CCI, Inc. ( 2014 )

    Appeal of--                         )
    CCI, Inc.                           ) 
    ASBCA No. 57316
    Under Contract No. W917BK-08-C-0059 )
    APPEARANCES FOR THE APPELLANT:                        Traeger Machetanz, Esq.
    Lisa M. Marchese, Esq.
    Dorsey & Whitney, LLP
    Seattle, WA
    APPEARANCES FOR THE GOVERNMENT:                       Thomas H. Gourlay, Jr., Esq.
    Engineer Chief Trial Attorney
    James D. Stephens, Esq.
    Jeremy Becker-Welts, Esq.
    Tania Wang, Esq.
    Engineer Trial Attorneys
    U.S. Army Engineer District, Middle East
    Winchester, VA
    CCI, Inc. appealed under the Contract Disputes Act (CDA), 
    41 U.S.C. §§ 7101-7109
    from the contracting officer's (CO's) denial of its differing site conditions claim, then in the
    amount of$35,125,036, under its contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps),
    Gulf Region South District (GRS), for a pier and seawall project in Iraq. The Board held a
    15-day hearing, in Anchorage, Alaska, and Falls Church, Virginia. We heard entitlement
    and quantum but because we deny the appeal we do not decide quantum and therefore do
    not make quantum findings.
    1. On 25 April 2008 GRS issued a request for proposals (RFP) for a negotiated
    design/build contract under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. The Iraqi Navy
    was the FMS customer. The RFP sought seawall design and construction; a design to
    minimize dredging; and construction of an "L-shaped" pier ("Pier 1"), with an option for
    a "T-shaped" pier ("Pier 2") (north of an existing Pier 3) at Umm Qasr, Iraq. The
    contractor was responsible for project design and was to submit required design
    documentation at 35%, 99%, and 100% phases. (R4, tab 103 at 1 of87, at Scope of Work
    (SOW) at 96-97, 101-03 of 113, tab 103 at 5 of 89; tr. 8/80)
    2. The RFP contained the FAR 52.236-27, SITE VISIT (CONSTRUCTION) (FEB
    1995) clause under which offerors are urged and expected to inspect the work site (R4,
    tab 103 at 71 of 89).
    3. The RFP included the FAR 52.236-2, DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS (APR 1984)
    clause, which states, concerning a "Type I" differing site condition, at issue:
    (a) The Contractor shall promptly, and before the
    conditions are disturbed, give a written notice to the [CO] of
    ( 1) subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site which
    differ materially from those indicated in this contract.. ..
    (b) The [CO] shall investigate the site conditions
    promptly after receiving the notice. If [they] do materially so
    differ and cause an increase .. .in the Contractor's cost of, or
    the time required for, performing any part of the work under
    this contract, whether or not changed as a result of the
    conditions, an equitable adjustment shall be made ....
    (R4, tab 103 at 84 of 89)
    4. The RFP also contained the FAR 52.236-3, SITE INVESTIGATION AND
    CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE WORK (APR 1984) clause which provides that the contractor
    acknowledges that it has satisfied itself as to the conditions that can affect the work,
    including tide uncertainties; ground conditions; and surface and subsurface conditions
    reasonably ascertainable from a site inspection, the government's exploratory work, and
    the contract. The clause disclaims government responsibility for the contractor's failure
    to do so or for its conclusions. (R4, tab 103 at 84-85 of 89)
    5. The RFP stated that the "Contractor/Designer shall research all existing
    conditions" at the naval base and waterway (R4, tab 103, SOW at 96 of 113).
    6. RFP § 4.1, "GEOTECHNICAL," provided:
    4.1.1   Site Specific Information
    Site specific geotechnical information necessary to
    design and construct the pile foundations, sea wall
    and other geotechnical related items contained in this
    project shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The
    Contractor shall determine all necessary geotechnical
    conditions by appropriate field and laboratory
    investigations and supporting calculations ....
    Additional explorations may be required to
    adequately determine the subsurface conditions if the
    soil is highly variable; unusual conditions are
    expected and/or to determine ... other geotechnical
    related requirements ....
    4.1.2 Existing Geotechnical Information
    A geotechnical study of the project site containing 3
    borings has been provided in Appendix C. This
    exploration's logs and geotechnical report by others
    are ''for information only".
    4.1.3 Geotechnical Report
    The Contractor shall produce a detailed geotechnical
    report.... Information in the report shall include, but
    not be limited to: existing geotechnical (e.g., surface
    and subsurface) conditions ....
    4.1.6 Design Certification
    The Contractor shall certifY in writing that the design
    of the project has been developed consistent with the
    site-specific geotechnical conditions. The certification
    shall be stamped by the geotechnical engineer or
    geotechnical firm and shall be submitted with the final
    (R4, tab 103, SOW at 99-100 of 113) (Emphasis added)
    7. The referenced Appendix C, "Report on Site Investigation for Dock at Urn
    Qasir Port at Basrah Governorate," dated May 2007, was prepared by Iraq's Andrea
    Engineering Tests Laboratory for a different contractor "to explore the subsoil conditions
    of the proposed site to facilitate the foundation design for ... new docks & related
    structures at Urn Qasir Port" (R4, tab 103, app'x Cat 1) (Andrea report or AR). The
    report addressed a field investigation that included three boreholes (BH), an in-situ
    Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and other tests. It contained BH locations and logs; field
    test results; and a summary of laboratory test results. The SPT measured soil consistency
    at several depths. It was performed in all types of soil, especially in "sandy clayey layers"
    (AR at 3). The AR included American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) tests:
    visual classification; natural moisture content and unit weight; specific gravity; grain size
    distribution; liquid and plastic limits; shear tests, including unconfirmed and triaxial
    compression and direct shear; and consolidation compressibility; plus various chemical
    analyses on soil. (AR at 1-12 and appendices)
    8. The AR stated at § IV, "DESCRIPTION OF SUBSOIL STRATA":
    The subsoil strata consist mainly of a very soft, soft to
    medium gray to dark gray sandy silty clay layer with black
    traces of organic matter and white shiny traces ofsoluble
    salts, overlying medium, dense to very dense layer of gray
    fine, medium to coarse grained siltY sand, with little gravel.
    The water table was encountered, as observed at the
    time of investigation between (0.0-1.0), below the existing
    ground level (NGL), at [BH] nos 2 & 3, which were in the
    ebb and tide zone. While at [BH] no. ( 1), which was the more
    distance from the sea, was between ( l.0-1.5)m ....
    The fluctuation of water table with the seasons could
    be observed (rising during spring). The zone immediately
    above water table is greatly affected as far as strength and
    compressibility are concerned. As moisture increased the
    strength decreased and compressibility increased.
    (AR at 4) (Emphasis added)
    9. The AR stated at§ VI, "DISCUSSION OF RESULTS":
    The site subsoil consists mainly from two layers, the first
    layer of very soft, soft to medium gray sandy silty clay with
    amount of soluble salts and organic matter overlying on a
    layer of medium, dense to very dense gray silty sand.... [T]he
    majority of the first top soil is classified as ... silt-sand-clay
    The water table was encountered. .. between (0.0-1.0)
    meter below the existing ground level.... Furthermore, the
    site was within the ebb and tide zone of the sea.
    The saturated soil condition below the water table
    makes the problem ofsettlement significant as consolidation is
    a process of graduated decrease of the water content from
    saturated soil under constant load.
    A laboratory vane shear equipment. .. is used to obtain
    the undrained shear strength, this method was used due to
    high disturbance in all samplers that extruded from shelby
    tubes of the soft clayey layer, also it was found that this soil
    exudes between the fingers when squeezed in the fist so this
    could [be] described as very soft to soft sandy clayey soil.
    The values of undrained shear strength were found to
    be approximately in the range of about (1 0 to 25) kPa
    [kilopascals] for soft soil at depth from (0 to 14)m.
    In the case of the construction on soft soil, three
    options are available to ensure that there will not be
    significant problems during the design life of the structure[:]
    i. Replacement of the soft soil.
    ii. Using pile foundation, and
    iii. Stabilization or improvement ofsoft soil.
    Organic matter with presence ofsalts may be found in
    the soil in many forms. The increase in those contents of the
    soil may cause some alteration in engineering properties of
    the soil.
    The presence of organic matter may cause significant
    changes in the properties of the soil. The effects on fine
    grained soils may be more obvious, such alteration could be
    noticed through color and odor of the clay and .. .suitable
    remedy without exceeding the proper bound of the safety may
    be required. Investigation of the site area has produced
    evidence ofsome kind of collapse due to the reaction between
    fundamental compounds of the soil (sandy clayey layer) with
    organic matter....
    (AR at 8-9) (Emphasis added) Regarding the kPas, Corps Manual 1110-1-1804-
    Geotechnical Investigations, cited by the Corps and by CCI's fact and expert witness
    Mike Hartley (below), describes values less than 25 kPa as "Very soft" and from 25 to 50
    kPa as "Soft" (R4, tab 2 at 15, tab 97 at 13).
    10. The AR contained three BH logs. BH No. 1 was inland from where the crane
    pad at issue was to be constructed and the parties have discounted it. BH No.2 was very
    near the pad site. (AR, app'x A, app'x Bat 1, 2; exs. A-234 at 6, G-24; tr. 2/168-69,
    6/33) Its log described the top 7m of material as "[v]ery soft to soft gray to dark gray
    silty CLAY with black spots and/or pocket of organic matter and shiny traces of soluble
    salts"; from 7 to 12.5m as "[s}oft to medium gray silty CLAY with some silty sand pocket
    & shiny spots ofsoluble salts"; and from 12.5 to 18m as "[d]ense to very dense gray
    coarse grained clayey silty SAND with some coarse gravel & cobbles" (AR, app'x Bat 2)
    (emphasis added).
    11. The BH No.3 log described the upper 7m as "[v]ery soft to soft gray to dark
    gray silty CLAY with rusty brown pocket of fine sand & black traces of organic matter &
    shiny spots of soluble salts"; from 7 to 16.5m as "[s}oft dark gray silty CLAY with white
    shiny traces of soluble salts & yellowish brown line of fine sand"; from 16.5 to 17 .5m as
    "[v ]ery dense coarse grained gravelly SAND with some cobbles and boulders"; and from
    17.5 to 24m as "[l]oose to medium gray to dark gray medium grained silty SAND with
    shiny traces of soluble salts" (AR, app'x Bat 3) (emphasis added).
    12. The RFP noted the site was on an estuarine outflow of the Tigris-Euphrates
    delta system, with current flow predominantly tidal and maximum velocities near four
    knots during spring tide ebb flow. It addressed sedimentation:
    The closest waterfront development to this site is the
    commercial port of Umm Qasr located immediately
    "upstream". The infrastructure is based upon a continuous
    dredged quay along the west bank of Khawar Abd Allah ....
    Satellite photos substantiate local reports that Khawr Abd
    Allah is heavily laden with fine sediments. Although actual
    situation [sic] rates experienced within the commercial port
    are not known, ... the marine railway located between the
    commercial port and the proposed Navy Base is reported to
    have already silted in. [Emphasis added]
    (R4, tab 105 at 1, see tab 106; tr. 2/29-30, 120) The project was largely in an intertidal
    zone, between low tide and high tide, with some of it beyond the low tide line (tr. 6/29).
    13. Iraqi contractor Sada Al-Raneen (SAR) brought the RFP to Poly Earth
    Construction International, LLC (PCI), for which SAR had been a subcontractor in 2005
    on a Basra airport project with which Lee Nunn was involved. Mr. Nunn and Samuel
    Pelant had formed PCI. Mr. Pelant, a project manager, was not an engineer. Mr. Nunn
    was a registered civil and nuclear engineer. He was with the Corps for 23 years prior to
    retiring. He had many major engineering jobs at the Corps and in the private sector. His
    work had included several projects in the Middle East. (Ex. G-26, part 1 at 39, part 2 at
    184; tr. 2/138-151, 212; see R4, tab 111 at 4)
    14. Mr. Nunn consulted with Dennis Nottingham, then a principal in Peratrovich
    Nottingham, a marine engineering firm also known as PND Engineers (PND), and gave
    him the RFP. Prior to his retirement in August 2009, Mr. Nottingham, who held a
    masters degree, apparently in the geotechnical area, had 50 years' experience as a
    professional engineer. He held a patent on an "open cell" process that was attractive to
    Mr. Nunn for pier construction. (Tr. 2/6-8, 77, 104-05, 151-52)
    15. Mr. Nottingham confirmed that the project was immediately downstream of
    the old port but asserted that, due to dredging, the old port was trapping all sediment. If
    any remained, a gentle curve in the river formed an outside bend, causing scouring that
    would sweep it away from the project. (Ex. G-2; tr. 2/119-20, 127-31) He interpreted a
    United States Agency for International Development (USAID) report included in the RFP
    (below) to mean that sediment deposits were on the inside bends (ex. G-2; tr. 2/41-42,
    119-20, 127-31). That is where he "expected the weak soils to be" (tr. 2/42).
    Mr. Nottingham's scouring views are supported in part by Dr. Michael Briggs, a research
    hydraulic engineer at the Corps' Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).
    He prepared a Navigation Design Review, dated 6 January 2009, post contract award, of a
    revised CCI submittal, noting that the new piers were on the outside of a slight concave
    bend in the river, so shoaling should not be a problem. Scour and erosion from riverine
    currents were more likely. He stated that the "bottom" should be considered "soft." He
    did not do a geotechnical design review or analysis relative to soils. (Ex. A-15 at 174826)
    16. CCI's proposal eliminated a dredging item to be priced on the ground that, by
    pushing the pier further into the channel, greater scouring would occur and the flow of
    water would keep sedimentation down (tr. 2/153, 8/64; see also R4, tab 112 at 3-4).
    However, "Mr. Nunn knew that a dredging contractor was on site; that "[t]hey were
    spending millions of dollars dredging the naval port" and "the other piers were already
    clogged with siltation" (tr. 21153).
    17. In Mr. Nottingham's experience it is the contractor's choice how to proceed
    with open cell dock construction. It has been done with barges, including when very soft
    soils are present, and with combination marine and land-based operations. Most open cell
    projects with which he had been involved had been built from the land. If it is possible to
    get a good purchase and the ground is substantial enough to hold tlie equipment, a
    land-based approach is normally lower cost. According to Mr. Nunn, PCI considered
    only land-based construction and saw nothing contrary to that approach. (Ex. G-27 at
    11-12; tr. 2/25-27, 84-85, 154) He acknowledged that open cell work was often done
    from barges, but stated that, if it were possible to do it from the land, "the economics
    demand that" (tr. 21155). Mr. Nottingham's involvement with the geotechnical aspects of
    project design appears to have been limited. CCI did not request a ground investigation
    or hire a geotechnical professional to evaluate its landside crane pad construction efforts
    until after slope instability occurred (below). 1
    18. Mr. Nunn consulted with Keith Burke, president of CCI, a subsidiary of
    Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC), to see if CCI would be interested in the project.
    Mr. Burke, who was not an engineer, and Jim Hutton, eventually CCI's project manager,
    attended a PND briefing, which demonstrated a land-based operation. CCI had very little
    experience in marine construction and had never been involved in an open cell project,
    but it wanted to expand its government contracting work and thought it would be an
    opportunity to get its "foot in the door .. .in the [Middle East]" (ex. G-27 at 8). At the
    proposal stage Mr. Burke did not receive a copy ofthe RFP. (R4, tab 112 at 5, 17;
    tr. 1150-52, 54-57, 74, 77, 105-07; ex. G-18 at 41, G-27 at 7, 9; see R4, tab 111 at 4) CCI
    did not do an estimate; PCI and PND did the pric~ng (tr. 11147).
