Brosio v. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. (In Re Brosio) , 505 B.R. 903 ( 2014 )

  •                                                              FILED
    MAR 07 2014
    1                                                        SUSAN M. SPRAUL, CLERK
    2                                                          OF THE NINTH CIRCUIT
    4                            OF THE NINTH CIRCUIT
    5   In re:                        )     BAP No.     NC-13-1119-KiDJu
    6   ELAINE L. BROSIO,             )     Bk. No.     12-57468-SLJ
    7                  Debtor.        )
    8                                 )
    9   ELAINE L. BROSIO,             )
    10                  Appellant,     )
    )     O P I N I O N
    11   v.                            )
    12   DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL        )
    TRUST COMPANY,                )
    13                                 )
    Appellee.      )
    14   ______________________________)
    15                Argued and Submitted on February 20, 2014,
    at San Francisco, California
    Filed - March 7, 2014
    Appeal from the United States Bankruptcy Court
    18                   for the Northern District of California
    19            Hon. Stephen L. Johnson, Bankruptcy Judge, Presiding
    22   Appearances:    Jim Erickson, Esq. of the Mlnarik Law Group, Inc.
    argued for appellant, Elaine L. Brosio; Steven K.
    23                   Linkon, Esq. of RCO Legal, PS argued for appellee,
    Deutsche Bank National Trust Company.
    25   Before: KIRSCHER, DUNN and JURY, Bankruptcy Judges.
    1   KIRSCHER, Bankruptcy Judge:
    3           Debtor Elaine L. Brosio ("Brosio") appeals an order denying
    4   her motion for attorney's fees on the basis that she was not the
    5   prevailing party under CAL. CIV. CODE § 1717 and that the fees
    6   requested were not reasonable.      We AFFIRM.
    8           Brosio filed a chapter 131 bankruptcy case on October 16,
    9   2012.       Among the assets was Brosio's residence.   In connection
    10   with the residence, Brosio had executed a note ("Note") and deed
    11   of trust ("DOT") in January 2007 in favor of former lender, Paul
    12   Financial, LLC.      Appellee Deutsche Bank National Trust Company
    13   ("Deutsche Bank") recorded the assignment of the DOT on November
    14   9, 2012.
    15           Paragraph 9 of the DOT, "Protection of Lender's Interest in
    16   the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument," provides,
    17   in relevant part:
    18           If (a) Borrower fails to perform the covenants and
    agreements contained in this Security Instrument; (b)
    19           there is a legal proceeding that might significantly
    affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or rights
    20           under this Security Instrument (such as a proceeding in
    bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for
    21           enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over this
    Security Instrument, or to enforce laws or regulations)
    22           . . . then Lender may do and pay for whatever is
    reasonable or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in
    23           the Property and rights under this Security Instrument,
    including protecting and/or assessing the value of the
    24           Property, and securing and/or repairing the Property.
    Lender's actions can include, but are not limited to:
    25           (a) paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority
    over this Security Instrument; (b) appearing in court;
    27           1
    Unless specified otherwise, all chapter, code and rule
    references are to the Bankruptcy Code, 
    11 U.S.C. §§ 101-1532
    , and
    28   the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, Rules 1001-9037.
    1           and (c) paying reasonable attorneys' fees to protect its
    interest in the Property and/or rights under this
    2           Security Instrument, including its secured position in a
    bankruptcy proceeding . . . . Any amounts disbursed by
    3           Lender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt
    of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument.
    5   Paragraph 14 of the DOT, "Loan Charges," provides, in relevant
    6   part:
    7           Lender may charge Borrower fees for services performed in
    connection with Borrower's default, for the purpose of
    8           protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights
    under this Security Instrument, including, but not
    9           limited to, attorneys' fees, property inspection and
    valuation fees . . . .
    11   Paragraph 22 of the DOT, "Acceleration; Remedies," provides, in
    12   relevant part:
    13           Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred
    in pursuing the remedies provided in this Section 22,
    14           including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees
    and costs of title evidence.
