AIG Property Casualty Co. v. Cosby , 892 F.3d 25 ( 2018 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 17-1505
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendant, Appellee,
    [Hon. Mark G. Mastroianni, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Circuit Judge,
    Souter, Associate Justice,
    and Stahl, Circuit Judge.
    Michael F. Aylward, with whom William A. Schneider,
    Morrison Mahoney LLP, Rebecca R. Weinreich, Steven V. Kovarik,
    and Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard Smith LLP were on brief, for
    Kirk A. Pasich, with whom Pamela M. Woods, Mikaela
    Hon. David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the
    Supreme Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    Gallagher-Whitman, Pasich LLP, Francis D. Dibble, Jr., John M.
    Greaney,   Elizabeth  S.   Zuckerman   and  Bulkley, Richardson
    & Gelinas, LLP were on brief, for appellee.
    June 7, 2018
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    SOUTER,    Associate        Justice.        In    this   declaratory
    judgment action, plaintiff AIG Property Casualty Company appeals
    from a judgment that it has a duty to defend the policyholder,
    defendant William H. Cosby, Jr.            We affirm.
    Over the past decade, a number of women have accused
    Cosby of sexual assault.          In 2014 and 2015, nine of them, also
    defendants      here,   filed    three    separate    actions      claiming    that
    Cosby had defamed them by publicly denying their accusations.
    At relevant times, Cosby held two insurance policies issued by
    AIG: a homeowners policy and a personal excess liability policy
    (the "umbrella policy").           Under each, AIG has a duty to "pay
    damages [Cosby] is legally obligated to pay [due to] personal
    injury or property damage caused by an occurrence covered[] by
    this policy anywhere in the world . . . ."                  Both policies define
    "personal injury" to include "[d]efamation," and oblige AIG to
    pay the cost of defending against suits seeking covered damages.
    When Cosby notified AIG of the underlying defamation
    suits,    AIG    initially      agreed    to    defend      him,   subject    to   a
    reservation of rights that permitted the company to bring this
    action,    seeking      a   declaration        that   the     policies'      "sexual
    misconduct" exclusions barred coverage.               The cited exclusion in
    the homeowners policy bars coverage for liability or defense
    costs "arising out of any actual, alleged[,] or threatened . . .
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    [s]exual molestation, misconduct or harassment[,] . . . or . . .
    [s]exual, physical or mental abuse."                    And the umbrella policy
    similarly   excludes        coverage   for     liability     or        defense     costs
    "[a]rising out of any actual, alleged[,] or threatened . . .
    [s]exual misconduct, molestation or harassment[,] . . . or . . .
    [s]exual,   physical        or   mental    abuse."         Contending        that    the
    underlying defamation claims arose out of Cosby's alleged sexual
    assaults,   AIG    moved     for   summary     judgment     on    its     declaratory
    judgment claim.       Cosby, for his part, moved to dismiss or, in
    the alternative, for judgment on the pleadings.                          The district
    court treated his motion as one for judgment on the pleadings
    under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(c) and held that the
    sexual-misconduct      exclusions         were     at     least        ambiguous     and
    consequently      granted    Cosby's      motion   insofar        as    it   sought   a
    judgment that AIG had a duty to defend.1
    As with a dismissal under Rule 12(b)(6), we review a
    judgment on the pleadings de novo, "tak[ing] all well-pleaded
    facts in the light most favorable to the non-moving party and
    draw[ing]   all    reasonable      inferences      in     that    party's     favor."
    Najas Realty, LLC v. Seekonk Water Dist., 
    821 F.3d 134
    , 140 (1st
    Cir. 2016).
    1 By consent of the parties, the district court dismissed
    AIG's claim to the extent it sought a judgment that it owed no
    duty to indemnify, without prejudice to the filing of a new
    action if subsequent developments justified it.
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    The parties debate whether Massachusetts or California
    law     governs      the     interpretation       of     the       relevant    insurance
    policies,        with       AIG    arguing     for          Massachusetts       on      its
    understanding that its law requires a finding of no coverage.
