United States v. Data Translation ( 1992 )

  • USCA1 Opinion


    No. 92-1496


    Plaintiff, Appellant,



    Defendant, Appellee.




    [Hon. Edward F. Harrington, U.S. District Judge]



    Breyer, Chief Judge,
    Torruella and Selya, Circuit Judges.


    Jonathan R. Siegel, Attorney, Department of Justice, with whom
    Stuart M. Gerson, Assistant Attorney General, A. John Pappalardo,
    _________________ ___________________
    United States Attorney, and Douglas N. Letter, Attorney, Department of
    Justice, were on brief for appellant.
    Laurie R. Wallach with whom Steven A. Kaufman and Ropes & Gray
    _________________ __________________ _____________
    were on brief for appellee.



    BREYER, Chief Judge. In 1983 Data Translation,

    Inc. ("DTI") agreed to sell its computer boards to the

    federal government at a price negotiated by the federal

    government's central civilian purchasing agency, the General

    Services Administration ("GSA"). The Government

    subsequently brought suit, claiming that, when GSA and DTI

    negotiated the contract, DTI failed properly to disclose the

    prices at which it sold its boards to other, non-

    governmental customers. That failure, the Government says,

    violated the terms of the subsequent contract and the

    federal False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. 3729 et seq.

    In the district court, both judge and jury

    disagreed with the Government. The judge found that the

    Government had not presented enough evidence to warrant

    submitting its "breach of contract" claim to the jury. The

    jury found that DTI did not violate the False Claims Act.

    The Government, in this appeal, argues 1) that, given the

    evidence, the court should not have directed a verdict on

    the "breach of contract" claim, and 2) that the court did

    not properly instruct the jury about the meaning of the

    False Claims Act.

    After reviewing the record, we conclude that both

    lower court determinations were legally correct. And, we

    affirm the judgments.


    The "Breach of Contract" Claim

    The Government's breach of contract issue -- that

    the evidence was strong enough to warrant submitting the

    case to the jury -- presents the more difficult question on

    appeal. We note that, had the district court reserved

    judgment on the defendant's motion for directed verdict,

    while submitting the contract claim along with the False

    Claims Act claim to the jury, the jury might well have found

    in the defendant's favor. (After all, the jury found in the

    defendant's favor on factually similar False Claims Act

    matters). In that event, the district court would not have

    had to decide the directed verdict question then and there,

    and this court (if the jury had found in the defendant's

    favor) would have faced the easier task of deciding whether

    the evidence was sufficient to support a negative jury

    verdict; and, only if the jury had found in the plaintiff's

    favor would we have had to decide the more difficult

    question (here presented) of whether the evidence was, as

    the district court held, insufficient to support a


    potentially positive verdict. Regardless, we have answered

    this latter question. We have read the record, asking

    ourselves whether any reasonable juror could have found in

    the Government's favor. We conclude that the answer to the

    question is "no." Because of the record's complexity, the

    explanation of how we have reached this conclusion will be




    1. The Company. DTI makes an electronic board

    which, when inserted in a computer, allows the user to

    measure flows and pressure changes in gasses and liquids.

    This computer capability is useful in medicine (e.g.,

    monitoring the condition of artificial hearts), in science

    (e.g., detecting abnormal genes), and in industry (e.g.,
    ____ ____

    detecting flaws in large quantities of rapidly moving

    paper). Before 1983, DTI sold its boards to its federal

    government customers (e.g., the Center for Disease Control

    in Atlanta) primarily through a government procurement

    process called "sole source" procurement, a process that

    required each individual agency to fill out fairly elaborate

    forms each time it wanted to buy even one or two boards from

    DTI. See 41 U.S.C. 254, 254(d)(1)(a) (summarizing


    disclosure requirements); see also Pub. L. No. 98-269, 98
    ___ ____

    Stat. 1184 (1984) ("Competition in Contracting Act")

    (extending disclosure requirements to civilian, as well as

    military, procurement).

    In 1983, at the urging of some of its federal

    government customers, DTI decided to negotiate, through GSA,

    a single contract, called an "MAS contract," with price

    terms applicable to orders placed by any federal government

    agency -- a contract that DTI hoped would simplify the

    selling process.

    2. The "Multiple Award Schedule" ("MAS")

    Contract. The GSA will normally negotiate MAS contracts for

    products sold by firms in competitively structured

    industries. At the beginning of the negotiation GSA will

    obtain detailed information about, e.g., product quality and

    prices at which the firm sells the product to other, private

    customers. It will then negotiate a price for the

    government. If the negotiation succeeds, GSA will list the

    firm's product, along with similar products sold by

    competing firms (with MAS contracts), in a catalogue.

