Giguere v. Port Resources Inc. , 927 F.3d 43 ( 2019 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    Nos. 18-2073
    DAVID GIGUERE, on his own behalf and on behalf of all others
    similarly situated,
    Plaintiff, Appellee/Cross-Appellant,
    Defendant, Appellant/Cross-Appellee.
    [Hon. Nancy Torresen, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Kayatta, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    Timothy H. Norton, with whom Graydon G. Stevens and Kelly,
    Remmel & Zimmerman were on brief, for Port Resources, Inc.
    Peter Mancuso, with whom Andrew Schmidt and Andrew Schmidt
    Law PLLC were on brief, for David Giguere.
    June 19, 2019
    LYNCH, Circuit Judge.             The Fair Labor Standards Act
    29 U.S.C. § 201
       et    seq.,     sets   federal   minimum-wage,
    maximum-hour, and overtime guarantees.             When an employer fails to
    meet these requirements, the FLSA gives employees a private right
    of action to recover their due.            
     § 216(b).
    These cross-appeals come from an action, brought as an
    FLSA collective action and as an individual action under analogous
    Maine labor laws, to recover what are alleged to be unpaid overtime
    wages.    The employer, defendant Port Resources, disputes that such
    wages are owed.       Under its sleep-time policy, Port Resources did
    not pay employees like plaintiff David Giguere for eight hours
    each night, even though the employees were on duty during that
    The district court found that this policy was unlawful,
    Giguere v. Port Res., Inc. (Giguere I), No. 16-CV-58-NT, 
    2018 WL 1997754
    , at *10 (D. Me. Apr. 27, 2018), and so awarded back wages
    to the collective-action plaintiffs and treble damages to Giguere,
    Giguere v. Port Res., Inc. (Giguere II), No. 16-CV-58-NT, 
    2018 WL 5268600
    , at *5 (D. Me. Oct. 23, 2018).
    Finding     no   error    in   the   district   court's   carefully
    reasoned opinions, we affirm.
    - 3 -
    Port Resources is a nonprofit organization that runs
    group homes (which it calls "programs") that provide housing and
    services to adults with developmental disabilities and behavioral
    health challenges.    It uses a long-term-staff model to care for
    program clients.   Its long-term staff provide daily living skills
    development, administer medication, and assist with personal care
    and community integration. And, true to that name, long-term staff
    work long shifts -- seven days on and seven days off, from Thursday
    to Thursday.    One set of long-term staff alternates with another
    assigned to the same residence.      Twenty Port Resources programs
    have this setup, and eleven of those twenty also have "overnight
    awake staff" responsible for attending to clients during the night,
    as necessary.
    A long-term staff's weeklong shift includes four four-
    hour unpaid breaks and eight hours of nightly unpaid sleep time.
    This sleep-time arrangement is governed by a written "Sleep Time
    Agreement," which provides in full:
    This confirms the agreement between Port
    Resources and a Direct Support Professional
    who may be assigned to be on duty for one or
    more twenty-four (24) [hour] shifts.
    Under wage and hour guidelines, 29 C.F.R.
    sections 785.221 and 785.23, where an employee
    1    Though Port Resources cites section 785.22, in this
    litigation it has "affirmatively conceded that it is not relying
    - 4 -
    is required to be on duty for 24 hours or more,
    the employer and the employee may agree to
    exclude from hours worked a bona fide meal
    period and a bona fide regularly scheduled
    sleeping period of not more than 8 hours,
    provided that adequate sleeping facilities are
    furnished by the employer and the employee can
    usually enjoy an uninterrupted night's sleep.
    If the sleeping period is interrupted by a
    call to duty, the interruption will be counted
    as hours worked. If the employee cannot get
    at least 5 hours' sleep during the scheduled
    sleep period, the entire time should be
    treated as working time.       The eight-hour
    sleeping period will be excluded from hours
    worked unless performance of work duties is
    If the Direct Support Professional does have
    to work during the sleep period, they should
    record their time worked on the daily service
    charts and notify their Program Manager of the
    interruption so that their electronic time
    sheet can be corrected.
