United States v. Sanchez , 817 F.3d 38 ( 2016 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-1107
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. William G. Young, U.S. District Judge]
    Howard, Chief Judge,
    Thompson and Kayatta, Circuit Judges.
    Jeffrey W. Langholtz on brief for appellant.
    Carmen M. Ortiz, United States Attorney, and Randall E. Kromm,
    Assistant United States Attorney, on brief for appellee.
    March 23, 2016
    THOMPSON, Circuit Judge.
    Jorge Sanchez asks us to undo a district judge's order
    denying his motion to suppress.      Concluding that we cannot, we
    How the Case Got Here1
    One summer evening back in August 2011, Officer Mark
    Templeman of the Springfield Police Department got a phone call
    from a confidential informant ("CI," for short).     A Hispanic man
    standing near a green Ford Taurus on the corner of Main and Calhoun
    streets had a black semiautomatic handgun in his waistband and
    crack cocaine in his pocket, the CI said.      And he described the
    man as medium complected, roughly 5'5" tall, and wearing a white
    t-shirt and black cargo-style shorts.    Asked by Templeman how he
    knew about the gun and the crack, the CI replied that he had
    personally "seen" them.   Templeman knew the CI well, having worked
    with him since about 2007.    Templeman knew the CI's name, phone
    number, and address, for example.    And the CI had been a big help
    to police before, having given Templeman tips about street-level
    drug deals and firearm-possession crimes over the years that led
    1 As per usual, we outline the relevant facts as found below,
    "consistent with record support." See United States v. Lee, 
    317 F.3d 26
    , 30 (1st Cir. 2003).
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    to arrests and convictions — as far as Templeman knew, the CI had
    never given him false info.
    Responding to the tip, Templeman and other officers
    headed to the scene in several cars.           Templeman drove alone,
    arriving at the locale about five minutes after the CI's call.
    There he saw a green Ford Taurus and a man matching the physical
    description given by the CI.         Templeman recognized the man as
    Sanchez, a suspected gang member he had arrested in 2004 for
    possessing with intent to distribute heroin and cocaine — an
    offense that resulted in a conviction, meaning (as Templeman knew)
    that Sanchez could not legally carry a firearm.
    After    surveilling   the   site   for    about   10   minutes,
    Templeman (who had binoculars) spied Sanchez put his left hand on
    his left hip:     Sanchez's t-shirt hung over his waistband, and as
    Sanchez touched this area, Templeman could see the shape of some
    object   underneath   the   shirt.       Sanchez's   movement     reminded
    Templeman of how he (Templeman) checks his concealed firearm.          As
    a result of his observations, and based on his training and
    experience, Templeman believed that Sanchez had a firearm.          So he
    radioed his colleagues, telling them to "move in" and warning them
    about the gun tucked in the left side of Sanchez's waistband.
    Staying in his car, Templeman watched an officer named
    Kalish close in, pat Sanchez's waistband, and grab the gun.
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    Someone — the record does not say who — then arrested and cuffed
    Sanchez.   And a search incident to the arrest turned up the crack.
    The total time from the CI's call to Sanchez's arrest was 15
    minutes or so.
    During   booking,   Sergeant   Julio   Toledo   (the   booking
    officer that evening) asked a not-yet-Mirandized Sanchez a series
    of standard questions about his name, date of birth, social-
    security number, height, weight, job held or school attended, etc.
    And when Toledo asked him whether he was employed, Sanchez matter-
    of-factly answered that he was "a drug dealer." By the way, Toledo
    played no part in the Sanchez investigation — other than knowing
    the booking charges, Toledo knew nothing about the case against
    Sanchez. Also, Toledo had no info suggesting that his asking these
    standard booking questions might cause Sanchez to incriminate
    himself. What is more, Toledo did not ask the questions to further
    the investigation.     And he did not ask Sanchez any follow-up
    questions tied to the "drug dealer" comment — a comment Toledo
    shared with Templeman after booking.
    A federal grand jury indicted Sanchez on three counts.
    Count 1 alleged that he had possessed cocaine base with intent to
    distribute.   Count 2 alleged that he had possessed a firearm as a
    convicted felon.     And count 3 alleged that he had possessed a
    firearm in furtherance of a drug-trafficking offense.
