United States v. Roccio ( 1992 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    December 14, 1992



    No. 92-1193





    Defendant, Appellant.




    [Hon. Raymond J. Pettine, U.S. District Judge]



    Torruella, Circuit Judge,

    Coffin, Senior Circuit Judge,

    and Boudin, Circuit Judge.


    Richard Roccio on brief pro se.
    Anthony C. DiGioia, Assistant United States Attorney and
    Lincoln C. Almond, United States Attorney, on brief for appellee.



    TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge. This appeal requires us to

    review appellant's attempt to retake an automobile seized by the

    Internal Revenue Service ("I.R.S."). Appellant believes the

    I.R.S. had no right to seize the car in the first place.

    Appellant was convicted in the district court of forcible rescue

    of property in violation of 26 U.S.C. 7212(b), sentenced to ten

    months in prison and one year of supervised release, and received

    a $10,000 fine and a special assessment of $50.00. In the course

    of these proceedings, appellant has rejected the services of

    three attorneys and appears before us now pro se.

    Notwithstanding appellant's difficulties with counsel, we affirm

    his conviction.


    Appellant has not filed a tax return since the late

    1970's due to his belief that the United States income tax system

    is based on voluntary compliance. Appellant insists that under

    his own assessment, he owed no taxes during this period.

    Appellant's failure to file an income tax return in 1981 came to

    the I.R.S.'s notice in the mid-1980's, when they sent appellant

    four demands to file, and a notice of deficiency. Receiving no

    response to any communication, the I.R.S. assessed taxes,

    interest and penalties on appellant for 1981, and filed a federal

    tax lien for that amount in West Warwich, Rhode Island,

    appellant's home town.

    The I.R.S. summoned appellant to the local I.R.S.

    office for questioning about his finances during the 1981 tax

    year. Knowing that the I.R.S. could seize his assets, appellant

    drove to the meeting in his girlfriend's car rather than in his

    only asset, a 1977 Mercedes-Benz 450 SLC. Appellant brought

    along the records requested in the summons, but refused to show

    them to the investigating officer at the hearing.

    Appellant was not aware that, during the meeting,

    I.R.S. agents had recorded the license plate of his girlfriend's

    car and then were able to trace her address. Four I.R.S. agents

    went to this address on July 3, 1991, where they saw his

    automobile parked in an unobstructed driveway. The agents

    entered the property without a warrant; one went to the front

    door, while the others went directly to the Mercedes. When no

    one answered the door, one of the agents proceeded to sign and

    place two seizure notices on the car. These notices announced,

    in large letters, "WARNING," and continued "[t]his property has

    been seized for nonpayment of internal revenue taxes, by virtue

    of levy . . . . All persons are warned not to remove or tamper

    with this property, in any manner, under severe penalty of the

    law." One of the agents then went to call a tow truck.

    Appellant appeared before the tow truck arrived. One

    of the agents identified herself, handed appellant a notice of

    levy and informed appellant that they had seized the car.

    Appellant apparently rejected the notice of levy, returning it to

    the agent without looking at it. He then approached the car,

    removed the seizure notices, and asked if he had broken any laws.

    An agent informed appellant that he had not yet violated any

    criminal laws, but that removal of the vehicle would give rise to


    criminal sanctions. Appellant asked the agent if he could remove

    some personal belongings from the car, and the agent assented.

    Appellant entered the house and returned momentarily. An agent

    attempted to give him a notice of seizure, and again appellant

    refused to receive any paper from the agents. Appellant got in

    the car, an agent informed him again that removal would be a

    criminal violation, and as he pulled away from the house,

    appellant said that he would take his chances. The automobile

    has not been seen since.

    Appellant subsequently was indicted by a grand jury on

    one count of forcible rescue of property under 26 U.S.C.

    7212(b). A court-provided attorney represented appellant in a

    suppression hearing and at trial. At the suppression hearing,

    appellant's attorney conceded that appellant owed some amount of

    taxes. At trial, counsel allegedly failed to present appellant's

    argument to the effect that the seizure was illegal because

    appellant owed no taxes. As previously noted, the jury found

    appellant guilty of forcible rescue of property.

