University of Notre Dame (USA) v. TJAC Waterloo, LLC , 861 F.3d 287 ( 2017 )

  •            United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 16-1397
    Plaintiff, Appellee,
    Defendants, Appellants.
    [Hon. Allison D. Burroughs, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Circuit Judge,
    Souter, Associate Justice,*
    and Baldock, Circuit Judge.**
    John W. DiNicola, II, with whom DiNicola, Seligson & Upton,
    LLP was on brief, for appellant TJAC Waterloo, LLC.
    Richard Briansky, with whom Amy B. Hackett and McCarter &
    English, LLP were on brief, for appellant ZVI Construction Co.,
    John A. Tarantino, with whom Nicole J. Benjamin, Adler
    Pollock & Sheehan P.C., Michael J. McMahon, and Cooley LLP were
    on brief, for appellee.
    * Hon. David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the
    Supreme Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    **Hon. Bobby R. Baldock, Circuit Judge of the United States
    Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, sitting by designation.
    June 28, 2017
    SOUTER, Associate Justice.             This is an appeal from the
    district court's judicial recognition of an English arbitrator's
    determination of joint contract liability against the seller and
    the renovator of a building.                  As the parties had agreed, the
    assessment of damages for the items of breach was postponed to a
    subsequent stage of arbitration.                    Owing to that agreement to
    bifurcate litigation of the liability and damages issues, the
    district court treated the arbitrator's liability judgment as
    final       and    thus    entitled    to     judicial          recognition,    and    it
    specifically held the contractor for the renovation work bound
    as    a   party     to    the    agreement       providing       for   arbitration     of
    disputes.         In this review of the district court's determinations
    of finality and party-status we affirm.
    The University of Notre Dame (USA) in England agreed
    to    buy    an     English      building    from       TJAC     Waterloo,     LLC,   for
    $58,833,700, once the structure had been renovated and converted
    into a student dormitory by TJAC's associated corporation, ZVI
    Construction Co., LLC.             The purchase and sale agreement between
    Notre     Dame     and    TJAC    addressed      both     the    conveyance     and   the
    reconstruction to be performed by ZVI, there referred to as the
    contractor, which also executed the P&S Agreement by the same
    agent who signed for TJAC.             So far as it concerns us here, the
    P&S   Agreement       provided      that    in     case    the    parties    could    not
    - 3 -
    resolve any dispute that might arise (except over the meaning
    and   construction          of    the    agreement       itself),      either       buyer     or
    seller   could       refer       the    disagreement       for    adjudication          by    an
    "expert," who in American usage would be called an arbitrator.
    Despite a rosy projection of satisfaction by Notre Dame's own
    consultant after the work was finished, Notre Dame subsequently
    identified      a     number      of    inadequacies       claimed       to     add    up     to
    $8,500,000 in necessary remedial work.
    Since the parties could not resolve their differences,
    at    Notre   Dame's     behest         the     breach    of    contract       claims       were
    submitted to an arbitrator as provided in the P&S Agreement,
    subject to a further agreement by the three parties to the P&S
    Agreement to try the liability elements of the breach claims
    first and separately litigate the issues of "quantum" or damages
    for    any    items    of    breach       the    arbitrator       might       find     at    the
    liability      stage.            The    three    parties       proceeded       to     try    the
    liability claims, and in due course the arbitrator circulated a
    report   of    his     preliminary        conclusions,         which     he    invited       the
    parties to comment upon.                  After considering the responses, he
    issued a "determination," or judgment, that TJAC and ZVI were
    jointly liable to Notre Dame, based on findings of substantial
    shortcomings in the required renovation.
    After Notre Dame circulated its opening submission in
    the    subsequent       damages         phase,     TJAC    and     ZVI        asked    for     a
    - 4 -
    postponement of litigation due to the ill health of someone
    involved on their side.                       This led Notre Dame to ask for a
    showing that the two corporations would be in a position to
    satisfy the award of damages that the arbitrator would at some
    point     decree.           The        liable    parties       were    not     reassuring        and
    refused to confirm that the liability insurance required by the
    P&S   Agreement         remained         in     effect.        Notre    Dame       responded      by
    filing     suit     in       a        Massachusetts       state       court     for    an     order
    enjoining        TJAC       and        ZVI    from     dissipating,           encumbering,        or
    transferring assets that might be needed for payment of any
    judgment for damages.                    After TJAC and ZVI removed the case to
    the federal district court under the statute implementing the
    United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of
    Foreign Arbitral Awards, June 10, 1958, 21 U.S.T. 2517, 330
    U.N.T.S. 38 (ratified by the United States on Sept. 30, 1970),
    see   9   U.S.C.        §   205,        Notre    Dame     supplemented         its     claim     for
    judgment    security             by    requesting       judicial      confirmation          of   the
    arbitrator's        determination                on      liability,          for      which      the
    Convention made provision, see 9 U.S.C. § 207; Convention arts.