    19. PCI and PND were responsible for project design and engineering. PCI was
    to run it with PND and SAR as its subcontractors. (Ex. G-27 at 16-17; tr. 1157)
    20. The Corps received about 10 proposals. All but CCI proposed "L&T" piers
    called for in the RFP. At PC I' s request, the RFP was amended to allow for alternative
    concepts, such as open cell. (Tr. 8/30-31, 34, 43-44)
    21. The site visit was on 17 May 2008. CCI, PCI and PND did not attend. A
    SAR engineer attended. SAR did not have nearshore marine construction experience.
    The on-site supervisor from Weston Solutions (Weston), which was performing other
    work at Umm Qsar, attended. Commander Raymond Deck, an engineer, conducted the
    visit by bus and walking. The tide was high. Low tide photos were in RFP Amendment
    No.2, but the low tide areas were covered with water during the visit and attendees could
    not then have walked on them. The visit lasted about 90 minutes but there was no
    deadline; the attendees determined the time spent. They took photographs and posed
    written questions, which Commander Deck gave to the Corps so the questions and
    answers would be provided to all offerors. During the visit the contractors were told
    about the need to dredge an area between what was then perceived to be the L&T pier
    area and the shoreline, because there was so much silt vessels would not be able to moor.
    That day, SAR's engineer reported to Mr. Pelant2 . He forwarded photos, questions he
    For efficiency, we often refer to "CCI," even if other entities were involved.
    Unless otherwise noted, all cited communications were by email.
    had posed and the answers. None of the questions pertained to geographic site conditions
    or CCI' s planned method of dock construction. We have not been directed to any
    evidence that SAR evaluated ground conditions or the site's suitability for land-based
    construction. CCI did not attempt a site visit until after contract award. (R4, tab 104 at
    3-4, 10, tab 151; ex. G-26, part 1 at 36-38, part 2 at 184-85, 190; tr. 21155, 157, 229-30,
    81124-25, 129, 139-40, 143-45, 151, 168-70, 172-73, 181-85)
    22. Prior to contract award Mr. Nottingham did most of the work on behalf ofPND
    (tr. 2/97). He designed a one-page concept plan dated 8 May 2008 that was incorporated
    into CCI's proposal (R4, tab 112 following pg. 17, tab 150). CCI has not rebutted the
    Corps' assertion that the soil conditions and profile shown on his plan did not correspond to
    the AR data in the RFP (see R4, tab 103c, AR, app'x B-[BH] Logs, tab 150; gov't br. at 20,
    proposed finding (PF) 52, 229-31; gov't reply at 18). Mr. Nottingham also prepared a
    generic estimate, dated 21 May 2008, based upon a preliminary design, of the cost of
    building a similar open cell system, from the land, in the United States Gulf or South Coast
    region, because he had not previously worked in the Middle East (R4, tab 153 at 15868;
    tr. 2/50, 53, 73, 107-08, 137). Mr. Nottingham's concept plan and cost estimate do not
    discuss the AR or USAID report or detail means and methods of construction, such as the
    crane and crane pad at issue.
    23. Mr. Nottingham read the AR and saw,.inconsistencies between descriptors by a
    geologist(s) that the soils were "very soft" and blow count data that indicated "not a bad
    soil" or a "pretty good soil" (tr. 2/61, 63). He placed more reliance upon the latter. He
    noted to CCI' s proposal team that all of the borings were in one place, did not cover the
    large project, and they should seek more information. There was general information that
    could be used but not in any detail. (Tr. 2/35, 44-45, 63-64, 67)
    24. On 22 May 2008 Weston posed several questions to MAJ Joseph Brands, the
    government's point of contact for project questions, including:
    5) Geotechnical Conditions: Will the government be
    providing any bidding assumptions associated with the
    existing geotechnical conditions? For bidding purposes,
    should the contractor assume the three borings provided are
    representative of the entire site?
    [Current SOW represents undue risk to the contractor based on
    the unknown conditions. A fair basis for bidding is required.]
    (Ex. G-469)
    25. RFP Amendment No.2, effective 6 June 2008, included questions posed by
    potential offerors and answers (R4, tab 104 at 1-2). The following are pertinent:
    Question 11: Soil investigation not enough we need more
    point of locations.
    Answer 11: The best soil investigation data available to the
    government is provided in Appendix-C Geotechnical
    Investigation of the SOW [the AR]. The contractor should
    assume the data provided in Appendix C is representative of
    the project site.
    (R4, tab 104 at 8)
    Question 42: Geotechnical Conditions: Will the
    government be providing any bidding assumptions
    associated with the existing geotechnical conditions?
    For bidding purposes, should the contractor assume the
    three borings provided are representative of the entire
    Answer 42: The contractor should assume the three borings
    provided are representative of the entire site for the purposes
    of developing a proposal. However, additional geotechnical
    information maybe [sic] required during the design phase of
    this project.
    (!d. at 13) Amendment No.2 also added an April2003 report from Stevedoring Services
    of America, BERGER/ABAM Engineers, Inc. to USAID, called Draft Umm Qasr Port
    Assessment (USAID report). The amendment stated: "DISCLAIMER: The report is
    provided for information only. The Government cannot guarantee the relevance,
    timeliness, or accuracy of these materials" (R4, tab 104 at 2, tab 107) (emphasis added).
    26. USAID report,§ 3.1.5, "Geology," noted that:
    The streams are alluvial and the channels are apparently
    composed primarily of sand and silt. Clay may be present, but
    no clay balls were seen in the dredged material disposal areas.
    There is a thin film of sun-cracked silt or clay at some of the
    final settlement ponding areas. Boring information shows the
    materials encountered in the original "new" port excavation as
    silty sand with small fine gravel and clay. In fill sediments
    since then may be of a finer, more silty nature.
    (R4, tab 107 at 10)
    27. USAID report,§ 3.1.9, "Shoaling Patterns and History," stated:
    UMM Qasr Port is adjacent to an embayment [that] is the
    estuary for several small rivers that drain a wetland area north
    of the Port ....
    The channel downstream ... follows the typical pattern of
    sediments deposited in bar formations on the insides of the
    bends. Additionally, as the inlet widens downstream and
    current velocities are reduced, cross channel bars are
    deposited that are shaped by upstream and downstream tidal
    currents into typical ebb-flood pairs.
    The channel bends and the cross channel bars are areas where
    maintenance dredging will be focused. In the Port, deposition
    occurs along both sides in the "old" port, requiring
    maintenance dredging along the berths and along the opposite
    shore ....
    ... Suspended sediments entering the ["new" port] cut on the
    incoming tide settle out in the quiet water primarily at the
    sides creating the need for maintenance dredging at the berths.
    The eastern side of the cut is shoaled extensively .... Recently
    constructed dikes should eliminate this shoaling source ....
    A spit grows from river channel sediments at the entrance of
    the "new" port cut. This spit requires regular maintenance
    Nearly continuous maintenance dredging of the berths and
    approach channel from the Pilot Boat Station will be required
    to keep the Port viable. The existence of a large number of
    dredge vessels in various states of functionality appear [sic] to
    confirm that requirement.
    (R4, tab 107 at 11)
    28. USAID report§ 3.2.8, "Past Dredging and Disposal Practices," stated:
    There are sizable upland dredged material disposal areas
    nearby, opposite both the "old" and "new" ports. A large
    estuary area behind Berths 13 to 16 has also been utilized as a
    cutter-suction dredge disposal site. Dike and spillway
    construction and maintenance .do not appear to be a high
    priority, with some dredged materials finding their way back
    to the Port waters.
    The British Military indicate that. .. some of the cutter-suction
    dredge materials were simply sidecast in the river channel
    opposite or downstream of the "old" port ....
    Hopper dredged disposal was reported to be just downstream
    of the work areas. There does not appear to have been any
    consistent effort to haul the dredged materials any distance to
    insure their non-return to the shoaling locations.
    (R4, tab 107 at 13) The report also noted that there were dredged material disposal sites
    not far from the old and new ports (id., § 3.2.9).
    29. CCI alleges that the USAID report "explicitly indicates" that scouring would
    occur at the project site, eliminating all sediment and silt, regardless of any dredging
    practices (app. reply br. at 7). While acknowledging the scouring mentioned by
    Mr. Nottingham and Dr. Briggs (finding 20), we find that neither§ 3.1.9 nor any other
    section of the US AID report suggests that all sediment and silt would be scoured from the
    site, regardless of dredging (R4, tab 107).
    30. Mr. Nottingham responded affirmatively to questions posed by CCI's counsel
    as to whether he and the "CCI team" had relied upon the RFP's answers to questions 11
    and 42 in developing "your proposal for Umm Qasr." "Yes, that's all we had. And we
    were instructed to do that. So that's what we did." (Tr. 2/45-46 (question 11)) "Yes.
    We had nothing else." (Tr. 2/47 (question 42)) Mr. Nottingham looked at the three
    borings in helping to prepare the proposal (tr. 2/56) and relied upon blow counts as "the
    only really non-subjective information" (tr. 2/133). He relied upon the borings to
    determine whether the project could be built from the land (tr. 2/47), but acknowledged
    that the data was insufficient for that determination:
    Q      After receiving that answer [to question 42], did
    you determine whether or not the data provided in the three
    bore logs was sufficient for the team to determine whether or
    not this project could be built from the land side?
    A      It wasn't sufficient, but it was what we had and
    using those borings, as representative of the whole site, we
    determined that you could probably buil[d) it from the land
    side. [Emphasis added]
    (Tr. 2/48, see also tr. 2/67 (Based upon Mr. Nottingham's "preliminary analysis," using
    available data, apparently prior to receipt of the answers to questions 11 and 42, it
    "looked like" shore-side construction would be viable. There is no evidence that his
    analysis was memorialized in writing.))
    31. Mr. Nunn testified credibly that, in the proposal planning meetings, the AR
    was not the basis of any of the project constructability discussions (tr. 2/213).
    32. At the time of the project, PCI had never been awarded a federal contract and
    Mr. Nunn had not been involved as a contractor in an open cell construction project. PCI
    marketed foam insulation and other things. It was formed to seek work in the Middle
    East. Mr. Pelant, who had some small scale marine construction experience, did not have
    open cell experience. With PND, he put together the proposal's technical and
    management approach and the preliminary schedule. Mr. Nottingham was PND's main
    representative. Mr. Hartley, a PND principal, was not involved at the proposal stage and
    Mr. Nottingham did not consult him. (Tr. 2/210-12, 4/9, 16-17)
    33. The parties agree that CCI submitted its alternative open cell pier proposal to
    the Corps on or about 23 June 2008 (app. br. at 16; gov't br. at 8, ~ 13). Mr. Pelant
    prepared its narrative, with input from others at PCI, PND and CCI. He worked with
    Messrs. JeffMekinda and Hutton of CCI on the pricing. He described Mr. Mekinda as a
    tradesman and plumber and Mr. Hutton as an architect who had worked in business
    development. (Ex. G-26, part 1 at 32-33)
    34. On 23 July 2008, the CO noted that CCI had not submitted a dredging cost.
    He also stated that its cost proposal was very high compared to the government's estimate
    and asked for a final revised one. (R4, tab 156 at 177701-02; tr. 8/93) On about
    14 August 2008, CCI submitted a revised proposal (ex. A-4). Under "Schedule
    constraints specific to Engineering," it stated:
    a. Geotechnical and marine/bathymetric surveys. These are
    hard constraints as it is critical to identify exactly where
    the proposed port structure will be most advantageously
    located. The information from the surveys is critical and
    drives the design as well as material quantities for
    procurement and civil works. We feel that there is not
    enough information provided in the RFP and subsequent
    amendments to properly ascertain this information to the
    required degree of accuracy for quality design and
    engineering. [Emphasis added]
    (!d. at 8304)
    3 5. CCI does not claim, and there is no evidence of record, that it performed any
    geological testing of the site prior to contract award. There is no written analysis of
    record by Mr. Nottingham, or anyone else from PND, CCI, or PCI, at the time CCI
    submitted its initial and amended proposals, of conditions that would allow land-based
    construction or any contemporaneous written expression of reliance by CCI upon the AR
    or USAID reports. CCI's proposals did not contain a defined construction plan
    concerning the earthworks and filling operations or any statement of assumed ground or
    soil conditions. They did not mention a crane pad or 280-ton crane, a plan to use a
    land-based crane to drive sheet pile, or any land-based construction approach.
    {Tr. 6/110-11, 13/179; see ex. G-16 at 9, 22) However, CCI claims without rebuttal that
    an attached photograph depicted open cell dock construction from the land {app. reply br.
    at 6).
    36. On about 20 August 2008 the Corps requested "Best and Final" offers. CCI
    responded on 26 August 2008. The Corps found that its open cell proposal was the most
    acceptable ofthe proposals. (R4, tab 160; tr. 11150, 8/36, 39, 45-46)
    37. Mr. Burke asked Robert Dyer, a well-known consultant well experienced in
    construction management, to perform a risk analysis ofCCI's proposal (tr. 1162-63,
    143-44; ex. G-27 at 93). Mr. Dyer's 3 September 2008 analysis identified several areas
    of significant to severe risk, including that CCI had not done a project estimate or seen
    the base contract. There was very little estimating breakdown, with much of the material
    from Iraqi subcontractors. He acknowledged that CCI wanted its "foot in the door" in the
    Middle East but found profit, overhead, construction and design contingencies, and cash
    flow inadequacies in its proposal. General project site conditions were not discussed. He
    interpreted the proposal as carrying 5% profit, only about half of which would go to CCI,
    whereas major foreign and United States construction contractors in Iraq had 30 to 40%
    profit factors. While he had been told that the proposal included home office overhead,
    he found the amounts to be unacceptably low and inconsistent with its normal 13.5% rate.
    He noted that CCI had reduced its price by over $7 million and opined that there could
    easily be a shortfall of over $15,600,000. Citing the tight project schedule, with only 10
    months for the base period and liquidated damages of$2,700 per day, he suggested it
    could be a good decision to step away. (R4, tab 162 at 162753-57)
    38. According to Mr. Burke, CCI's proposal did not include overhead and profit.
    According to him and Messrs. Nunn and Pelant, it expected further negotiations on those
    matters. (Ex. G-26, part 2 at 244-46; tr. 1159, 2/161-62); but see R4, tab 173 (Hutton
    16 September 2008 email to Burke ("we may be taking this project at a lower profit in
    anticipation of other work.")) On 7 September 2008 Mr. Pelant notified the CO that CCI
    expected to negotiate overhead and profit (ex. A-5 at 12688). On 9 September 2008
    Mr. Pelant notified the project team and/or others that CCI would pose questions and
    concerns to the Corps because "we feel we can't successfully prosecute this project for
    the price with the amount of unknowns that still exist" (R4, tab 163 at 16296).
    39. On 10 September 2008, the CO notified Mr. Pelant that PCI's $38,462,386.58
    offer for the base and option 1 periods had been accepted and attached her signed copy of
    the contract, which named PCI as the offeror (ex. A-6 at 12019-20, 12036).
    40. Mr. Burke asked the CO about overhead and profit. The Corps does not deny
    that she said it was out of her control at that point, but there would be contract additions
    and change orders with higher overhead and profit rates. Mr. Burke felt that, under those
    circumstances, CCI would make money. The Corps never informed CCI that it was
    compelled to sign the contract; it elected to do so. (Tr. 1/59-60, 61-62, 156-57, 8/51)
    41. The contract, awarded 10 September 2008, incorporated the above RFP
    provisions and contained clause SCR 4, RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR FOR
    DESIGN-MAY 2002. It also included the government's exercise of its option for Pier 2,
    a floating pier. The contract completion date was 27 September 2009. (R4, tab 3 at 1-2,
    6, 24, 102-05 of 114; tr. 2/79; see R4, tab 19 at 1; tr. 5/124)
    42. On 16 September 2008 Mr. Nottingham sent to PCI's Paul Johnson (tr. 2/91,
    149) a drawing of"immediate survey and bathymetry needs," stated that four soil borings
    were needed, and specified boring and sampling criteria (R4, tab 171 at 7774). The same
    day Mr. Johnson reported about a meeting with PND:
    •   The need to get IMMEDIATE efforts on the field work
    was emphasized over and over again. It was apparent
    that due to a lack of data on soils, bathemetry, etc. [sic]
    could really pose design delays ....
