Pigott v. Lynn ( 1993 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    September 27, 1993 [NOT FOR PUBLICATION]



    No. 93-1115


    Plaintiff, Appellant,



    Defendants, Appellees.




    [Hon. Edward F. Harrington, U.S. District Judge]



    Torruella, Cyr and Boudin,
    Circuit Judges.


    Rashid Pigott on brief pro se.



    Per Curiam. Pro se prisoner Rashid Pigott appeals
    __________ ___ __

    a district court order that dismissed his civil rights

    complaint sua sponte under 28 U.S.C. 1915(d).1 The
    ___ ______

    complaint sought declaratory relief and damages from thirty-

    six defendants who allegedly violated 42 U.S.C. 1983 and

    1985 in connection with Pigott's arrest and conviction for

    manslaughter and a separate care and protection proceeding

    concerning Pigott's son. The district court ruled that some

    of Pigott's claims were barred by either the statute of

    limitations, witness immunity, or because Pigott had failed

    to allege state action. The remaining claims were dismissed

    because Pigott failed to state a claim upon which relief

    could be granted. We affirm.


    We begin with the relevant procedural background. On

    November 4, 1992, Pigott purportedly submitted his civil

    rights complaint and a letter requesting in forma pauperis
    __ _____ ________

    (IFP) application forms to the pro se clerk for the United
    ___ __

    States District Court for the District of Massachusetts.2


    1. 28 U.S.C. 1915(d) applies to complaints filed in forma
    __ _____
    pauperis. In relevant part, the statute provides that a
    court, "may dismiss the case if...satisfied that the action
    is frivolous or malicious."

    2. The letter, in relevant part, read as follows:

    Re: Filing of Civil Rights Complaint
    Dear Pro Se Clerk:
    Enclosed please find Pro se, civil rights
    complaint. I request that you send me the required


    By letter dated November 27, 1992, Pigott resubmitted his

    complaint with the standard IFP application and supporting

    affidavits. The district court received these items for

    filing on December 7, 1992. On December 31, 1992, the

    district court issued a memorandum and order which allowed

    Pigott's application to proceed IFP while simultaneously

    dismissing the complaint. Pigott filed a timely notice of


    Pigott thereafter filed a motion to vacate the order of

    dismissal with a supporting memorandum, a motion to amend his

    complaint, and an amended complaint.3 Pigott argued that

    the district court erred by dismissing his complaint without

    first affording him notice of its deficiencies and an

    opportunity to amend it to state viable claims. He also

    submitted evidence in support of his contention that the

    district court first received his complaint on November 4,

    1992. That evidence consisted of a copy of Pigott's November

    4, 1992 letter to the pro se clerk quoted above at n. 2 and a
    ___ __

    photocopy of a certified mail return receipt dated "11/4."


    applications for filing this complaint in Forma Pauperis.
    I also request that you send me the local rules for
    filing pamphlet for future reference.

    This letter bears a crossed out time stamp of the district
    court dated November 4, 1992.

    3. The motion to vacate invoked Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(a) and


    The district court denied both motions on February 25, 1993.

    Pigott did not file another notice of appeal.4


    The complaint asserted six causes of action which arose

    from events which transpired between December 4, 1989 and

    1992. An understanding of the parties is necessary to

    comprehend Pigott's claims.

    The complaint identified the defendants connected with

    Pigott's criminal conviction as the Lynn Police Department,

    Lynn police officers David Woumn, Chisholm, Chris Reddy,

    Richard Carrow, Rawston, W. Conrad, Wentzell, L.E. Desmarais,

    William Foley, John Doe, Sergeants Roach and Coppinger,

    Lieutenant Dennis Flynn, Massachusetts state troopers Elaine

    Condon, Mark Lynch, Mark Coleman, B. Windsor, and P. Zipper,

    chemist Kenneth Gagnon, Flemmings Towing Company, defense

    attorneys Christopher Skinner, M. Page Kelley, and Jeffrey

    Baler, defense investigator Stephen Turner, social worker

    Roberta Lerner, probation officer Stephen Mulloy, and Essex

    County superior court clerk James Leary.

    The defendants named in connection with the events

    concerning Pigott's son include three social workers employed

    by the United Homes for Children foster care agency (Marilyn


    4. Generally, the denial of a Rule 60(b) motion must be
    appealed separately. See 7 Moore's Federal Practice,
    ___ _________________
    60.30[3], p. 137 (1992-1993 Supp.). Here, however, Pigott's
    basic claims are inherent in Pigott's direct appeal of the
    dismissal order.