    Individual government agencies may place orders for any item

    listed in the catalogue (at the price there listed) without

    the elaborate paperwork that other government procurement


    programs require. See 41 U.S.C. 254(d)(5)(A)(ii)

    (disclosure requirements need not be applied where agency

    finds contract price is based on "established catalog or

    market prices of commercial items sold in substantial

    quantities to the general public."); 47 Fed. Reg. 50,252

    (November 5, 1982) (GSA policy statement on pricing of items

    sold under MAS contracts). The GSA's MAS contract does not

    commit the government to buying the product. Rather, it

    provides an option for federal government agencies to buy at

    a particular price, an option that individual agencies may,

    or may not, exercise.

    3. The Negotiations. In April 1983 a GSA

    employee, Dewey Carr, and a DTI employee, Elizabeth Bruce,

    negotiated the terms of an MAS contract. The GSA asked DTI

    to fill out a detailed, complex seventy-eight page

    questionnaire, entitled "Solicitation, Offer and Award."

    With Mr. Carr's assistance, Ms. Bruce (who, at the time, was

    nineteen years old) prepared the answers to the seventy-

    eight page questionnaire. These answers, along with the

    statements in the document, constituted the "Offer." The GSA

    accepted the "Offer." The resulting MAS contract permitted

    DTI to sell its boards (and certain other items) to

    government agencies at DTI's ordinary list prices less a ten


    percent discount, provided that the ordering agency placed

    orders for no more than ten items at any one time. (This

    proviso reflected Mr. Carr's recommendation that any agency

    placing a larger single order should negotiate with DTI for

    a larger discount.)

    4. The Claimed Contract Violation. Omitting

    unnecessary factual complexities and qualifications, we can

    characterize the Government's "breach of contract" claim as

    resting essentially on the proposition that DTI, when it

    submitted its "Offer," did not disclose all the computer

    board price discounts it gave to its non-governmental

    customers. To understand how this alleged nondisclosure

    could constitute a contract violation, one must examine

    several contract provisions, which cross-reference each


    a. The "Defective Pricing Clause". The contract

    clause that the Government claims DTI directly violated is

    called the "Defective Pricing Clause." It says:

    If, subsequent to the award of any
    contract resulting from this
    solicitation, it is found that any price
    negotiated . . . was increased by any
    significant amount because the prices,
    data, and facts were not as stated in
    the offeror's "Certificate of
    Established Catalog or Market Price,"
    then the contract price(s) shall be
    reduced by such amount and the contract


    shall be modified in writing to reflect
    such adjustment.

    (Emphasis added.)

    b. The "Certificate of Established Catalog or

    Market Price." The "Defective Pricing Clause" refers to

    "prices, data, and facts" that DTI set forth in its

    "Certificate of Established Catalog or Market Price." This

    Certificate, contained in the seventy-eight page

    questionnaire/"Offer," says that DTI certifies that all

    "data submitted" are "accurate, complete and current."

    c. The Relevant "Data Submitted." DTI included,

    as part of its questionnaire/"Offer," a three-page summary

    of discounts from its list prices that it made available to

    nongovernmental customers. This three-page summary

    purported to respond to the questionnaire's direction to

    provide price discount information. In addition, Ms. Bruce,

    the DTI employee, orally described DTI pricing practices to

    the GSA negotiator Dewey Carr, and she provided Carr with

    relevant DTI documents which she had received from other

    employees at DTI. In the Government's view, this "data

    submitted" was not "complete," for it did not fully describe

    two further sets of discounts that DTI offered certain

    customers, namely 1) discounts to "Special Price Customers,"

    and 2) "Volume Purchase Agreement" discounts. The former


    (as the name suggests) consists of large discounts to

    certain individual customers; the latter consists of large

    discounts based on total quantity ordered during a given

    time period (say, a year).

    d. The Upshot. The cross-referenced provisions

    amount to a contractual promise by DTI that its

    questionnaire price discount responses are not significantly

    inaccurate or incomplete. The Government says that it broke

    this promise. The Government's case rests upon its claim

    that neither the three-page summary of DTI discounts, nor

    any other information DTI provided, listed or fully

    described the "Special Price Customer" and "VPA" discounts

    that DTI offered other, private customers.

    As we have said, the district court, after hearing

    the evidence, granted a directed verdict for DTI. And, the

    Government appeals.


    The Evidentiary Issue

    The district court, when granting its directed

    verdict, commented cryptically,

    I don't believe that there was a meeting
    of the minds, and, therefore, there was
    no contract.