    - 4 -
    Sanchez moved to suppress both the contraband and the
    drug-dealer statement.           On the contraband issue, he challenged the
    evidence's       admissibility         on    the    ground     that      no       reasonable
    suspicion justified the "seizure and search" of his "person."                              And
    on   the   employment-question           matter,     he   contested          his    answer's
    admissibility on the basis that Toledo had asked the offending
    question     —    before        any    Miranda      warnings      —    "to        elicit    an
    incriminating response," rendering his drug-dealer "confession"
    involuntary. The government disagreed with Sanchez on both fronts,
    insisting that reasonable suspicion did exist to stop and frisk
    him and that the complained-of question and answer fell outside
    Miranda's scope.      A district judge held an evidentiary hearing, at
    which only Templeman and Toledo testified.                     And after crediting
    the key particulars of their accounts, the judge orally denied the
    Later, the government voluntarily dismissed counts 1 and
    3.   Sanchez then entered a conditional guilty plea to count 2 (the
    felon-in-possession-of-a-firearm count), reserving his right to
    appeal the suppression ruling.               And the judge sentenced him to the
    statutory    minimum       of    180    months      in   prison       plus    3    years    of
    supervised release.
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    Which brings us to today, with Sanchez complaining about
    the judge's refusal to suppress the evidence seized and the comment
    made that fateful summer evening.
    The Evidence-Suppression Issue
    We    start    with   the    evidence-suppression   issue.       As
    Sanchez sees it, the judge should have granted his suppression
    motion   because   the     CI's    tip    was   too   "generic"   and     not
    "corroborated" enough to supply reasonable suspicion for the stop
    and the frisk, which made the arrest — based on the evidence seized
    — "unlawful."   We of course review the judge's legal conclusion de
    novo, accepting his factual findings and credibility calls unless
    clearly erroneous and viewing the evidence in the light most likely
    to support his decision.        See, e.g., United States v. Martinez,
    762 F.3d 127
    , 130-31 (1st Cir. 2014); United States v. Brake, 
    666 F.3d 800
    , 804 (1st Cir. 2011); see also United States v. Coccia,
    446 F.3d 233
    , 237 (1st Cir. 2006) (noting that "'we will uphold a
    denial of a motion to suppress if any reasonable view of the
    evidence supports it'" (quoting United States v. Garner, 
    338 F.3d 78
    , 80 (1st Cir. 2003))).         Keeping these principles in mind, we
    see no constitutional violation.
    Search-and-Seizure Basics
    The Fourth Amendment declares that searches and seizures
    shall not be "unreasonable."          See U.S. Const. amend. IV.        Cases
    - 6 -
    often treat searches without probable cause as "unreasonable."
    See, e.g., United States v. Lopez, 
    989 F.2d 24
    , 26 (1st Cir. 1993).
    But there are exceptions. The one relevant here says that officers
    may stop and briefly detain a person if they have reasonable
    suspicion that criminal activity is afoot, see, e.g., Terry v.
    392 U.S. 1
    , 30 (1968); Brake, 666 F.3d at 804 — a standard
    that   requires      us    to    take    account   of      the   "totality   of   the
    circumstances," see United States v. Arvizu, 
    534 U.S. 266
    , 273
    (2002); accord United States v. Pontoo, 
    666 F.3d 20
    , 29 (1st Cir.
    2011).   And officers may pat-frisk the person too if they have
    reason to believe he is "armed and dangerous."                   See, e.g., Pontoo,
    666 F.3d at 30
    .       The high Court refers to these police actions as
    "Terry stops" and "Terry frisks."                See Florida v. J.L., 
    529 U.S. 266
    , 272–73 (2000).         So we will too.
