Williams v. Jones ( 1993 )

  • USCA1 Opinion


    No. 93-1054


    Plaintiff, Appellee,



    Defendant, Appellant.



    The opinion of this Court issued on December 3, 1993, is
    amended as follows:

    On page 24, the last sentence in the second paragraph "Costs
    are awarded to plaintiff-appellee" should be corrected to read
    "Costs are awarded to defendant-appellant."


    No. 93-1054


    Plaintiff, Appellee,



    Defendant, Appellant.




    [Hon. Morton A. Brody, U.S. District Judge]



    Torruella, Selya and Cyr,

    Circuit Judges.


    Marshall J. Tinkle, with whom Thompson, McNaboe, Ashley &
    ___________________ ____________________________
    Bull was on brief for appellant.
    Douglas C. Baston, with whom Howard & Bowie Law Offices was
    _________________ __________________________
    on brief for appellee.


    December 3, 1993

    CYR, Circuit Judge. In 1978, plaintiff-appellee James
    CYR, Circuit Judge

    Williams was injured as a result of a fall from the boom of a

    fishing vessel owned by his employer, defendant-appellant John

    Jones, d/b/a Nicole Enterprises (Jones). After Williams was

    diagnosed with a herniated disc, he filed a claim against Jones

    for compensation benefits under the Longshore and Harbor Workers'

    Compensation Act (LHWCA), 33 U.S.C. 901-50.1 In March 1981,

    a Department of Labor (DOL) administrative law judge (ALJ) found

    that Williams had a "temporary total disability," see id. 908-
    ___ ___

    (b), and ordered Jones to commence immediate payments to Williams

    in an amount equal to two-thirds of Williams's average weekly


    1The LHWCA is a comprehensive statutory scheme governing
    compensation for covered employees (e.g., longshoremen) due to
    loss of earning capacity caused by injuries sustained while
    engaged in "maritime employment" upon the navigable waters of the
    United States, or upon designated lands adjoining those waters.
    See 33 U.S.C. 902, 903. Like state workers' compensation
    statutes, the LHWCA contemplates a relinquishment of substantive
    rights by both parties; employers are liable for compensation to
    the disabled employee "irrespective of [the employers'] fault,"
    id. 904, while employees' LHWCA administrative and judicial
    remedies against their employer are exclusive, see id. 905; see
    _________ ___ ___ ___
    also Potomac Elec. Power Co. v. Director, Office of Workers
    ____ _________________________ _____________________________
    Compensation Programs, 449 U.S. 268, 281-82 (1980); Ceres Gulf v.
    _____________________ __________
    Cooper, 957 F.2d 1199, 1205 (5th Cir. 1992).
    After sustaining a work-related injury, a covered employee
    must provide written notice to his employer within 30 days from
    the date upon which he should have discovered his disability, in
    the exercise of reasonable diligence. See 33 U.S.C. 912.
    Within 14 days of such notice, or after obtaining actual or
    constructive knowledge of the employee's disability, the employer
    must either (1) commence payments to the employee in an amount
    equal to two-thirds of the employee's "average weekly wages," see
    id. 906, 908, 910, or (2) notify the United States Department
    of Labor (DOL) that the employee's right to compensation will be
    contested, specifying the grounds. See id. 914(d). If the
    ___ ___
    employer contests, the employee has one year from the date of his
    injury, or one year from the employer's last voluntary payment,
    to file a written claim with the DOL. See id. 913; see also 20
    ___ ___ ___ ____
    C.F.R. 702.201-702.286 (1993).


    wage of $250, effective from October 1978.2 See id. 906,
    ___ ___

    910. Notwithstanding two successful appeals to the Benefits

    Review Board (BRB) by Jones, see id. 921(b),3 ultimately the
    ___ ___

    BRB affirmed a compensation award in favor of Williams. We

    denied Jones's petition for judicial review in 1990. See id.
    ___ ___

    921(c). Notwithstanding the finality of the compensation award


    2Within ten days after the employee files an administrative
    claim, see supra note 1, the DOL must cause notice to be served
    ___ _____
    on all interested parties, including the employer, see id.
    ___ ___
    919(b), and conduct all necessary investigations of the
    employee's claim, see id. 919(c); see also 20 C.F.R. 702.331-
    ___ ___ ___ ____
    702.351 (1993). At least ten days' notice of the 919 eviden-
    tiary hearing must be provided to all interested parties, by
    personal service or registered mail. Id. Section 919 evidentia-
    ry hearings are conducted pursuant to the Administrative Proce-
    dures Act, 5 U.S.C. 554, by an ALJ. Within 20 days after the
    hearing, the ALJ must either reject the employee's claim, or
    issue a compensation order designating the extent of the em-
    ployee's "disability" (e.g., permanent total, temporary total,
    permanent partial) and setting the amount of biweekly compensa-
    tion. The ALJ's compensation order becomes "effective" as soon
    as it is duly filed in the appropriate DOL office and notice of
    the filing is mailed to the employee and the employer. Id.
    919(e), 921(a). The employer's obligation to pay compensation
    to the employee commences on the date the ALJ's compensation
    order becomes "effective."

    3See Williams v. Nicole Enters., Inc., 15 Ben. Rev. Bd.
    ___ ________ _____________________
    Serv. 453 (1983); Williams v. Nicole Enters., Inc., 19 Ben. Rev.
    ________ ____________________
    Bd. Serv. 66 (1986). "Effective" compensation orders remain non-
    "final" pending appeal. Once an ALJ's compensation order becomes
    "effective," the nonprevailing party has 30 days to appeal the
    order (or the ALJ's rejection of the claim) to the BRB, a three-
    member appellate panel within the DOL. See 33 U.S.C. 921(b).
    The BRB must accept all ALJ factual findings supported by "sub-
    stantial evidence." Id. If the BRB affirms, the nonprevailing
    party may petition for judicial review by the appropriate court
    of appeals, which will apply the same "substantial evidence"
    standard of review to the ALJ's factual findings, but otherwise
    has jurisdiction to affirm, modify, set aside, or enforce the
    __ _______
    ALJ's compensation order. Id. 921(c). If no party appeals the
    ALJ's order to the BRB, it becomes "final" 30 days after the
    parties are notified that it has been filed in the appropriate
    DOL office pursuant to 919(e). Id. 921(a).


    for LHWCA purposes, see supra note 3, Williams alleges that he
    ___ _____

    has received only $450 in benefit payments from Jones to date.