    The Government correctly points out that this remark, read

    literally, cannot provide a ground for directing a verdict

    in DTI's favor. The parties agreed there was a contract;

    they disagreed only about whether or not DTI's "price

    discount" questionnaire responses amounted to a violation.

    Nonetheless, the district court had a point. When

    a single portion of a lengthy contract is unintelligible,

    but yet severable from the remainder, a court may strike

    that portion itself without affecting the enforceability of

    the remainder. See, e.g., Eckles v. Sharman, 548 F.2d 905
    ___ ____ ______ _______

    (10th Cir. 1977) (vague contract provision unenforceable and

    severable if not essential to contract); McArthur v.

    Rosenbaum Co., 180 F.2d 617, 619-20 (3d Cir. 1950)

    (radically ambiguous option contract unenforceable,

    especially since option contract construed in favor of party

    granting option). Thus, we still must ask whether a

    reasonable juror could find the price-discount disclosure

    provisions sufficiently comprehensible to enforce. Compare

    C.H.I., Inc. v. Marcus Bros. Textile Inc., 930 F.2d 762, 764
    ____________ _________________________

    (9th Cir. 1991) (question of whether clause is fatally

    ambiguous and therefore unenforceable is matter of law for

    judge to decide) and Fashion House, Inc. v. K Mart Corp.,
    ___ ____________________ ____________

    892 F.2d 1076, 1083 (1st Cir. 1989) (same) with Gel Systems,
    ____ ____________


    Inc. v. Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co., Inc., 902
    ____ _______________________________________________

    F.2d 1024, 1027 (1st Cir. 1990) (construction of clause for

    finder). If not, the judge should direct a verdict against
    which two permissible meanings exist is question for fact-

    the party demanding enforcement of the clause. (This is

    And, in deciding the question of

    the perspective of a reasonable person in DTI's position.
    not necessarily as the GSA intended them, but rather from

    See Restatement (Second) of Contracts 200, 203 (1981).
    ___ ___________________________________
    comprehensibility, one must examine the relevant provisions,

    provisions virtually unintelligible if read literally.
    From this perspective, we find the language of the discount
    what we believe the district court intended.)

    Unlike the district court, however, we also believe one may

    them intelligible. Nonetheless, that fact does not help the

    The "Literal" Language
    complied with its obligations.
    Government, for, on this practical interpretation, DTI

    The Government has asked the district court and

    this court to read the contract's "discount disclosure"

    language literally, as requiring DTI to reveal every price
    give the language a practical interpretation which makes
    discount it provided any of its customers ever -- a
    ________ ___ ____

    revelation that DTI must concede it did not make. The

    Government points to language that does seem to call for

    such complete disclosure. The seventy-eight page form, at

    the top of the first"price discount" information page, says:

    List below the best discount and/or
    concessions resulting in the lowest net
    price (regardless of quantity and terms
    and conditions) to other than authorized
    GSA contract users from pricelist for
    the same or similar products or services
    offered to the Government under this

    (Emphasis omitted.) The page lists a host of possible kinds

    of discount, including:

    regular discounts . . . quantity
    discounts . . . aggregate
    discounts . . . commissions . . .
    prompt payment . . . FOB point . . .
    [and] other . . . .

    It then asks:

    Do you have in effect, for any customer
    of any class within the MOL [the
    "Maximum Order Limitation," which in
    DTI's case was the ten item maximum
    that, under the MAS contract, an agency
    could order at any one time] or outside
    of the MOL, other discounts and/or
    concessions including but not limited to
    the following, regardless of pricelist,
    which result in lower net prices than
    those offered the Government
    in this offer?


    And, it lists further possible kinds of discounts,

    rebates of any kind . . . multiple
    quantity unit pricing plan . . .
    cumulative discounts . . . products that
    may be combined . . . [and] others.

    Leaving no stone unturned, the form defines "discounts" as:

    reductions to catalog or market prices
    (published or unpublished) applicable to
    any customer, including OEM's, dealers,
    distributors, national accounts, states,
    etc.; and any other form of price
    reductions such as concessions, rebates,
    quantity discounts, allowances,
    services, warranties, installation, free
    parts, etc., which are granted to any

    At trial, the Government called as a witness,

    Edward McAndrews, the GSA expert who developed the GSA

    procurement policy that this language summarizes. He said

    that the language means what it says: namely, that a company

    wishing to sell, say, pencils, typewriters, or computer

    parts, to the government, must list any lower price, or any

    variation from its "standard terms and conditions" that the

    company had granted to anyone, ever. That expert
    ______ ____


    Q: [Y]ou're supposed to put in the top matrix
    here how you do business in a standard way?