    If anyone has any questions, please feel free
    to contact the Director of Human Resources.
    It remains contested how often long-term staff must attend to the
    program clients during scheduled sleep time.
    Port   Resources   has    chosen   to   compute   its   payroll
    workweek from Sunday to Sunday, so each long-term-staff shift spans
    two payroll workweeks.   This means that Port Resources pays long-
    term staff for forty hours of work during their first payroll
    workweek (Thursday to Saturday) and for fifty-six hours of work
    on [section] 785.22 to support its sleep policy."       Giguere I, 
    2018 WL 1997754
    , at *9 n.12.
    - 5 -
    during their second (Sunday to Thursday).          Port Resources does not
    pay its long-term staff for their fifty-six hours of sleep time
    (Thursday to Thursday).
    David Giguere, a former Port Resources employee, sued
    Port Resources, alleging that its sleep-time policy violated the
    FLSA; the Maine Wages and Medium of Payment Act (the Wages Act),
    Me. Stat. tit. 26, §§ 621
    -A, 626-A, 629; and the Maine Minimum
    Wage Law, 
     §§ 663, 664, 670.2
    The    district   court    conditionally     granted    collective
    action status for the FLSA claim, and thirty individual employees
    besides Giguere opted in.       Giguere brought his Maine claims only
    on his own behalf.3
    Both   parties    moved    for    summary   judgment,   which   the
    district court granted to Giguere and the other collective-action
    plaintiffs on the FLSA claim and to Giguere on his two Maine law
    counts.4   Giguere I, 
    2018 WL 1997754
    , at *10.           The district court
    2    Giguere also brought, but then voluntarily withdrew, a
    claim for alleged breach of contract and unjust enrichment.
    3    To be more precise, Giguere at first sought class action
    status for his Maine law counts, but later voluntarily abandoned
    that request.
    4    The district court then held a bench trial to determine
    whether Port Resources could establish a good-faith defense to
    liquidated damages under the FLSA. The district court found that
    Port Resources had acted in good faith and the parties stipulated
    to the back wages owed each plaintiff.
    - 6 -
    then awarded Giguere treble damages under the Wages Act.      Giguere
    2018 WL 5268600
    , at *5.
    Both parties appealed.
    We review the district court's summary judgment rulings
    de novo.     Jakobiec v. Merrill Lynch Life Ins. Co., 
    711 F.3d 217
    223 (1st Cir. 2013).     And because the parties filed cross-motions
    for summary judgment, we "view each motion separately, drawing all
    inferences in favor of the nonmoving party."       Fadili v. Deutsche
    Bank Nat. Tr. Co., 
    772 F.3d 951
    , 953 (1st Cir. 2014).
    Port Resources argues that the district court erred in
    concluding that it had violated the FLSA by not compensating its
    long-term staff for their sleep time.       We find no such error, so
    we affirm.
    We begin with background.   The FLSA's usual rule is that
    an employer must pay an employee for all time the employee is
    required to spend at a worksite, even sleep time.       See 
    29 C.F.R. § 785.7
     ("The workweek ordinarily includes 'all the time during
    which an employee is necessarily required to be on the employer's
    premises, on duty or at a prescribed work place.'"           (quoting
    Anderson v. Mt. Clemens Pottery Co., 
    328 U.S. 680
    , 690-91 (1946))).
    But the Department of Labor's (DOL) regulations also provide that
    - 7 -
    if "certain conditions" are met, an employer may carve worksite
    sleep time out of an employee's hours worked.           
     § 785.20.5
    Port Resources relies on one such sleep-time regulation:
    29 C.F.R. § 785.23
    , which covers "live-in" employees.             If such an
    employee "resides on his employer's premises on a permanent basis
    or for extended periods of time," he and the employer may enter
    into "any reasonable agreement" about payment for sleep time.              
