United States v. Stebbins , 61 M.J. 366 ( 2005 )

  •                        UNITED STATES, Appellee
    John H. STEBBINS, Staff Sergeant
    U.S. Army, Appellant
    No. 03-0678
    Crim. App. No. 20000497
    United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
    Argued January 26, 2005
    Decided August 30, 2005
    GIERKE, C.J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which
    For Appellant: David P. Sheldon, Esquire (argued); Karen L.
    Hecker, Esquire, Major Allyson Lambert, and Captain Eilin J.
    Chiang (on brief).
    For Appellee: Captain Abraham F. Carpio (argued); Lieutenant
    Colonel Margaret B. Baines, Lieutenant Colonel Mark L. Johnson,
    Lieutenant Colonel Steven T. Salata, Lieutenant Colonel Mark A.
    Visger, and Major Theresa A. Gallagher (on brief).
    Military Judge:   Keith H. Hodges
    This opinion is subject to revision before final publication.
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    Chief Judge GIERKE delivered the opinion of the Court.
    Consistent with his pleas, Staff Sergeant John Stebbins was
    found guilty of rape of a child under the age of twelve on
    divers occasions and sodomy of a child under the age of twelve,
    in violation of Articles 120 and 125 of the Uniform Code of
    Military Justice (UCMJ).1       He was tried and convicted by a
    military judge sitting as a general court-martial and sentenced
    to a dishonorable discharge, confinement for thirty years,
    reduction in rank to E-1, a $75,000.00 fine, and confinement of
    an additional five years if he failed to pay the fine.       The
    convening authority approved the sentence as adjudged, except
    that he did not approve the additional confinement contingent on
    failure to pay the fine.       The United States Army Court of
    Criminal Appeals subsequently affirmed the findings and
    Congress passed a bill authorizing the punishment of
    confinement for life without eligibility for parole (LWOP) on
    November 6, 1997,3 and the President signed the bill into law on
    November 18, 1997.4     But the President did not amend the Manual
    for Courts-Martial (MCM or Manual) to incorporate the punishment
    10 U.S.C. §§ 920, 925 (2000).
    United States v. Stebbins, No. ARMY 20000497 (A. Ct. Crim. App.
    Aug. 20, 2003) (unpublished).
    National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998, Pub.
    L. No. 105-85, § 581(b), 111 Stat. 1759 (1997).
    143 Cong. Rec. H10961 (Dec. 15, 1997).
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    until April 11, 2002.5      Appellant now claims that LWOP was not an
    authorized punishment for his offenses.      We granted review to
    determine whether:
    Next, Appellant claims that Rule for Courts-Martial
    (R.C.M.) 1003(b)(3) requires an accused to be “unjustly
    enriched” before a fine can be imposed as punishment and, thus,
    the $75,000.00 fine imposed by the military judge was improper
    because he was not “unjustly enriched” as a result of his
    offenses.7   Accordingly, we also granted review of the following
    We now hold that LWOP was authorized for Appellant’s
    offense of rape, and that it was not error to impose the
    $75,000.00 fine.     Accordingly, we affirm the decision of the
    Army Court of Criminal Appeals.
    Exec. Order No. 13,262, 67 Fed. Reg. 18,773, 18,779 (Apr. 11,
    United States v. Stebbins, 
    59 M.J. 463
    , 463 (C.A.A.F.
    2004)(order granting review).
    See R.C.M. 1003(b)(3) discussion.
    Stebbins, 59 M.J. at 463
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    Appellant enlisted in the Army on June 4, 1996, for a term
    of six years.    His military record reflects exceptional service
    as an Army Ranger, and he was awarded a Silver Star for his
    heroism in Mogadishu, Somalia, in the incident that later became
    the basis of the book and movie Black Hawk Down.
    Unfortunately, the heroism Appellant displayed on the
    battlefield did not translate into his home life.       Sometime
    around October 1, 1998, when Appellant and his family lived at
    Fort Benning, Georgia, he began sexually abusing his six-year-
    old daughter, MS.     Appellant approached MS and asked her whether
    she had seen him in bed with his wife.        After she replied that
    she had, Appellant made MS remove her clothes, lie face down on
    the bed and spread her legs.       He then raped her.   Appellant
    admits that he raped MS at least two more times before September
    30, 1999.    Before raping MS for a third time, Appellant also
    forcibly sodomized her.