    But we have no need to resolve that dispute because, simply by
    applying the law of Massachusetts as AIG asks, we conclude that
    AIG has a duty to defend Cosby.2                    For the same reason, it is
    unnecessary         to   address   Cosby's    arguments        that      AIG   should    be
    judicially      estopped      even    from   arguing        that    Massachusetts       law
    "Under      Massachusetts     law,      we    construe     an   insurance
    policy      under    the    general   rules   of       contract      interpretation[,]
    . . .       begin[ning]     with   the   actual     language        of   the   policies,
    given its plain and ordinary meaning."                        Brazas Sporting Arms,
    Inc. v. Am. Empire Surplus Lines Ins. Co., 
    220 F.3d 1
    , 4 (1st
    Cir. 2000).         "The insurer bears the burden of demonstrating that
    an exclusion exists that precludes coverage,” however, “and any
    ambiguities in the exclusion provision are strictly construed
    It is no surprise that AIG would prefer to avoid the
    application of California law.    On the same day it commenced
    this   action,  AIG   began  a  separate   declaratory  judgment
    proceeding against Cosby in federal court in California, seeking
    a declaration that it had no duty to defend or indemnify Cosby
    against a similar defamation action.     AIG Prop. Cas. Co. v.
    2015 WL 9700994
    , at *1-2 (C.D. Cal. Nov. 13, 2015).
    Interpreting the same policy provisions at issue here, the
    California court applied California law and held that AIG had a
    duty to defend Cosby, given the ambiguity of the sexual-
    misconduct exclusions. 
    Id. at *3-5.
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    against the insurer."               Valley Forge Ins. Co. v. Field, 
    670 F.3d 93
    ,    97    (1st     Cir.     2012)      (internal    quotation          marks     omitted).
    Indeed, the general interpretive rule that "[a]mbiguous policy
    terms are construed in favor of the insured," Scottsdale Ins.
    Co. v. Torres, 
    561 F.3d 74
    , 77 (1st Cir. 2009), "applies with
    particular force to exclusionary provisions," U.S. Liab. Ins.
    Co. v. Benchmark Const. Servs., Inc., 
    797 F.3d 116
    , 120 (1st
    Cir.    2015)       (internal       quotation      marks   omitted).              "Ambiguity
    exists when the policy language is susceptible to more than one
    Scottsdale, 561 F.3d at 77
    There   is   no   single       definition     of       "arising    out    of"
    under   Massachusetts          law.        The    Massachusetts          Supreme     Judicial
    Court       has    said   that      the    term    "indicates        a    wider     range   of
    causation than the concept of proximate causation in tort law,"
    Commerce Ins. Co. v. Ultimate Livery Serv., Inc., 
    897 N.E.2d 50
    62 (Mass. 2008) (internal quotation marks omitted), and that it
    "suggest[s] a causation more analogous to 'but for' causation,"
    Fuller v. First Fin. Ins. Co., 
    858 N.E.2d 288
    , 292 (Mass. 2006)
    (internal         quotation      marks     omitted).       In    a       slightly    earlier
    decision, however, the same court has taken care to note that
    "the expression does not refer to all circumstances in which the
    injury would not have occurred 'but for'" the excluded activity.
    Rischitelli v. Safety Ins. Co., 
    671 N.E.2d 1243
    , 1245 (Mass.
    1996) (injuries resulting from fisticuffs that broke out after
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    vehicle      collision       did      not   "aris[e]       out      of     the        ownership,
    maintenance or use of an auto").                         Rather, "there must be a
    sufficiently         close     relationship"        or     a   "reasonably            apparent"
    causal    connection           between      the     injury     and       relevant         event.
    Commerce Ins. 
    Co., 897 N.E.2d at 62
    (internal quotation marks
    omitted).       Ultimately, "[a] judgment call . . . must be made as
    to   where     the     facts    of    the    case       fall   along      a   continuum       of
    causation."          Am. Home Assur. Co. v. First Specialty Ins. Corp.,
    894 N.E.2d 1167
    , 1170 (Mass. App. Ct. 2008).
    Here,     AIG       says     that        because     Cosby's            allegedly
    defamatory denials were prompted by the women's sexual-assault
    allegations, the defamation injury and the excluded conduct are
    so   "inextricably           intertwined"          as     to   trigger         the      sexual-
    misconduct exclusions.                Cosby counters that the source of the
    women's claimed injuries is not any alleged sexual misconduct,
    but rather the allegedly defamatory statements.                               Cf. Bagley v.