    No one claims this regulation is unambiguous.          Aware of
    confusion about the regulation, DOL interpreted the term "extended
    periods of time" in a 1988 enforcement memorandum. That memorandum
    stated   that      an   employee   meets    the   extended-periods-of-time
    standard when, as relevant here, he "resides on the premises for
    a period of at least 120 hours in a workweek."              U.S. Dep't of
    Labor, Wage & Hour Div., Enforcement Policy, (June 30, 1988), 
    1988 WL 614199
    , at *2          (emphasis added).       The memorandum defined
    "workweek"    as    "seven   consecutive    24-hour   periods,"   citing    
    29 C.F.R. § 778.105
     which provides that an employee's workweek
    "need not coincide with the calendar week," but once the employer
    has established when the workweek begins, the workweek's span
    5    Section 785.20 states:     "Under certain conditions an
    employee is considered to be working even though some of his time
    is spent in sleeping or in certain other activities." Though this
    might be read to imply that sleep time is generally not counted as
    hours worked, context shows the opposite. In immediately following
    sections, DOL carefully delineates when an employer may exclude
    worksite sleep time from an employee's hours worked.
    - 8 -
    "remains fixed regardless of the schedule of hours worked by [the
    29 C.F.R. § 778.105
    Port Resources concedes that it "established" a Sunday-
    to-Sunday workweek for payroll purposes.            And it makes no attempt
    to show that its long-term staff reside on its premises for 120
    hours within that payroll workweek.
    Port Resources instead argues that DOL did not in its
    memorandum intend to make the workweek the baseline for determining
    whether    an   employee   resided    on     the   employer's   premises   for
    "extended periods of time."          This argument turns on the text of
    DOL's 1988 memorandum, so we quote that memorandum's key language
    in full:
    Under circumstances where an employee does not
    maintain his or her permanent residence on the
    premises and does not otherwise reside on the
    premises 7 days a week, [DOL's Wage and Hour
    Division (WH)] will consider an employee who
    sleeps in private quarters, in a homelike
    environment, to reside on the premises for an
    extended period of time within the meaning of
    [section] 785.23 if the employee resides on
    the premises for a period of at least 120 hours
    in a workweek.
    WH is refining and restating the minimum
    conditions required to meet this rule.    An
    employee will be found to reside on the
    premises for extended periods of time if:
    (1) the employee is on duty at the group
    home and is compensated for at least
    eight hours in each of five consecutive
    24-hour periods; and
    (2) the employee sleeps on the premises
    for all sleep periods between the
    - 9 -
    beginning    and    end     of   this    120-hour
    1988 WL 614199
    , at *2.      Port Resources argues that after laying
    out its 120-hours-in-a-workweek standard, DOL then "refin[ed] and
    restat[ed] the minimum conditions required to meet this rule"
    without any mention of the term "workweek."             Port Resources then
    attempts   to   bolster     this    argument     with    opinion    letters,
    interpretations, and bulletins spanning the three decades since
    DOL's 1988 memorandum.
    While the question is not free from doubt (and further
    clarification from DOL may be warranted6), we think Giguere has
    the better reading of DOL's memorandum.            First, nothing in the
    language Port Resources relies on repudiates the DOL's statement
    that the extended-periods-of-time standard requires "reside[nce]
    on the [employer's] premises for a period of at least 120 hours in
    a workweek."     The language Port Resources relies on follows
    directly after that statement.         So Port Resources' argument is
    that DOL announced a workweek-based rule in one breath and then
    disclaimed it in the next.         The better reading of the language
    6    We note that neither party sought guidance from DOL on
    this issue. See 
    29 C.F.R. § 785.1
     (noting that "[i]f doubt arises"
    in "determining what constitutes working time" under DOL's
    regulations, the party in doubt should send "inquiries" to DOL).
    And neither party has asked that we seek guidance from DOL. So,
    preferring not to further delay resolution of this case, we will
    proceed without seeking such clarification.
