Carranza v. Gonzales ( 2016 )

  •                       NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    In re the Marriage of:
    IRENE CARRANZA (FNA GONZALES), Petitioner/Appellant,
    RICHARD M. GONZALES, Respondent/Appellee.
    No. 1 CA-CV 15-0148 FC
    FILED 6-2-2016
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. DR1994-018577
    The Honorable Michael J. Herrod, Judge
    TS Facciola PLLC, Tempe
    By Tamra S. Facciola
    Counsel for Petitioner/Appellant
    Law Office of John E. Herrick, Phoenix
    By John E. Herrick
    Counsel for Respondent/Appellee
    Decision of the Court
    Presiding Judge Jon W. Thompson delivered the decision of the Court, in
    which Judge Maurice Portley and Judge Patricia K. Norris joined.
    T H O M P S O N, Judge:
    ¶1            Irene Carranza (Wife) appeals from a family court order
    allocating the pension she earned as an employee of the United States Postal
    Service (USPS). The family court correctly applied Arizona Revised Statue
    (A.R.S.) § 25-211 as it existed at the time the parties divorced in 1995.
    However, the court erred when it failed to apply Kelly v. Kelly, 
    198 Ariz. 307
    9 P.3d 1046
     (2000), in the 2015 order allocating Wife’s pension. Accordingly,
    we affirm the portion of the order allocating the pensions as of the date of
    the decree but vacate the formula used and remand for an order consistent
    with Kelly.
    ¶2             During the marriage, both parties worked for the USPS. The
    1995 divorce decree awarded each party one-half of the community interest
    in the other’s USPS pension, to be distributed through a separately entered
    qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). 1 It was not until 2013, after
    both parties had retired, when Richard Gonzales (Husband) requested the
    court enter an order awarding him one-half of the community interest in
    Wife’s pension.
    ¶3            Although both parties were employed by the USPS, Wife
    participated in the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), which does not
    include Social Security. See Kelly, 
    198 Ariz. at 308, ¶ 1
    9 P.3d at
    1047 (citing
    5 U.S.C. § 8349
     (1996)). Husband participated in the Federal Employee
    Retirement System (FERS), which meant he was eligible for Social Security
    benefits but had a reduced pension. See Kelly, 
     Wife argued the family
    court should apply the CSRS analysis set forth in Kelly, 
    198 Ariz. at 309
    , ¶
    1Typically, such orders are QDROs. See 
    29 U.S.C. § 1056
    (d)(3)(B)(i) (2014).
    However, the pensions at issue here required a specific order which
    Husband designated a “Court Order Acceptable for Processing Under the
    CSRS.” See generally 
    5 C.F.R. § 838.302
    . This decision will refer to this as the
    Decision of the Court
    9 P.3d at 1048
    , to account for the inequity caused by this significant
    difference in the parties’ pensions. Without addressing Kelly, the family
    court concluded Husband was entitled to an order dividing Wife’s pension
    benefits as of the date of the decree. In a motion to clarify, Wife again
    argued the order should comply with Kelly. The court denied Wife’s motion
    without comment and entered an order awarding Husband one-half of the
    community interest in Wife’s CSRS pension. The community interest was
    determined by multiplying the monthly benefit by a fraction, the numerator
    being the number of months employed during the marriage and the
    denominator being the total number of months of employment. According
    to the order, the marriage terminated on June 1, 1995, the date of the decree.
    ¶4            Wife filed a timely notice of appeal from this order. We have
    jurisdiction pursuant to A.R.S. § 12-2101(A)(2) (Supp. 2015).
    I. Court Properly Used Date of Decree to Divide Pension
    ¶5             Wife contends the family court erred by ordering that the
    community interest in her pension shall be calculated using the date of
    decree as the date the community terminated. Wife argues the community
    interest in her pension terminated on November 16, 1994, the date of
    service, not the later June 1, 1995 date of the decree. Wife relies on A.R.S. §
    25-211(A)(2) (Supp. 2015), which provides that property acquired after
    service of a petition for dissolution resulting in a decree is not community
    property. Therefore, Wife contends, the order improperly awarded
    Husband a portion of her pension that was Wife’s separate property.
