Restrepo v. Holder , 676 F.3d 10 ( 2012 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 10-1750
    Torruella, Circuit Judge,
    Souter,* Associate Justice,
    and Boudin, Circuit Judge.
    Randy Olen, on brief for petitioner.
    Nancy E. Friedman, Senior Litigation Counsel, Office of
    Immigration Litigation, Civil Division, Tony West, Assistant
    Attorney General, Civil Division, and Richard M. Evans, Assistant
    Director, on brief for respondent.
    April 12, 2012
    The Hon. David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the
    Supreme Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    TORRUELLA,    Circuit    Judge.          Juan    Fernando     Restrepo
    ("Restrepo"), a native and citizen of Colombia, asks us to review
    a decision of the Board of Immigration Appeals ("BIA") denying his
    application for cancellation of removal under Section 240A(b) of
    the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA").                     After carefully
    considering Restrepo's claims, we deny his petition for review.
    I.    Background
    Restrepo     entered    the     United     States     on     or   about
    September 24, 1988 as a visitor with permission to remain in the
    country until March 23, 1989. Restrepo overstayed his visa and, in
    1990, married his wife, María, a fellow Colombian national. In the
    ensuing years, the couple settled in the United States and had two
    According to Restrepo, by 1995, all was not well between
    the couple -- Restrepo was unfaithful and María discovered his
    infidelity.      Restrepo    soon    moved    out     of   the   family    home   in
    Pawtucket, Rhode Island and moved in with his sister.
    In February 1996, Restrepo's father petitioned for an
    immigrant visa (Form I-130) on Restrepo's behalf.                       Restrepo's
    father filed his petition under section 203(a)(2)(B) of the INA,
    U.S.C. § 1153
    (a)(2)(B),      which    permits        "unmarried    sons   or
    unmarried daughters" of an alien who has been lawfully admitted for
    permanent residence in the United States to obtain a visa.                        The
    petition was approved on September 10, 1996, despite the fact that
    Restrepo and María, though separated, were still married at the
    Restrepo and María finalized their divorce just one month
    later, in October 1996. That same month, María married Carlos Ríos
    ("Ríos"), a U.S. citizen.        Subsequently, Ríos filed an immigrant
    visa    petition   for   María   and    she   eventually   attained   lawful
    permanent resident ("LPR") status as Ríos's spouse.
    At some point in 1999, María and Restrepo ostensibly
    reconciled their differences.           In 2000, the couple had a third
    child, though María and Ríos were still married at the time. María
    eventually divorced Ríos in September 2001 and remained with
    Restrepo thereafter, remarrying him on March 14, 2004.
    Also in September 2001, Restrepo -- who still held the
    immigrant visa that he obtained in September 1996 -- filed to
    adjust his status to that of LPR.             The relevant paperwork, it
    seems, raised bureaucratic eyebrows: on May 3, 2004, the Department
    of Homeland Security denied Restrepo's request for adjustment and
    revoked his immigrant visa once it determined that, since Restrepo
    was still married to María in September 1996, he was ineligible for
    the visa at the time his father filed an immigrant visa petition on
    his behalf.    The government set Restrepo's removal proceedings in
    motion on the same day.
    Restrepo     conceded      removability,   but    applied    for
    cancellation of removal under INA § 240A(b) and voluntary departure
    under INA § 240B.    See 8 U.S.C. §§ 1229b-c.    Over the next few
    years,1 Restrepo submitted evidence in support of his application
    for cancellation, including letters and affidavits prepared on his
    behalf.   Restrepo and María also testified at hearings held before
    an immigration judge ("IJ") in July 2008 and February 2009.
    The IJ denied Restrepo's application for cancellation of
    removal on February 18, 2009.   In denying Restrepo's application,
    the IJ found that Restrepo had failed to show that he was a "person
    of good moral character" while living in the United States, see
    8 U.S.C. § 1229b(b)(1)(B), insofar as facts did not suggest that
    his 1996 divorce from María "was anything other than a sham to
    enable him to adjust status on the basis of the visa petition that
    his father had submitted for him."    Explaining her reasoning, the
    IJ noted that Restrepo had a third child with María while she was
    married to Ríos and underscored her belief that María had given
    "conflicting information" about her reasons for divorcing Ríos.