    Heathman, Mrs. Richardson and Danielle Carviello), a social

    worker for the Massachusetts Department of Social Services

    (Pam Grey), Salem Hospital, two unnamed Salem Hospital

    security guards, and an unknown lawyer.

    The complaint alleged the following facts. On December

    4, 1989, while paying a business call to a residence in Lynn,

    Massachusetts, Pigott was struck by a glass, slashed with a

    butcher knife, and assaulted with other weapons. Pigott

    escaped his assailants, went to another address, and

    contacted the Lynn Police Department. Officers Chisholm,

    Woumn, and Sergeant Roach responded and arrested Pigott -

    allegedly without cause. As a result of Pigott's arrest and

    immediate incarceration, Flemmings Towing Company towed

    Pigott's car. Despite what Pigott says were obvious

    injuries, the police did not take Pigott for medical

    treatment for approximately one hour and forty-five


    He was then returned to a cell in the Lynn police

    station and prevented from making a telephone call until he

    had been booked, fingerprinted, relieved of his clothing, and

    interviewed by trooper Condon and Lieutenant Flynn. Pigott

    alleged that Flynn and Condon threatened and coerced him into


    5. The complaint does not describe Pigott's injuries. It
    simply alleges that Pigott was taken to the Atlantic Medical
    Care Center in Lynn Hospital. Pigott's appellate brief says
    that his injuries required sutures, although this was not
    stated in the complaint.


    signing a statement, after which he was allowed to place a

    telephone call. Pigott's first cause of action alleged that

    the foregoing allegations established that he was illegally

    arrested, that his property was seized, and that he was

    deliberately denied medical care and legal representation in

    violation of his Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendment


    Pigott further alleged that on the following day

    (December 5, 1989), he was arraigned in the Lynn district

    court on charges of first degree murder, assault and battery,

    and illegally carrying a firearm. He was released on bail

    and met with attorney Skinner, who assumed Pigott's defense.

    Pigott's second cause of action alleged that the Lynn Police

    Department violated his constitutional rights by getting

    involved in setting Pigott's bail. The complaint does not

    specify how or by whom this was accomplished.

    Pigott returned to the Lynn Police Department on

    December 5, 1989 and attempted to file a complaint against

    the men who allegedly assaulted him on the previous day.

    Pigott alleged that the police refused to let him file his

    complaint and that officer Woumn threatened him with bodily

    injury for trying to do so. Pigott's third cause of action

    alleged that the Lynn Police Department and officer Woumn

    violated his right of access to the courts by refusing


    Pigott's application for a criminal complaint and failing to

    investigate the criminal activity Pigott tried to report.6

    The complaint suggests that the criminal charges were

    pending against Pigott when his son was born on January 23,

    1990. Pigott's appellate brief informs us that he is the

    unwed biological father of Majid Taggert. The complaint

    alleged that, shortly after the birth, social workers Pam

    Grey and Marilyn Heathman forcibly took Pigott's son from him

    while two Salem Hospital security guards restrained Pigott.

    Thereafter, social workers Heathman and Richardson allegedly

    told Pigott that they determined he was an unfit parent after

    consulting the Lynn Police Department. While the allegations

    on this point are particularly vague, Pigott alleges that he

    somehow became involved in a care and protection proceeding

    wherein he demanded custody of his son.7

    Defendants Heathman, Richardson and Carviello allegedly

    denied Pigott visitation rights and refused to reveal the

    whereabouts of his son to him. Pigott also claimed that an

    unknown lawyer had a conflict of interest when she

    represented a third party who had an interest in Pigott's son


    6. Pigott's third cause of action further alleged that
    defendant Stephen Turner, a private investigator hired on
    Pigott's behalf, never met with him during the time Pigott's
    criminal case was pending.

    7. Pigott may be referring to a proceeding to commit his son
    to the custody of the Massachusetts Department of Social
    Services pursuant to M.G.L. c. 119, 24.


    in the care and protection proceeding while simultaneously

    prosecuting Pigott on other criminal charges that were

    ultimately dismissed. Pigott's fourth cause of action

    alleged that the conduct of these defendants violated his

    Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

    Pigott's criminal trial began on September 19, 1991.

    The complaint alleged that Lynn police officers Christopher

    Reddy, Richard Carrow, Rawston, W. Conrad, Wentzell, L.E.

