United States v. Gonzalez-Negron , 892 F.3d 485 ( 2018 )

  •            United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 17-1302
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Carmen Consuelo Cerezo, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Circuit Judge,
    Souter, Associate Justice,
    and Stahl, Circuit Judge.
    Lisa Aidlin on brief for appellant.
    Kelly A. Zuzman, Assistant United States Attorney, Rosa
    Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez, United States Attorney, and Amy E.
    Potter, Assistant United States Attorney, on brief for appellee.
    June 13, 2018
    Hon. David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the
    Supreme Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    SOUTER,          Associate            Justice.            The    defendant      stands
    convicted of possessing a controlled substance with intent to
    distribute it, 18 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1), and possessing a firearm
    in    furtherance           of        a    drug     trafficking             crime,   18     U.S.C.
    § 924(c)(1)(A).             His convictions rest on guilty pleas entered
    under an agreement that called for dismissal of other charges,
    including one of possessing a machine gun in furtherance of a
    drug-trafficking            crime,         which     carries          a     mandatory      30-year
    minimum     sentence,            18       U.S.C.    §     924(c)(1)(B)(ii).                He     was
    sentenced to imprisonment for 132 months, that being within the
    period the Government was permitted to recommend under the terms
    of the plea agreement.
    While he was before the district court, he raised no
    timely objection to the findings of guilt or to the sentence,
    but   he   now   appeals,             arguing      that   his     conviction         on   the     gun
    charge is invalid owing to the district court's acceptance of
    his plea despite the court's failure to satisfy Rule 11 of the
    Federal    Rules       of    Criminal         Procedure          in    two     closely     related
    respects.        One    provision            of    the    Rule    required       the      court   to
    determine that there be a factual basis that would justify a
    finding at trial that the gun possession was in furtherance of
    the drug crime, see Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(b)(3); under the other
    provision, the court was obliged to ensure that the defendant
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    understood       the    legal     nature         of       possession-in-furtherance       to
    which he pleaded, Fed. R. Crim. P. 11(b)(1)(g).                                Because the
    claims go to the validity of the plea, we do not find them
    barred by a waiver of appeal rights that was contained in the
    plea agreement.             But because the defendant failed to raise the
    claims in the trial court, we apply the plain error standard of
    review, under which he is not entitled to relief.
    A     demonstration           of         plain    error     "sufficient      to
    undermine confidence in the outcome of the proceeding," United
    States v. Dominguez Benitez, 
    542 U.S. 74
    , 83 (2004) (internal
    quotation marks omitted), requires a defendant to show that the
    trial court committed error, which was plain, and which affects
    the defendant's substantial rights.                        See United States v. Olano,
    507 U.S. 725
    , 732 (1993).              Even then, the error does not require
    corrective        action      unless       the    reviewing       court       so   exercises
    discretion upon finding that the error "seriously affects the
    fairness,         integrity       or        public          reputation        of    judicial
    Id. The hurdle
    is a high one.
    We    look      first    at    the       adequacy    of    the    Government's
    demonstration in support of the plea that there was a factual
    basis for the gun charge.                    "The necessary showing . . . is
    fairly modest": the Government need not "support every element
    of the charged crime by direct evidence," or demonstrate that
    the   defendant        is    guilty    beyond         a    reasonable    doubt.      United
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    States v. Ramos-Mejía, 
    721 F.3d 12
    , 16 (1st Cir. 2013).                            Rather,
    "the government need only show a rational basis in fact for the
    defendant's guilt."           
    Id. "In other
    words, there must be some
    basis   for    thinking      that    the   defendant      is       at    least    arguably
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    To   violate    §     924(c)(1)(A),      the    defendant          must   have
    possessed the gun "in furtherance" of his drug dealing, not
    merely in connection with his commission of a drug offense, but
    "to advance or promote" it.                United States v. Gonsalves, 
    859 F.3d 95
    , 111 (1st Cir. 2017); see H.R. Rep. No. 105-344 (1997),
    1997 WL 668339
    , at *12.                "In assessing whether a sufficient
    nexus exists, we consider several factors: whether the firearm
    was   loaded,      whether    the     firearm    was    easily          accessible,     the
    proximity     of    the    firearm    to   the   drugs,       and       the   surrounding
    circumstances."           United States v. Pena, 
    586 F.3d 105
    , 113 (1st
    Cir. 2009).        We conclude that any insufficiency of particularity
    required to satisfy Rule 11(b)(3) on the offense charged here
    was far from plain.