    III, V.
    The    district             court       granted    confirmation          under      the
    terms of the Convention and authorized attachment of property in
    the     amount     of       just       over     $7    million     as     security       for      the
    anticipated award of damages.                     Univ. of Notre Dame (USA) in Eng.
    - 5 -
    v. TJAC Waterloo, LLC, No. 16-cv-10150-ADB, 
    2016 WL 1384777
    Mass. Apr. 17, 2016).            In this ensuing appeal, TJAC and ZVI
    claim    that    the   arbitrator's      judgment    of    liability     in   the
    bifurcated arbitration proceeding lacks the finality required
    for judicial confirmation of a foreign arbitral award under 9
    U.S.C. § 207.          And ZVI claims that in any event it is not
    subject to that judgment because the P&S Agreement's arbitration
    clause was a submission to arbitration by Notre Dame and TJAC
    The    issue    of    the   eligibility    of    the    arbitrator's
    liability decree for judicial confirmation under the terms of
    the Convention encompasses both legal and factual components:
    the rule stating the necessary condition for judicial cognizance
    and the sufficiency of the record to show that the standard is
    satisfied by the arbitrator's liability judgment at this point
    in the present case.            So far as relevant here, the parties
    address the legal standard at two levels of specificity, and at
    the more general of the two, they have no apparent disagreement.
    Although judicial construction of the Federal Arbitration Act
    has produced the requirement for judicial recognition that a
    decree    be    "final,"   see    El     Mundo   Broad.    Corp.    v.    United
    Steelworkers of Am., AFL-CIO CLC, 
    116 F.3d 7
    , 9 (1st Cir. 1997),
    and the Convention textually requires that it be "binding," see
    - 6 -
    Convention       art.      V(1)(e),        both     parties     treat     these      as
    conceptually indistinguishable standards.                 In so assuming, they
    are in harmony with cases from outside this circuit that have
    addressed the Convention standard for judicial confirmation with
    the domestic law vocabulary.               See Ministry of Def. & Support for
    the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran v. Cubic Def.
    Sys., Inc., 
    665 F.3d 1091
    , 1100 (9th Cir. 2011) ("Th[e not-
    binding] defense [in the Convention's Article V(1)(e)] may be
    invoked when an action to confirm or enforce an arbitration
    award is filed before the award has become final."); Ecopetrol
    S.A. v. Offshore Expl. & Prod. LLC, 
    46 F. Supp. 3d 327
    , 336
    (S.D.N.Y. 2014) (referring interchangeably to the Convention's
    condition that an award must be "binding" and a requirement that
    the   award     be     "final");    Daum    Glob.    Holdings    Corp.    v.   Ybrant
    Digital Ltd., No. 13 Civ. 03135 (AJN), 
    2014 WL 896716
    , at *2
    (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 20, 2014) (citing as an "example" of a foreign
    award that "is not binding on the parties" one "that is interim,
    not   final"     (internal      quotation     marks    omitted)).        We    see   no
    reason    to    doubt     the   parties'      common    understanding         at   this
    general        level      and      accordingly       scrutinize     the        foreign
    determination now before us by the familiar finality standard
    that "[n]ormally, an arbitral award is deemed 'final' provided
    it evidences the arbitrators' intention to resolve all claims
    submitted in the demand for arbitration."                     Hart Surgical, Inc.
    - 7 -
    v. Ultracision, Inc., 
    244 F.3d 231
    , 233 (1st Cir. 2001) (quoting
    Fradella v. Petricca, 
    183 F.3d 17
    , 19 (1st Cir. 1999)).