    Appellant’s offenses were discovered on March 17, 1999,
    after Appellant and his wife separated and were living apart.
    In response to an argument Appellant and his wife had over the
    telephone, MS, who was then seven, told her mother that she was
    “mad at him” and that she “hate[d] him” “[b]ecause he did sex to
    me.”   When questioned by her mother, MS indicated that Appellant
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    had penetrated her genitals and anus and had placed his penis in
    her mouth.
    I.    LWOP is an Authorized Punishment for Rape After November
    18, 1997
    At trial, the military judge advised Appellant that LWOP
    was the maximum punishment for his offenses.    Appellant entered
    a pretrial agreement based on this assumption.    As noted above,
    although Congress passed a bill authorizing LWOP on November 6,
    1997, which the President signed into law on November 18, 1997,
    the President did not incorporate this punishment into the MCM
    until April 11, 2002.
    In United States v. Ronghi,9 we held that LWOP was an
    authorized punishment for premeditated murders committed after
    November 18, 1997.     Although Ronghi did not address the
    availability of LWOP for any other offenses, we find the
    reasoning in that case controlling in this case.    Applying its
    principles to the offense of rape committed after November 18,
    1997, we now hold that LWOP was authorized for Appellant’s
    Article 56a of the UCMJ, enacted on November 18, 1997,10
    states that a court-martial may adjudge a sentence of LWOP for
    60 M.J. 83
    , 86 (C.A.A.F. 2004).
    Pub. L. No. 105-85, § 581(b), 111 Stat. at 1759; see also
    Ronghi, 60 M.J. at 84
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    “any offense for which a sentence of confinement for life may be
    adjudged.”11     Under Article 120, UCMJ, the maximum punishment for
    the offense of rape is “death or such other punishment as a
    court-martial may direct.”12       Because confinement for life is a
    lesser punishment than death, Congress authorized confinement
    for life as a possible punishment for rape as “such other
    punishment as a court-martial may direct.”13       Therefore, when
    Congress adopted Article 56a, it intended to authorize LWOP as
    another available sentence for a rape that occurred after
    November 18, 1997.
    In Ronghi, we noted that under Article 118, UCMJ,14 Congress
    explicitly authorized “death or imprisonment for life as a
    court-martial may direct” as the maximum authorized punishment
    for premeditated murder.15      Article 120 does not include
    “imprisonment for life” in the text of the statute.       But this
    distinction between the texts of Article 118 and Article 120
    does not change the fact that confinement for life is still a
    lesser punishment than death and clearly falls within Article
    120’s authorization of “such other punishment as a court-martial
    may direct.”16     Therefore, “absent some other statutory provision
    10 U.S.C. § 856a(a) (2000).
    10 U.S.C. § 920.
    Id. 14 10 U.S.C.
    § 918 (2000).
    See 60 M.J. at 84
    (emphasis added).
    Article 120(a), UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. § 920(a) (2000); see also
    Article 118, UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. § 918 (2000).
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    limiting LWOP’s availability, it was an authorized sentence”
    when Appellant committed his offenses between October 1, 1998,
    and September 30, 1999.17
    Congress is not the only decision maker in establishing
    limitations on the punishments available for those sentenced by
    courts-martial.     The President may also prescribe limitations on
    the maximum punishment that a court-martial may direct.18     Thus,
    the next question we must answer is whether the President
    imposed any limitation on LWOP as a punishment applicable to the
    rape of a child in 1998 and 1999.
    As noted in Ronghi,19 the President executed the authority
    delegated to him by Congress by establishing maximum punishments
    in Part IV of the MCM.      In setting the maximum punishment for
    rape, the President mirrored the language used by Congress,
    providing that the maximum punishment for rape is “[d]eath or
    such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.”20
    Therefore, because LWOP is a lesser punishment than death, no
    conflict exists between the Manual’s maximum sentence provision,
    death, and the congressionally-authorized sentence of LWOP in a
    17 60 M.J. at 84
    See Article 56, UCMJ; see also Article 18, UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. §
    818 (2000) (establishing jurisdiction of general courts-martial
    to adjudge punishment “under such limitations as the President
    may prescribe”).
