Groden v. N&D Transportation Co., Inc. , 866 F.3d 22 ( 2017 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-2553
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Rya W. Zobel, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Lipez, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    Melissa A. Brennan, with whom Catherine M. Campbell and
    Feinberg, Campbell & Zack, PC were on brief, for appellant.
    Oleg Nikolyszyn for appellees Laurent J. Duhamel and
    Elizabeth A. Duhamel.
    Robert A. Mitson, with whom Mitson Law Associates was on
    brief, for all appellees.
    August 2, 2017
    LIPEZ, Circuit Judge.               In this appeal, we consider
    whether the Supreme Court's decision in Peacock v. Thomas, 
    516 U.S. 349
    (1996), requires dismissal of a pension fund's lawsuit
    against an employer's alleged alter egos.                 Specifically, we must
    decide whether there is federal subject matter jurisdiction for
    the fund's suit seeking $1.2 million in unpaid withdrawal liability
    that previously was assessed against the employer in a default
    judgment.      The pension fund's manager, appellant Edward F. Groden,
    maintains      that   subject   matter     jurisdiction         exists   under   the
    Employee    Retirement      Income   Security       Act    of    1974    ("ERISA").
    Concluding otherwise, the district court dismissed the case and
    subsequently denied appellant's motion for post-judgment relief.
    Having carefully reviewed the law and the fund's allegations, we
    vacate the court's post-judgment ruling and remand the case for
    further proceedings.
    A. Background
    In    September     2012,    the     New   England     Teamsters     and
    Trucking Industry Pension Fund ("the Fund") secured a default
    judgment in federal court against D&N Transportation, Inc. ("D&N")
    for unpaid withdrawal liability the company owed, pursuant to ERISA
    as   amended     by   the   Multiemployer       Pension   Plan    Amendments     Act
    - 2 -
    ("MPPAA"), when it ceased operations.1      See 29 U.S.C. §§ 1132(e);
    1381; 1451.2       Defendants Laurent and Elizabeth Duhamel ("the
    Duhamels"), who are husband and wife, were D&N's sole stockholders
    during the company's forty-odd years in business.       Eighteen months
    after the default judgment, with no payments having been made, the
    Fund filed a new complaint -- i.e., this action -- against the
    Duhamels,    N&D   Transportation,   Inc.   ("N&D"),   and   JED   Realty
    Associates, LLC ("JED Realty"), seeking to hold them liable for
    the withdrawal liability.
    1 The action was filed on behalf of the Fund by its then
    manager, Charles Langone, who was later succeeded in that position
    by Edward F. Groden.    In September 2016, we granted Langone's
    assented-to motion to substitute Groden as plaintiff-appellant in
    this appeal. For convenience, we refer to appellant as "the Fund."
    2 We borrow the Ninth Circuit's explanation of withdrawal
    ERISA, which was enacted in 1974, was intended
    to protect employees covered by pension plans
    from being deprived of anticipated benefits
    because of employer underfunding.     When it
    turned out to do so inadequately, MPPAA was
    enacted in 1980 to reduce an employer's
    incentive to terminate its affiliation with a
    multiemployer pension plan by requiring
    employers who do withdraw to pay the unfunded
    vested    benefits   attributable    to    the
    withdrawing employers' participation.
    Resilient Floor Covering Pension Fund v. M&M Installation, Inc.,
    630 F.3d 848
    , 851 (9th Cir. 2010); see also Sun Capital Partners
    III, LP v. New Eng. Teamsters & Trucking Indus. Pension Fund,
    724 F.3d 129
    , 138 (1st Cir. 2013).
