Orlando v. Hon. butner/hargrove ( 2014 )

  •                           NOTICE: NOT FOR PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    wife and husband, Petitioners,
    THE HONORABLE JOSEPH C. BUTNER, III, Judge Pro Tempore of the
    in and for the County of YAVAPAI,
    Respondent Judge Pro Tempore,
    SALLY HARGROVE, an unmarried woman,
    Real Party in Interest.
    No. 1 CA-SA 14-0162
    FILED 09-30-2014
    Petition for Special Action from the Superior Court in Yavapai County
    No. P1300CV201300125
    The Honorable Joseph C. Butner, III, Judge Pro Tempore
    Warnock, MacKinlay & Carman, PLLC, Prescott
    By Brian R. Warnock and Krista M. Carman
    Counsel for Petitioners
    Dean R. Cox, L.L.C., Prescott
    By Dean R. Cox
    Counsel for Real Party in Interest
    Decision of the Court
    Judge Michael J. Brown delivered the decision of the Court, in which
    Presiding Judge Peter B. Swann and Judge Samuel A. Thumma joined.
    B R O W N, Judge:
    ¶1             Natalie and Daniel Orlando (“the Orlandos”) seek special
    action relief from the superior court’s order disqualifying their counsel of
    record, the law firm of Warnock, MacKinlay and Carman, PLLC (“WMC”).
    Because we conclude the superior court did not abuse its discretion in
    ordering disqualification, we accept jurisdiction and deny relief.
    ¶2             In May 2008, Sally Hargrove, represented by attorney
    Christopher Jensen, filed a lawsuit in Yavapai County Superior Court
    against the Orlandos alleging Hargrove suffered serious injuries as a result
    of Natalie Orlando’s negligence in a car-pedestrian accident (“the personal
    injury litigation”). At the time of the accident, the Orlandos carried liability
    insurance through American Family Insurance (“American Family”) of
    $15,000 on the vehicle involved in the accident, which was used for business
    and family purposes. The Orlandos were represented by both insurance
    defense counsel and WMC.
    ¶3            In January 2010, the Orlandos filed suit in Maricopa County
    Superior Court against American Family alleging its insurance agent
    negligently failed to advise them to obtain more than the statutory
    minimum of automobile liability insurance coverage (“the American
    Family litigation”).
    ¶4            In September 2010, Hargrove’s personal injury claim
    proceeded to a jury trial. During trial, it was discovered that several jurors
    may have engaged in misconduct. To avoid a possible mistrial, the parties
    agreed to a settlement conditioned upon the following. If the jury returned
    a verdict in favor of Hargrove, judgment would be entered against the
    Orlandos, who would then assign all of their claims against their insurer in
    the American Family litigation to Hargrove. In exchange for the
    assignment, the Orlandos would not seek a mistrial and Hargrove would
    not execute on the judgment against the Orlandos. The superior court
    Decision of the Court
    confirmed the agreement by all parties and counsel. Following a verdict in
    favor of Hargrove, the court entered judgment against the Orlandos in the
    amount of $655,776.12. The parties then formalized their agreement by
    executing an assignment and covenant not to execute (“the assignment and
    covenant”). The covenant provided in pertinent part that the Orlandos
    would “furnish full and complete communication, cooperation,
    documentation, and, as necessary, sworn testimony to support the assigned
    claims” against American Family and they would “execute such additional
    documents as may be necessary to carry out the intent” of the covenant.
    ¶5            Meanwhile, the primary issue in the American Family
    litigation was the basis for the Orlandos’ decision not to increase their
    automobile insurance coverage after they expanded their business. In an
    attempt to place responsibility for this decision upon the Orlandos or third
    parties, American Family sought to show that the Orlandos’ business
    advisors either instructed or should have instructed the Orlandos to
    increase their liability coverage. In a June 2010 disclosure statement,
    American Family noted its intent to identify as nonparties at fault “lawyers,
    accountants, and other business consultants” who worked with the
    Orlandos in the “establishment of a small business in the fall of 2007.”