    19 60 M.J. at 85
    MCM (2002 ed.), pt. IV, ¶ 45.e.(1).
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    rape case.21   Additionally, the President explicitly recognized
    LWOP as an authorized sentence “only” for “offenses committed
    after November 18, 1997.”22       Appellant committed his offenses in
    1998 and 1999.     Finally, as we found in Ronghi, R.C.M. 1003,
    which lists the kinds of punishments that a court-martial may
    impose, does not proscribe LWOP as a form of punishment.
    Although R.C.M. 1003 does not specifically list LWOP, it
    “nevertheless allow[s] LWOP, because it is not a new form of
    punishment, but simply a longer term of confinement than
    military law had previously allowed a court-martial to
    Appellant argues that Ronghi is distinguishable from this
    case because, while death was clearly an authorized punishment
    for premeditated murder in the 2000 edition of the MCM, the
    Supreme Court has held that the Constitution forbids the death
    penalty for the rape of an adult woman.24       Appellant relies on
    the Supreme Court’s holding in Coker v. Georgia, which held that
    a death sentence for the rape of an adult woman is “grossly
    disproportionate and excessive punishment” proscribed by the
    Eighth Amendment.25     Based on this holding, Appellant argues that
    Ronghi, 60 M.J. at 85
    Exec. Order 13,262 § 6.b, 67 Fed. Reg. 18,773, 18,779 (Apr.
    11, 2000).
    Ronghi, 60 M.J. at 85
    (emphasis omitted).
    See Coker v. Georgia, 
    433 U.S. 584
    , 599 (1977).
    Id. at 592. 8
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    confinement for life rather than death is the maximum authorized
    punishment for rape and that, because LWOP is not a lesser
    punishment than life, it cannot be considered as the maximum
    punishment in this case.
    Appellant’s argument is inapposite to the issue in this
    case.    In this case, we need not decide the scope and extent of
    the plurality opinion in Coker.        The issue in this case is not
    whether Appellant can be executed for the offense of rape.
    Rather, the issue is whether Congress authorized LWOP for
    Appellant’s offense of rape and whether the President has
    subsequently imposed any limitations on the imposition of LWOP
    as punishment for the rape of minor.
    Additionally, we have explicitly held that “rape is an
    offense punishable by death for purposes of exempting it from
    the 5-year statute of limitations in Article 43(b)(1).”26       In
    doing so, we stated that “the question of whether the death
    penalty may be imposed, given the facts and circumstances of any
    particular case, does not control the statute of limitations
    issue.”27    Similarly, we need not answer the question of whether
    Appellant may actually be sentenced to death for raping his
    daughter when she was six and seven.        Rather, the question in
    this case focuses on whether the President established a maximum
    Willenbring v. Neurauter, 
    48 M.J. 152
    , 180 (C.A.A.F. 1998).
    Id. at 178 (internal
    quotation marks and citations omitted).
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    sentence less than LWOP for rapes that occurred in 1998 and
    1999.    We conclude that, because the President authorized death
    for Appellant’s offenses, the 1998 MCM did not preclude a
    sentence of LWOP for rape.
    We now hold that LWOP is an authorized punishment for
    Appellant’s offense of rape of his daughter, which occurred
    after November 18, 1997.       Accordingly, the pretrial agreement is
    not null and void because Appellant was correctly instructed by
    the military judge as well as defense counsel that LWOP was an
    available punishment for rape.        Additionally, there was no
    material misunderstanding when he signed the pretrial agreement.
    II.     Fines May Be Imposed in the Absence of Unjust Enrichment
    As part of Appellant’s sentence, the military judge imposed
    a $75,000 fine against Appellant and sentenced him to contingent
    confinement if he failed to pay the fine.       The military judge
    also recommended to the convening authority that the fine be
    disapproved “under the conditions that a trust fund in the
    amount of $25,000 be established for the sole purpose of
    providing medical treatment to the spouse and to the child.”         On
    October 2, 2000, the convening authority approved the fine,
    without approving either the contingent confinement or
    establishment of the trust fund.