    Most critically, the IJ expressed grave concerns about the fact
    that Restrepo remarried María, by then an LPR, less than two months
    before his petition for adjustment of status was denied and his
    Restrepo's removal proceedings were continued for a brief period
    of time because in March 2005, María, who by then had been
    remarried to Restrepo for about a year, filed a visa petition on
    his behalf by virtue of her status as a permanent resident applying
    for naturalization. However, in April 2005, the U.S. Citizenship
    and Immigration Services denied María's naturalization application
    when it determined that María's marriage to Ríos (which had allowed
    her to obtain LPR status) was a sham.           Restrepo's removal
    proceedings then resumed.
    visa    revoked.           The    IJ    found    this   timing    "disturbing"       and
    "significant" because neither the letters nor the affidavits that
    various people submitted to support Restrepo's application for
    cancellation of removal mentioned that he was divorced and later
    remarried. The IJ also noted that one of Restrepo's daughters, who
    testified     at     his    hearings,      did    not   mention    having      suffered
    emotional problems as a result of the divorce.                    Additionally, the
    IJ noted that although testimony suggested that Restrepo was an
    avid churchgoer, his pastor was "unaware that [Restrepo] and
    [María] were divorced and did not remarry for over four years after
    they began living together again."
    Going further, the IJ also concluded that Restrepo and
    María had provided false testimony before the immigration court to
    the extent that they stood by their claims that they divorced for
    legitimate reasons not related to obtaining immigration benefits.
    The IJ cited the timing of the purported marital falling out and
    divorce -- i.e., the fact that the couple separated just before
    Restrepo's father filed a visa application on his behalf -- and
    María's marriage to Ríos, a U.S. citizen, shortly thereafter as
    supportive of her conclusion.                    The IJ also noted that María
    remembered peculiarly little about her marriage to Ríos and could
    not    show   that    she        ever   lived    with   him.      In   light    of   the
    "significant disruption" that Restrepo's removal would cause on his
    family, the IJ stated that she might have been willing to give him
    the benefit of the doubt if Restrepo had come clean as to the true
    immigration status adjustment-related motives behind the couple's
    divorce.     Ultimately, however, the IJ explained that she could
    hardly overlook the fact that Restrepo not only engaged in a sham
    divorce, but also offered false information in his adjustment
    filings and in his testimony to the court.             Accordingly, the IJ
    determined that, as a person lacking good moral character, Restrepo
    was   statutorily   barred     from   obtaining    either   cancellation    of
    removal or voluntary departure.
    Restrepo appealed and the BIA affirmed the IJ's decision
    on May 24, 2010.     See In re Juan Fernando Restrepo, No. A079-738-
    001 (B.I.A. May 24, 2010).       The BIA noted that it was required to
    accept the IJ's factual determinations unless they were clearly
    erroneous.     See 
    8 C.F.R. § 1003.1
    (d)(3)(i) (BIA "will accept the
    determination of factual issues by an immigration judge . . .
    unless the determination is clearly erroneous").                  The BIA then
    recounted the evidence the IJ used to buttress her decision and
    concluded    that   it   was   sufficient    to    affirm   her    conclusions
    regarding Restrepo's lack of good moral character.
    II.    Discussion
    A. Cancellation of Removal and Our Authority to Review Restrepo's
    Under 8 U.S.C. § 1229b(b), the BIA may grant cancellation
    of removal if the petitioner establishes certain requirements. See
    Toribio-Chávez v. Holder, 
    611 F.3d 57
    , 64 (1st Cir. 2010).
    Specifically, cancellation may issue if an alien "(a) has resided
    in the United States for a continuous period of ten years; (b) has
    been a person of good moral character during such period; (c) has
    not been convicted of certain offenses; and (d) has established
    that removal would result in exceptional and unusual hardship to a
    qualifying family member."           
        It is the second of the above-
    cited eligibility factors -- requiring an alien applying for
    cancellation of removal to show that he has been a "person of good
    moral character" while residing in the United States for an
    uninterrupted ten-year period -- that is important to Restrepo's
    The regime that Congress has set in place narrowly
    defines our authority to review a petition like Restrepo's.                  The
    provision codified at 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
     "divests federal courts of
    jurisdiction to review 'any judgment regarding the granting of
    relief' relative to cancellation of removal."                González-Ruano v.