    On August 7, 1992, Williams brought the present en-

    forcement action in federal district court, pursuant to LHWCA

    subsections 921(d) and (e):

    (d) If any employer or his officers or agents
    fails to comply with a compensation order
    making an award, that has become final, any
    beneficiary of such award or the deputy com-
    missioner making the order, may apply for the
    enforcement of the order to the Federal dis-
    trict court for the judicial district in
    which the injury occurred . . . . If the
    __ ___
    court determines that the order was made and
    _____ __________
    served in accordance with law, and that such
    employer or his officers or agents have
    failed to comply therewith, the court shall
    _____ _____
    enforce obedience to the order by writ of
    _______ __ ____ __
    injunction or by other proper process, manda-
    __________ __
    tory or otherwise, to enjoin upon such person
    and his officers and agents compliance with
    the order.

    (e) Proceedings for suspending, setting
    aside, or enforcing a compensation order,
    whether rejecting a claim or making an award,
    shall not be instituted otherwise than as
    _____ ___ __ __________ _________ ____ __
    provided in this section . . . .

    33 U.S.C. 921(d), (e) (emphasis added).

    Jones opposed the petition for enforcement on the

    grounds that "newly discovered" evidence revealed that Williams

    secured the award through perjury and fraud, and that the en-

    forcement petition was not served on Jones in compliance with

    Fed. R. Civ. P. 4. A magistrate judge recommended that the

    petition for enforcement be granted because Jones was precluded,

    as a matter of law, from pleading these defenses in an enforce-

    ment action brought pursuant to LHWCA section 921(d). Jones's


    appeal from the district court order adopting the magistrate

    judge's recommended decision presents two important issues of

    first impression relating to the LHWCA's enforcement provisions.

    I. Insufficient Process and Service of Process.
    I. Insufficient Process and Service of Process.

    Jones concedes actual notice of the filing of the

    section 921(d) enforcement petition with the district court, but

    pleads insufficient process and insufficient service of process,

    see Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(4), (5), based on Williams's admitted

    failure to serve Jones pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4. See Durbin
    ___ ______

    Paper Stock Co. v. Hossain, 97 F.R.D. 639, 639 (S.D. Fla. 1982)
    _______________ _______

    ("Service of process is not effectual on an attorney solely by

    reason of his capacity as an attorney, [but] [t]he party must

    have appointed his attorney as his agent for service of pro-

    cess.") (collecting cases); cf. Fed. R. Civ. P. 5(b).4

    The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure apply in section

    921(d) enforcement proceedings "except to the extent that matters

    of procedure are provided for in [the LHWCA]." Fed. R. Civ. P.

    81(a)(6). As section 921(d) is silent on the procedures for

    filing, serving, and answering an enforcement petition in the


    4Rule 12(b)(4) and (5) defenses may be waived if not timely
    asserted. Marcial Ucin, S.A. v. SS Galicia, 723 F.2d 994, 996
    __________________ __________
    (1st Cir. 1983). Jones's first "response" to Williams's peti-
    tion, filed on August 21, 1992, did not contest service of
    process pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(h)(1)(A). Five days
    later, however, Jones filed his answer and counterclaim, raising
    the insufficient process and service of process defenses in
    timely fashion. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(h)(1)(B) (defense not
    waived if raised in "matter of course" Rule 15(a) amendment to
    responsive pleading within 20 days of initial answer). See
    Glater v. Eli Lilley & Co., 712 F.2d 735, 738 (1st Cir. 1983).
    ______ ________________


    district court, Jones reasons that service of process was re-

    quired in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 and 81(a)(6); without

    it, he argues, the district court did not obtain personal juris-

    diction over him.

    The magistrate judge rejected Jones's argument, citing

    Jourdan v. Equitable Equip. Co., 889 F.2d 637 (5th Cir. 1989), a
    _______ ____________________

    case involving companion LHWCA section 918(a). Section 918(a)

    enforcement proceedings normally are used to enforce compensation

    awards which have become "effective" but are not yet "final";

    that is, during the pendency of an appeal to the BRB from the

    ALJ's initial award, or from the BRB to the court of appeals.

    See supra notes 2 and 3. Within one year after an employer's
    ___ _____

    default, the employee may apply to an ALJ for a "supplementary

    order" declaring the amount in default. The ALJ may not issue

    the supplementary order except "[a]fter investigation, [and]

    notice, and hearing." Even then, however, the supplementary

    order is not self-executing. Rather, the claimant, or the ALJ,

    must file a certified copy of the supplementary order with the

    appropriate federal district court, which "shall upon filing of
    _____ ____ ______

    the copy enter judgment for the amount declared in default . . .

    if such supplementary order is in accordance with law."5


    5LHWCA 918(a) provides, in pertinent part:

    (a) In case of default by the employer in the payment
    of compensation due under any award of compensation for
    a period of thirty days after the compensation is due
    and payable, the person to whom such compensation is
    payable may, within one year after such default, make
    application to the [ALJ] making the compensation order
    for a supplementary order declaring the amount of the


