In re: Mark Dingley , 514 B.R. 591 ( 2014 )

  •                                                          FILED
    1                         ORDERED PUBL ED
    ISH                AUG 06 2014
    2                                                      U.S. BKCY. APP. PANEL
    4                            OF THE NINTH CIRCUIT
    6   In re:                        )      BAP No.     NV-13-1261-KiJuTa
    7   MARK DINGLEY,                 )      Bk. No.     3:13-bk-50648-BTB
    8                  Debtor.        )
    9                                 )
    YELLOW EXPRESS, LLC;          )
    10   YELLOW LOGISTICS, LLC,        )
    11                  Appellants,    )
    )      O P I N I O N
    12   v.                            )
    13   MARK DINGLEY,                 )
    14                  Appellee.      )
    16                  Argued and Submitted on January 24, 2014
    at Las Vegas, Nevada
    Filed - August 6, 2014
    Appeal from the United States Bankruptcy Court
    19                       for the District of Nevada
    20       Honorable Bruce T. Beesley, Bankruptcy Judge, Presiding
    21                         _________________________
    22   Appearances:     Mark D. Wray, Esq., argued for appellants
    Yellow Express, LLC and Yellow Logistics, LLC;
    23                    Christopher P. Burke, Esq., argued for
    appellee Mark Dingley.
    24                         _________________________
    Before:   KIRSCHER, JURY and TAYLOR, Bankruptcy Judges.
    27   Opinion by Judge Kirscher
    Concurrence by Judge Jury
    1   KIRSCHER, Bankruptcy Judge:
    3        Yellow Express, LLC and Yellow Logistics, LLC
    4   (collectively, “appellants”) appeal from the bankruptcy court’s
    5   order sanctioning appellants $1,500 for violation of the
    6   automatic stay.   Following precedent of the Ninth Circuit Court
    7   of Appeals (“Ninth Circuit”), first decided under the Bankruptcy
    8   Act of 1898, establishing that a civil contempt proceeding is
    9   not subject to the automatic stay, we REVERSE.
    10                                 I.   FACTS1
    11   A.   Prepetition Facts
    12        In 2009, appellants filed an action in the Second Judicial
    13   District Court in Washoe County, Nevada, Case No. CV09-02392
    14   against Mark Dingley (“debtor”) and two LLCs which he owned and
    15   controlled, M&M Tow & Transport, LLC and Superior Tow and
    16   Transport Service, LLC (collectively, “the LLCs”).   The
    17   operative first amended complaint (“state court action”) alleged
    18   claims for claim and delivery, unjust enrichment, negligence,
    19   conversion and constructive fraud against debtor and the LLCs
    20   (collectively, “defendants”), based on the tow, storage and
    21   disposition of a semi-truck and trailer which belonged to Yellow
    22   Express and was leased to Yellow Logistics.   The state court
    23   action included no alter ego allegations.
    24        Initially, defendants defaulted and, following a prove-up
    25   hearing, judgment was entered against them in the total sum of
    27          The facts are largely undisputed and are drawn from
    debtor’s Motion to Enforce Automatic Stay and appellants’
    28   Opposition to Motion to Enforce Automatic Stay.
    1   $300,000.   Subsequently, defendants moved to set aside the
    2   default judgment, which was granted.     The state court then
    3   ordered that a hearing be held on sanctions for their willful
    4   failure to appear for depositions.     At the hearing on June 26,
    5   2012, the state court ordered defendants to pay sanctions to
    6   appellants in a sum not to exceed $6000 for attorneys’ fees and
    7   court reporter costs.     Appellants subsequently filed an
    8   affidavit, which fixed the sanctions at $4078.35.
    9        Defendants did not pay the sanctions.     On March 25, 2013,
    10   appellants filed an application for an order to show cause
    11   regarding contempt for defendants’ noncompliance with the
    12   June 26, 2012 order.    On April 2, 2013, the state court judge
    13   issued the order to show cause (“OSC”), ordering defendants to
    14   appear on April 25, 2013, to show cause why they should not be
    15   held in contempt for nonpayment.
    16   B.   Postpetition Facts
    17        On April 8, 2013, debtor filed a Chapter 72 proceeding in
    18   the Nevada bankruptcy court.     Although his membership interest
    19   in the LLCs was disclosed in debtor’s schedules, the LLCs did
    20   not file independent cases.     Debtor scheduled appellants as
    21   creditors, and the court mailed notice of the filing of the
    22   bankruptcy case to appellants’ attorney Mark D. Wray (“Wray”) on
    23   April 11, 2013.   On April 24, 2013, debtor’s state court counsel
    24   advised Wray of the bankruptcy filing and the automatic stay
    26          Unless otherwise indicated, all chapter and section
    references are to the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101-1532,
    27   and “Rule” references are to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy
    Procedure and “Civil Rule” refers to the Federal Rules of Civil
    28   Procedure.
    1   provided by § 362(a).    On the following day, debtor’s bankruptcy
    2   attorney also advised Wray of the stay.     Wray, on April 24,
    3   2013, wrote debtor’s bankruptcy attorney acknowledging the
    4   notification of debtor’s bankruptcy filing and inquiring why the
    5   OSC could not proceed given the law established by several noted
    6   cases.    Despite the bankruptcy filing notices and given his
    7   response to opposing counsel, Wray declined to request the state
    8   court to vacate the OSC because:      (1) the LLCs had not filed and
    9   did not receive the benefit of the stay; and (2) his preliminary
    10   research led him to believe that Ninth Circuit authority
    11   excepted a state court contempt proceeding from the automatic
    12   stay.    In making this second assertion, he relied on David v.
    13   Hooker, Ltd., 
    560 F.2d 412
    (9th Cir. 1977), and Dumas v. Atwood
    14   (In re Dumas), 
    19 B.R. 676
    (9th Cir. BAP 1982).