    - 3 -
    The Fund claimed, inter alia, that the Duhamels and N&D,
    a corporation owned by their two children (Nancy Belsito and David
    Duhamel), are alter egos of D&N and, accordingly, are equally
    responsible for the unpaid ERISA obligation. The Fund also alleged
    that JED Realty, another business owned by David Duhamel, is an
    alter ego of N&D and, as such, is likewise responsible for the D&N
    debt.    In support of its alter ego contentions, the Fund asserted,
    inter alia, that the operations of D&N and N&D overlapped in
    significant respects, including use of the same office space and
    telephone number, joint insurance coverage, linked bank accounts,
    and shared employees.3    Put simply, the Fund alleges that D&N and
    N&D were, in practical effect, the same entity, with "common
    ownership, management, business purpose, customers, employees and
    operation." In addition, the Fund claims that the Duhamels as
    individuals took "functional[] control" of D&N's assets when they
    sold the company's building to JED Realty and assigned the mortgage
    on the property to themselves personally.    Langone v. N&D Transp.
    Co. ("Langone I"), No. 1:14-cv-11028-RWZ, Mem. Dec. at 2 (D. Mass.
    Aug. 27, 2015).    The Fund's first amended complaint includes two
    3 Certain of these overlaps were alleged in the complaint,
    while others were asserted in the Fund's Opposition to the Motions
    to Dismiss. See Docket No. 52, Opposition to Motion, July 6, 2015,
    at 10-11. When considering motions to dismiss for lack of subject-
    matter jurisdiction pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    12(b)(1), the court may consider materials outside the pleadings.
    See González v. United States, 
    284 F.3d 281
    , 288 (1st Cir. 2002).
    - 4 -
    counts stemming from this transaction, one alleging a fraudulent
    transfer and the other seeking to reach and apply the funds owed
    by JED Realty to the Duhamels.
    The defendants moved to dismiss the amended complaint
    pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6).
    Citing the Supreme Court's decision in Peacock, which we describe
    below, defendants argued that suits premised on an alter ego theory
    or based on piercing a corporate veil do not present a federal
    question.    They also invoked Futura Development of Puerto Rico,
    Inc. v. Estado Libre Asociado De Puerto Rico, 
    144 F.3d 7
    (1st Cir.
    1998), in which this court rejected an alter ego claim as a basis
    for ancillary federal jurisdiction.      Defendants asserted that the
    Fund's complaint does not specify any ERISA provision authorizing
    the Fund to enforce the judgment rendered in the earlier action
    against third parties.   Hence, defendants contended, the complaint
    should be dismissed for lack of federal subject matter jurisdiction
    and because it failed to state a claim for which relief could be
    granted.    Defendants also challenged the fraudulent transfer claim
    on multiple additional grounds, including that it was untimely.
    B. The District Court's First Ruling
    The district court initially granted the defendants'
    motion to dismiss based on the factual inadequacy of the complaint.
    Langone I, at 8-9.   Although the court noted differences among the
    circuits as to when federal subject matter jurisdiction exists for
    - 5 -
    "a follow-on suit to collect an ERISA judgment from an alleged
    alter ego of a judgment-debtor," 
    id. at 7,
    the court sidestepped
    that       legal   issue   because     it    found    the   Fund's    allegations
    insufficient to support an inference that any defendant was D&N's
    alter ego at the time D&N violated ERISA, 
    id. at 8-9.4
                     The court
    thus dismissed the alter ego counts (Counts I, II, and V) for
    failure to state a claim, and it declined to exercise supplemental
    jurisdiction over the state law fraudulent-transfer and reach-and-
    apply claims (Counts III and IV).5
    The Fund responded by filing a motion for relief from
    judgment      under   Federal   Rule    of    Civil    Procedure     60(b)(6)   or,
    alternatively, to amend the judgment under Rule 59(e).                   The Fund
    argued, inter alia, that the district court had misconstrued ERISA
    case law and that, under the correct analysis, the Fund could
    "easily remed[y]" its failure to allege the pertinent timing
    through an amendment to its complaint.                The court committed legal
    error, according to the Fund, by holding that a valid ERISA claim
    Among other points, the court noted that the complaint
    "d[id] not allege that N&D had or breached any duties under an
    ERISA plan, nor does it allege that N&D was a fiduciary of an ERISA
    plan." Langone I, at 8.