    •   PND needs to get a copy of the contract between
    CCI/PCI and the Corps for the project - so that they
    can clearly get an idea of the design considerations,
    •   Lee discussed his desire to get spec requirements for
    the soils needed for the back-fill from PND. PND
    outlined their requirement for gradation and the
    threshold requirements for the first 70ft of the
    back-fill. It was initially felt that the previously
    dredged material should work.... PND stated that after
    the first 70ft, ... could essentially use residual material
    found on site or other fill. The only gradation
    requirement was near the sheet pile.
    •   Need 2 150 ton cranes to install sheet pile ....
    Back-jill can actually be started prior to receipt
    ofsheet piles and will serve as crane staging
    point rather than using barge based cranes to
    install sheet pile.
    (R4, tab 174) (Italics added)
    43. The Corps contends, based upon the foregoing and otherwise, that CCI shifted
    from a marine-based to a land-based construction method after contract award (e.g., gov't
    br. at 36; see tr. 13/164). CCI counters that land-hased construction was always
    contemplated (app. reply br. at 5). As noted, CCI's proposal did not directly address its
    construction method. Mr. Nunn testified credibly that, during the proposal stage, there
    was no consideration apart from land-based construction of the open cell system (finding
    17; tr. 2/154-55). Mr. Hutton testified at his deposition that construction was intended to
    be by land-based crane (ex. G-27 at 12). We find that the weight of the evidence is that
    CCI intended to use a land-based construction method for its open cell system.
    44. PCI and SAR apparently entered into a contract dated 10 October 2008 in
    connection with the project (R4, tab 177). At some point PCI terminated the contract due
    to SAR's alleged failure to perform (ex. G-26, part II at 207-09).
    45. PND and PCI entered into an agreement for professional engineering services
    in connection with the project effective 10 October 2008. Prior to the Corps' contract
    award, PCI did not ask for, and PND did not perform, a constructability analysis or
    evaluate the equipment or materials the contractor would need. Mr. Nottingham did not
    prepare a formal slope stability analysis to determine if the beach could support a crane
    pad, but testified that the borings indicated it could. He did not calculate a factor of
    safety (FOS) based upon a load on shore. He was not consulted about crane pad design
    and did not do any written analysis of the AR. (R4, tab 178; tr. 21100-04, 240)
    46. The pre-construction meeting occurred on 18 October 2008 (see ex. A-13 at
    19191 ). CCI and PCI entered into an agreement dated 27 October 2008 concerning their
    teaming arrangement (R4, tab 180). The NTP apparently issued in late October or in
    November 2008 (see gov't br. at 36, PF 100 (unrebutted as to NTP)).
    47. On 19 November 2008, Carl McNabb, a PND engineer (tr. 2178, 194), wrote
    to Mr. Nunn that, for its pile schedule, PND was making several assumptions about the
    soil, one of the more significant being that the sand layer was at -11m. He noted that the
    AR's average SPT value from the clay layer in the soil logs was what PND would
    normally expect from stiff clays but the clay was described as very soft to soft. He asked
    about more soil borings and a hydrographic survey. (R4, tab 184 at 18918)
    48. On 19 November 2008 Mr. Nunn inquired ofGRS about core drilling by
    Weston that PCI had observed during site investigations. GRS referred him to the AR,
    stating that it had supported a preliminary design analysis by Weston in 2007 for an L&T
    pier system at the site. (Ex. A-98; tr. 8/81)
    49. On 20 November 2008, Mr. McNabb informed Mr. Nunn that PND was on
    track for a sheet pile order:
    [B]ased on assumptions anticipating the worst case in existing
    conditions. This is due to the lack ofsoil data with consistent
    soil parameters and firm vertical control. It's also due to the
    bathymetry based on a photo that lacks horizontal control.
    (R4, tab 185 at 18925) (Emphasis added)
    50. On 22 November 2008 Mr. McNabb informed Mr. Nunn that "[w]e've been
    pouring over the [AR]. .. from the start" (R4, tab 187 at 18405). Mr. McNabb noted boring
    issues, including that the sand layer location was not clear and "[t]he clay is described as
    'soft'; the blow counts indicate it's stiff; while the lab results for the cohesion (c) varies
    drastically" (id.). He stated that more borings were needed and if reliable information
    could not be obtained "now," confirmation during construction must be obtained (id.).
    Mr. McNabb's reference to "from the start" is not clear. There is no deposition testimony
    of his of record and he did not testify at the hearing. The Corps contends without
    persuasive rebuttal, and William Gunderson, PND's Designer of Record, testified at his
    deposition, that, apart from Mr. Nottingham, PND's design team became involved in the
    project after contract award. PND did not analyze the contractor's means and methods of
    construction. (Ex. A-214 at 12, ex. G-28 at 28, 30-32; gov't br. at 36, PF 100)
    51. On 23 November 2008 Mr. Pelant expressed concern about a design change
    reducing the cells to 39, 44% fewer than proposed, but increasing steel tonnage and cost
    to the client by about $500,000 (R4, tab 188 at 172448). Mr. McNabb responded:
    The tonnage is high because we don't have solid data on
    where the requisite sand layer is. During construction, if
    we're not deep enough and into the sand, we won't meet the
    req'd safety factors. Plus we don't really know what the
    cohesion of the clay is. It's probably quite high, which is
    good, but what if it's not?
    (!d. at 172447)
    52. On 24 November 2008 Mr. Pelant expressed concern to Mr. Nunn that the
    September completion date was causing them to rush and the designers to be overly
    conservative, at significant cost (R4, tab 188 at 172446). He responded:
    The Corps knows we are tight on $ and they are working with
    We can still work two cranes side-by-side if we need to juice
    up production ... The Corps will give us some schedule relief,
    if the boats are not coming until2010, but I don't want more
    time. I want more Corps/FMS work. Early finish should get
    us just that.
    (R4, tab 188 at 172446)
    53. Mr. McNabb disagreed with Mr. Nunn's 24 November 2008 statement that
    one AR BH was "practically in our Start-Up zone of influence, so we should be very
    comfortable with the pile design and sheet lengths in this ... area." Mr. McNabb referred to
    prior emails "regarding problems with existing bore logs." (R4, tab 189 at 18936)
    54. On 26 November 2008 Mr. McNabb stated that AR problems included:
    1. The cohesive properties of the clay vary widely in the
    report, from 12 to 34 kpa .... The average SPT ... values in the
    clay layer range from 4 to ll, ... normally expected from stiff
    or very stiff clays ( c=50 kpa or larger). Meanwhile, the clay
    is described in the report as very soft to soft.
    2. No surface elevations for each [BH] location were
    3. Normally, a larger number of [BHs] are provided, typically
    on a 200-ft. grid.
    I haven't heard back from Andrea Test Laboratories about my
    inquiries on the report.
    (R4, tab 189 at 18934)
    55. Per Mr. Nottingham, PND sought more borings to verify its design. The
    existing ones showed "sand, a very hard layer ... a very good foundation" (tr. 2/49), and it
    wanted to verify that, once it was offshore, it would encounter the same strata. However,
    it learned that it would take four months to obtain more borings and decided to evaluate
    the strata through the construction response when it drove the sheet piles. (!d.)
    56. At the 3 5% design review on 17-18 December 2008, Mr. Gunderson stated
    that one reason the open cell concept was right for the project "is that you have difficult
    soil conditions here" and it was easily adaptable (R4, tab 114 at 2; ex. A-12; tr. 8/61-62).
    57. Navy LT Daniel Gutierrez, a civil engineer, was the CO's Representative
    (COR) from just before the 35% design meeting until5 June 2009. Mr. Nunn viewed him
    as the best COR he had worked with in his then 23 years' experience and subsequently.
    (Tr. 2/199, 8/66, 10/6, 7, 16, 67, 74)
    58. PND's DESIGN CALCULATIONS report of January 2009 (R4, tab 116) stated
    that design soil profiles and properties were based on the AR and that:
    Because of limited geotechnical information available for the
    site, some significant assumptions are made for the design of
    the seawall. Most notably, the elevation of the sand layer is
    assumed to be 11 m throughout the site ....
    Fill: The material for the fill/embankment layer has not been
    determined, but is expected to be granular ....
    Clay: The clay layer is overlain by the fill layer and consists
    of slightly overconsolidated clays and sandy clays. The
    design soil properties are typical for very soft clays, although
    the blow counts in the logs indicate much stiffer soils ...
    Sand: The sand layer is overlain by the clay layer. The
    consistency of the soil, based on the blow counts, is dense to
    very dense ...
    It should be noted that there appears to be some
    inconsistencies in the [AR]. Also, none of the [BH] are within
    1OOm of the proposed seawall face. Thus, the assumed
    elevations and soil properties based on the [AR] report may
    differ significantly from the actual site conditions.
    (R4, tab 116 at 10-11) (Emphasis added) Design soil properties included in a table in
    PND's report show the cohesion of clay in its undrained state at 20 kPa, which
    corresponds to "Very soft" clays (R4, tab 2 at 15, tab 116 at 11).
    59. On 1 January 2009 CCI had the Basra "University Lab" do BH drilling.
    "North" borings were attempted in the area of AR BH No.2 but were not successful.
    "South" borings were taken about 10 to 12m past the visual toe of the rip rap slope.
    (R4, tab 192 at 62889; tr. 2/167-69; see ex. A-249) In January 2009 the laboratory
    submitted a soil investigation report to the "SAR Group" (Basra report) which stated that
    the purpose was to explore the site's subsoils for foundation design for the new port, and
    that two BH were drilled on the shore at locations selected by the SAR Group (R4, tab 21
    at 4). The soil strata at the Basra report's BH Nos. 1 and 2 were reported to be as
    1. (BHJ)
    1-     The top soil layer which extends to a depth of
    5.0m consists of fill material (subbase).
    11-     The next layer which extends to the end of
    boring consists of dense to very dense, red to
    brown, poorly graded and sometimes well
    graded sand.
    2. (BH2)
    1-      The top soil layer which extends to a depth of
    l.Om consists offill material (subbase).
    11-     The next layer which extends to a depth of
    15. Om consists of clayey silt with trace or a
    little ofsand with low plasticity. The
    consistency of the upper part of this layer is
    soft clay (up to depth 12.5m) and then changed
    to stiff clay.
    111-   The bearing stratum which appears at a depth of
    15.0m and extends to the end of boring
    consists of dense to very dense, red to brown,
    poorly graded and sometimes well graded
    (R4, tab 21 at 10) (Emphasis added) The distance ofthese apparently "south" BHs from
    those in the AR is unclear.
    60. On 5 January 2009, Jim Bates, a professional engineer and PCI quality control
    (QC) manager (R4, tab 209; tr. 21171), summarized the upper strata in the Basra report's
    "south" BH for Messrs. McNabb and Nunn:
    0-1 m, access ramp fill
    1.5-5m, grey very soft silty clay with organic material
    6.5-1 Om, grey to black very soft clayey silt to silty clay
    (R4, tab 192 at 62889) (Emphasis added) On 12 January 2009 he reiterated that the clay
    was described as "very soft" (R4, tab 196 at 23955).
    61. On 12 January 2009 Hal Dreyer, president ofPCI's subcontractor
    Gunderboom, Inc., of Anchorage, Alaska, conveyed his concern to CCI's Mr. Hutton that
    Mr. Nunn had underestimated the project work and time (R4, tab 197). Among other
    things, he noted that the river had "extreme sedimentation" (id. at 176333). Gunderboom
    was owned by several people, including Messrs. Dreyer, Gunderson and Nottingham.
    Mr. Dreyer had considerable experience successfully superintending significant open cell
    construction projects and Mr. Nottingham trusted his judgment. (Tr. 2/87-89; see R4,
    tab 383 at 161460). Although he tried, Mr. Dreyer was unable to visit the site due to
    administrative issues (tr. 1/78-79,5/210,9/60-61, 87). Gunderboom's project
    superintendent, Dave Robinson, very experienced in open cell construction, sent daily
    reports, which Mr. Dreyer and Kevin Cassidy, Gunderboom's experienced project
    manager, reviewed. Messrs. Robinson and Cassidy also communicated orally.
    Mr. Cassidy visited the site before construction and once after it started. (R4, tab 251 at
    116143; tr. 9/44, 46, 103, 114, 117, 12/22)
    62. PCI's time and materials subcontract with Gunderboom, to drive pile and
    build the open cell dock structure, was signed effective 20 January 2009. It did not
    include building the temporary crane pad and Gunderboom w as not responsible for fill,
    except for managing placement of the fill that w ould go into the cells. At the time of
    subcontracting, Mr. Dreyer did not review the project solicitation or the AR. He had not
    been involved with CCI's proposal. (Tr. 9/19-20,30, 42, 81; see R4, tab 383 at 161460)
    63. Throughout the project Mr. Dreyer was highly critical ofPCI, claiming, inter
    alia, that its personnel lacked experience and knowledge and did not appreciate or know
    how to work with the soil conditions, or understand the need for an engineered fill design
    (R4, tabs 197, 201 at 175506, tab 216 at 20660 ; tab 221 at 8204, tabs 232, 233 at 14427,
    tabs 234, 236 at 36835, tabs 237, 238 at 37316, tabs 239, 248, 250 at 35610, tab 251 at
    116142, tab 272 at 20573-74, tab 370 at 162666, tabs 326, 383 at 161466; tr. 9/47, 50-52,
    57-60, 62-63 , 79). A few of his allegations are set forth below.
    64. Shortly after the 99% design meeting on 10-12 February 2009, construction,
    late in starting, began (exs. A-19, -20, G-27 at 20).
    65. An open cell schedule must include time for fill to consolidate, which depends
    upon its quality. At a 26 February 2009 contractor meeting, it was noted that, assuming
    cells could be completed in five days each, the project was about two months past the
    completion date; it would be necessary to run a double shift; and PCI's schedule did not
    have an item for "settlement," estimated to take about six weeks. The work plan under
    discussion did not include crane pad activities. (R4, tab 203 at 4891 ; tr. 3/54, 9/39)
    66. Although it had contemplated using two 150-ton cranes (see findings 42, 52),
    Mr. Nunn concurred with the Corps that CCI's ultimate plan was to construct a crane pad
    above the tides, 75m into the water, pull a 280-ton crane on to it, and extend the crane' s
    arm to open cell one. He acknowledged that PND was not consulted about any crane pad
    design prior to work on the beach and there were no design drawings or crane pad
    specifications at the time, other than a materials requirement. (Tr. 2/258-59) .
    67. On about 25 March 2009 PCI executed a work order for crane pad
    construction with subcontractor Ravsan Raheem of Basra. He w as to provide Type C
    material for a crane pad 40m wide and 83m out, at an average depth of 4m. PCI was to
    provide the design layout. The subcontractor was to push Type C and/or stockpiled
    material over the top of the seawall; grade, w ater and compact it to 95%; grade the pad so
    the leading edge was 7m above mean lower low water (MIL W); place the fill in .3m lifts;
    and lay geotextile fabric to prevent fill loss . (R4, tab 208)
    68. A 28 March 2009 checklist by QC manager Bates pertained to the work road
    and crane pad, which he called a non-definable work feature. Unclassified fill was to be
    delivered when work started; the laydown pad would serve as material storage initially;
    the work road would be built from unclassified material with 7% minimum and 10%
    maximum fines; material was to be in 30cm lifts and compacted to 95%; water was to be
    added to get 95% compaction; final grade would be at 6.0 above MLLW; and CCI was
    setting up an on-site laboratory for sieve and compaction testing. (R4, tab 209)
    69. On 29 March 2009 PCI began placing unclassified fill for its work road and
    crane pad. It had hired Iraqi subcontractor Noor Alahmed to provide the fill. Mr. Hartley
    described the pad as consisting of imported sand without geosynthetic reinforcement.