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    A.    Unjust Enrichment
    Appellant argues that the military judge erred when he
    imposed a fine as part of Appellant’s punishment because
    Appellant was not unjustly enriched as a result of his offenses.
    R.C.M. 1003(b)(3) provides that any court-martial may adjudge a
    fine instead of forfeitures.       The discussion accompanying R.C.M.
    1003(b)(3) states that “[a] fine normally should not be adjudged
    against a member of the armed forces unless the accused was
    unjustly enriched as a result of the offense of which
    convicted.”28    We conclude that the use of “normally” in the
    rule’s nonbinding discussion indicates that “unjust enrichment”
    is not always a prerequisite to imposing a fine as part of an
    accused’s sentence.      Therefore, we conclude that the military
    judge did not err in this case by imposing a fine on Appellant
    in the absence of unjust enrichment.
    R.C.M. 1003 lists the punishments authorized for any case
    in which an accused is convicted, “[s]ubject to the limitations
    in this Manual.”29     As noted above, R.C.M. 1003(b)(3) explicitly
    provides that “[a]ny court-martial may adjudge a fine in lieu of
    or in addition to forfeitures.”30           A plain reading of this
    language indicates that fines are available to be imposed on any
    accused who is convicted and that there is no requirement of
    R.C.M. 1003(b)(3) discussion (emphasis added).
    R.C.M. 1003(a).
    R.C.M. 1003(b)(3).
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    “unjust enrichment” for a fine to be imposed in Appellant’s
    The “unjust enrichment” language first appeared in the 1949
    Army and Air Force editions of the Manual for Courts-Martial.
    These editions of the Manual, which were essentially identical,
    stated that a “fine should not ordinarily be adjudged against an
    officer, warrant officer, or enlisted person unless the accused
    was unjustly enriched by means of an offense of which he is
    convicted.”31    Although the 1949 editions of the Manual did not
    explicitly explain why this language was first included in the
    Manual, a look at other pre-UCMJ editions of the Manual for
    Courts-Martial suggests the reasons.
    Historically, fines were considered “especially appropriate
    to those offences which consist in a misappropriation or
    misapplication of public funds or property, being in general
    adjudged with a view mainly to the reimbursement of the United
    States for some amount illegally diverted to private purposes.”32
    Therefore, the 1921 MCM, U.S. Army, notes that a fine is
    “especially recognized” as a form of punishment in Article of
    War 94, Frauds Against the Government,33 and the 1928 MCM, U.S.
    Army, states that a fine is “expressly recognized” as a form of
    MCM (1949 ed.), ¶ 117c, § B (emphasis added).
    William Winthrop, Military Law and Precedents 419 (2d ed.
    1920)[hereinafter Winthrop].
    MCM, U.S. Army (1921 ed.), ¶ 317.
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    punishment in both Article of War 94, and Article of War 80,
    Dealing in Captured or Abandoned Property.34   Also, the 1949 Army
    and Air Force editions of the Manual included the “unjust
    enrichment” language with the following qualifier:   that an
    accused should not be adjudged a fine in the absence of unjust
    enrichment for “an offense of which he is convicted involving
    loss to the United States or violative of military directives.”35
    Therefore, it is clear that the drafters of these pre-UCMJ
    editions of the Manual for Courts-Martial viewed fines as the
    appropriate punishment for those offenses that clearly involved
    the need to make the government whole for money or property
    taken from it.36
    MCM, U.S. Army (1928 ed.), ¶ 103g.
    MCM, U.S. Army (1949 ed.), ¶ 117c, § B; MCM, U.S. Air Force
    (1949 ed.), ¶ 117c, § B.