    The court also denied the Fund's motion to file a second
    amended complaint to add defendants on the ground that it would be
    futile "to assert the same legally flawed claims that are in the
    current operative complaint against additional defendants."
    Langone I, at 11.
    - 6 -
    requires a showing that the defendants were plan fiduciaries.         The
    Fund also pointed to the court's incorrect statement that its first
    amended complaint did not allege that N&D is an "employer" within
    the meaning of ERISA.      See 29 U.S.C. §§ 1002(5), 1301(b), 142(1),
    152(2), (6), (7).   The Fund did not object, however, to dismissal
    of the alter ego claim against the Duhamels personally (Count II).6
    C. The District Court's Second Ruling
    The   district    court   denied   the   Fund's   post-judgment
    motion, finding no basis for setting aside the judgment under Rule
    60(b)7 or modifying the decision under Rule 59(e)8.         Langone v. N&D
    Transp. Co. ("Langone II"), No. 1:14-cv-11028-RWZ, Mem. Dec. at 7
    (D. Mass. Nov. 18, 2015).      With respect to the former, the court
    refuted the Fund's assertion that the decision should be vacated
    because the court had committed legal error in holding that ERISA
    6 The Fund also reiterated its request to add defendants in a
    second amended complaint that it said would include the missing
    temporal allegation.
    7Under Rule 60(b), "[t]he court may relieve a party . . . from
    a final judgment, order, or proceeding" for various reasons,
    including mistake, newly discovered evidence, fraud, or "any other
    reason that justifies relief." Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b), 60(b)(6).
    Under the "catchall category," subdivision (b)(6), relief is
    available "only in 'extraordinary circumstances.'" Buck v. Davis,
    137 S. Ct. 759
    , 772 (2017) (quoting Gonzalez v. Crosby, 
    545 U.S. 524
    , 535 (2005)).     The district court interpreted the Fund's
    request as falling within the catchall provision.
    8 Rule 59(e) simply states that "[a] motion to alter or amend
    a judgment must be filed no later than 28 days after the entry of
    the judgment."
    - 7 -
    alter ego claims require an allegation of fiduciary status.       To
    the contrary, the court stated, it had merely identified fiduciary
    status as one alternative prerequisite for an ERISA claim, along
    with a breach of duty under an ERISA plan or alter ego status at
    the time the primary actor violated ERISA.       The court clarified
    that it had dismissed the alter ego claims because the Fund had
    not adequately alleged any of those grounds for ERISA liability.
    Id. at 5.
       The court thus found no "extraordinary circumstances"
    to justify vacating the prior judgment.    
    Id. The court
    also refused to alter its judgment so that the
    Fund could file an amended complaint.       
    Id. at 7.
       Relying on
    Peacock and Futura Development, the court ruled that, even with
    the proposed new timing allegation, the ERISA claims "would not
    provide a basis for federal jurisdiction."    
    Id. at 6-7.
    On appeal, the Fund's primary argument is that the
    district court erred as a matter of law in finding that its alter
    ego claims (Counts I and V) would not fall within the federal
    courts' subject-matter jurisdiction even if the complaint were
    amended to allege that N&D was the alter ego of D&N at the time
    the latter withdrew from the Fund and violated ERISA.9      The Fund
    also argues that the district court should have granted its motion
    9 Consistent with the position taken in its post-judgment
    filings, the Fund does not challenge on appeal the dismissal of
    its alter ego claim against the Duhamels personally (Count II).
    - 8 -
    to   amend   the    complaint   to   cure     the   temporal   deficiency    and
    erroneously declined to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over
    its state-law claims against the Duhamels and JED Realty (Counts
    III and IV).       The Fund thus asks this court to vacate the denial
    of its motion for post-judgment relief.
