State v. Suazo ( 2018 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    STATE OF ARIZONA, Appellee,
    STEVE ANDREW SUAZO, Appellant.
    No. 1 CA-CR 17-0184
    FILED 7-31-2018
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. CR2014-138723-001 DT
    The Honorable Justin Beresky, Judge
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Joseph T. Maziarz
    Counsel for Appellee
    Maricopa County Public Defender’s Office, Phoenix
    By Paul J. Prato
    Counsel for Appellant
    Steve Andrew Suazo, Tucson
    Decision of the Court
    Presiding Judge Lawrence F. Winthrop delivered the decision of the Court,
    in which Judge Diane M. Johnsen and Judge Maria Elena Cruz joined.
    W I N T H R O P, Presiding Judge:
    ¶1             Steve Andrew Suazo (“Appellant”) appeals his conviction
    and sentence for one count of possession of dangerous drugs for sale.
    Appellant’s counsel filed a brief in accordance with Smith v. Robbins, 
    528 U.S. 259
    (2000); Anders v. California, 
    386 U.S. 738
    (1967); and State v. Leon,
    104 Ariz. 297
    (1969), stating that he searched the record on appeal and
    found no arguable question of law that was not frivolous. Appellant’s
    counsel therefore requested that we review the record for fundamental
    error. See State v. Clark, 
    196 Ariz. 530
    , 537, ¶ 30 (App. 1999) (stating that this
    court reviews the entire record for reversible error). This court granted
    counsel’s motion to allow Appellant to file a supplemental brief in propria
    persona, and Appellant did so, raising several issues that we address and
    prompting us to issue an order for supplemental briefing on the part of
    counsel pursuant to Penson v. Ohio, 
    488 U.S. 75
    ¶2            We have appellate jurisdiction pursuant to the Arizona
    Constitution, Article 6, Section 9, and Arizona Revised Statutes (“A.R.S.”)
    sections 12-120.21(A)(1), 13-4031, and 13-4033(A).1 After reviewing the
    entire record and considering the supplemental briefing, we conclude that
    trial error occurred, but the error in this case does not require reversal;
    accordingly, we affirm Appellant’s conviction and sentence.
    ¶3        On September 5, 2012, undercover Phoenix police detectives
    S.A. and R.A. drove to a restaurant parking lot to purchase
    1      We cite the current version of all applicable statutes because no
    revisions material to this decision have occurred since the date of the
    2     We view the facts in the light most favorable to sustaining the verdict
    and resolve all reasonable inferences against Appellant. See State v. Kiper,
    181 Ariz. 62
    , 64 (App. 1994).
    Decision of the Court
    methamphetamine from a person named “Steve.” A confidential informant
    had arranged the meeting. Several minutes later, a person subsequently
    identified as Appellant drove into the parking lot, parked near the
    detectives, and exited his vehicle. Detective S.A. greeted Appellant, who
    identified himself as “Steve,” and the men discussed the quantity and price
    of the methamphetamine to be purchased. Detective S.A. introduced
    Appellant to Detective R.A., and Appellant handed the detectives a plastic
    baggie containing approximately a quarter-ounce of methamphetamine.3
    In exchange, the detectives paid Appellant two hundred and eighty dollars.
    ¶4            A jury convicted Appellant as charged of one count of
    possession of dangerous drugs for sale, a class two felony. See A.R.S. § 13-
    3407. After finding Appellant had at least two historical prior felony
    convictions for sentencing purposes, the trial court sentenced Appellant to
    a presumptive term of 15.75 years’ imprisonment in the Arizona
    Department of Corrections, ordered the sentence be concurrent with
    sentences imposed in another case,4 and credited Appellant for 959 days of
    presentence incarceration. Appellant filed a timely notice of appeal.
    ¶5            Appellant raises several arguments in his supplemental brief.
    As previously noted, see supra note 4, we do not address arguments
    unrelated to this case.5 Additionally, we do not address Appellant’s claims
    3     At trial, a forensic scientist employed at the Phoenix Police
    Department’s crime laboratory testified the baggie contained 6.6 grams of
    methamphetamine in a “usable condition.”
    4       See Maricopa County Superior Court Case No. CR2014-002227-009
    DT. Appellant appealed his convictions and sentences in that case, and this
    court affirmed as modified to reflect corrections in the trial court’s
    sentencing minute entry. See State v. Suazo, 1 CA-CR 17-0192, 
    2018 WL 1614507
    , at *2 n.3, ¶ 10 (Ariz. App. Apr. 3, 2018) (mem. decision) (mandate
    issued May 18, 2018). Several of the issues Appellant raises in his pro per
    brief stem from alleged facts apparently present in his other case, not this
    case. We do not address issues related to Appellant’s other case and appeal
    because we will not consider a collateral attack on his other convictions. See
    generally State ex rel. Collins v. Superior Court, 
    157 Ariz. 71
    , 75 (1988).
