Mariani v. Doctors al ( 1993 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    January 11, 1993
    United States Court of Appeals
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    For the First Circuit

    No. 92-1843


    Plaintiffs, Appellants,



    Defendants, Appellees.




    [Hon. Jose Antonio Fuste, U.S. District Judge]



    Stahl, Circuit Judge,
    Campbell, Senior Circuit Judge,
    Skinner,* Senior District Judge.


    Harry E. Woods with whom Ricardo Skerrett Yordan and Woods &
    _______________ _________________________ _______
    Woods were on brief for appellants.

    Edward Wood Dunham with whom Christopher L. Levesque and Wiggin &
    __________________ ________________________ ________
    Dana and Jay A. Garcia-Gregory with whom Ricardo F. Casellas and
    ____ ______________________ ____________________
    Fiddler, Gonzalez & Rodriguez were on brief for appellees.


    *Of the District of Massachusetts, sitting by designation.

    STAHL, Circuit Judge. In this appeal, plaintiffs

    challenge the district court's imposition of Rule 11

    sanctions for their submission of a motion in a case

    dismissed by the district court two years earlier. Finding

    error solely in the district court's imposition of sanctions

    upon the attorneys' law firm rather than upon the responsible

    attorneys, we affirm, except that we impose the sanctions on

    the attorneys themselves.



    Plaintiffs are twenty-five dissatisfied Puerto Rico

    franchisees of the sandwich shop chain known as "Subway."

    Defendants consist of Doctor's Associates, Inc., owner and

    franchisor of the "Subway" chain, and several of its officers

    and directors. On September 14, 1988, plaintiffs, through

    the law firm of Woods & Woods, commenced suit against

    defendants in United States District Court for the District

    of Puerto Rico alleging breach of contract, fraud and other

    claims arising out of their franchise agreements.

    All of plaintiffs' individual franchise agreements

    contain clauses requiring that any claim or controversy

    arising out of the contract or an alleged breach thereof be

    settled by arbitration in Bridgeport, Connecticut. On the

    basis of that arbitration provision, defendants filed a

    motion to dismiss. Responding, plaintiffs interposed


    "Plaintiffs' Motion in Opposition of Defendants' Motion to

    Dismiss" ("the first motion") dated February 7, 1989 with a

    supporting memorandum of law signed by attorney Victor M.

    Rodriguez Baez of Woods & Woods. On May 17, 1989, agreeing

    with defendants' argument that the arbitration provision

    controlled, the district court granted defendants' motion to


    Twenty-two months later, on March 26, 1991, having

    sought neither reconsideration nor an appeal, and with no

    intervening change in the relevant law, plaintiffs submitted

    a motion to the district court entitled "Plaintiffs' Second

    Request for Change of Venue and First Request for

    Consolidation of Arbitration Proceedings" ("the second

    motion"). The memorandum of law in support of the second

    motion consisted entirely of argumentation from the first

    motion except for (1) occasional minor grammatical changes

    (e.g., changing "the contract was" to "the contracts were"),

    and (2) an appended argument requesting consolidation of

    plaintiffs' claims for arbitration proceedings. The second

    motion was signed by attorneys Harry E. Woods and Gerardo

    Mariani of Woods & Woods.

    In response, defendants filed a motion opposing

    plaintiffs' second motion and seeking Rule 11 sanctions

    against plaintiffs' attorneys. The district court denied

    plaintiffs' second motion, and imposed Rule 11 sanctions


    directing that Woods & Woods pay part of defendants' costs

    for defending the second motion.1

    Plaintiffs now appeal, arguing that (1) the

    sanctions should not have been imposed, (2) the sanctioned

    amount was excessive, and (3) sanctions may be imposed only

    against individual attorneys, not against law firms.

    Although we find merit in plaintiffs' final argument, we

    affirm the district court in all other respects.



    Fed. R. Civ. P. 112 requires that an attorney make


    1. Defendants submitted a verified time sheet detailing
    128.5 hours of legal work with fees of over $14,000 for
    defense of the sanctioned motion. Based on this submittal,
    the district court imposed sanctions of $7,500.

    2. Fed. R. Civ. P. 11 states in relevant part:

    Every pleading, motion, and other paper of a party
    represented by an attorney shall be signed by at
    least one attorney of record in the attorney's
    individual name . . . . The signature of an
    attorney or party constitutes a certificate by the
    signer that the signer has read the pleading,
    motion or other paper; that to the best of the
    signer's knowledge, information, and belief formed
    after reasonable inquiry it is well grounded in
    fact and is warranted by existing law or a good
    faith argument for the extension, modification, or
    reversal of existing law, and that it is not
    interposed for any improper purpose, such as to
    harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless
    increase in the cost of litigation. . . . If a
    pleading, motion, or other paper is signed in
    violation of this rule, the court, upon motion or
    upon its own initiative, shall impose upon the
    person who signed it, a represented party, or both,
    an appropriate sanction, which may include an order


    reasonable inquiry to assure that all pleadings, motions and

    papers filed with the court are factually well-grounded,

    legally tenable and not interposed for any improper purpose.