    See, e.g., War Department Technical Manual 27-255, Military
    Justice Procedure ¶ 125b (1945) (asserting that “[f]ines should
    not be imposed on military personnel . . . , except perhaps in
    the case of aggravated embezzlements or other frauds by a
    disbursing officer, for instance, where a large sum is necessary
    to make good the defalcation”); Seminars on the 1949 Manual for
    Courts-Martial 96 (Dec. 1948), microformed on OCLC No. 31272962
    88-026, at F2/2 (Law Library Microform Consortium) (noting that
    although “a fine may be adjudged against any enlisted person, in
    lieu of forfeitures, for any offense listed in the Table of
    Maximum Punishments, . . . [t]hose provisions [regarding unjust
    enrichment] were inserted as authority for the imposition of a
    fine in lieu of forfeitures in the case, for example, of
    embezzlement by a finance officer or in the case of black
    marketeering”); Colonel Charles L. Decker, Legal and Legislative
    Basis, Manual for Courts-Martial United States 182 (1951),
    available at http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/CM-
    manual_1951.html (stating that those against whom a fine should
    be adjudged as “unjustly enriched” for their offenses include
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    Not only were fines historically limited to specific
    offenses, but forfeiting the pay of a servicemember was viewed
    as preferable to imposing a fine because of the relative
    administrative ease in executing forfeitures.   More
    specifically, the drafters of the MCM recognized that the least
    difficult way to obtain money from a servicemember as punishment
    would be by subtracting money from that servicemember’s pay.
    “Where indeed the pecuniary liability of the offender is
    comparatively slight, forfeiture of pay, as being more readily
    executed, is a penalty preferable to fine.”37
    The drafters’ belief that forfeitures could be executed
    against servicemembers more easily than fines is further
    evidenced in the differences between the possible punishments
    that could be imposed on officers and enlisted members.    For
    example, the 1921 Manual provides that only officers could be
    fined.38   Sentences for enlisted soldiers, on the other hand,
    could include forfeiture or detention -– which is a form of
    withholding a certain amount of the accused’s pay that is
    ultimately returned upon separation from the service.39    The 1928
    Manual states that “[d]etention of pay would not be imposed
    “of course, . . . the finance officer who absconds with
    government funds, and the black marketeer”).
    Winthrop, supra note 32, at 419.
    MCM, U.S. Army (1921 ed.), ¶ 310.
    Id. ¶ 311. 14
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    . . . except on enlisted men of the Army.”40     Although detention
    of pay was still an authorized punishment in the 1949 editions
    of the Manual, fines became an authorized punishment for
    enlisted personnel, as well as officers, so long as a
    dishonorable discharge was also adjudged in the case.41
    In general, it appears that the drafters of the 1949
    editions of the Manual incorporated forfeitures and fines as
    punishments based on two main historical premises: (1) that
    forfeitures were preferred because they were administratively
    easier to secure from those servicemembers who were convicted,
    and (2) that the Articles of War expressly authorized fines in
    cases involving fraud against the government or abandoned or
    captured property -– both offenses which, in essence, involve
    property or money stolen from the government.     The fine thus
    provided the means of making the government whole.
    A preference for forfeitures, however, in no way precludes
    the imposition of fines for certain offenses even in the absence
    of unjust enrichment.      While the history indicating a preference
    for forfeitures over fines explains why the “unjust enrichment”
    language first appeared in the Manual, it also illustrates that
    the drafters did not address the direct question of whether
    fines are permissible for offenses other than those that
    MCM, U.S. Army (1928 ed.), ¶ 103g.
    MCM, U.S. Army (1949 ed.), ¶ 117c, § B.
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    involved direct material loss to the Government.     As stated in
    the Army’s analysis of the 1951 Manual:
    Although the Manual provides that a fine should not
    “ordinarily” be adjudged against a member of the armed
    forces unless [an] accused was unjustly enriched by means
    of the offense, this is not an absolute rule. The Manual
    contemplates that fines may be adjudged where no unjust
    enrichment is present, because par[agraph] 126h(3) permits
    any [court-martial] to adjudge a fine instead of an
    authorized forfeiture where the Art[icle] involved
    authorizes punishment as a [court-martial] may direct.42
    We read the historical absence of explicit limitations on the
    imposition of fines for those offenses that did not involve
    direct loss to the United States as consistent with the
    President’s authorization to impose fines in cases that may not
    involve “unjust enrichment.”