    The    parties'       harmony    falters,       however,        when     they
    confront the need for a more specific corollary governing the
    eligibility      for     confirmation       of     an      arbitrator's           decree
    determining only one issue within a controversy that the parties
    have agreed to bifurcate for separate arbitral proceedings.                         The
    Appellants cite the Convention's provision for confirmation and
    its "binding" requirement.          Notre Dame, to the contrary, relies
    on the rule in this circuit governing a bifurcated domestic
    arbitration, which can be stated shortly.                   Hart Surgical holds
    that a bifurcated liability judgment may qualify as final when
    the   arbitrating      parties     have     formally       agreed     to     litigate
    liability and damages in separate, independent stages.                        
    Id. at 235-36.
      Providence Journal Co. v. Providence Newspaper Guild,
    271 F.3d 16
    (1st Cir. 2001), takes the further step of holding
    that an informal agreement to that effect will suffice.                       
    Id. at 19-20.
       These    cases,    in    turn,    are   supported     by    the     Supreme
    Court's position that the Federal Arbitration Act "lets parties
    tailor some, even many, features of arbitration by contract,
    including . . . procedure."               Hall Street Assocs., L.L.C. v.
    Mattel,   Inc.,    
    552 U.S. 576
    ,     586    (2008)    (internal        citation
    - 8 -
    omitted).1           The domestic law would, then, support the district
    court's confirmation of the liability determination, there being
    no   question         that     the     parties    here       did     informally       agree    to
    arbitrate liability separately before reconvening in a separate
    stage of the proceeding to address "quantum," that is, damages.2
    The only remaining question about the legal standard
    is whether there is any reason against following the domestic
    rule       in        construing        the      generally          identical         Convention
    requirement,          and    we   see    none.         No    Convention       case    has   been
    brought         to    our     attention        addressing          the    significance         of
    bifurcation in addressing finality, and ZVI has given us no
    reason     to        think    that     the     rationale       for    Hart     Surgical       and
    Providence           Journal      is     any    less        apropos      in    applying       the
    Convention           than    in   reading      the     domestic       statute.         On     the
    contrary,        we    agree      with   the    view    of     the    Seventh     Circuit     as
    1 We   reject  Appellants'   argument  that  Hall   Street
    effectively overruled Hart Surgical and Providence Journal. The
    Supreme Court held in Hall Street that parties may not
    contractually expand the bases for vacatur or modification of an
    arbitrator's decision, as set out in the Federal Arbitration
    Act.   Hall 
    Street, 552 U.S. at 578
    .    It did not hold that the
    Act's finality requirement precludes the judicial recognition of
    a liability award prior to assessment of damages when the
    parties have agreed to bifurcate arbitration of two issues into
    separate proceedings.       In fact, Hall Street, as noted,
    recognized the Act's compatibility with contractual tailoring of
    Id. at 586.
         2  Indeed, counsel for TJAC and ZVI informed the expert
    during the arbitration proceeding that her clients were "in
    agreement with" the bifurcation of the proceeding "into two
    stages,"    liability  and   damages,   and  the   expert    later
    acknowledged that TJAC and ZVI "have agreed" to bifurcation.
    - 9 -
    stated in Publicis Communication v. True North Communications,
    206 F.3d 725
       (7th    Cir.    2000),    that       the     "Convention
    supplements           the    Federal      Arbitration      Act,    and     the     logic   of
    decisions applied to the latter may guide the interpretation of
    the former."              
    Id. at 729.
          We thus follow the lead of our own
    Hart        Surgical      case,     which   cited    the     Publicis      discussion      in
    generally           addressing       finality      under     the   domestic         statute,
    thereby suggesting that the concern is comparable in each of the
    legal regimes.              See Hart 
    Surgical, 244 F.3d at 233-34
    .                  In sum,
    we hold that a final determination of liability but not damages
    can satisfy the finality requirement of Article V(1)(e) of the
    Convention when, as here, the parties have agreed to submit the
    issue        of      liability       to     the     arbitrator       for       a    distinct
    determination prior to a separate proceeding to assess damages.3
    That     leads    to     the    factual     issue,          whether     the
    arbitrator's          liability       judgment      was    final   in     this     instance.
    TJAC and ZVI argue that it was not, based on the following
    provision in the award:
    None of the answers are the final answers.      All and
    any may now be commented upon in any way seen fit.
    There is no merit to Appellants' suggestion that the
    bifurcation agreement was inadequate for purposes of judicial
    authority to confirm, which would require express agreement
    authorizing judicial review after the liability phase but before
    the damages litigation.    Neither Hart Surgical nor Providence
    Journal hints at such a requirement.
