Walker v. Medeiros , 911 F.3d 629 ( 2018 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 16-1479
    Petitioner, Appellant,
    SEAN MEDEIROS, Superintendent, MCI-Norfolk,
    Respondent, Appellee.
    [Hon. George A. O'Toole, Jr., U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Kayatta, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    Catherine J. Hinton, with whom Rankin & Sultan was on brief,
    for appellant.
    Matthew P. Landry, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal
    Bureau, with whom Maura Healey, Attorney General, was on brief,
    for appellee.
    December 21, 2018
    BARRON, Circuit Judge.         Andre Walker appeals from the
    dismissal of the federal petition for writ of habeas corpus that
    he brings pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2254.                In his petition, he
    challenges his convictions under Massachusetts law for murder and
    other   offenses    on    the   ground    that    he   received   ineffective
    assistance of counsel in violation of the Sixth Amendment to the
    United States Constitution.1       We affirm.
    Walker's convictions arose out of the following events,
    which are not in dispute.       On September 16, 2000, Francis Stephens
    and José Astacio were shot at the corner of Glenway and Harlem
    Streets in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts.
    Astacio received one gunshot wound to the chest but survived, while
    Stephens suffered multiple gunshot wounds and died.
    In February of 2004, in connection with these shootings,
    Walker and Willie Johnson were indicted in Suffolk County Superior
    Court   in   Boston,     Massachusetts    for    murder   and   other   related
    1 The Sixth Amendment, which was incorporated against the states
    by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United
    States Constitution, see Gideon v. Wainwright, 
    372 U.S. 335
    , 342-
    43 (1963), provides: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused
    shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial
    jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been
    committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained
    by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the
    accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to
    have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and
    to have the assistance of counsel for his defense." U.S. Const.
    amend. XI (emphasis added).
    - 2 -
    Massachusetts law crimes.     The joint trial began on November 9,
    During the trial, the prosecution introduced testimony
    from Boston Police Department Detective John Martel and eye-
    witness   Sylvester   Harrison.      Detective     Martel   described   an
    interview with Harrison, who picked Walker's picture out of an
    array of photographs that Martel had presented to him, identifying
    Walker as the man whom Harrison had observed at the scene of the
    shootings.    Harrison, for his part, corroborated some of Martel's
    testimony but testified that he had been pressured by the police
    into making a selection from the array.       In addition to Martel's
    and Harrison's testimony, the prosecution also relied at trial on
    testimony from three other witnesses -- Sharod Clark, Terence
    Dotson, and Michael Boyd -- each of whom testified to having known
    Walker and to having, at one point, resided with Walker in the
    neighborhood surrounding the Franklin Hill housing projects in
    Boston.      Both Clark and Boyd testified that Walker had been
    involved in the shootings and that he had described to them his
    involvement in those shootings.       All three acknowledged during
    their testimony that they expected that their cooperation with the
    Commonwealth's    investigation   would   result    in   their   receiving
    lenient treatment for unrelated charges that were then pending
    against each of them.
    - 3 -
    After the jury began deliberations, it sent a message to
    the trial judge that noted that the jurors were "deadlocked."               The
    jury explained in that message that it feared that it would be
    unable to reach a unanimous decision.          In response to the message,
    the trial judge instructed the jury to continue deliberating, and
    the jury responded by asking the trial judge to permit it to review
    the notes from Detective Martel's interview with Harrison.                  The
    trial judge replied that those notes were not in evidence but that
    the jurors should rely on their "collective memory" of both
    Detective Martel's testimony concerning Harrison's identification
    of Walker and the testimony that Harrison himself provided at trial
    about the identification.
    On December 9, 2005, after eight days of deliberations,
    the   jury    returned    verdicts   that    found   Walker   guilty   of   the
    following Massachusetts law offenses: first degree murder, armed
    assault with intent to murder, and carrying an unlicensed firearm.
    The jury acquitted Johnson of all charges.
