State v. Wickham ( 2014 )

  •                           NOTICE: NOT FOR PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    STATE OF ARIZONA, Appellee,
    No. 1 CA-CR 13-0791
    FILED 11-18-2014
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. CR2013-001992-001
    The Honorable John R. Ditsworth, Judge
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix
    By Joseph T. Maziarz
    Counsel for Appellee
    Maricopa County Public Defender’s Office, Phoenix
    By Charles R. Krull
    Counsel for Appellant
    Decision of the Court
    Presiding Judge Patricia A. Orozco delivered the decision of the Court, in
    which Judge Randall M. Howe and Judge Maurice Portley, joined.
    O R O Z C O, Judge:
    ¶1             Wesley Todd Wickham appeals his convictions and sentences
    for one count of aggravated assault, a class 3 felony, two counts of
    kidnapping, a class 2 felony, and one count of first degree burglary of a
    residential structure, a class 2 felony. Wickham’s counsel filed a brief in
    accordance with Anders v. California, 
    386 U.S. 738
     (1967) and State v. Leon,
    104 Ariz. 297
    451 P.2d 878
     (1969), advising that after searching the entire
    appellate record, no arguable question of law was found. Wickham was
    afforded the opportunity to file a supplemental brief pro per, which he has
    done and we have considered. Our obligation is to review “the entire
    record for reversible error.” State v. Clark, 
    196 Ariz. 530
    , 537, ¶ 30, 
    2 P.2d 89
    , 96 (App. 1999). Finding no reversible error, we affirm Wickham’s
    convictions and sentences.
    ¶2            After calling V.G. to discuss a small outstanding debt,
    Wickham went to V.G.’s house to supposedly pay off his debt. Wickham
    briefly entered the house before going back outside. V.G. went into another
    room when Wickham left the house, and he testified that he “heard a
    commotion,” which he assumed was Wickham coming back inside. V.G.
    stated that when he returned to the room where Wickham had come in,
    another man, who was wearing a black mask covering his face and holding
    a gun, was with Wickham. The man pointed the gun at V.G. and told him
    to sit down. Wickham walked past V.G. towards the bedrooms in the back
    of the house. V.G. refused to sit down and, after V.G. heard his girlfriend,
    M.M., scream from a back bedroom, a struggle ensued. The gun went off
    during the struggle, and the bullet grazed V.G’s neck before embedding in
    the ceiling. Soon after, Wickham returned,“jumped” on V.G., and began
    hitting him. The man with the gun stood up and tried to aim the gun at
    V.G. Another shot was fired, hitting V.G. in the head and Wickham in the
    arm. Wickham shouted at the gunman, and the two fled from the house.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶3             M.M., who lived in the house with V.G., testified that she
    knew Wickham was coming over that night, and she was in a back bedroom
    when he arrived. She stated that she did not realize anything was wrong
    until she saw Wickham come into the bedroom with a “frantic” look on his
    face. She testified that she screamed as Wickham gagged her and ordered
    her to lie on the floor face down. Wickham then left the room, and M.M.
    got up, ran into the master bedroom, grabbed her phone, locked herself in
    the bathroom, and called 911. M.M repeatedly stated the name “Wesley”
    to the 911 operator while she was on the phone, and she testified that she
    “wanted to make sure [the 911 operator] understood me. So I was spelling
    his name, W-e-s-l-e-y. In case I died.”
    ¶4             R.B. testified that, on the night of the crimes, Wickham was
    staying at his apartment. R.B. awoke to a “commotion” in his bathroom,
    and when he investigated, he found “Wesley . . . in the bathtub, and it was
    about 3 inches full of water and full of blood . . . trying to stop his bleeding,
    you know, with the cold water and a towel wrapped around his arm.” R.B.
    testified that another man was in the bathroom with Wickham, and he
    further stated that he had seen this same man in his apartment earlier that
    night with a gun. R.B. asked the two men to leave, which they did. R.B.
    later identified Wickham in a photo lineup provided by police.
    ¶5            When police arrived at V.G.’s house, officers spoke with both
    V.G. and M.M. V.G. was “bleeding quite a bit” when officers arrived.
    Officers performed a protective sweep inside the house, observing blood on
    the floor and a bullet hole in the ceiling. Officers accompanied V.G. to the
    hospital, where he was treated and released. When he returned home, V.G.
    refused to allow police to search his home for evidence. Officers returned
    with a search warrant, and they collected evidence, including pictures of a
    black backpack containing a black mask, a bandanna, duct tape, gloves, and
    a couple of knives. V.G. testified that Wickham brought this backpack into
    the house when Wickham first arrived.
    ¶6            Wickham was arrested in Tucson just over a week after the
    crimes occurred. He was charged, tried, and convicted by a jury on all
    charges. The jury likewise found several aggravating factors proven for
    each offense. The jury found that the aggravated assault, first degree
    burglary, and one of the kidnapping charges were dangerous offenses.