    ¶6             In November 2010, in response to American Family’s
    discovery requests, WMC identified WMC partner Andre Carman as the
    attorney who advised the Orlandos regarding the transition of their small
    business from a sole proprietorship to a corporation. Shortly thereafter,
    pursuant to the assignment and covenant, Jensen and WMC filed a joint
    motion requesting that Jensen be substituted for WMC as counsel of record
    for plaintiff(s) (Hargrove and/or Orlandos, depending upon the outcome
    of a motion to substitute) in the American Family litigation. At the same
    time, and also as provided by the assignment and covenant, Hargrove and
    the Orlandos filed a joint motion to substitute Hargrove in place of the
    Orlandos as the sole plaintiff or, in the alternative, as an additional plaintiff.
    The superior court granted the motion to substitute counsel but denied the
    motion to substitute or add Hargrove as a plaintiff.
    ¶7            In August 2012, a protracted dispute arose regarding the
    Orlandos’ obligation to cooperate and furnish documents to Hargrove
    under the assignment and covenant. Jensen repeatedly inquired as to
    Carman’s status as a possible nonparty at fault and witness, and requested
    access to WMC’s legal files for both the personal injury litigation and the
    American Family litigation. Although Jensen insisted the assignment and
    covenant permitted him to inspect all legal files relevant to claims and
    defenses in the American Family litigation, the Orlandos ultimately refused
    Decision of the Court
    to authorize a release of the files. Jensen also asserted that WMC had a
    conflict of interest that precluded it from representing the Orlandos in the
    American Family litigation given the circumstances surrounding Carman’s
    advice to the Orlandos regarding their business. Jensen further asserted
    that if the Orlandos failed to comply with his requests for documents such
    inaction would constitute a breach of the assignment and covenant.
    ¶8             After the Orlandos informed Jensen they would seek his
    disqualification, Jensen moved to withdraw from the American Family
    litigation. The superior court granted the motion in February 2013. Three
    days later, the Orlandos (represented by WMC) initiated the instant
    litigation by filing a complaint in Yavapai County Superior Court (“current
    litigation”) seeking a declaration that Hargrove breached the assignment
    and covenant. In March 2013, through new counsel Timothy Ducar,
    Hargrove filed a counterclaim asserting that the Orlandos had breached the
    assignment and covenant. The Orlandos then filed a third-party claim
    against Jensen, alleging he was responsible for the breach of the parties’
    ¶9            In April 2013, WMC contacted Ducar and requested that
    Hargrove “appoint” replacement counsel in the American Family litigation
    for the Orlandos pursuant to the assignment and covenant. Hargrove
    disagreed that she had any obligation to appoint such counsel. For reasons
    that are not clear from the limited record before us, the Orlandos entered
    into a stipulation with American Family to dismiss the American Family
    litigation. The superior court accepted the stipulation on May 22, 2013, and
    ordered the case dismissed with prejudice.
    ¶10           In April 2014, Hargrove moved to disqualify WMC from
    further representation of the Orlandos in the current litigation. Hargrove
    argued WMC’s continued representation of the Orlandos gave the
    appearance of impropriety and violated Arizona Rules of Professional
    Conduct Ethical Rules (“ER”) 1.9 and 3.7. The Orlandos objected and filed
    a cross-motion to disqualify Ducar from further representation of
    Hargrove. After hearing oral argument, the superior court granted the
    motion to disqualify WMC, concluding that Warnock and Carman are
    potential witnesses in the current litigation. The Orlandos then filed this
    special action.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶11            “An order granting a motion to disqualify counsel prior to
    trial is an interlocutory order” for which there is no adequate remedy by
    appeal. State ex rel. Romley v. Superior Court, 
    181 Ariz. 378
    , 380, 
    891 P.2d 246
    248 (App. 1995). In the exercise of our discretion, we accept special action
    ¶12            We review the superior court’s ruling on a motion to
    disqualify counsel for an abuse of discretion. Simms v. Rayes, 
    234 Ariz. 47
    49, ¶ 8, 
    316 P.3d 1235
    , 1237 (App. 2014). An abuse of discretion occurs when
    the court “makes an error of law in reaching a discretionary conclusion or
    when the record, viewed in the light most favorable to upholding the trial
    court’s decision, is devoid of competent evidence to support the decision.”