    15        Debtor’s attorney responded that she did not have time to
    16   review his cases, but she continued to assert that the contempt
    17   hearing was a violation of the automatic stay and that the LLCs
    18   should get the benefit of debtor’s stay because he listed his
    19   interest in them in his schedules.     She then filed a Notice of
    20   Bankruptcy Filing in the state court on the same day.     The state
    21   court responded to that Notice by vacating the hearing.     On the
    22   following day, it issued an order requiring briefing from the
    23   parties on the applicability of the automatic stay to the
    24   contempt hearing.    Appellants’ brief was due ten days after the
    25   order and defendants’ brief was due in another ten days.
    26        Appellants filed their state court brief timely on May 1,
    27   2013, repeating the arguments they made to debtor’s counsel that
    28   the automatic stay did not apply to nondebtor co-defendants and
    1   that the contempt proceeding was excepted from the stay under
    2   Hooker and Dumas.    Debtor did not file a brief in state court.
    3   Instead, on May 3, 2013, he filed a Motion to Enforce Stay and
    4   For Award of Mandatory Sanctions Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 362(k)
    5   in the bankruptcy court.    Simultaneously, debtor filed an Ex
    6   Parte Application for Order Shortening Time, requesting an
    7   expedited hearing on the motion since his brief in state court
    8   was due.    On May 6, 2013, the bankruptcy court granted the
    9   application for shortened time and set the hearing for May 10,
    10   2013, with opposition papers due no later than noon, May 9,
    11   2013.
    12        In his Motion to Enforce Stay, debtor asserted that the
    13   prosecution of the contempt proceeding against him was a
    14   violation of § 362(a) and that the bankruptcy court filing
    15   divested the state court of jurisdiction to rule on the effect
    16   of the automatic stay on its proceedings, relying on Gruntz v.
    17   Cnty. of Los Angeles (In re Gruntz), 
    202 F.3d 1074
    , 1080 (9th
    18   Cir. 2000) (en banc).    Debtor’s motion further sought an order
    19   halting the state court action and an award of attorney’s fees
    20   and punitive damages based on appellants’ willful violation of
    21   the stay.    Appellants timely3 filed their Opposition to Motion
    22   to Enforce Stay, asserting the same arguments which they had
    23   previously made to debtor’s counsel.    Relying on pre-Gruntz non-
    24   binding authority, they contended that the state court had
    25   concurrent jurisdiction to determine whether the automatic stay
    27          Wray complained that he had asked debtor’s attorney for
    an extension of time to file but that his request fell on deaf
    28   ears.
    1   applied to its proceedings.   Next, pointing out that the LLCs
    2   were separate legal entities from debtor and that the contempt
    3   proceeding was against those entities, not his membership
    4   interest, appellants argued the automatic stay did not apply to
    5   the LLCs and the contempt proceeding should continue against
    6   them.   As authority, they cited Groner v. Miller (In re Miller),
    262 B.R. 499
    , 503 (9th Cir. BAP 2001), which in turn relied on
    8   Advanced Ribbons & Office Prods., Inc. v. U.S. Interstate
    9   Distrib., Inc. (In re Advanced Ribbons & Office Prods., Inc.),
    125 B.R. 259
    , 263 (9th Cir. BAP 1991), and Marcus, Stowell &
    11   Beye Gov’t Sec., Inc. v. Jefferson Inv. Corp., 
    797 F.2d 227
    , 230
    12   n.4 (5th Cir. 1986) (“The well established rule is that an
    13   automatic stay of judicial proceedings against one defendant
    14   does not apply to proceedings against co-defendants.”).
    15        Appellants also contended that state court contempt
    16   proceedings were exempted from the automatic stay, citing again
    17   Hooker and Dumas and emphasizing to the bankruptcy court that
    18   debtor’s papers did not address the holding of these cases.
    19   Finally, appellants noted that the only action they had taken
    20   which allegedly violated the stay was filing the brief in the
    21   state court pursuant to that court’s request.
    22        At the hearing in the bankruptcy court, debtor’s counsel,
    23   contrary to the position she had initially taken with
    24   appellants’ counsel, conceded that the stay did not apply to the
    25   LLCs.   However, she argued that it did apply to debtor and that
    26   appellants had violated that stay by filing their brief in state
    27   court, which urged that court to proceed against debtor.    She
    28   attempted to distinguish the Ninth Circuit authority excepting
    1   contempt proceedings from the stay by arguing they involved bad
    2   behavior and “criminal contempt.”       Despite arguments to the
    3   contrary from Wray, the bankruptcy court announced categorically
    4   that appellants could not proceed against debtor and that it was
    5   prepared to issue an order staying the state court action
    6   against him with no other relief granted.
    7         Debtor’s counsel then asserted that her client was broke
    8   and that she had incurred $1500 in attorney’s fees to stop the
    9   affirmative action against him.     After reading the brief which
    10   appellants had filed in state court,4 the court announced:
    11         “The automatic stay in bankruptcy court does not
    shield Mr. Dingley from his willful disobedience of
    12         the Court’s lawful order.”5 I find that you’re in
    contempt of court for urging the district court to
    13         extract from Mr. Dingley money for an order that was
    entered prebankruptcy which is certainly
    14         dischargeable. He can certainly be hauled into court
    for postbankruptcy conduct, but you cannot use the
    15         district court to try and recover money for contempt
    or otherwise that has occurred prior to the
    16         bankruptcy. I am awarding $1500 in sanctions against
    18   Hr’g Tr. (May 10, 2014) 16:11-22.       On May 17, 2013, the
    19   bankruptcy court entered the Order on Debtor’s Motion to Enforce
    20   Automatic Stay and For Award of Mandatory Sanctions Pursuant to
    21   11 U.S.C. § 362(k).     Appellants paid the sanction and timely
    22   appealed.