    Wickham was sentenced to 18 years for each kidnapping count and the first
    degree burglary count, and to 15 years for the aggravated assault count, all
    to be served concurrently. Wickham timely appealed. We have jurisdiction
    Decision of the Court
    pursuant to Article 6, Section 9, of the Arizona Constitution, Arizona
    Revised Statutes sections 12-120.21.A.1, 13-4031 and -4033.A.1 (West 2014).1
    ¶7            We review the evidence in the light most favorable to
    sustaining the jury’s verdict, and all reasonable inferences are resolved
    against the defendant. State v. Stroud, 
    209 Ariz. 410
    , 412, ¶ 6, 
    103 P.3d 912
    914 (2005). Wickham raises two issues in his supplemental brief, which we
    analyze in turn.2
    I.     Admissibility of Evidence
    ¶8            The State moved in limine before trial to exclude “any
    statements or references to the smell of marijuana in the victim[s’]
    residence, or evidence of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia found in the
    victims’ residence during the search warrant search.” Wickham argues the
    trial court erred by granting the State’s motion and contends that this
    evidence “would have shown the jury the true lifestyle of [V.G. and M.M.].”
    Wickham further contends that no evidence linked him to the black
    backpack in V.G.’s house and that this evidence should have been excluded.
    ¶9              “We review evidentiary rulings for an abuse of discretion and
    defer to the trial court’s determination of relevance.” State v. Chappell, 
    225 Ariz. 229
    , 238, ¶ 28, 
    236 P.3d 1176
    , 1185 (2010). Relevant evidence is any
    evidence that “has a tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it
    would be without the evidence;” or any fact “of consequence in
    determining the action.” Ariz. R. Evid. 401. After evidence is admitted as
    relevant, it is the jury’s responsibility “to weigh the evidence as a whole, to
    resolve any inconsistencies therein, and then to determine whether or not a
    reasonable doubt exists.” State v. Money, 
    110 Ariz. 18
    , 25, 
    514 P.2d 1014
    1021 (1973).
    ¶10           The trial court did not err in granting the State’s motion in
    limine because evidence that the victims possessed drug paraphernalia and
    stored it in their house does not make it any more or less probable that
    Wickham committed the crimes at issue. The Arizona Rules of Evidence do
    1     We cite the current version of applicable statutes when no revisions
    material to this decision have since occurred.
    2      Wickham raises a third issue concerning the effectiveness of his trial
    counsel, which we do not address in a direct appeal. See State ex.rel. Thomas
    v. Rayes, 
    214 Ariz. 411
    , 415, ¶ 20, 
    153 P.3d 1040
    , 1044 (2007).
    Decision of the Court
    not allow for impeaching a witness’s truthfulness using extrinsic evidence
    in the manner Wickham seeks. See Ariz. R. Evid. 608(b). The so-called “true
    lifestyle” of the victims was simply irrelevant to Wickham’s guilt or
    innocence of the charged offenses.
    ¶11           Similarly, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in
    allowing the evidence concerning the black backpack. Although Wickham
    contends that no evidence linked him to the backpack, V.G. specifically
    testified that Wickham brought the backpack into the house. The
    backpack’s existence was uncontested, and as part of the crime scene, the
    pictures of the backpack, its contents as documented by police, and V.G.’s
    testimony about it were relevant for the jury to consider. It was the jury’s
    responsibility to assess the credibility of witnesses and weigh the evidence
    presented, and we will not reweigh the evidence on appeal. See State v. Lee,
    189 Ariz. 590
    , 603, 
    944 P.2d 1204
    , 1217 (1997).
    II.    Wickham’s Denied Mistrial Motions
    ¶12           Wickham next asserts that the trial court erred by denying his
    motions for mistrial made during R.B.’s testimony. While testifying about
    what he saw on the night of the crimes, R.B. twice stated that he knew
    Wickham was struggling with drug addiction and planning to enter a
    rehabilitation program. Wickham’s counsel moved for a mistrial after both
    statements and both motions were denied.
    ¶13          We review mistrial motions for abuse of discretion. State v.
    230 Ariz. 281
    , 292, ¶ 52, 
    283 P.3d 12
    , 23 (2012). Declaring a mistrial
    “is the most dramatic remedy for trial error and should be granted only
    when it appears that justice will be thwarted unless the jury is discharged
    and a new trial granted.” State v. Adamson, 
    136 Ariz. 250
    , 262, 
    665 P.2d 972
    984 (1983).
    ¶14           Here, a “dramatic remedy” was not required. Although
    statements of Wickham’s drug use and treatment plans were irrelevant and
    unnecessary, R.B. was admonished by the trial court to limit his testimony
    to the questions asked. The trial court was in the best position to assess the
    statements’ effect on the jury, and because the record does not indicate that
    the statements prejudiced the jury against Wickham, the trial court did not
    err in denying the mistrial motions.
    ¶15          We have read and considered the briefs and carefully
    searched the entire appellate record for reversible error and have found
    Decision of the Court
    none. See Clark, 
    196 Ariz. at 541, ¶ 49
    2 P.3d at 100
    . The proceedings were
    conducted in compliance with the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure,
    and we conclude substantial evidence supported the jury’s verdicts.
    Wickham was represented by counsel at all critical stages of the
    proceedings. Wickham and his counsel were given an opportunity to speak
    at sentencing, and a legal sentence was imposed.
    ¶16           Counsel’s     obligations     pertaining      to     Wickham’s
    representation in this appeal have ended. See State v. Shattuck, 
    140 Ariz. 582
    684 P.2d 154
    , 156 (1984). Counsel need do nothing more than inform
    Wickham of the status of this appeal and any future options, unless
    Counsel’s review reveals an issue appropriate for a petition for review to
    the Arizona Supreme Court. See 
    id. at 585
    684 P.2d at 157
    . Wickham has
    thirty days from the date of this decision to proceed, if desired, with a pro
    per motion for reconsideration or petition for review.
    ¶17           Wickham’s convictions and sentences are affirmed.