    No Terry-Stop Problem
    Reasonable           suspicion    can      be     established     by    an
    informant's    tip    if    the    tip    possesses     sufficient     "indicia   of
    reliability," see 
     at 270 — on this both sides agree.                     And the
    tip here fits the bill, despite what Sanchez argues. Just consider
    the following:
    Templeman knew the CI's tips had proven reliable in the
    past — which is a very big deal because an informant's "past
    reliability . . . is a significant factor permitting reliance on
    - 7 -
    information      that    would    not      otherwise   be   sufficiently
    corroborated."     See United States v. Jones, 
    700 F.3d 615
    , 621-22
    (1st Cir. 2012).    Actually, Templeman knew more than just the CI's
    reliability.     He knew the CI's identity — after working with him
    for years, Templeman knew the tipster's name, phone number, and
    address.   And the reason that matters is because it is a crime to
    materially lie to law-enforcement agents — so knowing the CI's
    name, for example, ups the chance that agents can come down hard
    on the tipster if the tip is false, and that threat ups the chance
    that the tip is reliable.        See J.L., 
    529 U.S. at 270
    that unlike an anonymous informant's tip, a "tip from a known
    informant whose reputation can be assessed and who can be held
    responsible if her allegations turn out to be fabricated" is much
    more trustworthy).      Also, the CI gave detailed, not general, info,
    as he spoke about Sanchez's physical appearance, location, gun
    possession, and crack holding — and the CI had seen the gun and
    crack with his own eyes, which gave him a clear basis of knowledge
    for the tip.      See Illinois v. Gates, 
    462 U.S. 213
    , 234 (1982)
    (explaining that when an informant observes a crime "first-hand,"
    that "entitles [the] tip to greater weight than might otherwise be
    the case").
    Seeking to avoid all this, Sanchez analogizes his case
    to J.L.    There, officers used an anonymous tip — that "a young
    - 8 -
    black male standing at a particular bus stop and wearing a plaid
    shirt was carrying a gun" — to justify a Terry stop.                Officers
    could not verify the tipster's credibility (obviously, because
    they did not know who he was).           Plus, aside from the tip, which
    did not describe how the tipster knew the male was armed, officers
    had zero reason to suspect the male of any illegal activity — they
    "did not see the firearm," for example, "and [the male] made no
    threatening or otherwise unusual movements."              J.L., 
    529 U.S. at 268
    .        With   concerns   about     the   tipster's    credibility     and
    accountability uppermost in the Court's mind, J.L. held that the
    tip — without more — could not justify the Terry stop.
    From what we have just said it is obvious that Sanchez
    can get no mileage from J.L.:         Not only did the CI here say how he
    knew about Sanchez's gun and crack possession.             And not only did
    Templeman see Sanchez move in a way consistent with his having a
    gun (i.e., touching an object hidden in his waistband), which
    Templeman knew Sanchez could not legally possess.            But unlike the
    tipster in J.L., our CI was not (repeat, not) anonymous, see United
    States v. Romain, 
    393 F.3d 63
    , 73 (1st Cir. 2004) (distinguishing
    J.L.   on   similar   grounds),   meaning     Templeman    could   gauge   his
    credibility and hold him accountable if necessary.
    - 9 -
    The   net    result   is   that   given   the   universe   of
    circumstances, the Springfield police had reasonable suspicion to
    Terry-stop Sanchez.       Enough said about that issue.
    No Terry-Frisk Problem
    Sanchez also protests that officers had no business
    conducting a Terry frisk, essentially arguing that they had no
    "urgent" need to pat him down because they had no reason to
    perceive the situation to be so dangerous as to justify even a
    limited search.     Call us unconvinced.
    Again, the CI saw Sanchez's gun and crack.       Surveilling
    the site, Templeman remembered that he had previously busted
    Sanchez for possessing drugs with intent to distribute.           He then
    noticed Sanchez reach for his waistband.         Also, he (in his words)
    "observed a hard object within" Sanchez's "grasp and underneath"
    the "[t]-shirt."         And based on his experience, he reasonably
    interpreted Sanchez's reaching action as suggesting that Sanchez
    had a gun.    Taking everything together, we believe the police had
    a sufficient "security-related" basis to pat Sanchez down for a
    weapon.   See United States v. Arnott, 
    758 F.3d 40
    , 45 (1st Cir.
    2014) (noting too that "[t]he connection between drugs and violence
    is, of course, legendary"); see also United States v. Alston, 
    112 F.3d 32
    , 33-34 (1st Cir. 1997) (concluding that "a tip from a
    previously reliable informant" — that a man near a particular
    - 10 -
    street was carrying a gun — justified the "pat-down search");
    United States v. Trullo, 
    809 F.2d 108
    , 113–14 (1st Cir. 1987)
    (finding a Terry frisk justified in part by officer's concern that
    a bulge in defendant's clothing was a weapon).