    - 10 -
    Port Resources relies on is that it is what it says it is: a
    refinement of "this rule" -- that is, DOL's workweek-based rule.
    Second, the 1988 memorandum has not been superseded.           It
    remains the most comprehensive of DOL's analyses of section 785.23.
    And DOL's later documents do not deviate from its analysis; rather,
    they continue to reference the 1988 memorandum.               DOL has, as
    recently as 2014, referred to the 1988 memorandum in interpreting
    section 785.23.       See U.S. Dep't of Labor, Wage & Hour Div.,
    Administrator's Interpretation No. 2014-1 (Mar. 27, 2014), 
    2014 WL 1276986
     at *12 n.22.
    And   third,   Port   Resources'    argument   requires   us   to
    assume that DOL did not "consciously" establish the workweek
    standard. But DOL not only used the term "workweek," it also noted
    that "workweek" and several terms like it "ha[d] caused some
    1988 WL 614199
    , at *2.       It then listed those terms
    and "defined [them] for further guidance." 
     And its definition
    of "workweek" referred to an already promulgated regulation: 
    29 C.F.R. § 778.105
    .      This careful attention belies Port Resources'
    We conclude that the better reading of DOL's memorandum
    is that the agency analyzes section 785.23 with reference to an
    employer's workweek.       The question then becomes one of deference.
    The parties dispute whether the rubric of Auer v. Robbins, 
    519 U.S. 452
     (1997), or Skidmore v. Swift & Co., 
    323 U.S. 134
    - 11 -
    applies.    We need not address this issue because, even were we to
    agree with Port Resources that Skidmore, not Auer, applies, we see
    no reason to depart from DOL's understanding of its own regulation.
    Cf. Fawcett v. Citizens Bank, N.A., 
    919 F.3d 133
    , 138 (1st Cir.
    2019).     DOL set forth its interpretation of section 785.23 in an
    enforcement memorandum.      And as the Supreme Court has cautioned,
    "[g]ood     administration   of     the    [FLSA]     and   good        judicial
    administration    alike   require    that    the    standards      of     public
    enforcement and those for determining private rights shall be at
    variance only where justified by very good reasons."                Skidmore,
    323 U.S. at 140
    .      Port Resources points to no such "very good
    reasons" here.
    Port Resources argues that a fixed workweek standard
    goes against the principle that an employee's work schedule need
    not coincide with his payroll workweek.            But that principle does
    not carry the day.    The question is not whether Port Resources can
    structure its employees' shifts to, for instance, minimize its
    overtime obligations, but whether those employees reside on Port
    Resources' premises for "extended periods of time."           And under the
    most likely reading of DOL's interpretation, the employees do not.
    Port Resources' remaining argument is that implementing
    a workweek standard is arbitrary.         We think not.     The workweek is
    the "basic unit" of the FLSA.       O'Brien v. Town of Agawam, 
    350 F.3d 279
    , 298 (1st Cir. 2003); see 
    29 U.S.C. § 207
    (a)(1); cf. 29 C.F.R.
    - 12 -
    § 776.4(a) ("The workweek is to be taken as the standard in
    determining the applicability of the Act.").                There is nothing
    arbitrary    about       using   the   FLSA's    "basic   unit"   of    time    in
    interpreting the phrase "extended periods of time."
    Measuring "extended periods of time" with reference to
    the workweek "established" under section 778.105 also makes sense
    within DOL's regulatory scheme.             The agency has instructed that
    the FLSA "takes a single workweek as its standard."                    
    29 C.F.R. § 778.104
    .        From this we conclude that the workweek the employer
    has chosen is the workweek the employer has chosen.7
    We    are   also    mindful   of   the   interpretive     rule    that
    ambiguities in the exceptions to the FLSA's general rules should
    be resolved in favor of employees.              See Cash v. Cycle Craft Co.,
    508 F.3d 680
    , 683 (1st Cir. 2007) (noting that the FLSA's remedial
    nature "'requires that [its] exemptions be narrowly construed
    against the employers seeking to assert them' and 'limited to those
    establishments plainly and unmistakably within [the exemptions']
    terms and spirit.'"         (alterations in original) (quoting Reich v.