    Desmarais, William Foley, and Sgt. Coppinger, Massachusetts

    state troopers Mark Lynch, Mark Coleman, Brian Windsor, and

    Paul Zipper, and chemist Kenneth Gagnon conspired to violate

    Pigott's civil rights by knowingly committing perjury and

    submitting false evidence at Pigott's criminal trial.8

    Pigott was convicted of manslaughter. He alleged that his

    defense attorney (Skinner) fraudulently attempted to persuade

    Pigott to plead guilty before trial and made slanderous

    remarks and misrepresentations that resulted in Pigott's

    conviction. Pigott's fifth cause of action alleged that

    defense attorney Skinner's malpractice and the police


    8. See Complaint, 5-7, 34, 44. Paragraph 34 specifically
    alleged that, "from December 4, 1989 up to and throughout
    trial[,]" the aforementioned Lynn police officers, state
    troopers, and chemist Gagnon, "all willfully and knowingly
    committed perjury, fabricated and tampered with evidence, and
    submitted and elicited a preponderance of maliciously
    intended false or otherwise distortions of facts and events."
    The complaint does not describe the witnesses' testimony nor
    the evidence that was supposedly fabricated.


    conspiracy at Pigott's trial violated Pigott's Fifth, Sixth

    and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

    Pigott was interviewed by probation officer Stephen

    Mulloy following his conviction. The complaint alleged that

    Mulloy denied Pigott's request for counsel and threatened

    Pigott with indefinite imprisonment while referring to a

    civil action that Pigott's family had filed. Roberta Lerner,

    a social worker employed on Pigott's behalf, also interviewed

    Pigott. The complaint alleged that Lerner violated the terms

    of her employment, failed to assist Pigott in the care and

    protection case, and prepared a libelous report of her

    interview with Pigott.

    Pigott further alleged that attorney Skinner waived his

    right to appeal his criminal conviction without Pigott's

    knowledge. Other defense attorneys (Kelley and Baler) also

    allegedly refused to pursue Pigott's direct appeal. Attorney

    Baler and Essex superior court clerk Leary are alleged to

    have procured the dismissal of Pigott's private counsel. The

    complaint does not state what Pigott's private counsel had

    been hired to do, nor what harm befell Pigott as a result of

    the alleged dismissal. Pigott further claimed that clerk

    Leary violated his right of access to the courts by refusing

    Pigott's pro se filings. Pigott's sixth cause of action
    ___ __

    alleged that the actions of defendants Mulloy, Lerner,


    Skinner, Kelley, Baler, and Leary violated his Sixth and

    Fourteenth Amendment rights.9

    On October 15, 1991, Pigott was sentenced to prison for

    4-15 years.10 Over one year later, Pigott instituted the

    instant civil rights action. Faced with the barrage of

    claims presented by the complaint, the district court noted

    that under 28 U.S.C. 1915(d), courts may dismiss IFP

    complaints sua sponte if the plaintiff's claim is based on an
    ___ ______

    indisputably meritless legal theory or on factual allegations

    that are clearly baseless. See, e.g., Denton v. Hernandez,
    ___ ____ ______ _________

    112 S. Ct. 1728, 1733 (1992); Neitzke v. Williams, 490 U.S.
    _______ ________

    319, 327 (1989). The court then dismissed Pigott's claims

    against the Lynn Police Department, Flemmings Towing Company,

    and defendants Woumn, Chisholm, Roach, Flynn, and Condon as

    time-barred under the three-year statute of limitations that

    applies to civil rights actions in Massachusetts. See Street
    ___ ______


    9. Mulloy allegedly violated Pigott's right to counsel by
    refusing to accede to Pigott's request for an attorney during
    his post-conviction interview. He is said to have violated
    Pigott's right of access to the courts by threatening Pigott
    with indefinite imprisonment in connection with a civil
    action Pigott's family had filed. Pigott's defense attorneys
    allegedly violated Pigott's constitutional rights by refusing
    to pursue a direct appeal of his criminal conviction and
    procuring the dismissal of private counsel. And, as noted
    above, clerk Leary allegedly violated Pigott's right of
    access to the courts by refusing Pigott's pro se filings.
    ___ __
    Pigott does not specify how social worker Lerner's libelous
    interview report and failure to aid Pigott in the care and
    protection case violated his constitutional rights.

    10. He received a concurrent 2 1/2 - 3 year term for the
    firearm charge.


    v. Vose, 936 F.2d 38 (1st Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 112 S.
    ____ _____ ______

    Ct. 948 (1992).