    A. Standard of Review
    As both parties observe, a district court's ruling on a
    post-judgment      motion   under    either    Rule   59(e)    or   Rule   60(b)
    ordinarily is reviewed for abuse of discretion.                See Guadalupe-
    Báez v. Pesquera, 
    819 F.3d 509
    , 518 & n.4 (1st Cir. 2016) (Rule
    59(e)); Giroux v. Fed. Nat'l Mortg. Ass'n, 
    810 F.3d 103
    , 106 (1st
    Cir. 2016) (Rule 60(b)).        Here, however, the Fund asserts that we
    should apply de novo review to the district court's denial of post-
    judgment relief because that decision stemmed from the court's
    misreading of ERISA law.
    We agree that this appeal turns on a question of law --
    whether the Fund's alter ego claims give rise to federal subject-
    matter jurisdiction -- and that we do not defer to the district
    court if we detect a legal error in its reasoning.             See Guadalupe-
    Báez, 819 F.3d at 518
    (Rule 59(e)); Ungar v. Palestine Liberation
    599 F.3d 79
    , 83 (1st Cir. 2010) (Rule 60(b)(6)); see also
    Highmark Inc. v. Allcare Health Mgmt. Sys., Inc., 
    134 S. Ct. 1744
    1748   n.2   (2014)    ("The    abuse-of-discretion      standard     does   not
    - 9 -
    preclude an appellate court's correction of a district court's
    legal or factual error: 'A district court would necessarily abuse
    its discretion if it based its ruling on an erroneous view of the
    law or on a clearly erroneous assessment of the evidence.'"
    (quoting Cooter & Gell v. Hartmarx Corp., 
    496 U.S. 384
    , 405
    Accordingly, we turn to our review of the applicable
    law.        We briefly describe our general approach to the alter ego
    doctrine in the ERISA context before considering the case law
    discussing whether, and when, a federal action may be brought
    against an asserted alter ego based on a previously entered
    judgment against the signatory ERISA employer.
    B. ERISA Alter Ego Status in the First Circuit
    It is well established First Circuit law that the alter
    ego doctrine applies to ERISA claims. See Massachusetts Carpenters
    Cent. Collection Agency v. Belmont Concrete Corp. ("Belmont"), 
    139 F.3d 304
    , 308 (1st Cir. 1998) (noting that alter ego analysis was
    "developed in the labor law context" and extended "to claims
    involving employee benefit funds"). We have observed that reliance
    on the alter ego doctrine in the ERISA context can prevent the
    The Fund alternatively argues that our review is de novo
    because the district court's post-judgment ruling was based on a
    different rationale (failure to present a federal question) than
    its original judgment dismissing the action for failing to state
    a claim for relief. Regardless, the question before us is one of
    law, which triggers plenary review.
    - 10 -
    evasion        of   pension    obligations,      thereby   protecting   employee
    benefits and denying employers "an unearned advantage in [their]
    labor activities."            
    Id. at 308
    (quoting Chicago Dist. Council of
    Carpenters Pension Fund v. P.M.Q.T., Inc., 
    169 F.R.D. 336
    , 342
    (N.D.        Ill.   1996));   see   also   
    id. ("[U]nderlying congressional
    policy behind ERISA clearly favors the disregard of the corporate
    entity in cases where employees are denied their pension benefits."
    (quoting P.M.Q.T., 
    Inc., 169 F.R.D. at 342
    )).                     Although the
    doctrine is used primarily in circumstances "involving successor
    companies, 'where the successor is merely a disguised continuance
    of the old employer,' it also applies to situations where the
    companies are parallel companies."                
    Id. at 307
    (quoting C.E.K.
    Indus. Mech. Contractors, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    921 F.2d 350
    , 354 (1st
    Cir. 1990)) (citations omitted); see also Union Builders, Inc. v.
    68 F.3d 520
    , 524 (1st Cir. 1995).11
    Among the relevant factors in determining whether a
    second company is an alter ego of a signatory ERISA employer are
    "continuity of ownership, similarity of the two companies in
    relation to management, business purpose, operation, equipment,
    The defendants do not contest the Fund's assertion that our
    ERISA alter ego precedent is applicable to the non-payment of
    withdrawal liability as well as to the obligation to contribute to
    a pension fund. See 29 U.S.C. § 1451(b) (stating that, "[i]n any
    action under this section to compel an employer to pay withdrawal
    liability, any failure of the employer to make any withdrawal
    liability payment within the time prescribed shall be treated in
    the same manner as a delinquent contribution").
