United States v. Vaughn , 806 F.3d 640 ( 2015 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-1416
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Richard G. Stearns, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Selya, and Kayatta,
    Circuit Judges.
    David J. Apfel, with whom Goodwin Procter LLP was on brief,
    for appellant.
    Jennifer Hay Zacks, Assistant United States Attorney, with
    whom Carmen M. Ortiz, United States Attorney, was on brief, for
    November 18, 2015
    LYNCH,   Circuit      Judge.        Anthony      Vaughn    appeals     the
    district court's denial of his motion for a sentence reduction
    18 U.S.C. § 3582
    (c)(2).            Because he is ineligible for the
    reduction, we affirm.
    This    sentencing        appeal    is   about    two     separate     and
    independent    federal     crimes,     committed     at     separate     times    and
    sentenced separately by two different judges.
    As to the first crime, on April 11, 2002, Vaughn pleaded
    guilty to possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, in
    violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1) and 
    18 U.S.C. § 2
    .                 The district
    court calculated a guideline sentencing range of 168 to 210 months
    of imprisonment.    On August 28, 2002, Vaughn was sentenced to 168
    months of imprisonment.
    As to the second crime, on November 27, 2012, while
    Vaughn was serving his 2002 sentence, he pleaded guilty to a
    separate charge of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute
    cocaine and heroin, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 846
     and 841(a)(1).
    The charge related to Vaughn's attempts to have heroin smuggled
    into the federal prison where he was imprisoned. On June 13, 2013,
    Vaughn   was   sentenced    as   a    career    offender     to    120   months    of
    imprisonment, to run consecutively to the 168-month term he was
    already serving. Asked by the district court about the interaction
    between the two sentences, the probation officer stated during the
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    sentencing    hearing   that   the    Bureau        of    Prisons   (BOP)    would
    "aggregate the entire sentence," meaning that "[BOP] will add it
    to the other [2002] sentence and then reconfigure the whole
    Vaughn   completed      the     part        of   his   prison    time
    attributable to his 2002 sentence on December 27, 2014. He remains
    in prison because of his second crime.               His anticipated date of
    release is September 12, 2023.
    In November 2014, Vaughn filed a pro se motion in the
    district court for reduction of his sentence under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3582
    (c)(2).    His motion was based on U.S.S.G. Amendments 782 and
    788, which retroactively reduced by two levels the base offense
    level for many drug offenses.         He argued that he was entitled to
    a sentence reduction of 33 months to reflect the lower guideline
    sentencing range as to his first crime.                       The district court
    appointed counsel for Vaughn and requested a joint status report
    outlining the parties' positions.
    In the joint status report, the government opposed the
    motion.   It argued that only Vaughn's 2002 sentence was eligible
    for reduction but that there could be no reduction on that sentence
    because he had already finished serving that sentence.                Vaughn did
    not contest the government's position that his 2013 sentence,
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    standing alone, was ineligible for reduction.1   However, he argued
    that he was serving a single aggregated sentence of 288 months
    (168 months on the 2002 sentence plus 120 months on the 2013
    sentence), and that he was entitled to a 33-month reduction on
    that combined sentence.
    On March 26, 2015, the district court denied the motion
    in a summary order.
    A.   Standard of Review and Applicable Law
    We review a denial of a sentence reduction for abuse of
    discretion.   United States v. Caraballo, 
    552 F.3d 6
    , 8 (1st Cir.
    2008).   Because Vaughn claims legal error by the district court
    and "[a] material error of law is perforce an abuse of discretion,"
     our review is effectively de novo.   United States v. Fanfan,
    558 F.3d 105
    , 107 (1st Cir. 2009).
    A federal court generally “may not modify a term of
    imprisonment once it has been imposed.”   
    18 U.S.C. § 3582
    (c).   One
    exception is that:
    [I]n the case of a defendant who has been
    sentenced to a term of imprisonment based on
    a sentencing range that has subsequently been
    lowered by the Sentencing Commission . . . the
    court may reduce the term of imprisonment,
    after considering the factors set forth in
    1 Both parties agree that the 2013 sentence is ineligible for
    reduction because that sentence was based on a career offender
    base offense level, which was unaffected by Amendment 782. See
    United States v. Caraballo, 
    552 F.3d 6
    , 10 (1st Cir. 2008).
    - 4 -
    section 3553(a) to the extent that they are
    applicable, if such a reduction is consistent
    with applicable policy statements issued by
    the Sentencing Commission.
    18 U.S.C. § 3582
    (c)(2). The relevant policy statement is contained
    in U.S.S.G. § 1B1.10.
    Section 3582(c)(2) establishes a two-step inquiry under
    which the district court must first determine whether a reduction
    is authorized by § 1B1.10 and, if so, the extent of any authorized
    reduction.       Dillon v. United States, 
    560 U.S. 817
    , 826–27 (2010).
