Medtronic Medical CR SRL v. Feliciano-Soto ( 2023 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 21-1702
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Daniel R. Domínguez, U.S. District Judge]
    Kayatta, Thompson, and Gelpí,
    Circuit Judges.
    Yaakov M. Roth, with whom Ana Maria Cristina Pérez Soto, Marco
    P. Basile, and Jones Day were on brief, for appellant.
    Raúl S. Mariani Franco, with whom Mariani Franco Law, PSC was
    on brief, for appellee Elieser Feliciano-Soto.
    Luis G. Rullán-Marín, with whom Law Offices of Luis G. Rullán,
    PSC was on brief, for appellees Innovative Engineering Corp.,
    Innovative Engineering, LLC, and José Enrique Santana-Criado.
    January 18, 2023
    THOMPSON, Circuit Judge.    This appeal asks us to weigh
    in on the propriety of the district court's dismissal of the
    complaint filed below by Appellant, Medtronic Medical CR SRL
    ("Medtronic").        We write primarily for the parties, assuming their
    familiarity with the facts underlying Medtronic's complaint, the
    district court's reasoning in dismissing it based on the doctrine
    of forum non conveniens, the various appellate issues presented,
    and the assorted arguments made before us.         We'll lay out only the
    information and context necessary to explain our reasoning and the
    next steps dictated by that reasoning.            As we will explain, we
    remand this matter to the district court              for further     review
    consistent with this opinion.
    Medtronic, a Costa Rica limited liability company, filed
    its       suit     under   the   Racketeering    Influence   and     Corrupt
    Organizations Act ("RICO").         The case arises from what Medtronic
    says were fraudulent schemes orchestrated by Puerto Rico residents
    Elieser Feliciano-Soto ("Feliciano") and José Enrique Santana-
    Criado ("Santana," and, collectively, "Appellees").1               Appellees
    successfully moved to dismiss based on the doctrine of forum non
    1There are other individuals named in the complaint, but our
    disposition of this appeal presently eliminates any need to
    consider the significance, if any, of that fact. In addition, the
    Santana-and-Feliciano-operated Innovative Engineering Corp. and
    Innovative Engineering, LLC, alleged to be part of the enterprise
    that stole from and defrauded Medtronic, are named defendants and
    also appellees before us.
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    conveniens, urging that Costa Rica was an adequate alternative
    forum and the private and public interest factors to be considered
    weighed in favor of dismissal.           Based on the facts as they stood
    at the time the motions to dismiss were before it, the district
    court    concluded,      inter   alia:     Costa   Rica   was    an   adequate
    alternative forum, Medtronic Med. CR SRL v. Soto, No. 20-1165,
    2021 WL 4192105
    ,         at *11 (D.P.R. July 27, 2021); the private
    interest factors weighed in favor of Costa Rica as the forum since
    "all    employees   of    Medtronic-CR    --   except   for   [Feliciano   and
    Santana] -- . . . appear to be Costa Rican nationals," 
    majority of events allegedly transpired in Costa Rica, 
    the district court would lack the ability to compel Costa Rican
    witnesses to appear for testimony, id. at *12-13; and the public
    interest factors likewise overall favored trial in Costa Rica,
    which "holds a more substantial interest in [Medtronic's] claims,"
    id. at *14.
    Medtronic timely appealed, persuasively arguing that the
    district court committed error in a handful of reversal-worthy
    ways. For example, as an overarching matter, Medtronic asseverates
    that the district court consistently misconstrued the burden that
    Appellees -- not Medtronic -- needed to carry.                Medtronic urges
    that the district court never made the threshold finding that all
    defendants would be amenable to service in Costa Rica, instead
    concluding that only one had so represented, and that was a factor
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    that was "weight[ed]" in its analysis.     Id. at *10.   And, says
    Medtronic, the district court not only applied the wrong legal
    standard in assessing dismissal, but also misbalanced the private
    and public interest factors.   Appellees, of course, disagree with
    all of this.