    (Ex. A-91 at 36364; see R4, tab 131 at 3/29-31/09, tabs 241 , 253)
    70. Starting on 30 March 2009 the work road and crane pad material suffered
    from "pumping" silts and weak clays, cracking, and sloughing (R4, tab 17 at B, tab 130,
    tr. 2/172-73, 182-83, 6/48; ex. S-72).
    71. On 1 April2009 QC Bates opined to Mr. Nunn and others:
    As Samuel [Pelant] said, the underlying material is the
    problem and not the fill. Base[ d] on the borings and my
    observations, the underlying silt/clay has near zero strength.
    At first we thought pumping silt was the problem. Now I
    believe liquefaction occurred due to the placement of fill (i.e.,
    rapid loading) and vibratory compaction (i.e., earthquake).
    Most likely it was a combination of the two ....
    (R4, tab 212 at 62760)
    The fill we are bringing in is good. · Let me qualifY that. ...
    Yesterday (3/31) we received material that wasn't as good as
    the first two days and we dinged them on price. We also
    halted the delivery of this material by late morning.
    We constructed the work road as you suggested by making
    sure the top of the fill was above the high tide line. That is
    when the problems started. The underlying silty clay/clayey
    silt [h ]as very little strength (N=2 for this material in the south
    boring). [3] By placing the fill load on this stuff, I believe we
    caused liquefaction to occur .... For me this was confirmed by
    observing the beach in front of the fill this morning at low
    tide. A classic liquefaction failure with blocks of material
    "N" values are the number of blows needed to drive a special sampler 12" (tr. 6/34).
    sloughing and flow of material in the lower portions of the
    beach. It looked like pictures ofEarthquake Park from 1964 .
    .. .Keep in mind that the south boring had 12.5 m of this loon
    [poop] (old geotechnical term).
    (R4, tab 212 at 62758-59)
    72. The COR was on site shortly after lay down area and work road construction
    began. He saw that CCI was using a local borrow pit for fill , rather than an engineered
    fill. He described it as a very gritty, silty soil. (Tr. 10/41, 43-46) Prior to April 2009 CCI
    had not begun work on an engineered fill for the crane pad; into May 2009 it continued to
    import fill (R4, tab 132 at 4/2/09 et seq. , tab 134 at 5/2/09 et seq. ; tr. 2/254). The parties
    agree that the supplier was terminated but CCI does not concede that it was due to the
    material's poor quality (gov' t br. at 48, PF 134; app. reply br. at 24). On 7 April 2009
    Mr. Gunderson inquired of Mr. Nunn:
    As you have begun placement of the fill out to create a work
    pad, it would be an appropriate time to do another boring to
    get a profile of the sediments under the fill you are placing.
    We are assuming that you are using some fabric under the fill
    as you move offshore? I know that Hal [Dreyer] has
    requested an engineered fill where the crane is going to work
    from. Since we have not heard from PCI can we assume that
    you are working with your fill contractor on this? ...
    (R4, tab 218) Mr. Nunn asked Mr. Gunderson for an engineered fill design. On 12 April
    2009 work road and crane pad activities were suspended to obtain it. (R4, tab 219 at
    10672; app. supp. R4, tab S-2) Gunderboom had sought an engineered fill because it was
    concerned about the competency of the underlying material, the native soils, and safety
    regarding the 280-ton crane (tr. 9/45-46).
    73. On 10 April 2009 a QC report sketch and photograph showed that, apparently
    beginning at a 6m elevation, there was " [c]atastrophic failure (liquefaction) of in-situ silts
    and clays with continual failure of fill from 25 to 50 meters" (R4, tab 223 at 19954).
    74. On 17 April2009 PCI issued a notice to proceed to Gunderboom. Mr. Dreyer
    stated that his need for appropriate fill to support a 280-ton crane that would be operating
    a vibratory hammer, equipment acquisition delays, and work crew composition issues
    would affect the schedule. (R4, tab 233 at 14427) On 21 April2009 Mr. Gunderson
    stressed the need for a boring where the crane would sit before placing it. Mr. McNabb
    opined that the work pad had to be in place first. (R4, tab 247 at 4566)
    75. After the slope failure at the end of March 2009, PND was asked to advise
    PCI. Mr. Hartley arrived in Iraq on 25 April2009. As ofthat date CCI was attributi?g
    soil problems to dredge pond leakage and overflow and that the work area was disturbed
    by manmade activities. Mr. Hartley evaluated the soils available for fill for crane pad
    construction by visual classification using ASTM standards. He found sand with 5%
    silica and a small amount of gravel, not unusual for crane pad construction. Rip rap
    would have been better but it was unavailable. He did vane shear tests in the top soil
    surface and used rebar to see how soft the material was. He roughly assessed shear
    strengths for PND's Seattle office to make a soil stability analysis. The field values that
    he obtained were lower than the AR data. (R4, tab 24; tr. 4/18, 20, 42-43, 46-47)
    76. On 27 April 2009 Gunderboom's project manager Cassidy referred to "the
    mess [PCI] made in the area where the crane [needs] to go" (R4, tab 251 at 116143).
    Mr. Dreyer worried that PCI might have "completely ruined the sub base material and
    rendered it useless, which was the concern from the outset" (id. at 116142).
    77. On 30 April 2009 Mr. Nunn asked for a contract extension due, inter alia, to
    "changed conditions" in the work road location due to excess water and pore pressures
    . from dredge spoils pits (R4, tab 25 at 1). On 3 May 2009 the contractor attributed a
    "small mud wave" to dredge pond seepage (app. supp. R4, tab S-3).
    78. On 1 May 2009 Mr. Hartley wrote that he had recommended to PCI that it get
    BHs out by the cells as soon as possible and that "we really do no[t] know much about
    soil conditions in these areas" (R4, tab 259 at 14042).
    79. On 3 May 2009 Mr. Hartley asked for a slope stability analysis under certain
    conditions, seeking an FOS of at least 1.1, preferably 1.3 with the crane loads, based upon
    industry standard for a minimum FOS. On 4 May 2009 Mr. McNabb supplied an
    analysis, showing a 0.99 FOS, indicating failure. (R4, tab 267; tr. 4/175, 178-79, 184-85)
    80. On 7 May 2009 the COR wrote that CCI was behind schedule, stating:
    The main portion of this delay has been caused by an
    unexpected field condition in placing their crane pad. There
    is evident soil instability at the 25m mark in the tidal zone that
    has impeded progress because the fill material begins to
    creep/slide into the river. The start of pile driving ... has been
    postponed ... because of the issues with the crane pad and also
    the pending delivery of the 280Ton Crane from Kuwait.. ..
    (Ex. A-38 at 23110) He stated that PND' s geotechnical engineer (apparently Mr. Hartley)
    attributed instability to dredging, which increased the deposition of very loose silty
    material with low bearing capacity, and to increased pore water pressure from dredge
    ponds, which increased the effects of liquefaction when compacted or disturbed (id.).
    81. The COR signed an interim satisfactory performance rating dated 7 May 2009
    stating CCI was very cooperative and had effectively tackled "difficult problems in a
    challenging work environment" but was behind schedule. Its QC documentation and
    submittals were rated marginal. (R4, tab 30; tr. 101129)
    82. On 13 May 2009 Tim Fisher of PND circulated a crane pad drawing to PND
    and PCI for review (R4, tab 283). CCI has not rebutted the Corps' contention that this
    was PND's first design drawing of record ofthe crane pad.
    83. On 13 May 2009 the COR issued an RFP to CCI under the contract's Changes
    clause for "Drainage of Dredge Spoils Ponds" (R4, tab 32). As Mr. Nunn described it, an
    Iraqi Ministry of Defense contractor, not on-site during SAR' s visit, was dredging around
    . Pier 3 by the time CCI arrived and dumping the spoils into dredge ponds which came to
    the edge of CCI' s laydown area and overlapped nearly into the crane pad area. At one
    time water from an overfilled, breached, dredge pond came near the access road leading
    to the laydown area. CCI feared flooding. It saw sheet flow across the beach after the
    tide had gone down and little water "volcanoes" below the dikes. It concluded there was
    no other water source except the dredge pond pits and this 3m of water sitting above its
    project had adverse effects. (Tr. 21197-98)
    84. On 13 May 2009 the crane arrived in parts (supp. R4, tab S-3 at 5114/09 QC
    report (QCR); see R4, tab 17 at 6). There was no stable crane pad in place at this time or
    later (tr. 10/91-92). Mr. Hartley left the project site on 15 May 2009 (tr. 4/51 ).
    85. The COR prepared a price negotiation memorandum (PNM) dated 22 May
    2009 about the alleged Pier 3 dredge spoils pond problem. The proposed change was to
    allow CCI to procure pumps to drain excess water from the ponds to relieve excess pore
    water pressure and permit compaction and stabilization of the Pier 1 fill material.
    (Ex. A-41) The PNM stated:
    The crane pad for the construction of Open cell one appears to
    [rest] on top of a very fine layer of sandy-clay, which is
    transmitting a flow of water at a greater rate then [sic] other
    locations alorig the water front... This water is leading to an
    increase of instability of the shore line at 25m and causing the
    fill material to creep and slide into the river.
    (Ex. A-41 at 52177) The proposed $21,250.37amount included overhead and profit at
    19% and 17.5% (id. at 52178). CCI alleges, without contradiction, that these were the
    rates to which the Corps had agreed for its options 1 through 6 proposals (app. br. at 27).
    86. At some point prior to 23 May 2009, CCI decided to construct six temporary
    shoring cells. In its request for equitable adjustment (REA) (below), CCI attributed the
    decision to a need to protect soils in the construction zone from continuing silt deposits
    from dredging. It stated that dredging and dredge pond seepage had left the soils weaker
    and more slippery than expected. (R4, tab 17 at 6) Mr. Nunn described dredges dumping
    in front of the project instead of south of the border where they were supposed to go,
    resulting in "loads and loads" of slime, but stated that the major problem was at the dense
    sand level and concerned efforts to try to stabilize the beach (tr. 2/276-77).
    87. On 1 June 2009 CCI hired John Smithson, an experienced superintendent,
    with open cell and schedule experience, to be its on-site representative, but left PCI in
    charge of project management (ex. A-53 ; tr. 1/87-88, 5/107-08, 110-11 , 114-15, 178).
    88. Effective 1 June 2009, bilateral Modification (Mod.) No. P00006 issued, at the
    firm fixed-price of$21,250.37, for the dredge pond work. It increased the contract price
    to $44,923 ,615.70; kept the 27 September 2009 completion date; and included CCI's
    release of the government "from any and all liability under this contract for further
    equitable adjustments attributable to changes resulting from this modification."
    (R4, tab 9 at 2) The Corps has not raised any release defense in this appeal.
    89. Full work on the crane pad began on 3 June 2009, but on 8 June a mud wave
    developed in the pad, sections of the pad slid into the water and the whole pad came apart
    (supp. R4, tab S-4).
    90. On 30 May 2009 the COR had issued a letter of concern to CCI about
    schedule and on 10 June he sought a recovery plan. As of 13 June 2009, inability to build
    a crane pad was stopping work in the field. (Ex. f\ -49 at 11283; tr. 101109-1 0) At some
    point in June 2009, COR Gutierrez left the project. Kenneth Bright, a supervisory civil
    engineer with the Corps, succeeded him. (See exs. A-48, -49)
    91. The crane was moved onto the pad on about 14 June 2009. On about 21 June
    a large mud wave developed and there was a 75m failure in the fill. The fill created
    shelves separated by large tension cracks and the crane pad suffered displacement.
    Through 21 July 2009 CCI continued to encounter problems with sloughing clay, tension
    cracks, a mud wave and sheared geogrid. (R4, tab 17, ex. Kat 1, ex. L at 1; supp. R4,
    tab S-4, 6/21/09 QCR at 1-2, tab S-5 , 7115/09 QCR at 1, 7116/09 QCR et seq.)
    92. In its REA, CCI claimed that another change to its original design caused by
    differing site conditions was the construction of "Circle Cell No. 1," or the "Single Cell
    Crane Pad." It was to sit behind and between two temporary shoring cells to protect and
    support the beach soils upon which the crane would rest. (R4, tab 17 at 10)
    93. CCI continued into July 2009 to attribute crane pad failures to dredge ponds
    and the discharge and deposit of dredged materials-soft, loose, weak sediments (R4,
    tab 17, ex. P at 2; supp. R4, tab S-4, 6/24/09 QCR at 1; 6/25/09 QCR at 2; ex. A-65).
    94. On 29 June 2009 Mr. Nunn opined to the COR that the dredge spoil dumping
    was a changed condition. He alleged that, while CCI was well aware of dredging in the
    waterway and, on a different project, he had been responsible for dredging the North Port,
    the material had not been dumped back into the waterway in front of the Iraqi Navy Port;
    the Corps should have alerted offerors of the dredge spoil issues during the solicitation
    phase; and CCI saw the conditions only after mobilization and 99% design completion,
    during pre-construction activities. (Ex. A-58 at 8867-68)
    95. In June 2009, PCI and PND continued to exchange emails about the need for
    more BHs (e.g., R4, tab 311 at 18628 ("plan for confirmation [BHs] , reflecting the
    current access plans," "there is only one old Andrea lab [BH] in the vicinity of our current
    work, and PND had taken exception to the reliability of that data")).
    96. On 3 July 2009 Mr. Nunn notified the COR of two alleged changed
    conditions, again pertaining to dredge spoil deposits and dredge pond seepage affecting
    the fill and crane pad (ex. A-64 at 22155).
    97. Initially CCI was doing visual materials testing that was not certified or
    verified by an appropriate entity. Eventually it had Basra State University do on-site and
    off-site testing. CCI did not establish a Corps-approved on-site laboratory until late June,
    early July 2009, after COR Bright's arrival. (Tr. 11 /35, 43)
    98. On 6 July 2009 CCI's Mr. Smithson commented on a draft recovery plan:
    [I]t reads that using "local material" is the reason the fill
    failed. I think we should make it clear that the reason was
    because of the water seepage from the dredge ponds and the
    dredge spoils sediment are the reason the fill failed. That way
    we are consistent with what we are saying in our REA ' s.
    (R4, tab 353 at 162633)
    99. On 7 July 2009 National Laboratory began a site investigation for CCI. On
    8 July PCI discontinued it due to alleged incompetence. (R4, tab 361 at 11877 ("National
    Lab was a joke"); supp. R4, tab S-5, 7/7-7/8/09 QCRs at 1).
    100. On 9 July 2009 the area in front ofthe crane and parts of the access road
    dropped about 15cm with a massive mud wave forming in the temporary and circle cells.
    Cell movement was observed. (Supp. R4, tab S-5 , 7/9/09 QCR at 1-2)
    101. On 14 July 2009 CCI gave another notice of changed conditions pertaining to
    (1) high water levels from the Pier 3 contractor's dredge ponds being over-filled and
    raising the water table on and adjacent to CCI's work area, allowing water to flow around
    and under its work site, and (2) dumped dredge spoils resulting in unstable sediments
    being deposited onto CCI's work area (ex. A-86 at 15239).
    102. At least as of 14 July 2009 Mr. Smithson was highly critical ofPCI's project
    management (see R4, tab 370 at 162666).