    The second step is to determine whether a reduction is warranted
    according to the factors set out in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    Id. at 827
    .    The decision at step two is "a matter committed to the
    sentencing court's sound discretion."          United States v. Aponte-
    696 F.3d 157
    , 161 (1st Cir. 2012).
    Section 1B1.10 authorizes a sentence reduction only when
    one    of   an   enumerated   list   of   guideline   amendments   applies.
    U.S.S.G. § 1B1.10(a)(1), (d).        Among those amendments is Amendment
    782, effective as of November 1, 2014, which reduced by two levels
    the base offense level for many drug offenses.              Amendment 788
    amended § 1B1.10 to authorize district courts to apply Amendment
    782 retroactively, provided that "the effective date of the court's
    order is November 1, 2015, or later."         U.S.S.G. § 1B1.10(e)(1).
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    B.     Eligibility for Sentence Reduction
    The district court did not explain the reason for its
    denial of Vaughn's motion.        It is unclear whether the district
    court found that Vaughn was ineligible for a sentence reduction or
    whether it thought he was eligible but exercised its discretionary
    power under § 3582(c)(2) to deny the reduction.             We believe from
    the circumstances that the denial was based on ineligibility.2
    Because we conclude that Vaughn was ineligible for the sentence
    reduction, we affirm the result.             We resolve the problem on the
    plain language of the relevant statutes and guideline provisions.
    Vaughn is ineligible for relief under Amendment 782
    because he has already served the entirety of his otherwise
    eligible      sentence.    Because    the     applicable   policy   statement
    provides that "[i]n no event may the reduced term of imprisonment
    be less than the term of imprisonment the defendant has already
    served,"      U.S.S.G. § 1B1.10(b)(2)(C), no reduction is available to
    him.       The sentence he is currently serving is a separate sentence
    for his second crime that is not eligible for a reduction under
    Amendment 782.
    Vaughn argues that he is nonetheless eligible for a
    sentence reduction because he is serving an aggregate sentence of
    We encourage the district courts to give some explanation
    for such orders, so as to avoid questions about the grounds on
    which they are based.
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    288 months that should be considered a single, undivided whole.
    He relies principally on 
    18 U.S.C. § 3584
    (c), which provides that
    "[m]ultiple terms of imprisonment ordered to run consecutively or
    concurrently shall be treated for administrative purposes as a
    single, aggregate term of imprisonment."            He also points to the
    probation officer's statement at his 2013 sentencing hearing that
    BOP will "aggregate the entire sentence."
    Section   3584(c)     does   not   support   Vaughn's    position
    because   it   specifies    that    aggregation    is   "for   administrative
    purposes," and the issue at hand is judicial, not administrative.
    The BOP is responsible for administration of sentences. See United
    States v. Wilson, 
    503 U.S. 329
    , 335 (1992) ("After a district court
    sentences a federal offender, the Attorney General, through the
    BOP,   has   the   responsibility     for    administering     the   sentence."
    (emphasis added)).      A sentence reduction under § 3582(c)(2), on
    the other hand, involves discretionary decision-making by the
    district court and cannot be described as administrative. Applying
    § 3584(c) to this situation would essentially rewrite the statute
    to extend aggregation to all purposes.
    Vaughn also relies on case law from the Seventh Circuit
    and various district courts that have, in limited circumstances,
    aggregated consecutive sentences for the purpose of a § 3582(c)(2)
    sentence reduction.        See United States v. Clarke, 
    499 F. App'x 579
    , 582 (7th Cir. 2012); United States v. Kaman, No. 3:09-CR-141,
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    2015 WL 2226213
    , at *2 (E.D. Tenn. May 12, 2015); United States v.
    Brown, No. 2:04-cr-00088, 
    2013 WL 1819795
    , at *5–6 (W.D. Pa. Apr.
    29, 2013); United States v. Wilkerson, No. 00-cr-10426, 
    2010 WL 5437225
    , at *1–3 (D. Mass. Dec. 23, 2010); United States v. Martin,
    602 F. Supp. 2d 611
    , 614–15 (E.D. Pa. 2009); United States v.
    Bolin, No. 2:02-cr-176-1, 
    2008 WL 928397
    , at *1–3 (S.D. Ohio Apr.
    7, 2008).    But see United States v. Yarber, No. 00-CR-20031, 
    2008 WL 695362
    , at *3–4 (C.D. Ill. Mar. 12, 2008).         To the extent that
    those cases relied on § 3584(c)'s direction to the BOP to aggregate
    consecutive sentences for administrative purposes, their reasoning
    is unpersuasive as to our problem, for the reason stated above.