    This ruling effectively barred Pigott's claims that

    these defendants arrested him without cause, deliberately

    denied him medical care and legal representation, and

    wrongfully seized his property on December 4, 1989. The

    district court reasoned that Pigott filed his complaint and

    IFP application on December 7, 1992, the date the district

    court received both items, and that these particular claims

    were thus brought three days late. The district court did

    not specifically address Pigott's claims that the Lynn Police

    Department engaged in bail tampering and, along with officer

    Woumn, violated Pigott's right of access to the courts on

    December 5, 1989. We assume that the court implicitly held

    that these claims were time-barred as well.11 The court

    further ruled that those defendants who allegedly presented

    perjured testimony at Pigott's trial were absolutely immune

    under Briscoe v. LaHue, 460 U.S. 320, 325 (1983), and that
    _______ _____

    Pigott's claims against his defense attorneys were barred by

    Polk County v. Dodson, 454 U.S. 312 (1981), (holding that
    ___________ ______

    public defenders are not "state actors" for 42 U.S.C. 1983


    11. Thus, the district court dismissed Pigott's first,
    second, and part of Pigott's third cause of action as time-
    barred under the statute of limitations. Pigott's claim
    against investigator Turner for failure to keep appointments,
    which was also part of his third cause of action, was
    dismissed for failing to state a constitutional tort within
    the meaning of 42 U.S.C. 1983.


    purposes). This ruling eliminated Pigott's fifth cause of

    action and that part of his sixth cause of action that rested

    on the alleged misconduct of Pigott's defense attorneys. The

    court also dismissed that part of Pigott's fourth cause of

    action that asserted claims against Salem Hospital, the two

    unnamed security guards, and the unknown lawyer on the ground

    that Pigott failed to allege state action. Finally, the

    court dismissed Pigott's allegations against probation

    officer Mulloy, Pigott's social worker (Lerner), and the four

    other social workers (Heathman, Richardson, Carviello and

    Grey) for failing to state sufficient claims upon which

    relief could be granted.

    We note that Pigott's amended complaint attempted to

    cure some of the deficiencies identified in the district

    court's dismissal order, largely by simply alleging that more

    defendants conspired with the Lynn Police Department to

    violate Pigott's civil rights.12 Pigott further alleged

    that defendants Heathman, Richardson and Carviello destroyed

    his relationship with his son by illegally refusing to allow

    them visits without cause. Pigott sought to remedy other


    12. The amended complaint charged that Flemmings Towing
    Company, clerk Leary, probation officer Mulloy, attorney
    Nancy Winn, who had been previously identified as the
    "unknown lawyer" in Pigott's original complaint, and defense
    attorneys Skinner, Kelley and Baler were all involved in such
    a conspiracy. But it stated no facts in support of these


    claims with allegations purporting to establish state



    At the outset, we note that Pigott's brief on appeal

    makes no reference whatsoever to his claims against

    defendants Mulloy, Lerner, Turner, Leary, and the unknown

    lawyer (attorney Winn). He has therefore waived these claims

    and their dismissal will be upheld. The same can be said

    with respect to Pigott's claim that he was arrested without

    cause. To the extent Pigott's claims against the Lynn Police

    Department and officers Woumn, Chisholm, and Sgt. Roach rely

    on his December 4, 1989 arrest, his brief makes no mention of

    this claim, and we affirm its dismissal on the ground that

    Pigott has waived it. See, e.g., Frazier v. Bailey, 957 F.2d
    ___ ____ _______ ______

    920, 932 n. 14 & 15 (1st Cir. 1992); United States v.

    Zannino, 895 F.2d 1, 17 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 494 U.S.
    _______ _____ ______

    1082 (1990).

    As for the remaining claims, we review section 1915(d)

    dismissals for abuse of discretion, mindful that not every

    complaint that fails to state a claim upon which relief can

    be granted is subject to sua sponte dismissal for
    ___ ______


    13. For example, defendants Grey and Heathman were alleged
    to have seized Pigott's son for the state, while Salem
    Hospital was alleged to have violated Pigott's civil rights
    through a policy or custom when its security guards
    restrained Pigott.


    frivolousness under 28 U.S.C. 1915(d). Denton v. Hernandez,
    ______ _________

    112 S. Ct. at 1734; Neitzke v. Williams, 490 U.S. at 331. A
    _______ ________

    complaint or claim is "factually frivolous" when it alleges

    facts that are "'clearly baseless'", "'fanciful'",

    "'fantastic'" or "'delusional'". Denton, 112 S. Ct. at

    1733, (quoting Neitzke, 490 U.S. at 327, 325, 328). A claim

    may be said to be legally frivolous if it asserts a claim for

    which the defendant is clearly entitled to immunity, or a

    claim of infringement of a legal interest that clearly does

    not exist. Neitzke, 490 U.S. at 327.

