United States v. Navrestad , 66 M.J. 262 ( 2008 )

  •                        UNITED STATES, Appellee
    Joshua P. NAVRESTAD, Specialist
    U.S. Army, Appellant
    No. 07-0199
    Crim. App. No. 20030335
    United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
    Argued December 4, 2007
    Decided May 14, 2008
    ERDMANN, J., delivered the opinion of the court, in which BAKER
    and RYAN, JJ., joined. EFFRON, C.J., filed a dissent in which
    STUCKY, J., joined.
    For Appellant: Captain Nathan J. Bankson (argued); Colonel
    Christopher J. O’Brien, Lieutenant Colonel Steven C. Henricks,
    and Major Fansu Ku (on brief); Captain Eugene Ham.
    For Appellee: Captain Jaired D. Stallard (argued); Colonel John
    W. Miller II, Major Elizabeth G. Marotta, and Captain Michael
    Friess (on brief).
    Military Judge:   Robin L. Hall
    This opinion is subject to revision before final publication.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    Judge ERDMANN delivered the opinion of the court.
    Specialist Joshua P. Navrestad was charged under Article
    134, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 
    10 U.S.C. § 934
    (2000), with distributing and possessing child pornography in
    violation of the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2251-2260
     (2000).   He entered pleas of not
    guilty to both specifications but was convicted at trial by a
    military judge.1   We granted this case to determine two issues:
    whether sending a hyperlink to a Yahoo! Briefcase during an
    Internet chat session, where that Briefcase contained child
    pornography images, is legally sufficient to constitute
    distribution of child pornography; and whether utilizing a
    public computer to view images of child pornography in a Yahoo!
    Briefcase is legally sufficient to constitute possession of
    child pornography.   We hold, under the facts of this case, that
    Navrestad’s actions did not constitute either distribution or
    possession of child pornography and therefore reverse the United
    States Army Court of Criminal Appeals on those issues.
    Procedural Background
    Navrestad was initially charged with distribution
    (Specification 4) and possession (Specification 5) of child
    Consistent with his guilty pleas, Navrestad was also convicted
    of the attempted transfer of obscene material to a minor and
    attempted enticement of a minor to engage in illegal sexual
    activity, under Article 134, UCMJ. Those specifications are not
    pertinent to the issues appealed by Navrestad.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    pornography in violation of the CPPA, as “crime[s] or offense[s]
    not capital” under clause 3 of Article 134, UCMJ.   Before
    arraignment, however, Article 134, UCMJ, clause 1 and 2 language
    was added to both specifications.2   Navrestad was found guilty of
    both specifications as amended and was sentenced to reduction to
    the lowest enlisted grade, forfeiture of all pay and allowances,
    two years of confinement, and a bad-conduct discharge.    The
    convening authority approved the sentence as adjudged.3
    The Army Court of Criminal Appeals amended the possession
    specification (Specification 5) to exclude reference to the CPPA
    because the charged activity under that specification occurred
    solely in Germany and, in United States v. Martinelli, 
    62 M.J. 52
     (C.A.A.F. 2005), this court held that the CPPA does not have
    extraterritorial application.   United States v. Navrestad, No.
    ARMY 20030335, slip op. at 1-2. (A. Ct. Crim. App. Oct. 31,
    2006).   The Army court then affirmed a finding of guilty to
    Conduct is punishable under Article 134, UCMJ, if it prejudices
    “good order and discipline in the armed forces” [clause 1], if
    it is “of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces”
    [clause 2], or if it is a crime or offense not capital [clause
    3]. See Manual for Courts-Martial, United States pt. IV, para.
    60.a.-c. (2005 ed.) (MCM).
    We note an inconsistency in Specification 4, which charged
    Navrestad with distribution of child pornography but cited 18
    U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(1), which prohibits the mailing or
    transportation of child pornography, rather than 18 U.S.C. §
    2252A(a)(2), which prohibits distribution. The specification
    was treated as a distribution offense by all parties at trial.
    As we reverse Navrestad’s conviction under this specification,
    any notice issues arising out of the charging language are moot.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    amended Specification 5 and the remaining findings of guilty.
    Id.   The lower court reassessed and affirmed the sentence.      Id.
    Specification 5 included Article 134, UCMJ, clause 1 and 2
    language prior to arraignment and the theory of those provisions
    was presented at trial by the prosecution.    We recently held
    that a member can be convicted under Article 134, UCMJ, clause 1
    or 2 when a clause 3 offense is set aside, if the clause 1 or 2
    language has been alternatively charged.     United States v.