    A: That's correct.

    Q: Based on a price list you're using as an
    offer to GSA?


    A: Absolutely.

    Q: Below it says, 'If you've got other price
    lists and other discounts, tell us what
    they are,' right?

    A: Or any other concession.

    Q: Concession. What's a concession if it's not
    a discount?

    A: It could be terms and conditions.

    Q: Terms and conditions?

    A: That's correct.

    Q: So if there is ever a situation in which you
    vary from your standard terms and conditions,
    ever, ever, you're supposed to report that
    ____ ____
    down there?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Ah. And you're supposed to report every
    instance of it?

    A: Yes, so we can evaluate that.

    Q: Every time, huh?

    A: Yes.

    Q: So if a company has a thousand customers and
    it has a standard way of doing business which
    it describes in the matrix, but for some 15,
    20, 30 customers who are bigger than the
    seller. . . .

    A: Mm-hmm.

    Q: . . . the company agrees to the buyer's
    standard T's and C's [Terms and Conditions],
    which are going to differ buyer from buyer,


    A: Sure.

    Q: Every time it does that, it's got to record
    that down there?

    A: It's what it's supposed to do.

    (Emphasis added.)

    We concede the circumstance to which the

    Government points with pride, namely, the exhaustiveness of

    the disclosure that the language literally demands. But, it

    is that very circumstance that creates a problem.

    Exaggerating to explain our point, we find the Government's

    interpretation a little like that of, say, a park keeper who

    tells people that the sign "No Animals in the Park" applies

    literally and comprehensively, not only to pets, but also to

    toy animals, insects, and even chicken sandwiches. If one

    met such a park keeper, one would find his interpretation so

    surprisingly broad that one simply would not know what he

    really meant or what to do. We do not mean to say this

    farfetched example directly applies here. But, the example,

    considered in light of our explanation below, may help the

    reader understand why we think a literal reading of the

    disclosure form creates ambiguity and incomprehensibility,

    and why we conclude that no reasonable person, negotiating

    with GSA negotiator Carr, could have believed that the

    Government really wanted the complete and total disclosure


    for which the language seems to ask. We rest this

    conclusion upon the combined force of three sets of

    considerations, which we shall now discuss in turn:

    1. Business Context. An ordinary business person

    would not seem likely to interpret the form literally, for,

    read literally, the form asks a business to shoulder a

    compliance burden which will often seem inordinately

    difficult or impossible to carry out. Consider, for

    example, an office supply firm, or a furniture company, or a

    computer parts manufacturer, operating in a competitive

    industry. Such a firm, selling its products to tens of

    thousands of different customers, through a host of

    different sales personnel, might vary prices considerably,

    in response to shifting competitive pressures, from market

    to market, from time to time, or from one customer to

    another, either through direct price cuts or through the

    creation of small "terms of trade" advantages. To require a

    paper report of every such variation is to require a

    paperwork blizzard, even assuming that the company keeps

    track, on paper, of every variation, not only in the price,

    but also in the price-related terms and conditions of sale.

    The record supports this surmise, for it makes

    clear that government suppliers have not read the language


    literally. GSA expert McAndrews conceded that, despite

    potential double damage penalties for failing to comply with

    the form's instructions, see 31 U.S.C. 3729 (1982), he has

    never seen any firm ever comply with the form's request,

    taken literally. When asked whether he had ever seen a

    comprehensive listing of "price reductions" in the form of

    "concessions" through variations in "terms and conditions"

    of sale, he said that he had not. And, he went on to

    testify as follows:

    Q: Have you ever seen [a comprehensive listing
    of variations from standard terms
    and conditions] done?

    A: I have not personally seen one done.

    Q: Have you looked at these things --
    [by companies to the Government's

    A: Yes.

    Q: And have you ever seen anybody ever do that?

    A: Not frequently.

    Q: Have you ever seen anybody do it?

    A: I've seen people submit data on, in terms of
    the conditions.

    Q: Have you ever seen anyone describe in
    3-B [of the discount disclosure
    questionnaire] every time they vary from their
    standard terms and conditions?


    A: No, I have not.

    . . . .

    Q: So nobody ever answers these questions

    A: That's probably true.

    This testimony, by the GSA expert (and coauthor of the

    questionnaire) supports the common sense, objective

    conclusion that a reasonable supplier would not read the

    language, in context, as calling for complete, literal

    disclosure, whatever the GSA author subjectively may have

    intended. See Garbincius v. Boston Edison Co., 621 F.2d
    ___ __________ __________________

    1171, 1177 (1st Cir. 1980) (contracts should be construed to

    reach sensible result if possible); E. Allan Farnsworth,

    Farnsworth on Contracts Vol. II, 7.10, at 255 (standard of

    reasonableness as fundamental principle of contract

    interpretation). See also id., 7.11, at 265-66 (an
    ___ ____ ___

    ambiguous form contract is construed against the drafter).

