Klarkowski v. Define ( 2018 )

  •                      NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    SCOTT KLARKOWSKI, et al., Plaintiffs/Appellees,
    MICHAEL S. DEFINE, et al., Defendants/Appellants.
    No. 1 CA-CV 17-0583
    FILED 10-09-2018
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    Nos. CV 2013-054397
    CV 2013-070433
    The Honorable John R. Hannah Jr., Judge
    The Law Office of Michael S. DeFine, Sun City
    By Michael S. DeFine
    Counsel for Defendant/Appellant Susan Snyder
    Michael S. DeFine, Sun City
    The Law Office of Darrell J. Duncan PLLC, Phoenix
    By Darrell J. Duncan
    Counsel for Plaintiffs/Appellees
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    Judge Michael J. Brown delivered the decision of the Court, in which
    Presiding Judge James P. Beene and Judge James B. Morse Jr. joined.
    B R O W N, Judge:
    ¶1            Michael DeFine appeals the superior court’s award of
    attorneys’ fees and costs to Scott Klarkowski (“Scott”) and Julie Klarkowski
    (together, “the Klarkowskis”).1 Because a reasonable basis exists for the
    award, we affirm.
    ¶2           In 2009, Scott and DeFine (Scott’s attorney at the time) formed
    a limited liability company, DeKlark Renovations LLC (“the LLC”) to
    renovate and sell a residence referred to as the Ivy Property (“the
    Property”). Although the parties never reduced the specifics of their
    agreement to writing, it is undisputed they agreed to equal ownership
    stakes and managerial authority in the LLC. As provided by their oral
    agreement, DeFine would provide the purchase money for the Property,
    Scott would serve as general contractor for the renovations, and they would
    share equally the resulting profit.
    ¶3            In March 2010, Julie Klarkowski emailed DeFine inquiring
    about removing Scott’s name from the LLC based on fear of lawsuits from
    creditors. After the exchange of several more emails, DeFine filed an
    amendment with the corporation commission purporting to remove Scott
    as a member of the LLC in May 2010. Over the next three years, the business
    continued as it had prior to this amendment. In June 2013, however, Scott
    filed several amendments with the corporation commission that not only
    reinstated him as a member of the LLC, but also purported to remove
    DeFine as a member. The dispute between Scott and DeFine ultimately
    escalated to the point where law enforcement ordered both of them off the
    1      Michael DeFine’s wife, Susan Snyder, is also a party to the appeal.
    For ease of reference, and because all material aspects of this litigation relate
    only to Michael, unless otherwise noted we refer to them collectively as
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    Property, not to return until either or both obtained a court order allowing
    ¶4            In a complaint verified by Michael DeFine, the LLC filed suit
    against the Klarkowskis, alleging in part breach of contract, conversion,
    fraud, tortious interference, and trespass. The LLC also requested a
    declaratory judgment to confirm the Klarkowskis were not legally entitled
    to act as members, take any action, or claim ownership for or on behalf of
    the LLC. The Klarkowskis, in turn, sued DeFine and his law office alleging
    various claims, including legal malpractice, breach of contract, and unjust
    enrichment. The Klarkowskis also sought declaratory relief confirming that
    Scott “remains and is an equal member” of the LLC. DeFine filed a motion
    to intervene in the LLC case, seeking to “join in the declaratory judgment
    claim to protect his interest in [the LLC].” His motion was denied as moot
    given the superior court’s later decision to consolidate the two cases.
    ¶5             After consolidation, the superior court granted summary
    judgment in favor of the Klarkowskis on four of the LLC’s seven claims
    against them. In March 2015, the court appointed a receiver to complete the
    renovations and sell the Property. In the subsequent bench trial, the court
    found that DeFine’s 2010 filing with the corporation commission was
    ineffective and Scott remained a member of the LLC with coequal
    ownership interest and management authority. The court confirmed Scott’s
    right to have his out-of-pocket expenditures on the Property be treated as
    an expense of an LLC member, to be repaid from the net proceeds of the
    receiver’s sale of the Property. Regarding the Klarkowskis’ claims against
    DeFine, the court granted DeFine’s motion for summary judgment on three
    of the claims and the remaining four were tried to a jury, resulting in a
    defense verdict. The court entered judgment against the Klarkowskis in the
    amount of $1,807.11 for jury fees.