    John Alden Life Ins. Co., 
    126 F.3d 1
    , 7 (1st Cir. 1997))); cf.
    7    Port Resources can set the start of its workweek to
    minimize its overtime obligations. See Abshire v. Redland Energy
    Servs., LLC, 
    695 F.3d 792
    , 795-96 (8th Cir. 2012); Johnson v.
    Heckmann Water Res. (CVR), Inc., 
    758 F.3d 627
    , 633 (5th Cir. 2014).
    And it can set the start of its week to minimize its sleep-time-
    payment obligations. But, having made its choice, Port Resources
    cannot now complain that it is unfair to hold it to it.
    - 13 -
    O'Connor v. Oakhurst Dairy, 
    851 F.3d 69
    , 79 (1st Cir. 2017) (noting
    a parallel "default rule of construction under Maine law").                     The
    FLSA was designed to protect workers "from 'the evil of overwork
    as well as underpay.'"       Barrentine v. Arkansas-Best Freight Sys.,
    450 U.S. 728
    , 739 (1981) (internal quotation marks omitted)
    (quoting Overnight Motor Transp. Co. v. Missel, 
    316 U.S. 572
    , 578
    (1942)).     Section    785.23        advances   that    purpose    by    carefully
    distinguishing between "live-in" employees, who are essentially at
    home on the employer's premises, and nonresidential employees, who
    are not.    And DOL's interpretation of that regulation, as we have
    construed    it,    provides      a    useful    frame   of    reference --      the
    workweek -- to analyze that distinction.
    Applying    that      interpretation,        we     hold     that   Port
    Resources has not carried the burden necessary to invoke section
    785.23.     We     affirm   the       district   court's      finding    that   Port
    Resources' sleep-time policy violated the FLSA.
    The remaining issues arise under Maine law and relate
    only to the district court's damages award, not its liability
    determination.8      The district court held that Port Resources had
    8    The district court found that "Maine [wa]s likely to
    follow federal law" on sleep time. Giguere I, 
    2018 WL 1997754
    , at
    *10; see TerMorshuizen v. Spurwink Servs., Inc., Cum-18-288, 
    2019 WL 2181252
    , at *3 (Me. May 21, 2019). So, because it had granted
    summary judgment to Giguere on his FLSA claim, the district court
    "f[ound] that summary judgment for Giguere [wa]s also appropriate
    - 14 -
    violated both the Wages Act and the Minimum Wage Law.         Giguere I,
    2018 WL 1997754
    , at *10.     It awarded Giguere treble damages under
    the Wages Act but did not also award him double damages under the
    Minimum Wage law, concluding that Maine's rule against double
    recovery precluded the second, smaller damage award.         Giguere II,
    2018 WL 5268600
    , at *4.
    Both   parties    argue   that   the   district   court   erred:
    Giguere argues that he has a right to recover under both the Wages
    Act and the Minimum Wage law.       And Port Resources argues that he
    is only entitled to recovery under the Minimum Wage Law. We reject
    both arguments in turn.
    Maine law provides that a plaintiff may not receive two
    damages awards for the same loss.          Theriault v. Swan, 
    558 A.2d 369
    , 372 (Me. 1989).       A potential exception to this no-double-
    recovery rule arises when the two damages awards serve different
    purposes; that is, when one is remedial and the other is punitive.
    See, e.g., St. Luke's Cataract & Laser Inst., P.A. v. Sanderson,
    573 F.3d 1186
    , 1204 (11th Cir. 2009).       Both parties agree that the
    on [his] Maine law claims." Giguere I, 
    2018 WL 1997754
    , at *10.
