial, the Hulls sold the vehicle. DaimlerChrysler moved to dismiss the action,
    arguing that the Lemon Law required the Hulls to return the allegedly defective vehicle. The
    trial court denied the motion, and the Hulls were ultimately awarded $18,480.66 in
    ¶5            DaimlerChrysler argues the trial court erred by not dismissing the lawsuit after
    the Hulls sold the vehicle. It contends the remedies prescribed by the statute specifically
    require that a defective vehicle be returned to the manufacturer and, thus, that the statute
    did not provide a remedy once the Hulls sold the vehicle. The interpretation of a statute is
    a question of law that we review de novo. Phoenix Newspapers, Inc. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ.
    186 Ariz. 446
    , 448, 
    924 P.2d 450
    , 452 (App. 1996).
    ¶6            Arizona’s Lemon Law requires new motor vehicles to conform to all
    applicable express warranties. A.R.S. § 44-1262. If a consumer of a motor vehicle reports
    to the manufacturer a defect or nonconformity covered by the manufacturer’s express
    warranty, the manufacturer, its agents, or its authorized dealers must make the repairs
    necessary to correct the problem. § 44-1262(A)(2). But, if the vehicle cannot be repaired
    after four attempts or is out of service for a cumulative total of thirty or more calender days,
    A.R.S. § 44-1264(A),
    the manufacturer shall replace the motor vehicle with a new
    motor vehicle or accept return of the motor vehicle from the
    consumer and refund to the consumer the full purchase price,
    including all collateral charges, less a reasonable allowance for
    the consumer’s use of the vehicle.
    A.R.S. § 44-1263(A). Once a manufacturer has replaced or repurchased a motor vehicle
    pursuant to this provision, the manufacturer then must place a notice on the vehicle
    informing any prospective purchaser that it was reacquired pursuant to the Lemon Law.
    A.R.S. § 44-1266.
    ¶7             Prior to the enactment of Lemon Laws, the only relief available to consumers
    of a defective vehicle was under the common law, the Uniform Commercial Code, or the
    Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 2301-2312. 17 Am. Jur. 2d Consumer
    Product Warranty Acts § 49, at 370 (2004). Because these limited remedies did not
    adequately protect the consumer’s interests in a typical faulty vehicle claim, many states,
    including Arizona, enacted Lemon Laws to provide consumers a remedy directly against the
    manufacturer of a defective vehicle. See 
    id. ¶8 Although
    Arizona’s Lemon Law provides relief to a consumer of a defective
    vehicle, this relief is limited to that prescribed by the act. “When a statute creates a right and
    also creates a remedy for the right created, the remedy thereby given is exclusive.” Register
    v. Coleman, 
    130 Ariz. 9
    , 14, 
    633 P.2d 418
    , 423 (1981); see also Blankenbaker v. Jonovich,
    205 Ariz. 383
    , ¶ 18, 
    71 P.3d 910
    , 914 (2003). In this case, the statute mandates that, if the
    vehicle cannot be timely repaired, the consumer is entitled to either a replacement vehicle
    or a refund of the purchase price. § 44-1263(A). Both of these prescribed remedies require
    the consumer to return the nonconforming vehicle to the manufacturer. Accordingly, the
    trial court erred in not dismissing the Hulls’ Lemon Law claim once the court determined
    the Hulls could not return the vehicle.
    ¶9            Despite the clear language of the statute, the trial court relied on Jennings v.
    105 Ariz. 167
    461 P.2d 161
    (1969), to find that the Hulls were entitled to the statutory
    remedies even after they had sold the vehicle. The trial court correctly noted that both
    Jennings and this case involve a property dispute in which the plaintiffs no longer possessed
    the property in question. See 
    id. at 172,
    461 P.2d at 166. But the Jennings case involved
    a rescission of a purchase of real property based on common law fraud by the seller; it did
    not involve a statutory right or remedy against a manufacturer as here. See 
    id. And, because
    it is not the province of the courts to engraft common law remedies onto statutory schemes,
    see Blankenbaker, any extension of a statutory remedy is for the legislature. Thus, the court
    inappropriately applied Jennings.
    ¶10           Although the issue of whether a consumer must return a vehicle before the
    remedies of the Lemon Law become available is one of first impression in Arizona, we find
    the case law of other jurisdictions persuasive. In Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. v.
    618 A.2d 233
    , 241-42 (Md. Ct. Spec. App. 1993), a Maryland appellate court held
    that a plaintiff had waived his available remedy under that state’s Lemon Law when he had
    traded the defective vehicle for a new vehicle. Similarly, in Guidry v. Ford Motor Co., 868
    So. 2d 945, 949 (La. Ct. App. 2004), a Louisiana appellate court found that the remedies
    available under the Louisiana Lemon Law, which is analogous to our statute, were no longer
    available once the vehicle had been returned at the end of the lease period. In Buford v.
    General Motors Corp., 
    451 S.E.2d 293
    , 299 (N.C. 1994), the North Carolina Supreme
    Court held that, when a consumer receives a refund under that state’s Lemon Law, the
    consumer may not retain the defective vehicle. And, in Pfeiffer v. Ford Motor Co., 
    517 N.W.2d 76
    , 79 (Minn. Ct. App. 1994), a Minnesota appellate court required dismissal of
    the plaintiffs’ Lemon Law complaint because they had failed to tender the motor vehicle to
    the manufacturer. The Hulls have not directed our attention to any cases holding to the
    ¶11           Moreover, the Pfeiffer court noted that allowing the purchaser to convey the
    vehicle to another party without the notice required by the Lemon Law would defeat one
    of the primary purposes of the law, stating:
    [S]uch a requirement is consistent with the overall purpose of
    the statute not only to recompense those actually harmed by the
    sale of defective automobiles, but to protect subsequent
    consumers as well. . . . We believe it is inconsistent to allow a
    Lemon Law recovery, while allowing the same injured party to
    pass the defective auto on to another consumer without notice
    of the warranty protections provided to the first owner.