    Savord v. Morton, 
    235 Ariz. 256
    , 259, ¶ 10, 
    330 P.3d 1013
    , 1016 (App. 2014)
    (internal quotation omitted). As the party seeking disqualification,
    Hargrove carried the burden of proof. Simms, 234 Ariz. at 50, ¶ 8, 316 P.3d
    at 1238. The law is well established that “because every litigant has the
    right to the counsel of its choice a party should not be allowed to disqualify
    opposing counsel for mere strategic or tactical reasons.” Sec. Gen. Life Ins.
    Co. v. Superior Court In & For Yuma Cnty., 
    149 Ariz. 332
    , 335, 
    718 P.2d 985
    988 (1986).
    ¶13            As set forth in ER 3.7(a), a lawyer “shall not act as advocate at
    a trial in which the lawyer is likely to be a necessary witness unless: (1) the
    testimony relates to an uncontested issue; (2) the testimony relates to the
    nature and value of legal services rendered in the case; or (3)
    disqualification of the lawyer would work substantial hardship on the
    ¶14          The primary, contested issue in the current litigation stems
    from the circumstances surrounding the stipulation to dismiss the
    American Family litigation. The Orlandos assert that Hargrove was given
    proper notice of their intent to dismiss the action and did not object.
    Hargrove, on the other hand, avowed she never communicated with
    anyone regarding the stipulated dismissal and was not aware of the
    dismissal until it was agreed to by the Orlandos and WMC. She further
    avowed that she “never did anything to abandon those claims.”
    ¶15           At the August 1, 2014 hearing on the cross-motions for
    disqualification, Carman acknowledged that he was both a named witness
    and nonparty at fault in the American Family litigation. Carman argued,
    Decision of the Court
    however, that his status as a named witness and nonparty at fault was moot
    because Hargrove “abandoned” the American Family litigation.
    Nonetheless, when questioned by the superior court, Carman admitted that
    he would have “a conflict of interest in this case” if Hargrove did not, in
    fact, abandon the litigation and the stipulation to dismiss was entered
    without her approval. Carman also acknowledged that the settlement was
    negotiated between Brian Warnock and counsel for American Family and
    further admitted, when pressed by the superior court, that he and the firm
    received a “significant benefit” when the American Family litigation was
    dismissed with prejudice and he and his firm were no longer exposed to
    potential liability in that matter.1
    ¶16           In their cross-motions for disqualification, the parties
    essentially agreed counsel on both sides would be necessary witnesses at
    trial. In WMC’s response to the motion to disqualify, Warnock, after
    asserting that grounds for disqualification had not been established
    (because any potential testimony would be privileged), alternatively stated:
    “Either both Mr. Ducar and Mr. Warnock should be considered necessary
    witnesses and disqualified from representing their respective clients, or
    neither should be required to testify. The Ethical Rules and a reasonable
    examination of the underlying circumstances dictate that the former is a
    more judicious option.” In his reply, Ducar agreed with Warnock that the
    attorneys for both parties were disqualified and Ducar moved to withdraw
    as counsel for Hargrove.
    1       In their special action reply, the Orlandos contend that WMC did not
    represent them during the settlement negotiations. As support for this
    claim, the Orlandos submitted a recent declaration of Johnny J. Sorenson,
    the attorney representing American Family in the American Family
    litigation. In the declaration, Sorenson avows that he does not know “the
    exact scope” of Warnock’s “formal relationship” with the Orlandos, but
    believes his representation of the Orlandos “was limited.” Significantly,
    this information is contrary to Carman’s representations at oral argument
    before the superior court that WMC handled the settlement negotiations on
    behalf of the Orlandos. In addition, this information was not presented to
    the superior court. Accordingly, we do not consider the Sorenson
    declaration or the Orlandos’ argument related thereto. See Napier v.