    The trial judge sentenced Walker to life imprisonment
    for murder, three to five years of imprisonment for possession of
    a firearm, and six to eight years of imprisonment for armed assault
    with intent to murder.        Walker both appealed his convictions and
    filed a motion for post-conviction relief, claiming, among other
    things,      that   his   defense    counsel   had    provided   ineffective
    assistance of counsel in violation of the Sixth Amendment to the
    - 4 -
    federal Constitution by failing to move to suppress testimony
    concerning Harrison's out-of-court identification.
    The same judge who conducted Walker's trial presided
    over an evidentiary hearing on his post-trial motion.                      In a 137-
    page order, the judge denied the motion.                   Commonwealth v. Walker,
    No. 2004-10099, 
    2009 WL 335930
    , at *1 (Mass. Supp. Feb. 11, 2009).
    Walker then appealed that decision.                That appeal was subsequently
    consolidated    with    his      direct    appeal    before     the    Massachusetts
    Supreme   Judicial      Court     ("SJC").         Among    other    things,    Walker
    challenged his convictions on the ground that he had received
    ineffective     assistance         of     counsel     in     violation     of      both
    Massachusetts     law      and     the     United     States        Constitution     in
    consequence of his counsel's failure to move to suppress the
    evidence of Harrison's out-of-court identification of Walker.
    Commonwealth v. Walker, 
    953 N.E.2d 195
    , 199 (Mass. 2011).
    On September 21, 2011, the SJC unanimously affirmed
    Walker's convictions and affirmed the order denying his motion for
    post-conviction relief.           
    Id. at 199-200.
              In doing so, the SJC
    rejected,   among      other     things,     his    ineffective       assistance     of
    counsel claims.      
    Id. On December
    17, 2012, Walker filed this federal habeas
    petition in the United States District Court for the District of
    Massachusetts, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2254.                  In that petition, he
    brought a number of claims for relief, including a claim that he
    - 5 -
    had received ineffective assistance of counsel under the federal
    Constitution.     The District Court denied relief on all of Walker's
    claims and also denied Walker's request for a certificate of
    appealability ("COA").
    On October 10, 2017, this Court granted Walker's COA,
    though   solely    as   to   the    question      of   whether    counsel     was
    constitutionally ineffective, under the federal Constitution, for
    failing to file a pre-trial motion to suppress the evidence of the
    out-of-court identification.         We now consider Walker's appeal of
    the District Court's ruling denying that claim for relief.
    As Walker's case was adjudicated on the merits in state
    court,   the    Antiterrorism      and    Effective    Death     Penalty    Act's
    ("AEDPA") highly deferential standard of review applies. 28 U.S.C.
    § 2254(d).     Under AEDPA, Walker is entitled to habeas relief based
    on his federal constitutional claim of ineffective assistance of
    counsel only if he can show that the SJC's ruling rejecting that
    claim "was contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application
    of, clearly established Federal law, as determined by the Supreme
    Court of the United States" or "was based on an unreasonable
    determination of the facts."         
    Id. Here, the
    District Court held
    that the SJC's ruling rejecting Walker's federal constitutional
    ineffective assistance of counsel claim was neither contrary to
    nor involved an unreasonable application of United States Supreme
    - 6 -
    Court precedent.        Walker v. Gelb, No. 12-12340-GAO, 
    2016 WL 1239919
    , at *2 (D. Mass. Mar. 28, 2016).             The District Court also
    ruled that the SJC's rejection of that claim was not based on an
    unreasonable factual determination.           
    Id. Reviewing these
    by the District Court de novo, see Teti v. Bender, 
    507 F.3d 50
    , 56
    (1st Cir. 2007), we agree.
    To demonstrate that he received ineffective assistance
    of counsel in violation of the Sixth Amendment to the United States
    Constitution, Walker must show both that his defense counsel's
    performance     was    constitutionally        deficient         and       that     this
    deficiency prejudiced his case.             Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687 (1984).      To show that his counsel's performance was
    constitutionally       deficient,      Walker       must        demonstrate         that
    "counsel's     performance      was    objectively         unreasonable           'under
    prevailing professional norms.'"            United States v. Mercedes-De La
    787 F.3d 61
    , 67 (1st Cir. 2015) (quoting 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 688
    ).     This standard is "highly deferential" and thus we
    must   "indulge    a   strong    presumption        that    .    .     .   under     the
    circumstances, the challenged action 'might be considered sound
    trial strategy.'"      