    66 M.J. 21
    , 28 (C.A.A.F. 2008).    As the Article 134,
    UCMJ, clause 1 and 2 language was alternatively charged in
    Specification 5, the Army court properly set aside the CPPA
    language and reviewed the specification in the context of those
    Factual Background
    Navrestad had an account at an Internet café in a United
    States Army morale, welfare and recreation center in Vilseck,
    Germany.   He would pay for a set amount of time and then use a
    kiosk-style computer terminal to access the Internet.    While at
    the café, Navrestad had Internet chat sessions over the course
    of several days with someone who identified himself as “Adam.”
    Navrestad believed “Adam” was a fifteen-year-old boy from New
    Hampshire while actually “Adam” was Detective James F.
    McLaughlin, a New Hampshire police officer.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    During the course of several chat sessions, Navrestad made
    requests for phone sex and encouraged “Adam” to engage in sex
    acts with “Adam’s” younger brother and a friend of “Adam’s” who
    was also a minor.   During these sessions “Adam” made inquiries
    about seeking pictures, often in response to Navrestad’s
    requests for phone sex.   Eventually, “Adam” made a specific
    request for pictures of “guys 10-13.”
    In response to “Adam’s” request, Navrestad sought out child
    pornography on the Internet using the Internet café computer and
    located links to several Yahoo! Briefcases4 that contained child
    pornography.   While at the Internet café, Navrestad opened and
    viewed the Briefcases to confirm the contents and then sent a
    hyperlink to one of the Briefcases that contained child
    pornography to “Adam.”
    The websites that are viewed on the Internet café computers
    are automatically saved in a “temporary internet files” folder
    on the computer’s hard drive.5   Navrestad and other Internet café
    Yahoo! Briefcase is an online service that allows users to
    store files on the Yahoo! servers. See http://briefcase.
    yahoo.com (follow “Help” hyperlink; then follow “Briefcase
    Basics” hyperlink; then follow “What is a Yahoo! Briefcase?”
    hyperlink) (last visited May 7, 2008). Users may or may not
    make the contents of their Briefcases public. See http:
    //briefcase.yahoo.com (follow “Help” hyperlink; then follow
    “Abuse” hyperlink; then follow “What is the difference between
    private and public folders?” hyperlink) (last visited May 7,
    A temporary Internet file “is created when any of the Windows
    operating systems is installed with an Internet Browser. This
    temporary cache is a ‘first in first out’ algorithm in which the
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    users did not have access to that folder and there is nothing in
    the record that indicates Navrestad was aware that the sites
    were being saved on the hard drive.   Individuals who use the
    computers at the Internet café cannot download files or save
    documents to portable storage devices6 although they could e-mail
    the documents or print them on a central café printer.   The
    printer was located in a staff-only area and users must request
    the printed documents from the Internet café staff.   There is no
    evidence that Navrestad e-mailed or printed any of the images.
    Distribution of Child Pornography
    We first address whether the evidence is legally sufficient
    to support a conviction for distribution of child pornography
    under the CPPA.   We review questions of legal sufficiency de
    novo as questions of law.   United States v. Young, 
    64 M.J. 404
    407 (C.A.A.F. 2007).   Legal sufficiency is determined by asking
    “whether, considering the evidence in the light most favorable
    to the prosecution, a reasonable factfinder could have found all
    the essential elements beyond a reasonable doubt.”    United
    files most recently viewed on the Internet by the end user
    remain in storage for quick recall.” United States v. Grimes,
    244 F.3d 375
    , 379 (5th Cir. 2001).
    By “portable storage devices” we refer to any portable computer
    memory, which include flash drives (such as USB memory sticks),
    CDs, DVDs and external hard drives. The Internet café computers
    were configured in such a way that Navrestad and other users
    could not download files and leave the café with the files.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    States v. Dobson, 
    63 M.J. 1
    , 21 (C.A.A.F. 2006) (citation
    omitted).   Utilizing this standard, the issue before the court
    is whether, under the facts of this case, sending a hyperlink
    that leads to a Yahoo! Briefcase which contains images of child
    pornography constitutes distribution of child pornography under
    the CPPA.
    Because Specification 4 alleged a violation of the CPPA,
    the definitions contained in that chapter control in this case.
    18 U.S.C. § 2256
    (8) defines child pornography as “any visual
    depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or
    computer or computer-generated image or picture . . . of
    sexually explicit conduct, where . . . the production of such
    visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in
    sexually explicit conduct[.]”   “Visual depiction” in turn,
    “includes . . . data stored on computer disk or by electronic
    means which is capable of conversion into a visual image[.]”    
