United States v. Simpson , 58 M.J. 368 ( 2003 )

  •                                   IN THE CASE OF
    UNITED STATES, Appellee
    Delmar G. SIMPSON, Staff Sergeant
    U.S. Army, Appellant
    No. 02-0001
    Crim. App. No. 9700775
    United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
    Argued December 11, 2002
    Decided July 1, 2003
    EFFRON, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which
    For Appellant: Frank J. Spinner, Esq. (argued); Colonel Adele
    H. Odegard, Major Imogene M. Jamison, and Captain Eilin J.
    Chiang (on brief); Captain Stephanie L. Haines.
    For Appellee: Captain Abraham F. Carpio (argued); Lieutenant
    Colonel Margaret B. Baines, Lieutenant Colonel Lauren B.
    Leeker, Major Mark L. Johnson, and Captain Tami L. Dillahunt
    (on brief); Major Paul T. Cygnarowicz.
    Military Judges:      Joseph Neurauter, Linda K. Webster, and Paul Johnston
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    Judge EFFRON delivered the opinion of the Court.
    A general court-martial composed of officer and enlisted
    members convicted Appellant, pursuant to his pleas, of failure
    to obey a lawful general order (10 specifications) in violation
    of Article 92, Uniform Code of Military Justice [hereinafter
    UCMJ], 10 U.S.C. § 892 (2000).   Contrary to his pleas, Appellant
    was convicted of failure to obey a lawful general order (3
    specifications), cruelty and maltreatment of a subordinate (2
    specifications), rape (18 specifications), forcible sodomy (1
    specification), consensual sodomy (2 specifications), assault
    consummated by a battery (1 specification), indecent assault (12
    specifications), indecent acts (1 specification) and
    communicating a threat (2 specifications), in violation of
    Articles 92, 93, 120, 125, 128, and 134, UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. §§ 892,
    893, 920, 925, 928, 934 (2000), respectively.    He was sentenced
    to a dishonorable discharge, confinement for 25 years, total
    forfeitures, and reduction to Private (E-1).    The convening
    authority approved the adjudged sentence and credited Appellant
    with 413 days against his sentence to confinement.
    The Army Court of Criminal Appeals, in an opinion containing
    an extensive description of the factual and legal background,
    set aside and dismissed three of the 12 indecent assault
    specifications and one of the 18 rape specifications, affirmed a
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    lesser included finding of failure to obey a lawful general
    order (1 specification), modified one of the indecent assault
    specifications and one of the rape specifications, affirmed the
    balance of the findings, reduced the confinement to 22 years,
    and approved the balance of the sentence.    United States v.
    55 M.J. 674
    (Army Ct. Crim. App. 2001).
    On Appellant’s petition, we granted review of the following
    We shall first discuss the granted issue involving unfair
    pretrial publicity and unlawful command influence, and then turn
    to the granted issue regarding instructions on constructive
    force.    For the reasons set forth below, we affirm the decision
    of the Court of Criminal Appeals.
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    The Criminal Investigation Command (CID) opened an
    investigation into trainee abuse allegations against Appellant
    and others in September 1996.    The allegations with respect to
    Appellant concerned the period between November 1994 and
    September 1996 when Appellant was assigned to the Ordnance
    Center and School (School), Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland.
    Although the School is located at Aberdeen, it is under the
    immediate command of the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC),
    Fort Monroe, Virginia.
    During the initial phase of the investigation, Appellant
    remained assigned to the School, which was commanded by Major
    General (MG) Shadley.    MG Shadley, who was not a convening
    authority, exercised general command and control functions over
    the School.   In response to the scope of the allegations by
    trainees against Appellant and others, MG Shadley organized a
    “Command Response Team” to monitor the investigation, determine
    whether there were systemic problems, and take preventive
    action.   The team was composed of personnel from the School, the
    installation staff, and other tenant units on the installation.
    Colonel (COL) Webb, who exercised special court-martial
    jurisdiction over Appellant during the initial phase of the
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    investigation, was a member of the team.   Summarized reports of
    the team’s activities were provided to MG Longhouser, who
    simultaneously served as the garrison commander of Aberdeen
    Proving Ground and commander of the Test and Evaluation Command
    (TECOM), and COL Glantz, the Garrison Commander.
