Jean K. v. Jeremy M., J.K. ( 2016 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    JEAN K., Appellant,
    JEREMY M., J.K., Appellees.
    No. 1 CA-JV 16-0166
    FILED 12-1-2016
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. JS517359
    The Honorable Rodrick J. Coffey, Judge
    Vierling Law Offices, Phoenix
    By Thomas A. Vierling
    Counsel for Appellant
    Law Office of Anne M. Williams, P.C., Mesa
    By Anne M. Williams
    Counsel for Appellee Jeremy M.
    JEAN K. v. JEREMY M., J.K.
    Decision of the Court
    Judge Christopher T. Whitten1 delivered the decision of the Court, in which
    Presiding Judge Kent E. Cattani and Judge Lawrence F. Winthrop joined.
    W H I T T E N, Judge:
    ¶1            Jean K. (“Mother”) appeals the juvenile court’s order
    terminating her parental rights to her daughter, J.K. (“Child”). Mother
    argues there is insufficient evidence to support the court’s best interests
    finding. For the following reasons, we affirm.
    ¶2             Child, born in February 2006, is the biological child of Mother
    and Jeremy M. (“Father”). When Child was five years old, the Department
    of Child Safety (“DCS”) took custody of her and began a dependency
    action, which was later dismissed upon Father taking custody in December
    2011. Mother was incarcerated shortly after the dependency was initiated
    for failure to pay court ordered child support arrears related to her other
    children. Mother was also convicted of possession of drug paraphernalia,
    was incarcerated at the time of the initial severance trial in 2015, and had a
    hold for failure to appear in a Glendale matter. Mother was in and out of
    custody from 2011 through 2015.
    ¶3            While on release in September 2012, Mother filed a petition to
    modify her parenting time. The court granted the petition, awarded Mother
    supervised parenting time, ordered her to participate in six months of
    urinalysis testing, and appointed a mental health expert to provide
    reunification therapy for Mother and Child.
    ¶4           Mother only provided one clean urinalysis and, although she
    sought two visits with Child in August 2013, the visits were cancelled at
    Mother’s request. Mother was in and out of custody multiple times from
    2011 through 2015.
    1      The Honorable Christopher T. Whitten, Judge of the Arizona
    Superior Court, has been authorized to sit in this matter pursuant to Article
    VI, Section 3 of the Arizona Constitution.
    JEAN K. v. JEREMY M., J.K.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶5            Father filed a petition for termination of Mother’s parent-
    child relationship in June 2014, alleging that Mother abandoned Child by
    failing to have regular contact with Child for more than six months, and
    that terminating Mother’s parental rights was in Child’s best interests.
    ¶6            Both Father and Child are enrolled members of the Navajo
    Nation. The juvenile court, however, concluded that the Indian Child
    Welfare Act (“ICWA”), 25 U.S.C. § 1903(1) (2012), did not apply after a
    contested severance hearing took place in April 2015. Severance was
    granted and Mother appealed the juvenile court’s order, arguing that the
    juvenile court’s finding that ICWA was inapplicable was “clearly
    erroneous.” The parents ultimately agreed and this court on appeal held
    that the termination proceeding was subject to ICWA. Therefore, the matter
    was remanded for a new termination proceeding to address ICWA.
    ¶7            A second contested severance hearing to address ICWA took
    place in February and March 2016. Father had testified at the April 2015
    contested severance hearing that Mother had essentially abandoned Child
    by not maintaining meaningful contact since August 2011. At the second
    hearing, Richard England, an Indian Child Welfare expert witness and
    licensed clinical social worker for the Navajo Nation, testified that
    severance was in Child’s best interests. England opined that it would be in
    Child’s best interests if Mother’s rights were terminated because Child was
    adoptable, and Mother’s continued relationship with Child would cause
    emotional harm to Child given Mother’s continued drug abuse and
    incarcerations. He also testified that termination would be beneficial
    because it would allow Child to be exposed to Indian culture, heritage, and
    upbringing, and it would positively impact Child’s development.
    ¶8            In April 2016, the juvenile court found by clear and
    convincing evidence that termination was appropriate pursuant to A.R.S. §
    8-533(B)(1). The court also found termination was in Child’s best interests
    under the statutory scheme and ICWA’s heightened standard. Mother has
    timely appealed the final signed judgment, and we have jurisdiction
    pursuant to A.R.S. § 8-235.
    ¶9            Mother challenges the juvenile court’s best interests findings,
    arguing that the juvenile court erred as a matter of law in terminating her
    parental rights.
    JEAN K. v. JEREMY M., J.K.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶10            ICWA requires a state court to make two particular findings
    before terminating the parental rights of an Indian child. The court must
    be persuaded that “active efforts have been made to provide remedial
    services and rehabilitative programs designed to prevent the breakup of the
    Indian family and that these efforts have proved unsuccessful.” Valerie M.
    v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    219 Ariz. 331
    , 333, ¶ 3, 
    198 P.3d 1203
    , 1205 (2009)
    (quoting 25 U.S.C. § 1912(d)). There must also be a determination that is
    supported by evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, including testimony of
    a qualified expert witness, “that the continued custody of the child by the
    parent or Indian custodian is likely to result in serious emotional or physical
    damage to the child.” 
    Id. (quoting 25
    U.S.C. § 1912(f)).