    2. The Statutory Context. A literal reading is

    also unnatural because it seems to undermine, or at least to

    implement inappropriately, the purposes of the statutory

    program of which the GSA form is an instrument. Congress

    authorized, and the GSA designed, the MAS program as a

    simplified alternative for government procurement of common


    items sold competitively in the commercial marketplace. See

    H.R. Rep. 1157, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. 18 (1984) (legislative

    history of the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984, Pub.

    L. No. 98-369, 98 Stat. 1175 (1984)) ("While the use of

    competition may not be considered worthwhile by some

    officials, it is the only way for the government to obtain

    the best products for the best prices. . . . Clearly,

    economy and efficiency must be the cornerstone of the

    Federal procurement system and H.R. 5184 provides the means

    to accomplish this goal.") Where competition helps to keep

    the prices of commonly purchased items low, the program

    permits a government agency, say, a local Park Service

    office, to buy, say, a lamp, without asking lamp suppliers

    to undergo the rigorous government "bid-procurement" process

    or the highly detailed, time-consuming inspections and

    audits that accompany (non-bid) "sole source" procurement.

    See 47 Fed. Reg. 50,252 (description of GSA policy on

    pricing of MAS contracts). Under the MAS program, the

    existence of competition in the commercial marketplace

    itself helps to provide assurance of low prices for the

    government as well. The listing of several competing, say,

    lamp manufacturers in the government MAS catalogue provides

    added assurance of low prices. The MAS negotiating process,


    with its questionnaire answers (and later audits to ensure

    compliance) offers a third way to guarantee "low prices."

    To the extent, however, that the questionnaire and audits

    become as burdensome as the "sole source" selection process,

    the MAS program abandons its basic "simplification"

    rationale. See id. at 50,243; Robert S. Brams & Daniel J.
    ___ ___

    Kelly, Multiple Award Schedule Contracting: A Practical

    Guide to Surviving Its Shortcomings, Ambiguities and

    Pitfalls, 19 Pub. Cont. L.J. 441, 453-60, 467-72 (1990).

    Indeed, if the MAS properly selects its products from those

    sold in truly competitive commercial markets, elaborate

    paperwork, audits, and inspections, then, by significantly

    increasing competitive firms' cost of doing federal

    government business, could result in the government's being

    charged higher, not lower, prices.

    Of course, neither the government nor suppliers

    will incur significant additional costs of literal

    compliance if the government does not enforce the

    questionnaire's disclosure requirements as literally read,

    or if it enforces the requirements only sporadically. But,

    a system that lays down a literal rule with which compliance

    is inordinately difficult, turning nearly everyone into a

    rule violator, and then permits the agency to pick and


    choose when and where to enforce the rule, is obviously

    undesirable. It destroys in practice the very hope of

    rationally cabining agency discretion that the rulemaking

    process promises in principle. All this is

    not to say that the GSA form is unlawful, but, rather, to

    provide an additional reason why we doubt that a reasonable

    potential supplier would believe that it was to be taken


    3. The Negotiating Context. The GSA negotiator,

    Dewey Carr, gave the DTI negotiator, Elizabeth Bruce, the

    distinct impression that she did not have to comply with the

    questionnaire as read literally. He reviewed various pieces

    of discount information that she provided. He crossed out

    some of the discount information, for example, discounts

    offered for sales of more than ten items per order, telling

    her these discounts were not relevant for the government's

    purposes. He accepted other pages of material that she

    supplied, although he knew (and he knew that Ms. Bruce knew

    that he knew) that they did not contain various discounts

    that DTI normally offered (but which he considered not

    relevant to the negotiation). Carr told Bruce specifically

    that a large discount that DTI gave a large buyer, Digital

    Equipment Corporation, which purchased particularly large


    quantities of equipment, was irrelevant because the

    Government could not commit itself to place an offer of

    equivalent size. He also gave Ms. Bruce the impression that

    the words "other discount" on the form referred to discounts

    applying to the same kind of purchase the Government

    intended to make. He said that the question she should

    answer was (in the words of his testimony):

    [F]or the same types of dollar volume
    that they expect the government to buy
    in, are there any other commercial
    customers which have a discounting
    policy, or do they receive discounts for
    buying in the same volumes that the
    government is going to buy in?