    ¶6            Judgment was entered directing the clerk of the court to
    release the proceeds of the sale of the Property and the receiver released
    $67,724.11 to the Klarkowskis and $82,567.39 to DeFine. At the same time,
    the superior court dismissed the LLC’s remaining claims against the
    Klarkowskis on procedural grounds and denied DeFine’s request to refile
    the complaint as a derivative action. The court also noted that requests for
    attorneys’ fees by any party could be filed within 20 days and that after
    consideration of the requests, the court would enter a final judgment.
    ¶7             DeFine and the Klarkowskis both filed motions for attorneys’
    fees pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (“A.R.S.”) section 12-341.01, and
    all parties requested costs, including the receiver’s fees. The court granted
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    the Klarkowskis’ motion in part against DeFine and denied DeFine’s and
    the LLC’s motions. In its nine-page ruling, the court found that, by virtue
    of their success in the declaratory judgment trial, the Klarkowskis were the
    successful party under the totality of the litigation. That decision, the court
    explained, not only established the Klarkowskis’ right to be reimbursed for
    expenditures on the Property, it also ended DeFine’s ability to use the LLC
    as a vehicle to maintain claims against the Klarkowskis. Because the
    declaratory judgment terminated DeFine’s unilateral authority to control
    the LLC, the LLC’s claims against the Klarkowskis necessarily failed. In
    response to DeFine’s argument that he prevailed at the jury trial, the court
    explained it had no effect on the affirmative relief the Klarkowskis had
    already achieved.
    ¶8            The Klarkowskis requested $124,628.93 in attorneys’ fees, but
    the superior court did not award fees related to the jury trial because those
    claims “focused primarily on the tort claim for professional negligence.”
    After several other reductions, the court entered judgment against “Michael
    S. DeFine and Susan Snyder, husband and wife, for attorneys’ fees of
    $89,135.00 and taxable costs of $28,197.60.” This timely appeal followed.
    ¶9            The superior court’s determination of who is the successful
    party for purposes of awarding attorneys’ fees lies “within the sole
    discretion of the trial court and will not be disturbed on appeal if any
    reasonable basis exists for it.” Sanborn v. Brooker & Wake Prop. Mgmt., Inc.,
    178 Ariz. 425
    , 430 (App. 1994) (citation omitted). Substantial deference to
    the superior court is appropriate “because that court is better able to
    evaluate the parties’ positions during the litigation and to determine which
    has prevailed.” Berry v. 352 E. Va., L.L.C., 
    228 Ariz. 9
    , 13, ¶ 22 (App. 2011)
    (citation omitted); see also Associated Indem. Corp. v. Warner, 
    143 Ariz. 567
    571 (1985) (“We cannot substitute our discretion for that of the trial judge.”
    (quoting Davis v. Davis, 
    78 Ariz. 174
    , 179 (1954) (Windes, J., specially
    A.     Successful-Party Determination
    ¶10           DeFine argues he is the “successful” party in this litigation
    because he successfully defended against all the Klarkowskis’ claims
    against him and avoided a greater dollar amount of liability than the
    Klarkowskis recovered. A party’s successful defense against a majority of
    claims, however, is not dispositive of whether it is “successful” for purposes
    of § 12-341.01(A). See Lee v. ING Inv. Mgmt., LLC, 
    240 Ariz. 158
    , 161, ¶¶ 9–
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    10 (App. 2016). Furthermore, “in a case involving multiple claims and
    varied success, the trial court may apply a . . . totality of litigation test.”
    Berry, 228 Ariz. at 13
    –14, ¶ 22 (internal quotation and citation omitted). And
    when applying the totality of litigation test, the court may consider “other
    factors aside from the winning of a money judgment.” See Ayala v. Olaiz,
    161 Ariz. 129
    , 132 (App. 1989).