    23   ///
    25         4
    The bankruptcy judge said his court was very “green” and
    26   he did not print out the papers. When he learned the state
    court brief was attached as an exhibit to the Motion, he read it
    27   while on the bench.
    28         5
    The court apparently read from the brief.
    1                              II.   JURISDICTION
    2         The bankruptcy court had jurisdiction over this proceeding
    3   under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1334 and 157(b)(2)(A).       We have jurisdiction
    4   under 28 U.S.C. § 158.
    5                                III.    ISSUES
    6         A. Whether the bankruptcy court erred in ruling that
    7   appellants violated the automatic stay; and
    8         B. Whether the bankruptcy court erred in awarding sanctions
    9   of $1500.
    10                        IV.    STANDARDS OF REVIEW
    11         A bankruptcy court’s determination that the automatic stay
    12   was violated is a question of law subject to de novo review.
    13   Cal. Emp. Dev. Dep’t v. Taxel (In re Del Mission Ltd.), 
    98 F.3d 14
      1147, 1150 (9th Cir. 1996).
    15         An award of sanctions is reviewed for abuse of discretion.
    16   Nash v. Clark Cnty. Dist. Attorney’s Office (In re Nash), 464
    17 B.R. 874
    , 878 (9th Cir. BAP 2012).        The bankruptcy court abuses
    18   its discretion when it fails to identify and apply “the correct
    19   legal rule to the relief requested,” or if its application of
    20   the correct legal standard was “(1) ‘illogical,’
    21   (2) ‘implausible,’ or (3) without ‘support in inferences that
    22   may be drawn from the facts in the record.’”       United States v.
    23   Hinkson, 
    585 F.3d 1247
    , 1262-63 (9th Cir. 2009) (en banc).
    24   ///
    25   ///
    26   ///
    27   ///
    28   ///
    1                             V.   DISCUSSION6
    2   A.    The Automatic Stay and Sanctions for Willful Violation
    3          The automatic stay of § 362(a), as asserted to be
    4   applicable here, provides:
    5          (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this
    section, a petition filed under section 301, 302, or
    6          303 of this title . . . operates as a stay, applicable
    to all entities, of--
    (1) the commencement or continuation, including
    8               the issuance or employment of process, of a
    judicial, administrative, or other action or
    9               proceeding against the debtor that was or could
    have been commenced before the commencement of
    10               the case under this title, or to recover a claim
    against the debtor that arose before the
    11               commencement of the case under this title;
    12               (2) the enforcement, against the debtor or
    against property of the estate, of a judgment
    13               obtained before the commencement of the case
    under this title; . . . .
    . . . .
    16          Section 362(k)(1) provides for an order for sanctions if a
    17   party willfully violates the stay:
    18          [A]n individual injured by any willful violation of a
    stay provided by this section shall recover actual
    19          damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, and, in
    appropriate circumstances, may recover punitive
    20          damages.
    21          Before imposing sanctions, the bankruptcy court must find
    22   that a violation of the stay was willful.    The test for
    23   determining whether a violation of the automatic stay is willful
    24   is:    (1) whether the appellants knew of the stay; and
    26          We acknowledge debtor submitted a letter pursuant to Fed.
    R. App. P. 28(j). Appellants responded to debtor’s letter. We
    27   reviewed the submissions and have concluded, given the record
    and issues before us, that the submitted case involves issues we
    28   do not reach in this Opinion.
    1   (2) whether the violation of the stay was intentional.     Goichman
    2   v. Bloom (In re Bloom), 
    875 F.2d 224
    , 227 (9th Cir. 1989).
    3   “Intentional” does not mean a specific subjective intent to
    4   violate the stay.   Pinkstaff v. United States (In re Pinkstaff),
    974 F.2d 113
    , 115 (9th Cir. 1992).      It is irrelevant whether the
    6   party believed in good faith that it had a right to the property
    7   at issue.   In re 
    Bloom, 875 F.2d at 227
    8        Willfulness is a question of fact reviewed for clear error.
    9   Safety Nat’l Cas. Corp. v. Kaiser Aluminum & Chem. Corp. (In re
    10   Kaiser Aluminum Corp.), 
    303 B.R. 299
    , 303 (D. Del. 2003).
    11        Appellants contend that the bankruptcy court erred:
    12   (1) because the stay did not apply to the state court civil
    13   contempt proceeding under applicable Ninth Circuit precedent;
    14   and (2) even if it did apply, the act of filing a brief in state
    15   court, which arguably had jurisdiction to determine whether the
    16   stay applied to its proceeding, was not a willful violation of
    17   the stay.   We address these arguments below, insofar as
    18   necessary to decide this case.
    19   B.   Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy Court
    20        As a preliminary matter, appellants assert that the state
    21   court had concurrent jurisdiction with the bankruptcy court to
    22   decide whether the stay applied to its proceeding, citing Fid.
    23   Nat’l Title Ins. Co. v. Franklin (In re Franklin), 
    179 B.R. 913
    24   925 (Bankr. E.D. Cal 1995).   Franklin is inapplicable to this
    25   issue as it dealt with subject matter jurisdiction of a non-core
    26   proceeding.   To the contrary, the Ninth Circuit has definitively
    27   held that the applicability of the automatic stay is within the
    28   exclusive jurisdiction of the bankruptcy court.     In Gruntz, 202
    -10- 1 F.3d at 1083
    , the Ninth Circuit disregarded state court
    2   authorities and nonprecedential cases in ruling:
    3          In sum, by virtue of the power vested in them by
    Congress, the federal courts have the final authority
    4          to determine the scope and applicability of the
    automatic stay. “The States cannot, in the exercise
    5          of control over local laws and practice, vest State
    courts with power to violate the supreme law of the
    6          land.”