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689
    (quoting Michel v.
    350 U.S. 91
    , 101 (1955)).
    In addition, under Strickland, Walker must show that the
    deficient performance was prejudicial. 
    Id. at 687.
    Because Walker
    - 7 -
    bases his ineffective assistance of counsel claim on his defense
    counsel's failure to file a motion to suppress the evidence
    concerning    Harrison's    out-of-court    identification     of   Walker,
    Walker must, in order to show prejudice, at a minimum show that
    the motion to suppress would have been granted if it had been made.
    See Jaynes v. Mitchell, 
    824 F.3d 187
    , 196 (1st Cir. 2016) (citing
    Mercedes-De La 
    Cruz, 787 F.3d at 67
    ).            Additionally, Walker must
    show that, if the motion to suppress had been successful, it is
    reasonably probable that the proceedings would have ended with a
    different result.     Sleeper v. Spencer, 
    510 F.3d 32
    , 39 (1st Cir.
    2007) (citing Wiggins v. Smith, 
    539 U.S. 510
    , 537 (2003)).
    Walker's contention that his counsel's performance was
    constitutionally deficient is premised on the fact that the United
    States   Supreme    Court   has   held    that    a   defendant's   federal
    constitutional right to due process bars the government's use at
    trial of evidence of a witness's out-of-court identification of
    the defendant if the identification procedure employed by the
    government is "so impermissibly suggestive as to give rise to a
    very substantial likelihood of irreparable misidentification."
    Simmons v. United States, 
    390 U.S. 377
    , 384 (1968).          Walker argued
    to the SJC that the circumstances of the photo array at issue here
    were constitutionally problematic in just that manner and, thus,
    that his counsel acted deficiently by not moving to suppress the
    evidence concerning Harrison's identification, given that Walker
    - 8 -
    contends that his defense counsel had no strategic reason for
    failing to do so.        
    Walker, 953 N.E.2d at 204
    The District Court rejected Walker's federal habeas
    challenge to the SJC's ruling on his ineffective assistance of
    counsel claim.      After carefully reviewing the SJC's decision, so
    do we.
    The   SJC    rejected    the    first   ground    on   which   Walker
    premised    his     ineffective      assistance     of    counsel      claim    by
    determining that the judge who rejected his post-trial motion for
    relief did not clearly err in finding that, contrary to Walker's
    contention, Harrison had not been pressured by law enforcement to
    make a selection from the array of photographs.                 See 
    id. at 205
    (adopting the motion judge's findings as they "were not clearly
    erroneous").      Like the District Court, we agree that the SJC's
    ruling on this point must be sustained under AEDPA.
    On appeal to us, Walker points to no clear and convincing
    evidence in the record that law enforcement did pressure Harrison
    into making a selection from the array of photographs.                   Instead,
    Walker     relies    primarily       on     Harrison's       account     of     the
    identification      as    evidence    that     pressure      occurred.         But,
    Harrison's account of the identification is at odds with Detective
    Martel's testimony that he did not "press" Harrison into making a
    - 9 -
    selection    from    the   array   and   that   Harrison   chose   without
    Walker does seize on language from Martel's testimony in
    which he quoted Harrison as saying "if [I] had to pick" before
    Harrison made his selection from the array.          According to Walker,
    this part of Harrison's testimony demonstrates that Harrison must
    have felt pressured into making a selection.         But, this statement
    does not clearly or convincingly do so, as it may readily be
    understood to show merely that Harrison was making the point that
    he was less than certain of his choice, even though it was freely
    made.   Thus, we see no basis for overturning the District Court on
    this point, as AEDPA instructs that we must leave state-court
    factual findings undisturbed unless the petitioner for habeas
    relief can show through "clear and convincing evidence" that the
    state court's finding was unreasonable.         28 U.S.C. § 2254(e)(1).