    ¶6             We review issues of statutory interpretation de novo. Merrill
    v. Merrill, 
    230 Ariz. 369
    , 372, ¶ 7, 
    284 P.3d 880
    , 883 (App. 2012). At the time
    the decree was entered, community property was defined as all property
    acquired during the marriage. See 1998 Ariz. Sess. Laws, ch. 280, § 3 (2nd
    Reg. Sess.) (adding language now found in current version of § 25-211
    (A)(2)). The language Wife relies on was not part of § 25-211(A)(2) until
    1998, three years after the parties’ decree was entered. The legislature
    expressly stated that this change in statutory language applied only to
    actions for dissolutions commenced on or after the effective date of the act,
    which was December 31, 1998. See 1998 Ariz. Sess. Laws, ch. 280, §§ 27, 28
    (2nd Reg. Sess.). The language Wife relies on in § 25-211(A)(2) clearly does
    not apply because this dissolution was commenced before this statute
    became effective. Id. Accordingly, the court did not err in applying the
    statutory language in effect, when the parties’ decree was entered.
    Decision of the Court
    II. Court Erred By Failing to Apply the Kelly Formula Retroactively
    ¶7             Wife also contends the family court should have applied the
    analysis in Kelly in allocating Wife’s CSRS pension. Whether the holding in
    Kelly applied retroactively is a question of law subject to de novo review.
    See Merrill, 230 Ariz. at 372, ¶ 7, 284 P.2d at 883.
    ¶8             Wife contends that her entire CSRS pension was not divisible
    as a community asset because a portion of her pension contributions was in
    lieu of a Social Security contribution and that portion is to be treated as her
    separate property pursuant to Kelly, 
    198 Ariz. at 309, ¶ 11
    9 P.3d at 1048
    See also Kohler v. Kohler, 
    211 Ariz. 106
    , 109, ¶ 14, 118 P.3d at 624 (applying
    Kelly analysis). In Kelly, the husband participated in a CSRS pension and,
    therefore, did not contribute to Social Security; the wife had a FERS pension
    and did contribute to Social Security. Kelly, 
    198 Ariz. at 308, ¶ 1
    9 P.3d at 1047
    . Thus, the parties here are in the same positions as the parties in Kelly.
    ¶9            Kelly held that because the wife’s FERS contributions to Social
    Security were exempt as a matter of law from equitable allocation as a
    community asset, principles of equity compelled the court to treat the
    husband’s contributions to his CSRS pension in a similar manner. 
    Id. at 309, ¶¶ 9-10
    9 P.3d at 1048
    . The court reasoned that the spouse with a FERS
    pension also contributes community property to Social Security, but under
    federal law, the Social Security benefits cannot be allocated upon a
    Id. at 308, 309, ¶¶ 5, 9
    9 P.3d at 1047
    , 1048 (citing 
    47 U.S.C. § 407
    (a)).   However, the spouse with a CSRS pension also makes
    contributions from community wages, but his entire CSRS pension is
    entirely divisible upon dissolution. Kelly, id at 309, ¶ 9, 
    9 P.3d at 1048
    . To
    remedy this inequity, the court concluded
    a present value, measured as of the date of dissolution, should
    be placed on the social security benefits [the CSRS employee-
    spouse] would have received had he participated in that system
    during the marriage. This necessarily will require a
    reconstruction of his wages. The social security calculation
    can then be deducted from the present value of [the] CSRS
    pension on the date of dissolution. The remainder, if any, is
    what may be divided as community property.
    Decision of the Court
    Id. at ¶ 11 (emphasis in original).2 See also Kohler, 211 Ariz. at 109, ¶ 12, 118
    P.3d at 624.
    ¶10            The family court implicitly rejected Wife’s request to apply
    the Kelly analysis to her CSRS pension. Although the facts of Kelly are
    identical to the circumstances presented here, the decision in Kelly was
    issued in 2000, five years after the parties divorced. Wife contends Kohler
    v. Kohler, 
    211 Ariz. 106
    118 P.3d 621
     (App. 2005), also supports application
    of the Kelly analysis in to this case. However, the decree of dissolution in
    Kohler was entered well after Kelly was decided; thus, the court did not have
    to determine whether to apply Kelly retroactively. Kohler, 211 Ariz. at 106-
    07, ¶ 1, 
    118 P.3d at 622
    ¶11          Husband contends application of Kelly would constitute an
    improper modification of the parties’ 1995 decree. Wife contends she is
    merely asking the court to equitably divide her pension, not modify the
    1995 decree.