    Although Mr. Carr did say, at one point in his

    testimony, that he asked Ms. Bruce for "a picture of

    everything [DTI] did at the time," he simultaneously made

    clear that Ms. Bruce did not understand his requests to mean

    that he wanted comprehensive disclosure of the sort

    Mr. McAndrews described in his testimony.

    From these three sets of considerations -- the

    business context, the statutory context, and the negotiating

    context -- we draw one conclusion, namely, that, whatever

    the GSA questionnaire writer's subjective intent, its words

    and requests, considered objectively by a reasonable

    supplier in the circumstances, did not call for literal


    compliance. And, we believe that no reasonable juror could

    have reached a contrary conclusion on the basis of the

    evidence presented at trial.


    A Practical Reading

    If the questionnaire's language is not meant

    literally, what does it mean? The district court, in

    directing a verdict, found no stopping point between a

    literal reading of the questionnaire and unintelligibility.

    The conflicting testimony of several of the Government's

    witnesses offers support for the district court's view.

    But, we need not go as far as the district court. Rather,

    in reading the record favorably to the Government, we find

    an alternative, intelligible reading of the questionnaire.

    Such a reading would call for a "practical" effort to supply

    relevant price discount data. See Cofman v. Acton Corp.,
    ________ ___ ______ ____________

    958 F.2d 494, 497 (1st Cir. 1992) (contract should be

    interpreted as a business transaction by practical parties

    towards a straightforward end). It would require DTI to

    disclose significantly relevant price discounts that DTI

    normally provided other customers making purchases roughly
    ________ _______

    comparable to the agency purchases the Government

    contemplated would occur under the MAS program. We do not


    believe that the record supports an interpretation any more

    favorable to the Government than this one. And, adopting

    this kind of interpretation does not help the Government.

    The trial record makes clear that no jury could reasonably

    have found a violation of the disclosure obligation as

    practically interpreted.

    1. Special Price Customers. DTI had several

    customers whom it called "Special Price Customers." DTI

    told GSA that it gave a 30% discount to its largest "Special

    Price Customer," Digital Equipment Corporation (which

    discount, GSA told DTI, was not relevant to the MAS

    negotiations). But, DTI did not tell the GSA about its

    other "Special Price Customers," to whom it regularly

    offered large price discounts. The Government says that DTI

    should have disclosed this list.

    The record makes clear, however, that DTI's sales

    to these "Special Price Customers" were not comparable to

    the MAS sales DTI proposed to make to government agencies.

    The President of DTI, Mr. Alfred Molinari, testified that,

    unlike government agency customers, each "Special Price

    Customer" provided a special service for DTI in virtue of

    which it "earned" the discount. Each such customer was a

    "middleman." A "middleman" computer manufacturer, for


    example, would install DTI's board in its computer and then

    sell that computer, thereby reselling DTI's board. A

    "middleman" software developer, for example, would buy DTI's

    boards, develop new uses for those boards, and then resell

    them. A "middleman" engineering firm, for example, would

    help DTI with quality control problems in addition to

    reselling boards. Insofar as these firms were "joint

    venturers" with DTI (helping to develop a better product),

    they provided DTI with services that the Government would

    not provide. Insofar as the firms resold DTI's boards, they

    (unlike the Government) had to "live[] on the discount,"

    buying at a price low enough to permit a profitable resale.

    In the words of DTI Vice-President Ellen Wirka Harpin,

    the special price customers, they were
    offering us something that another, that
    a regular everyday customer wasn't going
    to offer us, like advertising, or
    writing software for our products so the
    customer could use it, reselling the
    board . . . .

    The record contains virtually nothing to contradict these


    We must say "virtually nothing" instead of

    "absolutely nothing" because on redirect examination DTI's

    President said that one of its special price customers,

    Sandia Laboratories, in New Mexico, was partly funded by the


    Government. But, the record tells us nothing further about

    this example. It tells neither the court, nor a jury,

    whether Sandia Labs was a "middleman" or "joint venturer,"

    or whether it earned its 12% discount in virtue of those

    functions or simply because it received the single order

    "quantity discount" that DTI fully disclosed. The single

    reference to Sandia Labs, in our view, does not amount to

    evidence that significantly contradicts the otherwise

    undisputed testimony of the DTI executive. And, as we have

    said, that testimony makes clear that the "special price

    customer" discounts involved sales so different from MAS

    sales that DTI need not have disclosed them.