    Monticello Ins. Co., 
    720 N.E.2d 813
    , 817 (Mass. 1999) ("It is
    the source from which the plaintiff's personal injury originates
    rather than the specific theories of liability alleged in the
    complaint       which    determines         the     insurer's        duty        to    defend."
    (emphasis       in     original;       internal         quotation        marks        omitted)).
    Given    the    independent        cause     of    injury,     Cosby       maintains,       the
    causal    link       between    the    excluded         conduct   and      the        defamation
    claims is too attenuated to trigger the exclusions.
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    It        is    only      fair        to    say     that    applying       the   quoted
    governing principles of Massachusetts law to this case does not
    supply an easy answer to the question before us.                                     But we need
    not determine whether the homeowners policy's "arising out of"
    exclusion, standing on its own, would or would not eliminate
    coverage.         Instead,            a    closer       look     at     the    umbrella      policy
    provides a key to decision here.
    As        the       district          court       observed,       the    presence     of
    another, more broadly worded sexual-misconduct exclusion in the
    umbrella policy tips the scales in favor of finding ambiguity.
    That policy's coverage for "Limited Charitable Board Directors
    and Trustees Liability" is subject to an exclusion that applies
    to     claims    for        damages            "[a]rising       out    of,     or    in   any     way
    involving,        directly                or     indirectly,           any     alleged       sexual
    misconduct."               RA    at    328,       ¶     D.10    (emphasis       added).          This
    provision has a place in the analysis here under the rule that
    "[e]very word in an insurance contract must be presumed to have
    been    employed       with       a   purpose          and     must    be    given   meaning     and
    effect whenever practicable."                          Metro. Life Ins. Co. v. Cotter,
    984 N.E.2d 835
    ,          844   (Mass.          2013)     (internal      quotation        marks
    omitted);       see    also       J.A.         Sullivan       Corp.    v.     Commonwealth,      
    494 N.E.2d 374
    ,        378       (Mass.         1986).         Given     that    this      separate,
    specific sexual-misconduct exclusion was drafted so closely to a
    but-for    view,       the       umbrella          policy's       more       laconic,     generally
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    applicable    counterpart   may   most    reasonably    be   read,    in    the
    circumstances of this case, as imposing a standard closer along
    the continuum to proximate causation than but-for, under that
    policy.   And because both the umbrella and homeowners policies
    were drafted by the same insurer, and the policies were issued
    by it side by side to the same insured, we may infer that the
    two policies' identical "arising out of" language was intended
    to carry identical meaning, calling for identical effect.                   And
    if that meaning is not proximate cause outright, at a minimum it
    renders the pertinent sexual-misconduct exclusions ambiguous as
    to the question here, requiring judgment for the insured.3
    To be clear, we do not hold that "arising out of" is
    an inherently ambiguous term under Massachusetts law or that
    discrepancies    in   insurance   provisions     always      give    rise    to
    ambiguity.     Rather, our holding is confined to this case where
    the ambiguity question is close to begin with and where another
    sexual-misconduct exclusion is worded more broadly.4                  Out of
    caution, we also note that this appeal decides only the question
    3 Notably, the same result would obtain under California
    law. See Safeco Ins. Co. of Am. v. Robert S., 
    28 P.3d 889
    , 893
    (Cal. 2001) (ambiguities are resolved in favor of insured);
    Palmer v. Truck Ins. Exch., 
    988 P.2d 568
    , 572-73 (Cal. 1999)
    ("We must . . . give effect to every part of the policy with
    each clause helping to interpret the other." (internal quotation
    marks omitted)).
    4  In view of our holding, we            need     not   reach    Cosby's
    alternative grounds for affirmance.
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    of coverage in providing defense to the policyholder.            Coverage
    for   any   damages   that   may    be   awarded   if   the   defense   is
    unsuccessful could turn on facts beyond those pertinent here,
    requiring independent analysis.          
    Cotter, 984 N.E.2d at 850
    "insurer's duty to defend is independent from, and broader than,
    its duty to indemnify" (internal quotation marks omitted)).
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