    Accordingly, in United States v. Hounshell, we held that
    “[c]ourts-martial have the power to adjudge fines instead of
    forfeitures in all cases in which the article of the Uniform
    Code violated by the accused authorizes punishment as a court-
    martial may direct.”43     And, in United States v. Cuen, we noted
    that the language regarding “unjust enrichment” is precatory
    text and, therefore, “it is clear” that a fine could be imposed
    in lieu of forfeitures on an accused convicted of absence
    without leave and assault and battery.44
    Cumulative Pocket Part to the Manual for Courts-Martial,
    United States Army (1951 ed.) ¶ 126h (1956).
    7 C.M.A. 3
    , 5, 
    21 C.M.R. 129
    , 131 (1956).
    9 C.M.A. 332
    , 337 n.5, 
    26 C.M.R. 112
    , 117 n.5 (1958).
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    The conclusion that fines can be imposed even in the
    absence of unjust enrichment is supported by a historical
    analysis and this Court’s precedent, along with intermediate
    military appellate case law.45       We now hold that, based on the
    plain language of the rule as well as the history of a fine as
    punishment, it is not unlawful to impose a fine where there is
    no unjust enrichment.46      Our inquiry does not end here, however,
    See United States v. Parini, 
    12 M.J. 679
    , 684-85 (A.C.M.R.
    1981) (noting that there “is no legal requirement that such
    [unjust] enrichment accrue before a fine can be legitimately
    imposed” and upholding a $15,000 fine for convictions of
    indecent assault and conduct unbecoming an officer); United
    States v. Galvan, 
    9 C.M.R. 156
    (A.B.R. 1953) (upholding a $1,000
    fine for drunken driving and leaving the scene of an accident);
    United States v. Ashley, 
    48 C.M.R. 102
    , 105 (A.F.C.M.R. 1973)
    (approving a fine of $10,000 for willful disobedience of
    orders); United States v. Kehrli, 
    44 C.M.R. 582
    , 584-85
    (A.F.C.M.R. 1971)(affirming a fine of $15,000 for drug-related
    offenses); United States v. Finlay, 
    6 M.J. 727
    , 729 (A.C.M.R.
    1978) (reducing a fine of $30,000 to $2,000 for a conviction for
    unauthorized absences); United States v. Czeck, 
    28 M.J. 563
    564-65 (N.M.C.M.R. 1989) (affirming a fine of $2,682 for
    wrongful use of a controlled substance, failure to obey a
    regulation and conspiracy).
    Holding that a fine may be a legal punishment in certain
    situations in no way implies that it is an appropriate
    punishment in all cases. Therefore, our holding does not
    disturb the holdings of the Courts of Criminal Appeals that
    conclude a fine is inappropriate in some situations. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Price, No. ACM 33389, 
    1999 WL 385748
    , at *2
    (A.F. Ct. Crim. App. May 27, 1999) (unpublished) (noting that
    fines can be given where there is no unjust enrichment, but
    reducing an “inappropriate” $5,000 to the amount that the
    appellant was unjustly enriched, $600); United States v. Word,
    No. NMCMR 880316, 1988 CMR LEXIS 415, at *1 (N.M.C.M.R. June 21,
    1988) (unpublished) (setting aside a fine as “an inappropriate,
    albeit legal, punishment” where there was no indication the
    accused was unjustly enriched under the circumstances); United
    States v. Espineira, No. NMCMR 881410, 1988 CMR LEXIS 680, at *1
    (N.M.C.M.R. Sept. 7, 1988) (unpublished) (disapproving the fine
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    because we must now decide whether the $75,000 fine imposed on
    Appellant violated the Excessive Fines Clause of the Eighth
    B.   The Eighth Amendment
    The Eighth Amendment provides that “[e]xcessive bail shall
    not be required nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and
    unusual punishments inflicted.”47           In United States v.
    Bajakajian,48 the Supreme Court set out a two-pronged analysis
    for determining whether the Excessive Fines Clause is violated.