    191 Ariz. 238
    , 239, ¶ 6, 
    954 P.2d 1389
    , 1390 (1998) (explaining that
    appellate courts generally will not consider arguments a party has failed to
    raise in the superior court). Based on the foregoing, Hargrove’s motion to
    strike the Sorenson declaration is moot.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶17            Applying ER 3.7 to these circumstances, the limited record
    before us supports the superior court’s finding that the WMC attorneys are
    likely to be necessary witnesses in the current litigation. As acknowledged
    by Carman in the superior court, Warnock directly negotiated the dismissal
    of the American Family litigation, which substantially inured to the benefit
    of Carman and the entire WMC firm. The circumstances surrounding how
    and why the stipulation of dismissal was entered into are central to the
    issues in the current litigation, and the superior court could reasonably find
    that communications relating to WMC’s actions during these negotiations
    cannot be readily obtained through another source. We therefore conclude
    that the superior court did not abuse its discretion in finding that a conflict
    warranting disqualification of WMC exists. See ER Rule 3.7 cmt.
    (“Combining the roles of advocate and witness can prejudice the tribunal
    and the opposing party and can also invoke a conflict of interest between
    the lawyer and client.”); Cottonwood Estates, Inc. v. Paradise Builders, Inc., 
    128 Ariz. 99
    , 102, 
    624 P.2d 296
    , 299 (1981) (“[I]t is generally considered a serious
    breach of professional etiquette and detrimental to the orderly
    administration of justice for an attorney to take the stand in a case he is
    ¶18           Notwithstanding this conflict, ER 3.7 “recognizes that a
    balancing is required between the interests of the client and those of the
    tribunal and the opposing party.” ER 3.7 cmt. “Even if there is risk of []
    prejudice, in determining whether the lawyer should be disqualified, due
    regard must be given to the effect of disqualification on the lawyer’s client.”
    2      The Orlandos contend that none of the WMC lawyers may be called
    as a witness because the Orlandos have not waived their attorney-client
    privilege. Whether the Orlandos waived the attorney-client privilege
    through the assignment and covenant is not the issue before us. Even if it
    were, an assertion of privilege only protects an attorney from being
    compelled to testify regarding attorney-client communications or attorney
    work-product and does not create a complete bar insulating an attorney
    from being called as a witness. Cf. State Bar of Arizona Ethics Opinion 00-
    11 (Nov. 2000) (stating lawyers must disclose non-privileged but ER 1.6
    confidential client documents when directed to do so by a final order
    rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction even absent client consent).
    Furthermore, the Orlandos’ argument is contrary to Warnock’s
    acknowledgement in the cross-motion to disqualify that attorneys for both
    parties would be necessary witnesses.
    Decision of the Court
     “It is relevant that one or both parties could reasonably foresee that the
    lawyer would probably be a witness.” 
    ¶19            In their response and cross-motion to disqualify counsel, the
    Orlandos did not specifically claim substantial hardship; instead, they
    asserted generally that disqualification would require them to obtain new
    counsel, causing further delays in the litigation. At oral argument before
    the superior court, Carman briefly noted that a change in counsel would
    create a hardship for the Orlandos based on the duration of WMC’s
    representation and the firm’s negotiation of the assignment and covenant
    and general knowledge of the underlying cases. The Orlandos attached to
    their special action petition, however, an affidavit of Natalie Orlando dated
    August 22, 2014. In the affidavit, she avows that disqualification of WMC
    would create a substantial hardship because of financial constraints and
    difficulties in finding local counsel competent to handle the complexity of
    the case. Because this document was signed after the superior court’s
    relevant ruling in this matter, and the Orlandos have not indicated that the
    document was filed with the superior court, we will not consider it. See
    Ariz. R.P. Spec. Act. 7(e) (“All references to the record shall be supported
    by an appendix of documents in the record before the trial court that are
    necessary for a determination of the legal issues raised by the petition.”)