    16   Finally, Paragraph 7(E) of the Note, "Borrower's Failure to Pay as
    17   Required," provides:
    18           If the Note Holder has required me to pay immediately in
    full as described above, the Note Holder will have the
    19           right to be paid back by me for all of its costs and
    expenses in enforcing this Note to the extent not
    20           prohibited by applicable law. Those expenses include,
    for example, reasonable attorneys' fees.
    22           Loan servicer GMAC Mortgage, LLC filed a proof of claim
    23   ("POC") on behalf of Deutsche Bank, asserting a secured claim for
    24   $587,050.61.     The amount claimed in the POC included the principal
    25   balance of $585,771.36, $854.25 in interest, and $425.00 for
    26   "attorney fees for filing proof of claim, reviewing plan and
    27   filing request for special notice[.]"     Brosio was current in her
    28   mortgage payments at the time the POC was filed.
    1        Brosio filed a one-page form objection to the POC, disputing
    2   only the attorney fee of $425.00 ("Claim Objection").   Brosio
    3   contended the fees were "inappropriate" and "were not justified by
    4   Creditor's need to assert their [sic] property rights, in that
    5   Debtor is current in payments and has not given any indication
    6   that Creditor's interest in the property is at risk or that
    7   foreclosure will become an option for Creditor."   No hearing was
    8   requested, set or held for the Claim Objection.
    9        Deutsche Bank subsequently filed an amended POC removing the
    10   $425.00 attorney fee.   Brosio's counsel contacted counsel for
    11   Deutsche Bank seeking reimbursement for the $865.00 she incurred
    12   in attorney's fees filing the Claim Objection.    Deutsche Bank
    13   declined to pay the fees.
    14   A.   Brosio's motion for attorney's fees
    15        On January 24, 2013, Brosio moved for an order awarding her
    16   attorney's fees and costs "for her successful objection" to the
    17   POC ("Fee Motion").   Brosio argued that because her objection to
    18   the $425.00 attorney fee prompted Deutsche Bank to file an amended
    19   POC removing the fee (thus implicitly withdrawing the original
    20   POC), she was "the prevailing party in an action on a contract"
    21   and was therefore entitled to fees and costs under CAL. CIV. CODE P.
    22   ("CCP") §§ 1032 and 1033.5(a)(10), and CAL. CIV. CODE ("CCC")
    23   § 1717.   Brosio based her claim on the attorney's fees provisions
    24   found in Paragraphs 9, 14 and 22 of the DOT and Paragraph 7(E) of
    25   the Note.
    26        Recognizing that no hearing or further litigation occurred in
    27   connection with her Claim Objection, Brosio argued that California
    28   law still allowed for her fees as the "prevailing party," citing
    1   Hsu v. Abbara, 
    9 Cal. 4th 863
    , 877 (1995), which held that a party
    2   may "be found to be a prevailing party if it is clear that the
    3   party has otherwise achieved its main litigation objective," and
    4   Scott Co. v. Blount, Inc., 
    20 Cal. 4th 1103
    , 1109 (1999), which,
    5   relying on Hsu, held:     "When a party obtains a simple, unqualified
    6   victory by completely prevailing on or defeating all contract
    7   claims in the action and the contract contains a provision for
    8   attorney fees, section 1717 entitles the successful party to
    9   recover reasonable attorney fees incurred in prosecution or
    10   defense of those claims."    Brosio cited two additional unpublished
    11   cases she contended supported her Fee Motion:     Moran v. Deutsche
    12   Bank Nat'l Trust Co. (In re Moran), 
    2012 WL 6645025
     (Bankr. D.
    13   Haw. Dec. 20, 2012); and Aurora Loan Servs., LLC v. Guzman, 2012
    14 WL 359684
     (N.D. Cal. Feb. 2, 2012).2
    15        Brosio conceded that no "prevailing party" exists where the
    16   action has been voluntarily dismissed or dismissed pursuant to a
    17   settlement of the case.    CCC § 1717(b)(2).3   However, Brosio
    19           Brosio argued that in Moran, the bankruptcy court awarded
    attorney's fees to a debtor (under Hawaii's version of CCC § 1717)
    20   for objecting to a proof of claim that was later withdrawn, based
    on an attorney's fee provision in the note and deed of trust. In
    21   Guzman, the district court affirmed the bankruptcy court's award
    of fees to a debtor under CCC § 1717 who had lost a stay violation
    22   action against the creditor, but prevailed in reducing the
    creditor's proof of claim by several hundred dollars for improper
    23   overcharges. The district court determined that the stay
    violation action could be viewed as an action "on a contract"
    24   within the meaning of CCC § 1717, because debtor had also alleged
    that no contractual basis existed for the creditor to impose the
    25   charges in the first place.
