State v. Vigil ( 2022 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    STATE OF ARIZONA, Appellee,
    JOHN VIGIL, JR., Appellant.
    No. 1 CA-CR 22-0144
    FILED 11-22-2022
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Navajo County
    No. S0900CR202100741
    No. S0900CR202000490
    The Honorable Dale P. Nielson, Judge
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Linley Wilson
    Counsel for Appellee
    Oliverson & Huss Law, PLLC, Tempe
    By David Greenberg
    Counsel for Appellant
    Decision of the Court
    Judge Paul J. McMurdie delivered the Court’s decision, in which Presiding
    Judge Brian Y. Furuya and Judge Jennifer B. Campbell joined.
    M c M U R D I E, Judge:
    ¶1             John Vigil Jr. appeals his convictions and sentences for
    continuous sexual abuse, child molestation, and sexual conduct with a
    minor. Vigil’s counsel filed a brief per Anders v. California, 
    386 U.S. 738
    (1967), and State v. Leon, 
    104 Ariz. 297
     (1969), certifying that, after a diligent
    search of the record, he found no arguable question of law that was not
    frivolous.1 Vigil was allowed to file a supplemental brief, and he alleged:
    (1) the prosecutor engaged in misconduct through vouching and improper
    emotional appeal; (2) the State’s exhibits 1-10 were prejudicial and
    irrelevant; (3) Juror #13 soiled the jury by expressing bias; (4) Juror #11
    could not hear the evidence presented; and (5) Defendant was misled
    during his State v. Donald, 
    198 Ariz. 406
     (App. 2000) hearing. Counsel asks
    this court to search the record for arguable issues. See Penson v. Ohio, 
    488 U.S. 75
     (1988); State v. Clark, 
    196 Ariz. 530
    , 537, ¶ 30 (App. 1999). After
    reviewing the record, we affirm Vigil’s convictions and sentences.
    1       About two weeks after counsel filed the brief and certification, Vigil
    filed a pro se motion to proceed as indigent on appeal. In that motion, Vigil
    alleged that his counsel had stated he “would not be able to continue the
    appeals process” unless he was paid more money. Allegedly, counsel also
    suggested that if Vigil could not pay, he would not file an appeal and would
    instead file “what [he had].” Vigil claims that only after failing to pay his
    counsel’s fees, counsel filed the Anders brief. We summarily denied the pro
    se motion, reasoning that the right to counsel “does not include the right to
    counsel of choice.”
    Because our review of the record does not find arguable issues, we
    affirm the convictions and sentences. But Vigil may raise an ineffective
    assistance of appellate counsel argument in a petition for post-conviction
    relief. See Ariz. R. Crim. P. 32.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶2           John Vigil Jr. is married to Bianca, the biological mother of
    Elena, born August 2009, and Mikayla, born April 2003. Vigil lived with
    Bianca and the girls and was their father figure. In January 2020, when
    Elena was ten years old, Bianca noticed some behavioral changes in Elena.
    When asked, Elena told her mother, “Daddy hurts me.” Elena then
    described that Vigil would put his penis inside her, and “white stuff”
    would come out.
    ¶3              Bianca asked her other daughter, Mikayla, whether Vigil had
    ever “been inappropriate” with her, and Mikayla told her mother to believe
    Elena and to call the police. Vigil was charged with continuous sexual abuse
    of a child, child molestation, furnishing harmful items to minors, and sexual
    conduct with a minor.
    ¶4             At the trial, both Elena and Mikayla testified. Elena described
    an instance in which Vigil entered her room at night, had her pull down her
    pants, and placed his penis in her vagina. She revealed this behavior
    occurred roughly once a week, going back several years. And she testified
    that a “mushy substance,” which she believed to be white, came out of the
    tip of his penis many times.
    ¶5             Describing another occasion, Elena stated that Vigil held her
    face to face while fully clothed with his penis rubbing against her vagina.
    Elena testified to an incident in which Vigil showed her a video on his cell
    phone. She described seeing an adult female “on top of a man, and she was
    going up and down on his penis, and they didn’t have any clothes.”
    ¶6            Mikayla testified that Vigil placed his hands under her
    pajamas, touching her genitals and chest. She also described how he took