    Cooter & Gell v. Hartmarx Corp., 496 U.S. 384, 393 (1990).
    ______________ _______________

    Counsel is held to standards of due diligence and objective

    reasonableness. Maine Audubon Soc'y v. Purslow, 907 F.2d
    ____________________ _______

    265, 268 (1st Cir. 1990). See also Lancellotti v. Fay, 909
    ___ ____ ___________ ___

    F.2d 15, 20 (1st Cir. 1990); Cruz v. Savage, 896 F.2d 626,
    ____ ______

    631 (1st Cir. 1990); Kale v. Combined Ins. Co. of America,
    ____ _____________________________

    861 F.2d 746, 756-57 (1st Cir. 1988).

    District courts have broad discretion in imposing

    and fashioning Rule 11 sanctions. Cooter & Gell, 496 U.S. at

    400 ("[I]n directing the district court to impose an

    `appropriate' sanction, Rule 11 itself indicates that the

    district court is empowered to exercise its discretion.");

    Lancellotti, 909 F.2d at 20 ("[W]e believe the district court

    should determine, in the first instance, whether reasonable

    inquiry was made, and if not, the consequences which should

    ensue."); Anderson v. Beatrice Foods Co., 900 F.2d 388, 394
    ________ ___________________

    (1st Cir.) ("[D]ecisions as to whether sanctions should be

    imposed, and if so, what form they should take, often require

    intensive inquiry into the circumstances surrounding an


    to pay to the other party or parties the amount of
    the reasonable expenses incurred because of the
    filing of the pleading, motion, or other paper,
    including a reasonable attorney's fee.


    alleged violation. The trial judge, steeped in the facts and

    sensitive to the interplay amongst the protagonists, is

    ideally equipped to review those ramifications and render an

    informed judgment."), cert. denied, 111 S. Ct. 233 (1990).
    _____ ______

    We therefore review all aspects of the district court's Rule

    11 determination under an abuse of discretion standard.

    Cooter & Gell, 496 U.S. at 400-01; Navarro-Ayala v. Nunez,
    _____________ _____________ _____

    968 F.2d 1421, 1425 (1st Cir. 1992). See also Maine Audubon,
    ___ ____ _____________

    907 F.2d at 268 (explaining that a party appealing Rule 11

    sanctions "bears a heavy burden of demonstrating that the

    trial judge was clearly not justified in entering [the]

    order") (quoting Anderson, 900 F.2d at 393).

    A. The Propriety of the Sanctions
    A. The Propriety of the Sanctions

    Plaintiffs argue that the district court used

    improper criteria in deciding to impose sanctions, that their

    motion did not warrant Rule 11 sanctions, and that the

    sanctions order should be overturned as an abuse of

    discretion. We disagree.

    The district court found that plaintiffs' counsel

    failed to make an objectively reasonable inquiry to assure

    that the second motion was legally tenable. Several factors

    support this finding: the district court had already

    dismissed the case in favor of arbitration nearly two years

    prior to the second motion; the second motion failed to

    suggest any basis for the court's jurisdiction to rule on the


    motion in view of the dismissal; the second motion consisted

    of virtually verbatim argumentation from the first motion;

    and plaintiffs had failed to appeal or move for timely

    reconsideration of the order dismissing the first motion.3

    We find, therefore, that the record amply supports

    the district court's imposition of Rule 11 sanctions based on

    the plaintiffs' filing of its second motion, and we find

    plaintiffs' "abuse of discretion" claim without merit.4


    3. Plaintiffs also argue that the district court's
    scrupulous attention to the second motion and its careful
    consideration of the sanction is evidence of the second
    motion's merit. Our review of the record shows that the
    district court did no more or less than properly detail all
    the reasons why the second motion was sanctioned. Moreover,
    we are very reluctant to fashion a rule which would
    discourage district courts from thoroughly discussing their
    reasons for imposing sanctions, and we reject plaintiffs'
    suggestion that we adopt such an approach.

    4. Plaintiffs offer two additional arguments to support
    their appeal of the sanctions. First, they argue that the
    district court improperly sanctioned them for conduct
    occurring throughout the proceeding, rather than imposing its
    Rule 11 sanctions with regard to one particular pleading,
    motion or paper. The district court order imposing the
    sanctions belies this argument: "What concerns us in the
    long history of this case, which has been filled with
    numerous delaying tactics by the plaintiffs, is this latest
    attempt to delay arbitration." Mariani v. Doctor's
    ________________________________ _______ ________
    Associates, Inc., No. 88-1630, slip op. at 2 (D.P.R. Feb. 2,
    1992) (emphasis supplied). Thus, we find unpersuasive
    plaintiffs' assertion that the district court improperly
    sanctioned conduct occurring throughout the proceeding.
    Second, plaintiffs argue that in deciding to impose the
    sanctions, the district court improperly ignored pressures on
    the law firm of Woods & Woods which contributed to the filing
    of the second motion. Specifically, they argue that attorney
    Mariani was in the process of being considered for an
    appointment as a federal administrative law judge, and that
    attorney Woods had been diagnosed as having a cancerous
    lesion. Though they had ample opportunity to do so,


