Summers v. Financial Freedom , 807 F.3d 351 ( 2015 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 14-1930
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendant, Appellee,
    [Hon. John J. McConnell, Jr., U.S. District Judge]
    Howard, Chief Judge,
    Selya and Thompson, Circuit Judges.
    Carleen N. T. Aubee for appellant.
    Harris K. Weiner, with whom Salter McGowan Sylvia & Leonard,
    Inc., was on brief, for appellee.
    October 23, 2015
    SELYA,    Circuit   Judge.    Plaintiff-appellant   Steven
    Summers and his sister Brinah Court inherited a house from their
    mother, Rosalie Summers (the decedent).     The rub was that, during
    her lifetime, the decedent had obtained and reaped the benefits of
    a reverse mortgage. That mortgage, which contained an acceleration
    clause and power of sale, became due and payable upon her death.
    After they inherited the property, the plaintiffs sought
    to take it free and clear of the mortgage lien even though the
    mortgage debt remained unpaid.      They argued, among other things,
    that the mortgage was unenforceable because the mortgagee had
    failed to file a claim in the decedent's estate.      Ruling on this
    question of first impression under Rhode Island law, the district
    court disagreed.    So do we: the piper must be paid.
    The relevant facts are, for all intents and purposes,
    undisputed.     On November 4, 1977, the decedent and Charlotte T.
    Albeitsam took title as joint tenants with rights of survivorship
    to residential property at 11 Sundance Street, Warwick, Rhode
    Island (the Property).    Following Albeitsam's death, the decedent
    entered into a reverse mortgage with Financial Freedom Senior
    Funding Corp.     The mortgage instrument provided in pertinent part
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    that the full amount of the debt would become due and payable upon
    the death of the borrower.1
    On September 25, 2009, Financial Freedom Senior Funding
    Corp. assigned the mortgage to Mortgage Electronic Registration
    Systems,     Inc.    (MERS)      as     a    nominee     of   Financial        Freedom
    Acquisition.2       The decedent died intestate on December 8, 2009.
    Her son and daughter applied for letters of administration and,
    pursuant to statute, the estate was duly advertised and notice was
    given to creditors.        See R.I. Gen. Laws § 33-11-5.1.                     Neither
    Financial     Freedom    nor     MERS       filed   a    claim   in    the    probate
    proceedings.      See id. § 33-11-5.          The estate was duly administered
    and closed, and the Warwick Probate Court granted the decedent's
    interest in the Property to the plaintiffs.
    In   late   2010,    the       plaintiffs    received     a    notice   of
    foreclosure. That notice was published in accordance with statute.
    See id. § 34-27-4.         Foreclosure proceedings went forward, MERS
    reassigned    the    mortgage     to    Financial        Freedom,     and    Financial
    As an alternative to full payment, the borrower may elect
    to sell the property for the lesser of the mortgage balance or 95%
    of the property's appraised value.     This alternative was never
    elected, so we do not discuss it further.
    2 Another company bearing the Financial Freedom appellation,
    Financial Freedom Senior Servicing Corp., was one of the firms
    that from time to time serviced the mortgage.        For ease in
    exposition, we do not hereafter distinguish among the companies
    that bear the "Financial Freedom" name, but instead refer to them
    collectively as "Financial Freedom."
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    Freedom recorded the foreclosure deed granting the Property to it
    in November of 2011.
    Dismayed by this turn of events, the plaintiffs invoked
    diversity jurisdiction, see 
    28 U.S.C. § 1332
    (a), and repaired to
    the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island.
    Their suit sought to contest both the validity of the serial
    mortgage assignments and the foreclosure itself.       During pretrial
    discovery, Brinah Court dropped out of the case.   See Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 41(a).
    After the close of discovery, Financial Freedom moved
    for summary judgment.    See Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).      The district
    court, ruling ore tenus, granted summary judgment over Steven
    Summers' objection.    This timely appeal followed.3
    The appellant's challenge is two-fold: first, he argues
    that the district court erred in determining that he lacked
    standing to contest the mortgage assignments; second, he argues
    that in any event, Financial Freedom's failure to file a claim in
    the probate proceedings pretermitted its right to foreclose on the
    Property.   Since this is a diversity case, we look to federal law
    for guidance on procedural matters (such as the summary judgment
    3Only Steven Summers has appealed. To avoid any confusion,
    we henceforth refer to him as "the appellant."
