United States v. Cook ( 2002 )

  •            United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 01-1405
    Donald Cook,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Joseph L. Tauro, U.S. District Judge]
    Lipez, Circuit Judge
    Coffin, Senior Circuit Judge
    and Barbadoro,* District Judge
    John H. LaChance, for appellant.
    John A. Wortmann, Jr., Assistant United States Attorney, with whom
    James B. Farmer, United States Attorney, were on brief for the
    January 18, 2002
    *Of the District of New Hampshire, sitting by designation.
    BARBADORO, District Judge. A grand jury indicted Donald
    Cook for possession of crack cocaine with intent to distribute. See 21
    U.S.C. § 841(a)(1). Cook subsequently moved to suppress the cocaine,
    arguing that the police seized it in violation of his Fourth Amendment
    rights. The district court denied the motion because it determined
    that the cocaine was lawfully seized following an investigative stop
    authorized by Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    (1968). Ultimately, Cook was
    convicted of the lesser-included offense of possession of more than
    five grams of crack cocaine. See 21 U.S.C. § 844. He appeals his
    conviction, arguing that the court erred in denying his suppression
    motion.   We affirm.
    We construe the record in the light most favorable to the
    district court’s ruling, drawing reasonable inferences in the
    government’s favor. See United States v. McCarthy, 
    77 F.3d 522
    , 525
    (1st Cir. 1996); see also United States v. Payton, 
    615 F.2d 922
    , 923
    (1st Cir. 1980). The following recitation is derived from testimony
    given at the suppression hearing, as well as from affidavits submitted
    by two of the three arresting officers.
    In the early morning hours of July 31, 1999, Boston Police
    Officers Craig Jones, Mark Freire, and John Conroy were patrolling the
    River Street area of Mattapan in an unmarked Crown Victoria sedan.
    Jones was driving. The officers were members of the Boston Police
    Department’s Youth Violence Strike Force and were in plain clothes.
    Freire and Jones, who had 28 years of experience between them, were
    familiar with their locale and understood it to be a high-crime area in
    which the trafficking of cocaine and other drugs was common.
    At approximately 1:30 a.m., the officers approached the Rolls
    Club, a Mattapan bar.   All of the officers knew that members of a
    street gang, known as KOZ, frequented the Rolls Club. Jones knew that
    KOZ was heavily involved in drug trafficking and firearms offenses.
    Jones also understood that Cook, whom he had known for years, was a
    member of KOZ and had a criminal history that included convictions for
    drug trafficking, crimes of violence, and at least one firearms
    offense. Freire did not know Cook. Nor was he familiar with Cook’s
    criminal history.
    As the officers approached the club in their unmarked
    vehicle, Freire observed Cook and a second man facing each other with
    their hands extended as if they were about to exchange something.
    Before any exchange took place, the men looked at the approaching
    police vehicle and, apparently recognizing it as such, pulled their
    hands back and separated. Cook then entered the passenger side of a
    nearby Ford Explorer, which was illegally parked with all four wheels
    on the sidewalk, and slid across behind the steering wheel. Jones
    first noticed Cook when he was inside the Explorer. After recognizing
    Cook, Jones stopped his vehicle and made eye contact with Cook, who
    looked alarmed. Both Freire and Jones thereafter saw Cook rise up out
    of his seat as if to place something in his pants or in the seat behind
    him. Jones identified Cook to his fellow officers and advised them
    that he thought Cook might have a gun. Freire, who had observed Cook’s
    interaction with the unidentified man on the street, also was concerned
    that Cook had risen up out of his seat to hide drugs.
    All three officers exited the police vehicle and approached
    the Explorer. Jones advanced toward the driver’s side with his weapon
    drawn and asked Cook, through the open window, whether he had a gun.