    - 10 -
    The argument, though, is grasping for a straw that the record
    shows is not there to be grasped.                   The same language occurred in
    the first, clearly tentative, draft of proposed findings and
    judgment,         which   bears    the    title,     "A    Document      of   Preliminary
    Indications on Liability for Comment in Reply by the Parties."
    That tentative draft proceeded to expand on its title:
    The Issues are rehearsed below.      They are not the
    final Decisions on Liability.     The parties may now
    make a final comment.     Thereupon liability will be
    determined and published.
    The parties did in fact comment upon the draft,4 which was then
    superseded by the determination at issue here.                           In place of the
    preliminary language of the draft circulated for comment, the
    judgment         subsequently     issued       begins     with    the    descriptor,   "An
    Expert Determination on Liability."                       The arbitrator emphasized
    the finality of the liability determination even further some
    eight months later in rejecting ZVI's belated claim to be exempt
    from       the     arbitrator's         jurisdiction,        as     discussed      below:
    "Liability was decided via the 81-page Award . . . . The binding
    Decision . . . cannot             be    changed."         Given    the    legitimacy   of
    requesting bifurcation in foreign as well as domestic arbitral
    determinations,           there    is     no     reason     against       accepting    the
    finality of the liability award as the arbitrator understood it:
    Notre Dame, in its                 brief, states that "the parties,"
    plural, submitted comments.               The record before us shows comments
    by TJAC and ZVI.
    - 11 -
    the usual rule that "[n]ormally, an arbitral award is deemed
    'final'   provided      it    evidences      the    arbitrators'        intention      to
    resolve all claims submitted in the demand for arbitration."
    Fradella, 183 F.3d at 19
    .5      Given     Hart     Surgical's      rule
    recognizing    finality       in     reviewing     one   issue    of    a   bifurcated
    arbitration,    an     arbitrator's         understanding    of        finality   on   a
    bifurcated component should likewise be respected.                           For that
    matter, the manifest understanding of the parties was the same.
    See Providence 
    Journal, 271 F.3d at 19
    .                  None of them responded
    with a note of disagreement with the arbitrator's description of
    his conclusions as "binding," or with the judgment heading of
    "Determination"       in     place    of    "Preliminary     Indications,"        thus
    indicating     that    the     liability       litigation        was     over.      The
    disagreement came only after Notre Dame went to court seeking
    security for anticipated damages.
    In sum, our de novo review, see Cytyc Corp. v. DEKA
    Prods. Ltd. P'ship, 
    439 F.3d 27
    , 32 (1st Cir. 2006), shows that
    the district court was surely correct in finding that the two
    5 Appellants argue that this is not a normal case because
    the arbitrator noted that several items of liability would
    require further evidence at the damages stage to determine the
    right approach to curing the defects.    But these observations
    are entirely consistent with the finality of the liability
    determinations.    In a garden-variety fender-bender case, a
    dispute over the relative economy of installing a new fender or
    hammering out the dent in the old one is separable from and
    independent of the question of the defendant's liability for
    causing the dent.
    - 12 -
    sentences TJAC and ZVI rely on are nothing more than mistaken
    leftovers from the earlier document, and there was no error in
    its conclusion that the "binding" liability judgment qualified
    as final and was thus a candidate for confirmation.                          Since the
    objecting parties present no argument that the award should be
    amended   or    vacated,       we    hold       that    federal     jurisdiction      was
    properly exercised in confirming it as written.
    ZVI   alone       raises      the    remaining     issue   here,    in    its
    claim that it could not be subjected to arbitration because it
    never agreed to arbitrate as a party to the P&S Agreement's
    arbitration clause.           The evidence, however, adds up convincingly
    to defeat the claim.            The P&S Agreement referred to ZVI as one
    of three parties, along with TJAC and Notre Dame.                           The subject
    matter of the arbitration clause was described as "any dispute
    arising   between       the    parties      hereto       as   to    their    respective
    rights[,] duties and obligations hereunder or as to any matter
    arising out of or in connection with the subject matter of this
    agreement      (other    than       any    with    regard      to   the     meaning   or
    construction of this agreement)."                      ZVI executed the agreement
    with    this    comprehensive          language,        by    the   signature    of     a
    corporate officer who also signed for the related corporation,
    - 13 -
    When   the    disputes      over    adequate          performance                evaded
    settlement      by      agreement,       ZVI      acted        in        accord           with     a
    straightforward       reading      of   what     it    had   signed.                It    made    no
    statement      in    the    record      that     it    would       take        part        in    the
    arbitration merely as a witness or source of evidence, and its
    actions bespoke an understanding that it was bound to arbitrate.