    The Jourdan court held that the obligatory language of

    section 918(a) evinced a clear congressional intent to dispense

    with the "service of process" requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P. 4

    in a section 918(a) enforcement proceeding brought in the dis-

    trict court. The magistrate judge in the present case, analo-

    gizing from Jourdan, reasoned that,

    [l]ike Section 918(a), Section 921(d) utiliz-
    es imperative language; upon certain findings
    the court "shall enforce." The only differ-
    ence is the lack of specificity regarding the
    ____ __ ___________
    method for filing the "application." In
    either case, the court must make preliminary
    findings that amount to nothing more than a
    procedural review of the underlying process.
    __________ _______
    Assuming there were no procedural errors at
    __ __________ ______ __
    the administrative level, the court has no
    ___ ______________ _____ __
    choice but to enforce the order. Again, the
    court has no jurisdiction over the merits of
    the action. The aggrieved party would have
    ___ _________ _____ _____ ____
    no additional opportunity to be heard even if
    __ __________ ___________ __ __ _____ ____ __
    notice were provided according to the strict
    ______ ____ ________ _________ __ ___ ______
    requirements of Rule 4. The logical conclu-
    ____________ __ ____ _
    sion is that Section 921(d) is a summary


    default. After investigation, notice, and hearing, as
    provided in section [919], the [ALJ] shall make a
    supplementary order, declaring the amount of the de-
    fault, which shall be filed in the same manner as the
    compensation order. In case the payment in default is
    an installment of the award, the [ALJ] may, in his
    discretion, declare the whole of the award as the
    amount in default. The applicant may file a certified
    copy of such supplementary order with the clerk of the
    Federal district court for the judicial district in
    which the employer has his principal place of business
    or maintains an office, or for the judicial district in
    which the injury occurred. ... Such supplementary
    order shall be final, and the court shall upon the
    filing of the copy enter judgment for the amount de-
    clared in default by the supplementary order if such
    supplementary order is in accordance with law. Review
    of the judgment so entered may be had as in civil suits
    for damages at common law.

    33 U.S.C. 918(a).


    proceeding, and that upon filing of appropri-
    ate documentation showing that the order is
    final, that it was properly served, and that
    the employer has failed to comply, the court
    should issue the order.

    Williams v. Jones, No. 92-0156-B, slip op. at 6 (D. Me. Oct. 27,
    ________ _____

    1992) (recommended decision) (emphasis added).

    Assuming, arguendo, that Jourdan is correctly decided,
    ________ _______

    section 921(d) is insufficiently analogous to section 918(a) to

    bear the weight given it in the recommended decision below.

    Section 918(a)'s bifurcated enforcement mechanism requires

    administrative notice to the employer, as well as an opportunity
    ______________ ______

    to be heard, prior to the entry of any supplementary enforcement

    order by the ALJ. See supra notes 2 and 5. Long before the
    ___ _____

    employee ever files the ALJ's certified supplementary order with

    the district court, therefore, the procedural requirements of

    section 918(a) itself have assured that the employer was placed

    on notice of the impending judicial enforcement proceeding. The

    district court is expressly charged with determining whether

    "such supplementary order [was] in accordance with law." 33

    U.S.C. 918(a). Thus, section 918(a) envisions an ancillary

    district court mechanism for enforcing supplementary enforcement

    orders entered by the ALJ. Arguably, at least, this is the sort

    of administrative alternative to service of process which would

    preempt the Rule 4 service of process requirement under Fed. Rule

    Civ. P. 81(a)(6).6 In contrast, however, no notice to the


    6Analogous Rule 81(a)(5), governing the applicability of the
    Civil Rules to NLRB proceedings, likewise illuminates the present
    inquiry. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 81(a)(5) ("in respects not covered


    employer is required prior to the commencement of a section

    921(d) enforcement action in the district court. See supra p. 4.
    ___ _____

    In addition, we detect no intimation, either in the

    statutory language or legislative history, that Congress con-

    templated a section 921(d) proceeding quite so summary as indi-

    cated in the recommended decision. Even assuming that a full

    panoply of equitable defenses is not available to an employer in

    a section 921(d) enforcement action, see infra pt. II, it is
    ___ _____

    nonetheless clear that the employer may contest factual allega-

    tions upon which the section 921(d) enforcement petition neces-

    sarily depends,7 including the main issue whether the employer
    _______ ___ ________


    by [29 U.S.C. 159, 160] the practice in the district courts
    shall conform to these rules as far as applicable"). In contrast
    to LHWCA 921(d), however, the NLRB sections referenced in Rule
    81(a)(5) contain detailed provisions relating to the filing of a
    petition to enforce an NLRB order. See 29 U.S.C. 160(e) ("Upon
    filing of such a petition, the court shall cause notice thereof
    to be served upon such person, and thereupon shall have jurisdic-
    _________ _____ ____ _________
    tion of the proceeding and of the question determined therein,
    ____ __ ___ __________
    and shall have power to grant such temporary relief or restrain-
    ing order as it deems just and proper . . . .") (emphasis added).

    7Although clearly treated by the parties and the district
    court as a 921(d) action, Williams's petition for enforcement
    is an odd hybrid. Initially, Williams presented his petition for
    enforcement to the DOL. In a June 30, 1992 letter to Williams,
    the District Director of the DOL determined that the compensation
    order was "final," that it was made and administratively served
    "in accordance with law," and that Jones was in default on
    payments. Under 921(d), these administrative determinations
    were supererogatory. Unlike 918(a), 921(d) expressly re-
    serves such matters for resolution by the district court. See 33
    U.S.C. 921(d) ("If the court determines that the order was made
    __ ___ _____ __________
    and served in accordance with law . . . .") (emphasis added).
    Although the district court correctly noted that Jones did not
    contest these matters (e.g., the giving of notice as required in
    the administrative proceedings under 919), the applicability of
    the Rule 4 service of process requirement is not made to depend,
    see Fed. R. Civ. P. 81(a)(6), upon whether the defendant-employer
    received notice in the administrative proceeding, but whether