    26            CCC § 1717(b)(2) provides:
    27        Where an action has been voluntarily dismissed or dismissed
    pursuant to a settlement of the case, there shall be no
    28                                                       (continued...)
    1   argued that because she, as the objector, was in the position of
    2   "plaintiff," the voluntary withdrawal/amendment of the POC by
    3   "defendant" Deutsche Bank was not a voluntary dismissal.
    4        In support of her Fee Motion, Brosio's counsel submitted a
    5   declaration setting forth the time spent on the matter by various
    6   firm members.   In addition to the $865.00 in fees Brosio incurred
    7   in filing her Claim Objection, she sought $3,010.00 incurred
    8   preparing the Fee Motion and related papers and $1,400.00 for her
    9   anticipated reply to Deutsche Bank's response and hearing
    10   attendance, for a total request of $5,265.00.4
    11        Deutsche Bank opposed the Fee Motion, contending that Brosio
    12   was not entitled to attorney's fees under CCC § 1717 because she
    13   had not "prevailed" in her Claim Objection, as no order sustaining
    14   her objection was entered, and because her Claim Objection was not
    15   a "successful" contested matter.   Deutsche Bank argued that its
    16   claimed $425.00 attorney fee was supported by Paragraph 9 in the
    17   DOT, which authorized such charges due to Brosio's bankruptcy
    18   filing, and that it only amended the POC removing the fee as a
    19   courtesy and in the interest of conserving judicial resources; it
    20   was not an admission of wrongdoing.
    21        In her reply, Brosio contended that no "order" had to be
    22   entered on the Claim Objection for her to be entitled to fees
    23   under CCC § 1717.   Brosio argued that even if Deutsche Bank's
    24   $425.00 attorney fee was justified, the claim was implicitly
    27        prevailing party for purposes of this section.
    28        4
    The requested amounts add to $5,275.50.
    1   withdrawn and an amended claim was filed.    Therefore, argued
    2   Brosio, she "prevailed" because it was clear she had achieved her
    3   main litigation objective of removal of the fee.    In any event,
    4   Brosio argued that Deutsche Bank could not rely on Paragraph 9 of
    5   the DOT to justify its fees; she was not in default on the Note
    6   nor did she present any risk of default, so Deutsche Bank had no
    7   need to protect its interest in the collateral by filing a proof
    8   of claim.   Lastly, Brosio argued that Deutsche Bank should have
    9   accepted her reasonable settlement offer of $865.00.    Attached to
    10   Brosio's reply was a declaration from counsel asserting that her
    11   fees now totaled $6,535.00.
    12   B.   The bankruptcy court's ruling on the Fee Motion
    13        A hearing on the Fee Motion was held on February 21, 2013.
    14   After brief argument by the parties, the bankruptcy court read its
    15   oral ruling into the record.   The court began by noting that it
    16   "never considered the [Claim Objection]" and "made no rulings on
    17   the appropriateness or the legal sufficiency of either the [POC],
    18   the amended [POC], or the [Claim Objection]."     Hr'g Tr. (Feb. 21,
    19   2013) 5:7-11.   After reviewing the language of CCC § 1717(a), the
    20   court then stated that two questions were presented by the Fee
    21   Motion:   Was Brosio the prevailing party?   And, were the requested
    22   fees reasonable?
    23        The bankruptcy court found that Brosio was not the prevailing
    24   party for two reasons.   First, according to the Note, Deutsche
    25   Bank was entitled to charge the $425.00 attorney's fee.    Id. at
    26   6:23-7:5.   Second, the amended POC, which removed the $425.00 fee
    27   but still sought over $500,000 from Brosio, was "not an
    28   unmitigated win for [Brosio]."   Id. at 7:5-16.    The court
    1   distinguished Moran and Guzman as either factually dissimilar or
    2   not precedential in any event.    The court also found that Brosio's
    3   requested fees were not reasonable; the almost $5,600.00 she
    4   sought was disproportionate to the $425.00 in fees to which she
    5   objected.