    ZVI agreed with TJAC and Notre Dame in the selection of the
    particular      arbitrator        who    heard        the    case,6           and        when     the
    proceeding began, ZVI participated without any objection for the
    record   or    caveat      that    it   had    not    agreed        to    arbitrate.               It
    asserted no such claim in response to the preliminary draft
    concluding that it was liable jointly with TJAC for contractual
    failures.      Nor did it so protest when the arbitrator's final
    liability     judgment      was     issued      against      it,         or    at        any    time
    thereafter     before      Notre     Dame      brought      this     action          to     assure
    actual payment of anticipated damages and sought confirmation of
    the arbitral determination of liability.                     In sum, ZVI's actions
    confirm what the language of the P&S Agreement provides in so
    many words, that ZVI along with the other signatories and the
    arbitrator understood that it was a party whose obligations were
    subject to the arbitration.                   ZVI's conduct thus provides the
    conclusive premise for applying the rule that a party who does
    6 Notre Dame represents in its brief that the three parties
    agreed to the appointment of the expert.      Appellants do not
    dispute this characterization.
    - 14 -
    "not reserve [an] issue" or contest the arbitrator's authority
    to    decide    it,    but   rather     submits    the    issue       to    arbitration,
    "cannot complain that the arbitrator[] reached it."                                See JCI
    Commc'ns, Inc. v. Int'l Bhd. of Elec. Workers, 
    324 F.3d 42
    , 49
    (1st Cir. 2003).
    ZVI's late attempts to counter the contract terms and
    its own behavior as signatory and participant are unavailing.
    First, it characterizes itself as a merely "nominal" party to
    the P&S Agreement, claiming that its sole obligation under the
    terms    of    the    document    was    to    employ    a    named     individual       to
    oversee the work to be done.             Although descriptions of that work
    were set out in Schedule 1 of the agreement, ZVI emphasizes that
    the   terms     provided     merely     that   ZVI's     services          as    contractor
    would be "procure[d]" from it by TJAC, as was done through a
    separate Building Contract between it and TJAC, the point being
    that ZVI had no direct obligation under the P&S Agreement to
    perform the renovation.
    But    this   argument    fails     to    immunize          ZVI    from   its
    apparent       agreement     to   arbitrate       over       the     adequacy      of    its
    performance, for two independent reasons.                      Simply as a textual
    matter, the "nominal party" contention ignores the description
    of    arbitral        subjects    contained       in    the        arbitration       clause
    covering disputes "between the parties."                     As quoted above, those
    subjects included not only any dispute over performance of the
    - 15 -
    particular obligations under the P&S Agreement, but also those
    "as to any matter arising out of or in connection with the
    subject      matter       of       [the     P&S    Agreement]."           Given   ZVI's
    identification in the P&S Agreement as "Contractor," it makes
    sense to read this reference to a "matter arising" as covering
    those that would involve ZVI as contractor under the separate
    agreement it made with TJAC to do the modification work on the
    building.       Moreover, the "arising out of or in connection with"
    language is reasonably read to cover that very work, as it was
    also addressed in a separate Duty of Care Agreement between ZVI
    and    Notre    Dame.      There,         ZVI   agreed   to   undertake    a   "Project
    [that] will when completed satisfy any performance specification
    or requirement included or referred to in the Building Contract"
    between ZVI and TJAC.              ZVI has given us no reason to doubt that
    this language refers to the actual work whose demerits were the
    subject of the arbitration in issue.