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    framework) and to state law (here, Rhode Island law) for the
    substantive rules of decision.        See Hanna v. Plumer, 
    380 U.S. 460
    473 (1965); Mason v. Telefunken Semiconductors Am., LLC, 
    797 F.3d 33
    , 38 (1st Cir. 2015).
    A.   Reverse Mortgages.
    Before turning to the issues sub judice, we think that
    an explanation of the idiosyncratic nature of reverse mortgages
    may assist the reader.          A reverse mortgage is a loan or line of
    credit available to a person over the age of 62 who has equity in
    real estate, typically the person's home.            The loan provides the
    borrower with cash (usually in the form of a single lump-sum
    payment) and is secured by the borrower's equity in the real
    estate.   There are no monthly payments; instead, the loan is due
    and payable in full when the borrower dies, sells the home, or no
    longer uses the home as her principal residence.             See generally
    R.I. Gen. Laws § 34-25.1.
    The standard reverse mortgage has an additional feature:
    the underlying loan is typically on a non-recourse basis (that is,
    the borrower has no personal liability for repayment of the funds
    advanced).    Put another way, the lender agrees to look exclusively
    to the mortgaged property for repayment.
    With   this    foundation   in    place,   we   confront   the
    appellant's twin claims of error.             We note, though, that the
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    reverse mortgage that the decedent obtained from Financial Freedom
    was cast in the conventional mold.
    B.    Standing to Challenge the Assignments.
    Standing is a threshold question in every case.           See
    Warth v. Seldin, 
    422 U.S. 490
    , 498 (1975).           The existence of
    standing "is a legal question and, therefore, engenders de novo
    review."   Culhane v. Aurora Loan Servs. of Neb., 
    708 F.3d 282
    , 289
    (1st Cir. 2013) (quoting Me. People's All. & Nat. Res. Def. Council
    v. Mallinckrodt, Inc., 
    471 F.3d 277
    , 283 (1st Cir. 2006)).            A
    plaintiff suing in federal court normally must shoulder the burden
    of establishing standing.       
    With respect to this issue, we do not write on a pristine
    page.   In Lister v. Bank of America, N.A., 
    790 F.3d 20
    , 24-25 (1st
    Cir. 2015), we explicated the nature of a mortgage under Rhode
    Island law.        "Rhode Island is a title-theory state, in which 'a
    mortgagee not only obtains a lien upon the real estate by virtue
    of the grant of the mortgage deed but also obtains legal title to
    the property subject to defeasance upon payment of the debt.'"
     (quoting Bucci v. Lehman Bros. Bank, FSB, 
    68 A.3d 1069
    , 1078
    (R.I. 2013)).       A reverse mortgage fits within this construct.
    We have ruled "that a mortgagor has standing to challenge
    the assignment of a mortgage on her home to the extent that such
    a challenge is necessary to contest a foreclosing entity's status
    qua mortgagee."        Culhane, 708 F.3d at 291.    This means that a
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    mortgagor (or a party standing in the mortgagor's shoes) only has
    standing to challenge an invalid, ineffective, or otherwise void
    mortgage.    See Wilson v. HSBC Mortg. Servs., Inc., 
    744 F.3d 1
    , 9
    (1st Cir. 2014); Woods v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 
    733 F.3d 349
    354 (1st Cir. 2013); Culhane, 708 F.3d at 291; Mruk v. MERS, 
    82 A.3d 527
    , 536 (R.I. 2013).         The flip side of this proposition is
    that "a mortgagor does not have standing to challenge shortcomings
    in [a mortgage] assignment that render it merely voidable at the
    election of one party but otherwise effective to pass legal title."
    Culhane, 708 F.3d at 291.          The Rhode Island Supreme Court has
    embraced    this   void/voidable    distinction   with   respect   to   real
    estate mortgages.     See Inventach v. Superior Fire Ins. Co., 
    138 A. 39
    , 42 (R.I. 1927); Bishop v. Kent & Stanley Co., 
    41 A. 255
    , 257
    (R.I. 1898); see also Clark v. MERS, 
    7 F. Supp. 3d 169
    , 175 (D.R.I.