    5    We also do not address Appellant’s arguments regarding an alleged
    computer-aided dispatch (“CAD”) report. The alleged CAD report is not
    Decision of the Court
    of ineffective assistance of counsel because such claims must be raised in a
    petition for post-conviction relief, not on direct appeal. See State v. Spreitz,
    202 Ariz. 1
    , 3, ¶ 9 (2002).
    I.     Sufficiency of the Evidence
    ¶6            Appellant argues “there is no proof of a drug sale,” ostensibly
    because the only evidence of the transaction between him and the
    detectives was the detectives’ (and forensic scientist’s) testimony, and the
    State put forth no additional corroborating evidence, including but not
    limited to surveillance audio or video, additional independent witnesses to
    the transaction, or Appellant’s fingerprint or DNA evidence. However,
    testimony alone may provide proof sufficient to support a conviction. See
    State v. Dutton, 
    106 Ariz. 463
    , 465 (1970); State v. Munoz, 
    114 Ariz. 466
    , 469
    (App. 1976); see also State v. Hall, 
    204 Ariz. 442
    , 454, ¶ 49 (2003) (“[P]hysical
    evidence is not required to sustain a conviction if the totality of the
    circumstances demonstrates guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.” (citation
    omitted)); State v. Montano, 
    121 Ariz. 147
    , 149 (App. 1978) (“[O]ne witness,
    if relevant and credible, is sufficient to support a conviction.” (citation
    ¶7             Here, both detectives testified that they paid Appellant two
    hundred and eighty dollars to purchase approximately a quarter-ounce of
    methamphetamine, and a forensic scientist confirmed the substance
    obtained from Appellant was 6.6 grams of methamphetamine in a useable
    condition. This testimony constituted substantial evidence to permit a
    reasonable jury to conclude Appellant possessed and sold a useable amount
    of methamphetamine to the undercover detectives. See State v. Windsor, 
    224 Ariz. 103
    , 104, ¶ 4 (App. 2010) (“We will not reverse a conviction unless the
    state has failed to present substantial evidence of guilt.”).
    II.    Alleged Hearsay
    ¶8           Appellant also contends that because the detectives’
    testimony regarding the drug transaction was not supported by
    corroborating evidence, it constituted inadmissible hearsay. See Ariz. R.
    Evid. 802. Appellant misapprehends the definition of hearsay, however.
    The detectives’ statements do not constitute hearsay merely because they
    were not corroborated by additional evidence. See Ariz. R. Evid. 801(c)(1)
    (defining hearsay in part as a statement that “the declarant does not make
    part of the record, and we decline to consider an issue that was neither
    raised at trial nor substantiated by evidence in the record.
    Decision of the Court
    while testifying at the current trial or hearing”). Further, Detective S.A.’s
    testimony that Appellant identified himself as “Steve” when he met the
    detectives was not hearsay, see Ariz. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)(A), and the
    detectives’ testimony describing details of the drug transaction, which the
    State presented to establish facts of consequence, did not otherwise consist
    of extrajudicial statements made to prove the truth of the matter asserted,
    see Ariz. R. Evid. 801(c)(1)-(2). Consequently, the detectives’ testimony
    describing the drug transaction was not hearsay.
    III.   Preclusion of Evidence Attacking the Detectives’ Credibility
    ¶9             Appellant argues that because the detectives had committed
    past disciplinary violations and were therefore on the “Brady List” of police
    officers implicated in professional misconduct,6 the trial court erred by
    denying his request to admit evidence of their inclusion on the list for
    impeachment purposes. During trial, however, Appellant’s counsel sought
    to impeach both detectives’ testimony by cross-examining the detectives
    about their past disciplinary violations. Counsel elicited testimony from
    Detective S.A. that he had previously been disciplined by the Phoenix
    Police Department when he received a written reprimand for failing to
    honestly report facts pertaining to an investigation in 1983. Similarly,
    counsel elicited testimony from Detective R.A. that he had been disciplined
    in 2003 for leaving a training seminar early and not logging out when he
    did so. Thus, Appellant presented the jury with the relevant information
    regarding the detectives’ past conduct, and the jury could weigh that
    information in assessing the detectives’ credibility. Presentation of the
    Brady List or any additional documentary evidence supporting it would
    have been cumulative, see Ariz. R. Evid. 403, and preclusion of that list did
    not prejudice Appellant. Thus, to the extent the trial court did preclude its
    admission, the court did not abuse its discretion, see State v. Williams, 
    133 Ariz. 220
    , 230 (1982), much less commit fundamental, prejudicial error.