    When concern arose that statements made by MG Shadley
    during this period might be viewed as improperly influencing his
    subordinates, including COL Webb, Appellant and others under
    investigation were transferred from the School to the Garrison
    Command at Aberdeen Proving Ground on October 4, 1996.    Under
    the transfer, the responsibility for disposition and action on
    military justice matters regarding Appellant was removed from
    COL Webb and became the responsibility of officers assigned to
    the Garrison Command.   The transfer did not affect MG Shadley’s
    responsibility for activities at the School, including
    management, training, and follow-up activities related to the
    The new general court-martial convening authority over
    Appellant was the Garrison Commander, MG Longhouser.    His
    immediate superior was General Wilson, Commander of the Army
    Material Command, located in Alexandria, Virginia.    COL Glantz
    became the new special court-martial convening authority.
    During the fall of 1996, the CID continued its
    investigation of alleged trainee abuse by Appellant and others,
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    and eventually expanded the investigation to cover all Army
    training installations.   In light of the expanding nature of the
    investigation, MG Longhouser concluded that media inquiries
    would soon follow.   Following recommendations from MG Longhouser
    and MG Shadley, the Army held press conferences on November 7,
    featuring remarks from the Chief of Staff of the Army, the
    Commander of TRADOC, and MG Shadley regarding the investigation
    in particular and trainee abuse in general.
    Later in November, COL Glantz recommended to MG Longhouser
    that the charges against Appellant be referred to a general
    court-martial.   On November 21, MG Longhouser referred the
    charges for trial by general court-martial.   In designating the
    primary and alternate court-martial members under Article 25,
    UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. § 825 (2000), MG Longhouser excluded all
    personnel under MG Shadley’s command at the School.
    Subsequently, three sets of additional charges were reviewed by
    COL Glantz and referred by MG Longhouser for trial by the same
    court-martial.   At the initial session of the court-martial on
    December 6, the military judge presiding over pretrial motions
    announced that he would order the primary and alternate court-
    martial panel members to avoid exposure to print and electronic
    media stories concerning the investigation of sexual misconduct
    at Aberdeen.
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    Between November 1996 and March 1997, statements about the
    investigation and remarks about policy issues related to trainee
    abuse were made by the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of
    the Army, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and
    Reserve Affairs, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the
    Chief of Staff of the Army, and other senior civilian and
    military officials.   During the same period, the Secretary of
    the Army established a Senior Review Panel to review actions
    related to the prevention of sexual harassment.   The Chief of
    Staff of the Army sent a personal letter to all general officers
    communicating the Army’s existing policy on sexual harassment.
    In addition, the Chief of Staff mandated that all active duty
    personnel receive instruction on the Army’s sexual harassment
    On March 3, 1997, the defense filed a motion to dismiss the
    charges with prejudice based on unfair pretrial publicity and
    unlawful command influence.   After considering briefs, oral
    testimony, and documentary evidence, the military judge denied
    the motion on April 7.
    Appellant contends that his trial was tainted by unfair
    pretrial publicity as well as unlawful command influence.   Much
    of the record relied upon by Appellant is related to both
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    concepts.    Although these concepts reflect a common interest in
    ensuring impartial treatment in the judicial process, they
    involve differing trial procedures and standards of review.     We
    shall first address unfair pretrial publicity, and then consider
    unlawful command influence.
    1.   Pretrial Publicity
    Members of the armed forces are entitled to have their
    cases adjudged by fair and impartial court-martial panels whose
    evaluation is based solely upon the evidence, and not upon
    prejudgment that may occur as a result of pretrial publicity.
    United States v. Curtis, 
    44 M.J. 106
    , 139 (C.A.A.F. 1996), upon
    46 M.J. 129
    (C.A.A.F. 1997)(findings affirmed
    and sentence reversed); see Chandler v. Florida, 
    449 U.S. 560
    574 (1981); Wainwright v. Witt, 
    469 U.S. 412
    , 423 (1985);
    Reynolds v. United States, 
    98 U.S. 145
    , 154-57 (1878).    The
    doctrine of unfair pretrial publicity is based upon the
    constitutional right to due process.    See U.S. Const. amend. V.