    ¶11           DeFine has not shown the superior court abused its discretion
    in concluding the declaratory judgment, under the totality of the litigation,
    made the Klarkowskis the successful party against both the LLC and
    DeFine. The declaratory judgment entitled the Klarkowskis to payment
    they would not have otherwise received—reimbursement from the
    proceeds of the Property. The Klarkowskis were thus the only party to
    obtain affirmative relief in this case. The court also considered important
    nonmonetary factors to determine the Klarkowskis were the successful
    party, including that the LLC could no longer instigate causes of action
    against the Klarkowskis at DeFine’s unilateral behest. DeFine’s argument
    to the contrary—that he defeated the claims against him personally—is not
    dispositive, especially in light of the court’s proper use of the totality of the
    litigation approach. See 
    Lee, 240 Ariz. at 161
    , ¶ 10. Furthermore, DeFine’s
    argument that the LLC disbursed more money to him than the Klarkowskis
    after the bench trial is inapposite. This was money DeFine was already
    entitled to as a member of the LLC. Absent the declaratory judgment,
    DeFine would have received the entire proceeds from the sale of the
    Property and the Klarkowskis would have received nothing. Therefore, a
    reasonable basis exists for the court’s determination that the declaratory
    judgment made the Klarkowskis the successful party.
    ¶12            In reaching this conclusion, we note the broad discretion
    afforded the superior court to determine whether attorneys’ fees should be
    awarded is especially appropriate in a case such as this one. With a
    complicated procedural history involving several intertwined contract and
    tort claims, and where the only affirmative relief obtained was a declaratory
    judgment that entitled a party to reimbursement of expenses, the superior
    court was in the best position “to evaluate the parties’ positions during the
    litigation and to determine which [party] prevailed.” 
    Berry, 228 Ariz. at 13
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    B.     Rejection of Settlement Offers
    ¶13           Section 12-341.01(A) provides as follows:
    In any contested action arising out of a contract, express or
    implied, the court may award the successful party reasonable
    attorney fees. If a written settlement offer is rejected and the
    judgment finally obtained is equal to or more favorable to the
    offeror than an offer made in writing to settle any contested
    action arising out of a contract, the offeror is deemed to be the
    successful party from the date of the offer and the court may
    award the successful party reasonable attorney fees.
    The second sentence of § 12-341.01(A) obliges a court to compare a written
    settlement offer with the “judgment finally obtained” in the case. Hall v.
    Read Dev., Inc., 
    229 Ariz. 277
    , 279, ¶ 9 (App. 2012). “If the offer is more
    favorable than the judgment finally obtained, then the offeror is ‘deemed’
    to be the successful party ‘from the date of the offer.’” 
    Id. This court
    explained the phrase “judgment finally obtained” includes “reasonable fees
    and costs incurred as of the date the offer was made.” 
    Id. at 283,
    ¶ 20. We
    review the superior court’s resolution of the “settlement comparison test”
    called for by this section for abuse of discretion and will uphold it if legally
    correct for any reason. 
    Id. at 284,
    ¶ 26 & n.10 (citation omitted).
    ¶14           Here, the “judgment finally obtained” by the Klarkowskis,
    inclusive of attorneys’ fees and costs, was $183,249.60. Thus, to achieve
    successful-party status under the settlement comparison test, DeFine was
    required to establish that he made a written settlement offer that exceeded
    the judgment finally obtained, evaluated within the context of each
    settlement offer.
    ¶15          DeFine argues the Klarkowskis cannot be the successful party
    under the second sentence of § 12-341.01(A) because they did not obtain a
    judgment more favorable than any of DeFine’s written settlement offers.
    Thus, according to DeFine, he is the “successful party” in the action.
    DeFine also contends the superior court abused its discretion by
    considering improper factors when comparing the settlement offers to the
    final judgment.
    ¶16           DeFine points to five settlement offers, asserting each of them
    qualify him as the “successful party” under the statute. First, on December
    9, 2013, and “in open court,” DeFine offered the Klarkowskis an “equal
    50/50 split of [the] LLC.” Second, on January 14, 2014, DeFine offered the
    Klarkowskis his ownership interest in the LLC for $191,000. Third, on
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    March 7, 2014, DeFine offered to buy out the Klarkowskis’ interest in the
    LLC or have his interest bought out by the Klarkowskis with the price
    determined by the following formula: “provable expenses + 1/2 (average
    of 3 most recent comps – all expenses [including the LLC’s attorneys’ fees,
    costs, operating expenses, and debt]).” Fourth, during a September 23,
    2015, settlement conference, DeFine allegedly offered to split the proceeds
    from the sale of the house evenly with the Klarkowskis. Fifth, on October
    16, 2015, DeFine offered to split the net proceeds from the Property and
    make Scott the sole member of the LLC, with both parties to bear their own
    fees and costs.