    2. The Volume Purchase Agreements. DTI gave a

    special discount to customers who bought boards pursuant to

    a "Volume Purchase Agreement" ("VPA"). A VPA, in essence,

    permitted a signer who bought DTI boards to aggregate a

    series of small purchases made during the course of a year,

    and thereby to qualify for a volume discount based on the

    total amount of boards purchased. The Government makes what

    are, in essence, two separate claims related to VPA


    a. Incomplete Disclosure. DTI gave GSA a blank

    copy of a VPA. That copy makes clear 1) that the buyer


    signing the VPA must commit to buy a total number of items

    during the year; 2) that the buyer must send purchase orders

    for that amount to DTI "within one year;" 3) that the buyer

    must "accept delivery of the products ordered within

    fourteen months;" and, 4) that if the year's purchase orders

    exceed, or fall short of, the amount of the initial

    commitment, DTI will adjust the discount accordingly. A

    government auditor testified that GSA considered this type

    of VPA (with its discount "bill back" provision for purchase

    shortfalls) "as being identical to MAS-type contracts." For

    that reason, the Government apparently claims that DTI

    should also have given it a list of its VPA customers and

    copies of the actual contracts with these customers as well

    as the blank form. That added information, in the

    Government's view, presumably would have permitted the GSA

    negotiator more easily to recognize the "aggregation"

    feature of the VPA agreement, and, perhaps, to have

    negotiated a similar discount for government agencies.

    The record makes clear, however, that the

    questionnaire (as interpreted practically) did not oblige

    DTI to provide this additional information, for, as we just

    said, DTI gave the GSA a blank VPA form contract and, that

    being so, an additional filled out form would have added


    nothing of significance. For one thing, the VPA agreement

    is not, and could not reasonably seem "identical to MAS-type

    contracts." In fact, it is different enough that DTI could

    reasonably have thought that Mr. Carr did not need every VPA

    detail. GSA's negotiator, Mr. Carr, testified that he told

    the DTI negotiator, Ms. Bruce, that the VPA discount was not

    relevant to the MAS negotiation because the "government

    cannot commit to buy any amount during any period of time."

    The VPA form itself makes clear that a buyer must do the

    contrary, that is, the buyer must say that it

    wishes to purchase the quantities set
    forth in Exhibit A hereto (the 'Quantity
    Levels') of the products described in
    Exhibit A (the 'Products').

    This would seem to be the kind of promise (whether or not

    the VPA assessed penalties for its breach) that Mr. Carr had

    in mind when he testified that GSA "cannot sign up to an

    agreement like this."

    For another thing, DTI's President testified

    (without contradiction) that VPA sales, unlike MAS sales,

    involved billing and servicing a single VPA buying source.

    In contrast, MAS sales, he said,

    meant separate invoices for every
    facility. It meant separately answering
    questions from every researcher as to
    how to use our product, and then
    separate manuals going out with each


    product. It was indeed like selling to
    hundreds of different customers. In no
    way did it have any amalgamation of
    saving money or making it a more
    efficient sale.

    This point, that MAS purchases would not involve economies


    scale enabling DTI to charge a lower price, is particularly

    significant because DTI's MAS sales would involve federal

    agency purchases of no more than ten units at a time from

    DTI. GSA told all agencies intending to buy larger amounts

    not to buy through the MAS program, but rather to negotiate

    directly with DTI for a better discount.

    We do not see how anyone, in the circumstances,

    could conclude that providing GSA with filled out forms

    instead of a blank form would have added something of

    significance to the disclosure.

    b. Inaccurate Disclosure. The Government points

    out that Mr. Carr testified at trial that Ms. Bruce told him

    that a VPA buyer qualified for a discount only if the buyer

    bought all the VPA items using a single purchase order at a
    ___ ____

    single time. Ms. Bruce strongly denied saying this;

    Mr. Carr's contemporaneous notes of the negotiations reflect

    no such statement; Mr. Carr did not recall the statement

    when he gave a deposition; and the record contains no


    corroborating evidence. Nonetheless, we concede that a

    reasonable jury might believe Mr. Carr's trial testimony.

    And, in that case, it could believe that Ms. Bruce told Mr.

    Carr something that was not true, for the VPA contract

    permitted VPA buyers to aggregate different purchases made

    at different times during the year through different
    ________________ __________________

    purchase orders.

    The jury, nonetheless, could not predicate

    liability on this belief, for (to return to the contract's

    "Defective Pricing Clause") the jury could not reasonably

    conclude that Ms. Bruce's alleged statement to Mr. Carr

    could have "increased [prices] by" a "significant amount."