    103. The COR' s 16 July 2009 letter of concern sought a revised schedule, upon
    threat of an interim unsatisfactory evaluation, and a recovery plan (ex. A-82).
    104. On 19 July 2009 Bradley West, president of West Construction Company,
    Inc. (West), issued a recovery plan based upon marine floating gear, including barges, to
    install the sheet pile. West had extensive experience in open cell construction using
    marine and land-based equipment. (Ex. A-87 at 36425-26) Most of Mr. West's open cell
    projects were land-based and involved crane pad installation. None used geogrid, had an
    engineer review constructability, or had engineer drawings. However, he had never used
    a 280-ton crane. (Tr. 3/7-8, 82) In about August 2009, PCI and West entered into a
    cost-plus-fixed-fee subcontract (see ex. G-18 at 12; tr. 3/43 , 75-76). On 20 July 2009
    CCI submitted a recovery schedule, said to be required by changed conditions due to the
    dredge ponds and spoils. It proposed to use barge-mounted cranes to complete the open
    cell structure from the river. (Ex. A-87 at 36418-24)
    105. On 22 July 2009 CCI submitted to the Corps Mr. Hartley' s 16 July 2009
    report of conditions during his 25 April-15 May 2009 visit. He had not completed his
    evaluation and had asked CCI for more geotechnical work. (Ex. A-91; tr. 4/60) The
    report stated that dredging had raised water levels. Cell dikes appeared to consist of silty
    clay soils. He saw water impoundment in three dredge spoil containment cells that
    caused seepage into the underlying soil, including into the near shore mudflats, that would
    increase water content and decrease shear strength in the near shore area where fill
    placemynt had resulted in instability. Mr. Hartley opined that dredging also affected
    settlement and stability of the construction fill on the mudflats:
    The dredging operation is less than 30m from the north end
    of the project site. Attempts to obtain shear strength on the
    surface soils were unsuccessful (undrained shear strength of
    0.0). A hand-dug hole of0.5 min depth was excavated to
    attempt additional vane shear strength testing. Soils are so
    soft in this area that a laborer became stuck up to his knees
    when attempting to dig into the mudflats. Once the hole was
    dug undrained shear strength measurements were obtained
    from vane shear testing and resulted in [low] shear
    strengths ... less than a third of the value[ in the AR]. A 3 m
    rebar was also pushed into the ground at this location with
    little resistance. [Emphasis added]
    (Ex. A-91 at 36367) He said that unconsolidated silts and clays with very low shear
    strength were distributed into the water and deposited in the construction area and that
    slope instability had occurred in the immediate vicinity of the dredge operations. He also
    reported PND's contemporaneous field shear strength assessment, which used data from
    the AR and Basra reports and his April2009 shallow vane shear tests . PND concluded
    that the AR indicated an FOS of3.25 at 1m fill depth, but PND found 0.94; at 3m, the
    comparison was 1.97 to 0.54; and at 5m, it was 1.68 to 0.41. Mr. Hartley stated that the
    contractor could place a very thin fill lift of about 0.5m but there was a small mud wave
    in front of fill operations and some tension cracks as fill thickness increased, confirmation
    that near-surface shear strengths were limited. (!d. at 36364, 36369)
    106. On 23 July 2009 the COR approved CCI's recovery plan, noting that the
    government did not consider it to involve acceleration or differing or changed site
    conditions (ex. A-93 at 36392-93; see R4, tab 376).
    107. Navy LT David Daigle (Lieutenant Commander by the hearing) became
    involved in the project about the end of July 2009 . On 9 September 2009 he succeeded
    Mr. Bright as COR. (R4, tab 61 ; tr. 101131 , 133, 135, 137)
    108. On 25 July 2009 PCI terminated Gunder boom for alleged default. Resulting
    litigation was settled. (See R4, tabs 379, 383 ; tr. 3/81, 5/211 , 9/76-78, 88)
    109. On 1 August 2009 Gunderboom' s Mr. Dreyer asserted, inter alia, that project
    problems were due to PCI's failure to understand the soils issues:
    Some four months into a six-month project the
    construction of the first Open Cell™ still has not begun due to
    PCI's inability to solve geotechnical problems, which were
    apparent to observers on day one. For example, ever since
    viewing the site photographs when we met to discuss this
    project in PND 's offices in Seattle, Kevin and I have been
    concerned about the inter-tidal and offshore sediments. I am
    sure you will recall our extensive discussions about how
    unusual it was to see only the very top gun assembly from a
    Russian Navy Missile launcher vessel sticking out of the muck
    in the middle ofthejob site, meaning that there is an entire
    vessel in that soup .... [Emphasis added]
    ... [O]n site we observed a hopper dredge operation,
    which may have been depositing fine silt at the project site for
    many years. This may have contributed to the geotechnical
    problems PCI has encountered. We are not privy to what
    precise geotechnical investigations may have been done prior
    to contracting to design and construct this project. ...
    (R4, tab 383 at 161466)
    110. In August 2009 the National Center for Construction Labs. & Researches,
    Basrah Construction Laboratory, apparently the "National Lab" CCI hired in July 2009,
    reported upon its investigation. The log of a boring taken at a location from which the
    280-foot crane was visible shows 2m of fill on top and two layers of clay beneath the fill ,
    with the first 9m described as "Very soft to soft gray lean to fat CLAY" and the second
    2.5 mas "Hard brown lean CLAY." (R4, tab 382 at 16352; tr. 61133-36, 138)
    111. CCI submitted an REA in August 2009 for $20,905 ,039.53 and an extension
    based upon changed or Type II differing site conditions and acceleration. It stated that
    PCI was familiar with the specific project region and that post-award information,
    including site re-inspection, had not altered PND' s original opinion that beach soil
    conditions were stable enough to construct the open cells and use heavy equipment,
    including a 280-ton crane. The REA alleged that there was no indication that soils within
    the construction zone had extremely low shear strength; were subject to substantial silting
    from dredge spoils; and would make building a work road and crane pad commercially
    impracticable, if not impossible. It stated that CCI knew that tidal action affected the
    water table in the naval base's lower reaches, but alleged that, almost immediately, it had
    problems due to unexpected concentrations of silt and weak clays. It tried compaction,
    lifts, and smaller, lighter equipment, but the pad continued to slough and crack. It stated
    that some cells were to have been temporary enforcement of the crane pad embankment,
    but they had to be permanent, due to the changed conditions relating to the dredge spoil
    sediment and dredge pond seepage. (R4, tab 17 at 1-5, 21)
    112. Bilateral Mod. No. P00007, effective 28 August 2009, extended the contract
    completion date to 1 March 2010; the price remained $44,923,615.70. It stated that it was
    to facilitate authorizations and did not affect any REAs, claims or the construction
    completion date. (R4, tab 10)
    113. In August to early October 2009, largely in Dubai, CCI and West engaged in
    equipment procurement efforts to implement the recovery plan (R4, tab 16 at 18, tab 48 at
    1, 66, 67, 73, 74, 80, 81).
    114. On 14 September 2009 the COR issued a fifth letter of concern and GRS
    issued an interim unsatisfactory performance evaluation. CCI disputed it but admitted it
    would not be able to meet its recovery schedule. (R4, tabs 68-71; ex.A-151 at 6114-15)
    115. MAJ Gerald Himes held a master's degree in civil engineering but was not a
    geotechnical engineer. In late July-August 2009, LT Daigle became COR and Mr. Bright
    the alternate. By late August Lt. Daigle and MAJ Himes were doing the contract
    administration. MAJ Himes visited the site in August 2009 and saw what he described as
    CCI's construction method of pushing fill and whatever was underneath it into the water
    (see also tr. 10/46-47 (COR Gutierrez's description of fill dumping and pushing, or
    pulling sediment out into the shoreline)). When CCI submitted its REA, MAJ Himes
    coordinated the government's technical support, including from ERDC, which gave him a
    draft report on about 3 September 2009. (Ex. A-126 at 2727, ex. A-135 at 33499; tr.
    91131, 134-35, 137-38, 145-50, 162-63, 179, 200-01, 243-44, 11162-63, 167)
    116. In September 2009 former COR Gutierrez commented to GRS upon the
    REA. He denied a contention by CCI that he had stated that a change order was
    appropriate and alleged several reasons why it was not. He also stated that "[o]n
    numerous site visits it was confirmed that there was quite a[ n] interesting phenomenon
    occurring at the 25m near shore line, this is undeniable" and that "the problem started and
    is tied to an unforeseen sight [sic] condition." (Ex. A-135 at 33494, 33496) He was
    adopting CCI's unforeseen site condition vocabulary but believed contemporaneously that
    its problems were tied to such a condition (tr. 10/122).
    117. On 18 September 2009 ERDC issued its complete report (ERDC report) on
    the question of whether the Corps-furnished documents for proposals were sufficient to
    predict the crane pad construction difficulties (R4, tab 108 at 1). Referring to the AR and
    BH logs, ERDC stated that "[c]lays possessing a soft to very soft consistency pose a
    significant challenge to any design that requires them to carry any additional loads" (id. at
    2). Addressing soil strength, ERDC concluded that the AR had not reported the results of
    unconsolidated undrained triaxial (UU) compression tests in the best manner, but it had
    noted that laboratory vane shear equipment had been used to obtain the undrained shear
    strength because of high disturbance in all samplers that extruded from Shelby tubes of
    the soft clay layer. Also, the soil exuded between the fingers when squeezed, which
    could be described as very soft to soft sandy clayey soil, and the laboratory vane range
    was within the range for soils with soft to very soft consistency. ERDC interpreted the
    AR to mean that UU tests were to be discounted because of the high degree of
    disturbance and that the laboratory hand vane tester gave the most reliable results. It
    adopted the vane test data as the basis for undrained shear strengths in its stability
    analysis. The results ofERDC' s crane pad slope stability analyses, based only upon the
    geotechnical information the Corps had made available to proposers, were that stability
    decreased with increasing fill height; the crane pad would be stable for a fill height of 1m,
    marginally stable for a fill height of 3m, and unstable for a fill height of Sm. ERDC
    stated that PND's 16 July 2009 slope stability analysis indicated that the crane pad would
    be stable for fill heights up to at least 5m, but noted that the strength of the clay layer in
    PND' s analysis was determined from the UU laboratory tests taken from the highly
    disturbed samples that the AR had warned against using. (!d. at 2-6) ERDC concluded,
    inter alia, that the "very soft to soft" consistency of the foundation clays described in the
    AR should have served notice that dock construction and long-term performance were
    causes for concern; the high level of disturbance in the soil samples was a direct result of
    the very soft to soft clay consistency and caused significant uncertainty in determining
    shear strength for slope stability analysis; it was certain that the clay consistency was very
    soft to soft; and lack of information regarding which samples were tested in the lab vane
    tests or how many tests were performed increased uncertainty (id. at 6-7).
    118. The CO denied CCI's REA on 30 September 2009, summarizing in part:
    The conditions ... were both known and what would typically
    be found in a sediment laden tidal estuary.... Soil borings
    indicated that the surface and subsurface soils at the site
    consisted of unconfined very soft sandy silty clayey mud.
    Whether it arrived as additional dredged material or as
    naturally occurring sedimentation; the fact that the soil was
    saturated silty mud was known or should have been known to
    an experienced marine contractor. The [AR]. .. put the
    contractor on notice that the soils at the project site were
    unstable and subject to soil movement under pressure ....
    (R4, tab 19 at 7) She noted that Mr. Hartley called the area a "mudflat" (id. at 8).
    119. CCI and West had considerable difficulties procuring barges, cranes and
    some equipment (R4, tab 16 at 14, tabs 48, 51 at 1, tabs 52, 55, 56, 58, 64, 65 at 2, tab 77;
    ex. A-163 at 143973 ; tr. 1/93-95, 3/14-20, 63).
    120. On 2 October 2009 Mr. West notified Mr. Burke and the COR of an alleged
    unanticipated need to install wick drains (R4, tab 80 at 1). Mr. West acknowledged that
    using wick drains to consolidate fill was common, although he had not used them in
    Alaska. He had a "gut feeling" they would be necessary (tr. 3/53). During his direct
    testimony Mr. Hartley, who was not involved in the original project design, stated that he
    had recommended that wick drains be installed for soil strengthening based upon his
    review of the AR and the unstable site conditions (tr. 4/65 , 67-68).
    121. Mr. Hartley returned to the site in October 2009 with more sophisticated
    vane shear equipment that would yield more accurate values . He left at the end of
    October. His investigation pertained to the crane pad and open cell design. (Tr. 4/60-64,
    69) As of 8 October 2009 CCI was again rebuilding the crane pad. On 11 and
    12 October 2009 Mr. Hartley performed field shear strength tests at low tide. (App. supp.
    R4, tab S-8 at 10/8/09 QCR at 2, 10/11 , 10/12/09 QCRs at 1)
    122. Barges, tugs and cranes arrived on about 18 October, and 1 and 13 November
    2009 (see R4, tab 420 at 29370, 29371; app. supp. R4, tab S-8 at 10/18/09 QCR, tab S-9
    at 1111, 11113, and 11115/09 QCRs).
    123 . On 3 November 2009 GRS' on site Iraqi engineer reported to the COR that
    there had been a "big subsidence shear failure (earth collapse)" between the north and
    south cells (ex. A-189 at 5899; tr. 10/156). The 3 November 2009 QCR reported that the
    "crack and settlement on the beach a day earlier turned into a significant slide of the
    beach" (app. supp. R4, tab S-9 at 1113/09 QCR at 1).
    124. On 5 November 2009 Mr. Smithson asserted changed conditions to the CO
    based upon "a catastrophic failure of the beach fill" (R4, tab 93 at 1). He disputed prior
    Corps contentions that fill rate, compaction, and moisture content had contributed to
    failures and alleged that the ERDC report had stated, based upon the AR, that a stable 3m
    fill could be placed, but CCI's failed fill never reached 3m. He stated that the
    2 November 2009 failure occurred when the fill was at about 2m. (Tr. 5/147-48)
    125. On 18 November 2009 CCI asked the CO for financial relief and for about
    $3M for steel and cargo costs to build north and south open cells on the basis that
    differing/changed conditions made it impossible to proceed with its original seawall
    design. She responded that her REA determination was unchanged. Although noting that
    CCI was over 57 days past the construction completion date, she agreed to a 2-week
    billing cycle and partial release and reduction of retainage. (R4, tabs 89, 90)
    126. CCI hired John Snelgrove on 2 November 2009 to lead its project efforts
    when Mr. Smithson was unavailable. Messrs. Smithson, Snelgrove and PND were
    critical ofPCI. (R4, tabs 416-17, 419 ; tr. 11134-35 ; see also R4, tab 420 at 29369) ("PCI
    has no clue about any of it as history has shown" .... "I agree with that, they obviously are
    not dirt movers, or contractors as far as that goes"). However, Mr. West thought PCI
    "had a good grip on the mechanics of running a construction job" (tr. 3/79).
    127. Mr. Burke was asked to leave CCI because the project caused parent BBNC
    significant financial strain; he left in December 2009. That month CCI also terminated
    PCI's contract and assumed West's contract. (Tr. 1/50, 104,3/77-78, 51194-95)
    128. It seems undisputed that CCI completed the project by an extended June
    2010 due date. In April 2011 it was nominated by the Associated General Contractors of
    America for International Construction Project of the Year and won (tr. 3/38).