    ¶11             To justify termination of parental rights, the juvenile court
    must find at least one statutory ground is supported by clear and
    convincing evidence. Linda V. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    211 Ariz. 76
    , 78, ¶
    117 P.3d 795
    , 797 (App. 2005).2 Additionally, the juvenile court must find
    by a preponderance of the evidence that the termination is in the best
    interests of the child. Mario G. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    227 Ariz. 282
    , 285,
    ¶ 11, 
    257 P.3d 1162
    , 1165 (App. 2011); see A.R.S. § 8-533(B). As the trier of
    fact, the juvenile court “is in the best position to weigh the evidence,
    observe the parties, judge the credibility of witnesses, and resolve disputed
    facts,” Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec. v. Oscar O., 
    209 Ariz. 332
    , 334, ¶ 4, 
    100 P.3d 943
    , 945 (App. 2004), and we will affirm a severance order unless it is clearly
    erroneous. Michael J. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    196 Ariz. 246
    , 250, ¶ 20, 
    995 P.2d 682
    , 686 (2000). Accordingly, we will accept the juvenile court’s
    findings of fact “unless no reasonable evidence supports those findings.”
    Jennifer B. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    189 Ariz. 553
    , 555, 
    944 P.2d 68
    , 70 (App.
    ¶12            Once a juvenile court finds that a parent is unfit, the focus
    shifts to the child’s best interests and the court must balance the unfit
    parent’s diluted interest “against the independent and often adverse
    interests of the child in a safe and stable home life.” Demetrius L. v. Joshlynn
    239 Ariz. 1
    , 4, ¶ 15, 
    365 P.3d 353
    , 356 (2016) (quoting Kent K. v. Bobby M.,
    210 Ariz. 279
    , 286, ¶ 35, 
    110 P.3d 1013
    , 1020 (2005)). Here, because Mother
    does not challenge the finding of abandonment pursuant to A.R.S. § 8-
    2      Mother has not challenged the juvenile court’s finding of
    abandonment. Therefore, she has conceded the accuracy of those findings
    and we do not address further the statutory ground for termination. Birtz
    v. Kinsvater, 
    87 Ariz. 385
    , 388, 
    351 P.2d 986
    , 987 (1960).
    JEAN K. v. JEREMY M., J.K.
    Decision of the Court
    533(B)(1), the dispositive issue is whether there was sufficient evidence to
    support the court’s best interests finding.
    ¶13           Mother argues that the juvenile court erred because the court
    focused solely on adoptability to support its best interests finding. We
    disagree. Though the court did find that Child was adoptable and that
    adoption was in her best interests, it was not the sole factor on which the
    juvenile court relied. 
    Id. at 3–5,
    12–17, 365 P.3d at 355
    –57 (stating that
    depending on the circumstances, adoption can provide sufficient benefits
    to support a best interests finding in private severance actions).
    ¶14             First, the record reveals that Mother had no meaningful
    relationship with Child since 2011. Mother has been unable to provide
    stability for Child due to her repetitive periods of incarceration from 2011
    at least until the time of the first severance trial. During that time, Mother
    was unable to provide either emotional or financial support for Child.
    Upon release, Mother made contact with Father in an effort to see Child on
    only two occasions, but cancelled both of those visits. Mother was also
    homeless, and thereby unable to provide meaningful stability for Child.
    ¶15          Second, Mother has not remedied her chronic drug abuse
    issues. Mother was recently convicted of possession of drug paraphernalia
    and she has had lifelong issues with drug abuse. Therefore, though an
    anticipated benefit of termination would be Child’s availability for
    adoption (Father’s current wife is prepared and willing to adopt), the
    potential benefit of adoption was not the exclusive best interests finding
    upon which Mother’s rights were terminated.
    ¶16           Mother next argues that the expert testimony offered was
    insufficient to satisfy ICWA standards. The record, however, does not
    support Mother’s assertion. In this case, Indian Child Welfare expert
    witness Richard England testified that Mother was offered multiple
    services in order to avoid the family breakup. Mother was allowed
    supervised visitation with Child but only contacted Father twice about
    seeing Child. Mother was also required to participate and provide six
    months of clean urinalysis testing results, but only provided one such
    result. Mother has not had physical contact with Child since 2011. Because
    Mother failed to remedy these conditions, the attempts to keep the Indian
    family together proved unsuccessful.
    ¶17          In addition, England testified that Mother’s continued contact
    with Child is likely to result in serious emotional damage. England
    interviewed Child prior to trial and testified that Child was well-adjusted
    JEAN K. v. JEREMY M., J.K.
    Decision of the Court
    in a stable home environment with Father, siblings, and stepmother, who
    Child considers her mother. Stepmother desires to adopt Child, which
    would further fortify Child’s psychological attachment to her stepmother,
    and strengthen Child’s sense of stability, thus alleviating Child’s stress.
    England also testified that in the eyes of ICWA, adoptability is beneficial
    because social and religious customs of the Navajo Nation will be imparted
    to Child through Father. England testified that Father would best facilitate
    tribal involvement, which, in turn, would help Child developmentally,
    socially, psychologically, and culturally.
    ¶18           “As long as there is some expert testimony in the record
    concerning a parent’s past conduct and current inability to care for the
    child, a court can infer the likelihood of future emotional or physical
    damage to the Indian child.” Steven H. v. Ariz. Dep’t of Econ. Sec., 
    218 Ariz. 566
    , 570, ¶ 13, 
    190 P.3d 180
    , 184 (2008).
    ¶19           After considering the evidence presented to the juvenile court
    in light of the best interests of the child, we conclude that reasonable
    evidence supports the juvenile court’s finding that Father has met his
    burden of showing that severance is in Child’s best interests both under the
    statutory burden of proof and ICWA.
    ¶20           We affirm the juvenile court’s order terminating Mother’s
    parental rights.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court