    6        The bankruptcy court entered an order denying Brosio's Fee
    7   Motion on February 27, 2013 ("Fee Order").      This timely appeal
    8   followed.
    9                               II. JURISDICTION
    10        The bankruptcy court had jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1334
    11   and 157(b)(2)(A).   We have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 158
    12                                 III. ISSUES
    13   1.   Did the bankruptcy court err in determining that Brosio was
    14   not the prevailing party?
    15   2.   Did the bankruptcy court erroneously determine the
    16   reasonableness of Brosio's requested fees as an element in the
    17   analysis of whether any fees at all should be awarded?
    18                          IV. STANDARDS OF REVIEW
    19        We review a bankruptcy court's refusal to award attorney's
    20   fees for an abuse of discretion.    Renfrow v. Draper, 
    232 F.3d 688
    21   693 (9th Cir. 2000); Dinan v. Fry (In re Dinan), 
    448 B.R. 775
    , 783
    22   (9th Cir. BAP 2011).   "[A] court's decision that there was no
    23   'prevailing party on the contract' is subject to review under the
    24   abuse of discretion standard of review."       City of Emeryville v.
    25 Robinson, 621
     F.3d 1251, 1266 (9th Cir. 2010)(citations omitted).
    26   A bankruptcy court abuses its discretion if it applied the wrong
    27   legal standard or its factual findings were illogical, implausible
    28   or without support in the record., Inc. v.
    1   Edriver Inc., 
    653 F.3d 820
    , 832 (9th Cir. 2011).
    2        The bankruptcy court's application and interpretation of
    3   California law will be reviewed de novo.    Viceroy Gold Corp. v.
    4   Aubry, 
    75 F.3d 482
    , 488 (9th Cir. 1996).
    5        We may affirm on any ground supported by the record.     Shanks
    6   v. Dressel, 
    540 F.3d 1082
    , 1086 (9th Cir. 2008).
    7                               V. DISCUSSION
    8   A.   CCC § 1717
    9        CCC § 1717 provides a basis for a party to recover attorney's
    10   fees incurred in litigation of a contract claim.   It provides, in
    11   relevant part:
    12          (a) In any action on a contract, where the contract
    specifically provides that attorney's fees and costs,
    13        which are incurred to enforce that contract, shall be
    awarded either to one of the parties or to the prevailing
    14        party, then the party who is determined to be the party
    prevailing on the contract, whether he or she is the
    15        party specified in the contract or not, shall be entitled
    to reasonable attorney's fees in addition to other
    16        costs. . . . Reasonable attorney's fees shall be fixed by
    the court, and shall be an element of the costs of suit.
    (b)(1) The court, upon notice and motion by a party,
    18        shall determine who is the party prevailing on the
    contract for purposes of this section, whether or not the
    19        suit proceeds to final judgment. Except as provided in
    paragraph (2), the party prevailing on the contract shall
    20        be the party who recovered a greater relief in the action
    on the contract. The court may also determine that there
    21        is no party prevailing on the contract for purposes of
    this section.
    23   CCC § 1717(a), (b)(1).
    24        Attorney's fees awarded under CCC § 1717 are specifically
    25   allowed as a recoverable cost under CCP §§ 1032 and 1033.5.      CCP
    26   § 1033.5(c)(5).5   CCC § 1717 creates a reciprocal right to recover
    28            CCP § 1033.5(c)(5) provides, in relevant part:
    1   attorney's fees as costs in a dispute over a contract containing
    2   an attorney fee clause, regardless of whether the attorney fee
    3   clause provision in the contract would have allowed for reciprocal
    4   recovery.    Santisas v. Goodin, 
    17 Cal. 4th 599
    , 610-11 (1998).
    5   B.   The bankruptcy court did not err in determining that Brosio
    was not the prevailing party.