    Cook replied that he did not. Jones then leaned in the driver’s side
    window and, to the extent that he was able, patted Cook down. He then
    escorted Cook to the back of the Explorer and left him with Freire
    while he searched the vehicle for weapons. Freire, having noticed that
    Jones had not been able to conduct a complete pat-down of Cook, began
    patting him down. As he was doing so, he asked Cook whether he was
    concealing anything of which the officers should be aware.        Cook
    responded that he had some marijuana.
    Jones completed his search of the Explorer within a minute
    and returned to the back of the vehicle while Freire was completing the
    pat-down. Jones asked Cook if he had placed something in his pants,
    and Cook replied that he had “a little bit of weed” on him. Jones was
    skeptical and told Cook so, commenting that he wasn’t going to lock him
    up for “a little bit of weed.” At that point, Cook admitted that he
    had “few hits of crack.” Freire thereafter patted Cook down in the
    area of his buttocks and confirmed the presence of a hard object. The
    officers subsequently placed Cook under arrest and, after a brief
    scuffle, subdued him and transported him to a nearby police station.
    There, after being informed that the officers had the right to remove
    the object from his buttocks, Cook produced a bag containing
    approximately 16 grams of crack cocaine from the back of his shorts.
    The law governing investigative stops is well understood.
    A law enforcement officer ordinarily may not stop someone and restrain
    his freedom to walk away unless the officer has a “reasonable and
    articulable suspicion of criminal activity.” United States v. Chhien,
    266 F.3d 1
    , 6 (1st Cir. 2001). The reasonable suspicion test has been
    described as an intermediate standard requiring more than unfounded
    speculation but less than probable cause. See 
    id. At a
    minimum, the
    officer must have a “particularized and objective basis” for suspicion.
    Ornelas v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 690
    , 696 (1996) (quoting United
    States v. Cortez, 
    449 U.S. 411
    , 417-18 (1981)). When determining the
    legitimacy of an investigative stop, a court must undertake a
    contextual analysis using common sense and a degree of deference to the
    expertise that informs a law enforcement officer’s judgments about
    suspicious behavior.     See 
    Chhien, 266 F.3d at 6
    An investigative stop also must “be reasonably related in
    scope to the circumstances which justified the interference in the
    first place.” 
    Terry, 392 U.S. at 20
    . If a law enforcement officer
    reasonably suspects criminal activity, he may briefly question the
    suspect about his concerns. See Berkemer v. McCarty, 
    468 U.S. 420
    , 439
    (1984); United States v. Jones, 
    187 F.3d 210
    , 218 (1st Cir. 1999). If
    he has a reasonable basis to suspect that the subject of his inquiry
    may be armed, he also may frisk the suspect and undertake a limited
    search of the passenger compartment of any vehicle in which he is
    sitting. See United States v. Scott, 
    270 F.3d 30
    , 41 (1st Cir. 2001).
    Once again, context is vital in determining the permissible scope of an
    investigative stop.
    Cook invokes these principles in challenging the district
    court’s suppression ruling. He first argues that the district court
    should have suppressed the cocaine because the officers lacked a
    sufficient basis to reasonably suspect that he was illegally carrying
    a firearm. Alternatively, he contends that, even if the initial stop
    was justified, the officers should have released him immediately after
    they determined that he was not armed. Both arguments depend upon the
    unarticulated assumption that the legitimacy of the stop must be
    determined solely from Jones’s perspective, without regard to
    observations made by other officers who jointly participated in the
    stop. Cook apparently reasons that because Jones (who first approached
    him) did not personally witness any behavior which suggested that Cook
    had recently participated in an attempted drug deal, the only possible
    justification for the stop was Jones’s suspicion that Cook was
    illegally carrying a firearm.      This assumption is incorrect.