    In the first instance, then, we must determine whether
    the challenged mortgage assignments are void or voidable. In Rhode
    Island, a valid mortgage or any of its assignments must be signed,
    acknowledged by notarization, delivered, and recorded.             See R.I.
    Gen. Laws § 34-11-1.      It is not necessary that the mortgage and
    the note that it secures be held by the same entity.           See Bucci,
    68 A.3d at 1088.
    In the case at hand, two assignments of the mortgage
    took place. The summary judgment record shows that each assignment
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    complied with the necessary formalities: the relevant documents
    were   distinguished     by   signature,      notarization,    delivery,   and
    recordation.    The record is equally clear that the parties to the
    assignments    treated    them   as    valid.     Although     the   appellant
    questions whether the assignors possessed the requisite authority
    to execute the assignments, the summary judgment record contains
    no evidence sufficient to create a genuine issue of material fact
    in this regard.     Unsupported allegations are not enough.                See
    Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 249-50 (1986)
    (requiring "significantly probative" evidence to defeat a properly
    documented summary judgment motion).
    That ends this aspect of the matter.               On this record,
    the assignments are not void but, at worst, merely voidable.               It
    follows that the district court did not err in concluding that the
    appellant lacked standing to challenge them.
    The appellant demurs, suggesting that the Rhode Island
    Supreme Court's decision in Chhun v. MERS, 
    84 A.3d 419
     (R.I. 2014),
    requires a different result.          We think not.
    In Chhun, the court, reviewing a dismissal for failure
    to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, allowed a
    challenge to the assignment of a mortgage to go forward.              See 
    id. at 423
    .   Chhun is easily distinguishable from the case at hand.
    First, this case was heard on summary judgment, not on a motion to
    dismiss — and the burden on the appellant was correspondingly
    - 9 -
    heavier.    See García-Catalán v. United States, 
    734 F.3d 100
    , 104
    (1st Cir. 2013) (distinguishing between standard for surviving
    motion to dismiss and standard for surviving summary judgment);
    Palazzo v. Big G Supermkts., Inc., 
    292 A.2d 235
    , 237 (R.I. 1972)
    (same, applying Rhode Island law).
    Second, the record here — unlike in Chhun, 84 A.3d at
    423 — fails to delineate particular facts tending to show the
    invalidity of the challenged assignments.
    C.   The Effect of the Probate Process.
    The    appellant's      lack   of   standing   to   challenge   the
    validity of the mortgage assignments does not end our journey.
    The appellant also contends that Financial Freedom lost its right
    to foreclose by failing to file a claim in the probate proceedings.
    See R.I. Gen. Laws § 33-11-5.         This is a challenge to the enduring
    effectiveness of the mortgage itself (no matter who owns it) and,
    on the facts of this case, the appellant has standing to maintain
    that challenge.        We explain briefly.
    The appellant inherited an interest in the Property
    following    the       completion    of    probate.        Financial   Freedom
    subsequently sought to foreclose on the same Property — and that
    attempted foreclosure constitutes a concrete and particularized
    injury to the appellant.       After all, there is a direct causal link
    between the challenged action (the attempt to foreclose) and the
    threatened harm (the loss of the Property through foreclosure).
    - 10 -
    Rhode Island law controls here, so the appellant, who has a
    personal stake in the outcome, has the right to ensure that the
    foreclosure conforms with the law.            See Culhane, 708 F.3d at 291;
    Mruk, 82 A.3d at 536.
    We review the district court's entry of summary judgment
    on   this    claim   de   novo,   taking   the   facts   and   all   reasonable
    inferences therefrom in the light most flattering to the non-
    movant (here, the appellant).        See Houlton Citizens' Coal. v. Town
    of Houlton, 
    175 F.3d 178
    , 184 (1st Cir. 1999).            We are not married
    to the district court's rationale but may validate its summary
    judgment order on any ground made manifest by the record.                  See
    Culhane, 708 F.3d at 291.