    7        Brosio contends the bankruptcy court erred in determining she
    8   was not the "prevailing party."    Specifically, she contends that
    9   her sole litigation objective was to remove the $425.00 attorney
    10   fee from the amount claimed by Deutsche Bank in its POC, and by
    11   Deutsche Bank amending its POC to remove the fee, it implicitly
    12   withdrew its original claim.   Therefore, Brosio contends that she
    13   clearly and unequivocally prevailed on the sole issue litigated in
    14   the action on the contract.
    15        Brosio argues that the size of the mortgage in comparison to
    16   the victory on the fees was of no relevance because the "action on
    17   the contract" was not an action on Deutsche Bank's entire claim,
    18   it was on the sole issue of the attorney's fee.   She contends the
    19   bankruptcy court erred by equating "action on the contract" with
    20   the entire claim, rather than the discrete legal proceeding over
    21   the disputed fee.   Brosio also argues that lack of an order on her
    22   Claim Objection was of no importance to the issue of prevailing
    24         (...continued)
    25        (c) Any award of costs shall be subject to the following:
    26        . . .
    27        (5) . . . Attorney's fees awarded pursuant to Section 1717 of
    the Civil Code are allowable costs under Section 1032 of this
    28        code as authorized by subparagraph (A) of paragraph (10) of
    subdivision (a).
    1   party.
    2        Deutsche Bank contends that, in addition to Brosio failing to
    3   submit any evidence in support of her Claim Objection, she could
    4   not be the "prevailing party" because the bankruptcy court never
    5   rendered any decision on the Claim Objection or the POC; hence, no
    6   party obtained a "victory" or "unqualified win" on the submitted
    7   claim.   We agree.
    8        Determination of "prevailing party" for the purpose of
    9   reciprocal attorney's fees in California is guided by the
    10   California Supreme Court's decision in Hsu:
    11        Accordingly, we hold that in deciding whether there is a
    "party prevailing on the contract," the trial court is to
    12        compare the relief awarded on the contract claim or
    claims with the parties' demands on those same claims and
    13        their litigation objectives as disclosed by the
    pleadings, trial briefs, opening statements, and similar
    14        sources.   The prevailing party determination is to be
    made only upon final resolution of the contract claims
    15        and only by "a comparison of the extent to which each
    party has succeeded and failed to succeed in its
    16        contentions." [Internal citation omitted].
    9 Cal. 4th at 876
    .   Hsu, wherein the court determined the merits
    18   of the contract claim at issue, also held that when the results of
    19   the litigation on the contract claims are not mixed — that is,
    20   when the court's decision is purely good news for one party and
    21   bad for the other — the trial court has no discretion to deny
    22   attorney's fees to the successful party.   
    Id. at 875-76
    23        Thus, when a defendant defeats recovery by the plaintiff
    on the only contract claim in the action, the defendant
    24        is the party prevailing on the contract under section
    1717 as a matter of law. [Internal citations omitted].
    25        Similarly, a plaintiff who obtains all relief requested
    on the only contract claim in the action must be regarded
    26        as the party prevailing on the contract for purposes of
    attorney fees under section 1717. [Internal citations
    27        omitted].
    Id. at 876
    .   "In determining litigation success, courts should
    1   respect substance rather than form, and to this extent should be
    2   guided by 'equitable considerations.'    For example, a party who is
    3   denied direct relief on a claim may nonetheless be found to be a
    4   prevailing party if it is clear that the party has otherwise
    5   achieved its main litigation objective."   
    Id. at 877
    6   omitted)(emphasis in original).