    As the Supreme Court has repeatedly noted, common sense and
    practical considerations must guide judgments about the reasonableness
    of searches and seizures. See United States v. Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. 675
    685 (1985) (investigative stops); Illinois v. Gates, 
    462 U.S. 213
    , 238
    (1983) (probable cause determinations); Texas v. Brown, 
    460 U.S. 730
    735-36 (1983) (other exceptions to warrant requirement) (plurality
    opinion). Here, common sense suggests that, where law enforcement
    officers are jointly involved in executing an investigative stop, the
    knowledge of each officer should be imputed to others jointly involved
    in executing the stop. See United States v. Ledford, 
    218 F.3d 684
    , 689
    (7th Cir. 2000) (applying principle in similar joint-search situation);
    see also United States v. Meade, 
    110 F.3d 190
    , 193-94 (1st Cir. 1997)
    (discussing “Fellow-Officer/Collective-Knowledge” Rule).
    Investigative stops generally occur in a dynamic environment
    marked by the potential for violence. Officers who jointly make such
    stops rarely will have an opportunity to confer during the course of
    the stop. Basing the legitimacy of the stop solely on what the officer
    who first approaches the suspect knows, rather than on the collective
    knowledge of all of the officers who participate directly in carrying
    out the stop, thus makes little sense from a practical standpoint. See
    Ledford, 218 F.3d at 689
    . Moreover, while we have recognized that a
    broad rendition of the collective knowledge principle could promote
    illegal searches, see 
    Meade, 110 F.3d at 194
    (expressing concern about
    applying the principle to impute the knowledge of an entire law
    enforcement agency to officers involved in executing a search), a far
    more limited application of the principle, one which takes into account
    only the knowledge of officers present at the scene and directly
    involved in effectuating a stop, is unlikely to encourage illegal
    police activity. Therefore, we will determine whether the stop at
    issue here was lawful by considering what both Jones and Freire knew
    about Cook’s background and recent activities.
    When we evaluate Cook’s claims by considering the collective
    knowledge of all of the officers who participated in the stop, it
    becomes apparent that they had ample grounds to stop Cook and briefly
    question him about whether he had been involved in an attempted drug
    transaction. As we have noted, Freire testified that he observed Cook
    and another man in the midst of what looked to be some sort of exchange
    at 1:30 a.m. in an area known for narcotics trafficking; that the men
    broke off their interaction and separated when they saw the approaching
    police officers; and that Cook then entered the illegally parked
    Explorer and appeared to be secreting some object in his pants or in
    the seat beneath him. While the information available to Freire does
    not irrefutably establish that Cook had been involved in an attempted
    drug deal, it provided a reasonable basis for his suspicions. No more
    is required to justify the officers’ collective decision to briefly
    detain and question Cook. Cf. United States v. Stanley, 
    915 F.2d 54
    56-57 (1st Cir. 1990) ( Terry stop reasonable where, just past midnight,
    defendant was sitting alone in his car in a high-crime area; appeared
    to be engaged in some purposeful though undefined drug-related
    activity; and appeared to hide something under his seat when he saw the
    officers approach). Moreover, because the officers were entitled to
    question Cook about his suspected participation in a drug deal, their
    right to detain him did not dissipate after they determined that he was
    not armed.1
    1 Although Cook does not press the point, we also note
    that the officers were entitled to frisk Cook and search his
    vehicle for weapons. When the officers encountered Cook
    apparently engaged in a drug transaction in a high crime area
    at 1:30 a.m., Jones knew that Cook was a member of a gang that
    was involved in drug trafficking and violence, and that Cook
    himself had a criminal record for engaging in drug
    trafficking, violent crimes and at least one firearms offense.
    The officers also knew that Cook appeared to be alarmed after
    he saw them, and rose up in his seat as if to conceal
    something in his pants or in the back of the vehicle. Under
    these circumstances, the officers had substantial reason to
    fear that Cook might be armed. See, e.g., 
    Scott, 270 F.3d at 41
    ; United States v. Gillard, 
    847 F.2d 21
    , 25 (1st Cir. 1988);
    United States v. Trullo, 
    809 F.2d 108
    , 113 (1st Cir. 1987).
    For the reasons stated, we affirm the conviction of defendant
    Donald Cook.