    The defense may raise the issue of unfair pretrial
    publicity by demonstrating either presumed prejudice or actual
    prejudice.   To establish presumed prejudice, the defense must
    show that the pretrial publicity (1) is prejudicial, (2) is
    inflammatory, and (3) has saturated the community.   See 
    Curtis, 44 M.J. at 139
    (citing Nebraska Press Ass’n v. Stuart, 
    427 U.S. 8
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    539, 554 (1976)).   Depending on the circumstances of the case,
    the potential for prejudice may be ameliorated through measures
    such as a continuance, change of venue, sequestration, and
    regulation of public comment by counsel.   See Nebraska Press
    Ass’n, 427 U.S. at 552-53
    (citing Sheppard v. Maxwell, 
    384 U.S. 333
    (1966)).   To establish actual prejudice, the defense must
    show that members of the court-martial panel had such fixed
    opinions that they could not judge impartially the guilt of the
    accused.   See 
    Curtis, 44 M.J. at 139
    (citing Mu’Min v. Virginia,
    500 U.S. 415
    , 430 (1991); Irvin v. Dowd, 
    366 U.S. 717
    , 721-28
    (1961)).   Without such a showing, evidence that the members had
    knowledge of highly significant information or other
    incriminating matters is insufficient.   
    Id. At trial,
    Appellant’s motion to dismiss was accompanied by
    an extensive collection of news clippings, transcripts of
    television programs, videotapes, and transcripts of interviews.
    The material occupies five volumes of the trial record.   The
    court below variously characterized material as reflecting a
    “nationwide media blitz” and a “media feeding 
    frenzy.” 55 M.J. at 679
    , 682.   The court used these phrases to describe the
    quantity and frequency of media interest, not as an evaluation
    of the content of the material from a due process perspective.
    The court observed that the vast majority of the items
    submitted by Appellant consisted of matter published in the two-
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    week period following the Army’s initial announcement of the
    investigation on November 7, 1996, and that many of the items
    duplicated stories “published in various papers across the
    country with little or no change in content from paper to
    Id. at 679
    n.5.   While the court described the media
    interest about trainee abuse in the Army as “extensive – even
    pervasive – for approximately one month,” the court concluded
    that the material was not inflammatory, noting that “the
    pretrial publicity in this case was, in comparison to that found
    in many civilian criminal investigations, very sparse on
    Id. at 679
    , 687.   We agree.
    With respect to presumed prejudice, we note that although
    there was extensive media interest, Appellant has not
    demonstrated that the community was saturated with inflammatory
    prejudicial material.    Relatively few of the articles directly
    referred to Appellant.    Moreover, as a precautionary measure,
    the members were ordered to avoid media coverage of trainee
    abuse issues.    In view of these circumstances, Appellant has not
    demonstrated presumed prejudice under generally applicable
    principles of criminal law concerning unfair pretrial publicity.
    See Rock v. Zimmerman, 
    959 F.2d 1237
    , 1252-53 (3d Cir. 1992).
    With respect to actual prejudice, we note that the military
    judge permitted counsel to conduct extensive individual voir
    dire of the court-martial panel prior to trial on the merits.
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    The examination of the members revealed that the members had
    encountered very little information about the trial or related
    matters.   Appellant did not seek a change in venue on the basis
    of unfair pretrial publicity, nor did Appellant cite unfair
    pretrial publicity as the basis for challenging any of the
    members of the court-martial panel.     In view of the foregoing
    circumstances, Appellant has failed to demonstrate that he was
    the victim of actual unfair pretrial publicity.       Whether such
    material constituted unlawful command influence is a different
    matter, which we shall consider in the following section.
    2.   Unlawful Command Influence
    a. In general
    In addition to raising the issue of unfair pretrial
    publicity, Appellant contends that his court-martial was tainted
    by actual unlawful command influence and the appearance of
    unlawful command influence.     Appellant asserts that command
    influence impermissibly constrained the discretion of the
    officers involved in the disposition of the charges, and that
    command influence improperly infected the impartiality of the
    court-martial panel that adjudged the findings and sentence in
    the present case.    See Art. 37, UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. § 837 (2000);
    Rules for Courts-Martial 104, 401(a)(c)(2)(A) discussion.
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    Our cases provide a specific procedure for use at trial to
    address allegations of actual unlawful command influence.