    18 U.S.C. § 2256
    The issue in this case centers on what was actually
    distributed when Navrestad sent the hyperlink to “Adam.”
    Navrestad argues he did not distribute child pornography because
    a hyperlink does not contain “data . . . capable of conversion
    into a visual image” of child pornography.   He argues that the
    hyperlink only contained data that is convertible to an address
    which, in this case, did not even take users directly to the
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    prohibited images.   The Government responds that this court
    should uphold the lower court because a hyperlink meets the
    definition of a “visual depiction” set forth in the 
    18 U.S.C. § 2256
    The initial inquiry is whether this hyperlink contains
    “data stored . . . by electronic means which is capable of
    conversion into a visual image[.]”   Commencing our inquiry with
    a basic dictionary definition, we find that “hyperlink” is
    defined as “an electronic link providing direct access from one
    distinctively marked place in a hypertext or hypermedia document
    to another in the same or a different document.”   Webster’s
    Third New International Dictionary Unabridged (2002), available
    at http://unabridged.merriam-webster.com.    This definition
    centers on a hyperlink as an electronic link which provides
    David Hardinge, a senior systems administrator whose
    responsibilities include providing technical support for the
    Internet café at Vilseck, testified for the Government.   During
    cross-examination, he defined a hyperlink as an address or a
    “way that you can display a web site,” which the recipient can
    click on to go to the particular site.   Hardinge agreed that a
    A “link” has been defined as “something in a document like an
    email, usually highlighted or underlined, that sends users who
    click on it directly to a new location -– usually an internet
    address or a program of some sort.” United States v. Hair, 178
    F. App’x 879, 882 n.3 (11th Cir. 2006).
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    hyperlink is a shortcut to typing in the website address
    manually and that clicking on it does not move any documents on
    the user’s computer.8   He also agreed that it was an accurate
    analogy to say that sending a hyperlink is like sending someone
    an address of a store or of a location of a building.
    Hardinge further agreed that sending an individual file as
    an attachment to an e-mail takes longer than sending a hyperlink
    because, with an attachment, the user is sending a file that is
    moving onto someone else’s computer.   He admitted that a picture
    is not sent to the recipient when a hyperlink is sent “[b]ecause
    a hyperlink is nothing more than . . . just a shortcut to get
    somewhere.”   While trial counsel tried to mitigate Hardinge’s
    statements on re-direct, Hardinge continued to state that a
    hyperlink is a “direct shortcut to a location.”   He did not
    testify at any point that the hyperlink in this case contained
    any images or data that were capable of conversion to images.
    Unlike an e-mail attachment, the sending of a hyperlink in
    a chat session does not move a file or document from one
    location to another.    As such, the data contained in the
    hyperlink is an electronic address that allows the recipient to
    direct his browser to the new location without having to type in
    We note that while clicking on a hyperlink may create a file in
    the recipient’s temporary Internet file folder, clicking this
    hyperlink does not move images or documents from the sender’s
    computer to the recipient’s computer.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    the website of that location.   The data contained in the
    hyperlink is not capable of conversion into any type of visual
    image.   Rather, the data provides the recipient with the path to
    a website on a server distinct from Navrestad’s own computer.
    It is this separate server that contained the visual images of
    child pornography, not the hyperlink Navrestad sent.   In
    contrast, a file received as an e-mailed attachment is self-
    contained and capable of conversion into an image independent of
    other factors.   The difference between a hyperlink and a file
    that is sent as an e-mailed attachment is significant because
    the attached picture or graphics file9 is a complete image that
    is just not opened yet.   When that complete image is received,
    it is housed on the recipient’s computer.
    Since the hyperlink sent by Navrestad was a path or address
    to a website and not a file that contains data that is “capable
    of being converted” into visual images, this case is
    distinguishable from circuit court cases that involved GIF
    files.   See, e.g., United States v. Hockings, 
    129 F.3d 1069
    Cir. 1997); United States v. Thomas, 
    74 F.3d 701
     (6th Cir.
    1996).   In those cases, the defendants argued that GIF files
    Picture or graphic file formats are used to place images on the
    Internet. The different formats include JPEG/JPG (Joint
    Photographic Experts Group), GIF (Graphics Interchange Format),
    and PNG (Portable Network Graphics). Webopedia: JPG vs. GIF
    vs. PNG, http://www.webopedia.com (follow “Did You Know?”
    hyperlink; then follow the “JPG vs. GIF vs. PNG” hyperlink)
    (last visited May 7, 2008).