    - 11 -
    customers, supervision, and anti-union animus -- i.e., 'whether
    the alleged alter ego entity was created and maintained in order
    to avoid labor obligations.'"    
    Belmont, 139 F.3d at 308
    NLRB v. Hosp. San Rafael, Inc., 
    42 F.3d 45
    , 50 (1st Cir. 1994)).
    "No single factor is controlling, and all need not be present to
    support a finding of alter ego status."    
    Id. It is
    thus uncontroverted in our circuit that a plaintiff
    may seek to impose ERISA liability on an alter ego of the employer
    that formally bears the obligations imposed by the statute.     The
    dispute here concerns the Fund's attempt to do so in a new action
    brought subsequent to a judgment against the signatory employer.
    Such secondary litigation -- described by the district court as a
    "follow-on suit" -- is the focus of the Supreme Court's decision
    in Peacock and our analysis in Futura Development.     We thus next
    review that governing precedent.
    C. "Follow-on" Jurisdiction: Peacock and Futura Development
    In Peacock v. Thomas, plaintiff Thomas sued an officer
    of his former employer in an attempt to collect a monetary judgment
    obtained against the employer in an earlier ERISA 
    action. 516 U.S. at 351-52
    .   The defendant, Peacock, had been found not liable
    in the original action, and the second suit was premised on
    Peacock's allegedly improper disposal of the company's assets,
    after the judgment, to prevent satisfaction of that judgment.   
    Id. at 352.
      In the original litigation, Thomas had sued for benefits
    - 12 -
    due under the corporation's pension plan.                
    Id. at 351.
          In the
    second action, Thomas claimed that Peacock had participated in a
    conspiracy to siphon assets from the company and fraudulently
    transferred company assets in violation of state laws.                   
    Id. The Supreme
    Court held that the federal courts lacked
    subject matter jurisdiction over the second lawsuit.                     The Court
    first rejected Thomas' reliance on ERISA as the source of federal
    jurisdiction,     observing    that        "[w]e   are   not    aware     of,   and
    [plaintiff] does not point to, any provision of ERISA that provides
    for imposing liability for an extant ERISA judgment against a third
    Id. at 353.
    Although Thomas suggested that his subsequent
    suit arose under the ERISA provision authorizing civil actions for
    "appropriate equitable relief," 29 U.S.C. § 1132(a)(3), the Court
    pointed out that Thomas had "alleged no violation of ERISA or of
    the plan."    
    Id. The Court
    further held that Thomas' claim based
    on piercing the corporate veil "does not state a cause of action
    under     ERISA      and    cannot     independently           support     federal
    Id. at 353-54.
           Indeed, as the Court noted, the
    challenged conduct in Peacock occurred years after the ERISA plan
    was     terminated    and   "did     not     occur   with      respect    to    the
    administration or operation of the plan."                
    Id. at 353
    Respondent's Br. at 11).             Original jurisdiction based on the
    federal statute was thus unavailable.
    - 13 -
    The   Court,    however,   did   not   entirely    foreclose   the
    possibility of federal jurisdiction for a veil-piercing claim
    brought in a lawsuit filed subsequent to an earlier ERISA judgment.
    In dicta, the Court contemplated such a claim where the complaint
    in the second litigation alleges an ERISA violation:
    Even if ERISA permits a plaintiff to pierce
    the corporate veil to reach a defendant not
    otherwise subject to suit under ERISA, Thomas
    could invoke the jurisdiction of the federal
    courts only by independently alleging a
    violation of an ERISA provision or term of the
    plan.   Piercing the corporate veil is not
    itself an independent ERISA cause of action,
    "but rather is a means of imposing liability
    on an underlying cause of 
    action." 516 U.S. at 354
    (footnote omitted) (quoting 1 C. Keating & G.