    First, the defense must “show facts which, if true, constitute
    unlawful command influence.”    United States v. Biagase, 
    50 M.J. 143
    , 150 (C.A.A.F. 1999).    Second, the defense must show "that
    the alleged unlawful command influence has a logical connection
    to the court-martial, in terms of its potential to cause
    unfairness in the proceedings.”    
    Id. “The threshold
    for raising
    the issue at trial is low, but more thanmere allegation or
    Id. The defense
    is required to present “'some
    evidence'” of unlawful command influence.     
    Id. (quoting United
    States v. Ayala, 
    43 M.J. 296
    , 300 (C.A.A.F. 1995)).     Third, if
    the defense has made the requisite showing under the first two
    steps, the burden shifts to the Government to: (1) disprove “the
    predicate facts on which the allegation of unlawful command
    influence is based”; (2) persuade the military judge “that the
    facts do not constitute unlawful command influence"; or (3)
    prove at trial "that the unlawful command influence will not
    affect the proceedings.”    
    Id. at 151.
      “Whichever tactic the
    Government chooses, the quantum of proof is beyond a reasonable
    doubt.”   United States v. Stoneman, 
    57 M.J. 35
    , 41 (C.A.A.F.
    Biagase, 50 M.J. at 151
    Depending on the nature of the alleged unlawful command
    influence and other pertinent circumstances, the Government may
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    demonstrate that unlawful command influence will not affect the
    proceedings in a particular case as a result of ameliorative
    actions.   Such actions might include transfer of responsibility
    for disposition of charges to commanders not subject to the
    influence, orders protecting servicemembers from retaliation,
    changes in venue, liberal grants of challenges for cause, and
    the use of discovery and pretrial hearings to delineate the
    scope and impact of alleged unlawful command influence.     See,
    Biagase, 50 M.J. at 152
    ; United States v. Rivers, 
    49 M.J. 434
    , 443 (C.A.A.F. 1998).
    During appellate consideration, the three factors are
    framed in terms of evaluation of a completed trial.   “[T]he
    defense must (1) show facts which, if true, constitute unlawful
    command influence; (2) show that the proceedings were unfair;
    and (3) show that the unlawful command influence was the cause
    of the unfairness.”   
    Biagase, 50 M.J. at 150
    (citing United
    States v. Stombaugh, 
    40 M.J. 208
    , 213 (C.M.A. 1994)).
    In the course of addressing these issues, military judges
    and appellate courts must consider apparent as well as actual
    unlawful command influence.   As we observed in Stoneman:
    This court has long recognized that, once
    unlawful command influence is raised, . .
    it [is] incumbent on the military judge to
    act in the spirit of the Code by avoiding
    even the appearance of evil in [the]
    courtroom and by establishing the confidence
    of the general public in the fairness of the
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    court-martial proceedings. . . .
    Accordingly, disposition of an issue of
    unlawful command influence falls short if it
    fails to take into consideration the concern
    of Congress and this Court in eliminating
    even the appearance of unlawful command
    influence at courts-martial. . . . The
    appearance of unlawful command influence is
    as devastating to the military justice
    system as the actual manipulation of any
    given trial. . . .
    . . . Even if there [is] no actual unlawful
    command influence, there may be a question
    whether the influence of command placed an
    intolerable strain on public perception of
    the military justice 
    system. 57 M.J. at 42-43
    (citations, internal quotations and parentheses
    b. The relationship between publicity and unlawful command
    Appellant’s primary contention in the present case is that
    “[t]here is presumed prejudice and apparent unlawful command
    influence, because the publicity in [his] case overwhelmingly
    saturated the military community, as evidenced by the newspaper
    stories, national news magazine stories, transcripts of
    television interviews, editorial comments, and interviews of
    senior officials, which were made part of the record of trial at
    Appellate Exhibit LXXV.”
    The gist of Appellant’s argument is that unlawful command
    influence may be established if substantial public interest in a
    pending proceeding is generated when the military leadership
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    provides information to the media in general, and members of the
    armed forces in particular, regarding pending charges, which
    then results in extensive media coverage, commentary, and
    congressional interest.     As we noted in United States v.