    (emphasis added). To the extent the Orlandos raised hardship in the
    superior court, it was limited to the difficulty in having to transfer WMC’s
    acquired knowledge of the case to new counsel. We cannot say the superior
    court abused its discretion by implicitly finding the significance of the
    conflict outweighed the alleged harm to the Orlandos.3
    ¶20           Finally, we must address whether disqualification of Carman
    and Warnock also requires disqualification of the entire WMC firm. As an
    initial matter, the Orlandos have cited no authority in support of their
    assertion that the superior court erred in disqualifying WMC. See Ariz. R.
    3       To the extent the Orlandos argue Hargrove waived the
    disqualification issue by failing to move for WMC’s disqualification for
    almost a year after the stipulated dismissal, we note the Orlandos did not
    raise this argument in their response to the motion for disqualification or at
    the hearing. We therefore do not consider it. See Napier, 
    191 Ariz. at 239, ¶ 6
    954 P.2d at 1390
    . We also note that in May 2014 Hargrove filed a lawsuit
    against WMC alleging conversion, interference with contract or business
    expectancy, breach of fiduciary duty, legal malpractice, aiding and abetting
    tortious conduct, negligence and civil conspiracy. The superior court
    expressly indicated it did not consider the filing of this lawsuit in reaching
    its conclusion, nor do we consider it here.
    Decision of the Court
    P. Spec. Act. 7(e) (petition shall include citations to authorities). Moreover,
    on the record before us, we find no abuse of discretion.
    ¶21           As set forth in ER 3.7(b), a lawyer may “act as advocate in a
    trial in which another lawyer in the lawyer’s firm is likely to be called as a
    witness unless precluded from doing so by ER 1.7 or ER 1.9.” In addressing
    ER 3.7, our supreme court noted that a law firm may continue to represent
    a client when one attorney is called as a witness unless a conflict of interest
    exists under ER 1.7 or ER 1.9, “or disqualification is appropriate for some other
    reason.” Sec. Gen. Life Ins. Co., 
    149 Ariz. at
    336 n.2, 
    718 P.2d at
    989 n.2
    (emphasis added).
    ¶22            Ethical Rules 1.7 and 1.9 “do not address possible conflict
    problems [in which] a testifying lawyer’s law firm desires to remain in the
    case.” Jones v. City of Chicago, 
    610 F. Supp. 350
    , 360 n.4 (N.D. Ill. 1994).
    Given the unique posture of this case, in which the WMC firm was itself
    exposed to liability in the underlying litigation, necessarily raising
    questions as to whether the personal interests of the WMC attorneys and
    the firm factored into the settlement of the American Family litigation, the
    record supports the superior court’s conclusion that WMC’s personal
    interests in the case mandate disqualification of the entire firm. See id. at
    360, 362 (explaining that the “same reasons which support disqualification
    of the testifying attorney also support disqualification of the testifying
    attorney’s entire firm” and that the “ultimate and continuing justification
    for the advocate witness rule, preservation of the integrity of the judicial
    process,“ required disqualification of both the testifying attorney and his
    firm). Accordingly, in this case and on this record, the Orlandos have not
    shown an abuse of discretion relating to the disqualification of WMC.
    ¶23           Because we conclude the superior court did not abuse its
    discretion in disqualifying WMC in the current litigation, we need not
    address Hargrove’s arguments that disqualification was also required
    under ER 1.9 as well as the appearance of impropriety.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶24           We accept jurisdiction of this special action and deny the
    Orlandos’ request to vacate the superior court’s order disqualifying WMC
    from further representation in this case. We deny each party’s request for
    attorneys’ fees under Arizona Revised Statutes section 12-349.