    662 F.3d 59
    ,   63     (1st   Cir.    2011)   (internal   citation
    omitted).     The statute thereby leaves the matter of whether an
    alien   should    receive     such    relief   to    the    Attorney    General's
    During proceedings before the IJ, the government did not dispute
    that Restrepo had resided in the United States for ten years before
    being placed in removal proceedings nor did it contest Restrepo's
    claim that removal would result in exceptional and extremely
    unusual hardship to his family members. The IJ determined that
    Restrepo had established these factors. Whether Restrepo had been
    convicted of any of the various offenses that would bar him from
    cancellation of removal relief does not appear to have been at
    discretion and precludes our review in the absence of a "colorable
    constitutional claim or question of law."           Elysee v. Gonzales, 
    437 F.3d 221
    , 223 (1st Cir. 2006); see also Cruz-Camey v. Gonzales, 
    504 F.3d 28
    , 29 (1st Cir. 2007).
    Within this context, the manner in which we approach a
    finding of lack of good moral character could unfold in either of
    two ways, depending on whether or not the agency exercised its
    discretion in reaching its determination.           See       Bernal-Vallejo v.
    195 F.3d 56
    ,   62   (1st   Cir.   1999)       (noting   good   moral
    character determination "may involve either a non-discretionary
    question of fact or a discretionary determination").                  Because "a
    finding of lack of good moral character is required, under 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
    (f), for aliens belonging to certain per se categories," 
    (emphasis added), a determination that an alien may not receive
    cancellation of removal relief because he belongs to any of those
    statutorily-defined      categories      presents       a     non-discretionary
    determination which we would be able to review for substantial
    evidence.   However, our review of a determination of lack of good
    moral character that is not grounded on the per se categories found
    in § 1101(f) -- that is, a discretionary finding -- would still lie
    outside of our jurisdiction and would be accordingly barred from
    review.   See id.
    B.   Determination that Restrepo Offered False Testimony
    Where, as here, the BIA adopts an IJ's decision but opts
    to offer a glimpse into its considerations, we review both the
    decision of the BIA and the IJ.    See Wiratama v. Mukasey, 
    538 F.3d 1
    , 3 (1st Cir. 2008).
    In this case, the IJ's character findings as to Restrepo
    appear to have been twofold.        First, the IJ determined that
    Restrepo lacked good moral character insofar as it was evident to
    her that Restrepo had engaged in a sham divorce for the purpose of
    securing immigration benefits.    Second, the IJ found that Restrepo
    and his wife had provided false testimony to the court regarding
    the reasons behind their divorce.       The latter reason, the IJ
    explained, forced her hand and rendered her unable to give Restrepo
    the benefit of the doubt as to whether he had been a person of good
    moral character during the relevant period.     See 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
    (f)(6) (precluding a person who has "given false testimony for the
    purpose of obtaining [immigration] benefits" from being found to
    have "good moral character"); see also Toribio-Chávez, 
    611 F.3d at
    64 n.6.
    The IJ's binary findings thus bring us to a natural pause
    in our discussion.   Because the IJ's determination that Restrepo
    underwent a sham divorce and was thus barred from being regarded as
    a person of good moral character rested on discretionary grounds,
    our inquiry could very well be at an end.      See Zajanckauskas v.
    611 F.3d 87
    , 89 (1st Cir. 2010) ("'If there are two
    alternative grounds for a decision and we lack jurisdiction to
    review one, it would be beyond our Article III judicial power to
    review the other.       Absent authority to review the discretionary
    ground, any opinion . . . reviewing the nondiscretionary ground
    could not affect the final order's validity and so would be
    advisory    only.'"     (alterations     omitted)   (quoting     Ekasinta   v.
    415 F.3d 1188
    , 1191 (10th Cir. 2005))).
    We hesitate, however, to turn away at the threshold.
    Although at first blush the IJ's alternate and discretionary basis
    for her holding appears to foreclose our review of Restrepo's
    petition, the IJ nevertheless noted that she could have given
    Restrepo the benefit of the doubt as to his being a person of good
    moral character during the requisite period but for her collateral
    conclusion that Restrepo had provided false testimony to the court.