    52 M.J. 98
    , 103 (C.A.A.F. 1999), “Public criticism of
    military operations – including withering critiques of strategy,
    tactics, personnel policies, and human rights concerns – is
    inherent in a democracy.”    The prohibition against unlawful
    command influence does not require senior military and civilian
    officials to refrain from addressing such concerns    -- including
    matters affecting the training of recruits -- through press
    releases, responses to press inquiries, and similar
    When members of the public entrust their sons and daughters
    to the military training process, they expect to receive
    accurate and complete information about the quality of the
    training environment, including the state of discipline.      The
    public also expects military leaders, who exercise both
    prosecutorial and judicial functions in the military justice
    process, to exercise due care in developing and executing
    communications plans when potential military justice actions are
    pending.   As noted by the court below:
    When those with the mantle of command
    authority deliberately orchestrate pretrial
    publicity with the intent to influence the
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    results in a particular case or series of
    cases, the pretrial publicity itself may
    constitute unlawful command influence. Even
    the perception that pretrial publicity has
    been engineered to achieve a prohibited end
    – regardless of the intent of those
    generating the media attention – may lead to
    the appearance of unlawful command
    influence. 55 M.J. at 687
    In the present case, the vast majority of the comments made
    by the senior military and civilian officials were not
    particularly remarkable.   While we must separately consider
    whether any of the specific statements made by the senior
    officials constituted unlawful command influence, see Part
    I.B.2.c., infra, the overall tenor of statements made by senior
    officials did not constitute an express or implied command
    position on disposition or adjudication.
    Under these circumstances, Appellant has not met his burden
    under Biagase of demonstrating that the general tenor of the
    leadership’s interaction with the media demonstrated either the
    intent to improperly influence the court-martial process or the
    appearance of such an influence.     To the extent that Appellant
    relies upon specific comments in the media by persons outside
    the chain of command, including Members of Congress, Appellant
    has not shown that the personnel involved in the disposition of
    charges or on the court-martial panel were aware of such
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    comments or that such comments could reasonably be perceived as
    carrying the force of command influence.
    c. Specific phrases within the statements made by the senior
    Appellant next contends that it was inappropriate for the
    senior leadership of the Department of Defense and the Army to
    use command publications and instructional programs to emphasize
    the Army’s “zero tolerance” policy regarding sexual harassment
    in the context of a well-publicized investigation and possible
    trial of service members for sexual abuse of trainees.
    The implication of the phrase “zero tolerance” to personnel
    in the military justice process depends on the training and
    experience of the person hearing the phrase, as well as the
    specific circumstances of a case.    Compare United States v.
    39 M.J. 107
    (C.M.A. 1994), with United States v.
    33 M.J. 132
    (C.M.A. 1991); cf. United States v.
    25 M.J. 46
    (C.M.A. 1987)(relying in part on Navy’s zero
    tolerance policy to support an informant’s reliability in the
    context of a search and seizure motion).    The meaning of “zero
    tolerance” may range from the relatively benign (e.g., a
    reminder to not overlook misconduct) to the prejudicial (e.g.,
    an admonition to produce a particular disposition or court-
    martial result).   The record of trial indicates that the persons
    involved in Appellant’s case understood that the military
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    leadership’s discussion of a “zero tolerance” policy on sexual
    harassment referred to existing Army policy, but did not require
    a particular disposition.   For example, in response to defense
    counsel’s questions during voir dire, Lieutenant Colonel William
    Paul, III, stated that under the concept of zero tolerance, a
    person who violated applicable rules would be subject to
    “appropriate action” in terms of being “counseled, charged -- or
    investigated and charged, or whatever.     But, to me, and
    especially when you are speaking of soldiers, I think that means
    that you’re not going to make any exceptions as far as rank, or
    position or anything like that.”     The responses of the members
    during voir dire reflected an understanding that the policy
    stood for the proposition that allegations of sexual harassment
    should not be ignored; and that the policy did not direct a
    particular response to an allegation of sexual harassment or
    otherwise constrain the exercise of discretion with respect to
    disposition of charges or adjudication of findings or sentence.
    Defense counsel interviewed the general court-martial
    convening authority prior to trial, cross-examined the general
    and special court-martial convening authorities during trial,
    and conducted extensive voir dire of the members at trial.    In
    this appeal, Appellant has not demonstrated that those
    individuals misapprehended the Army’s zero tolerance policy on
    sexual harassment, or that they viewed it as a command
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    expectation to take any particular action or range of actions
    with respect to disposition of charges or adjudication of the
    findings and sentence.   In light of the background and
    experience of the personnel involved in disposition of charges
    and on the court-martial panel, as well as their responses to
    questions about the term “zero tolerance,” we conclude that the
    Appellant has failed to demonstrate under Biagase that the
    phrase “zero tolerance” raised the issue of unlawful command
    influence in the present case.