    ¶17            DeFine’s first and fourth offers cannot make him the
    “successful party” under the second sentence of § 12-341.01(A). The statute
    states twice that it applies to “written” offers only. Conceding this fact,
    DeFine argues that because the statute “does not say who has to write it” a
    court-made record of the settlement offer in a minute entry satisfies the
    statute. Such an interpretation would contradict the statute’s plain
    language, which speaks of offers “made in writing to settle.” A.R.S.
    § 12-341.01(A). Plainly, offers are not “made in writing” when delivered
    orally, even if a court records them after the fact in a minute entry. Rather,
    the second sentence of § 12-341.01(A) requires the offeror, when a
    settlement offer is made, to do so in writing to qualify for treatment as the
    “successful party.” Moreover, as the superior court noted, because the first
    offer would have left expense allocation issues unresolved, whether the first
    offer was more favorable to the Klarkowskis than the judgment they finally
    obtained is speculative at best. Accordingly, the court acted within its
    discretion when it rejected DeFine’s argument that these two settlement
    offers, neither of which were in writing, meant he should be “deemed to be
    the successful party.”
    ¶18             Nor did the superior court abuse its discretion when it
    concluded that DeFine’s second offer would not have been as favorable to
    the Klarkowskis as the judgment they finally obtained. The court rejected
    this offer as a basis for making DeFine the successful party because it found
    “the Klarkowskis would have lost more than $45,000 had they accepted
    DeFine’s offer.” The court reached this conclusion by adding the total
    expenses actually incurred to finish work on the Property, approximately
    $170,558.58, and the $191,000 DeFine set as his buyout price. The court then
    subtracted that amount from the $314,770.17 net proceeds from the
    Property sale. DeFine faults the court for using actual expenses incurred in
    developing the Property, and the actual proceeds from its sale, instead of
    Scott’s estimates of those figures at the time DeFine made the offer. The
    decision to use actual expenses and proceeds from the sale provides a more
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    accurate comparison with the “judgment finally obtained” and was well
    within the court’s discretion when conducting the settlement comparison
    ¶19            The superior court also acted within its discretion when it
    concluded that the third settlement offer was less favorable to the
    Klarkowskis than the final judgment. Because DeFine, in part, based the
    amount he would pay the Klarkowskis on an average of the three most
    recent “comps,” this offer, like the first, left important issues unresolved
    and its favorability to the Klarkowskis is unknown. The court also signaled
    that resolution of this issue might be especially difficult in light of the
    parties’ history of disagreement on the price of the Property. In addition to
    the uncertain benefit, this offer would have required the Klarkowskis to pay
    part of the LLC’s attorneys’ fees in the litigation. DeFine objects to the
    court’s decision, arguing that the formula would have resulted in his offer
    being greater than what the Klarkowskis won at trial. DeFine’s argument,
    however, merely illustrates the soundness of the court’s conclusion. DeFine
    is unable to point to concrete numbers that show the formula was certain to
    produce a more favorable outcome for the Klarkowskis than the trial. This
    demonstrates the court acted within its discretion when it held the third
    settlement offer too indeterminate to qualify DeFine as the successful party.
    ¶20            Regarding the fifth settlement offer, the superior court found
    it was less favorable to the Klarkowskis than the judgment finally obtained
    because, although they would have received half the sale proceeds of the
    Property, it would have required them to bear their own attorneys’ fees and
    costs. At that point in the litigation, the Klarkowskis had incurred a
    substantial amount of attorneys’ fees and costs, and DeFine has not
    challenged, much less shown, that any of the claimed fees or costs were
    unreasonable. Thus, he has failed to show his offer was more favorable to
    the Klarkowskis than the judgment finally obtained. DeFine argues the
    court erred in applying the statute because it should not have included
    Klarkowskis’ attorneys’ fees in the amount of the “judgment finally
    obtained.” DeFine, however, ignores our decision in Hall, where we held
    that § 12-341.01(A) requires a court to consider “reasonable fees and costs
    incurred as of the date the offer was made.” 
