Johnson v. Johnson ( 2018 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    In re the Matter of:
    STEVEN D. JOHNSON, Petitioner/Appellant,
    MICHELLE JOHNSON, Respondent/Appellee.
    No. 1 CA-CV 18-0137 FC
    FILED 10-18-2018
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. DR1998-017225
    The Honorable Kristin R. Culbertson, Judge
    Raymond S. Dietrich PLC, Phoenix
    By Raymond S. Dietrich
    Counsel for Petitioner/Appellant
    The Harrian Law Firm, PLC, Glendale
    By Daniel Seth Riley
    Counsel for Respondent/Appellee
    Decision of the Court
    Presiding Judge Diane M. Johnsen delivered the decision of the Court, in
    which Judge Maria Elena Cruz and Judge Randall M. Howe joined.
    J O H N S E N, Judge:
    ¶1            Steven Johnson ("Husband") appeals from an order denying
    his motion for relief from a 2008 domestic relations order ("DRO") that
    allocated a portion of his retirement benefits to Michelle Johnson ("Wife").
    The superior court did not abuse its discretion in denying Husband's
    motion because it was untimely; therefore, we affirm.
    ¶2            During the marriage, Husband worked for the Mesa Police
    Department, where he accrued retirement benefits under the Arizona
    Public Safety Personnel Retirement System. Participants in this system do
    not contribute to the Social Security system. See Kohler v. Kohler, 
    211 Ariz. 106
    , 110, ¶ 14 (App. 2005). Pursuant to a 1999 consent decree, the parties
    agreed to divide the community interest in Husband's retirement benefits
    by way of a DRO. In 2008, the superior court signed the parties' stipulated
    DRO, which stated that the community had a 50% interest in Husband's
    retirement benefits earned during the marriage.
    ¶3             In 2017, relying on an Arizona Supreme Court decision
    decided in 2000, Husband sought relief from the DRO. In Kelly v. Kelly, 
    198 Ariz. 307
     (2000), one spouse participated in a retirement plan in which a
    portion of his retirement contributions were in lieu of Social Security
    contributions. Kelly held that to achieve an equitable allocation in such
    circumstances, the superior court may treat a portion of that spouse's
    retirement benefits as separate property if the other spouse contributed to
    Social Security, which, by federal law, remains separate property not
    subject to allocation upon divorce. 
    Id. at 309, ¶¶ 9-11
    ¶4           Here, Husband argued he was entitled to relief from the 2008
    DRO because it failed to apply a Kelly adjustment. Wife responded that
    Husband's motion was untimely because it was filed 17 years after the Kelly
    decision and nine years after entry of the DRO. Ruling on cross-motions
    for summary judgment, the superior court denied Husband's motion for
    Decision of the Court
    relief as untimely, finding he should have sought to apply the Kelly
    adjustment no later than 2008, when the parties entered the stipulated DRO.
    ¶5            Husband filed a timely notice of appeal. We have jurisdiction
    pursuant to Article 6, Section 9, of the Arizona Constitution, and Arizona
    Revised Statutes ("A.R.S.") sections 12-120.21(A)(1) (2018) and -2101(A)(2)
    (2018).1 See Vincent v. Shanovich, 
    243 Ariz. 269
    , 270, ¶ 1 (2017).
    ¶6           We review the superior court's ruling as to the timeliness of a
    motion for relief for an abuse of discretion. See Martin v. Martin, 
    182 Ariz. 11
    , 16 (App. 1994). Pursuant to Arizona Rule of Family Law Procedure
    85(C)(2), a motion for relief from judgment must be filed within a
    "reasonable time." The record supports the court's conclusion that
    Husband's motion was untimely.
    ¶7             Husband sought relief under Rule 85(C)(1)(f), which allows
    the court to relieve a party from a final judgment or order "for any other
    reason justifying relief." This rule "ha[s] been used liberally in reopening
    otherwise final court orders where there has been a change in the law
    affecting the substantial rights of a litigant." Edsall v. Superior Court (Edsall),
    143 Ariz. 240
    , 243 (1984).2 The change in the law Husband relies upon is the
    Kelly decision. However, that decision was issued eight years before the
    stipulated DRO. Thus, the change in the law predated the DRO from which
    Husband seeks relief. Husband failed to include the Kelly adjustment in the
    stipulated DRO, which his own lawyer prepared. As the superior court
    noted, Husband should have requested the Kelly adjustment when the
    parties were litigating the DRO in 2008. Thus, his 2017 request for relief
    from the DRO was untimely.
    ¶8            Husband contends this case is similar to Carranza v. Gonzales,
    2016 WL 3101784
     (Ariz. App. June 2, 2016) (mem. decision). The decree of
    dissolution in that case was entered five years before Kelly and did not
    include any method for allocating the community's interest in the pensions,
    and this court held the Kelly adjustment could be applied retroactively. Id.
    at *3-4, ¶¶ 14-16. The decree in Carranza "anticipated a future order
    1      Absent material revision after the relevant date, we cite the current
    version of a statute or rule.
    2      Edsall addressed Arizona Rule of Civil Procedure 60(C), which is
    identical to Arizona Rule of Family Law Procedure 85(C).
    Decision of the Court
    detailing the formula for allocating the pensions." Id. at *3, ¶ 14. Here, by
    contrast, the 2008 DRO was the "future order" detailing the formula for
    allocating Husband's retirement benefits. Had Husband raised the Kelly
    adjustment during the 2008 DRO proceedings, this case would be in the
    same posture as Carranza. But Husband failed to address Kelly when the
    parties litigated the DRO in 2008; thus, his attempt to raise the issue now is
    ¶9            We also reject Husband's contention that his motion was not
    untimely because the amount of the retirement benefit could not be
    calculated until he retired in 2017. The decree incorporated a property
    settlement agreement that stated the community portion of the retirement
    benefits would be "defined pursuant to a Van Loan formula." The 2008
    DRO set forth the fractional interest and specified that Wife is entitled to
    half that amount.3 The amended DRO Husband proposed in 2017
    contained the same formula as in the 2008 DRO, but reduced Wife's share
    from 50% to 33.9%, presumably to apply the Kelly adjustment. Contrary to
    Husband's argument, the specific benefit amount was not included in the
    DRO he proposed in 2017. Therefore, Husband had no need to wait until
    he actually retired in 2017 to request application of the Kelly adjustment.
    ¶10            Wife requests an award of attorney's fees on appeal but does
    not cite any statutory authority supporting her request. For that reason, we
    deny her request. See Roubos v. Miller, 
    214 Ariz. 416
    , 420, ¶ 21 (2007); see also
    3     The stipulated DRO describes the numerator/denominator for
    determining Wife's fractional interest as follows:
    Months married as Member (through January 1, 1999) / Total
    months as a Member x 1/2 = Alternate Payee's Portion.
    Decision of the Court
    Arizona Rule of Civil Appellate Procedure ("ARCAP") 21(a)(2). As the
    successful party, however, Wife is entitled to her costs on appeal upon
    compliance with ARCAP 21. See A.R.S. § 12-342 (2018).
    ¶11           We affirm the superior court's order denying Husband's
    motion for relief from the 2008 DRO.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court

Document Info

Docket Number: 1 CA-CV 18-0137-FC

Filed Date: 10/18/2018

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 4/17/2021