    7   Therefore, only the bankruptcy court had jurisdiction to
    8   determine whether the automatic stay applied to the state court
    9   contempt proceeding; the state court did not have concurrent
    10   jurisdiction.    
    Id. at 1082-83.
    11   C.     Automatic Stay and State Court Contempt Proceedings
    12          The Ninth Circuit has created a bright-line rule on whether
    13   the automatic stay applies to state court contempt proceedings,
    14   whether they are based on nonpayment of a monetary sanction or
    15   some other behavior which violates a state court order:      if the
    16   sanction order “does not involve a determination [or collection]
    17   of the ultimate obligation of the bankrupt nor does it represent
    18   a ploy by a creditor to harass him” the automatic stay does not
    19   prevent the proceeding from going forward.      
    Hooker, 560 F.2d at 20
    21          Hooker was decided under the Bankruptcy Act of 1898 and
    22   interpreted the scope of the stay provided by Rule 401(a) of the
    23   former Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure which applied to
    24   cases filed under the Act.    The question posed to the Ninth
    25   Circuit was whether the district court where a contempt
    26   proceeding was pending “had jurisdiction” to proceed after a
    27   bankruptcy petition had been filed.       The order violated was not
    28   dissimilar to the order in this case:      a discovery sanction
    1   which directed the defendants to answer interrogatories and pay
    2   attorney’s fees.   The Ninth Circuit reasoned that the basic
    3   purpose of the stay was “to protect the bankrupt and to relieve
    4   the courts from pointless and needless litigation” over
    5   dischargeable debts.   
    Id. at 417.
       Since the contempt proceeding
    6   at issue was ancillary to the underlying debt, the Ninth Circuit
    7   found the purpose of the stay was not implicated.      Relying on
    8   old district court decisions7 and 1A Collier ¶ 11.02 at 1147-48,
    9   the Ninth Circuit noted that the question was not a
    10   jurisdictional one since the stay suspended, rather than
    11   dismissed, the nonbankruptcy case.    
    Id. at 418.
       Thus not every
    12   aspect of the proceeding was to be suspended, and a proceeding
    13   addressing disobedience of a state court order made prior to the
    14   stay was not meant to be suspended.    
    Id. Moreover, the
    15   Circuit reasoned that the proceeding did not “‘attempt in any
    16   way to interfere with the property which had passed to the
    17   control of the bankruptcy court; it sought merely to vindicate
    18   its dignity which had been affronted by the contumacious conduct
    19   of a person who ignored its order.’”    
    Id. 20 The
    same issue was first addressed under the Bankruptcy Act
    21   of 1978 (the Code) and its automatic stay provided by § 362(a)
    22   by this panel in Dumas.   Prebankruptcy, the debtor stipulated
    23   that he was in contempt of court for violation of a subpoena; a
    24   hearing for sentencing for the contempt was scheduled.      Prior to
    25   the hearing, Dumas filed his bankruptcy petition and asserted
    In re Hall, 
    170 F. 721
    (S.D.N.Y. 1909), and In re Spagat,
    4 F. Supp. 926
    , 927 (S.D.N.Y. 1933).
    1   that the automatic stay applied to the sentencing hearing.     The
    2   Panel determined that no meaningful difference existed between
    3   the stay of Rule 401(a) and the automatic stay of § 362(a).     It
    4   further found that, although the issue was raised as a
    5   jurisdictional one in Hooker, the court’s reasoning dealt with
    6   the propriety of the exercise of that jurisdiction when the stay
    7   might apply.   Finally, it also found no distinction where a
    8   private party, rather than the court itself, initiated the
    9   contempt proceeding.   Accordingly, it applied the holding of
    10   Hooker and concluded that the state court’s post-bankruptcy
    11   sentence for contempt was not stayed.
    12        Appellants cited these authorities to debtor’s counsel and
    13   eventually to the bankruptcy court.   Debtor’s counsel tried to
    14   distinguish them by claiming the contempt proceedings at issue
    15   in those cases were criminal and the holdings did not apply to
    16   civil contempt.   As noted above, this argument was erroneous.
    17   The bankruptcy court did not acknowledge them at all, turning
    18   aside the arguments:
    19        You can’t8 proceed against whatever distributions may
    come to Mr. Dingley from them [the LLCs], but you
    20        cannot proceed against Mr. Dingley. And even if Judge
    Sattler orders you to proceed against Mr. Dingley, you
    21        will get a sanction from me because you’ve violated –
    you will have violated the automatic stay, and the
    22        fact – and Judge Sattler, if he proceeds against
    Dingley, he has violated the automatic stay . . . .
    24   Hr’g Tr. (May 10, 2013) 13:1-8.
    26        8
    The bankruptcy court may have meant “can,” given the
    27   context of the discussion between counsel and the bankruptcy
    court and the ability to pursue postpetition chapter 7
    28   distributions from the LLCs.
    1        I find that you’re in contempt of court for urging the
    district court to extract from Mr. Dingley money for
    2        an order that was entered prebankruptcy which is
    certainly dischargeable.
    Id. at 16:14-17.
     5        Other courts have followed Hooker and Dumas in this
    6   circuit.   Most notably (and recently) the district court of
    7   Hawaii cited Hooker with approval in crafting a totality of the
    8   circumstances analysis of the “judicially created . . .
    9   exception to § 362(a) for civil contempt proceedings in limited
    10   circumstances.”    Kukui Gardens Corp. v. Holco Capital Grp., 675
    11 F. Supp. 2d 1016
    , 1026 (D. Haw. 2009).      The Kukui court
    12   distinguished between contempt proceedings intended to
    13   effectuate collection of a judgment and those intended to uphold
    14   the dignity of the court.   