    In the normal course, our appellate task would be to
    assay the district court's reasoning and examine the parties'
    arguments against and in favor of that reasoning, seeing how all
    of it maps onto our precedent.    But an important and potentially
    game-changing event transpired in the wake of the district court's
    dismissal:     A grand jury in the District of Puerto Rico handed
    down a June 30, 2022 federal indictment of Feliciano and Santana
    on charges that arise from the same acts and events Medtronic's
    complaint alleges comprise the basis for its civil RICO claim.2
    2 Appellees protest Medtronic's mention of the indictment in
    its July 8, 2022 Fed. R. App. P. 28(j) submission. They urge that
    Medtronic "abuse[d]" the Rule 28 process by impermissibly adding
    the indictment to the appellate record since it is not a
    "submission of 'pertinent and significant authorities.'" Instead,
    it reflects only a grand jury's opinion and should thus be stricken
    from the appellate record.
    Irrespective of whether Rule 28 permits a party to inform us
    of pertinent factual events, we may take judicial notice of this
    critical development because "[i]t is well-accepted that federal
    courts may take judicial notice of proceedings in other courts if
    those proceedings have relevance to the matters at hand." Kowalski
    v. Gagne, 
    914 F.2d 299
    , 305 (1st Cir. 1990); see also Maher v.
    272 F.3d 83
    , 86 n.3 (1st Cir. 2001) (same); United States v.
    634 F.2d 639
    , 642 (1st Cir. 1980) (observing that a
    district court could take judicial notice of a grand jury's federal
    indictment -- even one in another district).
    Relatedly, we may also take judicial notice of the fact that
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    Specifically, the sealed indictment reflects that Feliciano and
    Santana have been indicted for violating federal criminal laws
    prohibiting conspiracy to commit wire fraud (
    18 U.S.C. § 1349
    ) and
    money laundering conspiracies (
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    As a simple function of the timeline here, when the
    district court fielded the motions to dismiss and conducted its
    forum non conveniens analysis, the indictment didn't yet exist.
    We have no way of knowing how this intervening factual development,
    which necessarily shifts the landscape of this case in fundamental
    ways,    would   have   impacted     the    district    court's    decision.
    Foundationally,    it's   possible    the    district   court     would   have
    approached the motions to dismiss quite differently.              Whether the
    District of Puerto Rico is in a better position to keep watch over
    all proceedings, both civil and criminal, is in the mix.              Perhaps
    the district court would have stayed the civil case, alert to the
    effect of the criminal case on the civil (and/or vice versa).3
    the criminal case docket reflects that both Feliciano and Santana
    have since been arrested and released on bail (with "standard
    conditions of release"), and their travel is restricted (Santana
    is permitted to travel only "between Puerto Rico and Florida in
    coordination with the U.S. Probation Office," and Feliciano,
    having surrendered his passport, is unable to leave Puerto Rico
    without getting permission from the district court).
    We do not take notice of any of this, as Appellees worry,
    with an eye towards prejudging Appellees' civil or criminal
    culpability. We consider this information only inasmuch as it has
    bearing on what happens next, as we'll explain.
    3 We pause to observe that should Appellees be found culpable
    in the criminal action, that might have bearing on the civil
    action; so too might a civil recovery factor into a criminal
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    And, as things now stand, Puerto Rico is the forum for the criminal
    case against Appellees, who at this time are not permitted to
    journey beyond Puerto Rico (or, in Santana's case, Florida).
    Relative to all of this, we similarly cannot know how the shift in
    factual circumstances might have influenced specific arguments
    advanced by Medtronic or Appellees, whether before us or the
    district court.
    The point is that the indictment changes things.4           It's
    unclear to what extent and in what ways the district court's
    analysis would have been affected, but this much is clear:             At
    this juncture, these intervening and developing circumstances have
    prompted us to pause and consider the most efficient, prudential
    path forward.     Having done so, we decline to weigh in on the
    district court's analysis at this time.