    129. CCI submitted a certified CDA claim dated 8 February 2010 to the CO for
    $35,125,036 and a contract extension to 30 June 20 l 0 and asked that its interim
    performance rating be changed from unsatisfactory to satisfactory. The CO received the
    claim on 26 February 2010. (R4, tabs 2, 16) CCI incorporated its REA and added a Type
    I differing site conditions contention, to which it narrowed its claim at the hearing (R4,
    tab 16 at 1 n.1, 27-34; tr. 6/31). CCI claimed that it never received notice that the soils
    under the crane pad could not support the heavy equipment indispensable to driving sheet
    pile. Rather, the AR had indicated that the top 2m of soil was consistent with medium to
    stiff soils. Also, CCI had had limited site access prior to its proposal and no chance, or
    need, based upon the Corps' representations, to conduct a detailed pre-proposal technical
    analysis. CCI contended that its post-award geotechnical analyses were not to confirm
    the AR's findings and whether the top 3m of soil were stable enough to support heavy
    equipment, but to confirm the depths to which sheet pile must be driven. CCI contended
    that all claimed costs would have been avoided if the Corps had performed a timely,
    reasonable geotechnical investigation, rather than instructing potential contractors to rely
    upon an outdated, inaccurate AR. It asserted that, during design, PND had properly
    focused upon the location of the sheet piles rather than the access road. CCI stated that
    considerable attention was mistakenly focused upon dredge ponds as responsible for
    "causing weak soils to become even weaker" (R4, tab 16 at 6), but it still alleged that
    dredging was "the root cause" of the problems (id. at 24 ). In support of its claim, CCI
    relied upon Mr. Hartley' s 4 February 2010 expert report, below.
    130. CCI's claim and incorporated REA did not allege that the government had
    acted in bad faith or to deprive CCI of its contract value, and did not include operative
    facts that were in any respect tantamount to a bad faith claim. It also did not allege
    contract breach, although CCI averred in its complaint that its claim had so alleged
    (compl. ~ 73).
    131. A new CO was appointed in March-April2010. By final decision of9 July
    2010 she denied CCI' s claim. On 6 August 2010 it timely appealed to the Board. CCI
    ultimately increased its claim to $40,064,759. (R4, tab 2; ex. A-232 at 1, ex. A-233 at 1,
    ex. A-259 at 16, ex. A-260 at 208, ex. G-18 at 3; tr. 5/ 157, 6/254)
    Appellant' s Expert Hartley' s Direct Evidence
    132. Mr. Hartley has a master' s degree in geotechnical engineering and is a
    licensed civil engineer. He was admitted without objection as an expert in civil and
    geotechnical engineering. He is very familiar with open cell projects and, prior to the one
    at issue, had done geotechnical assessments for them. (Tr. 4/9, 13, 15-16) He prepared
    an expert report dated 4 February 2010 in response to the Corps' rejection ofCCI's REA
    (ex. A-214 at 1). It reflects counsels' input and contains legal conclusions that we do not
    accept as expert evidence, as is true of any legal conclusions by other experts in this
    appeal. Mr. Hartley' s report acknowledged that " [w]e have not discussed with the
    Contractor the interpretation procedures they used in the evaluation of construction means
    and methods for the project" (id. at 3). No reason is given for this omission. His report
    merely assumed, without attribution, that CCI relied upon the AR' s subsurface
    information in submitting its proposal.
    133. Among other things, Mr. Hartley opined that the AR contained conflicting
    information on soil strength and inaccurate data reporting, including discrepancies
    between soil consistency descriptions and blow counts. He stated that the reported data,
    interpreted logically, would lead a contractor to believe that a shore-based fill operation
    could be achieved with some containment from armor, cells, geotextile wraps, super sacks
    and other means. (Ex. A-214 at 3)
    134. Mr. Hartley cited Corps guidelines for geotechnical reports and interpretation
    of field biow count data obtained in an SPT for the proposition that adjustments should be
    made to raw field blow counts to provide a normalized data set prior to determining soil
    consistency and properties. After applying such "corrections" to the AR blow counts,
    PND determined that the silty clay encountered from the surface to a depth of 6.5m in BH
    No. 2 was a medium silty clay rather than a very soft to soft silty clay and the silty clay
    from the surface to a depth of3.5m in BH No.3 was a stiff silty clay rather than a very
    soft to soft silty clay. The Basra report' s BH No.2 indicated that clayey silt ranged from
    very soft to stiff. Mr. Hartley reported that PND's October 2009 field vane sheer testing
    yielded strength measurements that were, on average, half the value of the AR' s
    laboratory vane shear strength tests. However, soil conditions, based upon split spoon
    blow counts, appeared to result in shear strengths 2 to 6 times higher than the AR' s
    laboratory vane shear strengths and indicated that the shear strength was much higher
    than values in the ERDC report. Mr. Hartley denied that his description of the project
    area as a "mudflat" implied that it was obviously unstable and stated that PND had
    constructed many fill and armor rock projects on riverine and marine mudflats using
    shore-side construction techniques similar to those used by CCI. (Ex. A-214 at 5, 10, 13)
    135. Mr. Hartley stated that unconsolidated silts and clays from dredging were
    deposited along the project, yielding very low shear strengths in the upper silt/clay
    formation. While the USAID report indicated that some dredge side casting had occurred
    near the Old Port, it had not given enough information to analyze quantities, locations, or
    site and construction impact. He concluded that it was hard to ascertain actual geological
    site conditions from the AR due to its conflicting statements, data reported, and lack of
    data that a prudent geological engineer would normally include. (Ex. A-214 at 13-16)
    136. At the hearing Mr. Hartley opined that PND's recommendations for crane
    pad stabilization should have worked based upon the AR. Regardless of whether one
    used the AR's laboratory vane shears or the blow count calculated vane shears, they were
    substantially higher than field conditions. Shear strength was much lower than anything
    described in the AR. PCI did not follow all ofPND's recommendations but, according to
    Mr. Hartley, even if it had, the crane pad would not have stabilized. (Tr. 4/40-41, 105)
    137. Mr. Hartley first testified that, based upon the AR, wick drains might or
    might not have been called for in the original project design; either way was appropriate
    (tr. 4/68-69). He later testified that they were due to the differing site conditions and the
    need to change to marine-side construction (tr. 41119-21).
    138. In Mr. Hartley's opinion, field testing data typically provides a more accurate
    picture of soil conditions than lab testing data, because when a sample is transported there
    is a potential for disturbance and there is such a potential with very soft or soft soils when
    Shelby tubes used in laboratory vane shear testing are cut into sections. He noted:
    [E]ven in the [AR] they indicated that they had problems
    taking the sample, extruding the sample out of the Shelby
    tube. And that 's because they were having issues with soft
    material. [Emphasis added]
    (Tr. 4/73)
    139. When asked if descriptors were superior to or subordinate to blow counts in
    interpreting BH data, Mr. Hartley responded: "It's really another piece of information
    that's provided" (tr. 4/88). He added that there was a fairly large discrepancy in the AR
    data between the blow counts in the upper 7m of soil and the descriptors and, in that case,
    considering sample transportation and laboratory work, the blow counts would better
    describe soil consistency at the site (tr. 4/88-89).
    140. Apparently using AR blow counts adjusted as he earlier described,
    Mr. Hartley concluded that the soil should have been stable enough to support a crane pad
    and land-based construction. He opined that, based upon the ERDC report, and his own
    analysis, an umeinforced crane pad should have been stable at up to 3m of fill height.
    (Ex. A-214 at last pg.; tr. 4/89-93, 96-98, 100, 105, 108)
    Appellant's Expert Enamul Hoque's Direct Evidence
    141. Enamul Hoque, president of Hoque & Associates, Inc. of Phoenix, Arizona,
    has a master's degree in civil engineering. He is a licensed civil engineer with extensive
    experience in geotechnical engineering, having completed thousands of geotechnical
    investigations, including of slope failures. He was admitted without objection as a civil
    engineering and geotechnical expert. (Ex. A-236; tr. 5/6-1 0) He supplied an expert
    report dated 3 September 2010 (ex. A-225).
    142. Mr. Hoque did not read the entire RFP or the contract. He focused upon the
    AR and USAID reports and the answers to questions 11 and 42. He was not present
    during the crane pad failures but relied upon what CCI told him concerning pad
    composition, fill height and crane placement. Mr. Hoque arrived on site on 22 February
    2010 and was there for several weeks. Most of his testing was outside the project so that
    it covered undisturbed areas. He opined that he could about replicate conditions at the
    time of failure because, based upon his observations and testing, there was a monotonous
    geology that did not change much--an upper soft soil and competent soil below. He
    performed dilatancy testing by holding soil in his hands in the field. It was falling
    through his fingers, meaning it was very soft and not as depicted in the AR blow counts in
    his opinion. (Ex. A-225 at 1; tr. 5/11-13,18,20,30-31,34-35, 60-61 , 76,83, 87-90)
    143. Mr. Hoque stated that the moisture content at which a soil starts behaving as
    a liquid is the "liquid limit" (LL). If that content is at or above LL, the soil will behave
    like a viscous fluid. Regarding BH No.2, the AR' s "Summary of Test Results," at
    sample Nos. 1 and 3, reported the LL at 48% and 51%. Mr. Hoque found the moisture
    content in the field to be about 4 7% up to 70%, essentially liquid. He concluded that, if
    the AR' s reported moisture content on those two samples were correct, then they had lost
    moisture during sampling, transportation and handling. He opined that the reported LLs
    and blow counts indicated that the soil should have supported minor construction and
    most of the equipment. He opined that the cohesion values under the "Summary of Test
    Results" for sample Nos. 2 and 4 indicated that the soil would support equipment under
    virtually all conditions, but cohesion tests in Phoenix yielded much smaller numbers. To
    him, the AR was, at best, confusing and did not represent actual soil conditions; strength
    values were totally different. (AR at next to last pg.; ex. A-225 at 2-3; tr. 5/37-42, 62, 76)
    144. Mr. Hoque opined that the AR excluded vital silt data and that the silt was
    "abundantly available" at and/or below the surface throughout the site (ex. A-225 at 4).
    145. In Mr. Hoque's opinion, geotechnical engineers would not make
    recommendations concerning geotechnical design parameters associated with crane pad
    construction and placement of a 280-ton crane on top of it, for a site with competent, stiff
    to hard soil. They would do so when there was soft saturated soil, even if there were a
    much smaller crane. Placement of a 6m high fill 1OOm into the shore would require a stiff
    to very stiff soil. (Tr. 5/81-83, 85)
    146. Mr. Hoque would rely upon blow counts as the most reliable representation
    of site conditions and would rely more upon field testing than laboratory testing. In his
    opinion, based upon the AR' s blow counts, there should not have been a failure where the
    crane pad was attempted. (Tr. 5/24-26)
    147. Part of Mr. Hoque' s work was field observation of surficial geologic site
    conditions using indicator tests described in the ASTM "Field Identification and
    Classification of Soils." Visual soils classification is a recognized and standardized
    technique. He acknowledged that his visual classification of the soils as elastic silt
    differed from his laboratory's classification of it as clay. Despite his testimony that he
    would rely more upon field testing, on cross-examination he stated that he deemed visual
    classification to be an indicator and laboratory classification to be more precise. In his
    opinion, while blow counts were the most reliable factor, visual and laboratory
    classifications should also be considered and visual classification should not be
    discounted. One should look at everything. (Ex. A-225 at 1; tr. 5/48-54, 100-01)
    Appellant's Expert Tracy J. Lyman' s Direct Evidence
    148. Tracy J. Lyman, senior consultant at Brierley Associates in Denver,
    Colorado, submitted an expert report dated 3 January 2011 (ex. A-234; tr. 6/21). He held
    a master' s of engineering degree, focusing upon rock and soil engineering, and had been
    a geotechnical engineer for 39 years. He held licenses as a professional engineer and
    geologist. (Tr. 6/5-7) Although the presiding judge sustained the government' s objection
    to CCI's request to admit Mr. Lyman as an expert in design-build contracts and the
    evaluation of bid documents from a reasonable contractor' s perspective, he was admitted
    without objection as an expert in geotechnical and soil engineering (tr. 6/12-14).
    149. Mr. Lyman reported that the actual shear strength of the soil was about half
    of that expected based upon the AR and Basra reports. He stated that there might have
    been some variability across the Pier 1 area, with weaker soils at the crane access road
    location than at the site of the Basra report' s boring 2. He described the ERDC report as
    concluding, using the AR's most conservative assumptions, that a 3m thick crane access
    roadway fill would be stable, but CCI's experience was starkly different and there was
    significantly lower strength in the subsurface soils at the roadway than what was
    anticipated based upon the AR and Basra reports. (Ex. A-234 at 8-1 0; tr. 6/53-56)
    150. The Lyman report concluded that the dredging activities in close project
    proximity "most likely produced a thin veneer of highly saturated, unconsolidated, very
    weak soils at and seaward of the intertidal zone ' ground surface"' and that those soils
    might have exacerbated crane access road instability (ex. A-234 at 8-9). The dredge
    spoils "exhibited ' zero' undrained shear strength" ( id. at 10).
    151. Mr. Lyman concentrated on AR BH Nos. 2 and 3, in the intertidal zone,
    because No. 1, up on the land, was not relevant. No.2 was at the location ofthe
    temporary causeway to be constructed for the crane. In evaluating the BH data he looked
    primarily at SPT results, the "N" values. Blow counts are indicative of clay consistency,
    for which there is a rigorous industry description system. Blows from an SPT test of 0 up
    to 2 indicate very soft clay; 2 to 4, soft; 4 to 8, medium; 8 to 15, stiff; 15 to 30, very stiff
    and greater than 30, hard. He opined that the AR' s BH log descriptors, which were based
    upon visual classification, did not comport with the rigorous industry system and
    described softer material than the blow counts indicated. He did not agree with the AR' s
    characterization of the clay as very soft. (AR, app ' x A, B; tr. 6/33-37, 39, 45 , 70, 76)
    152. Mr. Lyman found nothing in the Basra report to indicate that a contractor
    should change from land-based construction. He concluded that a blow count of 2 from
    Basra BH No.2, at a depth of9.5m "was anomalously low" when compared to blow
    counts from AR BH Nos. 2 and 3. (Ex. A-234 at 7; tr. 6/45-46, 86, 141-43)
    153. Mr. Lyman considered an acceptable FOS for crane pad stability, once a
    human-operated crane were placed upon it and it was operating under a load, to range
    from 1.1 to 1.3. The ERDC report' s FOS for a 3m high crane pad was 1.07. Rounding
    that to 1.1, he opined that a contractor could consider placing a human-operated 280-ton
    crane onto a crane pad along a shoreline under the conditions the ERDC report described
    but should not go to any lower safety level. Also, he would look for ways to increase
    stability. (R4, tab 108 at 5, table 3; tr. 6/ 116-18, 120)
    154. Mr. Lyman never visited the project site nor spoke to anyone who was on site
    when construction was initiated. He did not see any 2008 project design calculations on
    behalf of CCI. He did not find any design document related directly to the crane pad, but
    opined that, because it was temporary, a design was not required and would be unusual.
    (Tr. 6/68, 78-79, 81 , 91, 104, 144, 147)
    155. Mr. Lyman was not expert in dredging or sediment transportation but read
    the USAID report to indicate that, on the project side of the river, erosion would occur
    and, on the other side, sediment deposition would occur (tr. 6/68, 146).