    First, a court must determine if the fine falls within the
    Excessive Fines Clause and, if so, whether the fine is
    In this case, Appellant claims that, although his crimes
    were serious, the $75,000 fine is not proportional to the
    offenses, especially considering the other punishments imposed
    on Appellant.    We must first determine whether the $75,000 fine
    is a fine within the meaning of the Excessive Fines Clause.50
    where there was no evidence of unjust enrichment or “any other
    good reason for the fine”).
    U.S. Const. amend. VIII.
    524 U.S. 321
    Id. at 329. 50
       In United States v. Reed, 
    54 M.J. 37
    , 44-45 (C.A.A.F. 2000),
    we applied the Supreme Court’s analysis and determined that the
    impending loss of retirement benefits is a collateral
    consequence rather than a fine for purposes of the Excessive
    Fines Clause. Therefore, we did not need to reach the second
    prong of the Supreme Court’s analysis and held that the
    Excessive Fines Clause was not violated. 
    Id. at 44. 18
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    This first prong of the Excessive Fines Clause analysis is
    clearly met in this case.       As the Supreme Court explained, “at
    the time the Constitution was adopted, ‘the word “fine” was
    understood to mean a payment to a sovereign as punishment for
    some offense.’”51    The $75,000 fine was directly imposed on
    Appellant as part of his sentence and was to be paid to the
    government as punishment for committing the offense.
    The next question is whether the $75,000 fine was
    excessive.    “The touchstone of the constitutional inquiry under
    the Excessive Fines Clause is the principle of proportionality:
    The amount of the forfeiture must bear some relationship to the
    gravity of the offense that it is designed to punish.”52
    Therefore, if a fine is “grossly disproportionate to the gravity
    of a defendant’s offense,” it violates the Excessive Fines
    Clause.53    This proportionality analysis under the Excessive
    Fines Clause is conducted on a case-by-case basis and is
    distinguishable from the determination of sentence
    appropriateness required by Article 66.54
    Although counseling against a strict proportionality
    between the amount of punitive forfeiture and the gravity of a
    criminal offense, because such judgment is better left to the
    Bajakajian, 524 U.S. at 327-28
    (quoting Browning-Ferris Indus.
    of Vt., Inc. v. Kelco Disposal, Inc., 
    492 U.S. 257
    , 265 (1989)).
    Id. at 334. 53
    Id. 54 See Article
    66, UCMJ; 10 U.S.C. § 866 (2000).
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    legislature, the Supreme Court articulated various factors to be
    analyzed in determining whether a fine was grossly
    disproportionate.55     First, a court should look to the nature of
    the offense and then question whether it is related to any other
    illegal activities by the accused.56        Second, the court should
    assess whether the accused “fit[s] into the class of persons for
    whom the statute was principally designed.”57        Third, if the
    maximum sentence under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines is
    relatively low, then this confirms a “minimal level of
    culpability.”58    Finally, a court should determine the level of
    harm caused by the accused’s offense by asking both who is
    affected by the offense and the magnitude of harm to those
    affected.59    In Bajakajian, for example, the Supreme Court stated
    that only the Government was harmed by the failure of an
    international traveler to report that he was traveling with
    $357,144, in violation of a statute that required him to report
    more than $10,000.60     The Court also concluded that the harm to
    the Government was minimal.61       Comparing the gravity of the harm
    caused by defendant’s failure to accurately report the amount of
    money he was carrying with the fine the Government sought to
    Bajakajian, at 337-40.
    Id. at 337-38. 57
    Id. at 338. 58
    Id. at 338-39. 59
    Id. at 339. 60
    Id. 61 Id. 20
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    impose, which was the entire $357,144, the Supreme Court
    concluded the forfeiture would be “grossly disproportionate to
    the gravity of his offense.”62
    Applying the factors from Bajakajian, we now conclude that
    the $75,000 fine imposed on Appellant was not “grossly
    disproportionate to the gravity of his offense.”63        First, the
    nature of Appellant’s offense was severe -- the repeated rape
    and forcible sodomy of his six-year-old daughter.        There is no
    way to measure the psychological and mental effect this abuse
    will have on MS for the rest of her life.        At trial, MS’s mother
    testified that, after the abuse, MS had no self-esteem, was
    always “very weepy,” started to wet her bed at night and her
    pants at school, began to have frequent nightmares, and
    expressed a desire to kill herself.         MS then began attending
    counseling.    A medical exam conducted on MS revealed that MS’s
    body was so physically traumatized that she suffered from
    significant physical defects.        The nature of Appellant’s crime
    was extremely severe and far from the relatively harmless nature
    of the failure to report the value of the currency the defendant
    was carrying in Bajakajian.