    ¶12            The decree does not set forth the manner in which the
    pensions will be divided, other than to state that each spouse is entitled to
    one-half of the “community’s interest” in the other’s pension. The order
    dividing the pension was to be filed separately. That order was not filed
    until 2015; it was first submitted in 2013. The decree did not determine the
    “community interest,” therefore, application of Kelly does not constitute a
    modification of the decree.
    ¶13            Husband argues this case is analogous to DeGryse v. DeGryse,
    135 Ariz. 335
    , 337, 
    661 P.2d 185
    , 187 (1983) (citing Rodriguez v. Rodriguez, 
    133 Ariz. 88
    649 P.2d 291
    , approved, 
    133 Ariz. 87
    649 P.2d 290
     (1982)), which
    declined to apply a new United States Supreme Court case retroactively. In
    DeGryse and Rodriguez, the decrees treated military retirement pay as a
    community asset to be equitably divided and awarded the non-military
    spouse a specific amount of the retirement pay. DeGryse, 
    135 Ariz. at 336
    661 P.2d at 186
    ; Rodriguez, 133 Ariz. at 88, 649 P.2d at 291. The United States
    Supreme Court then decided McCarty v. McCarty, 
    453 U.S. 210
     (1981), which
    2Wife asks this court to clarify that the “date of dissolution” language used
    in Kelly quoted above, is intended to reflect the definition of community
    property found in A.R.S. § 25-211(A)(2). However, the decree in Kelly was
    entered in 1997, which is before the language now found in § 25-211(A)(2)
    became effective. Kelly, 
    198 Ariz. at 301, ¶ 1
    9 P.3d at 1047
    . Therefore, the
    statutory language in § 25-211(A)(2) did not apply in Kelly, nor does it apply
    here. See infra ¶ 6.
    Decision of the Court
    held military retirement pay was not divisible. DeGryse and Rodriguez held
    that “McCarty did not alter the res judicata consequences of a divorce decree
    which was final before McCarty.” 
    135 Ariz. at 337
    661 P.2d at
    187 (citing
    133 Ariz. 87
    649 P.2d 290
    ¶14            Here the decree was final, but it was silent as to the method
    for allocating the pensions and the amount to which the community was
    entitled. The decree anticipated a future order detailing the formula for
    allocating of the pensions. Thus, there is no formula in the decree that is
    res judicata.
    ¶15           Arizona appellate opinions are presumed to apply both
    prospectively and retroactively unless otherwise specified. See Law v.
    Superior Court (Harder), 
    157 Ariz. 147
    , 160, 
    755 P.2d 1135
    , 1148 (1988). The
    opinion in Kelly does not state that it only applies prospectively; thus, Kelly
    is presumed to apply retroactively. See Zavala v. Ariz. State Personnel Bd.,
    159 Ariz. 256
    , 264-65, 
    766 P.2d 608
    , 616-17 (App. 1987) (applying supreme
    court decision retroactively where that decision did not otherwise specify
    that it would only apply prospectively). This court cannot decide to make
    Kelly prospective only; such an action was reserved for the supreme court.
    See Law, 
    157 Ariz. at 160
    755 P.2d at 1148
    ; Fain Land & Cattle Co, v. Hassell,
    163 Ariz. 587
    , 596, 
    790 P.2d 242
    , 251 (1990); Taylor v. Travelers Indem. Co., 
    198 Ariz. 310
    , 321, par. 30, 
    9 P.3d 1049
    , 1060 (2000). As the supreme court in
    Kelly did not determine that the decision should apply prospectively only,
    we apply the general rule.
    ¶16             The 1995 decree did not specify a formula for determining the
    community interest in the pensions. Thus, application of Kelly does not
    alter or effect the terms of the decree and is not a modification. We conclude
    the family court erred when it entered an order that did not determine the
    community’s interest in Wife’s CSRS pension pursuant to the analysis in
    Kelly. Accordingly, we vacate that portion of the order and remand for
    application of Kelly.3
    ¶17           We affirm the order to the extent it allocated the pensions as
    of the date of the decree. However, the order is vacated and remanded to
    3Because this case involved questions of law, there was no need to consider
    Wife’s failure to provide a transcript of the November 26, 2014 hearing.
    Decision of the Court
    determine the portion of Wife’s CSRS pension that is community property
    and that which is her separate property consistent with Kelly.