    7        Some appellate courts in California have held that the court
    8   can determine a "prevailing party" and award attorney's fees under
    9   CCC § 1717, even when that party has prevailed only on a discrete
    10   legal proceeding and the merits of the underlying contract dispute
    11   have not yet been decided.   This issue most often arises in the
    12   context of motions to compel arbitration, or when an action (or
    13   defendant) is dismissed on procedural grounds.   See Kandy Kiss of
    14   Cal., Inc. v. Tex-Ellent, Inc., 
    209 Cal.App.4th 604
    , 613-14 (2012)
    15   (defendant who prevails by obtaining a dismissal for lack of
    16   subject matter jurisdiction is entitled to contractual attorney's
    17   fees, even though plaintiff is able to refile in another forum);
    18   PNEC Corp. v. Meyer, 
    190 Cal.App.4th 66
    , 71 (2010)(awarding fees
    19   to defendant where complaint was dismissed on forum non conveniens
    20   grounds, even though no adjudication on the actual contract
    21   dispute had occurred and may still occur in another forum); Profit
    22   Concepts Mgmt., Inc. v. Griffith, 
    162 Cal.App.4th 950
    , 955-56
    23   (2008)(trial court dismissed defendant for lack of personal
    24   jurisdiction and plaintiff awarded nothing on claim; appellate
    25   court held that determination on merits of contract claim was not
    26   required for trial court to award attorney's fees under
    27   CCC § 1717; the contract claim was "finally resolved" within the
    28   meaning of Hsu); Otay River Constructors v. San Diego Expressway,
    158 Cal.App.4th 796
    , 806-08 (2008)(where no contract action
    2   pending and petition to compel arbitration is filed, successful
    3   defense of the petition allows an award of prevailing party
    4   attorney's fees, even though merits of contract dispute may be
    5   decided later).
    6        However, some California courts have disagreed with this
    7   notion.   See HSBC Bank USA v. DJR Props., Inc., 
    2011 WL 1404899
    8   at *2 (E.D. Cal. Apr. 13, 2011)(dismissal for lack of subject
    9   matter jurisdiction; rejecting Profit Concepts as inconsistent
    10   with the plain language of CCC § 1717 and Hsu's holding that
    11   prevailing party can only be determined upon "final resolution" of
    12   the contract claims); Idea Place Corp. v. Fried, 
    390 F.Supp.2d 13
       903, 904-05 (N.D. Cal. 2005)(district court denied fees under CCC
    14   § 1717 based on dismissal for lack of subject matter jurisdiction;
    15   plaintiff could still pursue contract claims in state court, so
    16   "prevailing party" on the action remained to be seen); Frog Creek
    17   Partners, LLC v. Vance Brown, Inc., 
    206 Cal.App.4th 515
    , 538-39
    18   (2012)(defeating petition to compel arbitration filed in pending
    19   contract action does not justify attorney's fees because merits of
    20   contract action are still to be determined and there can only be
    21   one prevailing party "on the action"); Estate of Drummond, 149
    22 Cal.App.4th 46
    , 51-52 (2007)(despite dismissal of plaintiff's
    23   claims in probate court, trial court had discretion to deny
    24   defendants' fee motion because litigation was continuing in same
    25   court where separate contract suit had already been filed).
    26        Fortunately, we do not have to decide which courts are
    27   correct to resolve this appeal.    Brosio fails to address a major
    28   procedural problem presented in this case.   In all of the cases
    1   she cites to support her fees — Hsu, Otay River Constructors,
    2   Scott Co., Santisas, Moran, Guzman — and in the cases we cited
    3   above, the trial court rendered a "decision" on a pending matter,
    4   whether it be a motion to compel arbitration, a motion to dismiss,
    5   or a judgment after trial, before any party moved for or was
    6   awarded attorney's fees under CCC § 1717.    She has not cited, and
    7   we could not locate, a single case with a procedural posture such
    8   as this one where nothing was adjudicated by the court and yet it
    9   considered a party's motion for attorney's fees under CCC § 1717.
    10   Although the bankruptcy court ultimately determined that Brosio
    11   was not the prevailing party because Deutsche Bank was entitled to
    12   charge the $425.00 fee and because it recovered a greater relief,
    13   the court also noted that it had never made any ruling regarding
    14   the appropriateness or the legal sufficiency of either the POC,
    15   the amended POC, or the Claim Objection.    It is on that basis we
    16   affirm the bankruptcy court's ruling.
    17        No "final resolution" was ever entered by a court on Deutsche
    18   Bank's POC or Brosio's Claim Objection, whether it be on the
    19   entire claim or the discrete proceeding over the disputed fee.
    20   Hsu, 
    9 Cal. 4th at 876
    .    For Brosio to be the prevailing party, we
    21   conclude that the bankruptcy court had to first enter some sort of
    22   disposition on these issues.    Brosio's "self-proclaimed" victory
    23   is insufficient to trigger an award under CCC § 1717.