    Port Resources says that if we reverse the district court's FLSA
    judgment we should overturn its conclusion that Port Resources
    also violated Maine law.   Giguere, in turn, argues that we can
    affirm the district court's judgment that Port Resources violated
    Maine law even if we reverse its judgment that Port Resources
    violated the FLSA. Since we have affirmed the district court's
    FLSA determination, we affirm on the Maine law count without
    addressing either party's argument.
    - 15 -
    damages for Port Resources' violations of the Minimum Wage Law are
    remedial, so the question on appeal is whether the penalties for
    violating    the   Wages   Act   are   punitive,   so   as   to   require   two
    The Maine Supreme Judicial Court has strongly suggested
    that the Wages Act's purpose is remedial.          See Bisbing v. Me. Med.
    820 A.2d 582
    , 584-85 (Me. 2003) (awarding the plaintiff
    appellate attorneys' fees under the Wages Act, as the Court had
    done "under other remedial statutes," 
    id. at 585
    , and referencing
    the statute's "broadly protective purpose," 
    id. at 584
    ).                Maine
    Wages Act violations entitle a plaintiff to unpaid wages plus "an
    additional amount equal to twice the amount of unpaid wages as
    liquidated damages."       
    Me. Stat. tit. 26, § 626
    -A; see Cooper v.
    Springfield Terminal Ry. Co., 
    635 A.2d 952
    , 955 (Me. 1993).                 In
    Maine, such statutory treble damages provisions are generally
    considered remedial rather than punitive in nature.                 Andrew M.
    Horton & Peggy L. McGehee, Maine Civil Remedies 77 & n.132 (4th
    ed. 2004) (citing Michaud v. City of Bangor, 
    203 A.2d 687
    1964)).     So we conclude, as did the district court, that Maine
    courts would likely view any damages for Port Resources' Wages Act
    violation to be remedial.        And because both of Giguere's available
    damages awards had a remedial purpose, the district court properly
    awarded him only one.
    - 16 -
    Port Resources argues that the district court picked the
    wrong one.    It argues that the district court should not have
    awarded Giguere treble damages under the Wages Act because nearly
    all Giguere's unpaid sleep hours were overtime.   The Minimum Wage
    Law grants the right to overtime pay, so Port Resources argues
    that double damages under that law was the proper remedy.
    This argument rests on the canon against superfluity.
    Most Minimum Wage Law violations, Port Resources argues, will also
    violate the Wages Act.    And because the Wages Act provides the
    greater remedy -- treble damages -- plaintiffs will always choose
    that award.   So to avoid making the Minimum Wage Law's double-
    damages remedy superfluous, we should not allow recovery under the
    Wages Act for overtime violations.
    There are at least two problems with this argument.
    First, Giguere is entitled to recovery under the Wages Act.   So to
    hold that he cannot recover his due, we would have to create an
    exception to recovery under that Act.   But the Wages Act provides
    that any employer who violates its provisions "is liable."     
    Me. Stat. tit. 26, § 626
    -A.   It does not say "is liable unless the
    unpaid wages are for overtime."   We see no reason to depart from
    the Wages Act's unambiguous language. See Gould v. A-1 Auto, Inc.,
    945 A.2d 1225
    , 1229 (Me. 2008).
    And second, the argument fails on its own terms.    Under
    the Wages Act, an employer cannot require, or even permit, an
    - 17 -
    employee "to work without monetary compensation."         
    Me. Stat. tit. 26, § 629
    (1).   The Minimum Wage Law, by contrast, provides that
    "[a]n employer may not require an employee to work more than 40
    hours in any one week unless [1.5] times the regular hourly rate
    is paid for all hours actually worked in excess of 40 hours in
    that week." 
     § 664(3). The two laws target different concerns:
    The Wages Act provides a remedy for unpaid work, while the Minimum
    Wage Law provides a remedy for underpaid work.          And because this
    is the case, Port Resources' superfluity argument is meritless.
    The   district   court   properly   awarded    Giguere   treble
    damages as a remedy for Port Resources' Wages Act violation.
    We affirm.   Costs are awarded to Giguere.
    - 18 -