Kurdi v. Sessions , 688 F. App'x 35 ( 2017 )

  •                 Not for Publication in West's Federal Reporter
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 16-2029
    Attorney General of the United States,*
    Howard, Chief Judge,
    Thompson and Barron, Circuit Judges.
    Saher J. Macarius, Audrey Botros, and Law Offices of Saher J.
    Macarius LLC on brief for petitioner.
    Victoria M. Braga, Trial Attorney, Office of Immigration
    Litigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Joyce R. Branda, Acting
    Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, and Cindy S. Ferrier,
    Assistant Director, on brief for respondent.
    April 14, 2017
    * Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 43(c)(2), Attorney General
    Jefferson B. Sessions, III has been substituted for former Attorney
    General Loretta E. Lynch as respondent.
    HOWARD, Chief Judge.    Petitioner Mustafa Ahmad Kurdi, a
    native and citizen of Lebanon, asks us to review a Board of
    Immigration Appeals ("BIA") order denying his claims for asylum,
    withholding of removal, and protection under the United Nations
    Convention Against Torture (“CAT”).         After careful consideration
    of the briefs and the administrative record, we deny the petition.
    Kurdi entered the United States on a visitor's visa in
    2006 and remained longer than permitted.              That same year, he
    married a U.S. citizen.    Kurdi's wife filed a visa petition on his
    behalf, but the Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") denied the
    petition and filed a Notice to Appear charging Kurdi as removable
    pursuant to Immigration and Nationality Act § 237(a)(1)(B).
    An    immigration    judge     ("IJ")     continued      Kurdi's
    proceedings to allow his spouse to file another visa petition on
    his behalf, which she did in December 2009.              Nearly two years
    later, DHS denied this second petition, finding that the couple
    had failed to meet their burden of proving the bona fides of their
    marriage.    Only after this second denial -- some six years after
    Kurdi   entered   the   United   States    --   did   Kurdi   seek   asylum,
    withholding of removal, and protection under the CAT.
    In his asylum application and in testimony before the
    IJ, Kurdi claimed that between 1998 and 1999 -- that is, while he
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    was completing a one-year period of compulsory service in the
    Lebanese military -- a member of a group considered by the United
    States   to    be     a   terrorist   organization    ("the    organization")
    approached Kurdi and asked him to act as an informant.                    Kurdi
    refused because he worried that becoming an informant would put
    him and his family at risk; however, he also worried that he could
    be killed for refusing.          Therefore, after rejecting the request,
    Kurdi successfully sought transfer to another military post.                He
    completed his military service without being contacted, let alone
    threatened or harmed, by any members of the organization.
    Kurdi applied for a visa to study in Germany after his
    military service. He studied there between 2001 and 2006 but never
    applied for asylum or refugee status in Germany because it was
    "not on [his] mind.        [He] wasn't thinking of it."
    Kurdi   returned   to   Lebanon   on   three    occasions   while
    living in Germany.         He claimed that he returned, in spite of his
    fears, because his father was ill, and his parents asked him to
    visit.    During the first of these three visits, local police
    detained Kurdi for one night; the detention, he speculated, was
    spurred by interest in the car he was driving.                   Though Kurdi
    described the police as "rude," they never threatened or otherwise
    harmed him.      Nor did any members of the organization threaten or
    harm him.      No incidents occurred during Kurdi's two subsequent
    visits to Lebanon.
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    At his immigration hearing, Kurdi conceded that he had
    not received any threats from the organization while living in the
    United States.    Further, he admitted that his mother and several
    of his siblings continued to live in Lebanon unharmed. He claimed,
    however, that he remained fearful that the organization would seek
    to harm him if he returned to Lebanon.
    The IJ issued an oral decision denying Kurdi's claims
    for relief on the merits and ordered him removed to Lebanon.    The
    IJ found that, although Kurdi was credible, he failed to meet his
    burden of showing either past persecution or a well-founded fear
    of future persecution.1   The BIA affirmed the IJ's decision.
    This timely petition for review followed.
    Kurdi challenges the BIA's denial of his claims for
    asylum, withholding of removal, and protection under the CAT.
    Where, as here, the BIA adopts the IJ's decision and reasoning, we
    review both decisions under the deferential substantial evidence
    standard.    Conde Cuatzo v. Lynch, 
    796 F.3d 153
    , 156 (1st Cir.
    2015).   Under this rubric, we will not reverse "unless 'the record
    1 Kurdi argues at some length on appeal that he was credible.
    Yet, this is so much wasted breath, as the IJ accepted Kurdi's
    testimony as credible, and the BIA did not disturb that finding.
    Our analysis proceeds under the assumption that Kurdi testified
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    would   compel    a   reasonable      adjudicator    to   reach    a   contrary
     (quoting Lin v. Holder, 
    561 F.3d 68
    , 72 (1st
    Cir. 2009)).     Kurdi cannot clear this high hurdle.
    A. Asylum
    In   order   to   qualify    for    asylum,   an   applicant   must
    establish either past persecution, or a well-founded fear of future
    persecution if repatriated, on account of one of five enumerated
    grounds: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular
    social group, or political opinion. See 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
    Ample evidence supports the IJ's conclusion that Kurdi's
    experiences in Lebanon did not rise to the level of persecution.
    The attempted recruitment alone is inadequate.                   Cf. I.N.S. v.