    is in default. Moreover, arguably at least, the employer might
    __ __ _______

    be entitled to raise factual challenges relating to (1) the

    amount in default,8 (2) whether new evidence indicates that the

    initial compensation order was procedurally defective, or other-

    wise not "in accordance with law," or (3) employee conduct that

    might tilt the fundamental balance of equities in favor of

    judicial restraint. See infra note 18. Moreover, unlike the
    ___ _____

    bifurcated process involved in a section 918(a) enforcement

    proceeding, which presumes prior notice and hearing at the

    administrative level, section 921(d) constitutes the district

    court the employer's first and only forum for a full hearing of
    _____ ____

    such factual disputes prior to the issuance of an injunctive


    "matters of procedure are provided for in" the LHWCA, id. (empha-
    ________ ___ __ ___
    sis added). Since there is no LHWCA provision governing service
    of process upon the defendant employer in a 921(d) judicial
    enforcement proceeding, the district court erred in determining
    that service of process in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 and
    81(a)(6) was not necessary.
    Moreover, although the DOL letter of June 1992 contained
    findings analogous to those required under LHWCA 918(a), see
    supra note 5, it could not qualify as a 918 "supplementary
    order," since (1) there is no record evidence that Jones contem-
    poraneously received the letter, or any notice of it, (2) the DOL
    did not conduct a 919 hearing prior to issuance of the letter,
    (3) the copy of the DOL letter filed with the district court
    enforcement petition was not "certified," and (4) Williams's
    district court petition specifically invokes subject matter
    jurisdiction under section 921(d) only.

    8Williams conceded that Jones was making payments at the
    time of the district court order, but insisted that the enforce-
    ment petition sought to compel payment of the "arrearages" dating
    from October 1978. The magistrate judge concluded that 921(d)
    differed from 918(a), in that it permits the enforcement of
    prospective compensation orders only, compelling future payments
    to be made as they come due but not recoveries of past due
    payments. Williams, slip op. at 3 (citing Henry v. Gentry
    ________ _____ ______
    Plumbing & Heating Co., 704 F.2d 863 (5th Cir. 1983)). Since
    Williams has not cross-appealed, we do not address this question.


    enforcement order, with its attendant exposure to coercive

    contempt proceedings.

    The recommended decision observes that even without a

    formal Rule 4 service of process requirement the district court

    could notify an employer informally in those cases where the

    court believed that an employee's petition for enforcement

    involved controverted factual matters. But of course such an

    approach could afford adequate safeguards only if the factual

    conflicts were apparent on the face of the employee's petition
    __ ___ ____ __ ___ __________ ________

    for enforcement. Otherwise, there could be no assurance that the

    respondent-employer would have either notice or opportunity to

    assert a challenge. Thus, to construe Rule 81(a)(6) as excepting

    section 921(d) enforcement actions from the service of process

    requirements of Rule 4, merely because the employer did not

    interpose opposition to the enforcement petition, could expose

    employers to ex parte enforcement orders.
    __ _____

    Finally, Williams suggests that requiring service of

    process in a section 921(d) enforcement proceeding could subvert

    the LHWCA goal of ensuring prompt compliance with compensation

    orders. Granting the premise of Williams's LHWCA policy argument

    in principle, whatever slight delay might be occasioned by

    requiring proper service of process in order to enable the court

    to obtain in personam jurisdiction over employers hardly seems


    inappropriate, especially in light of the simplicity of the


    Sections 918(a) and 921(d) serve distinct roles in the

    LHWCA remedial scheme. Section 918(a) designedly affords injured

    employees a convenient, inexpensive, and expeditious mechanism

    for facilitating enforcement of "effective" compensation awards

    even before they have become "final". Congress anticipated the

    severe financial hardships that could beset injured employees as

    a result of lengthy appeals. It therefore settled on the section

    918(a) enforcement action as a simple means to compel prompt

    employer compliance with an enforcement award even though it

    might later be set aside on review. See, e.g., Tidelands Marine
    ___ ____ ________________

    Serv. v. Patterson, 719 F.2d 126, 129 (5th Cir. 1983) ( 918(a)
    _____ _________

    implements "a theme central to the spirit, intent, and purposes

    of the LHWCA"); Henry, 704 F.2d at 865.10 For some reason not

    disclosed in the appellate record, however, Williams failed to


    9Other types of minor procedural delays have not foreclosed
    agency recognition of the applicability of the Civil Rules to the
    LHWCA by virtue of the gap-filling mandate in Fed. R. Civ. P.
    81(a)(6). For instance, Civil Rule 6(e), which permits addi-
    tional time (3 days) for compliance after service by mail, has
    been held applicable in LHWCA enforcement proceedings. See,
    e.g., Johnson v. Diamond M Co., 14 Ben. Rev. Bd. Serv. 694, 696
    ____ _______ ______________
    (1982) ("There is no provision in the Act excepting the applica-
    tion of [Civil] Rule 6(e) . . . .") (emphasis added); see also
    ___ ____
    Great Am. Indem. Co. v Belair, 160 F. Supp. 784, 785 (D. Conn.
    _____________________ ______
    1957) (same).

    10Under the LHWCA, employers may recoup overpayments only as
    credits against compensation payments due the employee in the
    future. See 33 U.S.C. 908(j), 914(j), 922; see also Ceres
    ___ ___ ____ _____
    Gulf, 957 F.2d at 1201. Thus, if a compensation order is vacated
    in its entirety, payments previously made are essentially un-
    recoverable. Id.