    Moreover, assuming that Appellant met his burden, the
    testimony of the forwarding and referring authorities, as well
    as responses of the panel members on voir dire, demonstrate
    beyond a reasonable doubt under the third Biagase factor that
    Appellant’s trial was not prejudiced by references to the Army’s
    “zero tolerance” policy under the particular circumstances of
    this case.   Furthermore, the manner in which the military judge
    considered these issues at trial rebuts any reasonable inference
    that references to “zero tolerance” created the appearance of
    unlawful command influence in this case.
    We emphasize that our conclusions are specific to this
    case, and that the question of whether a “zero tolerance” policy
    has been presented in a setting that improperly affected the
    court-martial process must be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
    Kropf, 39 M.J. at 109
    ; see also United States v. Baldwin, 54
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    M.J. 308, 310 (C.A.A.F. 2001); United States v. Brice, 
    19 M.J. 170
    , 171-72 (C.M.A. 1985); United States v. Grady, 
    15 M.J. 275
    276 (C.M.A. 1983).
    Appellant further contends that the senior military and
    civilian leadership improperly influenced the disposition of
    charges and actions of the court-martial by: (1) using phrases
    such as “no leniency” and “severe punishment”; (2) asserting as
    a factual conclusion that there had been an “abuse of power”;
    and (3) articulating an incorrect legal conclusion -- that
    “there is no such thing as consensual sex between drill
    sergeants and trainees.”   The media items submitted by Appellant
    attribute these phrases to the Secretary of the Army, the
    Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, the Chief
    of Staff of the Army, and other senior leaders.
    In the present case, the testimony of the officers involved
    in the disposition decision and the answers of the panel members
    during voir dire demonstrate that the persons responsible for
    prosecutorial discretion and adjudication in Appellant’s court-
    martial were either completely unaware of the foregoing
    statements or had only a vague recollection of such comments by
    the senior leadership.   None of these statements were
    transmitted directly to persons involved in the court-martial
    process, nor were they communicated through command channels.
    The phrases at issue were not otherwise repeated or disseminated
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    in a manner so direct or pervasive as to undermine the
    reasonableness of the assertions by persons involved in
    Appellant’s court-martial either that they were not aware of
    such comments or that they did not regard the media reports as
    reflecting command policy.
    Under these circumstances, we conclude that the Government
    has demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that the few media
    stories in which these phrases appeared did not taint
    Appellant’s court-martial with unlawful command influence.
    Because the Government has met the third prong of Biagase by
    showing beyond a reasonable doubt that the court-martial was not
    unlawfully influenced, we need not determine whether, in the
    context of the present case, the phrases at issue fit within the
    first two prongs of the Biagase test.
    With respect to apparent unlawful command influence, we
    take note of: (1) the early action to transfer Appellant to
    another jurisdiction in light of the potentially improper
    statements by the commander of the School; (2) the decision to
    compose the court-martial panel from persons outside the School;
    (3) the order of the military judge shielding members from media
    stories about the investigation; (4) the wide variety of
    disposition decisions in related cases growing out of the
    investigation at Aberdeen Proving Ground, including dismissal of
    charges, non-judicial punishment, administrative discharge, and
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    referral to special as well as general courts-martial; (5) the
    extensive ventilation of the unlawful command influence
    allegations at trial through testimony, documentary evidence,
    briefs, arguments of counsel, and a detailed written decision by
    the military judge, all of which focused on the impact on
    subordinate commanders and panel members; and (6) the fact that
    the defense did not seek a change of venue due to the pretrial
    publicity or unlawful command influence, nor did the defense
    challenge any of the panel members on the basis of potential
    exposure to pretrial publicity or unlawful command influence.
    In light of these circumstances, the Government has adequately
    demonstrated that Appellant’s trial was not tainted by the
    appearance of unlawful command influence.