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    were not visual depictions because the file itself was binary
    code and not images.   Hockings, 
    129 F.3d at 1070
    ; Thomas, 
    74 F.3d at 706
    .   Both courts, however, concluded that GIF files are
    included in the statutory definition of child pornography
    because, as the Hockings court stated, “[t]he visual image
    transported in binary form starts and ends pornographically.”
    129 F.3d at 1072
    ; see also Thomas, 
    74 F.3d at 707
    .    In contrast,
    the hyperlink here did not start or end as pornography, but was
    simply a shortcut to a particular web address.10
    The Government also argued that once the hyperlink was
    sent, the recipient was “just a click away” from the child
    pornography images.    Here the Government confuses the manner of
    the alleged distribution with what is allegedly being
    distributed.   Navrestad does not dispute that he sent the
    We have no quarrel with the hyperlink discussion in Universal
    City Studios v. Corley, which is consistent with the majority
    273 F.3d 429
    , 455-457 (2d Cir. 2001) (“[H]yperlinks .
    . . facilitate instantaneous . . . access . . . .”); see United
    States v. Navrestad, __ M.J. at __ (7-8) (C.A.A.F. 2008)
    (Effron, C.J., joined by Stucky, J., dissenting). In relying on
    Corley, however, the dissent completely ignores the language of
    18 U.S.C. § 2256
    (5) and (8) which specifically prohibit the
    distribution of data which is “capable of conversion into” child
    pornography. The language in Corley upon which the dissent
    relies stands for the limited proposition that a hyperlink
    “facilitates” access to another Internet site. Corley, a civil
    case, does not suggest, let alone hold, that a hyperlink sends
    or distributes data that “is capable of conversion,” into child
    pornography, as the criminal statute in this case requires for
    the offense of distribution.   While the language relied upon by
    the dissent may be pertinent in a case in which an accused is
    charged with aiding and abetting the distribution of child
    pornography that is not the offense at issue in this case.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    hyperlink to “Adam.”   His position is that the hyperlink did not
    contain child pornography as that term is defined in the CPPA
    and therefore cannot constitute the distribution of child
    pornography.   We agree.   However, even if the number of clicks
    were a factor in determining whether the hyperlink contained
    child pornography, the hyperlink in this case did not take the
    recipient directly to any child pornography images.   When
    McLaughlin clicked on the link, he was taken to a directory of
    files and had to click on an individual file name in order to
    view the image.
    We note that the United States Court of Appeals for the
    Eleventh Circuit has addressed a similar issue in an unpublished
    case where the defendant sent a hyperlink to his own Briefcase
    which contained child pornography.    United States v. Hair, 178
    F. App’x 879 (11th Cir. 2006).   That court determined the
    defendant was properly convicted of attempting to transport, and
    transporting child pornography in violation of 18 U.S.C. §
    2252A(1).   Hair, 178 F. App’x at 885.   Hair is distinguishable
    from the instant case on several grounds:    Hair was charged with
    both attempted transportation and transportation of child
    pornography, id. at 881; Navrestad was not charged with
    attempted distribution but only distribution of child
    pornography; the government in Hair also presented the
    transportation charge under an aiding and abetting theory,
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    arguing that by sending the hyperlink, Hair had assisted Yahoo!
    in transporting child pornography, id. at 884; the Government
    did not present an aiding and abetting theory on Navrestad’s
    distribution charge;11 the hyperlink Hair sent was to his own
    Briefcase over which he exercised dominion and control, id. at
    883; the hyperlink Navrestad sent was to a public Briefcase over
    which he exercised no dominion or control.12
    We hold that under the facts of this case, the sending of a
    hyperlink to a Yahoo! Briefcase does not constitute the
    distribution of “child pornography” as that term is defined in
    18 U.S.C. § 2256
    (5) and (8).
    Possession of Child Pornography
    We next address whether the evidence is legally sufficient
    to support a conviction of possession of child pornography under
    Article 134, UCMJ, clause 1 or 2.      Both parties point to the
    definition of “possess” contained in the Explanation to Article
    112a, UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. § 912a (2000), which deals with the
    possession of controlled substances:
    An appellate court may not affirm a conviction on a theory not
    presented to the trier of fact. Chiarella v. United States, 
    445 U.S. 222
    , 236-37 (1980); United States v. Riley, 
    50 M.J. 410
    415 (C.A.A.F. 1999); United States v. Standifer, 
    40 M.J. 440
    445 (C.M.A. 1994). “To do so ‘offends the most basic notions of
    due process,’ because it violates an accused’s ‘right to be
    heard on the specific charges of which he [or she] is accused.’”