    156. Mr. Lyman confirmed that in its January 2009 report, pre-construction, PND
    described the clays' design soil properties as very soft and that CCI did, in fact, encounter
    very soft clays. He acknowledged that a reasonable contractor should consider all
    information in the AR. (Tr. 6/43,71, 80-81)
    Government's Expert Dr. James Apted' s Direct Evidence
    157. Dr. James Apted, employed by WS Atkins International Ltd. and based in
    England, is a civil engineer who has specialized in geotechnical engineering for about 3 5
    years. He obtained a masters ' degree in foundation engineering and a doctorate at the
    Imperial College of the University of London, concerning the effects of weathering on the
    properties of London clay. He is highly experienced in geotechnology and was admitted
    without objection as an expert in the area of geotechnical engineering. Following a site
    visit on 23-25 November 2011 , Dr. Apted submitted his first expert report, dated
    December 2011. (Ex. G-16 at 1, 5, 19; tr. 13116-46, 53)
    158. During his visit Dr. Apted saw "a slightly sandy clayey beach," a strip of
    "more lumpy clay" and the main foreshore, which had a "surface of slippery silty clay (or
    mud) with a high degree of sheen" (ex. G-16 at 19). He considered that the foreshore ' s
    generally smooth and sheeny nature was as it would have been in 2008 and typical of
    CCI' s work area. He walked across the slippery clay foreshore but progress was not
    possible within about 1Om because he was getting bogged down into the soft surface. He
    used rebar to probe the upper 2-3m of the foreshore in 3 to 4 places around exposed areas
    south and north of the area built by CCI. He was able to push the probe fully into the
    surface with ease in most places. The river was brown and appeared to be laden with
    sediment. Very soft clay, possibly silty material, was readily apparent. (!d. at 19-21 , 39;
    tr. 13/57-58, 65) It was "very easy" for him to determine that the undrained strength of
    the clay below the foreshore was very low (ex. G-16 at 21). Dr. Apted considered that the
    conditions he observed were not unexpected or atypical for the bottom end of a long river,
    tidal inlet area, or large flat delta, where there was an accumulation of soft sediments and
    geologically recent materials, as at Umm Qasr (tr. 13/66-67; see ex. G-16 at 24, ~ 6.2.12).
    159. Dr. Apted concluded, among other things that:
    6.2 .3 It appears clear that the soils in the upper 7 to 10 [m] or
    so below the foreshore in the area of the new seawall
    consist of very soft to soft clay ....
    6.2.5 From [the AR and Basra] investigations it is considered
    that the undrained strength of the upper layer of clay
    beneath the site would lie in the range of 10 kPa to 20
    kPa, with the possibility of undrained strength values
    lower than this. The relatively high SPT N values
    reported by the [AR] are clearly an anomalous set of
    data indicating a higher undrained strength, but they are
    not supported by the descriptions on the [BH] logs, or
    the reported vane strengths in the [AR] , or the ... SPT N
    values for the University of Basra investigation. In
    addition Andrea Laboratories do not seem to rely on
    6.2.6 [PND ' s] vane tests ...gave values of undrained strength
    that are below the range of values indicated by Andrea
    and University of Basra .. .. [T]he results are not out of
    general character with the Andrea and Basra results,
    and all the results are commensurate with the
    descriptions used in the two reports for the upper
    stratum being a very soft clay.
    (Ex. G-16 at 23)
    160. Dr. Apted concluded, inter alia, that one reasonably could have foreseen
    from the AR that the stratum underlying the site along the foreshore was likely to be very
    soft or soft clay; it should have been clear that the AR was limited in extent and quality
    and there was a risk of more difficult conditions; and the USAID report conveyed the
    significant risk of accumulation of silt and clay from dredging (ex. G-16 at 23-24).
    Dr. Apted's overall strong impression from the AR was that one should expect "pretty
    weak", very soft, soft-to-medium clay (tr. 131141 ).
    161. Dr. Apted opined that Mr. Hartley' s 16 July 2009 stability analysis, while
    applying a low undrained strength to the very near surface soils (upper 3m) in the area of
    the earthworks, had incorrectly used drained parameters for the remainder of the soft clay
    layer, which could seriously over estimate the strength of that layer and distort the
    stability analysis (ex. G-16 at 15, 25).
    162. Dr. Apted opined that, regardless that the crane pad was temporary, it had to
    be designed appropriately; it was key. He opined that the earthworks ' failure was
    consistent with the ground conditions that could have been expected and with the
    overloading of a layer ofvery soft clay (ex. G-16 at 26; tr. 131176-77). He concluded:
    6.2.2 While the actual undrained strength that could have
    been identified from the [AR] may not have been as
    low as allegedly found by the vane probing carried out
    on behalf of CCI, it was sufficiently low to highlight
    the risks of instability of constructing earthworks on
    the foreshore.
    6.2.5 I consider that the instability that did occur may have
    occurred in any case because of the presence of very
    soft clay, even if the undrained strength was in the
    range of 10 to 20 kPa.
    (Ex. G-16 at 28)
    Mr. Hartley's Rebuttal Evidence
    163. In rebuttal to Dr. Apted, Mr. Hartley prepared a "Slope Stability Analysis
    Summary" evaluating FOS'. An FOS of 1 or more represents stability; less than 1,
    instability. (Ex. A-249 at n.1, at 2, conclusion 3; tr. 4/26-27, 108, 123, 126-28) Based
    upon failure at 25m from the shoreline at no more than 2.5m of fill thickness,
    Mr. Hartley's data showed "conditions were much, much worse than what the [AR] was
    showing, even at the very most conservative value in the [AR]" (tr. 41128-29).
    Mr. Hoque's Rebuttal Evidence
    164. Among other things, in his 27 January 2012 rebuttal report, Mr. Hoque
    asserted that there was no indication that Dr. Apted tried to evaluate the soil's index
    properties visually and classify it using standardized ASTM procedures (ex. A-241 at 2).
    165. Mr. Hoque stated that the AR did not mention anything about the soft soil's
    effect on foundation performance or construction. He faulted it for not addressing
    backfill in a marine environment and its complexity, on-site geology, site characteristics
    or past usage that could affect design and construction. He stated that there was no
    reference to saturated very soft and viscous soils at the site in the documents he reviewed
    but such soil was "abundantly available at the surface and/or below the surface
    throughout the site" (ex. A-241 at 7). He concluded that near surface soils and their
    conditions at the site were materially different than reported in the AR and Apted report
    and that his own findings directly conflicted with the AR, especially in the identification
    of silt and its strength values. (!d. at 2, 5-7)
    Dr. Apted's Expert Rebuttal and Supplementary Reports
    166. Dr. Apted prepared an expert report dated February 2012, in rebuttal to
    Mr. Lyman's 3 January 2011 report, Mr. Hoque' s 3 September 2010 report, and
    Mr. Hartley' s expert evaluations (ex. G-19). Dr. Apted concluded, among other things,
    that there was enough information in the AR and USAID report:
    2.2.9 ... [T]o highlight a significant risk of very soft ground
    occurring below the foreshore, to the extent that
    unconstrained construction of earthworks over the
    foreshore would have been at risk of failure and
    (Ex. G-19 at 6) He opined that, using a range of FOS that could reasonably be expected
    when placing fill over the foreshore, the results clearly demonstrated that earthworks
    failure could be expected well short of the seawall construction area (id. at 14).
    167. Dr. Apted prepared a supplemental report dated April 2012, after reviewing
    CCI depositions and exhibits and concluding that the fill used, except in the open cells,
    was general and not selected for its suitability to be placed in or near water (ex. G-23 at 1,
    4-5, 10). Upon review of project information, including manner of fill placement, tide
    level, and some heavy rainfall, he concluded that, based upon his experience, it was more
    likely than not that a water table was established within the fill somewhere between the
    mid and high tide levels. His prior analyses had assumed, conservatively, that the fill was
    entirely dry. He concluded that, while not large, a water table within the fill would reduce
    the FOS by 5 to 10% and the likelihood of slope failure in light of CCI' s method of
    operation was even more readily apparent than in his prior analysis. (Id . at 5-7, 9-1 0)
    I. The Board Lacks Jurisdiction to Entertain Appellant' s Bad Faith Contentions
    CCI contends in briefing that the government acted in bad faith in denying its REA
    and in other respects and seeks its attorney fees and costs in pursuing its claim and appeal,
    in an unspecified amount. 4 Although the government asserted that this was the first time
    CCI cites St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. United States, 
    4 Cl. Ct. 762
     (1984), for the
    proposition that it can recover attorney fees and costs due to the government's
    alleged bath faith actions. However, in that case, which involved an award of
    attorney fees and costs to the government due to the plaintiffs prosecution of its
    action in bad faith, the court confirmed that monetary awards can be imposed on
    the United States only when there has been an express waiver of sovereign
    CCI had so contended, it responded to its allegations on the merits and did not move to
    dismiss them for lack of jurisdiction. However, it is incumbent upon the Board to assure
    that we have jurisdiction, even if the parties have not raised the issue. See Bender v.
    Williamsport Area School District, 
    475 U.S. 534
    , 541 , 546-47 (1986). Accordingly, we
    gave the parties the opportunity to brief the jurisdictional question. The government
    asserts that CCI never submitted a claim to the CO that it acted in bad faith. CCI
    counters, inter alia, that it challenged the propriety of the government's conduct in its
    REA and claim and that its bad faith allegations are based upon the same operative facts
    that it has advanced since the inception of the case.
    A contractor' s submission of a proper CDA claim in writing to the CO for decision
    is one of the prerequisites to the Board's CDAjurisdiction. 
    41 U.S.C. § 7103
    ; Madison
    Lawrence, Inc. , 
    ASBCA No. 56551
    ,09-2 BCA ,-r 34,235 at 169,206. The Board does not
    have jurisdiction to consider a new claim raised for the first time in a party's pleadings.
    American General Trading & Contracting, WLL, 
    ASBCA No. 56758
    , 12-1 BCA ,-r 34,905
    at 171,639. As we recently summarized:
    Whether a claim before the Board is new or essentially the
    same as that presented to the CO depends upon whether the
    claims derive from common or related operative facts. The
    assertion of a new legal theory of recovery, when based upon
    the same operative facts as the original claim, does not
    constitute a new claim. Dawkins General Contractors &
    Supply, Inc. , 
    ASBCA No. 48535
    , 03-2 BCA ,-r 32,305 at
    159,844. In determining a claim's scope, we are not limited
    to the claim document but can examine the totality of the
    circumstances. Versa1·, Inc., 
    ASBCA No. 56857
    , 10-1 BCA
    ~ 34,437 at 169,957.
    However, the contractor must submit a clear and
    unequivocal statement that gives the CO adequate notice of
    the basis and amount of the claim. Contract Cleaning
    Maintenance, Inc. v. United States, 
    811 F.2d 586
    , 592 (Fed.
    Cir. 1987).
    Shaw Environmental, Inc. , 
    ASBCA No. 57237
    , 12-1 BCA ,-r 34,956 at 171,844.
    immunity. !d. at 766. In Board appeals recovery of attorney fees and costs from
    the government is governed by the Equal Access to Justice Act, 
    5 U.S.C. § 504
    Rig Masters, Inc., 
    ASBCA No. 52891
    , 01-2 BCA ,-r 31,468.
    To overcome the presumption that government officials act in good faith, CCI
    must prove by clear and convincing evidence that a government official acted with
    specific intent to injure it. Road and Highway Builders, LLC v. United States , 
    702 F.3d 1365
    , 1368-69 (Fed. Cir. 2012); Am-Pro Protective Agency v. United States, 
    281 F.3d 1234
    , 1239-40 (Fed. Cir. 2002); Bruce E. Zoeller, 
    ASBCA No. 56578
    , 13 BCA ~ 35,353
    at 173,518. The court of appeals recently discussed governmental breach of the duty of
    good faith and fair dealing in terms of acts or omissions that, while not expressly
    proscribed by the contract, are inconsistent with the contract's purpose and deprive the
    other party of the contemplated value. Metcalf Construction Co. v. United States, 
    2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 2515
     at* 14 (Fed. Cir. 2014). CCI's claim, including the incorporated
    REA, did not allege that the government had acted in bad faith in any respect, or had
    acted with specific intent to injure CCI or to deprive CCI of its contract value, and it did
    not include operative facts that were in any respect tantamount to a bad faith claim
    (finding 130).
    In sum, we lack jurisdiction to entertain CCI's bad faith allegations because it did
    not submit such a claim to the CO for decision. 5
    II. Appellant's Motions to Exclude or Strike
    CCI moved pre-hearing to exclude Dr. Apted' s expert report and related testimony
    to the extent they contained legal conclusions and addressed American construction
    projects, Corps-administered projects, United States' construction contract requirements,
    or the FAR (app. mot. at 7). The Board reserved its ruling for the hearing, where CCI
    stated that Dr. Apted should not be allowed to testify about other than his technical
    interpretation of the AR. The government opposed the motion, citing Dr. Apted' s broad
    experience and expertise in geotechnical engineering, and stated that he would not offer
    legal conclusions. (Tr. 13/6-8) The presiding judge denied CCI's motion, noting that its
    own expert reports could be interpreted to advance legal conclusions. The judge stated
    that she would evaluate all of the reports for their geotechnical information and would not
    rely upon them for any legal conclusions. (Tr. 13/9)
    During Dr. Apted ' s testimony, CCI objected that some of the government' s
    questions concerning fill placement were beyond the scope of his expert qualifications
    and reports. The government disagreed. The judge allowed the examination over CCI ' s
    objection, but instructed that the focus be upon soil conditions rather than construction
    CCI addressed its interim performance rating only briefly at the hearing. It alleged in
    briefing that the government gave it "an improperly issued and facially
    unsupported interim performance evaluation" (app. br. at 57) but did not mention
    its request for a rating change or brief the jurisdictional and other issues involved.
    Accordingly, we deem the claim' s rating change request to have been abandoned.
    methods and stated that CCI could reserve its objection in post-hearing briefing if it so
    chose. (Tr. 13/223-27) In a footnote in its reply brief, in essence a motion to strike, CCI
    renewed its objection to Dr. Apted's testimony concerning its means and methods of
    construction on the grounds that it was outside his area of expertise, patently prejudicial,
    and raised to cloud the issues before the Board (reply br. at 41 n.3 ).
    Regarding each expert's report and testimony, the Board has considered only
    evidence that is within the expert's accepted area of expertise, and not matters that are
    irrelevant to the differing site conditions claim at hand or in effect legal conclusions,
    which are not within an expert's province. Lear Siegler Services, Inc., 
    ASBCA No. 57264
    , 12-2 BCA ,-r 35,112 at 172,425.
    Accordingly, CCI's motions to exclude and strike are denied except as reflected in
    the foregoing ruling.
    III. Appellant Has Not Proved A Type I Differing Site Condition
    Appellant must prove the following to establish a Type I differing site condition:
    ( 1) the contract contained positive indications of the
    conditions at the site; (2) it reasonably interpreted and relied
    upon the indicated site conditions; (3) the conditions
    encountered were materially different from those indicated;
    (4) the conditions encountered were reasonably unforeseeable
    based upon all the information available at the time of
    bidding; and (5) its injury was caused solely by the differing
    site condition.
    Nova Group, Inc., 
    ASBCA No. 55408
    , 10-2 BCA ,-r 34,533 at 170,321. For various
    iterations ofthese criteria, see International Technology Corp. v. Winter, 
    523 F.3d 1341
    1348-49 (Fed. Cir. 2008); HE. Mac, Inc. v. United States, 
    153 F.3d 1338
    , 1345 (Fed. Cir.
    1998); Stuyvesant Dredging Co. v. United States, 
    834 F.2d 1576
    , 1581 (Fed. Cir. 1987);
    P.J Maffei Building Wrecking Corp. v. United States, 
    732 F.2d 913
    , 916 (Fed. Cir. 1984).
    ( 1) The Contract Contained Some Indications of Site Conditions
    CCI and its experts have faulted the 2007 Andrea and 2003 USAID reports
    contained in the contract's incorporated RFP for their lack of or limited site condition
    information (findings 23, 30, 42, 54, 58, 78, 135, 144, 165). Nonetheless, the RFP
    contained some indications of site conditions. While said to be "for information only"
    (finding 6), the AR described subsoils at the project site and included three BH logs, two
    of which are relevant (findings 8, 9, 10). Borings are the most significant indication of
    subsurface conditions. Nova Group, 10-2 BCA ~ 34,533 at 170,322, accord Optimum
    Services, Inc., 
    ASBCA No. 57575
    , 13 BCA ~ 35,412 at 173 ,720. The "information only"
    disclaimer does not shift the risk to CCI that the information might prove to be inaccurate.