    Id. If the
    purpose of the contempt
    15   is to “punish a contemnor and uphold the dignity of the court,”
    16   it found the automatic stay does not apply, id.; however, in
    17   making this statement, it clarified that it was speaking of
    18   civil, not criminal contempt.     Moreover, in addressing the test
    19   as totality of circumstances, the court actually relied on
    20   Lowery v. McIlroy & Millian (In re Lowery), 
    292 B.R. 645
    , 650
    21   (Bankr. E.D. Mo. 2003), rather than any Ninth Circuit precedent.
    22   The Hooker and Dumas precedent appears to be more a bright-line
    23   test than a totality of circumstances test.
    24        This judicially-crafted exception has been narrowly
    25   construed even by the Ninth Circuit.      In Bloom, the federal
    26   contempt proceeding arose out of a post-judgment deposition that
    27   Goichman scheduled in advance of a hearing on an exemption claim
    28   asserted by Bloom to a 
    garnishment. 875 F.2d at 225
    .   Bloom
    1   filed her bankruptcy petition after the date set for the
    2   deposition, but prior to the scheduled date for    the exemption
    3   claim hearing.   Goichman was notified of the bankruptcy
    4   petition; Bloom attended neither the deposition nor the
    5   exemption claim hearing.    The district court, after the hearing,
    6   denied the exemption claim.   Goichman moved for contempt against
    7   Bloom for, among other things, her nonattendance at the
    8   deposition.    The district court held another hearing and ordered
    9   Bloom to convey partnership assets to Goichman as security for
    10   the judgment and fined Bloom $500 for contempt for her failure
    11   to attend the deposition.   The district court made a minute
    12   entry for the fine; however, the fine was not included in the
    13   final order.
    14        After various procedural maneuvers in district court, which
    15   are not relevant here, Bloom filed an adversary proceeding in
    16   the bankruptcy court asserting a stay violation.    The bankruptcy
    17   court found Goichman violated the stay by proceeding in district
    18   court after the bankruptcy filing.     The district court affirmed
    19   and the Ninth Circuit also affirmed.     Since the district court
    20   relief sought by Goichman was ordering the appointment of a
    21   receiver, ordering compliance with the prepetition consent
    22   decree, striking the exemption claim and ordering the transfer
    23   of assets of the bankruptcy estate to himself, these proceedings
    24   did violate the stay.   
    Id. at 226-27.
    25        This limitation on the breadth of Hooker was followed in
    26   the unpublished decision of the Federal Circuit, In re Long, 318
    27   F. App’x 891, 894 (Fed. Cir. 2008), where the postbankruptcy
    28   contempt proceedings related to enforcement of the judgment not
    1   “improper conduct during litigation.”
    2        As noted in Debtor’s brief, the Hooker/Dumas decisions have
    3   drawn sharp criticism in other bankruptcy courts.    See Atkins v.
    4   Martinez (In re Atkins), 
    176 B.R. 998
    , 1005 (Bankr. D. Minn.
    5   1994) (“With all due respect to the courts that rendered these
    6   decisions [Hooker and Dumas], . . . they are not well-
    7   founded.”); Dock C-Food, Ltd. v. Cherry (In re Cherry), 
    78 B.R. 8
      65, 70 (Bankr. E.D. Pa. 1987) (“We would be inclined to
    9   recognize as exemptions from the power of the stay only those
    10   specifically set forth in 11 U.S.C. § 362(b), not court-created
    11   exemptions in cases decided under the Bankruptcy Act . . . .”).
    12   A common theme of these contrary views is that when Congress
    13   enacted the Bankruptcy Code in 1978, it provided specific
    14   statutory exceptions to the automatic stay in § 362(b), making
    15   the judicially created exemption under the Act improvident.
    16   Since Hooker was decided before the Code was adopted, if
    17   Congress had wished to include contempt proceedings under the
    18   exceptions to the stay, it could have done so in § 362(b).
    19        Other courts have attempted to distinguish Hooker and
    20   Dumas.    These courts assert that if the contempt proceeding is
    21   to deter wrongful conduct such as showing disrespect to the
    22   court or filing a frivolous appeal, such contempt proceeding
    23   should be allowed to proceed, whereas if a creditor is merely
    24   attempting to collect money due under a court order it should be
    25   stayed.    See In re Musaelian, 
    286 B.R. 781
    , 782 (Bankr. N.D.
    26 Cal. 2002
    ).    The Musaelian court said the state court “alone”
    27   would not be stayed if the contempt proceeding was for public
    28   policy purposes, but that if the creditor or his attorneys
    1   participated “in any way other than pursuant to [a] direct and
    2   unsolicited order of the state court, they risk liability for
    3   violation of the automatic stay.”     
    Id. The Musaelian
    4   further denied relief from stay so the creditor could not pursue
    5   collection of any monetary amount associated with any private
    6   interest furthered by pursuing any discovery sanction order.
    7   However, Hooker and Dumas made no such distinction between a
    8   public policy and a private interest analysis, since both cases
    9   involved monetary sanction orders arising from contempt
    10   proceedings and both authorized recovery of the monetary
    11   sanctions associated with the discovery violations.
    12        Still other courts have excepted nonbankruptcy contempt
    13   proceedings arising from sanction orders by applying one of the
    14   statutory exceptions provided in § 362(b).      The Seventh Circuit
    15   in Alpern v. Lieb, 
    11 F.3d 689
    , 690 (7th Cir. 1993), relied on
    16   the police power exception of § 362(b)(4) when determining that
    17   enforcement of a Civil Rule 11 sanction was not stayed, even
    18   when the Civil Rule 11 motion was brought by a private party.