    Furthermore, those cases are distinguishable on the basis that
    each of them concerned consecutive sentences that were imposed at
    the   same    time   by   the    same   judge.     Even   supposing   that
    simultaneously imposed consecutive sentences could be aggregated
    for the purpose of a § 3582(c)(2) sentence reduction -- an issue
    that we do not decide here -- this case is different because
    Vaughn's     sentences    were   imposed    separately.    Simultaneously
    imposed consecutive sentences often do not make clear in what order
    the sentences should be served, so fairness concerns may be raised
    by a denial of a § 3582(c)(2) sentence reduction on the basis that
    the only eligible part of the total time of imprisonment has
    already been served. See Brown, 
    2013 WL 1819795
    , at *6 (expressing
    concern that it was "impossible to discern" the order of the
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    sentences); cf. Jones v. Thomas, 
    491 U.S. 376
    , 386 (1989) ("There
    is no indication that the order of the sentences was of the
    slightest importance to the sentencing judge, and there is no
    reason     constitutional      adjudication       should     turn      on   such
    fortuities.").    There is no such fairness concern when, as here,
    a defendant commits a crime while incarcerated and receives an
    additional consecutive sentence while he is already serving the
    first sentence.      In fact, other courts that have considered a
    sentence    reduction   for    the   first   of   two    separately     imposed
    consecutive sentences have rejected Vaughn's argument.                See United
    States v. Parker, 
    472 F. App'x 415
    , 417 (7th Cir. 2012); United
    States v. Gamble, 
    572 F.3d 472
    , 473–75 (8th Cir. 2009).
    Vaughn also makes an unpersuasive textual argument.
    Relying on the district court's reasoning in Bolin, Vaughn begins
    with the premise that a defendant is eligible for a sentence
    reduction when he "is serving a term of imprisonment, and the
    guideline range applicable to that defendant has subsequently been
    lowered."     Bolin,    
    2008 WL 928397
    ,   at   *2     (quoting    U.S.S.G.
    § 1B1.10(a)(1)).     Vaughn argues that § 1B1.10 "refers simply to
    'a' term of imprisonment, not to any specific portion of the
    consecutive or continuous term of imprisonment impacted by the
    amendment."    Id.     But that argument assumes its own conclusion.
    The fact that § 1B1.10 uses a singular "a" says nothing about
    - 9 -
    whether Vaughn is serving one single term of imprisonment or two
    separate back-to-back terms of imprisonment for purposes of § 3582.
    Finally, Vaughn analogizes to Supreme Court precedent in
    habeas cases concerned with the "in custody" requirement.                In
    Garlotte v. Fordice, 
    515 U.S. 39
     (1995), the Supreme Court held
    that a habeas petitioner remained "in custody" and could challenge
    a   state   conviction    underlying   the   first   of   two   consecutive
    sentences even after the technical expiration of the first sentence
    because     the    consecutive   sentences   "compos[ed]    a    continuous
    Id. at 41
    .     The Court relied on its earlier decision in
    Peyton v. Rowe, 
    391 U.S. 54
     (1968), which held that prisoners
    incarcerated under consecutive state court sentences could apply
    for federal habeas relief from sentences they had not yet begun to
    Id. at 55
    . However, it is far from certain whether Garlotte
    applies to separately imposed consecutive sentences.            The Court in
    Garlotte placed weight on the portion of the sentencing hearing in
    which the prosecutor expressed indifference about the order of the
    two consecutive sentences and the defense counsel did not argue
    the issue.        
    515 U.S. at
    41–42.   The Court expressed its concern
    that it was mere happenstance that the sentences were not in
    inverse order such that the petitioner would have been granted
    relief under Peyton.       
     at 44–45.     It is not clear whether it
    was necessary to the Court's holding that the consecutive sentences
    - 10 -
    there were simultaneously imposed.3    Even if Garlotte does apply
    to separately imposed consecutive sentences, federal habeas is a
    unique context and the "in custody" requirement has traditionally
    received a liberal construction that may be fairly viewed as sui
    generis.   See 
    id. at 45
     (recognizing that the Court has "very
    liberally construed the 'in custody' requirement for purposes of
    federal habeas" (quoting Maleng v. Cook, 
    490 U.S. 488
    , 492 (1989)
    (per curiam))); see also Schlesinger v. Councilman, 
    420 U.S. 738
    752 (1975) (recognizing special constitutional status resulting
    from unique interest in maintaining the availability of habeas).
    As such, we decline to rely on the habeas analogy.
    For the reasons stated, we affirm.
    3 Two circuits have decided it was not.        See DeFoy v.
    393 F.3d 439
    , 442 (3d Cir. 2005); Foster v. Booher,
    296 F.3d 947
    , 950 (10th Cir. 2002). Our circuit has not decided
    the issue, and we express no opinion on the question here.
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