    The SJC also rejected the second ground on which Walker
    premised    his     ineffective    assistance   of   counsel   claim,   by
    determining that, contrary to Walker's contention, the federal
    Constitution's Due Process Clause did not require the government
    to employ the safeguards in conducting the photo array that Walker
    contended were required but that were not used.         Specifically, the
    SJC rejected Walker's arguments that the identification procedure
    was constitutionally problematic because law enforcement did not
    inform Harrison that the suspect's picture might not be included
    - 10 -
    in the array, did not employ a "double-blind" identification
    process, did not record Harrison's selection from the array, and
    did not use a sequential-photographic array.        
    Walker, 953 N.E.2d at 206-07
    , 208 n.17.
    Although     Walker   challenged   the   lack   of    procedural
    safeguards used in the identification in seeking habeas relief
    from the District Court, it appears that the District Court did
    not address the issue.    Nevertheless, we may affirm on any ground
    manifest in the record.    See Euromodas, Inc. v. Zanella, Ltd., 
    368 F.3d 11
    , 16 (1st Cir. 2004).     And, we affirm here because, in now
    challenging the SJC's holding on this score, Walker fails to
    identify any United States Supreme Court precedent that clearly
    establishes that, under the federal Constitution, the procedures
    he identified as being required must be employed.              Instead, he
    points only to the fact that these procedures were required by the
    SJC in Commonwealth v. Silva-Santiago, 
    906 N.E.2d 299
    (Mass. 2009),
    and that they were recommended in a 1999 report on eye-witness
    evidence that the United States Department of Justice issued. But,
    Silva-Santiago did not purport to hold that these procedures were
    required as a matter of federal constitutional law.               And the
    Department of Justice report did not purport to do so either.
    Thus, Walker has failed to demonstrate -- as AEDPA requires him to
    demonstrate in order to obtain habeas relief -- that the SJC's
    - 11 -
    ruling was either contrary to or an unreasonable application of
    clearly established United States Supreme Court precedent.
    Finally, the SJC rejected the only other premise for
    Walker's ineffective assistance of counsel claim.                     This premise
    was that the federal constitutional guarantee of due process
    prohibited    the   use    at   trial    of     the    evidence      of   Harrison's
    identification of Walker because that identification was based on
    an   "all-suspect        photographic        array."       In     rejecting      this
    contention, however, the SJC did not determine that the federal
    Constitution permitted the use of all-suspect arrays.                      In fact,
    the SJC expressed concerns about the practice by noting that,
    although it was "not convinced that the rate of false positive
    identification      is    greater     with    all-suspect       arrays,"    it   did
    recognize "that the danger that a false positive identification
    will result in a wrongful prosecution is greater with" this kind
    of procedure.    
    Walker, 953 N.E.2d at 208
    .             The SJC even went on to
    instruct that police should not use photographic arrays containing
    "fewer than five fillers for every suspect photograph," 
    id., without indicating
           whether      the     use      of    an    out-of-court
    identification at trial based on an array of this type would
    comport with federal constitutional requirements.
    Nevertheless,      the    SJC    ultimately       rejected    Walker's
    ineffective    assistance       of    counsel    claim,    notwithstanding       the
    concerns that the SJC had raised about the use of the all-suspect
    - 12 -
    array,   after   applying   the   "miscarriage   of   justice"   standard
    described in Commonwealth v. Gonzalez, 
    824 N.E.2d 843
    , 852 (Mass.
    2005).   The SJC did so because:
    [w]e do not conclude that a substantial likelihood of a
    miscarriage of justice arose from the use of an all-
    suspect array in this case. . . . [T]he heart of the
    Commonwealth's case against Walker was the testimony of
    Clark, Dotson, and Boyd, not Harrison's equivocal and
    retracted prior identification.
    Walker, 953 N.E.2d at 208
    We share the SJC's discomfort with the use of all-suspect
    arrays, which lack "filler" photographs. The use of only suspects'
    photos in arrays necessarily increases the difficulty in assessing
    whether any particular selection from the array is a false or
    mistaken one, as would be readily apparent if "fillers" were
    included and one of the "fillers" were selected. Moreover, because
    the presentation of the array itself may suggest that those
    depicted in it are more likely to have been involved in the offense
    than those not depicted, the fact that there are no "fillers" to
    serve as checks on such false or mistaken selections is all the
    more troubling.    See Richard Gonzales et al., Response Biases in
    2 In determining that there was not a "substantial likelihood of a
    miscarriage of justice," the SJC additionally noted that "[t]he
    photograph that Harrison identified as the man in the Toyota
    automobile was not the codefendant; but the codefendant, and not
    the man identified, was the person charged by the Commonwealth,
    which suggests that the police did not lock onto a suspect based
    on Harrison's identification." 