    United States v. Riley, 
    50 M.J. 410
    , 415 (C.A.A.F. 1999)
    (quoting Dunn v. United States, 
    442 U.S. 100
    , 106 (1979)).
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    “Possess” means to exercise control of something.
    Possession may be direct physical custody like holding
    an item is [sic] one’s hand, or it may be
    constructive, as in the case of a person who hides an
    item in a locker or car to which that person may
    return to retrieve it. Possession must be knowing and
    conscious. Possession inherently includes the power
    or authority to preclude control by others. It is
    possible, however, for more than one person to possess
    an item simultaneously, as when several people share
    control of an item.
    MCM pt. IV, para. 37.c.(2).   This court has also evaluated
    constructive possession in the drug context as having “dominion
    or control” over the contraband.     Young, 64 M.J. at 407.    The
    United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit has applied
    that same definition to possession of child pornography, noting
    the absence of a definition in the CPPA.    United States v.
    305 F.3d 1193
    , 1204 (10th Cir. 2002).
    While Navrestad concedes that he viewed the images on the
    public computer monitor, he argues that mere viewing does not
    constitute sufficient control to constitute “possession.”      In
    support of this position he argues:    he could not download the
    images from the public computer to a portable storage device;
    he did not have access to any of the files stored on the
    computer’s hard drive; he had no control over the Yahoo!
    Briefcase where the images were located; and while he could have
    printed or e-mailed the images, there is no evidence that he did
    The Army Criminal Investigation Command found no images of
    child pornography in Navrestad’s own Yahoo! Briefcase over which
    he did exercise control.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    so.   The Government argues that Navrestad’s actions are
    sufficient to constitute possession:   he admittedly sought out
    the images on the Internet; he viewed them on the computer
    monitor; he had the ability to copy, print or e-mail the images
    to others; and, he sent a hyperlink to the Yahoo! Briefcase that
    contained the images to “Adam.”
    The definition in MCM pt. IV, para. 37.c.(2), provides that
    “[p]osses[sion] means to exercise control of something.”
    Navrestad viewed the images in the Yahoo! Briefcase, but his
    actions with the images went no further.   He could not access
    the computer’s hard drive where the Briefcase images were
    automatically saved nor could he download the images to a
    portable storage device.   There is no evidence that he e-mailed,
    printed or purchased copies of the images or that he was even
    aware that he could take any of these actions.   As to what
    Navrestad might have been able to do with the images,
    “possession” is not based upon unknown contingencies but “must
    be knowing and conscious.”   MCM pt. IV, para. 37.c.(2).
    While MCM pt. IV, para. 37.c.(2), provides that
    “[p]ossession inherently includes the power or authority to
    preclude control by others[,]” Navrestad did not have the
    ability to control who else would have access to the contents of
    the Briefcases he was viewing.    Finally, as we have held that
    sending a hyperlink during a chat session to a Yahoo! Briefcase
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    that contains child pornography does not constitute
    “distribution” of child pornography, the fact that Navrestad
    sent the hyperlink does not reflect “dominion” or “control” over
    the child pornography images in the Briefcase.     In this context,
    viewing alone does not constitute “control” as that term is used
    in MCM pt. IV, para. 37.c.(2).
    The Government relies on several federal circuit court
    decisions to support its argument that Navrestad’s actions in
    this case constituted sufficient dominion and control over the
    images to constitute possession.      See United States v. Romm, 
    455 F.3d 990
     (9th Cir. 2006); Tucker, 
    305 F.3d 1193
    .      These cases
    involve “possession” of child pornography under the CPPA.     The
    pivotal distinction between those cases and the instant case is
    that both the circuit court cases involve images of child
    pornography that had been saved to “temporary internet files” of
    the defendant’s personal computers and the defendants in both
    cases knew that the images were stored on their computers and
    had ready access to the files.   Romm, 
    455 F.3d at 1001
    ; Tucker,
    305 F.3d at 1205
    .   In this case the Government has agreed that
    while the Internet café computer saved the Yahoo! Briefcase
    websites to a temporary Internet file, those files were not
    accessible by Navrestad.   In addition, there was no evidence at
    trial that Navrestad had any knowledge that the images were even
    being saved on the café computer.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    We hold that under the facts of this case, Navrestad
    lacked the dominion and control necessary to constitute
    “possession” of the child pornographic images.