    In addition, "[w]e have squarely held that 'a complaint

    which states a claim that appears to have expired under the

    applicable statute of limitations may be dismissed as

    frivolous' under section 1915(d)." Johnson v. Rodriguez, 943
    _______ _________

    F.2d 104, 107 (1st Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 112 S. Ct. 948
    _____ ______

    (1992) (quoting Street v. Vose, 936 F.2d at 39). However, at
    ______ ____

    least where there is any possible doubt, we cautioned

    district courts to issue an order to show cause to a

    plaintiff whose claims appear to be time-barred before

    dismissing a complaint sua sponte on statute of limitations
    ___ ______

    grounds. Street v. Vose, 936 F.2d at 41, n. 5.
    ______ ____


    Based on the principles just set forth, we conclude that

    Pigott's claims were properly dismissed, although our

    reasoning differs somewhat from that of the district court.


    Insofar as Pigott alleged that the nine Lynn police officers

    and other defendants who testified at his criminal trial

    committed perjury, Pigott concedes, as he must, that Briscoe

    v. LaHue, 460 U.S. 325, 329-46 (1983), entitles these

    defendants to absolute immunity from damages liability under

    42 U.S.C. 1983. However, the complaint also alleged that

    these defendants involved themselves in a conspiracy to

    violate Pigott's civil rights. See Complaint, 44. Pigott

    continues to press this claim on appeal, and argues that

    there was a general police conspiracy to "railroad" him under

    which liability may attach under 42 U.S.C. 1983 and 1985.

    The district court did not specifically discuss Pigott's

    conspiracy claim, presumably because Pigott alleged no facts

    to support it, but we think this claim requires separate


    We have previously observed in dicta that proper

    allegations of conspiracy might overcome an immunity claim.

    See Malachowski v. City of Keene, 787 F.2d 704, 711-12 (1st
    ___ ___________ ______________

    Cir.), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 828 (1986)(per curiam)(noting
    _____ ______

    that such allegations could overcome city prosecutor's

    absolute immunity, and that prosecutorial immunity of

    juvenile delinquency officer who initiated delinquency

    proceedings might not extend to allegations that officer

    filed false delinquency petition as part of overarching

    conspiracy to deprive plaintiffs' of child custody). But "a


    complaint, containing as it does both factual allegations and

    legal conclusions, is frivolous where it lacks an arguable

    basis either in law or fact." Neitzke, 490 U.S. at 325.
    ______ ________ _______

    (emphasis supplied). Turning to the factual allegations, we

    note that Pigott's complaint contained only the most

    conclusory allegations of conspiracy. The complaint

    generally alleged that the defendants committed perjury and

    fabricated evidence from Pigott's December 4, 1989 arrest

    throughout his September 1991 trial. No description of the

    perjury is given and the allegedly fabricated evidence is not

    identified. The only specific factual allegation even

    relating to a possible conspiracy is Pigott's assertion that

    defendant Reddy and two prosecution witnesses (who are not

    named defendants) violated Mass. Rule Crim. Pro. 21

    (governing sequestration of witnesses) during Pigott's

    criminal trial, but no detail is provided. See Complaint,


    In fact, Pigott did not even assert that the perjury

    allegedly committed by these defendants resulted in his

    conviction. Rather, he claimed that defense counsel Skinner

    "maliciously slandered and misrepresented" him (again,

    without giving any specifics) and that this conduct was the

    direct cause of his conviction. Even liberally construed,

    this mish-mash of allegations fails to raise an inference

    that the named defendants agreed to deprive Pigott of his


    constitutional rights. See generally Earle v. Benoit, 850
    ___ _________ _____ ______

    F.2d 836, 844 (1st Cir. 1988) (discussing elements of

    conspiracy under 42 U.S.C. 1983).14

    Purely conclusory allegations of conspiracy are not

    adequate to state a claim. See Slotnick v. Stavisky, 560
    ___ ________ ________

    F.2d 31, 33 (1st Cir. 1977), cert. denied, 434 U.S. 1077
    _____ ______

    (1978). Nevertheless, somewhat more caution is appropriate

    where dismissal is contemplated under section 1915(d), at

    least in those cases where it is not intended to give the

    plaintiff advance notice of the defect and the opportunity to

    amend. The issue is one of abuse of discretion and depends

    upon the facts.