    Walker, 953 N.E.2d at 208
    - 13 -
    Lineups and Showups, 64 J. Personality & Soc. Psychol. 525, 527
    (1993) ("[A] lineup [with fillers] is in principle more fair than
    a [line up of only suspects] because it distributes the probability
    of identification of an innocent suspect across the lineup foils,
    reducing the risk of an identification error.").                  But, the SJC
    rested   its   rejection   of   this    aspect    of   Walker's    ineffective
    assistance of counsel claim on its finding that his counsel's
    failure to move to suppress the identification evidence did not
    result in a "miscarriage of justice" under Gonzalez in light of
    the other evidence of his guilt put forth at trial.                Thus, it is
    that ruling by the SJC that must be our focus for purposes of
    assessing the merits of his federal habeas petition.
    Turning to that ruling, we note that the "miscarriage of
    justice" standard that the SJC applied is a Massachusetts law
    standard for evaluating a claim of ineffective assistance of
    counsel.   But that test is more defendant-friendly than the test
    that the United States Supreme Court set forth in Strickland for
    evaluating a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel under the
    federal Constitution.      See Knight v. Spencer, 
    447 F.3d 6
    , 10, 15
    (1st Cir. 2006).    We have therefore held that this "miscarriage of
    justice"   standard     "subsume[s]"        the    federal    standard     for
    determining when a Strickland violation has occurred, see 
    Sleeper, 510 F.3d at 38
    , which means that it subsumes both the Strickland
    - 14 -
    test for determining constitutionally deficient performance by
    defense counsel and the Strickland test for determining whether
    such deficient performance was prejudicial.
    Thus, under AEDPA, so long as the SJC's ruling that there
    was no "miscarriage of justice" due to the other evidence of
    Walker's guilt that the jury had before it is not "so lacking in
    justification" as to be "beyond any possibility for fairminded
    disagreement," Harrington v. Richter, 
    562 U.S. 86
    , 103 (2011), we
    must defer to it. And, although the District Court does not appear
    to have addressed Walker's challenge to this aspect of the SJC's
    ruling, we conclude that, based on the record, Walker's challenge
    to it must fail.    
    Zanella, 368 F.3d at 16
    The SJC's ruling on that score, after all, necessarily
    amounts to a determination that there was no prejudice under
    Strickland because it is not reasonably probable that the outcome
    of   Walker's   trial   would   have   differed    if   the   identification
    evidence from Harrison had been suppressed.             And, so understood,
    we see no basis for concluding that the SJC's determination in
    that regard defies reason, which, under AEDPA, is the conclusion
    that we would have to reach to rule for Walker.            See 
    Richter, 562 U.S. at 102-03
    Walker does point out in his briefing to us that the
    record shows that the jury requested the notes from Harrison's
    identification during its deliberations.          But, it is impossible to
    - 15 -
    know from the record why the jury made that inquiry or how it then
    affected the verdict.        Thus, for purposes of habeas review, that
    query alone fails to render unreasonable the SJC's judgment that,
    considered     in    the   context       of    the    case    as        a    whole,     the
    identification's suppression would not (drawing from the federal
    prejudice    standard      that    the    SJC's      "miscarriage           of   justice"
    standard subsumes) have made it reasonably probable that the
    proceeding's outcome would have differed.                   See 
    Sleeper, 510 F.3d at 39
    Smith, 539 U.S. at 537
    Nor does the fact that, as Walker also points out, the
    jury informed the trial judge at one point that it feared that it
    might be deadlocked.        Because the trial was a joint one, it is
    impossible to know from that representation by the jury whether
    its   concerns      pertained     to   Walker's      case    or   Johnson's,          which
    resulted in an acquittal.