    24        The California Rules of Court further support our decision.
    25   Under Court Rule 3.1702,6 which governs the timing of claims for
    27            Court Rule 3.1702 provides, in relevant part:
    28        (a) Application.     Except as otherwise provided by statute,
    1   attorney's fees under CCC § 1717, a party must file and serve its
    2   notice and motion for fees within the time for filing a "notice of
    3   appeal."   Arguably, one cannot file an appeal without a final
    4   underlying order or judgment from the court, and certainly no
    5   appeal time can run until one is entered.    Thus, "some" order or
    6   judgment must exist before a party can move for, or be entitled
    7   to, attorney's fees under CCC § 1717.
    8        Alternatively, we conclude that CCC § 1717(b)(2) precluded
    9   Brosio from being the prevailing party.    Under CCC § 1717(b)(2),
    10   no prevailing party will exist when an action has been voluntarily
    11   dismissed.    Brosio is incorrect when she equates herself to
    12   "plaintiff" and Deutsche Bank as "defendant."    The filing of a
    13   proof of claim is analogous to filing a complaint in the
    14   bankruptcy case.    United States v. Levoy (In re Levoy), 
    182 B.R. 15
       827, 833 n.5 (9th Cir. BAP 1995); Smith v. Dowden, 
    47 F.3d 940
    16   943 (8th Cir. 1995); Simmons v. Savell (In re Simmons), 
    765 F.2d 17
    18         (...continued)
    this rule applies in civil cases to claims for statutory
    19        attorney's fees and claims for attorney's fees provided for
    in a contract. Subdivisions (b) and (c) apply when the court
    20        determines entitlement to the fees, the amount of the fees,
    or both, whether the court makes that determination because
    21        the statute or contract refers to "reasonable" fees, because
    it requires a determination of the prevailing party, or for
    22        other reasons.
    23        (b) Attorney's fees before trial court judgment
    24                (1) Time for motion
    25                A notice of motion to claim attorney's fees for services
    up to and including the rendition of judgment in the
    26                trial court — including attorney's fees on an appeal
    before the rendition of judgment in the trial court —
    27                must be served and filed within the time for filing a
    notice of appeal under rules 8.104 and 8.108 in an
    28                unlimited civil case or under rules 8.822 and 8.823 in a
    limited civil case.
    1   547, 552 (5th Cir. 1985); Nortex Trading Corp. v. Newfield, 311
    2 F.2d 163
    , 164 (2d Cir. 1962); In re Edwards Theatres Circuit,
    3   Inc., 
    281 B.R. 675
    , 681 (Bankr. C.D. Cal. 2002).     And a claim
    4   objection by the debtor is analogous to an answer.    O'Neill v.
    5   Cont'l Airlines (In re Cont'l Airlines), 
    928 F.2d 127
    , 129 (5th
    6   Cir. 1991)("[T]he filing of a proof of claim is analogous to the
    7   filing of a complaint in a civil action, with the bankrupt's
    8   objection the same as the answer.")(citing Simmons and Nortex
    9   Trading Corp.); In re Cruisephone, Inc., 
    278 B.R. 325
    , 330 (Bankr.
    10   E.D.N.Y. 2002)("In the bankruptcy context, a proof of claim filed
    11   by a creditor is conceptually analogous to a civil complaint, an
    12   objection to the claim is akin to an answer or defense and an
    13   adversary proceeding initiated against the creditor that filed the
    14   proof of claim is like a counterclaim.").
    15        Accordingly, Deutsche Bank was the "plaintiff," and Brosio,
    16   as objector to the POC, was in the role of "defendant."    Deutsche
    17   Bank's abandonment of its claim for attorney's fees in the amended
    18   POC was akin to a voluntary dismissal, which prevented defendant
    19   Brosio from prevailing on her claim under CCC § 1717.    See Ennis
    20   v. Mortgagetree Lending, Inc., 
    2010 WL 3341544
    , at *2 (E.D. Cal.
    21   Aug. 24, 2010)(plaintiff's abandonment of breach of contract claim
    22   before trial was akin to voluntary dismissal and precluded
    23   defendants from prevailing on their CCC § 1717 claim); Baldain v.
    24   Am. Home Mortg. Servicing, Inc., 
    2010 WL 2606666
    , at *6 (E.D. Cal.