    In this instance we do not think further proceedings are

    warranted. Although we do not have to consider the propriety

    of the district court's denial of reconsideration (since

    Pigott did not appeal), we note that Pigott's amended

    complaint, filed after dismissal, makes additional

    allegations but still does not contain any facts that would

    support a conspiracy. Nor does Pigott's brief on appeal

    furnish any hint of facts that could support the conspiracy



    14. And while the complaint cites 42 U.S.C. 1985, Pigott
    has not alleged the requisite discriminatory animus to state
    a claim under this statute. See Landrigan v. City of
    ___ _________ ________
    Warwick, 628 F.2d 736, 739 n.1 (1st Cir. 1980).


    Even so, we might hesitate to sustain the dismissal

    without an opportunity to replead if we thought that there

    was any real risk of injustice. But Pigott's complaint is

    manifestly founded upon the delusion that anyone who has had

    any connection with the events described -- the arrest, post-

    arrest treatment, trial, probation office inquiry, and child

    custody dispute -- is a wrongdoer and in most cases a

    conspirator. A fair portion of these charges have to be

    insupportable, and if some nugget of truth lies buried under

    the rubble (and we stress that no claim is stated on these

    allegations), Pigott has only himself to blame.


    Pigott concedes that his claims against his court

    appointed attorneys (Skinner, Kelley and Baler) are fatally

    deficient in that they failed to allege state action under 42

    U.S.C. 1983. See Polk County v. Dodson, 454 U.S. at 317 n.
    ___ ___________ ______

    4; Malachowski v. City of Keene, 787 F.2d at 710 ("A private
    ___________ _____________

    attorney who is sued for actions allegedly taken as court-

    appointed counsel does not act under color of state law.")

    On appeal, Pigott argues that his amended complaint cured

    this deficiency by charging these defendants with conspiracy

    as well. This charge was also wholly conclusory. For the

    reasons already stated, we think the district court must be




    Pigott contends that his claims with regard to the care

    and protection proceeding are cognizable in federal court

    notwithstanding the domestic relations exception to federal

    jurisdiction. See generally Ankenbrandt v. Richards, 112 S.
    ___ _________ ___________ ________

    Ct. 2206 (1992)(describing exception). This claim challenges

    the seizure of Pigott's son by defendants Grey and Heathman

    (who were aided by the two unknown Salem Hospital security

    guards) and the frustration of Pigott's efforts to visit his

    son by defendants Heathman, Carviello, and Richardson.

    Pigott does not contend that the facts he has alleged against

    these defendants are sufficient to state a claim upon which

    relief could be granted. As the district court's dismissal

    order notified Pigott that his complaint was so deficient as

    to the four social worker defendants, and even the

    allegations in Pigott's amended complaint fail to make out

    viable claims against these defendants, we affirm the

    dismissal of Pigott's claims against social workers Pam Grey,

    Marilyn Heathman, Danielle Carviello, and Mrs. Richardson.

    The district court may have erred in dismissing Pigott's

    claims against the two unnamed Salem Hospital security guards

    for lack of state action. The complaint identified defendant

    Pam Grey as an employee of the Massachusetts Department of

    Social Services and thus established her as a "state actor"

    for 42 U.S.C. 1983 purposes. We may also assume that the

    Salem Hospital security guards and social worker Marilyn


    Heathman were also engaged in state action when they assisted

    Grey in restraining Pigott and seizing his son. See Casa
    ___ ____

    Marie, Inc. v. Superior Court of Puerto Rico, 988 F.2d 252,
    ___________ ______________________________

    259 (1st Cir. 1993)("'To act "under color" of law does not

    require that the accused be an officer of the State. It is

    enough that he is a willful participant in joint activity

    with the State or its agents.'" )(citations omitted)).

    But the liability of the guards and Salem Hospital was

    predicated on Pigott's claim that the seizure of his son

    violated his constitutional rights. Pigott's complaint and

    amended complaint did little more than allege that Pigott had

    a son who was taken from him after he had been determined to

    be an unfit parent. Pigott has alleged no facts to suggest

    that this determination was wrong or procedurally defective.

    Since Pigott failed to allege sufficient facts to make out

    such a violation even after the district court's dismissal

    order notified him of this deficiency, his claims against the

    security guards and Salem Hospital were properly dismissed.