    O'Gradney, Fletcher Cyclopedia of Law of Private Corporations § 41,
    at 603 (perm. ed. 1990)).
    The Court in Peacock also considered, and rejected,
    Thomas' contention that his suit fell within the federal courts'
    ancillary jurisdiction.          The Court explained that the federal
    courts' power to dispose of supplemental claims that have "a
    factual and logical dependence" on the "primary" federal claims
    does not provide a basis for subject-matter jurisdiction when non-
    federal claims are brought on their own in a separate proceeding.
    id. at 355
    ("The court must have jurisdiction over a case or
    controversy    before   it    may   assert    jurisdiction     over   ancillary
    claims.").     Nor did Thomas' suit fit within the courts' limited
    - 14 -
    ancillary enforcement jurisdiction, in which "a federal court's
    inherent power to enforce its judgments" warrants action against
    third parties to protect -- and collect -- a judgment already
    Id. at 356.
            In such cases, the judgment creditor is
    "not seek[ing] to impose liability for a money judgment on a person
    not   otherwise     liable       for   the    judgment,"    
    id. at 351,
      but   is
    attempting to secure the judgment debtor's funds via mechanisms
    designed     for    that   purpose,          "including    attachment,        mandamus,
    garnishment,       and     the     prejudgment         avoidance      of     fraudulent
    id. at 356.
    In Futura 
    Development, 144 F.3d at 8
    , a panel of this
    court relied on Peacock, in a non-ERISA case, to conclude that the
    district    court     lacked      jurisdiction      over    a   follow-on         lawsuit
    premised on an alter ego theory.                The plaintiff company, Futura,
    was seeking payment from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico on a $12
    million judgment previously issued against a public corporation,
    the     Cooperative      Development         Company    ("CDC"),      in     an    action
    originally brought under federal diversity jurisdiction.                          See 
    id. at 10.
        Acknowledging that neither federal question nor diversity
    jurisdiction applied to the claim against the Commonwealth, 
    id., Futura argued
    that its new action was properly in federal court
    under    ancillary    enforcement        jurisdiction.          It    asserted      that,
    unlike the corporate officer sued in Peacock, the Commonwealth was
    "not really a 'new' defendant" because it was the alter ego of the
    - 15 -
    CDC, and it was thus liable for the primary judgment "from the
    moment      that    the   jury     returned      its   verdict   in   the    original
    Id. at 11.
        We     rejected   Futura's      reasoning,
    concluding that its second action was equivalent to the veil-
    piercing claim in Peacock because it involved "an independent
    theory of liability under equity, complete with new evidence."
    Id. at 12.
            Under Peacock, such a new proceeding requires its own
    basis for federal jurisdiction.12                
    Id. at 10-12.
    The question before us is whether the district court
    properly concluded that it lacked subject-matter jurisdiction over
    this     action      under       the   principles      articulated    in     Peacock.
    Initially, the court dismissed the Fund's complaint under Rule
    12(b)(6)      because       it    found    the     allegations   insufficient      to
    establish the defendants' alter ego status.                  When the Fund sought
    in its post-judgment motion to amend the complaint to specify that
    Futura subsequently tried to bring its alter ego claim as
    a supplementary proceeding in the original action.     See U.S.I.
    Props. Corp. v. M.D. Constr. Co., 
    230 F.3d 489
    , 492 (1st Cir.
    2000). We again found no federal enforcement jurisdiction over
    the claim.     
    Id. at 492-93
    (holding that federal enforcement
    jurisdiction does not allow "proceedings to establish direct
    liability against the Commonwealth on an alter ego theory
    . . . where the limitations on diversity jurisdiction would have
    prevented the Commonwealth from being named a defendant in the
    action originally"). We declined to address the separate, "complex
    question" of whether the case also could be dismissed based on the
    Commonwealth's Eleventh Amendment immunity. See 
    id. at 495.