    As Navrestad’s actions are legally insufficient to support
    a conviction for possession or distribution of child
    pornography, the findings of the United States Army Court of
    Criminal Appeals as to Specifications 4 and 5 are set aside.13
    The remaining findings are affirmed.    The record of trial is
    returned to the Judge Advocate General of the Army for remand to
    the United States Army Court of Criminal Appeals for sentence
    There is no question that sexual crimes against minors
    and the area of child pornography encompass a variety
    of despicable crimes for which society has justifiably
    proscribed serious penalties. We should not, however,
    allow our disgust for [Navrestad’s] actions color our
    judgment in evaluating the legal sufficiency of the
    United States v. Hays, 
    62 M.J. 158
    , 170 (C.A.A.F. 2005)
    (Erdmann, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part).
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    EFFRON, Chief Judge, with whom STUCKY, Judge, joins
    Appellant accessed child pornography on the Internet,
    personally selected specific sets of images for transmission to
    a designated recipient, and used a hyperlink to transmit the
    images to the recipient.    The majority opinion concludes that
    the record does not provide a legally sufficient basis for
    sustaining Appellant’s convictions for distribution and
    possession of child pornography.    For the reasons set forth
    below, I respectfully dissent.
    Appellant’s experience with child pornography on the
    Internet commenced more than two years prior to the events at
    issue in the present appeal.    He regularly accessed child
    pornography on the Internet, usually about once a week.
    Appellant, who did not own a computer, had an account at an
    Internet cafe located on a military installation in Vilseck,
    Germany.   During one of his on-line sessions at the Internet
    cafe, Appellant accessed a website known as a “Yahoo! chat room”
    that specialized in conversations involving persons purporting
    to be sexually active, underage males.    The chat room provided
    an opportunity for a person to engage in a one-on-one written
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    communication with another individual that would not be visible
    to others.
    Appellant initiated a communication with an individual
    whose profile indicated that he was a fifteen-year-old boy named
    “Adam” who lived in New Hampshire.   Appellant, who engaged in a
    discussion of sexual matters with “Adam,” offered to send
    pictures if “Adam” would engage in “phone sex.”   Through the
    chat room, Appellant transmitted a hyperlink to “Adam” for an
    Internet site known as a “Yahoo! Briefcase.”   “Adam,” who was a
    New Hampshire police officer, clicked on the briefcase, which
    contained eight sexually explicit pictures.
    Appellant and “Adam” had added one another to their “buddy
    lists,” which provided an on-screen indication as to whether
    named persons were available for communicating in the chat room.
    Several days later, Appellant returned to the Internet cafe,
    logged onto a computer, accessed the chat room, and initiated
    communication with “Adam.”   In response to Appellant’s request
    to engage in phone sex, “Adam” asked Appellant to send pictures.
    After further chat room conversation of a sexual nature,
    Appellant sent “Adam” two new hyperlinks for locations
    containing sexually explicit pictures.   He also transmitted the
    hyperlink for the eight pictures he had shared during their
    first online chat.
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    The following week, Appellant initiated a third online chat
    with “Adam.”   Once again, the conversation focused on sexual
    matters, including Appellant’s sexual interest in “Adam’s”
    younger brother, a fictitious person whom Appellant believed to
    be a real twelve-year-old boy.   In response to “Adam’s” request
    for pictures of “guys 10-14,” Appellant accessed a Yahoo!
    Briefcase site that contained child pornography.   After he
    viewed the pictures to confirm that they contained child
    pornography, he sent the hyperlink for those sites to “Adam” via
    a chat room conversation.   “Adam” promptly clicked on the
    hyperlink, which revealed fifty-two pictures, the majority of
    which depicted children under the age of eighteen engaged in
    sexual acts and exhibition of genitalia.
    The undercover detective, who posed as “Adam,” testified
    that the pictures appeared on his computer as soon as he clicked
    on the hyperlink and selected the individual photographs listed
    as image files in the Yahoo! Briefcase.    The detective explained
    that the hyperlink provides a superior method of sending
    pictures, as compared to sending files containing individual
    pictures, noting that “you can send hundreds of pictures with a
    single transmission, whereas if you actually send the individual
    files, it’s going to take more time, and they have to be sent
    one at a time.”
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    The present appeal concerns Appellant’s convictions for
    distributing and possessing child pornography, as modified and
    affirmed by the Court of Criminal Appeals.     The standard for
    legal sufficiency involves a very low threshold to sustain a
    conviction.    See Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    , 318 (1979).