    It is true that this is not the analysis given by the
    arbitrator, but it is not the only analysis that supports the
    district court's confirmation decree.                    Another possibility is to
    refer again to Schedule 1 of the P&S Agreement listing items of
    renovation work that the "Contractor" is to perform, once having
    been "procure[d]" to do so by the Seller.                          While reading this
    list    as     imposing        a   direct       obligation    on    ZVI   to   renovate
    accordingly may not be the better reading of the agreement, the
    - 16 -
    arbitrator's          conclusion       that        ZVI     was       obliged    to     perform
    accordingly is entitled to judicial confirmation under the rule
    of limited review, that courts will defer to arbitration awards
    "as long as the arbitrators are 'even arguably construing or
    applying the contract and acting within the scope of [their]
    authority.'"           Cytyc    
    Corp., 439 F.3d at 32
      (quoting        United
    Paperworkers       Int'l       Union    v.    Misco,        Inc.,      
    484 U.S. 29
    ,    38
    ZVI's second attempt to escape its facial agreement to
    submit     to     arbitration          relies       on      the      provisions       of      the
    arbitration       clause       that    give     the      "Buyer"       (Notre       Dame)    and
    "Seller" (TJAC) the rights to call for arbitration and have
    their     "written       submissions"          considered,            with     no     parallel
    provision for the benefit of the "Contractor" (ZVI).                                From this,
    ZVI would have us infer that the clause must be an agreement
    between       Buyer    and     Seller    only.            The     plausibility        of    this
    reasoning,       however,      is     undercut       by     a     further      look    at    the
    clause's text.           Although the Buyer and Seller are given the
    power    to     call    for    arbitration,          the    subject        matter     of     that
    arbitration is described as any dispute between the "parties,"
    without limiting parties to the Buyer and Seller.                                   While the
    language giving the power to invoke arbitration to only two of
    the     three    parties       subject        to    it      presumably         carries       some
    significance, the limitation can make sense on the assumption
    - 17 -
    that the two closely related companies, TJAC and ZVI, chose to
    speak with one voice before making any call for arbitration,
    with TJAC having the ultimate discretion.
    ZVI proposes a different rationale for the absence of
    a power on its part to initiate arbitration, which it finds in
    its Duty of Care Agreement with Notre Dame, and particularly in
    the provision that the contract "is subject to English law and
    the jurisdiction of the English courts."     From this ZVI would
    have us understand that the arbitration clause may sensibly be
    read as an agreement between Buyer and Seller only, because by
    the terms of this Duty of Care Agreement any dispute that might
    arise between ZVI and Notre Dame could only be litigated in a
    judicial forum.   There is more than one answer to this argument,
    but it suffices to note that, once again, its force depends on
    ignoring a provision from the same contract ZVI relies on.    The
    Duty of Care Agreement also provides that it "shall in no way
    prejudice or affect any other rights or remedies of [Notre Dame]
    against [ZVI] whether at common law or otherwise in respect of
    the Project or other matters referred to herein."        Whatever
    power Notre Dame had to require arbitration is thus unaffected
    by the Duty of Care Agreement, and the most that can be said
    about the judicial forum selection clause may be that it gives
    ZVI a forum to litigate against Notre Dame on an issue that
    neither Notre Dame nor TJAC is willing to subject to arbitration
    - 18 -
    under the terms of the P&S Agreement, or on an issue of contract
    meaning that the P&S Agreement exempts from arbitration.
    In any event, because the terms of the Duty of Care
    Agreement (like those of the P&S Agreement itself) provide that
    it is "subject to English law" in the English courts, we note
    the   judgment      of   the    Technology       and    Construction      Court,    a
    subdivision of the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of
    Justice, where ZVI filed an action attempting (as it does here)
    to    disencumber     itself     of     the   liability      determined    by      the
    arbitrator.      We take judicial notice of the ensuing judgment as
    an authoritative statement under English law of the arbitrator's
    jurisdiction over ZVI.           That court did not attempt to parse the
    relationship     of      the    terms    of   the      two   agreements    on      the
    jurisdictional question here, but instead relied on ZVI's active
    and unconditional participation in the arbitration.                        See ZVI
    Const. Co. v. Univ. of Notre Dame (USA) in Eng. [2016] EWHC
    (TCC) 1924 ¶ 52 (Eng.).              This was the English court's premise
    for   concluding      that     ZVI    "impliedly    agreed"    to   the    arbitral
    jurisdiction and is "estopped" from claiming otherwise.                     
    Id. ¶¶ 52,
    64.    Thus, the court applying English law reached a result
    that confirms the arbitrator's authority, by a line of reasoning
    comparable to this court's own rule, mentioned above, that where
    a party submits an issue to arbitration, it "cannot complain
    that the arbitrator[] reached it."                  JCI Commc'ns, 324 F.3d at
    - 19 -
    49.   That basis for judgment supports the result that is, of
    course, entirely consistent with what we set out earlier as the
    better reading of the contract documents.
    The district court's judgment confirming the expert's
    liability award is affirmed.
    - 20 -