    It therefore seems that the IJ ultimately predicated her decision
    to deny Restrepo cancellation of removal relief on her finding that
    he had offered false testimony at his immigration hearings.            Since
    false testimony presents a non-discretionary ground for denial that
    is within the scope of our jurisdiction, see 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
    we   proceed    to   review   the   agency's   reasoning   for   substantial
    evidence.      Under this standard, "[w]e review the agency's factual
    findings, including credibility determinations . . . and may
    overturn those findings only if 'any reasonable adjudicator would
    be compelled to conclude the contrary.'" Lin v. Gonzales, 
    503 F.3d 4
    , 7 (1st Cir. 2007) (quoting 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    As noted above, a person found to have provided false
    testimony "during the period for which good moral character is to
    be established," 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
    (f)(6), is per se deemed to lack
    good moral character.   For our present purposes, false testimony
    "is limited to oral statements made under oath" and, specifically,
    "only to those misrepresentations made with the subjective intent
    of obtaining immigration benefits."   Kungys v. United States, 
    485 U.S. 759
    , 780 (1988).    Misrepresentations made to satisfy other
    motives -- e.g., embarrassment, fear, or a desire for privacy -- do
    not qualify as false testimony under the statute.   See 
    Restrepo does not fare well on the merits.   Substantial
    evidence in the record supports the IJ's determination -- and the
    BIA's reasoned affirmance of the IJ's finding -- that Restrepo,
    while under oath, provided false testimony at his immigration
    hearings regarding the motives underlying his divorce from María in
    1996. Here, the IJ and the BIA both considered several facts that,
    taken together, they determined significantly undermined Restrepo's
    credibility.   The IJ, in particular, expressed her skepticism that
    none of the authors of the several letters Restrepo submitted in
    support of his application -- some of whom had known Restrepo for
    at least 25 years -- alluded to the fact that Restrepo and María
    had been divorced or separated.   Further, the IJ and the BIA both
    noted that once divorced, María married Ríos, a U.S. citizen,
    almost immediately thereafter and subsequently obtained LPR status
    as Ríos's spouse. The BIA's decision also recounted other evidence
    upon which the IJ relied, such as the fact that Restrepo and María
    conceived a child while she was married to Ríos; that Restrepo
    remarried María in March 2004 just a few months before Restrepo was
    placed   in    removal    proceedings;      and   that,    once   remarried    to
    Restrepo, María almost immediately filed an alien relative petition
    on his behalf.        It was reasonable for both the IJ and the BIA to
    conclude that this evidence supported a conclusion that Restrepo
    offered false testimony inasmuch as he insisted at his hearings
    before the IJ that he divorced María for legitimate reasons
    unrelated to securing immigration benefits. We accordingly find no
    reason to affect the IJ's credibility determination or corollary
    finding that Restrepo is statutorily precluded from obtaining
    cancellation of removal relief.             See Toribio-Chávez, 611 F.3d at
    64-65    (upholding      denial   of     cancellation     of   removal   due   to
    § 1101(f)(6) per se lack of good moral character finding based, in
    part,    on    IJ's   finding     that    petitioner's     testimony     was   not
    credible); Becerril v. Holder, No. 07-71290, 
    2010 WL 236152
    , at *1
    (9th Cir. Jan. 21, 2010) (same).
    C.   Adverse Credibility Determination
    In his briefing to this Court, Restrepo heavily relies on
    In re A-S-, 
    21 I. & N. Dec. 1106
     (B.I.A. 1998), which he claims
    should have guided the analysis the BIA followed when it assessed
    the IJ's credibility findings.   Under In re A-S-, discrepancies or
    omissions going to the heart of a petitioner's claim may support an
    adverse credibility finding, but only where a three-prong test is
    also satisfied.   The BIA thus accords deference to an IJ's adverse
    credibility determination if:
    (1) the discrepancies and omissions described
    by the Immigration Judge [are] actually []
    present in the record;
    (2) the discrepancies and omissions [] provide
    specific and cogent reasons to conclude that
    the alien provided incredible testimony; and
    (3)   a   convincing   explanation   for   the
    discrepancies or omissions [are] not []
    supplied by the alien.
    Hoxha v. Gonzales, 
    446 F.3d 210
    , 214 (1st Cir. 2006).
    The government parries Restrepo's claim that the BIA
    should have worked within the In re A-S- framework by noting that
    the BIA's decision in that case and our application of the cited
    factors in Hoxha v. Gonzales, 
    446 F.3d 210
     (1st Cir. 2006), were
    circumscribed to the asylum context. In particular, the government
    appears to contend that these cases are solely apposite to asylum
    claims examined under the rubric in place before the enactment of
    the REAL ID Act, which became effective on May 11, 2005.       See
    Kartasheva v. Holder, 
    582 F.3d 96
    , 104 n.7 (1st Cir. 2009) (noting
    that in cases predating REAL ID Act an "IJ's adverse credibility
    finding 'cannot rest on trivia but must be based on discrepancies
    that involved the heart of the asylum claim.'" (quoting Hem v.