    As noted in the majority opinion, the standard is “‘whether,
    considering the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution, a reasonable factfinder could have found all the
    essential elements beyond a reasonable doubt.’”     United States
    v. Navrestad, __ M.J. __ (6) (C.A.A.F. 2008) (quoting United
    States v. Dobson, 
    63 M.J. 1
    , 21 (C.A.A.F. 2006)).
    A.   Distribution
    As affirmed by the Court of Criminal Appeals, Appellant was
    convicted of distributing child pornography in violation of
    Article 134, UCMJ, 
    10 U.S.C. § 934
     (2000) (proscribing conduct
    that is service discrediting or prejudicial to good order and
    discipline).   Assuming that the distribution charge incorporated
    the terms of 18 U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(2) (2000), see Navrestad, __
    M.J. at __ (3 n.3), Appellant must demonstrate on appeal that
    the evidence was insufficient to convince a reasonable
    factfinder that he knowingly distributed “child pornography” or
    “material that contain[ed] child pornography,” and that he did
    so “by any means, including by computer.”      The term “child
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    pornography,” which is not limited to images or pictures,
    includes “data stored on computer disk or by electronic means
    which is capable of conversion into a visual image.”   
    18 U.S.C. § 2256
    (5), (8) (2000).
    In the present appeal, Appellant does not contest that he
    was familiar with the procedures for accessing child pornography
    on the Internet, that he knowingly accessed several sites on the
    Internet in response to another person’s request to receive
    child pornography, or that he knowingly selected specific images
    for viewing by the recipient.   Further, he does not contest that
    he knowingly transmitted hyperlinks to the recipient in response
    to the request for child pornography, or that he knew that his
    action in transmitting the hyperlinks would provide the
    recipient with near-instantaneous views of the specific child
    pornography images selected by Appellant.
    Appellant’s claim on appeal is that the evidence is
    insufficient as a matter of law because transmission of a
    hyperlink, a path to a website, does not meet the statutory
    criteria for the offense of distribution.    According to
    Appellant, the hyperlink in the present case was not capable of
    conversion into child pornography because the recipient could
    not access the pornography through a one-step click on the
    hyperlink.   Appellant relies on the fact that the recipient of
    the hyperlink had to take two steps to view the pornography:
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    first, click on the briefcase to access the briefcase, and
    second, click on a specific file in the briefcase to view the
    child pornography.
    The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit,
    in Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Corley, 
    273 F.3d 429
    , 456 (2d
    Cir. 2001), encountered a similar objection when addressing the
    issue of improper trafficking of copyrighted material under the
    Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 
    17 U.S.C. §§ 1201-1332
    (Supp. V 1999).   In Corley, the district court issued an
    injunction prohibiting a company from posting software on its
    website that facilitated improper access to copyrighted
    materials through pirating software.    Corley, 
    273 F. 3d at
    35.   The company also posted hyperlinks to other websites where
    the pirating software could be found.   
    In affirming the injunction against a variety of
    challenges, including First Amendment considerations, the Second
    Circuit offered the following description of the manner in which
    a hyperlink permits distribution of restricted information:
    A hyperlink is a cross-reference (in a distinctive
    font or color) appearing on one web page that, when
    activated by the point-and-click of a mouse, brings
    onto the computer screen another web page. The
    hyperlink can appear on a screen (window) as text,
    such as the Internet address (“URL”) of the web page
    being called up or a word or phrase that identifies
    the web page to be called up, for example, “DeCSS web
    site.” Or the hyperlink can appear as an image, for
    example, an icon depicting a person sitting at a
    computer watching a DVD movie and text stating “click
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    here to access DeCSS and see DVD movies for free!”
    The code for the web page containing the hyperlink
    includes a computer instruction that associates the
    link with the URL of the web page to be accessed, such
    that clicking on the hyperlink instructs the computer
    to enter the URL of the desired web page and thereby
    access that page. With a hyperlink on a web page, the
    linked web site is just one click away.
    Id. at 455
    The Second Circuit agreed with the district court’s
    conclusion that the DMCA, including statutory prohibitions
    against trafficking, should apply to hyperlinks because of the
    “functional capability” of the hyperlink even though the
    hyperlink was merely a path rather than an actual version of the
    pirating software.   
    Id. at 456
    .   Although the hyperlink did not
    literally contain the pirating software, the Second Circuit
    observed, “[a hyperlink] conveys information, the Internet
    address of the linked web page, and has the functional capacity
    to bring the content of the linked web page to the user’s
    computer screen.”    
    As in the present case, the appellants in Corley contended
    that a hyperlink should be treated as merely publication of an
    address at which a third party might obtain prohibited material.