    Me tcalf Construction Co., 2014 U.S . App. LEXIS 2515 at *29. Moreover, in response to
    Question 11 posed by potential offerors, the government stated that the best soil
    investigation data available to it was in the AR and offerors should assume that its data
    was representative of the site. In response to Question 42, it stated that they should
    assume the three AR borings were representative of the entire site for the purposes of
    developing a proposal, but that additional geotechnical information might be required
    during project design. (Finding 25)
    The RFP also had information about sedimentation near the site (finding 12). The
    USAID report, said to be "for information only" (finding 25), contained information
    about site geology, shoaling patterns, and dredging and disposal practices (findings 26-
    (2)(a) Any Absolute Reliance upon the Andrea and USAID Reports
    Would be Unreasonable
    Any absolute reliance upon the AR and USAID reports would be unreasonable. This
    was a design/build contract. Regardless of the lack of weight of the disclaimers that the AR
    and USAID reports were for "information only," the RFP and contract provided that site
    specific geotechnical information necessary to design and construct the project was the
    contractor' s responsibility (finding 6). Thus, CCI was on notice that it had some
    responsibility for ascertaining the geological conditions that would affect the project.
    However, CCI conducted only a minimal pre-proposal site visit with no follow-up
    pre-proposal investigations; it disregarded the warnings and advice of its consultant,
    Mr. Dyer, that, among other things, project site conditions had not been addressed and its
    proposal price was much too low; and it proceeded to enter into the contract because it
    wanted its "foot in the door" in the Middle East in order to secure other business (findings
    15, 17, 18, 21 , 35, 37, 38, 52).
    (2)(b) CCI Has Not Proved that it Relied upon the Indicated Conditions
    The Andrea report had supported a preliminary design analysis by Weston in 2007
    for an L&T pier system. When the AR was included in the RFP, the RFP contemplated a
    traditional L&T pier construction, not CCI's open cell design (see findings 20, 21 , 48).
    Regardless of the AR' s suitability for a land-based open cell pier design, there is no
    persuasive evidence that CCI relied upon it or the USAID report in preparing its proposal.
    Prior to contract award Mr. Nottingham did most of the work on behalf ofPND (finding
    22). He testified that CCI relied upon the answers to Questions 11 and 42 because they
    were the only things available and it was instructed to do so (finding 30). In support of its
    reliance contentions, CCI alleges that it was responsible, at Mr. Nottingham's request, for
    posing those questions (app. br. at 75; app. reply br. at 10). However, while the answers
    to Questions 11 and 42 indeed made statements concerning the AR' s representation of
    site conditions, none of the questions posed on behalf of CCI pertained to geographic site
    conditions and at least Question 42 is attributable to Weston (findings 21 , 24).
    Mr. Nottingham testified that he looked at the AR' s three borings in helping to
    prepare CCI's proposal and relied upon their blow counts, but then acknowledged that
    their data was insufficient to determine whether the project could be constructed from the
    land side. He saw inconsistencies between descriptors that the soils were very soft and
    blow count data that indicated "not a bad" or a "pretty good" soil (finding 23). He noted
    to CCI that the BH were in one location and advised that it seek more information,
    recognizing that the general information could not be used in any detail. He designed a
    one-page concept plan that was incorporated into CCI ' s proposal but CCI has not rebutted
    the Corps' assertion that the soil conditions and profile shown on his plan did not
    correspond to the AR data in the RFP. His concept plan, along with a generic cost
    estimate he made, did not discuss the AR or USAID report or detail any means or
    methods of construction, such as the crane and crane pad at issue. (Findings 22, 23 , 30)
    CCI has not directed us to any written statement or analysis by Mr. Nottingham, or
    anyone from PND, CCI, or PCI, at the time CCI submitted its proposals, of project site
    conditions that would allow land-based construction, or any contemporaneous written
    expression of reliance by CCI upon the AR or USAID reports. CCI's proposals did not
    contain a defined construction plan concerning the earthworks and filling operations or
    any statement of assumed ground or soil conditions. In fact, CCI did not perform any
    geological testing of the site prior to contract award and recognized that it lacked soils
    data. (Findings 35, 58)
    Tellingly, for months, continuing through its REA, CCI blamed its pad failures
    upon dredging and dredge spoils ponds, not upon any alleged misplaced reliance upon the
    AR or USAID report (findings 75, 77, 80, 83, 86, 88, 93 , 94, 96, 98, 101 , 104, 105, 109,
    111). In its claim CCI still alleged that dredging was "the root cause" of the project
    problems (finding 129). In his 4 February 2010 expert report, Mr. Hartley still raised
    dredging issues as contributing to the soil conditions encountered (finding 135).
    Mr. Hartley, a PND principal, was not involved at the proposal stage and
    Mr. Nottingham did not consult him (finding 32). His 4 February 2010 expert report
    acknowledged that " (w]e have not discussed with the Contractor the interpretation
    procedures they used in the evaluation of construction means and methods for the project"
    (finding 132). No reason was given for this omission. His report merely assumed
    reliance without any stated basis for the assumption.
    Significantly, PCI's principal, Mr. Nunn, testified credibly that, in the proposal
    planning meetings, the AR was not the basis of any of the project constructability
    discussions (finding 31 ).
    For the foregoing reasons, CCI has not satisfied the reliance requirement necessary
    to support a Type I differing site conditions claim.
    (2)( c) Even if CCI Relied upon Indicated Site Conditions, it
    Did Not Interpret them Reasonably
    Assuming, arguendo, that CCI relied upon the AR and USAID reports at the
    proposal stage, it did not interpret the indicated site conditions reasonably. From our own
    review and the parties ' expert evidence, there were many indications that soft, weak soil
    conditions could be encountered, as summarized in section (4) below.
    Moreover, even CCI's experts found the AR to be inconsistent and incomplete.
    Mr. Hartley opined that it contained conflicting information on soil strength and that it
    was hard to ascertain actual geological site conditions from the AR due to the conflicts
    and lack of data that a prudent geological engineer would include. (Findings 133, 135,
    139) Mr. Hoque found the AR to be confusing and opined that it did not contain
    information necessary for design and construction (findings 143 , 165). Mr. Lyman noted
    that the BH logs described softer material than the blow counts indicated (finding 151 ).
    Dr. Apted reported that the AR' s relatively high SPT N values were anomalous
    and indicated a higher undrained soil strength, unsupported by the BH log descriptions or
    the AR' s reported vane strengths. He concluded that it should have been clear that the
    AR was limited in extent and quality and there was a risk of more difficult conditions.
    (Findings 159, 160, 166)
    Thus, the Andrea report was contradictory on its face and did not have necessary
    design and construction information.
    (3) The Conditions Encountered were Not Materially Different from those Indicated
    In addition to the repeated crane pad material failures, post-award conditions
    included: ( 1) Gunderboom' s assessment of geotechnical problems apparent from the
    outset, including that a vessel was stuck in the muck in the middle of the job site, and
    dredging operations that might have deposited fine silt at the site for many years (finding
    109); (2) the National Lab's boring showing 2m of fill and 9m under it of very soft to
    soft clay (finding 11 0); (3) the "mudflat" and dredging deposits observed by expert
    Hartley (findings 105, 135); (4) the post-award Basra BH 2 that indicated a clayey silt
    ranging from very soft to stiff (findings 59, 60, 134); (5) expert Hoque ' s observation of a
    monotonous geology with an upper soft soil and competent soil below; his field testing by
    holding soil in his hands, which fell through his fingers, meaning it was very soft; and his
    observation that silt was abundant at and/or below the surface throughout the site
    (findings 142, 144); (6) PND's January 2009 pre-construction report's description of the
    clays' design soil properties as very soft and expert Lyman's acknowledgement that this is
    what was encountered (findings 58, 156); and (7) expert Apted' s observations of a
    slippery, sheeny, silty clay surface or mud, in which he got bogged down, and his rebar
    testing, indicating very soft soil conditions, which were readily apparent, along with a
    brown river laden with sediment (finding 158).
    Thus, site conditions were not materially different than indicated in the contract.
    (4) The Conditions Encountered were Not Reasonably Unforeseeable Based upon
    All the Information Available at the Time of Proposals
    The RFP stated that offerors were expected to inspect the work site. Under the
    design/build contract, CCI was responsible for ascertaining conditions that could affect
    the work, including tides, ground conditions, surface and subsurface conditions
    reasonably ascertainable from a site inspection, the government's exploratory work, and
    the contract. It was to research all existing conditions at the naval base and waterway.
    Site specific geotechnical information necessary to design and construct the project and
    geotechnical related items were CCI' s responsibility and it was to determine the
    geotechnical conditions by field and laboratory investigations. (Findings 2, 4-6)
    No one from CCI, PCI or PND attended the site visit. One SAR engineer attended.
    SAR did not have nearshore marine construction experience. We have not been directed
    to any evidence that the SAR engineer evaluated ground conditions or the suitability of
    the site for land-based construction. The site visit was at high tide, reducing its scope, but
    none of the questions the engineer posed pertained to geographic site conditions or CCI's
    method of dock construction. CCI did not request a ground investigation or hire a
    geotechnical professional to evaluate its landside crane pad construction efforts until after
    slope instability occurred. (Findings 17, 21)
    The RFP noted that the project site was on the west bank of a river that was an
    estuarine outflow of the Tigris-Euphrates delta system. A commercial port was
    immediately upstream and the infrastructure was based on a continuous dredged quay
    along the west bank. The river was heavily laden with fine sediments and a marine
    railway between the commercial port and the naval base was reported to have already
    silted in. Mr. Nunn, who was familiar with the project area due to PCI's work on a Basra
    airport project, knew that a dredging contractor was on site, that millions of dollars were
    being spent dredging the naval port, and the other piers were already clogged with
    siltation. (Findings 12, 13, 16, 111) Indeed, CCI's expert Lyman concluded that
    dredging activities in close project proximity "most likely produced a thin veneer of
    highly saturated, unconsolidated, very weak soils," which might have exacerbated crane
    access road instability (finding 150).
    The Andrea report described the subsoil strata as consisting "mainly of a very soft,
    soft to medium gray to dark gray sandy silty clay" layer with organic matter and soluble
    salts, which overlaid a medium, dense to very dense layer of gray fine, medium to coarse
    grained silty sand, with little gravel (finding 8). The majority of the first top soil was a
    silt-sand-clay mixture. The relevant BH Nos. 2 and 3 were in an ebb and tide zone.
    (Findings 8, 9) The water table fluctuated and the zone immediately above it was "greatly
    affected;" as moisture increased, strength decreased and compressibility increased
    (finding 8). "The saturated soil condition below the water table [made] the problem of
    settlement significant" (finding 9).
    The AR stated that laboratory vane shear equipment was used to obtain the
    undrained shear strength of the samples due to high disturbance in all samplers that
    extruded from shelby tubes "of the soft clayey layer, also it was found that this soil
    exudes between the fingers when squeezed in the fist so this could [be] described as very
    soft to soft sandy clayey soil" (finding 9). The undrained shear strength values were
    associated with very soft to soft soils. The AR stated that organic matter with salts could
    be found in the soil in many forms , which could significantly alter its engineering
    properties, and that a site investigation had produced evidence of collapse due to the
    reaction between the fundamental soil compounds with organic matter. The AR noted
    that, for construction on soft soil, the contractor could alleviate problems by replacing the
    soft soil, using pile foundation or stabilizing or improving the soft soil. (!d.)
    The AR' s log for BH No. 2, very near the pad site, described the top 7m of
    material as very soft to soft silty clay with possible organic matter and shiny traces of
    soluble salts. From 7 to 12.5m the material was soft to medium gray silty clay with some
    silty sand pockets and shiny soluble salts. Dense to very dense materials started at 12.5m.
    Similarly, the BH No. 3 log described the upper 7m as very soft to soft silty clay, with
    pockets of fine sand, traces of organic matter and shiny soluble salts, and from 7 to 16.5m
    as soft silty clay with shiny soluble salts and some fine sand. Very dense material started
    at 6.5m, becoming loose to medium grained silty sand, with soluble salts, at 17 .Sm.
    (Findings 10, 11)
    CCI's expert Hartley recognized that the AR indicated that there were problems
    with extruding a sample from the Shelby tube "because they were having issues with soft
    material" (finding 138). Its expert Hoque acknowledged that, even if blow counts gave
    the most reliable data, visual classification should not be discounted (finding 147).
    The USAID report noted the presence of silty sand and, suspended sediments;
    shoaling; dredged materials sidecast into the river channel; and a requirement for
    maintenance dredging (findings 26-28).
    The post-award ERDC report concluded that the "very soft to soft" consistency of
    the foundation clays described in the AR should have served notice that dock construction
    and long-term performance were causes for concern; the high level of disturbance in the
    soil samples was a direct result of the very soft to soft clay consistency and caused
    significant uncertainty in determining shear strength for slope stability analysis; it was
    certain that the clay consistency was very soft to soft; and lack of information regarding
    which samples were tested in the lab vane tests or how many tests were performed
    increased uncertainty (finding 117).
    We are also persuaded by Dr. Apted's expert opinion that it reasonably could have
    been foreseen from the AR that the stratum underlying the site along the foreshore was
    likely to be very soft or soft clay and that there was enough information in the AR and
    US AID report to highlight a significant risk of very soft ground occurring below the
    foreshore, such that unconstrained construction of earthworks over the foreshore was at
    risk of failure (findings 160, 166).
    (5) CCI has Not Proved that its Claimed Injury was Caused Solely by the
    Claimed Differing Site Conditions
    CCI advocated in the quantum portion of this appeal that it had segregated those of
    its alleged extra costs that were not attributable to its claimed differing site conditions
    from those that were. The Corps disagreed. Because we do not reach quantum, we only
    note that even if, arguendo, there were differing site conditions, there are several factors
    undermining ccrs contention that its claimed costs were all attributable to them.
    CCI claims that its proposal did not include profit or overhead (finding 38). Its
    consultant found profit, overhead, contingencies and cash flow deficiencies in its
    proposal which he assessed could easily result in a shortfall of over $15,600,000 and
    create a severe risk to CCI. He reported that it did not do a project estimate or address
    project conditions. (Finding 37) PCI's subcontractor Gunderboom believed it had
    underestimated the work and time necessary for the project and was highly critical of
    PCI's perfonnance throughout the project, including its alleged failure to understand soils
    issues (findings 63. 109). CCI's Mr. Smithson was also highly critical ofPCI's project
    management (finding 102). CCI and West had considerable difficulties procuring barges,
    cranes and some equipment (finding 119). Moreover, CCI did not present required proof
    that all of its claimed differing site condition delays were to work on the critical path. See
    Wilner v. United States, 
    24 F.3d 1397
    , 1399 n.5, 1400-01 (Fed. Cir. 1994); Fru-Con
    Construction Corp., ASBCA Nos. 53544, 53794, 05-1 BCA ~ 32,936 at 163,159.
    Therefore, CCI has not proved that its claimed injury was caused solely by the
    claimed differing site conditions.
    We deny CCI' s appeal.
    Dated: 14 March 2014
    aministrative Judge
    Armed Services Board
    of Contract Appeals
    I concur                                         I concur
    Administrative Judge                             Administrative Judge
    Acting Chairman                                  Acting Vice Chairman
    Armed Services Board                             Armed Services Board
    of Contract Appeals                              of Contract Appeals
    I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Opinion and Decision of the Armed
    Services Board of Contract Appeals in 
    ASBCA No. 57316
    , Appeal of CCI, Inc., rendered
    in conformance with the Board' s Charter.
    Recorder, Armed Services
    Board of Contract Appeals