    his penis out and put it in her vagina. On another occasion, she awoke to
    Vigil in her bed, after which he rubbed her genitals with his hand and put
    his penis in her vagina again. Another episode involved Vigil insisting that
    Mikayla rub his penis with her hand, manipulating her hand with his to rub
    2    We view the facts in the light most favorable to sustaining the
    judgment. State v. Mendoza, 
    248 Ariz. 6
    , 11, ¶ 1, n.1 (App. 2019).
    3      To protect the children’s identities, we refer to them by pseudonyms.
    Decision of the Court
    his penis. Mikayla also described another instance in which Vigil put his
    penis in her anus, where he thrust it in and out.
    ¶7             Two days after Bianca called the police, a pediatric sexual
    assault nurse examined Elena and Mikayla. The nurse testified Elena had a
    normal exam with no injuries. She explained that the “female anatomy is
    built to receive penetration, therefore it’s very stretchy, it’s very pliable so
    penetration can happen, and normally does happen without any injury.”
    As for Mikayla, the nurse testified she had two transections of the hymen,
    which she stated would occur from a penetrative injury. The nurse said one
    of the transections appeared to have been within a week to two weeks old,
    but Mikayla’s most recent sexual experience with her boyfriend had been
    several months earlier.
    ¶8            The jury found Vigil guilty of continuous sexual abuse of a
    child, child molestation, and sexual conduct with a minor. The jury found
    Vigil not guilty of the charge of furnishing harmful items to minors. The
    court sentenced Vigil to the presumptive prison sentences for continuous
    sexual abuse of a child and child molestation. His two counts for sexual
    conduct with a minor were life sentences as mandated by statute. See A.R.S.
    § 13-705(A).
    ¶9            Vigil appealed.
    ¶10          We have read and considered counsel’s brief and have
    reviewed the record for any arguable issues. See Leon, 
    104 Ariz. at 300
    . We
    find none.
    ¶11            We briefly address Vigil’s supplemental arguments.
    Reviewing the prosecutor’s closing argument, we do not find that he
    engaged in misconduct through vouching or improper emotional appeal.
    We agree that State’s exhibits 1-10 were of limited relevance, but there was
    no prejudice by including ten photos of the victims at various ages. It was
    within the discretion of the superior court to allow them. The court did not
    err in its management of Juror #13. Polling the jury revealed no “soil[ing];”
    regardless, Juror #13 was excused at her request before deliberations. There
    is insufficient evidence that Juror #11 could not hear testimony at the trial.
    Juror #11 never suggested any such difficulty, and it was within the
    superior court’s discretion to decide whether there was concern about the
    issue. Finally, the defendant was present for his Donald hearing. There is no
    evidence to suggest that he was not given a fair representation of the
    Decision of the Court
    charges against him or their associated sentences. In sum, Vigil’s arguments
    are meritless.
    ¶12           Vigil was present and represented by counsel at all stages of
    the proceedings against him. The record reflects the superior court afforded
    Vigil all his constitutional and statutory rights and conducted the
    proceedings following the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure. The court
    held appropriate pretrial hearings, and the evidence presented at trial and
    summarized above was enough to support the jury’s verdicts. Vigil’s
    sentences fall within the range prescribed by law, with proper credit given
    for presentence incarceration.
    ¶13           Vigil’s convictions and sentences are affirmed. After filing
    this decision, defense counsel’s obligations pertaining to Vigil’s
    representation in this appeal will end after informing Vigil of the outcome
    of this appeal and his future options unless counsel’s review reveals an
    issue appropriate for submission to the Arizona Supreme Court by petition
    for review. See State v. Shattuck, 
    140 Ariz. 582
    , 584–85 (1984).
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court
    FILED:    JT

Document Info

Docket Number: 1 CA-CR 22-0144

Filed Date: 11/22/2022

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 11/22/2022