    Ever persistent, Sanchez tries to throw cold water on
    Templeman's interpretation by calling it nothing more than a pure
    "hunch."    He is right that reasonable suspicion is something more
    than a mere hunch.    See Arnott, 758 F.3d at 44 (explaining that
    "[r]easonable suspicion" lies in the area between "a naked hunch"
    and "probable cause").   But the problem for him is that the judge
    essentially rejected the pure-hunch theory — after all, the judge
    specifically        credited      Templeman's       experience-based
    interpretation.   And we cannot say that the judge clearly erred in
    doing so.    Cf. Toye v. O'Donnell (In re O'Donnell), 
    728 F.3d 41
    46 (1st Cir. 2013) (noting that clear error means the judge's
    action was "wrong with the force of a 5 week old, unrefrigerated,
    dead fish" (quoting S Indus., Inc. v. Centra 2000, Inc., 
    249 F.3d 625
    , 627 (7th Cir. 2001))).
    The bottom line is that we see no need to reverse the
    judge on the Terry-frisk issue, just as we saw no need to reverse
    the judge on the Terry-stop issue.       So we affirm the judge's
    refusal to suppress the evidence against Sanchez.
    - 11 -
    Statement-Suppression Issue
    As we said earlier, Sanchez also attacks the judge's
    decision not to suppress his drug-dealer response to Toledo's
    employment-status question.      To hear him tell it, Toledo extracted
    his response during a custodial interrogation without benefit of
    Miranda warnings.       Once again we review the judge's factual
    findings for clear error and his legal ruling de novo.         See, e.g.,
    United States v. Hinkley, 
    803 F.3d 85
    , 90 (1st Cir. 2015).             And
    once again we affirm.
    Miranda Basics
    Miranda's familiar warnings (e.g., that you have the
    right to remain silent and that anything you say can be used
    against you) are required for custodial interrogations — it is the
    combination of "custody" and "interrogation" that warrants the
    giving of these warnings.      See, e.g., Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    , 473-79 (1966); United States v. Molina-Gómez, 
    781 F.3d 13
    21-22 (1st Cir. 2015).       Neither side disputes that Sanchez was in
    custody at the time of booking (he was an arrestee at that point,
    remember).      But   they   fight   like   mad   over   whether   Toledo's
    employment query constituted interrogation.              So we focus our
    energies on that issue.
    Interrogation for Miranda purposes includes "any words
    or actions on the part of the police . . . that the police should
    - 12 -
    know are reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response
    from the suspect."         Rhode Island v. Innis, 
    446 U.S. 291
    , 301
    (1980); accord United States v. Davis, 
    773 F.3d 334
    , 339 (1st Cir.
    2014);   cf.   generally    Miranda,     
    384 U.S. at 478
         (making    the
    commonsense    point     that   "[a]ny    statement        given    freely     and
    voluntarily    without   any    compelling     influences     is,    of    course,
    admissible in evidence").       An exception exists for routine booking
    questions seeking background info, such as the "suspect's name,
    address, and related matters."       See United States v. Doe, 
    878 F.2d 1546
    , 1551 (1st Cir. 1989); accord United States v. McLean, 
    409 F.3d 492
    , 498 (1st Cir. 2005); see also United States v. Reyes,
    225 F.3d 71
    , 76-77 (1st Cir. 2000) (noting that questions asked at
    booking regarding a defendant's date of birth and social-security
    number fit comfortably within the purview of this exception, given
    the circumstances of that case).         Driving this "booking exception"
    (as the cases call it) is the idea that questions of this sort
    "rarely elicit an incriminating response" — "even when asked after
    an arrest."    See Doe, 
    878 F.2d at 1551
    ; see also Pennsylvania v.