    - 16 -
    N&D was D&N's alter ego at the times pertinent to the disputed
    withdrawal liability,13     the court concluded that the proposed
    amendment would be futile.     It reasoned that, even so revised, the
    complaint would lack "allegations that the defendants exercised
    control over D&N's business and/or played a part in D&N's ERISA
    violation."     Langone II, at 7 n.3.     Absent such allegations, the
    court stated,
    [t]his matter is . . . not appreciably
    different from a veil piercing situation such
    as that analyzed in Peacock, 
    516 U.S. 349
    . It
    is thus functionally an action against a third
    party to collect on an existing judgment,
    which is typically a matter for state courts.
    id. at 357.
    Langone II, at 7 n.3.     The court thus declined to vacate its prior
    dismissal of the action because of "the subject matter jurisdiction
    Id. at 7.
    The district court, however, misconstrued the Fund's
    allegations concerning N&D's alter ego status with the proposed
    new timing averment.      By claiming that N&D was D&N's alter ego
    when the withdrawal liability arose, and supporting that claim
    13In referring to the alter ego concept with respect to N&D,
    we use the term consistently with our prior usage in labor and
    ERISA cases, i.e., to signify two employer entities that are
    interchangeable based on the factors identified in Belmont and the
    earlier cases on which it relied. See 
    Belmont, 139 F.3d at 308
    09; Hosp. San 
    Rafael, 42 F.3d at 50
    ; C.E.K. Indus. Mech.
    Contractors, 921 F.2d at 354
    .     We address the alter ego claim
    against JED Realty separately below.
    - 17 -
    with factual allegations of substantial overlap in the companies'
    operations, the Fund would be asserting that D&N and N&D were
    interchangeable and that, accordingly, N&D necessarily "played a
    part in D&N's ERISA violation."            See supra note 13.            The court's
    fundamental     error    in    evaluating        the    alter     ego    allegations
    concerning N&D thus led it astray in assessing whether the Fund
    had established federal subject-matter jurisdiction.
    Properly viewed, this case is readily distinguishable
    from Peacock and Futura Development.                   Under Peacock, a second
    litigation seeking to collect on an earlier judgment must have its
    own basis for federal subject-matter jurisdiction.                   Here, the Fund
    maintains that N&D was -- at the pertinent times -- the same
    company as D&N and, as such, bore the same obligation under ERISA
    for   the   payment     of   that   liability.         As   the    district     court
    acknowledged, see Langone II, at 7 n.4, the Fund alleged that "N&D
    Transportation is an 'employer' within the meaning of ERISA,"
    Compl.,     Docket    #31-1,    ¶   6     (citing      29   U.S.C.      §§   1002(5),
    1301(b)(1)), and "an employer in an industry affecting commerce
    within the meaning of ERISA," 
    id. (citing 29
    U.S.C. §§ 142(1),
    152(2), (6)).    In addition, as noted above, the complaint alleged
    facts addressing the Belmont factors before asserting that N&D was
    the alter ego of D&N and that, as D&N's alter ego, N&D was "liable
    for the judgment issued against D&N" in the prior action.                         
    Id. ¶¶ 24-25.
                                            - 18 -
    The Fund's claim against N&D was thus anchored in ERISA
    and premised on N&D's de facto status as an ERISA employer, and
    not -- as was the situation in Peacock -- on alleged wrongful
    conduct outside the scope of the federal statute.     Indeed, this
    case presents the scenario the Supreme Court itself distinguished
    from the circumstances presented in Peacock, i.e., one in which a
    plaintiff "could invoke the jurisdiction of the federal courts
    . . . by independently alleging a violation of an ERISA provision
    or term of the 
    plan." 516 U.S. at 354
    . Likewise, because ERISA
    provides the jurisdictional hook, allowing the claim against N&D
    to proceed is also consistent with Futura Development.14
    The same cannot be said, however, for the alter ego claim
    against JED Realty (Count V), which alleges that JED Realty is
    responsible for the prior judgment as an alter ego of N&D -- but
    14We further note that our conclusion on the alter ego claim
    against N&D accords with both Court of Appeals decisions
    highlighted by the district court.       In Ellis v. All Steel
    Construction, Inc., 
    389 F.3d 1031
    (10th Cir. 2004), the Tenth
    Circuit held that subject-matter jurisdiction under ERISA exists
    for a follow-on suit only if the plaintiff asserts a direct ERISA
    violation by the alter-ego defendant. 