    19   Similarly, the Ninth Circuit in Berg v. Good Samaritan Hosp.
    20   (In re Berg), 
    230 F.3d 1165
    (9th Cir. 2000), used the police
    21   power exception when determining that an action to collect an
    22   attorney sanction for filing a frivolous appeal was not subject
    23   to the automatic stay.   In both Alpern and Berg the payment at
    24   issue was to a private party for attorney’s fees, not the court.
    25        Although we recognize these different approaches to the
    26   issue before us, the precedent of this circuit is set by Hooker
    27   as followed post-Code by Dumas:   a contempt action for
    28   nonpayment of court-ordered sanctions is exempted from the
    1   automatic stay unless the proceeding turns on the determination
    2   or collection of the underlying judgment.   We acknowledge the
    3   strength of the points made in the concurrence.    We ultimately
    4   determine, however, that it is for the Ninth Circuit to make the
    5   determination as to the continued validity of the Hooker bright-
    6   line test.
    7        Applying this rule here, the contempt proceeding in the
    8   Nevada state court was not subject to the stay.    Debtor had been
    9   ordered to pay attorney’s fees and costs to Appellants due to
    10   his noncooperation with discovery.   The relevant civil contempt
    11   proceeding arose from his nonpayment under that order.   These
    12   facts parallel those in Hooker and Dumas which provide the rule
    13   of law.
    14        Consequently, the bankruptcy judge erred when he found
    15   appellants willfully violated the automatic stay; in this
    16   context, no stay existed to violate.9   The sanction award also
    17   was error.
    18                           VI.   CONCLUSION
    19        For the reasons set forth above, we REVERSE the finding of
    20   a violation of the automatic stay and the order to pay
    21   sanctions.
    23                   Concurrence begins on next page.
    27          The bankruptcy court’s oral findings on the willful
    nature of the violation are sparse. However, since no violation
    28   occurred, we do not address the sufficiency of these findings.
    1   JURY, Bankruptcy Judge, Concurring:
    3        With reluctance, I concur with the Panel’s decision
    4   reversing the bankruptcy court’s decision finding appellants in
    5   contempt for violating the automatic stay of § 362.   We are
    6   compelled to follow the holding in Hooker, which in turn, was
    7   followed in Dumas.    See Salomon N. Am. v. Knupfer (In re Wind N’
    8   Wave), 
    328 B.R. 176
    , 181 (9th Cir. BAP 2005) (bankruptcy panel
    9   is bound by its previous precedent).   Nonetheless, I write
    10   separately because I believe that Hooker’s judicially-created
    11   rule excepting a contempt action for nonpayment of court-ordered
    12   sanctions from the automatic stay is not consistent with the
    13   modern breadth of the automatic stay espoused in Ninth Circuit
    14   case law and at odds with the plain language of § 362(b).
    15        The issues decided by the Hooker court highlight just how
    16   undeveloped the concept of the stay in bankruptcy was at the
    17   time the decision was rendered.   Rather than questioning whether
    18   a bankruptcy stay precluded a district court from conducting a
    19   contempt proceeding arising from noncompliance with discovery,
    20   the issue was initially posed as whether the district court had
    21   jurisdiction to issue the order of contempt after the bankruptcy
    22   petition was filed.   The Ninth Circuit recognized the question
    23   was not jurisdictional because the stay merely “suspends the
    24   proceedings.”   That the Circuit was even asked to consider a
    25   jurisdictional impact, however, illustrates how novel the stay
    26   concept was at the time.
    27         Moreover, Hooker interpreted the impact of a stay provided
    28   by then Rule 401(a), a stay limited in scope when compared to
    1   the today’s version of § 362(a).      Rule 401(a) became effective
    2   in 1973 and provided:
    3        The filing of a petition shall operate as a stay of
    the commencement or continuation of any action against
    4        the bankrupt, or the enforcement of any judgment
    against him, if the action or judgment is founded on
    5        an unsecured provable debt other than one not
    dischargeable under clause (1), (5), (6), or (7) of
    6        section 35(a) of this title.
    7   At the time of its ruling, the court noted that no cases had
    8   discussed the precise scope of the Rule 401(a) stay.     Hooker,
    9 560 F.2d at 417
    n.8.    The court, however, was persuaded by the
    10   concept that the purpose of the Rule 401 stay was only to
    11   prevent adjudication or collection of the underlying unsecured
    12   debt, such that collateral proceedings like enforcement of
    13   discovery orders did not fall within that province.     Thus, the
    14   court decided that continuing with the district court contempt
    15   proceeding did not violate the Rule 401 stay.     This holding
    16   established the rule of law applied by the Panel in Dumas.
    17        In the meantime, the Bankruptcy Act of 1978 was enacted and
    18   along with it came the automatic stay of § 362(a) and, perhaps
    19   of equal importance, a list of statutory exceptions to the stay
    20   provided by § 362(b).   “[I]n enacting § 362 in 1978, Congress
    21   significantly broadened the scope of the automatic stay, an
    22   expansion that had begun only five years earlier with the
    23   adoption of the Bankruptcy Rules in 1973 . . . .     In the face of
    24   the greatly increased scope of § 362, it was necessary for
    25   Congress to limit this new power expressly.”     Midlantic Nat’l
    26   Bank v. N.J. Dep’t of Envtl. Prot., 
    474 U.S. 494
    , 504 (1986)
    27   (citations omitted) (noting that the express exceptions to the
    28   stay were meant to overrule certain judicial expansions of the
    1   stay).