    Id. at 80.
    In addition, the Buford court found that allowing a plaintiff to recover damages
    without first returning the vehicle would overcompensate successful consumers to the
    detriment of the manufacturer, who would likely pass the additional expense to future
    consumers. 451 S.E.2d at 300
    . Thus, in addition to the persuasive case law of other states,
    strong public policy concerns support our conclusion that a consumer is not entitled to relief
    under Arizona’s Lemon Law if the consumer no longer possesses the vehicle.
    ¶12           The Hulls argue, however, that, because this transaction involved a lease, they
    were legally required to surrender the vehicle to the lessor when the lease expired.1 They
    contend that DaimlerChrysler “seeks to capitalize on [the Hulls’] lease expiration and forced
    use” by using this action as a means to nullify its liability. We agree that the statute, as
    written, creates a potential dilemma for consumers who wish to assert a Lemon Law action
    on their leased vehicles. The duration of a lawsuit may exceed the term of the lease period.
    And, because the statute requires that a consumer be able to return the vehicle to be entitled
    to the remedies of the Lemon Law, a consumer whose lease expires before a lawsuit is
    resolved must either purchase the vehicle or risk having the Lemon Law portion of any
    lawsuit dismissed.
    ¶13           Although we are concerned that such a requirement creates certain hardships
    for consumers who lease rather than purchase their vehicles outright, the crafting of such a
    statutory remedy is the province of the legislature, not the courts. See Blankenbaker.
    Modification of such legislation is often the result of legislative compromises, which we
    cannot predict. We also note that these consumers retain any common law or statutory
    remedies other than the Lemon Law. Moreover, the Hulls were not faced with the dilemma
    The Hulls contend that the term “purchase” in A.R.S. § 44-1263(A) must be
    interpreted to include a lease. DaimlerChrysler has not argued below or here that the lease
    was not a purchase, and we assume, but do not decide, that the Lemon Law applies to leased
    of purchasing the vehicle to retain their lawsuit. Instead, they voluntarily chose to purchase
    the vehicle at the end of the lease period to avoid the extra milage fee and then retained
    possession and actively used the vehicle until three weeks before trial. Accordingly, our
    concerns about the additional hardships for lease consumers are less compelling here.
    ¶14           The Hulls also argue that they possessed the right to mitigate their damages by
    selling the vehicle to stop any further depreciation. “A party’s failure to mitigate damages
    may be invoked to negate and reduce damages ‘where the party by its own voluntary activity
    has unreasonably exposed itself to damage or increased its injury.’” SDR Assocs. v. ARG
    Enters., Inc., 
    170 Ariz. 1
    , 4 n.2, 
    821 P.2d 268
    , 271 n.2 (App. 1991), quoting McCormick
    on Damages § 34, at 131 (1934); see also Life Investors Ins. Co. of Am. v. Horizon Res.
    Bethany, Ltd., 
    182 Ariz. 529
    , 534, 
    898 P.2d 478
    , 483 (App. 1995). But the only “damages”
    contemplated by the Lemon Law are either a replacement vehicle or a return of the purchase
    price and collateral charges. Because their sale of the vehicle three weeks before trial did
    not affect either of these elements, the Hulls’ sale of the vehicle was not a proper mitigation
    of their damages.
    ¶15           Finally, the Hulls argue that DaimlerChrysler was barred by laches from raising
    the issue of the vehicle sale because it knew that the vehicle had been leased and that the
    Hulls could lose the vehicle. “Laches is a defense when lack of diligence on the part of the
    plaintiff results in injury or prejudice to the defendant.” Mobile Disc. Corp. v. Schumacher,
    139 Ariz. 15
    , 18, 
    676 P.2d 649
    , 652 (App. 1983). DaimlerChrysler raised the issue of the
    vehicle sale as soon as it became aware of it. And the Hulls’ argument ignores the fact that
    they purchased the vehicle after the lease expired and then sold it three weeks before trial.
    Furthermore, DaimlerChrysler points to a letter of January 17, 2001, from the Hulls’
    attorney stating that the Hulls intended to retain the vehicle and “use it to the extent
    necessary to preserve it, to protect its security interest, and to minimize [DaimlerChrysler’s]
    damages.” But the critical determination is that, as a matter of law, when they sold the
    vehicle, the benefits of the Lemon Law became unavailable to them.                 Therefore,
    DaimlerChrysler was not precluded by laches from asserting its defense.
    ¶16           Because a consumer is not entitled to relief under Arizona’s Lemon Law if the
    consumer cannot return the vehicle to the manufacturer because the consumer no longer
    possesses the vehicle, the trial court erred by denying DaimlerChrysler’s motion to dismiss
    the complaint based on the Hulls’ sale of the vehicle. Because our holding is dispositive of
    DaimlerChrysler’s liability under the Lemon Law, we need not reach its remaining
    arguments. We reverse the trial court’s judgment and remand the case with instructions to
    enter judgment in favor of DaimlerChrysler.
    JOSEPH W. HOWARD, Presiding Judge