State v. Graff ( 2018 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    STATE OF ARIZONA, Appellee,
    DONALD DUANE GRAFF, JR., Appellant.
    No. 1 CA-CR 17-0653
    FILED 7-31-2018
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. CR2016-115047-001 DT
    The Honorable Justin Beresky, Judge
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Joseph T. Maziarz
    Counsel for Appellee
    Maricopa County Public Defender’s Office, Phoenix
    By Paul J. Prato
    Counsel for Appellant
    Decision of the Court
    Judge Lawrence F. Winthrop delivered the decision of the Court, in which
    Presiding Judge James B. Morse Jr. and Judge Kent E. Cattani joined.
    W I N T H R O P, Judge:
    ¶1             Counsel for Donald Duane Graff, Jr. (“Appellant”) has filed a
    brief in accordance with Smith v. Robbins, 
    528 U.S. 259
    (2000); Anders v.
    386 U.S. 738
    (1967); and State v. Leon, 
    104 Ariz. 297
    advising this court that he has found no arguable question of law that is not
    frivolous and asking us to search the record for fundamental error. See State
    v. Clark, 
    196 Ariz. 530
    , 537, ¶ 30 (App. 1999) (stating that this court reviews
    the entire record for reversible error). A jury convicted Appellant of assault,
    unlawful imprisonment, aggravated assault, and disorderly conduct.
    Although this court granted counsel’s motion to allow Appellant to file a
    supplemental brief in propria persona, he has not done so. After reviewing
    the entire record, we affirm Appellant’s convictions and sentences.
    ¶2             A grand jury charged Appellant by indictment with assault, a
    class one misdemeanor and domestic violence offense (Count I); unlawful
    imprisonment, a class 6 felony and domestic violence offense (Count II);
    aggravated assault, a class 4 felony and domestic violence offense (Count
    III); and disorderly conduct, a class 1 misdemeanor (Count IV).
    ¶3           At trial, the State presented the following evidence: on March
    10, 2016, Mesa police officers Lavin and Marriott responded to a 911
    disturbance call and arrived at an apartment in Mesa, Arizona. Officer
    Lavin could hear yelling from inside the apartment as the officers
    approached. The officers knocked and announced themselves as police
    officers. After several minutes, Appellant opened the door, “became
    confrontational, asked what [the officers] were doing there, [and] said that
    [they] shouldn’t be there.” The officers explained that they were
    responding to a 911 call from a neighbor regarding a disturbance.
    Appellant told the officers “everything was fine and that nothing was
    1      We review the facts in the light most favorable to sustaining the
    verdict and resolve all reasonable inferences against Appellant. See State v.
    195 Ariz. 229
    , 230, ¶ 2 (App. 1998).
    Decision of the Court
    wrong.” Officer Lavin explained that, given the nature of the call, the
    officers needed to know who was in the apartment and make sure everyone
    was safe. Appellant stated that his girlfriend (“the victim”), was in the
    apartment and was “okay.” Officer Lavin asked if he could speak to the
    victim, but Appellant would not let her approach the door. Officer Lavin
    again explained that the officers needed to make sure everyone inside the
    apartment was safe. Appellant walked to the back of the hallway and
    yelled at the victim to tell the officers that she was okay. A female voice
    said, “I’m okay.” Officer Lavin asked the victim once again to come outside
    and talk to the officers. Appellant blocked the door and at least twice told
    the victim she could not leave. At this point, Officer Lavin told Appellant
    that, based on the nature of the call and the officers’ inability to ensure the
    victim was safe, he was required to enter the apartment. Appellant then let
    the victim leave the apartment. As she did so, she looked scared, spoke
    softly, and was shaking.
    ¶4             The officers took the victim to an advocacy center for a
    forensic examination. The forensic nurse who examined the victim testified
    at trial that the victim reported being slapped, punched, and choked.
    According to the nurse’s medical report, the victim disclosed having a
    headache, difficulty breathing, nausea, throat pain, and a change in vision.
    The nurse also testified that the forensic examination revealed numerous
    injuries: a laceration and abrasion between the nose and the upper lip; a
    bruise under the eye and abrasion to the nose; abrasions, petechiae, and
    bruising on the victim’s neck; red spotting on the higher area of the neck;
    and multiple abrasions on the left posterior shoulder. The nurse explained
    that all the victim’s injuries and symptoms were consistent with
    ¶5            At trial, the victim testified that she had dated Appellant for
    six months, but as of March 10, 2016, they were no longer involved.
    Sometime after midnight, she went over to Appellant’s mother’s apartment
    because Appellant told her he had heroin. When she arrived, however, he
    did not have the heroin. The victim then tried to leave, but Appellant began
    yelling, smacked her, and forced her into the apartment. The victim did not
    leave because she was scared and because she did not want to wake
    Appellant’s mother, who was asleep. Appellant gave the victim two
    Klonopin, which made her fall asleep.
    ¶6            Later that afternoon, Appellant’s mother awakened the victim
    and asked the victim to help her get dressed for a date. After Appellant’s
    mother left, an argument arose between Appellant and the victim because
    Appellant wanted the victim to stay and have sex with him. When she
    Decision of the Court
    refused, Appellant hit her, pulled her hair, hit her with the back of his hand,
    and choked her. Appellant also told her, “I’m going to kill you.”
    ¶7            The jury found Appellant guilty as charged on all counts.
    Before sentencing, the court conducted a trial on Appellant’s alleged prior
    convictions. The court found that the State had proven Appellant’s four
    alleged prior felony convictions, requiring that Appellant be sentenced as a
    category 3 offender.
    ¶8            At sentencing, the court considered the evidence presented at
    trial, Appellant’s cancer diagnosis, a presentence report, letters, and a
    statement from Appellant’s mother, as well as aggravating factors. The
    court sentenced Appellant as a non-dangerous, repetitive offender as
    follows: Count I: 6 months’ imprisonment with credit for 180 days of
    presentence incarceration; Count II: 3.75 years’ imprisonment with credit
    for 310 days of presentence incarceration; Count III: 8 years’ imprisonment
    with credit for 310 days of presentence incarceration; and Count IV: 6
    months’ imprisonment with credit for 180 days of presentence
    incarceration. The court ordered the sentences to run concurrently.
    ¶9            We have read and considered counsel’s brief and fully
    reviewed the entire record for reversible error, see 
    Leon, 104 Ariz. at 300
    Clark, 196 Ariz. at 537
    , ¶ 30, and find none. The proceedings were
    conducted in compliance with Appellant’s constitutional and statutory
    rights and the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure. Counsel represented
    Appellant at all stages of the proceedings, Appellant was afforded the
    opportunity to speak at sentencing, and the sentences imposed were within
    the statutory guidelines.
    ¶10            After filing of this decision, defense counsel shall inform
    Appellant of the status of the appeal and of his future options. Counsel has
    no further obligations related to this appeal unless, upon review, counsel
    finds an issue appropriate for submission to the Arizona Supreme Court by
    petition for review. See State v. Shattuck, 
    140 Ariz. 582
    , 584-85 (1984).
    Appellant shall have thirty days from the date of this decision to proceed,
    if he desires, with a pro per motion for reconsideration or petition for review.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶11   Appellant’s convictions and sentences are affirmed.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court