    invoke the convenient, prompt, and inexpensive enforcement

    mechanism established under section 918(a) throughout the ten-

    year period spanned by Jones's numerous appeals. Cf., e.g.,
    ___ ____

    Cassell v. Taylor, 243 F.2d 259, 260 (D.C. Cir. 1957) (one-year
    _______ ______

    statute of limitations under 918(a) bars recovery on supplemen-

    tal order filed sixteen years after default on compensation award

    payments); supra note 5. Moreover, Williams chose not to cross-

    appeal from the district court's ruling that section 921(d) could

    not be used to recover past-due payments. See supra note 8. The
    ________ ___ _____

    avoidable and unexplained delay in Williams's efforts to recover

    these past-due compensation payments from Jones, however ill

    advised or unfortunate, does not permit disregard of the service

    of process requirements applicable to section 921(d) enforcement

    proceedings, particularly since compliance will entail no sig-

    nificant further delay.11 But cf. infra pt. II.B.
    ___ ___ _____

    Furthermore, proper service of process is no empty

    procedural exercise where an employee seeks to obtain a district

    court enforcement order under section 921(d) which may lead to

    contempt proceedings against the employer for noncompliance. See

    Omni Capital Int'l, Ltd. v. Rudolf Wolff & Co., 484 U.S. 97, 103
    _________________________ __________________

    (1987) ("Before a court may exercise personal jurisdiction over a

    defendant, the procedural requirement of service of summons must


    11LHWCA 914(f) already provides a substantial disincentive
    to frivolous employer challenges to compensation awards designed
    to postpone payments to an injured employee. Before a compensa-
    tion order enters, payments more than 14 days overdue trigger 10%
    interest assessments. See 33 U.S.C. 914(e). Defaults in
    payments following entry of a compensation order trigger 20%
    interest assessments. See id. 914(f).
    ___ ___


    be satisfied. '[S]ervice of summons is the procedure by which a
    __ _________

    court having venue and jurisdiction of the subject matter of the

    suit asserts jurisdiction over the person of the party served.'")

    (citing Mississippi Publishing Co. v. Murphree, 326 U.S. 438,
    ___________________________ ________

    444-45 (1946)) (emphasis added); Precision Etchings & Findings,

    Inc. v. LGP Gem, Ltd., 953 F.2d 21, 23-24 (1st Cir. 1992) (hold-
    ____ _____________

    ing that actual notice of lawsuit is no substitute for substan-

    tial compliance with FRCP 4(d)(1) [requiring service on person of

    defendant, on suitable resident at defendant's dwelling, or on

    defendant's "agent"]; "a [] judgment entered by a court which

    lacks jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is void, and

    may be set aside at any time pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b)-
    __ ___ ____

    (4). Personal jurisdiction is established either by proper

    service of process or by the defendant's waiver of any defect in

    the service of process.") (emphasis added); Jardines Bacata, Ltd.

    v. Diaz-Marquez, 878 F.2d 1555, 1559 (1st Cir. 1989) ("[I]n the

    ordinary course, the district court acquires jurisdiction over a

    defendant only by service of process . . . .") (emphasis added).
    ____ __ _______ __ _______

    Accordingly, as we cannot find that Jones waived service of

    process, see supra note 4, we vacate the district court enforce-
    ___ _____

    ment order, and remand for service of process pursuant to Fed. R.

    Civ. P. 4.

    II. Equitable Defenses and the State-law Counterclaim.
    II. Equitable Defenses and the State-law Counterclaim.

    Jones asserted two affirmative defenses and a state-law

    counterclaim based on allegations that Williams committed perjury

    before the ALJ in March 1980, and that, as a direct consequence,


    the ALJ found, incorrectly, that "no laborious work" had been

    performed by Williams after October 1978. At the October 23,

    1992 hearing before the magistrate judge, Jones proffered three

    affidavits from individuals who had accompanied Williams on

    numerous clamming and lobstering expeditions between October 1978

    and March 1981. These affidavits attest that Williams engaged in

    the very types of heavy labor and lifting explicitly disclaimed

    in his testimony before the ALJ in 1980. Jones contends that the

    identity of the affiants could not have been discovered earlier

    in the exercise of reasonable diligence, since Jones only learned

    of their existence through a "chance conversation" in August or

    September of 1992.

    With respect to the affirmative defenses, Jones re-

    quested alternative forms of equitable relief: (1) denial of the

    enforcement order on the ground that a party who obtains a

    compensation award through fraud is not entitled to its enforce-

    ment by injunction, or (2) a temporary stay of the section 921(d)

    enforcement action pending administrative relief from the DOL.

    With respect to the state-law counterclaim, see Me. Rev. Stat.

    Ann. tit. 14, 870 (1992) (damages action for perjury), Jones

    requested compensatory and punitive damages.

    The district court held that it had no "jurisdiction"

    hence no discretion under LHWCA section 921(d) to refuse

    to enforce the compensation order, except on the two grounds

    enumerated in the LHWCA, neither of which was contested by Jones;

    namely, that Jones was not in default or that the compensation


    order was not made and served "in accordance with law."12 On

    related grounds, the district court refused to exercise pendent

    jurisdiction over Jones's state-law counterclaim. See United
    ___ ______

    Mine Workers v. Gibbs, 383 U.S. 715, 726 (1966). The recommended
    ____________ _____

    decision did not address the request for a temporary stay of the

    section 921(d) enforcement proceedings.

    On appeal, Jones contends that the district court

    viewed its equitable powers under section 921(d) too narrowly.

    See Restatement (Second) of Judgments 70, cmt. a (1982) (a

    court of equity will not enforce a judgment obtained by fraud).

    Although the district court may have painted with too broad a

    brush, see, e.g., infra notes 14 and 18, we think its core
    ___ ____ _____

    conclusions were nonetheless sound.