    On the basis of appellant's dissatisfaction with

    counsel's performance at the hearing and at trial, appellant

    sought a new court-provided attorney. The court expressed

    satisfaction with counsel's performance but allowed appellant a

    new attorney anyway. The new attorney represented appellant at

    sentencing. Following appellant's dissatisfaction with the

    second attorney's performance, however, appellant sought a third

    court-provided attorney for this appeal. Shortly before


    argument, appellant sought leave to dismiss the third attorney,

    which leave was granted, and now represents himself pro se.

    Appellant raises several claims challenging the

    legality of the seizure. Appellant first alleges violations of

    his right to effective assistance of counsel in that counsel

    failed to present certain defenses related to appellant's

    perceived nonliability for taxes. Appellant also alleges that

    counsel paid inadequate attention to appellant's self-styled

    views on taxation. Appellant next claims that the district court

    improperly refused to allow appellant to testify as to his theory

    of nonliability. Appellant's third argument claims that the

    I.R.S. failed to follow its own procedures in effecting the

    seizure, and that this failure invalidated the seizure.

    Specifically, appellant argues that the I.R.S. failed to use

    "Form 17," a form pertaining to liens, and that "Form 17" is a

    necessary predicate to an I.R.S. levy and seizure. Appellant

    finally alleges violations of his Fourth Amendment right to

    freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.



    A defendant ordinarily may not raise a claim of

    ineffective assistance of counsel in a direct appeal of his

    conviction. United States v. McGill, 952 F.2d 16, 19 (1st Cir.
    ______________ ______

    1991). Because this claim is fact specific, it should be raised

    before the trial court. United States v. Hunnewell, 891 F.2d
    _____________ _________

    955, 956 (1st Cir. 1989). We permit review on direct appeal,


    however, when the critical facts are not in dispute and the

    record is sufficiently developed to allow reasoned consideration

    of the claim. United States v. Natanel, 938 F.2d 302, 309 (1st
    _____________ _______

    Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 112 S. Ct. 986 (1992).

    Appellant did not raise his claim of ineffective

    assistance of counsel before the district court. Nonetheless, we

    have jurisdiction to review his claim because, as we explain

    below, the defenses that trial counsel allegedly failed to

    present are irrevelant to the crime of forcible rescue of

    property. We therefore may decide the appeal on the record.


    Section 7212(b) defines the crime of forcible rescue of

    property as follows:

    "Any person who forcibly rescues or causes to be
    rescued any property after it shall have been
    seized under this title, or shall attempt or
    endeavor so to do, shall, excepting in cases
    otherwise provided for, for every such offense, be
    fined not more than $500, or not more than double
    the value of the property so rescued, whichever is
    the greater, or be imprisoned not more than 2

    To support a conviction of forcible rescue of property, the

    seizure must have been legal. United States v. Hardaway, 731
    _____________ ________

    F.2d 1138, 1140 (5th Cir. 1984). Legality depends only on

    whether "it was performed by a proper official with general

    authority under the tax code to make the seizure." Id. (quoting

    United States v. Main, 598 F.2d 1086, 1090 (7th Cir.), cert.
    ______________ ____ _____

    denied, 444 U.S. 943 (1979)). Challenges to the legality of a

    seizure based on other considerations must fail. Id. (citing


    United States v. Scolnick, 392 F.2d 320, 326 (3d Cir.), cert.
    _____________ ________ _____

    denied, 392 U.S. 931 (1968)). Such other considerations include

    the legality of the underlying lien or assessment. Id. (citing

    United States v. Oliver, 421 F.2d 1034, 1036 (10th Cir. 1970)).
    _____________ ______

    In this case, there is no dispute that the agent who

    conducted the seizure of appellant's car on July 3, 1991 was

    authorized to do so in his position as an I.R.S. collections

    officer. The seizure therefore was legal for the purposes of the

    crime of forcible rescue of property.