       The Second Circuit rejected the analogy, stating:
    Appellants ignore the reality of the functional
    capacity of . . . hyperlinks to facilitate
    instantaneous unauthorized access to copyrighted
    materials by anyone anywhere in the world. . . .
    [T]he injunction’s linking prohibition validly
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    regulates the Appellant’s opportunity instantly to
    enable anyone anywhere to gain unauthorized access to
    copyrighted movies on DVDs.
    Id. at 457
    The Second Circuit emphasized that hyperlinks take one
    “‘almost instantaneously to the desired destination.’”     
    Id. at 456
    .   Unlike a website address printed in the newspaper
    describing where to find child pornography, a hyperlink provides
    a means to transmit the content of the website to the user’s
    computer.   The recipient’s ability to access and use images
    transmitted by hyperlink is functionally indistinguishable from
    the ability to access and use images transmitted as individually
    saved files.
    In that context, the Second Circuit also rejected the
    company’s suggestion that providing a hyperlink to a website
    should be analogized to a newspaper publishing the address of a
    bookstore that carries obscene materials.    
    Id. at 456-57
    Focusing on the instantaneous distribution that occurs when a
    website is accessed via a hyperlink:
    Like many analogies posited to illuminate legal
    issues, the bookstore analogy is helpful primarily in
    identifying characteristics that distinguish it from
    the context of the pending dispute. If a bookstore
    proprietor is knowingly selling obscene materials, the
    evil of distributing such materials can be prevented
    by injunctive relief against the unlawful distribution
    (and similar distribution by others can be deterred by
    punishment of the distributor). And if others publish
    the location of the bookstore, preventive relief
    against a distributor can be effective before any
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    significant distribution of the prohibited materials
    has occurred. The digital world, however, creates a
    very different problem. If obscene materials are
    posted on one web site and other sites post hyperlinks
    to the first site, the materials are available for
    instantaneous worldwide distribution before any
    preventive measures can be effectively taken.
    Id. at 457
    The Second Circuit’s functional treatment of distribution
    of information via hyperlinks in the context of the highly
    sensitive First Amendment considerations applicable to copyright
    litigation is consistent with the testimony developed during
    Appellant’s trial.   Witnesses for the Government established
    that a hyperlink provided an efficient means of distributing
    photographic images.   One witness testified that although images
    can be distributed numerous ways, use of a hyperlink is
    “streamlined.”   One click on the hyperlink brought the recipient
    directly to the website, along with access to any files and
    digital images located at that website.   Through the hyperlink,
    Appellant distributed child pornography by electronic means
    capable of conversion into images within the meaning of the
    10 U.S.C. §§ 2256
    (5), (8), and accomplished his
    distribution in a manner far more expeditious and efficient than
    if he had done so through traditional mail or by attaching
    individual files to an e-mail.
    There may well be situations in which the use of a
    hyperlink falls outside of the proscriptions of the CPPA.    The
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    present case, however, does not involve unknowing or inadvertent
    transmission, nor does it concern communications arguably
    protected by the First Amendment or other applicable law.
    Appellant used a hyperlink to send “Adam” fifty-two images of
    child pornography -- images that the recipient could access with
    a simple click on the hyperlink, followed by a click on the
    individual images.   Law enforcement officials testified that the
    images included photographs of actual children who had been
    sexually abused and photographed by adults.   Accordingly, the
    evidence was legally sufficient to sustain Appellant’s
    conviction for distribution of child pornography.
    B.   Possession
    Appellant contends that he did not possess child
    pornography because possession entails more than viewing or
    storage on a temporary Internet file.   Assuming that mere
    viewing through a medium in which images are stored on a
    temporary file does not amount to possession, the present case
    is not so limited.   Appellant knowingly accessed a child
    pornography website for purposes of transmitting images to
    another person.   After he accessed the website displaying the
    images, he used hyperlinks to capture specific images, and
    transmitted the images via the hyperlinks to another party.   The
    fact that others may have had the ability to access the website
    as well does not diminish the fact that Appellant exercised
    United States v. Navrestad, No. 07-0199/AR
    sufficient dominion and control over the images to select
    personally the pictures he wished to transmit, and to take the
    necessary steps to distribute the pictures to a specific
    recipient selected by Appellant without interference or control
    by another person.   In that context, the record contains ample
    evidence under which a reasonable factfinder could conclude that
    he possessed child pornography in a manner that was either
    service discrediting or prejudicial to good order and discipline
    under Article 134, UCMJ.