    Id. at 1035;
    see also 
    id. at 1034
    (stating that "claims that posit an alter ego's direct
    concurrent liability for an ERISA violation" "do[] not implicate
    Peacock concerns").      The Seventh Circuit, meanwhile, has
    distinguished between alter ego claims and the piercing-the-
    corporate-veil theory at issue in Peacock, concluding that a
    pension fund's cause of action against asserted alter egos
    necessarily arises under federal law because "the same entity" is
    being sued: "[W]hen the parent and subsidiary are just alter egos,
    then everything depends on, and the claim arises under, federal
    law." Board of Trs., Sheet Metal Workers' Nat'l Pension Fund v.
    Elite Erectors, Inc., 
    212 F.3d 1031
    , 1038 (7th Cir. 2000).
    - 19 -
    does not assert that JED Realty is directly liable as an ERISA
    employer.    See Compl., Docket #31-1, ¶¶ 72-73 (alleging that JED
    Realty is an alter ego of N&D and, "[a]s an alter ego of N&D
    Transportation, Defendant JED Realty is liable for any judgment
    issued    against   N&D    Transportation   as    the   alter   ego   of   D&N
    Transportation").         Because this claim is based solely on the
    relationship between N&D and JED Realty, it is akin to the veil-
    piercing claim asserted in Peacock and the alter ego claim alleged
    in Futura Development -- i.e., it involves a theory of liability
    that does not present a federal question, involve diverse parties,
    or   fall   within    the     federal   courts'     recognized    ancillary
    enforcement jurisdiction.       Hence, considered on its own, there is
    "no independent basis for [federal] jurisdiction" for the alter
    ego claim against JED Realty.       
    Peacock, 516 U.S. at 355
    Of course, if federal subject-matter jurisdiction exists
    for the alter ego claim against N&D (Count I), the JED Realty alter
    ego claim (Count V) -- as well as the state law fraudulent-transfer
    and reach-and-apply claims (Counts III and IV) -- theoretically
    could proceed pursuant to the court's supplemental jurisdiction.15
    We offer no view on that path for the Fund's claims, as it is not
    our role to consider in the first instance the factors informing
    15 For the first time on appeal, the Fund asserts that the
    district court had ancillary enforcement jurisdiction over the
    fraudulent transfer claim.   We decline to address that belated
    contention here.
    - 20 -
    the     district    court's    discretionary         judgment    on    whether   to
    entertain supplemental claims.              See Ramos-Echevarría v. Pichis,
    659 F.3d 182
    ,   191   (1st       Cir.   2011)    (noting     court's
    "considerable       authority"       to     decide     whether        to   exercise
    supplemental jurisdiction based on factors that include "judicial
    economy, convenience, fairness to litigants, and comity").
    We therefore conclude that the district court erred in
    refusing to vacate its dismissal of the Fund's alter ego claim
    against    N&D     (Count   I),   and     rejecting     the     proposed   amended
    complaint, on the ground that federal jurisdiction would be lacking
    even if the complaint contained the temporal allegation concerning
    N&D's alter ego status.        Because the court's post-judgment rulings
    on the other counts rest on this legal error, the court on remand
    will need to reconsider its dismissal of those counts as well.
    For the reasons detailed above, we vacate the district
    court's denial of the Fund's Motion for Relief from Judgment and/or
    Motion to Amend the Judgment and remand for further proceedings
    consistent with this opinion.
    So ordered.       Costs to appellant.
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