    We emphasize, again, that our conclusion reflects the
    specific circumstances of this case.   Whether similar
    communications in a different context would be prejudicial as a
    matter of actual or apparent unlawful command influence is a
    matter that necessarily must be assessed in light of the
    differing context.   In that regard, we note that senior
    officials and the attorneys who advise them concerning the
    content of public statements should consider not only the
    perceived needs of the moment, but also the potential impact of
    specific comments on the fairness of any subsequent proceedings
    in terms of the prohibition against unlawful command influence.
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    The offenses of rape and forcible sodomy both require proof
    that the act was committed by force and without consent.
    Article 120(a); Manual for Courts-Martial, United States (2000
    ed.) [hereinafter MCM] Part IV paras. 45.b.(1)(b), 51.b.(3).
    Although force and lack of consent are separate elements, our
    case law recognizes that there may be circumstances in which the
    two elements are so closely intertwined that both elements may
    be proved by the same evidence.    See United States v. Palmer, 
    33 M.J. 7
    , 9-10 (C.M.A. 1991)(“[C]onsent induced by fear, fright,
    or coercion is equivalent to physical force.”).    Such
    "constructive force may consist of expressed or implied threats
    of bodily harm."   United States v. Hicks, 
    24 M.J. 3
    , 6 (C.M.A.
    1987).   Constructive force may be shown by proof of a coercive
    atmosphere that includes, for example, threats to injure others
    or statements that resistance would be futile.    See MCM Part IV,
    para. 45.c.(1)(b).
    In the context of the special relationship between non-
    commissioned officers and trainees, we have observed that the
    NCO –-
    cannot create by his own actions an
    environment of isolation and fear and then
    seek excusal from the crime of rape by
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    claiming the absence of force especially
    where, as here, passive acquiescence is
    prompted by the unique situation of
    dominance and control presented by
    appellant’s superior rank and position.
    United States v. Clark, 
    35 M.J. 432
    , 436 (C.M.A. 1992)(internal
    quotations and citations omitted).    See, e.g., United States v.
    45 M.J. 353
    , 356-57 (C.A.A.F. 1996); United States v.
    28 M.J. 197
    (C.M.A. 1989).   As noted by the court
    below, although “rank disparity alone is not sufficient to
    constitute constructive force[,] the evidence in this case
    presents far more than mere rank disparity between the appellant
    and his 
    victims.” 55 M.J. at 697
    n.40 (citations omitted). The
    court below identified the following factors demonstrating the
    relationship between the offenses at issue and Appellant’s
    superior rank and position:
    (1) the appellant’s physically imposing
    size; (2) his reputation for being tough and
    mean; (3) his position as a noncommissioned
    officer; (4) his actual and apparent
    authority over each of the victims in
    matters other than sexual contact; (5) the
    location and timing of the assaults,
    including his use of his official office and
    other areas within the barracks in which the
    trainees were required to live; (6) his
    refusal to accept verbal and physical
    indications that his victims were not
    willing participants; and (7) the relatively
    diminutive size and youth of his victims,
    and their lack of military 
    experience. 55 M.J. at 707
    .   Additionally, Appellant used his
    authority over the victims to issue orders that placed
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    them in the isolated locations where the charged rapes
    See 55 M.J. at 700-06
    The military judge in the present case provided the members
    with detailed instructions on each of the elements.    He also
    gave specific instructions on both actual and constructive
    force.   With respect to constructive force, he included the
    There is evidence which, if believed, may
    indicate that the accused used or abused his
    military position and/or rank and/or
    authority in order to coerce and/or force
    the alleged victim to have sexual
    intercourse. In deciding whether the
    accused possibly used or abused his
    position, rank or authority and whether the
    alleged victim had a reasonable belief that
    death or physical injury would be inflicted
    on her and that further resistance would be
    futile under the totality of the
    circumstances, you should consider all the
    evidence presented in this case that bears
    on those issues.
    Prior to instructing the members, the military judge
    conducted an extensive review of the proposed instructions with
    counsel.    During these discussions, the parties and the military
    judge addressed the constructive force language in considerable
    detail, including deviations from pertinent model instructions
    in the Military Judges' Benchbook.    See Legal Services, Dep't of
    the Army, Pamphlet 27-9, Military Judges' Benchbook (2001)
    [hereinafter Benchbook].    Defense counsel, who raised a number
    of concerns about various proposed instructions related to the
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    rape charges during these discussions, did not object to the
    constructive force instruction given by the military judge.      