    2        Section 362 has continually expanded over decades, with the
    3   petition now staying all entities from
    4        (1) the commencement or continuation, including the
    issuance or employment of process, of a judicial
    5        administrative, or other action or proceeding against
    the debtor that was or could have been commenced
    6        before the commencement of the case under this title,
    or to recover a claim against the debtor that arose
    7        before the commencement of the case under this title;
    8        (2) the enforcement, against the debtor or against
    property of the estate, of a judgment obtained before
    9        the commencement of the case under this title;
    . . .
    [and] (6) any act to collect, assess, or recover a
    11        claim against the debtor that arose before the
    commencement of the case under this title[.]
    13        Clearly, the plain language of the statute today shows that
    14   the reach of the stay is much broader than that previously
    15   provided by Rule 401(a).   Incredibly, at least to me, the Dumas
    16   Panel found the “present statute and the former rule are
    17   essentially similar.”   In re 
    Dumas, 19 B.R. at 677
    .    Because of
    18   that perceived similarity, the Panel, without any discussion of
    19   the statutory exceptions then listed in § 362(b), held that the
    20   rule in Hooker controlled the outcome of the case — a contempt
    21   proceeding arising from a discovery dispute like Hooker.
    22        Since Hooker, Ninth Circuit case law has continually
    23   recognized and preserved the broad scope of the stay outlined in
    24   § 362(a).   In Schwartz v. United States (In re Schwartz), 954
    25 F.2d 569
    (9th Cir. 1992), the Ninth Circuit ruled that an act
    26   taken in violation of the stay was void ab initio.     In so
    27   ruling, the court explained the importance of the stay:
    28        [T]he automatic stay plays a vital role in bankruptcy.
    1        It is designed to protect debtors from all collection
    efforts while they attempt to regain their financial
    2        footing. As Congress stated: “The automatic stay is
    one of the fundamental debtor protections provided by
    3        the bankruptcy laws. It gives the debtor a breathing
    spell from his [or her] creditors. It stops all
    4        collection efforts, all harassment, and all
    foreclosure actions. It permits the debtor to attempt
    5        a repayment or reorganization plan, or simply to be
    relieved of the financial pressures that drove him
    6        into bankruptcy.”
    Id. at 571
    (emphasis in original).
    8        In the context of determining that the power to interpret
    9   the scope of the automatic stay was exclusively held by the
    10   bankruptcy courts, the Circuit again emphasized the broad sweep
    11   of the stay in In re 
    Gruntz, 202 F.3d at 1081-82
    12        The automatic stay is self-executing, effective upon
    the filing of the bankruptcy petition. . . . The
    13        automatic stay sweeps broadly, enjoining the
    commencement or continuation of any judicial,
    14        administrative, or other proceedings against the
    debtor, enforcement of prior judgments, perfection of
    15        liens, and “any act to collect, assess or recover a
    claim against the debtor that arose before the
    16        commencement of the case.”
    17        The cases which have echoed this interpretation of the
    18   breadth of the stay since Schwartz and Gruntz are legion and
    19   need not be cited here.   However, more recent decisions
    20   emphasize the absolute power of the stay.   See Sternberg v.
    21   Johnston, 
    595 F.3d 937
    , 943 (9th Cir. 2010) (“We have held on
    22   several occasions that the automatic stay imposes on non-debtor
    23   parties an affirmative duty of compliance” to remedy automatic
    24   stay violations.); Eskanos & Adler, P.C. v. Leetien, 
    309 F.3d 25
      1210, 1215 (9th Cir. 2002) (“Consistent with the plain and
    26   unambiguous meaning of the statute, and consonant with
    27   Congressional intent, we hold that § 362(a)(1) imposes an
    28   affirmative duty to discontinue post-petition collection
    1   actions.”).   I cannot help but wonder if the Dumas Panel had
    2   been informed by these cases, would it still opine that the Rule
    3   401(a) stay and the § 362 stay were “essentially similar”?
    4        More than just the scope of the stay is in play here,
    5   however.   Whatever may have been the perceived scope of the stay
    6   before the enactment of the Code, Congress has since regulated
    7   the exceptions to the stay by statute.   When the Bankruptcy Code
    8   took effect in 1978, § 362(b) only contained seven types of
    9   actions not stayed under § 362(a).   See Bankruptcy Reform Act of
    10   1978, Pub. L. No. 95–598 (1978) (superseded by 11 U.S.C § 362(b)
    11   (2005)).   Between 1990 and 1994, § 362(b) had expanded to
    12   eighteen exceptions, then when the Code was modified by the
    13   Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005,
    14   Congress added another ten exceptions so that § 362(b) presently
    15   specifies twenty-eight categories of actions not barred by the
    16   stay.
    17        The legislative history of § 362 illuminates the thinking
    18   of Congress when the Code was enacted:
    19        Subsection (b) lists seven exceptions to the automatic
    stay. The effect of an exception is not to make the
    20        action immune from injunction. The court has ample
    other powers to stay actions not covered by the
    21        automatic stay. Section 105 . . . grants the power to
    issue orders necessary or appropriate to carry out the
    22        provisions of title 11. The district court and the
    bankruptcy court as its adjunct have all the
    23        traditional injunctive powers of a court of equity . .
    . . Stays or injunctions issued under these other
    24        sections will not be automatic upon the commencement
    of the case, but will be granted or issued under the
    25        usual rules for the issuance of injunctions. By
    excepting an act or action from the automatic stay,
    26        the bill simply requires that the trustee move the
    court into action, rather than requiring the stayed
    27        party to request relief from the stay. There are some
    actions, enumerated in the exceptions, that generally
    28        should not be stayed automatically upon the
    1        commencement of the case, for reasons of either policy
    or practicality. Thus, the court will have to
    2        determine on a case-by-case basis whether a particular
    action which may be harming the estate should be
    3        stayed.
    4   S. Rep. 95-989 (1978), p. 51; H.R. Rep. 95-595 (1977) p. 321
    5   (reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5787, 5837).