    12The magistrate judge principally relied on Thompson v.
    Potashnick Constr. Co., 812 F.2d 574 (9th Cir. 1987), and Mar-
    _______________________ ____
    shall v. Barnes & Tucker Co., 432 F. Supp. 935 (W.D. Pa. 1977).
    _____ ____________________
    In Thompson, the Ninth Circuit broadly stated that a district
    court's role in a 921(d) proceeding is limited to screening for
    procedural defects in the DOL proceedings and that "the district
    court has no jurisdiction over the merits of the litigation."
    Thompson, 812 F.2d at 576 (emphasis added). The Thompson court
    ________ ________
    was not asked to consider the sufficiency of service of process
    in the district court proceeding.
    In support of its position, the Ninth Circuit cited Mar-
    shall, which looked to recent legislative history for guidance.
    Prior to 1972, the district court had served both as an appellate
    court, reviewing the ALJ's compensation orders, and as the forum
    in which the employee could seek enforcement of a final compensa-
    tion order. In 1972, Congress established the BRB, which assumed
    the appellate role previously performed by the district court.
    See H.R. Rep. 1441, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. 12 (1972), reprinted in
    ___ _________ __
    1972 U.S.C.C.A.N. 4709. The Marshall court concluded that
    Congress intended, by its LHWCA amendments in 1972, to withdraw
    district court jurisdiction to consider any issue relating to the
    underlying merits of compensation orders. Marshall, 432 F. Supp.
    ______ ________
    at 937.


    A. Equitable Power to Refuse Injunctive Enforcement.
    A. Equitable Power to Refuse Injunctive Enforcement.

    An enforcement order under LHWCA section 921(d) may

    take the form of a writ of injunction, a traditional equitable

    remedy which may expose the enjoined party to the district

    court's coercive contempt powers. Accordingly, fraud and "un-

    clean hands" historically have been regarded as valid equitable

    defenses to injunctive relief, Loglan Inst., Inc. v. Logical
    ____________________ _______

    Language Group, Inc., 962 F.2d 1038, 1042 (Fed. Cir. 1992), and

    absent a controlling statute a federal court is presumed to

    possess the broad discretion and equitable power to configure its

    remedy to suit the needs of the case. Even in the context of

    congressionally created injunctive remedies, the Supreme Court

    has said that "[u]nless a statute in so many words, or by a
    __ __ _

    necessary and inescapable inference, restricts the court's
    _________ ___ ___________ _________

    jurisdiction in equity, the full scope of that jurisdiction is to
    ____ _____

    be recognized and applied." Porter v. Warner Holding Co., 328
    ______ ___________________

    U.S. 395, 398 (1946) (emphasis added). See Weinberger v. Romero-
    ___ __________ _______

    Barcelo, 456 U.S. 305, 313 (1982) ("[W]e do not lightly assume

    that Congress has intended to depart from established [equity]



    13See also Hecht Co. v. Bowles, 321 U.S. 321, 329 (1944)
    ___ ____ _________ ______
    ("The essence of equity jurisdiction has been the power of the
    Chancellor to do equity and to mould each decree to the necessi-
    ties of the particular case. Flexibility rather than rigidity
    has distinguished it."); NLRB v. P*I*E Nationwide, Inc., 894 F.2d
    ____ ______________________
    887, 892 (7th Cir. 1990) (contrasting FTC orders, which are self-
    executing, with NLRB orders as to which Congress has interposed
    the district court as an independent enforcement arbiter, recog-
    nizing that the "potential severities of contempt" counsel "a
    complementary power of equitable restraint and forbearance"); cf.
    Pyrodyne Corp. v. Pyrotronics Corp., 847 F.2d 1398, 1402 (9th
    _______________ __________________


    Under this rubric, the first question we confront is

    whether the LHWCA deprives the district court of its traditional

    discretionary powers to withhold equitable relief for the en-

    forcement of a compensation award obtained through an employee's

    fraud.14 Since section 921(d) contains no explicit delimita-


    Cir.) (noting that owner of incontestable mark under Lanham Act
    "generally entitled to injunctive relief," but if equitable
    defenses are interposed, "the grant of injunctive relief is not a
    ministerial act flowing as a matter of course"), cert. denied,
    _____ ______
    488 U.S. 968 (1988).

    14Marshall, 432 F. Supp. 935, relied on below, as well as by
    the Ninth Circuit in Thompson, see supra note 12, offers only
    ________ ___ _____
    limited guidance. In Marshall, the employer attempted to liti-
    gate core factual issues (e.g., LHWCA coverage and statute of
    limitations) for the first time in a 921(d) proceeding, having
    ___ ___ _____ ____
    failed to raise them before the ALJ, or to appeal the compensa-
    tion order to the BRB. Id. at 937. The Marshall court correctly
    ___ ________
    relied on the fact that, by its amendments to the LHWCA in 1972,
    Congress unequivocally divested the district court of all appel-
    late functions relating to ALJ compensation orders. But Marshall
    did not involve the more difficult problems posed by newly
    discovered evidence of fraud. Arguably, at least, successful
    invocation of an equitable defense to enforcement would not work
    __ ___________
    an appellate affirmance, modification, or vacation of the under-
    lying compensation order, but merely a refusal to deploy the
    equitable powers of the court in aid of a judgment fraudulently
    obtained. Thus, Marshall's admonition that the district court's
    function is reduced to "screening compensation orders for proce-
    dural defects" does not purport to preclude exercise of the
    court's traditional discretionary power to grant or withhold
    equitable relief. See infra note 18.
    ___ _____


    tion of the district court's equitable powers,15 we must look

    to the LHWCA's remedial framework as a whole.

    The LHWCA affords Jones an adequate remedy for redress-

    ing any fraud alleged in the affirmative defense. Eschewing

    conventional res judicata principles, section 922 allows an
    ___ ________

    employer to request the ALJ to reconsider the case where there

    has been a "change of conditions" or "mistake of fact" warranting

    modification or suspension in compensation payments. See 33

    U.S.C. 922; see also 20 C.F.R. 702.373; Hudson v. Southwest-
    ___ ____ ______ __________

    ern Barge Fleet Servs., Inc., 16 Ben. Rev. Bd. Serv. 367, 369

    (1984) (holding that 922 was "intended by Congress to displace

    traditional notions of res judicata") (citing Banks v. Chicago
    ___ ________ _____ _______

    Grain Trimmers Ass'n, 390 U.S. 459 (1968)).16 "[F]acts relat-

    ing to the nature and extent of a claimant's disability typically


    15The magistrate judge's reliance on the "imperative lan-
    guage" of 921(d) could not fully resolve the issue. See supra
    ___ _____
    pp. 7-8. Section 921(d)'s language "shall enforce" does
    not call for a blanket preemption of the district court's tradi-
    tional equitable powers. See, e.g., Hecht, 321 U.S. at 329
    ___ ____ _____
    (holding that the phrase "'shall be granted' [in the injunctive
    enforcement provision of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942]
    is less mandatory than a literal reading might suggest"; "[w]e
    cannot but think that if Congress had intended to make such a
    drastic departure from the traditions of equity practice, an
    unequivocal statement of its purpose would have been made").