    IV.    Conflicts, Inconsistencies, and Omissions in Testimony
    ¶10          Appellant also argues the detectives’ testimony conflicted or
    contained inconsistencies—such as the proximity to which Appellant
    parked his vehicle to the detectives’ vehicle before the drug transaction—
    and contained omissions—such as a lack of detail regarding the make,
    6     Upon proper request, prosecutors must disclose to criminal
    defendants the names of police officers accused of professional misconduct,
    and a list of such officers is called a “Brady List.” See generally Brady v.
    373 U.S. 83
    , 87-88 (1963).
    Decision of the Court
    model, and license plate number of Appellant’s vehicle. Any discrepancies
    or omissions in these immaterial details go to the detectives’ credibility and
    do not constitute perjury, as asserted by Appellant, or reversible error. It
    was the jury’s province to assess and weigh the detectives’ credibility and
    to find the facts, while considering those inconsistencies or omissions. See
    State v. Boggs, 
    218 Ariz. 325
    , 335, ¶ 39 (2008) (“Determining veracity and
    credibility lies within the province of the jury . . . .” (citation omitted)); Estate
    of Reinen v. N. Ariz. Orthopedics, Ltd., 
    198 Ariz. 283
    , 287, ¶ 12 (2000) (“The
    credibility of a witness’ testimony and the weight it should be given are
    issues particularly within the province of the jury.” (citation omitted)). We
    defer to the jury’s findings if they are supported by the record and not
    clearly erroneous. See State v. Grell, 
    212 Ariz. 516
    , 528, ¶ 58 (2006) (citation
    V.      Willits Instruction
    ¶11          Appellant next argues the trial court should have instructed
    the jury pursuant to State v. Willits, 
    96 Ariz. 184
    (1964). The trial court
    declined to provide such an instruction after discussing the matter with
    counsel, both of whom agreed the instruction was not necessary because it
    was not relevant.
    ¶12            In general, we review a trial court’s denial of a Willits
    instruction for an abuse of discretion. State v. Glissendorf, 
    235 Ariz. 147
    , 150,
    ¶ 7 (2014). A Willits instruction tells jurors they may draw an inference from
    the State’s loss or destruction of material evidence that the evidence would
    have been unfavorable to the State. See State v. Fulminante, 
    193 Ariz. 485
    503, ¶ 62 (1999). Nevertheless, “[d]estruction or nonretention of evidence
    does not automatically entitle a defendant to a Willits instruction.” State v.
    184 Ariz. 9
    , 33 (1995). “To be entitled to a Willits instruction, a
    defendant must prove that (1) the state failed to preserve material and
    reasonably accessible evidence that could have had a tendency to exonerate
    the accused, and (2) there was resulting prejudice.” State v. Smith, 
    158 Ariz. 222
    , 227 (1988) (citation omitted). To show evidence had a “tendency to
    exonerate,” a defendant cannot simply speculate about how the evidence
    may have been helpful. 
    Glissendorf, 235 Ariz. at 150
    , ¶ 9 (citations omitted).
    Instead, “there must be a real likelihood that the evidence would have had
    evidentiary value.” 
    Id. (citations omitted).
    Further, Willits only provides
    for a duty to preserve evidence, not create it, and such an instruction is not
    called for merely because a more exhaustive investigation might have been
    made. See generally State v. Walters, 
    155 Ariz. 548
    , 550-51 (App. 1987).
    Decision of the Court
    ¶13            On this record, there is no indication the State lost, destroyed,
    or failed to preserve evidence, and it was not required to create evidence by
    videotaping or audiotaping the transaction between Appellant and the
    detectives. Although Appellant argues the detectives should have been
    required to retain any notes used to create the underlying police report and
    that failure to do so should have triggered a Willits instruction, any notes
    taken by the detectives in this case were irrelevant once their substance was
    incorporated into the police report, and the court therefore properly
    declined to give a Willits instruction. See State v. Travis, 
    26 Ariz. App. 24
    , 27
    VI.    Confidential Informant
    ¶14           Finally, Appellant alleges a violation of his Confrontation
    Clause rights, see U.S. Const. amend. VI; Ariz. Const. art. 2, § 24, with
    respect to testimonial evidence regarding possible hearsay statements
    allegedly made by the confidential informant and introduced through
    Detective R.A.7 The Confrontation Clause prohibits the admission of an
    out-of-court statement of a witness who does not appear at trial if the
    statement is testimonial, unless the witness is unavailable and the
    defendant had a prior opportunity to cross-examine the witness. See
    Crawford v. Washington, 
    541 U.S. 36
    , 53-54 (2004).