    496 U.S. 582
    , 601 (1990) (plurality opinion) (noting that
    the booking exception "exempts from Miranda's coverage questions
    to secure the biographical data necessary to complete booking or
    pretrial services" (internal quotation marks omitted)).                   There is
    an exception to this exception, however:              the booking exception
    - 13 -
    does not apply "where the law enforcement officer, in the guise of
    asking for background information, seeks to elicit information
    that may incriminate."      Doe, 
    878 F.2d at 1551
    .    Ultimately, the
    booking exception's applicability turns on an "objective" test
    that asks "whether the questions and circumstances were such that
    the officer should have reasonably expected the questions to elicit
    an incriminating response," see Reyes, 
    225 F.3d at
    77 — meaning
    "the officer's actual belief or intent," though "relevant," is in
    no way "conclusive," see Doe, 
    878 F.2d at 1551
    No Miranda Problem
    Sanchez   does    not   contest   that   routine   employment
    questions might fall within the booking exception.      And it is easy
    to see why. Years ago we intimated that employment questions could
    fit within the booking exception, depending on the situation.      See
    United States v. Duarte, 
    160 F.3d 80
    , 82 (1st Cir. 1998) (per
    curiam) (dicta) (citing United States v. Gotchis, 
    803 F.2d 74
    , 78-
    79 (2d Cir. 1986)).2       The idea is that employment questions,
    "ordinarily innocent of any investigative purpose, do not pose the
    dangers" that Miranda sought "to check" — the answers to these
    2 The police in Duarte read the defendant his Miranda rights twice
    before asking him about his employment situation. 
    Id. at 81
    . So
    we had no need to decide whether his answer fell within the booking
    exception — though we noted, citing Gotchis, that "[a] quick review
    of the record and caselaw indicate . . . that the exception would
    Id. at 82
    - 14 -
    questions give the judiciary important info (the info can help
    with setting a defendant's bail, for example), and thus are so
    central to the booking and pretrial process that they are usually
    exempt from Miranda's coverage. See Gotchis, 
    803 F.2d at 79
    with approval in Duarte); see also 
    18 U.S.C. § 3142
    Persuaded by this line of reasoning, we now turn Duarte's dicta
    into holding — i.e., we put routine booking questions about
    employment (ones not reasonably likely to generate incriminating
    info) on the list of Miranda-exempt background questions.
    Perhaps   anticipating   what   we   might   do   with   Duarte
    (transforming its intimation into binding law), Sanchez argues
    that the employment question asked here crossed the constitutional
    line because Toledo posed it "to elicit an incriminating" answer
    (i.e., he invokes the exception to the booking exception).           Not
    so, we conclude.
    As a nonmember of the team that investigated Sanchez,
    Toledo asked only routine questions to help with the booking
    process — not to strengthen the case against the arrestee (he did
    not, for example, ask any follow-up questions when Sanchez said he
    3 This section tells judges to consider a defendant's "employment"
    in deciding whether there are conditions that would reasonably
    assure he comes to court if bail is granted, see § 3142(g)(3)(A)
    — the thought being that having a job shows stability and might
    make him less likely to flee.
    - 15 -
    was employed as a drug dealer).                And this testimony — which the
    judge did not clearly err in crediting — supports the conclusion
    that the booking exception applies.                  See Reyes, 
    225 F.3d at 77
    (finding the booking exception applied in large part because (a)
    "[t]he    booking      interview       was     conducted     separate      from     any
    substantive interrogation, by a different officer and in a separate
    room at a separate time" and (b) the booking officer "asked only"
    standard police questions, "with no reference whatsoever to the
    offense     for     which       appellant     had   been    arrested").           Also,
    importantly, the circumstances of this case are far removed from
    those     presenting        a    "closer"     question      on    the   exception's
    applicability.       See 
           These closer-question cases all involve
    situations where the police asked questions to extract answers
    "clearly"     and    "directly"        tied    to    the    "suspected"     criminal
    activities.       See 
     (noting, by way of illustration, that asking
    someone to give his social-security number "might be likely to
    elicit an incriminating response where the person is charged with
    [s]ocial [s]ecurity fraud").                And Sanchez offers no persuasive
    basis for us to conclude that there is a similar direct link
    between the employment question and his suspected offenses.                        Cf.
    generally Gotchis, 
    803 F.2d at 79
     (deeming booking questions about
    employment    permissible         in   a    case    where   the   police    arrested
    defendant for a drug offense).
    - 16 -
    With that, we uphold the judge's decision not to suppress
    the statement.
    Wrap Up
    For the reasons recorded above, we affirm the judge's
    refusal to suppress the incriminating evidence and comment.
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