    Finally, we turn to those claims that were dismissed as

    legally frivolous because they appeared to be barred by the

    statute of limitations. The only claims that Pigott

    continues to press on appeal are his claims that the Lynn

    Police Department and officers Chisholm, Woumn, and Sgt.

    Roach exhibited deliberate indifference to his medical needs


    on December 4, 1989 and his claims that the Lynn Police

    Department engaged in bail tampering and, along with officer

    Woumn, violated his right of access to the courts on December

    5, 1989.15

    Pigott's claims that the Lynn Police Department engaged

    in bail tampering and violated Pigott's right of access to

    the courts by refusing to allow him to file a criminal

    complaint were without basis. Pigott was released on bail

    and, in stark contrast to Wagenmann v. Adams, 829 F.2d 196
    _________ _____

    (1st Cir. 1987), on which Pigott relies on appeal, Pigott has

    not alleged that the police arranged to have his bail set so

    high that he could not make it. Nor has he described any

    other conduct that could be construed to violate his


    Similarly, the right of access to the courts does not

    import an absolute right to institute criminal proceedings.

    Insofar as Pigott contends that the Lynn Police Department


    15. Pigott has presented no cogent argument with respect to
    his claims against Flemmings Towing Company, Elaine Condon,
    and Dennis Flynn. Accordingly, his claims against these
    defendants are waived. See, e.g., Ramos v. Roche Products,
    ___ ____ _____ _______________
    Inc., 936 F.2d 43, 51 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 112 S. Ct.
    ____ _____ ______
    339 (1991)(issue which is merely mentioned but not briefed is
    waived on appeal).

    16. Pigott's allegation that attorney Skinner informed him
    that he was lucky to make bail because the Lynn police
    generally would have opposed it due to his race does not
    establish that the police violated his constitutional right
    to be free from excessive bail, for Pigott says nothing to
    show that his bail was excessive.


    violated this right simply by refusing to accept his criminal

    complaint, he has alleged the violation of a legal interest

    that does not exist. Pigott further has not alleged any

    facts which show that officer Woumn's threats to harm him

    violated his federal rights.

    Pigott's claim that officers Chisholm, Woumn, and Sgt.

    Roach exhibited deliberate indifference to his medical needs

    is a closer case. Pigott claimed that he was struck in the

    face with a glass, slashed with a butcher knife, and

    assaulted with other weapons. He allegedly suffered obvious

    injuries and informed these officers that he needed immediate

    medical attention. Pigott was incarcerated at the Lynn

    police station for one hour and forty-five minutes before he

    was taken for medical care. The complaint does not describe

    Pigott's injuries. It also does not say what treatment was

    required, although we are now told that Pigott required

    sutures. Further, the complaint does not specify what harm,

    if any, befell Pigott as a result of the seemingly brief

    delay between Pigott's arrest and treatment. Compare Matzker
    _______ _______

    v. Herr, 748 F.2d 1142, 1147-48 (7th cir. 1984)(alleged three

    month delay in procuring medical and dental care stated

    viable claim).17


    17. The reason for the delay is not alleged. However, since
    Pigott alleged that he was not booked and fingerprinted until
    after he returned from the hospital, we may assume that the
    delay was not occasioned by these administrative procedures.


    As we explained in Manarite v. City of Springfield, 957
    ________ ___________________

    F.2d 953, 956 (1st Cir. 1992), 1983 liability in a case like

    this requires proof of "'deliberate indifference'" by "(1) an

    unusually serious risk of harm... (2) defendant's actual

    knowledge of (or, at least, willful blindness to) that

    elevated risk, and (3) defendant's failure to take obvious

    steps to address that known, serious risk." We do not think

    that the facts in the complaint make out these elements.

    More important, we see no basis for believing that any

    amendment or particularization would solve the central

    deficiency, namely, that something more than temporary

    inattention or carelessness is needed for a constitutional

    claim of cruel and unusual punishment. Rather, what is

    required is a conscious refusal to take reasonable measures

    to deal in a timely fashion with very substantial harm or the

    threat of such harm.

    Here, Pigott by his own version of events did not seek

    hospital care when he left the scene of the fight but went to

    another address. There is no hint that any permanent injury

    resulted from the delay. Individuals arrive at police

    stations and in emergency rooms with cuts and bruises every

    day; but true emergencies, requiring medical care without an

    instant's delay, are less commonplace. If this were an

    ordinary tort suit and negligence sufficed for liability,

    there might be an argument for requiring leave to amend --


    although what is alleged does not itself indicate negligence.