    6        Congress thus flagged circumstances which it believed, for
    7   policy or practical reasons, should not be subject to the stay
    8   automatically, shifting the burden to the trustee or debtor to
    9   seek a stay if necessary to preserve the estate.      Significantly,
    10   nowhere in § 362(b) does Congress choose to except contempt
    11   proceedings.   If Congress had intended to except contempt
    12   proceedings in a non-bankruptcy forum from the automatic stay
    13   for reasons of policy or practicality, it would have done so
    14   expressly and not by silence.   The Supreme Court has held that
    15   “[w]here Congress explicitly enumerates certain exceptions to a
    16   general prohibition, additional exceptions are not to be
    17   implied, in the absence of evidence of a contrary legislative
    18   intent.”   Andrus v. Glover Constr. Co., 
    446 U.S. 608
    , 616–17
    19   (1980).    This recognition presents another source of conflict —
    20   by applying the rule in Hooker, we effectively incorporate
    21   another exception into § 362(b).      That would mean creditors
    22   could pursue twenty-nine different types of actions without
    23   concern for violating the automatic stay.      As this cannot be
    24   what Congress intended, it would seem that the statutory
    25   exceptions are exclusive.
    26        The oft-quoted maxim of statutory interpretation expressio
    27   unius est exclusio alterius also tells us that when a
    28   legislature “includes particular language in one section of a
    1   statute . . . it is generally presumed that [the legislature]
    2   acts intentionally and purposely in the disparate inclusion or
    3   exclusion.”   Russello v. United States, 
    464 U.S. 16
    , 23 (1983).
    4   It is true that this principle does not apply “unless it is fair
    5   to suppose that Congress considered the unnamed possibility and
    6   meant to say no to it.”    Marx v. Gen. Revenue Corp., __ U.S. __,
    133 S. Ct. 1166
    , 1175 (2013).    Moreover, this rule is a “rule of
    8   interpretation, not a rule of law.    The maxim is ‘a product of
    9   logic and common sense,’ properly applied only when it makes
    10   sense as a matter of legislative purpose.”    Longview Fibre Co.
    11   v. Rasmussen, 
    980 F.2d 1307
    , 1313 (9th Cir. 1992).    Thus, it can
    12   be overcome by a strong indication of contrary legislative
    13   intent or policy.
    14        While it is impossible to know if Congress in 1978
    15   considered excepting contempt proceedings from the automatic
    16   stay and rejected that concept, it is logical and makes common
    17   sense to apply the maxim expressio unius est exclusio alterius
    18   here.   Not including all contempt proceedings within the
    19   exclusions to the automatic stay is fully consistent with the
    20   legislative purpose behind the automatic stay, which is to stop
    21   collection actions against the debtor to give him or her
    22   breathing space.    I do recognize that exceptions to the
    23   automatic stay are based on specific policies and that by
    24   allowing a contempt action to proceed the dignity of the court
    25   issuing the contempt could be upheld.    After all, as opined by
    26   more than one court, a debtor should not be allowed to
    27   disrespect a court order without consequence by retreating
    28   behind the automatic stay of a bankruptcy that he or she
    1   voluntarily files.   But I do not find this policy overcomes the
    2   plain language of the statutory exceptions listed in § 362(b).
    3        Further, a bankruptcy court can always grant relief from
    4   stay for “cause” to allow the delinquent debtor to face his or
    5   her due before the court whose order he or she has disobeyed.
    6   The bright-line Hooker exception to the automatic stay for
    7   contempt proceedings fails to recognize that not all violations
    8   of court orders are of equal magnitude and show disrespect for
    9   the court issuing the disobeyed order.   Where, as here, the
    10   court order was to pay a sum of money to a party litigant for a
    11   discovery violation, I view this as an action more to collect
    12   money from the debtor than to compel compliance with a court
    13   order.   Collection of money from the debtor arising from a
    14   prepetition debt is just the type of action intended to be
    15   stayed by § 362.
    16        As noted above, Hooker and Dumas have drawn criticism from
    17   at least one bankruptcy court in the Ninth Circuit and courts in
    18   other jurisdictions for the same reasons I assert here.   One
    19   bankruptcy court analyzed the different types of contempt
    20   actions I have highlighted above:
    21        Every court faces two types of contempt proceedings:
    those resulting from a private squabble among
    22        litigants, where the role of the court is merely to
    enforce the law and move the litigation to conclusion,
    23        and those resulting from acts truly offensive to the
    court and tending to interfere with the administration
    24        of justice. An example of the former would be a
    discovery sanction; examples of the latter might
    25        include disrespectful conduct in court or the bringing
    of a frivolous appeal. In order for contempt
    26        proceedings to go forward after bankruptcy, there must
    be a direct, unattenuated need for them in order to
    27        deter wrongful conduct and not just collect money.
    28   In re 
    Musaelian, 286 B.R. at 782
    ; see also In re Atkins, 176
    -8- 1 B.R. at 1005
    ; In re 
    Cherry, 78 B.R. at 70
    .   I agree with these
    2   bankruptcy courts that court-created exceptions to the automatic
    3   stay should not have survived the Bankruptcy Act of 1978.
    4   Accordingly, a party to a state court contempt proceeding, like
    5   all others subject to the § 362 stay, should be required to seek
    6   relief from the stay for cause, leaving the determination of
    7   whether the action should go forward to the discretion of the
    8   bankruptcy court.   For all these reasons, I conclude that the
    9   stay imposed under § 362(a) should “automatically” apply to
    10   contempt proceedings in non-bankruptcy forums.

Document Info

Docket Number: NV-13-1261-KiJuTa

Citation Numbers: 514 B.R. 591

Filed Date: 8/6/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (23)

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