    Because the Rhode Island Supreme Court has not addressed
    whether probate extinguishes a real estate mortgage, our task is
    to vaticinate how that court would likely rule if faced with the
    issue.      See Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry. Co. v. Keach (In re Montreal,
    Me. & Atl. Ry., Ltd.), 
    799 F.3d 1
    , 10 (1st Cir. 2015).                       In
    predicting the path that a state court would probably follow, we
    start with settled principles of state law and fill the gaps by
    considering supplementary sources, such as persuasive authority
    from other jurisdictions and the teachings of learned treatises.
    See id.; Bos. Reg'l Med. Ctr., Inc. v. Reynolds (In re Bos. Reg'l
    Med. Ctr., Inc.), 
    410 F.3d 100
    , 108 (1st Cir. 2005).
    - 11 -
    The appellant's contention requires us to explore the
    intersection   (if   any)   between   mortgage   foreclosures   and   the
    probate process.     The Rhode Island Supreme Court frequently has
    looked to the common law for guidance with respect to issues of
    property jurisprudence, see, e.g., Zuba v. Pawtucket Credit Union,
    941 A.2d 167
    , 171 (R.I. 2008); Ruffel v. Ruffel, 
    900 A.2d 1178
    1188 (R.I. 2006), so we begin our analysis by tracing how the
    common law historically has characterized foreclosure.
    Foreclosure is an equitable remedy.       See Benitez v. Bank
    of Nova Scotia, 
    125 F.2d 519
    , 520 (1st Cir. 1942); Walsh v. Morgan,
    198 A. 555
    , 562 (R.I. 1938).     "The land is the real defendant in
    [a foreclosure] proceeding." Hunt v. Darling, 
    59 A. 398
    , 399 (R.I.
    1904).   A foreclosure, though not literally a proceeding in rem,4
    "is in the nature of such a proceeding, and is not intended
    ordinarily to act in personam."       Burgess v. Souther, 
    2 A. 441
    , 443
    (R.I. 1885).   Absent a statute to the contrary, a mortgagee can
    both sue the parties to the mortgage at common law and pursue
    foreclosure.   See Hunt, 
    59 A. at 399
    .        If a deficiency results
    4 Strictly speaking, it may be more appropriate to classify a
    foreclosure as a quasi in rem proceeding rather than an in rem
    proceeding.   See, e.g., Freeman v. Alderson, 
    119 U.S. 185
    , 187
    (1886). Here, however, linguistic precision is not at a premium.
    Hence, we use a shorthand and refer throughout to foreclosure as
    an in rem proceeding.
    - 12 -
    from a foreclosure sale, an action on the mortgage note normally
    will lie to recover that deficiency.             See Burgess, 
    2 A. at 443
    We find much the same dichotomy between the encumbered
    property and the underlying debt in the venerable structures of
    maritime law.        Admiralty long has recognized the feasibility of
    separating the mortgage res from the associated debt.                    See, e.g.,
    46 U.S.C. § 31325
    (b)(1)    (authorizing      enforcement    of     mortgage
    through in rem action against the ship).
    These hoary tenets have persisted substantially intact
    to the present day.        A compelling analogy can be found in the realm
    of bankruptcy law.         There, a creditor may recover the deficiency
    on a mortgage loan through "an action against the debtor in rem,"
    notwithstanding the debtor's discharge in bankruptcy.                    Couture v.
    Pawtucket Credit Union, 
    765 A.2d 831
    , 833 (R.I. 2001) (citing
    Johnson v. Home State Bank, 
    501 U.S. 78
    , 84 (1991)); see 
    11 U.S.C. § 522
    We add, moreover, that the Rhode Island Supreme Court
    has often consulted the Restatements to bring clarity to state
    law, see, e.g., Bucci, 68 A.3d at 1088; Jerome v. Probate Court of
    922 A.2d 119
    ,   122   (R.I.   2007),   and   we    think   it
    noteworthy that this splitting of in rem and in personam liability
    is consonant with the Restatement's declaration that a "mortgage
    is enforceable whether or not any person is personally liable for
    that performance."          Restatement (Third) of Property: Mortgages
    - 13 -
    § 1.1 (1997).   This dichotomy is also consistent with section 3-
    814 of the Uniform Probate Code, which authorizes payment of a
    mortgage even if a claim has not been filed in the decedent's
    estate.   And, finally, no less an authority than the United States
    Supreme Court has noted that the lender's "right to foreclose on
    the mortgage can be viewed as a 'right to an equitable remedy' for
    the debtor's default on the underlying obligation."   Johnson, 
    501 U.S. at 84
    The case law elsewhere, see, e.g., Mortg. Invs. Corp. v.