    But there is virtually nothing in the complaint to suggest

    cruel and unusual punishment, or any benefit from further



    Our conclusion makes it unnecessary to reach the statute

    of limitations issue on which the district court based its

    decision to dismiss claims relating to the arrest and

    immediate treatment of Pigott. We think that issue is a

    difficult one.

    A number of circuits have held that a pro se complaint

    is timely so long as the necessary affidavit accompanies the

    filing of the complaint, one rationale being that the time

    spent in reviewing the affidavit and entering the IFP order

    is the court's responsibility. See, e.g., Dean v. Veterans
    ___ ____ ____ ________

    Admin. Regional Office, 943 F.2d 667, 668-71 (6th Cir. 1991),

    vacated on other grounds, 112 S. Ct. 1255 (1992); Gilardi v.
    _______ __ _____ _______ _______

    Schroeder, 833 F.2d 1226, 1233 (7th Cir. 1987); Martin v.
    _________ ______

    Demma, 831 F.2d 69, 71 (5th Cir. 1987). Local Rule 4.5 in

    the district court suggests that that court would treat the

    complaint as timely filed if "accompanied by [the requisite]

    . . . affidavit . . . ." Pigott, however, did not accompany

    his complaint with the affidavit, and the rationale just

    described would have no application to his case.


    On the other hand, Fed. R. Civ. P. 5(e) provides that

    the clerk is not to refuse papers for filing "solely because

    . . . not presented in proper form . . . ." One could argue

    that the omission of the affidavit is merely a formal defect

    -- although the opposite view of the matter is also possible.

    One could also argue with some force that doubts about

    timeliness should be construed in favor of the plaintiff,

    although a plaintiff who waits till almost the end of the

    three year limitations period before filing anything can be

    said to assume some risk.

    In all events, we do not think that the issue is

    decisive in this case and therefore do not decide it.

    However it is decided, it might be better if the Local Rule

    4.5 gave clearer notice to litigants as to whether a

    complaint transmitted without the affidavit is deemed filed

    if accompanied by a request for IFP forms. A copy of this

    opinion will be transmitted to the appropriate authorities in

    the district court so that it may be considered whether an

    amendment is desirable.



Document Info

Docket Number: 93-1115

Filed Date: 9/27/1993

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/21/2015

Authorities (20)

Bruce B. Landrigan v. City of Warwick , 628 F.2d 736 ( 1980 )

Kevin Frazier v. Edward N. Bailey , 957 F.2d 920 ( 1992 )

United States v. Ilario M.A. Zannino , 895 F.2d 1 ( 1990 )

Lester Slotnick v. Harold Staviskey , 560 F.2d 31 ( 1977 )

ronald-e-wagenmann-v-russell-j-adams-appeal-of-gerald-r-anderson , 829 F.2d 196 ( 1987 )

Leroy H. Johnson, Jr. v. Alex Rodriguez, Etc. , 943 F.2d 104 ( 1991 )

Edward M. Dean v. Veterans Administration Regional Office , 943 F.2d 667 ( 1991 )

casa-marie-inc-v-superior-court-of-puerto-rico-for-the-district-of , 988 F.2d 252 ( 1993 )

Henry Malachowski and Julia Malachowski v. City of Keene , 787 F.2d 704 ( 1986 )

Wendell A. Martin and Vanessa Faciane v. Marco Demma , 831 F.2d 69 ( 1987 )

James Earle v. Robert Benoit , 850 F.2d 836 ( 1988 )

Richard A. Street v. George Vose, Etc. , 936 F.2d 38 ( 1991 )

Nixa Ramos v. Roche Products, Inc. , 936 F.2d 43 ( 1991 )

jessica-a-manarite-by-and-through-her-next-friend-carla-manarite-and , 957 F.2d 953 ( 1992 )

Edward James Matzker, Jr. v. Raymond Herr, Sheriff, Richard ... , 748 F.2d 1142 ( 1984 )

Cynthia Gilardi v. Gary Schroeder, D/B/A Gary Schroeder ... , 833 F.2d 1226 ( 1987 )

Polk County v. Dodson , 102 S. Ct. 445 ( 1981 )

Neitzke v. Williams , 109 S. Ct. 1827 ( 1989 )

Denton v. Hernandez , 112 S. Ct. 1728 ( 1992 )

Briscoe v. LaHue , 103 S. Ct. 1108 ( 1983 )

View All Authorities »