    We thus must, like the SJC, consider the rest of the
    evidence to assess the possible impact of Walker's counsel's
    failure to have moved to suppress the identification evidence (even
    assuming that we could find under the AEDPA standard that such a
    failure     constituted     deficient         performance         for       purposes     of
    Strickland).        Having undertaken that consideration, we cannot
    conclude that the SJC defied reason in ruling that there was no
    miscarriage of justice -- and thus, necessarily, that no Strickland
    violation occurred -- because "the heart of the Commonwealth's
    - 16 -
    case against Walker was the testimony of Clark, Dotson, and Boyd,
    not Harrison's equivocal and retracted prior identification."
    Walker, 953 N.E.2d at 208
    As an initial matter, the record fully supports the SJC's
    characterization     of   Harrison's     alleged   identification   as
    "equivocal and retracted[.]" 
    Id. Indeed, Harrison
    first testified
    that he "didn't see who shot the person," before amending his story
    shortly thereafter by conceding that he saw "a quick image" of the
    Id. at 203.
    The record also supports the SJC's conclusion that the
    government's case against Walker did not hinge solely on Harrison's
    identification.    For example, the government produced testimony
    from local police indicating that Walker was affiliated with a
    gang, the Franklin Hill Giants, as well as testimony that Walker
    had expressed a desire for retribution after members of a rival
    gang shot Richard Green, Franklin Hill's "head man."      
    Id. at 200.
    Additionally, one of the state's three witnesses, Boyd, testified
    to knowing Walker personally and in detailed fashion about his
    conversation with Walker regarding Walker's involvement in the
    murder.    Specifically, Boyd testified that Walker told him how he
    acquired the getaway vehicle, how he acquired the guns, where he
    was when he planned the shooting, the fact that he was seeking
    revenge for earlier gang violence, and the fact that Walker's
    victim was not actually a member of the targeted gang.
    - 17 -
    Walker was convicted and Johnson, his co-defendant, was
    not.   But, while Walker contends in his brief to us that the only
    difference between the government's case against him and its case
    against Johnson was the evidence of Harrison's identification, the
    record shows otherwise.
    For      example,      Boyd,   who   was     cooperating      with    the
    Commonwealth's investigation of both Walker and Johnson and who
    had testified to both defendants' involvement in the shootings,
    offered considerably more detailed testimony regarding Walker's
    involvement.       Boyd did not mention in his testimony regarding his
    conversation with Johnson anything about either of the victims,
    the location of the crime, a date, or any other circumstances
    surrounding the shooting.              By contrast, Boyd, in his testimony
    regarding his conversation with Walker, included all of these
    Clark's and Dotson's testimony was, similarly, more
    descriptive      of      Walker's   involvement    in     the   shooting    than    of
    Johnson's.         Clark, for example, testified that, prior to the
    shooting, Walker asked Clark to accompany him up the street "[s]o
    [they] could kill anybody over there."                  And while Clark did then
    go on to testify that Johnson also participated in the shooting,
    his    account      of    Johnson's     involvement,       notably,     lacked     any
    similarly explicit quotations.              Dotson, for his part, testified
    that he had stolen the car that Walker used to commit the murder.
    - 18 -
    He also testified that he saw Walker get into the car just hours
    before the shooting, but that he had not seen Johnson at all that
    day. Nor did Dotson at any point testify that Johnson was involved
    in the shooting in any way.
    In sum, Boyd, Clark, and Dotson each provided detailed
    incriminating testimony against Walker that differed substantially
    from the testimony that each of them provided against Johnson, who
    was acquitted.     Additionally, Harrison's own testimony concerning
    the identification was hardly compelling.        We thus cannot say that
    the SJC's ruling that the evidence, considered as a whole, did not
    establish that Walker's counsel's failure to move to suppress
    Harrison's out-of-court identification resulted in a "miscarriage
    of justice" is unsustainable under AEDPA's deferential review
    standard.    For that reason, despite the fact that the SJC raised
    understandable concerns about the use of an all-suspect array, we
    see no basis for concluding that, in this case, the use of that
    array suffices to warrant the conclusion that Walker is entitled
    to habeas relief.
    For   the   foregoing    reasons,   we   affirm   the   District
    Court's rejection of Walker's petition for habeas relief.               The
    parties shall bear their own costs.
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