    Appellant's arguments of ineffective assistance of

    counsel at trial, due to counsel's admission of tax liability and

    to counsel's alleged conflicts with appellant's views on

    taxation, do not assist appellant. To succeed in an ineffective

    assistance claim, a party must show that "deficient performance

    prejudiced the defense." Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668,
    __________ __________

    688 (1984). Appellant cannot show that he was prejudiced by

    trial counsel's admission of tax liability, because a showing of

    tax liability is not an element of the forcible rescue of

    property crime. Hardaway, 731 F.2d at 1140. A challenge to the

    validity of the underlying tax liability is therefore irrelevant.

    Id. Appellant's arguments concerning counsel's alleged failure

    to present seriously appellant's views on taxation also relate

    to issues irrelevant to this case. Had appellant prevailed on

    counsel to present these views on taxation, they would have had

    no effect on his conviction.

    The court's refusal to permit appellant to testify in


    full at trial concerning his theory of nonliability was similarly

    irrelevant. Because tax liability is not an element of the

    crime, his attempted testimony could not constitute a defense.

    The trial judge properly sustained objections to such testimony.

    In addition to the legality of the seizure, the

    forcible rescue of property crime requires that a defendant knew

    that the property had been seized, and that a defendant forcibly

    retook the property. Hardaway, 731 F.2d at 1140; Main, 598 F.2d
    ________ ____

    at 1090; United States v. Harris, 521 F.2d 1089, 1092-93 (7th
    _____________ ______

    Cir. 1975). Two tests exist for whether the rescue is forcible.

    Under the first test, any amount of force sufficient to rescue

    the property suffices. Harris, 521 F.2d at 1093 (removal of

    warning notices from property was force). Under the second, any

    actions which disrupt the constructive possession of the

    government constitute sufficient force. United States v.

    Sanders, 862 F.2d 79, 83 (4th Cir. 1988).

    In this case, it is undisputed that the agents informed

    appellant, through written notices and by oral communication,

    that the Mercedes had been seized. Even if the agents did not

    use Form 17, which appellant claims was required, appellant was

    repeatedly warned that his car had been seized and that removing

    it would be a crime. Contrary to appellant's claim, though, the

    Internal Revenue Code does not mandate the use of any specific

    form of notice. 26 U.S.C. 6303(a); 26 C.F.R. 301.6301-1(a);

    see United States v. Schiff, 919 F.2d 830, 833 (2d Cir. 1990)
    ___ _____________ ______

    ("Form 17" not required to effectuate lien). Thus, appellant had


    the knowledge necessary to support a conviction for this crime.

    Furthermore, appellant removed the warning notices from

    the car and drove off with it. These actions constituted force

    sufficient to rescue the property for the purposes of this crime

    under either the Harris test or the more liberal Sanders test.
    ______ _______

    We note that the facts which gave rise to the conviction in

    Harris are duplicated almost identically in this case.

    We turn now to appellant's argument concerning the

    warrantless seizure of his car. We find this argument equally

    without merit. The Supreme Court continually has held that "what

    a person exposes to the public, even in his own home or office,

    is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection." Katz v. United
    ____ ______

    States, 389 U.S. 347, 351 (1967). Relying on this precedent, the

    Ninth Circuit has held that the I.R.S. may conduct a warrantless

    seizure of an automobile from a driveway which has no indicia of

    privacy, such as an enclosure, barrier, or lack of visibility

    from the street. Maisano v. Welcher, 940 F.2d 499, 503 (9th Cir.
    _______ _______

    1991), cert. denied, 112 S. Ct. 1957 (1992). In this circuit, we

    also have held that there is no expectation of privacy in a

    driveway that is exposed to the public. United States v. Hensel,
    _____________ ______

    699 F.2d 18, 32-33 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 464 U.S. 823 (1983)

    (license plate on automobile visible from street was admissible


    These clearly established precedents lead us to the

    conclusion that appellant's automobile was seized in an area in

    which he had no expectation of privacy. It is undisputed that


    appellant's Mercedes was clearly visible from the street on an

    unobstructed driveway. As such, the I.R.S. agents needed no

    warrant to seize the automobile, and appellant suffered no Fourth

    Amendment violation due to the warrantless seizure. The district

    court judge therefore correctly admitted evidence of the seizure

    at trial.