    Hall, 229 Ariz. at 283
    , ¶ 20.
    This is precisely what the superior court did here. For these reasons, we
    conclude the court did not abuse its discretion in deciding the “judgment
    finally obtained” by the Klarkowskis was more favorable than any of these
    five settlement offers.
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    C.     DeFine’s Personal Liability for Fees and Costs
    ¶21           In awarding fees against DeFine, the superior court reasoned
    that because “[the LLC] and DeFine were aligned against the Klarkowskis
    throughout the litigation” so closely, the Klarkowskis’ victory against the
    LLC with respect to the declaratory judgment was also a victory against
    DeFine. The LLC’s claims, the court explained, relied on “DeFine’s claimed
    authority to act unilaterally on behalf of [the LLC].” But when the court
    declared Scott was still a member of the LLC, “DeFine’s claim of authority
    evaporated.” As a result, DeFine could no longer use the LLC “as a vehicle
    for maintaining causes of action against Klarkowski.”
    ¶22            DeFine argues the superior court erred in holding him
    responsible for attorneys’ fees because the LLC, not he, was “adverse” to
    the Klarkowskis on the relevant claims. “[T]o recover attorneys’ fees under
    A.R.S. § 12–341.01, it is necessary that the parties be adverse.” Pioneer
    Roofing Co. v. Mardian Const. Co., 
    152 Ariz. 455
    , 466 (App. 1986).
    “Adversity” for purposes of § 12-341.01 does not depend solely on “the
    parties’ alignment in the pleadings, but rather must be ascertained from the
    opposing positions or interests of the parties.” 
    Id. The superior
    court found
    that DeFine and the LLC were aligned in that they advocated an identical
    theory in all subsequent “proceedings up to and including the declaratory
    judgment trial.” So aligned were the interests of these two that the court
    allowed DeFine to personally participate in the declaratory judgment trial,
    even though the LLC’s claim against the Klarkowskis was technically the
    only one at issue in the trial. Accordingly, the court did not abuse its
    discretion in finding DeFine’s positions and interests so substantively
    similar to the LLC’s throughout the litigation as to make him “adverse” to
    the Klarkowskis for purposes of § 12-341.01.
    ¶23           DeFine also argues the superior court inappropriately held
    him personally liable for the debts of the LLC “despite no claim to pierce
    the corporate veil, no evidence [of] alter ego, and the trial court’s rejection
    of [his] attempt to pursue [the LLC]’s claims in a derivative lawsuit.”
    Relying only on A.R.S. § 29-651, DeFine contends that “limited liability
    company members are not liable for the company’s debts.” However, the
    Arizona Limited Liability Company Act imposes joint and several liability
    on “all persons who assume to act as a limited liability company without
    authority to do so . . . for all debts and liabilities incurred by the persons so
    acting.” A.R.S. § 29-652. Significantly, each of the LLC’s claims against the
    Klarkowskis were premised on DeFine’s alleged authority to act
    unilaterally on the LLC’s behalf and deal with Scott as an outsider. But
    because Scott was still a member of the LLC, DeFine never actually had
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    such authority. The LLC’s case against the Klarkowskis was therefore an
    unauthorized action by DeFine purporting to act as the LLC for which
    DeFine may be held “jointly and severally liable for all debts and liabilities
    [he] incurred,” which in this case includes attorneys’ fees. See 
    id. Despite DeFine’s
    assertion to the contrary, nothing about the court’s imposition of
    a judgment against him for attorneys’ fees in this case is inconsistent with
    Arizona law.