    In this case, the defendant's gun was found in the
    bedroom closet of his apartment, and his stash of drugs was
    hidden in the kitchen.               As the defendant argues, "[t]he mere
    presence of a firearm . . . where the drug offense occurred is
    insufficient"       to     demonstrate     possession        "in    furtherance,"        at
    least as a general rule.              United States v. Bobadilla-Pagán, 747
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    F.3d 26, 35 (1st Cir. 2014).       And the circumstances may require
    close proximity of a stored gun and drugs in order to support an
    inference    of   intent   to   advance   or   promote   unlawful   drug
    activity.    See United States v. Rios, 
    449 F.3d 1009
    , 1011-14
    (9th Cir. 2006).      Hence if the only facts ostensibly adduced
    here to show "in furtherance" were the drugs and a conventional
    gun far apart in the same apartment, existing case law furnishes
    at least a serious argument that there would have been error in
    accepting the guilty plea without a showing of more specific
    facts indicating intent to further the underlying drug dealing.
    Although this is the very argument that the defendant
    makes, it fails to account for a serious response to which it is
    vulnerable on the facts of this case.            Given the undisputed
    adequacy of the Government's proffer to demonstrate that the
    defendant was a drug dealer, a further specific fact in the
    record is obviously significant: the weapon in question was not
    just any gun, but a pistol that had been converted from semi-
    automatic (as manufactured) to fully automatic, that is, to a
    machine gun.      The destructive capacity of the gun is relevant
    circumstantial evidence of its purpose, see United States v.
    417 F.3d 97
    , 105 (1st Cir. 2005), and the legal status
    of machine gun possession is particularly instructive on this
    point.   Because possession of a machine gun is criminal per se
    except for certain very limited exceptions not relevant here,
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    see 18 U.S.C. § 924(o), the law unequivocally precludes any
    option to keep the gun for a lawful purpose, and supports the
    likelihood       that      the     actual     purpose      was       unlawful:         here,
    furthering the defendant’s drug crime.                    So does the fact that
    the machine gun was loaded and within the same residence as the
    drugs.   See 
    Pena, 586 F.3d at 113
    In sum, the facts on record, including the particular
    facts    of    the    loaded       machine      gun's    exceptional        destructive
    capacity and the illegality of its possession, are at least
    arguably sufficient to satisfy the requirement of demonstrating
    on the record a factual basis for the "in furtherance" element
    as required under Rule 11.                   If there is thought to be any
    inadequacy on this point, it did not amount to error that could
    be treated as plain.
    Much    of    what    we   have    said    has     a    bearing     on     the
    defendant's second claim of Rule 11 error, that the court failed
    to address him with enough care to determine that he understood
    the   nature     of   the    "in    furtherance"        charge       to   which   he     was
    pleading guilty.            It is true that in his colloquy with the
    defendant before accepting the guilty pleas, the trial judge did
    not expressly invoke the definition of the term as meaning to
    intend to advance or promote the underlying crime.                          But, again,
    this is not tantamount to any plain failure to show on the
    record    that       the    defendant       understood     the       meaning      of     "in
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    furtherance"        to     which     he    was      pleading.          The       concept       of
    furtherance is not "esoteric," see Mack v. United States, 
    635 F.2d 20
    , 25 (1st Cir. 1980), and the defendant's acknowledgement
    before the court that the allegations were true is itself good
    evidence that he understood this element of the charge, see
    United States v. Cotal-Crespo, 
    47 F.3d 1
    , 6 (1st Cir. 1995).
    Moreover,     the        defendant    has      failed       "to   show       a     reasonable
    probability that, but for the error, he would not have entered
    the plea."        Dominguez 
    Benitez, 542 U.S. at 76
    .                     In particular,
    at   the   time     the       defendant    entered        his   plea,    he      was    facing
    another charge that carried a 30-year mandatory minimum term
    (possession       of      a    machine     gun      in     furtherance        of    a        drug-
    trafficking crime).             The defendant's plea allowed him to avoid
    conviction on that charge and to obtain a much lower sentence.
    The defendant points to nothing in the record to indicate that a
    more detailed explanation of the "in furtherance" element would
    have led him not to plead guilty.                   Hence, the court's failure to
    enquire further in expressly definitive detail was at most one
    of   form,    but      not     one   that      left      the    record   blank          on    the
    defendant's       understanding           of     the      statutory      sense         of      "in
    furtherance."       There was no plain error.
    Although          the   preceding           conclusions     determine            the
    results of the appeal, we add that our reasoning would also be
    to the point in addressing the fourth element of plain error
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    analysis, whether any error seriously compromised the fairness,
    integrity or public reputation of the judicial process.             It is
    enough to say at this point that no such compromise is evident
    on the record of the pleas in this case.               That record is far
    more likely to convince a reader that the defendant correctly
    understood    the   meaning   of   the     statutory    elements   he   was
    admitting and consequently should be held to his plea entered in
    open court that he possessed his gun to further his criminal
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