    514 F.3d 67
    , 69 (1st Cir. 2008) (internal quotations
    omitted)); see also Dehonzai v. Holder, 
    650 F.3d 1
    , 10 n.11 (1st
    Cir. 2011) ("Following passage of the REAL ID Act, an adverse
    credibility determination may be based on an inconsistency in the
    applicant's   testimony   'without     regard   to   whether   [the]
    inconsistency, inaccuracy, or falsehood goes to the heart of the
    applicant's claim.'" (quoting 8 U.S.C. 1158(b)(1)(B)(iii))).
    We are not convinced that these cases can be so easily
    distinguished from the one before us and note that the BIA has
    cited the In re A-S- three-pronged framework for assessing an IJ's
    credibility determinations in deciding an appeal involving a denial
    of an alien's application for cancellation of removal at least once
    in the past. See In re: Bruno Alfredo Dellepiane, No. A26-608-123,
    2007 WL 2463970
     (B.I.A. Aug. 1, 2007) (unpublished decision).
    However, even if the In re A-S- framework were applicable in this
    context, it would not help Restrepo.    Under the In re A-S- three-
    pronged assessment, for the BIA to accept the IJ's credibility
    determination, it would have had to conclude that (1) Restrepo's
    and María's testimony conflicted with other evidence in the record;
    (2) the discrepancies were reason enough to conclude that Restrepo
    and María were not credible; and (3) Restrepo failed to provide a
    convincing reason for the discrepancies.   While the BIA's decision
    here did not expressly cite In re A-S-, its reasoning clearly
    satisfied all three elements.
    First, as explained above, the IJ noted that not one of
    the letters or affidavits submitted by others in support of
    Restrepo's application mentioned his divorce from María.           Thus,
    even assuming that Restrepo's and María's testimony before the IJ
    was internally consistent, the IJ concluded that this testimony
    conflicted with other evidence on record and the BIA explicitly
    alluded to the IJ's finding on this issue.         As we have explained
    supra, the IJ's determination on this issue was supported by
    substantial evidence.
    Second, although he does not do so directly, it would be
    a nonstarter for Restrepo to argue that the discrepancies the IJ
    cited do not "provide specific and cogent reasons" to support an
    adverse credibility finding.       In re A-S-, 21 I. & N. Dec. at 1109.
    The discrepancies and gaps between testimony and record evidence on
    which the IJ and the BIA focused went to the crucial issue of
    whether Restrepo could satisfy the eligibility requirements to
    receive cancellation of removal relief.            As we have already
    explained, substantial evidence supports a finding that these
    discrepancies and gaps were significant enough to be indicative of
    a lack of credibility.       Cf. Juárez-López v. Gonzales, 
    235 Fed. Appx. 361
    , 367 (7th Cir. 2007) ("Adverse credibility determinations
    should   not   be   based   upon   easily   explained   discrepancies   or
    perceived discrepancies.").
    Finally, Restrepo's claim that the IJ did not properly
    consider his proffered explanations as to any discrepancies or
    omissions is similarly unavailing. While Restrepo underscores that
    his and María's testimony addressed, at least in part, the premises
    upon which the IJ based her adverse credibility determination --
    e.g., by noting that the couple's third child was conceived while
    María was separated (even if not yet divorced) from Ríos -- it was
    certainly   reasonable   for    the    IJ    and   the    BIA   to   find    these
    explanations inadequate.       Most importantly, we note that the IJ,
    commensurate with her misgivings about Restrepo's marital history,
    once continued proceedings to allow Restrepo to submit his divorce
    records to the immigration court along with a letter from his
    church outlining his family history.                 According to the IJ's
    decision, Restrepo failed to comply with the immigration court's
    request and did not attempt showing that the requested evidence was
    unavailable.    Cf. Muñoz-Monsalve v. Mukasey, 
    551 F.3d 1
    , 8 (1st
    Cir. 2008) (in asylum case, noting "utter lack of corroboration,
    easily obtainable were the petitioner's tale true, supports []
    adverse credibility determination" (footnote omitted)).                     In its
    decision, the BIA referenced Restrepo's failure to proffer the
    materials the IJ requested, correctly adding that under INA §
    240(c)(4)(B),    if   the      trier    of    fact       requests    additional
    corroborative evidence, such evidence "must be provided" unless it
    cannot be reasonably obtained.        See 8 U.S.C. § 1229a(c)(4)(B)
    (emphasis added).
    III.   Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, Restrepo's petition for review
    is denied.