    502 U.S. 478
    , 482 (1992) (attempted recruitment
    does not constitute persecution on account of an individual's
    political    opinion).        Here,     Kurdi   claims    that    he   suffered
    persecution because "he was forced to change his lifestyle" out of
    "fear and paranoia on a daily basis of being harmed" by the
    organization because he declined to help it.                   Yet, the record
    plainly shows that no one in Lebanon threatened or harmed Kurdi at
    any time.    Even accepting that Kurdi felt fearful, his experience
    simply does not fit within our understanding of "'persecution'
    [a]s an extreme concept," Fatin v. I.N.S., 
    12 F.3d 1233
    , 1243 (3d
    Cir. 1993), that goes beyond mere "unpleasantness, harassment, and
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    even basic suffering," Nelson v. I.N.S., 
    232 F.3d 258
    , 263 (1st
    Cir. 2000).
    Kurdi also points to his overnight detention by Lebanese
    police.    But Kurdi himself linked this detention to interest in
    his car rather than to a protected ground.       Even if we assume
    arguendo that the detention was a harm rising to the level of
    persecution, because Kurdi fails to "provide sufficient evidence
    to forge an actual connection between the harm and some statutorily
    protected ground," he cannot show eligibility for asylum on this
    basis.    Lopez de Hincapie v. Gonzales, 
    494 F.3d 213
    , 218 (1st Cir.
    We find no reason to disturb the IJ and BIA's conclusion
    that Kurdi failed to show past persecution, as "[w]e cannot say on
    these facts that the 'record compels a contrary conclusion.'"
    Lumataw v. Holder, 
    582 F.3d 78
    , 91 (1st Cir. 2009) (quoting Elías-
    502 U.S. at
    481 n.1).     Because Kurdi did not show that
    he suffered past persecution, he was not entitled to a presumption
    that he had a well-founded fear of future persecution.          See
    8 C.F.R. § 1208.13
    Kurdi argues that he nevertheless qualifies for asylum
    because he provided evidence that he would be persecuted if
    repatriated to Lebanon.2     Absent a showing of past persecution,
    2 Kurdi also asserts that "the IJ failed to take into
    consideration the country reports in considering [his] fear of
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    Kurdi has a higher hurdle here.     Under the circumstances, he must
    harbor a genuine fear of future persecution and must establish an
    objectively reasonable basis for that fear.           See Nikijuluw v.
    427 F.3d 115
    , 121–122 (1st Cir. 2005).       Kurdi's credible
    testimony suffices to satisfy the subjective component.          See 
    id. at 122
    .    Therefore, as the IJ did, we focus our inquiry on the
    objective component.   "An objectively reasonable fear . . . exists
    if a reasonable person in the petitioner's circumstances would
    fear persecution based on a statutorily protected ground."              
    On this record -- including the U.S. Department of State Country
    Report -- there was substantial evidence for the IJ to conclude
    that, although Lebanon is characterized by "general conditions of
    violence   and   political   instability,"    a   reasonable   person    in
    Kurdi's position would not fear persecution on account of a
    protected ground.
    We do not minimize reports of the organization's acts of
    violence, but general criminal activity cannot ground a well-
    founded fear of future persecution.          See Vasili v. Holder, 
    732 F.3d 83
    , 91 (1st Cir. 2013) (finding no well-founded fear of future
    persecution despite Country Report that indicated presence of
    criminal violence "as well as some corruption and incompetence
    within the police force").      Moreover, Kurdi did not (conclusory
    future persecution." On the contrary, the record shows that the
    IJ cited and discussed current U.S. State Department reports.
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    claims aside) show he would be targeted personally: there was no
    evidence that members of the organization were looking for him,
    and he lived in and visited Lebanon without threat or harm after
    refusing to aid the organization.         Cf. Zhang v. Holder, 
    330 F. App'x 201
    , 203 (1st Cir. 2009) (citing similar reasons to deny
    petition for review).     In sum, the record considered as a whole
    does not compel the conclusion that Kurdi has a well-founded fear
    of future persecution.
    Accordingly,    we   conclude    that   substantial   evidence
    supports the agency's asylum determination.
    B. Withholding of Removal
    Because Kurdi failed to carry the burden of persuasion
    for his asylum claim, his related claim for withholding of removal
    necessarily fails.     See Villa-Londono v. Holder, 
    600 F.3d 21
    , 24
    n.1 (1st Cir. 2010).
    C. CAT
    This brings us to Kurdi's final claim. The BIA concluded
    that Kurdi had not established eligibility for protection under
    the CAT, explaining that he failed to "demonstrate that [he] would
    more likely than not be tortured in Lebanon by or with the
    acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an
    official capacity."     The infliction of harm does not constitute
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    torture within the meaning of the CAT unless the harm "is inflicted
    by, at the direction of, or with the acquiescence of government
    officials."   Lopez de Hincapie, 
    494 F.3d at 221
    .     Kurdi argues
    here that the Lebanese government would be unable to control the
    organization if he returns.   Though the record is murky on this
    point, "[t]he very murkiness of the record means that we are not
    compelled to decide otherwise, and it therefore makes the BIA's
    conclusion invulnerable."   Flores-Coreas v. Mukasey, 
    261 F. App'x 287
    , 291 (1st Cir. 2008).
    For the forgoing reasons, we deny Kurdi's petition.
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