    Mr. Carr was fully aware that Ms. Bruce was nineteen years

    old, was not an expert on company pricing policy, and did

    not fully understand the complex forms or documents. At the

    same time, he had before him the VPA contract itself, which

    quite clearly provides for aggregation of purchase orders

    over the period of a year. He had read the DTI catalogue

    which distinguishes between "quantity discounts" available

    "when placed in a single order," and "other" discounts
    _________________________________ _____

    available on a "contract basis." And, he must have known

    that Ms. Bruce's (alleged) statement made little sense, for

    it would have meant that VPA customers had to sign contracts


    to obtain the same discounts that any other customer could

    obtain just by placing a large single order. Given these

    circumstances, Mr. Carr's negligence in relying upon such a

    statement, not the statement itself, would have been the

    predominant cause of any resulting higher price. See Atari
    ___ _____

    Corp. v. Ernst & Whinney, 1992 U.S. App. LEXIS 32,243 at *16
    _____ _______________

    (9th Cir. 1992) (where plaintiff possesses facts showing

    representations to be false, reliance unreasonable and

    precludes determination that misrepresentations caused

    injury); cf. United States v. Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty
    ___ _____________ ____________________________

    Co., 917 F.2d 654, 660-61 (1st Cir. 1990) (reliance on

    statements unreasonable when party should have known they

    were incorrect); Paper Express, Ltd. v. Pfankuch Maschinen,
    ___________________ ___________________

    G.M.B.H., 972 F.2d 753, 757-58 (7th Cir. 1992) (where

    sophisticated party could read document itself, reliance on

    other party's representations concerning document's content

    unreasonable). That being so, the jury could not have found

    a violation of the "defective pricing" clause, for we do not

    read that clause to predicate liability where GSA, rather

    than the supplier, is primarily at fault.

    For these reasons, we conclude that DTI was

    legally entitled to a directed verdict on the Government's


    "defective pricing" clause contract claim. We add that the

    district court also directed a verdict in DTI's favor on

    various other contract-related claims -- for "unjust

    enrichment" and "payment by mistake." We affirm the

    verdicts on those counts, for our analysis of the contract

    claim precludes a jury verdict for the Government on these

    claims as well.


    The False Claims Act Jury Instruction

    The Government also charged DTI with having

    violated the False Claims Act, an act that prohibits a

    person from "knowingly present[ing] . . . a false or

    fraudulent claim for payment . . . . " 31 U.S.C.

    3729(1)(1982), replaced by 31 U.S.C. 3729(a) (1986). In

    the Government's view, DTI's failure completely and

    accurately to disclose price discount information made all

    of its subsequent payment requests "false" and "fraudulent,"

    for these requests rested upon an assertion that the

    relevant underlying data were accurate and complete. The

    jury found in DTI's favor. The Government appeals.

    The Government argues at length that the court

    improperly instructed the jury about the state of mind


    necessary to support a False Claims Act violation. In the

    Government's view, the requisite state of mind includes, not

    only 1) a specific intent to deceive, but also 2)

    "deliberate ignorance of the truth," and 3) "reckless

    disregard of the truth." The Government concedes that these

    two last mentioned states of mind made their first legal

    appearance when Congress amended the False Claims Act in

    1986. See 31 U.S.C. 3729(b). Before that time, the law

    was as the district court stated it. Yet, says the

    Government, Congress intended its new statutory standard to

    apply retroactively, to actions that, as here, took place

    long before 1986.

    The Sixth Circuit has considered this issue at

    length. It has concluded that the new standard is not

    retroactive. See United States v. Murphy, 937 F.2d 1032,
    ___ _____________ ______

    1038 (6th Cir. 1991) (False Claims Act intent standard does

    not apply retroactively since it enlarges scope of

    substantive liability under the Act). We find its reasoning

    convincing. And, we would follow its holding.

    We need not decide the matter definitely, however,

    for, given our decision thus far, it is clear that any error

    was "harmless." For the reasons set out above, the record

    would not support a verdict for the Government, irrespective


    of the instruction on state of mind. The GSA form cannot

    reasonably be interpreted to require, in the circumstances,

    disclosure of the "Special Price Customer" or "VPA"

    information beyond the disclosure DTI actually made. Hence,

    DTI's alleged nondisclosure could not have been material to

    the price negotiated. See, e.g., United States v. Klein,
    ___ ____ _____________ _____

    230 F. Supp. 426, 432 (W.D.Pa. 1964) (fraud implies the

    misrepresentation of a material fact); Turner v. Johnson &
    ______ _________

    Johnson, 809 F.2d 90, 95 (1st Cir. 1986) (materiality

    established as an element of common law fraud).

    For these reasons, the judgment of the district

    court is


    NOTE: See Slip Opinion for Appendix.