    Second, there is no doubt Appellant falls into “the class
    of persons for whom [Articles 120 and 125 were] principally
    Id. at 334. 63
    Id. 21 United States
    v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    designed” -– those individuals who commit rape and forcible
    sodomy.64   Third, the congressionally-prescribed maximum
    punishment authorized for rape under Article 120 is the most
    severe sentence known to the law: death.65         This penalty in no
    way “confirm[s] a minimum level of culpability,”66 and instead
    indicates that Congress and the President intended to punish
    these offenses severely.       Appellant was sentenced to thirty
    years of confinement, the $75,000 fine, a dishonorable
    discharge, and reduction to E-1.          Appellant’s sentence was
    significantly less than the maximum authorized for his offenses.
    Finally, as discussed above, the harm caused to MS by
    Appellant’s offenses is extremely severe.         The Sentencing
    Guidelines for the federal civilian system are instructive to
    our proportionality review in this case.67         Under the United
    States Sentencing Guidelines, had Appellant been tried in the
    civilian system, his offense of criminal sexual abuse with a
    minor under the age of twelve at the time of the offense would
    have authorized a fine anywhere between $17,500 and $175,000.68
    Bajakajian, 524 U.S. at 338
    10 U.S.C. § 920.
    Bajakajian, 524 U.S. at 339
    See U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 5E1.2 (2004).
    id. § 2A3.1(b)(2)(A), §
    5E1.2. The potential fine against
    Appellant, had he been tried in a civilian court, may have been
    increased even further to $200,000 because his daughter was “in
    the custody, care, or supervisory control of [Appellant].” 
    Id. § 2A3.1(b)(3). 22
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    Comparing the gravity of the repeated rape and forcible sodomy
    of Appellant’s six-year-old daughter with the $75,000 fine, we
    conclude that the fine is in no way “grossly disproportionate to
    the gravity of his offense.”69       Therefore, based on the facts of
    this case, Appellant’s sentence did not violate the Excessive
    Fines Clause.
    C.   Due Process Concerns
    In this case, we need not answer any Due Process concerns
    that may arise in other cases when fines are imposed on an
    accused as part of his sentence and contingent confinement is
    imposed for failure to pay.70       In United States v. Tuggle,71 we
    held, based on R.C.M. 113(d)(3), that the Due Process Clause is
    violated when confinement is imposed as a sanction for failure
    to pay a fine where the probationer has made good-faith efforts
    to pay but cannot because of indigency and the court below
    denied the accused the opportunity to make a good-faith effort
    to pay.   In this case, the convening authority did not approve
    the portion of the military judge’s sentence that provided for
    Id. at 334. 70
       Nor need we consider whether a military judge or convening
    authority may appropriately condition the imposition of a fine
    on satisfaction of a condition not expressly provided for under
    the UCMJ. In this case, the military judge recommended to the
    convening authority that he disapprove the fine on the condition
    that Appellant establish a trust fund for his victim. However,
    the convening authority did not adopt that recommendation.
    34 M.J. 89
    , 92-93 (C.M.A. 1992).
    United States v. Stebbins, No. 03-0678/AR
    five years of contingent confinement for the failure to pay his
    fine.    Moreover, Appellant has neither attempted to pay this
    fine nor asserted that he is unable to do so.    Therefore, we
    need not reach any questions regarding due process concerns in
    this case.72
    The decision of the United States Army Court of Criminal
    Appeals is affirmed.
    This case illustrates that due process concerns may arise when
    military judges impose fines because of the absence of any
    guidance in the UCMJ on the appropriate range of minimum and
    maximum fines for certain offenses. We invite the Joint
    Services Committee to consider whether the Manual should include
    standards for the imposition of fines.