    16Section 922 may be invoked before or after a compensation
    award is entered. See, e.g., Craig v. United Church of Christ,
    ___ ____ _____ _______________________
    13 Ben. Rev. Bd. Serv. 567, 568-69 (1981). Although 922 is
    subject to a one-year limitations period, a defaulting employer
    may restart the tolling period at any time by making a single
    compensation payment. See 33 U.S.C. 922 (modification award
    can be filed "at any time prior to one year after date of last
    payment of compensation"). Thus, recourse to 922 would appear
    to afford more flexibility for setting aside a fraudulent award
    than is provided under Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(3).


    are the subject of modification proceedings." Williams v.

    Geosource, Inc., 13 Ben. Rev. Bd. Serv. 643, 645 (1981). "The

    factfinder [ALJ] has broad discretion to correct mistakes of

    fact, whether they be demonstrated by new evidence, cumulative
    ___ ________

    evidence, or further reflection upon the evidence initially

    submitted." Id. (emphasis added). The overarching criterion for

    reopening a compensation award under the LHWCA is whether reexam-

    ination would serve the "interests of justice." O'Keeffe v.

    Aerojet-General Shipyards, Inc., 404 U.S. 254, 255-56 (1971).

    Perjured testimony resulting in an erroneous finding of fact

    concerning the nature or extent of an employee's disability would

    seem to come squarely within the realm of a "mistake of fact."

    On October 14, 1992, days before the recommended

    decision issued in this case, Jones filed a petition for modifi-

    cation pursuant to LHWCA section 922.17 In these circumstanc-

    es, and against this legislative framework, we think there are at

    least two sound reasons for not inferring a congressional inten-

    tion to dedicate two forums to the task of assessing alleged

    "mistakes of fact" relating to an employee's testimony before the

    ALJ. First, where newly discovered evidence of fraud implicates

    the evidentiary basis for an employee's compensation claim, the


    17Section 922 is not the only antidote for fraud under the
    LHWCA, which likewise authorizes the imposition of criminal
    penalties (fine and imprisonment) against "[a]ny person who
    willfully makes any false or misleading statement or representa-
    tion for the purpose of obtaining any benefit or payment under
    this Act." 33 U.S.C. 931. In addition, costs may be awarded
    to the opposing party in proceedings brought on claims or orders
    "without reasonable ground." Id. 926.


    LHWCA discloses a decided preference for utilizing the DOL's in-

    house expertise in resolving the dispute. See, e.g., Crowell v.
    ___ ____ _______

    Benson, 285 U.S. 22, 46 (1932) (the LHWCA provides "a prompt,

    continuous, expert and inexpensive method for dealing with a

    class of questions of fact which are peculiarly suited to exami-
    __________ ______

    nation and determination by an administrative agency specially

    assigned to that task") (emphasis added); cf. Youghiogheny & Ohio
    ___ ___________________

    Coal Co. v. Vahalik, 970 F.2d 161, 162 (6th Cir. 1992) ("the
    _________ _______

    benefits of agency expertise become irrelevant" under the LHWCA

    only after "claim determination" is complete).18
    ____ _____

    Under either section 921(d) or 922, the factfinder

    would be required to decide: (1) whether Jones could have

    discovered the putative fraud earlier, in the exercise of due

    diligence; (2) whether the affidavits proffered by Jones, togeth-

    er with the record evidence in the case before the DOL, credibly

    suggest that Williams misrepresented his physical capacities and

    activities during the relevant period; and (3) whether the

    putative perjury was sufficiently material to undermine the ALJ's

    finding of temporary total disability. See General Dynamics
    ___ _________________

    Corp. v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, 673
    _____ __________________________________________________

    F.2d 23, 25 (1st Cir. 1982) (in reopening case, ALJ "must balance

    the need to render justice against the need for finality in


    18On the other hand, while we have no occasion to take a
    position in this case, some equitable defenses (e.g., laches,
    estoppel), to the extent premised on employee conduct postdating
    the compensation order, might require resolution of factual
    issues not peculiarly suited to agency expertise. Cf. supra note
    ___ _____


    decisionmaking," and justice is not necessarily served where the

    employer "could have presented his side of the case at the first

    hearing . . . ."); see also McCord v. Cephas, 4 Ben. Rev. Bd.
    ___ ____ ______ ______

    Serv. 224, 225 (1976) (employer not entitled to modification if

    it exhibits a bad faith effort to relitigate issues ad nauseam).
    __ _______

    We think the DOL is better positioned to address such issues in

    these circumstances.

    Second, section 922 modification rulings are appealable

    to the BRB and to the court of appeals. See 33 U.S.C. 921(b),

    (c); O'Loughlin v. Parker, 163 F.2d 1011, 1013 (4th Cir. 1947)
    __________ ______

    (ALJ's decision to reopen under section 922 is reviewed for abuse

    of discretion). Similarly, an employer would be allowed an

    appeal from a district court decision which discounted the

    employer's equitable defenses and directed enforcement of a

    compensation award. To allow the section 922 and the section

    921(d) proceedings to go forward simultaneously would open up

    the possibility of inconsistent rulings on the fraud claim, which

    ultimately would have to be resolved by the court of appeals in

    either event.