    Our   case   law   teaches   that   a   forum   non   conveniens
    examination -- probing whether "the chosen forum (despite the
    restitution proceeding.      See 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 3663
    ,   3663A,
    3664(j)(2)(A), 3664(l), 3664(m), 3771(6).
    4 It's worth noting the appeal of the civil case's dismissal
    is impacting the criminal case to some extent, too -- notations in
    the criminal case's docket reflect that the government and the
    defendants are grappling with issues that are somewhat bound up in
    the fate of the civil action.     See United States v. Feliciano-
    Soto, et al., No. 3:22-cr-00291, ECF Nos. 28, 30 (indicating that
    the government awaits the defendants' responses to the plea offers
    extended and how the defendants would like to proceed, with defense
    counsel noting possible jurisdictional issues because of the civil
    case's appeal, confirming receipt of the plea offers, and
    indicating that the pending appeal means the defense "has to wait
    to see what happens in the civil case as it may affect this case").
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    presence of jurisdiction and venue) is so inconvenient that it
    would be unfair to conduct the litigation in that place," Curtis
    v. Galakatos, 
    19 F.4th 41
    , 46 (1st Cir. 2021) (quoting Nandjou v.
    Marriott Int'l, Inc., 
    985 F.3d 135
    , 140 (1st Cir. 2021)) -- is a
    "multifaceted and fact-laden" undertaking, id. at 49.              Movants
    face a very heavy burden in this regard.         Id. at 47.   And assessing
    whether there's an adequate alternative forum (meaning, inter
    alia, all parties would come within its jurisdiction), id. at 47-
    48, balancing all of the private and public interest factors (a
    non-exhaustive list), determining whether the factors "strongly
    favor litigating the claim in the second forum," id. (emphasis in
    original) (quoting Nandjou, 985 F.3d at 142), and considering
    "[t]he 'ultimate inquiry'" of "where trial will best serve the
    convenience of the parties and the ends of justice," id. at 48-49
    (quoting Imamura v. Gen. Elec. Co., 
    957 F.3d 98
    , 107 (1st Cir.
    2020)), all require significant scrutiny of the facts.
    Given the potentially sweeping impact of the indictment
    and ongoing criminal case, the district court should be afforded
    the   opportunity   to   conduct   anew    the   "fact-laden"    forum   non
    conveniens analysis, to reassess the disposition of this civil
    case with the benefit of these notable factual developments.             And
    so, in light of everything we've observed to this point, and
    mindful of the gravitas of abuse-of-discretion review, we conclude
    that the most prudent approach and the best way to honor our
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    commitment to judicial efficiency is to remand to give the district
    court the opportunity to reassess the motions to dismiss.            See,
    e.g., Madison Cnty. v. Oneida Indian Nation of N.Y., 
    562 U.S. 42
    43 (2011) (per curiam) (vacating and remanding to the Second
    Circuit so it could "address, in the first instance, whether to
    revisit its ruling on sovereign immunity in light of [a] new
    factual development"); Kiyemba v. Obama, 
    559 U.S. 131
    , 131 (2010)
    (per curiam) (vacating and remanding when the detainees seeking
    release into the United States had received at least one offer of
    resettlement in another country, constituting a "change in the
    underlying facts" that "may affect the legal issues presented").
    Our familiarity with the legal arguments here compels us
    to offer a few parting thoughts before we go.          While we offer no
    holding on any of the merits issues currently poised for our
    review, we observe our serious concerns about, for example, the
    existence and status of Appellees' agreement to submit to the
    jurisdiction   of   a   Costa   Rican   court   and   the   evaluation   of
    Appellees' burden of demonstrating that the public and private
    interest factors strongly favor litigation in Costa Rica.          In any
    event, it strikes us as quite likely that the advent of the
    criminal case -- along with its attendant impacts on litigation of
    and proceedings in the civil case, as discussed above -- will play
    a substantial role in the district court's reconsideration of the
    dismissal motions.
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    For   the   foregoing    reasons,   we   vacate   the   district
    court's Opinion and Order and remand to the district court for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.       Each side shall
    bear its own costs.
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