    See 55 M.J. at 698
    In the present appeal, Appellant cites the differences
    between the instruction given by the military judge and the
    model instruction for the proposition that the instruction at
    trial was objectionable.   According to Appellant:
    Because the instruction did not inform and
    limit the panel members on how they could
    utilize the evidence of the appellant’s
    alleged use or abuse of military authority,
    the instruction as given permitted a
    loophole where none was intended to be. The
    loophole was large enough so that it
    permitted the panel members to find the
    appellant guilty of rape as long as they
    concluded the appellant used his military
    power or position to order the alleged
    victims to have sexual intercourse and
    sodomy with him, even if the alleged victims
    had no reasonable belief that death or great
    bodily harm would be inflicted upon them and
    had no reasonable belief that resistance
    would be futile.
    The issue of whether a court-martial panel was properly
    instructed is a question of law, which we review de novo.
    United States v. Hibbard, 
    58 M.J. 71
    , 75 (C.A.A.F. 2003).   In
    the present case, the military judge provided instructions on
    the pertinent elements, and the issue before us is whether the
    military judge erred by not providing greater specificity or
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    amplification.    Any such deficiency is waived by defense
    counsel's failure to object unless the instructions were so
    incomplete as to constitute plain error.     See United States v.
    50 M.J. 476
    , 478 (C.A.A.F. 1999).
    With respect to deviations from the model instructions in
    the Benchbook, we note that the military judge was not required
    to follow literally the non-binding examples therein.    See
    United States v. Bigelow, 
    57 M.J. 64
    , 67 (C.A.A.F. 2002).      The
    instruction actually given by the military judge, which was
    discussed in detail with counsel, summarized the general concept
    of constructive force under our case law.    See, e.g., 
    Cauley, 45 M.J. at 356-57
    .   If defense counsel believed that further
    amplification of the law by the military judge was warranted,
    the time to request such modifications was at trial, when the
    military judge could have tailored any requested wording to the
    law and the evidence.   Counsel was actively engaged in the
    consideration of the instruction at trial.    Under these
    circumstances, there was no plain error.
    We do not agree with Appellant’s contention that, even if
    not waived, the content of the constructive force instruction
    provided by the military judge was defective.    Appellant
    suggests that the military judge erred by providing a
    constructive force instruction referring to fear of “physical
    injury” rather than fear of “great bodily harm.”    Fear of “great
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    bodily harm” is used in the MCM with respect to inferring
    consent on the element of lack of consent. See MCM Part IV,
    para. 45.c.(1)(b).   With respect to the use of constructive
    force to prove the element of force, however, we have held that
    it is sufficient if the Government proves that the abuse of
    authority placed the victim in fear of physical injury. See
    Cauley, 45 M.J. at 356
    Palmer, 33 M.J. at 9
    Appellant also suggests that the instruction was deficient
    because it failed to focus the attention of the members on
    whether the alleged victims had a reasonable belief that they
    would be harmed or that resistance would be futile.   The
    military judge, however, adequately addressed those concerns in
    the related instruction he provided on the element of force,
    which he gave immediately prior to the constructive force
    In the law of rape, various types of conduct
    are sufficient to constitute force. The
    most obvious type is actual physical force,
    that is, the application of physical
    violence or power to compel the victim to
    submit against her will. Actual physical
    force, however, is not the only way force
    can be established. Where intimidation or
    threats of death or physical injury make
    resistance futile, it is said that
    constructive force has been applied, thus
    satisfying the requirement of force.
    Hence, when the accused’s actions and
    words or conduct, coupled with the
    surrounding circumstances, create a
    reasonable belief in the victim’s mind that
    United States v. Simpson, No. 02-0001/AR
    death or physical injury would be inflicted
    on her and that further resistance would be
    futile, the act of sexual intercourse has
    been accomplished by force.
    The two related instructions sufficiently informed the members
    that force was required for the crime of rape, that it could be
    in the form of constructive force, and that constructive force
    could be brought to bear on the victim through the use or abuse
    of military authority that created a reasonable belief that the
    victim would suffer physical injury or that resistance would be
    futile.   The military judge was not required to track literally
    the guidance in the Benchbook.   See 
    Bigelow, 57 M.J. at 67
    The decision of the United States Army Court of Criminal
    Appeals is affirmed.