    As we can discern no good purpose for such a needless

    duplication of administrative and judicial effort, we conclude

    that LHWCA section 921(d), viewed in broad context, gives rise to

    the "inescapable inference," see Porter, 328 U.S. at 398, that
    ___ ______

    Congress did not intend the type of fraud defense here presented

    by Jones to be adjudicated by the district court but by the DOL.


    B. Stay of Enforcement.
    B. Stay of Enforcement.

    The remaining question is somewhat narrower: may the

    district court in a section 921(d) proceeding temporarily enjoin

    enforcement of a compensation order pending administrative

    resolution of an employer's petition for modification under

    section 922?19 Jones contends that he will be harmed irreparably

    absent a stay of the section 921(d) enforcement proceeding,

    because the compensation payments he is compelled to make prior

    to any section 922 modification order would not be recoverable.

    See supra note 10.
    ___ _____

    Only two LHWCA provisions explicitly allow stays of

    "effective" compensation orders. See 33 U.S.C. 921(b) (stay

    pending appeal to BRB), 921(c) (stay pending appeal from BRB to

    court of appeals), thus underscoring the strong LHWCA policy

    favoring prompt compensation payments even though the employee's

    entitlement to disability benefits remains in genuine dispute.

    Stays pending administrative and judicial review are available

    only on a showing of "irreparable injury." See Henry, 704 F.2d
    ___ _____

    at 865. It is not enough that the employer demonstrate that

    interim payments would be unrecoverable absent a stay, nor that

    the employer is experiencing financial difficulty in making

    payments. Edwards v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation,
    _______ _________________________________________


    19We address this issue in the interests of judicial econo-
    my. It is possible, even likely, that Jones's 922 petition
    will have been acted upon by the DOL before Jones has been served
    with process pursuant to Civil Rule 4 following remand to the
    district court. If not, it seems quite likely that Jones would
    renew his request for a stay of the 921(d) enforcement proceed-


    932 F.2d 1325, 1329 (9th Cir. 1991). "Irreparable injury" will be

    found only in extraordinary circumstances. Id.
    _____________ ___

    Unlike the minimal time delays required to effect

    proper service of process, see supra pt. I, a stay of section
    ___ _____

    921(d) enforcement proceedings while an employer pursues a

    modification ruling from the DOL (and, perhaps, pending appellate

    review) threatens a lengthy delay in the previously ordered

    compensation payments to the employee. Therefore, under the

    "inescapable inference" standard established in Porter, 328 U.S.

    at 398, we must conclude that the LHWCA divests the district

    court of the equitable power to defer its entry of a section

    921(d) enforcement order pending the outcome of a section 922

    modification proceeding unless the employer first establishes

    "irreparable injury." As we have noted, Jones's answer did not

    allege facts sufficient to establish irreparable injury, nor does

    the record suggest a basis for such a showing. Thus, the magis-

    trate judge did not err in failing to act on the request for a

    temporary stay.

    III. Conclusion.
    III. Conclusion.

    The district court order directing enforcement of the

    compensation order pursuant to LHWCA section 921(d) must be

    vacated due to lack of compliance with the service of process

    requirements imposed by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 and 81(a)(6). The case

    must be remanded to permit Williams to effect service of process

    upon Jones. At such time as service of process is effected,

    Jones should be permitted to submit for district court consider-


    ation any order obtained in the LHWCA section 922 modification

    proceeding, failing which the district court may reinstate the

    section 921(d) enforcement order previously entered.

    The enforcement order is vacated and the case is
    The enforcement order is vacated and the case is

    remanded to permit service of process and for further proceedings
    remanded to permit service of process and for further proceedings

    in accordance herewith. Costs are awarded to defendant-appel-
    in accordance herewith. Costs are awarded to defendant-appel-
    _______________________ ______________________________________



Document Info

Docket Number: 93-1054

Filed Date: 12/3/1993

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/21/2015

Authorities (23)

Cathy Ann Glater v. Eli Lilly & Co. , 712 F.2d 735 ( 1983 )

marcial-ucin-sa-v-ss-galicia-her-engines-tackle-etc-v-perez-y , 723 F.2d 994 ( 1983 )

William E. Henry v. Gentry Plumbing & Heating Co. , 704 F.2d 863 ( 1983 )

Precision Etchings & Findings, Inc. v. Lgp Gem, Ltd., ... , 953 F.2d 21 ( 1992 )

O'LOUGHLIN v. Parker , 163 F.2d 1011 ( 1947 )

Jardines Bacata, Limited v. Aniceto Diaz-Marquez , 878 F.2d 1555 ( 1989 )

Jerry Edwards v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation ... , 932 F.2d 1325 ( 1991 )

Oliver Cassell v. Earl C. Taylor , 243 F.2d 259 ( 1957 )

Ceres Gulf and Esis/ina v. Cleaster Cooper, Director, ... , 957 F.2d 1199 ( 1992 )

The Loglan Institute, Inc. v. The Logical Language Group, ... , 962 F.2d 1038 ( 1992 )

The Youghiogheny and Ohio Coal Company v. Steve Vahalik and ... , 970 F.2d 161 ( 1992 )

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Kenneth E. Thompson v. Potashnick Construction Company , 812 F.2d 574 ( 1987 )

Eva Q. Jourdan, Widow of Elliot Jourdan, Deceased Employee ... , 889 F.2d 637 ( 1989 )

Crowell v. Benson , 52 S. Ct. 285 ( 1932 )

Hecht Co. v. Bowles , 64 S. Ct. 587 ( 1944 )

Mississippi Publishing Corp. v. Murphree , 66 S. Ct. 242 ( 1946 )

Potomac Electric Power Co. v. Director, Office of Workers' ... , 101 S. Ct. 509 ( 1980 )

Weinberger v. Romero-Barcelo , 102 S. Ct. 1798 ( 1982 )

Marshall v. Barnes & Tucker Co. , 432 F. Supp. 935 ( 1977 )

View All Authorities »