    Battle Mtn. Corp., 
    70 P.3d 1176
    , 1181 (Colo. 2003); Bank of Tokyo
    Co. v. Urban Food Malls Ltd., 
    650 N.Y.S.2d 654
    , 661 (App. Div.
    1996); Stephens v. LPP Mortg., Ltd., 
    316 S.W.3d 742
    , 746 (Tex.
    App. 2010); Bank of Sun Prairie v. Marshall Dev. Co., 
    626 N.W.2d 319
    , 323 (Wis. Ct. App. 2001), confirms our intuition that the
    Rhode Island Supreme Court, if faced with the question, would hold
    that the right to foreclose should be treated as separate and
    distinct from the right to collect the underlying debt. The upshot
    is that though the failure to file a claim in probate proceedings
    may extinguish personal liability on the note secured by the real
    estate mortgage, that failure does not extinguish the mortgage
    itself.   Consequently, such a failure does not interfere with the
    mortgagee's right to foreclose.
    We believe it follows that, in Rhode Island, a mortgagee
    need not make a monetary claim against an estate in probate
    - 14 -
    proceedings in order to retain its in rem rights to proceed against
    the real property that secures the mortgage debt.                In other words,
    "it is immaterial that the holder of [an] encumbrance does not
    present a claim against the estate but prefers to look to the
    future enforcement of his lien against the specific encumbered
    property only."     In re Estate of Dolley, 
    71 Cal. Rptr. 56
    , 61 (Ct.
    App. 1968).
    In a last-ditch endeavor to efface the force of this
    reasoning,    the   appellant    jerry-rigs       a    statute      of   limitations
    argument.     He asserts that the failure to submit a claim to the
    probate court within the statutorily prescribed period, see R.I.
    Gen. Laws § 33-11-5, bars Freedom Financial from later foreclosing
    against the Property to satisfy the underlying debt.
    The appellant is fishing in an empty pond.                  The statute
    of limitations applicable to foreclosures in Rhode Island is the
    general 20-year statute of limitations.                See R.I. Gen. Laws § 9-
    1-17; see also Wallbaum v. Martin, 
    234 A.2d 369
    , 370 (R.I. 1967).
    The limitations period associated with the probate claim-filing
    statute, see R.I. Gen. Laws § 33-11-5, does not apply. Cf. Higgins
    v. Mycroft, 
    92 A.2d 727
    , 729 (R.I. 1952) (indicating that mortgage
    enforcement    proceedings      are    separate       and   apart    from    probate
    We summarize succinctly.      After the decedent passed away
    and the mortgage balance remained unpaid, it was to the scaffold
    - 15 -
    of property law that Financial Freedom turned.                      It properly
    exercised its right of foreclosure, and that in rem proceeding was
    wholly independent of the probate process.
    For the reasons elucidated above, we predict that the
    Rhode Island Supreme Court, were it confronted with the question,
    would conclude that the failure to file a claim in the probate
    court would not bar a mortgagee holding a reverse mortgage on real
    property from collecting the balance due through the equitable
    remedy of foreclosure.       The probate process does not extinguish a
    real   estate     mortgage   but,   rather,   only       extinguishes     personal
    liability for the underlying debt.
    We need go no further.        We hold that the appellant lacks
    standing to challenge the interstitial mortgage assignments; and
    though he does have standing to challenge the effectiveness of the
    mortgage itself on a different ground, that challenge is fruitless.
    Despite     its   eschewal    of    the   probate        claim-filing     process,
    Financial    Freedom    retained    the   right     to    enforce   its    reverse
    mortgage through foreclosure.
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