    25   June 28, 2010)(because plaintiff voluntarily dismissed its TILA
    26   claim by declining to re-plead it in its amended complaint,
    27   defendant was not prevailing party on that claim under CCC
    28   § 1717); Dodson v. Pan Pac. Retail Props., Inc., 
    2003 WL 25656778
    1   at *1 (E.D. Cal. June 13, 2003)(holding that defendant was not
    2   prevailing party where plaintiff abandoned claim prior to
    3   trial)(citing Galan v. Wolfriver Holding Corp., 
    80 Cal.App.4th 4
       1124, 1130 (2000)(when plaintiff has voluntarily dismissed a cause
    5   of action no prevailing party exists as a practical matter);
    6   Gilbert v. Nat'l Enquirer, Inc., 
    55 Cal.App.4th 1273
    , 1277-78
    7   (1997)(same).
    8        In short, we view the procedural posture of this case as
    9   follows.   Deutsche Bank filed its POC (the complaint), and Brosio
    10   filed her Claim Objection (the answer).   Deutsche Bank then filed
    11   an amended POC (an amended complaint) in which it abandoned its
    12   claim for attorney's fees.    Brosio then, through her Fee Motion,
    13   contended that because Deutsche Bank amended its POC (complaint)
    14   removing the fee claim, she was the "winner" on the "action on the
    15   contract" and entitled to attorney's fees under CCC § 1717.    Put
    16   this way, Brosio's Fee Motion makes little sense.7   Further, to
    17   award fees to Brosio under these circumstances would be punishing
    18   Deutsche Bank for its gesture of civility in removing its claim
    19   for attorney's fees from the POC — a claim the bankruptcy court
    20   determined it was entitled to assert under Paragraph 9 of the DOT.
    21   We agree with that determination.
    22        Brosio has complained that Deutsche Bank incurred attorney's
    23   fees only because it discretionarily elected to file an
    24   unnecessary proof of claim.   Although secured creditors are not
    26           Counsel has "an obligation to consider the potential   for
    recovery and balance the effort required against the results   that
    27   might be achieved . . . . [A]n attorney must scale his . . .   fee
    at least to the reasonably expected recovery." Unsecured
    28   Creditors’ Comm. v. Puget Sound Plywood, Inc., 
    924 F.2d 955
    ,    961
    (9th Cir. 1991). Billing judgment is mandatory.
    1   required to file a proof of claim in a chapter 13 case, prudent
    2   creditors like Deutsche Bank are certainly entitled to file one to
    3   establish the amount they are owed according to their own
    4   calculations, rather than relying on the debtor's, and to receive
    5   distributions on an allowed claim under the provisions of a
    6   chapter 13 plan.      See, e.g., In re Dumain, 
    492 B.R. 140
    , 143
    7   (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2013); §§ 501, 502 and 1326(c); Rules 3002 and
    8   3021.       Further, by signing the DOT, Brosio agreed that Deutsche
    9   Bank could take reasonable actions to protect its security
    10   interest, particularly if she filed bankruptcy, and that she would
    11   pay Deutsche Bank's reasonable attorney's fees incurred for those
    12   actions.      Preparing and filing the POC, reviewing Brosio's plan
    13   and filing a request for special notice, and charging a total of
    14   only $425.00 in attorney’s fees, seems more than reasonable.
    15           Because we conclude that the bankruptcy court did not err in
    16   determining Brosio was not the prevailing party, we need not reach
    17   Brosio's second issue about whether it erred in deciding her fees
    18   were not reasonable.
    19                                  VI. CONCLUSION
    20           Although we have determined on a different legal basis why
    21   Brosio was not the prevailing party under CCC § 1717, because the
    22   bankruptcy court reached this same conclusion, we perceive no
    23   error in this case.      Accordingly, we AFFIRM the Fee Order.8
    Deutsche Bank contends that Brosio's appeal is frivolous,
    27   and it requests attorney's fees on appeal. We decline to consider
    Deutsche Bank's request because it did not file a separate motion
    28   as required by Rule 8020. See Rule 8020; Garner v. Shier (In re
    246 B.R. 617
    , 626 n.14 (9th Cir. BAP 2000).