    D.     Procedural Compliance
    ¶24           DeFine argues the superior court improperly granted the
    Klarkowskis’ motion for attorneys’ fees because the Klarkowskis did not
    comply with Arizona Rule of Civil Procedure (“Rule”) 54(h)(2)(A) because
    the February 21, 2017, form of judgment neither stated the specific sum of
    attorneys’ fees awarded by the court, nor included a blank in the form of
    judgment to allow the court to include an amount later. However, by its
    terms, subsection (h) of Rule 54 does not apply when Rule 54 otherwise
    allows for a later motion for attorneys’ fees or request for costs. Rule
    54(h)(1) (“Except as otherwise allowed by this rule . . . .”). One such
    exception is a motion for fees filed pursuant to Rule 54(g)(2). The
    Klarkowskis’ motion for attorneys’ fees complied with the requirements of
    Rule 54(g)(2) and was therefore not subject to Rule 54(h)(2)(A).
    ¶25             DeFine also appears to argue that because the release of the
    proceeds from the sale of the Property effectively meant all claims and
    liabilities against the LLC had been adjudicated, the decision was subject to
    Rule 54(b), meaning the Klarkowskis were required to move for attorneys’
    fees within 20 days of the release of those funds under Rule 54(g)(3)(A)(i).
    However, because the court never entered judgment under Rule 54(b), and
    no party moved for judgment under that Rule, the parties were permitted
    to wait until the conclusion of the action before moving for attorneys’ fees.
    See Rule 54(g)(3)(A)(ii).2
    2       DeFine does not contest the reasonableness of the amount of fees
    awarded. Instead, he suggests the Klarkowskis’ failure to adequately
    discuss the Warner factors in their motion for attorneys’ fees somehow
    taints the superior court’s award. See 
    Warner, 143 Ariz. at 570
    . However,
    DeFine cites no authority requiring the Klarkowskis to explicitly analyze
    those factors in their motion. Furthermore, even though it was not required
    to do so, the court did provide analysis of at least some of the factors. See
    Tucson Estates Prop. Owners Ass’n, Inc. v. McGovern, 
    239 Ariz. 52
    , 56, ¶ 12
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    E.     Recovery of Costs
    ¶26            Finally, DeFine challenges the superior court’s award of
    taxable costs to the Klarkowskis under A.R.S. § 12-341. To the extent DeFine
    argues the Klarkowskis were not entitled to recover costs because they were
    not the successful party in the litigation, we conclude the court did not
    abuse its discretion for the same reasons outlined above. DeFine also
    argues the court erred by granting the Klarkowskis the receiver’s fees as
    costs, because the Klarkowskis allegedly sought those fees as damages at
    the jury trial. Nothing in the record supports this assertion. DeFine’s
    appellate briefing is contradictory on this point, also claiming “[t]he only
    damages the Klarkowskis sought were an equal interest in [the LLC] and
    their expectancy interest from the sale of [the Property].” Moreover, DeFine
    sought half of the receiver’s fees as costs himself in his motion for fees and
    costs. DeFine fails to show how the court’s inclusion of the receiver’s fees
    as taxable costs was an abuse of discretion, and we affirm the court’s
    decision on this matter.
    F.     Fees and Costs on Appeal
    ¶27          DeFine requests attorneys’ fees incurred on appeal under
    § 12-341.01(A). Because DeFine has not prevailed on appeal, we deny his
    request. The Klarkowskis also request attorneys’ fees on appeal but fail to
    provide any substantive basis for the request, as required by Arizona Rule
    of Civil Appellate Procedure (“ARCAP”) 21(a)(2) (“A claim for fees under
    this Rule must specifically state the statute, rule, decisional law, contract, or
    other authority for an award of attorneys’ fees.”). Although we may
    nonetheless exercise our discretion to award fees despite this failure, we
    decline to deviate from the rule in this case. See ARCAP 21(a)(2) (stating
    that “the appellate court may decline to award fees” if a party fails to
    provide a substantive basis for the fee request). We therefore deny the
    Klarkowskis’ request for attorneys’ fees. As the successful party on appeal,
    however, we award the Klarkowskis their taxable costs upon compliance
    with ARCAP 21.
    (App. 2016) (“We may uphold a decision on attorney fees . . . even if the
    trial court gave no reasons for denying the request for fees.”). Thus,
    DeFine’s concern over the Warner factors is misplaced.
    KLARKOWSKI, et al. v. DEFINE, et al.
    Decision of the Court
    ¶28        For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the superior court’s
    judgment awarding attorneys’ fees and costs to the Klarkowskis.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court
    FILED:    JT