    B. The Amount of the Sanctions
    B. The Amount of the Sanctions

    Plaintiffs' next argument is that the sanctions

    were excessive. Rule 11 specifically states that appropriate

    sanctions "may include an order to pay the other party or

    parties the amount of the reasonable expenses incurred

    because of the filing of the pleading, motion or other paper,

    including a reasonable attorney's fee." Moreover, the

    district court has wide discretion in fashioning sanctions.

    See, e.g., Cooter & Gell, 496 U.S. at 400; Lancellotti, 909
    ___ ____ ______________ ___________

    F.2d at 20; Anderson, 900 F.2d at 394; Unanue-Casal 898 F.2d
    ________ ____________

    at 843; Kale, 861 F.2d at 756-58.

    In its order imposing the sanctions, the district

    court noted that the total of 128.5 hours that defendants

    spent responding to plaintiffs' second motion seemed "a great

    deal of work to oppose one motion." It also noted that

    because the case had "lain dormant for two years, it is

    understandable that costs were high." As a result, the

    district court awarded defendants roughly half of the fees

    incurred in defending the motion. Reviewing the record

    carefully, we find that the sanction of $7,500 was not only


    plaintiffs never argued to the district court that these
    factors contributed to the filing of the sanctioned papers.
    We have repeatedly warned that we will not entertain
    arguments made for the first time on appeal. Federal Deposit
    Ins. Co. v. World University, Inc., No. 92-1389, slip op. at
    _________ ______________________
    5 (1st Cir. Oct. 22, 1992). We do not therefore address
    plaintiffs' arguments about the health and professional
    status of attorneys Mariani and Woods.


    within the district court's discretion but was also


    C. Imposition of the Sanctions on the Individual Attorneys
    C. Imposition of the Sanctions on the Individual Attorneys

    Lastly, plaintiffs argue, and defendants do not

    dispute, that the district court improperly imposed Rule 11

    sanctions upon the law firm of Woods & Woods. Rule 11

    sanctions may be imposed only upon individual attorneys who

    have signed sanctioned papers. Pavelic & Leflore v. Marvel
    _________________ ______

    Entertainment Group, 110 S. Ct. 456, 458-59 (1989). They may

    not be imposed upon a law firm. Id.

    Elsewhere, we have avoided remanding Rule 11 cases

    by discerning the responsible parties and ordering that they

    pay the sanctions. Ballard's Serv. Ctr., Inc. v. Transue,
    ___________________________ _______

    865 F.2d 447, 450 (1st Cir. 1989) (requiring that attorney,


    5. Relying on Dubisky v. Owens, 849 F.2d 1034 (7th Cir.
    _______ _____
    1988), plaintiffs also argue that because their own motion
    was so facially meritless, defendants should have been on
    notice to mitigate expenditures. According to plaintiffs, a
    phone call or some informal contact from defendants would
    have been the appropriate response to their second motion.
    Dubisky, however, is inapposite. The plaintiffs in Dubisky
    _______ _______
    were mistaken as to defendant's citizenship, and wrongly
    believed that they could invoke diversity jurisdiction.
    Plaintiffs were sanctioned under Rule 11. On appeal, the
    Seventh Circuit held that the defendant, before embarking on
    a costly defense, had a duty to mitigate damages by
    contacting the plaintiff to inform him of the jurisdictional
    defect. Id. at 1038-39. As a result, it reversed the
    sanction awarded by the district court. Id. In the case
    before us, however, there was no mistake of fact on the part
    of plaintiffs that could be readily corrected by defendants.
    Thus, we find no need to reverse the sanction on the grounds
    that defendants had a duty to mitigate expenditures.


    rather than party, pay Rule 11 sanctions); Muthig v. Brant
    ______ _____

    Point Nantucket, Inc., 838 F.2d 600, 607 (1st Cir. 1988)

    ("[T]he district court did not specify whether [sanctioned

    party] or their counsel should pay the counsel fees assessed.

    Our reading of the record indicates that the sanction should

    be imposed upon counsel."). Cf. Navarro-Ayala, 968 F.2d at
    ___ _____________

    1428 (explaining that "this may properly be classified as one

    of the rare cases in which an appellate court ought to take

    the bull by the horns and, rather than remanding, simply

    select an appropriate [Rule 11] sanction"). We therefore

    modify the district court's order and impose the $7,500

    sanctions jointly and severally upon attorneys Woods and




    For the foregoing reasons, the district court's order is

    affirmed as modified.

    Affirmed as modified. Costs to appellees.
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