    ¶15          In this case, Detective R.A. testified in response to the
    prosecutor’s questioning on direct examination that the drug deal at issue
    had been set up by a confidential informant, and that the confidential
    informant had named Appellant as the person selling methamphetamine:
    Q And did you engage in an investigation of a potential drug
    A Yes.
    Q How did that get set up?
    A That was set up through a confidential informant.
    Q And what information did you have going into that
    potential drug buy?
    A The informant provided the first and last name of the
    individual I was dealing with. And then also provided,
    basically stated that this individual was selling
    Q And what was the first and last name you had?
    7      The confidential informant did not testify at trial, and Appellant had
    no prior opportunity to cross-examine him.
    Decision of the Court
    A Steve Suazo.
    Appellant did not object to this testimony at trial.
    ¶16          Pursuant to 
    Penson, 488 U.S. at 75-89
    , we ordered counsel for
    both sides to file simultaneous briefs addressing whether, through this
    testimony, a Confrontation Clause violation occurred; if so, whether it
    constituted fundamental, prejudicial error; and if so, the appropriate
    ¶17            After receiving and considering the parties’ briefs, we agree
    with Appellant that the quoted testimony, elicited by the prosecutor,
    constituted inadmissible hearsay offered to prove the truth of the matter
    asserted—that Appellant was a methamphetamine dealer, consistent with
    the detectives’ testimony that Appellant sold methamphetamine to them—
    and violated Appellant’s rights under the Confrontation Clause. However,
    because Appellant did not object to the detective’s testimony, our standard
    of review is fundamental error, which requires Appellant to “show that the
    error complained of goes to the foundation of his case, takes away a right
    that is essential to his defense, and is of such magnitude that he could not
    have received a fair trial.” State v. Henderson, 
    210 Ariz. 561
    , 568, ¶ 24 (2005)
    (citation omitted). For Appellant to prevail under this standard of review,
    he must establish both that fundamental error exists and that the error
    caused him prejudice. 
    Id. at 567,
    ¶ 20. To prove prejudice, Appellant may
    not rely upon mere speculation. See State v. Munninger, 
    213 Ariz. 393
    , 397,
    ¶ 14 (App. 2006); State v. Lowery, 
    230 Ariz. 536
    , 540, ¶ 9 (App. 2012) (stating
    that, when a defendant fails to object to an alleged error at trial, he must
    affirmatively show prejudice, and not merely that the error may reasonably
    have contributed to the verdict).
    ¶18            In this case, even if the error may properly be categorized as
    fundamental, Appellant fails to affirmatively demonstrate prejudice.
    Appellant argues he “was improperly labeled a drug dealer,” and he
    speculates this testimony “may have impacted the jury’s view of the
    evidence.” However, each of the detectives positively identified Appellant
    at trial as the person who sold them methamphetamine, the forensic
    scientist identified the substance tested as methamphetamine, and although
    defense counsel partially impeached the detectives through their past
    conduct, their identification of Appellant as the seller was certain.
    Accordingly, we conclude Appellant would unquestionably have been
    convicted even if the improper testimony had not been elicited. Appellant
    fails to show prejudice, and on this record, no reversible error occurred.
    Decision of the Court
    VII.   Other Issues
    ¶19          We have reviewed the entire record for reversible error and
    find none. See 
    Leon, 104 Ariz. at 300
    Clark, 196 Ariz. at 537
    , ¶ 30. Appellant
    was represented by counsel at all stages of the proceedings and was given
    the opportunity to speak at sentencing. The proceedings were conducted
    in compliance with his constitutional and statutory rights and the Arizona
    Rules of Criminal Procedure.
    ¶20            After filing of this decision, defense counsel’s obligations
    pertaining to Appellant’s representation in this appeal have ended.
    Counsel need do no more than inform Appellant of the status of the appeal
    and of his future options, unless counsel’s review reveals an issue
    appropriate for petition for review to the Arizona Supreme Court. See State
    v. Shattuck, 
    140 Ariz. 582
    , 584-85 (1984). Appellant has thirty days from the
    date of this decision to proceed, if he desires, with a pro per motion for
    reconsideration or petition for review.
    ¶21           Appellant’s conviction and sentence are affirmed.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court